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NATO is absolutely criminal - photo page 06: logo and resistance

NATO=criminal foreigners Go home!

NATO = part of the high pedo network with: Satanists (Lucifer) - Committee of 300 (Queen of England) - Vatican (Pope)

NATO destroys one country after another, so that the parents then sell their children. NATO and the Satanists like THIS, so there are supplies for Satanist children's rituals.

                          09: French Embassy in Belgrade 1999 gets a
                          NATO Swastika - the symbol for NATO Nazi
Truth 09: French Embassy in Belgrade 1999 gets a NATO Swastika - the symbol for NATO Nazi mafia

presented by Michael Palomino (2016)

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NATO is absolutely criminal: logos and resistance - NATO=criminal foreigners Go home!

Truth 1 about
                              NATO: The German NATO
                              "Bundeswehr" is suitable for
Truth 1 about NATO: The German NATO "Bundeswehr" is suitable for dying

"You love a state funeral? Then you've come to the right place! Capitalist lobbying combat troops under the guise of NATO, ISAF and Co. German NATO army Bundeswehr. Let yourself be slaughtered, for the Americans and the armaments industry !!!"

Truth 2 about NATO: NATO is the
                              most dangerous mafia in the world
Truth 2 about NATO: NATO is the most dangerous mafia in the world

Truth 3 about NATO: If there are
                              no wars, then there are no refugees
Truth 3 about NATO: If there are no wars, then there are no refugees
(If you want to help the refugees, you have to end the imperial war. For real peace policy: leave this NATO!)

Truth 04 about NATO: NATO wars
                              provoke refugees
Truth 04 about NATO: NATO wars provoke refugees

Poster in Germany calling to NATO: "Beloved, esteemed liberators, US occupiers: Your wars are producing masses of refugees in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan ... and here! Go home at last! and take your collaborator polititians also with you, that means: No American street names! "

Truth 5 about NATO: The criminal
                              NATO in Germany are all criminal
                              foreigners, get OUT!
Truth 5 about NATO: The criminal NATO in Germany are all criminal foreigners, get OUT!

"GET RID OF CRIMINAL FOREIGNERS? - GET RID OF NATO !!! Sorry, but NATO has the highest murder rate!" - Posting by Michael Palomino on Facebook, logical-analytical history research, June 28, 2015
(original German: "KRIMINELLE AUSLÄNDER AUSWEISEN? - NATO AUSWEISEN!!! Tut mir Leid, aber bei der NATO ist die höchste Mordrate!" - Posting von Michael Palomino auf Facebook, logisch-analytische Geschichtsforschung, 28.6.2015)

Demonstration in Germany
                              "US" troops go out of Germany!
                              Germany leave NATO and EU!
Truth 6: Demonstration in Germany "US" troops go out of Germany! Germany leave NATO and EU!
(The banner demands: "Withdraw all US troops from Europe! Get out of NATO and the EU!")
(original German:  "Abzug aller US-Truppen aus Europa! Raus aus NATO und EU!")

Helmut Schmidt: NATO is a defense
                              alliance, nothing more
Truth 7: Helmut Schmidt: NATO is a defense alliance, nothing more

Helmut Schmidt quote (translation): "The idea of including Ukraine and Georgia in NATO comes from the "USA". According to the speeches of some "American" newspapers, human rights considerations are decisive, (...) but there is an imperial motivation which is behind this. We Germans consider our history and we have good reason to be reluctant to participate in military interventions. Sometimes we hear that we have to participate in military interventions fulfilling solidarity in the NATO alliance. The argument fits the Nibelungen saga better than in today's reality because the North Atlantic Alliance was and is a defense alliance, not an alliance to transform the world. "
(original German: "Die Idee, die Ukraine und Georgien in die NATO aufzunehmen, stammt aus den "USA". Nach den Reden einiger "amerikanischer" Zeitungen sind dafür menschenrechtliche Gesichtspunkte ausschlaggebend, (...) aber es sind imperiale Motive, die dahinterstehen. Wir Deutschen haben agesichts unserer Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert gute GrUnde, mit eigener Beteiligung an militärischen Interventionen zurückhaltend zu sein. Bisweilen hört man, wir müssten uns aus Solidarität im NATO-Bündnis an militärischen Interventionen beteiligen. Das Argument passt besser in die Nibelungensage als in die heutige Wirklichkeit. Denn das nordatlantische Bündnis war und ist ein Verteidigungsbündnis, nicht etwa ein Bündnis zur Umgestaltung der Welt.")

Truth 8 about
                              NATO: The NATO wars become a boomerang
                              with the refugees
Truth 8 about NATO: The NATO wars become a boomerang with the refugees

Truth 9 about NATO: NATO bombed
                              Belgrade with many dead without being
                              attacked - NATO is a Nazi organization and
                              deserves the Nazi swastika  Truth 9 about NATO: NATO bombed
                              Belgrade with many dead without being
                              attacked - NATO is a Nazi organization and
                              deserves the Nazi swastika
Truth 9 about NATO: NATO bombed Belgrade with many dead without being attacked - NATO is a Nazi organization and deserves the Nazi swastika

Truth 10 about NATO: NATO is a
                              Nazi organization, collaborates with Nazi
                              regimes and deserves the swastika
Truth 10 about NATO: NATO is a Nazi organization, collaborates with Nazi regimes and deserves the swastika

Truth 11 about NATO: Demonstration
                              in the "USA" with a poster
                              Plakat "NO TO NATO"
Truth 11 about NATO: Demonstration in the "USA" with a poster Plakat "NO TO NATO"

Truth 12 about NATO: Hitler's
                              chief of staff Mr. Heusinger later became
                              NATO chief of staff, post on Facebook on
                              June 2, 2015
Truth 12 about NATO: Hitler's chief of staff Mr. Heusinger later became NATO chief of staff, post on Facebook on June 2, 2015

Third Reich = NATO: "Did you know that Hitler's chief of staff, Adolf Heusinger, later became NATO chief of staff? In April 1961 he was appointed chief executive officer of the NATO Military Committee in Washington, DC, where he served until 1964 as he said goodbye." Posted by Gerard Czaikowski on Facebook, June 2, 2015
(original German: "Habt ihr gewusst, dass Hitlers Stabschef, Adolf Heusinger, später NATO-Stabschef gewesen war??? Im April 1961 wurde er Vorstandsvorsitzender des NATO-Militärausschuss in Washington, DC, ernannt, wo er bis 1964 diente, als er sich verabschiedete.")

This criminal child sex NATO, which only produces destruction, ruins, dead people and refugees, is a PIECE OF SHIT and belongs to the toilet.

Truth 13 about
                              NATO: a toilet bowl [1]: The criminal
                              child sex NATO has to go down the toilet!
Truth 13 about NATO: a toilet bowl [1]: The criminal child sex NATO has to go down the toilet!

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Photo sources
[1] Toilet bowl: https://www.youngstarswiki.org/wiki/lagertoilette-lager-wc.html
