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NATO is absolutely criminal - photo page 01: maps

NATO = part of the high pedo network with: Satanists (Lucifer) - Committee of 300 (Queen of England) - Vatican (Pope)

NATO destroys one country after another, so that the parents then sell their children. NATO and the Satanists like THIS, so there are supplies for Satanist children's rituals.

Map 04: NATO has divided the world with
                            NATO commands, September 22, 2015
Map 04: NATO has divided the world with NATO commands, September 22, 2015

presented by Michael Palomino (2016 - translation 2020)

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NATO maps

Map 01: NATO bases around Russia,
                                August 3, 2014
Map 01: NATO bases around Russia, August 3, 2014

Map 02: The decisive NATO base
                                Ramstein near the town of Kaiserslautern
                                in Germany
Map 02: The decisive NATO base Ramstein near the town of Kaiserslautern in Germany

Map 03: NATO bases of the
                                "USA" worldwide, August 15,
Map 03: NATO bases of the "USA" worldwide, August 15, 2015

Map 04: NATO has divided the world
                                with NATO commands, September 22, 2015
Map 04: NATO has divided the world with NATO commands, September 22, 2015

Map 05: 3 million "US"
                                soldiers are terrorizing the whole
                                world, April 13, 2016
Map 05: 3 million "US" soldiers are terrorizing the whole world, April 13, 2016

Criminal Childhood NATO NATO drone
                                murder rate chart in Pakistan and Yemen,
                                December 4, 2014: 97.2% civilians, 16.2%
                                children in Pakistan, and 93.8%
                                civilians, 2.6% children in Yemen.  Criminal Childhood NATO NATO drone
                                murder rate chart in Pakistan and Yemen,
                                December 4, 2014: 97.2% civilians, 16.2%
                                children in Pakistan, and 93.8%
                                civilians, 2.6% children in Yemen.
Karte 06: Drohnentote in Pakistan und Jemen zwischen 5. Oktober und 16. November 2014 -
Criminal Childhood NATO NATO drone murder rate chart in Pakistan and Yemen, December 4, 2014: 97.2% civilians, 16.2% children in Pakistan, and 93.8% civilians, 2.6% children in Yemen.

Criminal "US" NATO with
                                it's child sex is operating 900 military
                                bases in 153 countries - and that is not
                                for freedom, but is the continuation of
                                the Victorian Empire of London - October
                                24, 2014
Criminal "US" NATO with it's child sex is operating 900 military bases in 153 countries - and that is not for freedom, but is the continuation of the Victorian Empire of London - October 24, 2014

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