1: Eisenhower family -- meadow camp in Andersonville
1865 -- Brethren and Jehovah's Witnesses with racist
Armageddon principle -- West Point Academy -- half Jew -
Middle Ages: the name "Eisenhower"

emblem [1]
Until the Middle Ages Jews had no composed names. But
during the Middle Ages more and more names were composed
names because the population was increasing more and more.
Eisenhower means in German "Eisen" or Yiddish "ayzn" for
"iron", and "Hauer" for "working with the hammer", thus
the name means smith. Other searchers mean that "Eisen"
would come from Hebrew "Isaac", or "Eisen" was just an
ornament. There is another variation "Eisenstein" ("Iron
Stone") [web16].
Immigration of the ancestors of Eisenhower in the
"U.S.A." - living in Lancaster (Pennsylvania)
The immigrant Johann (Hans) Nicolaus Eisenhower from
Karlsbrunn (today Saar) was emigrating with a whole
group to the "U.S.A." There was also a certain Johann
Peter Eisenhower from Forbach (Lorraine), and this was
the great great grandfather. The first location is
Lancaster in the Federal State of Pennsylvania [web1].
[All "U.S.A." is racist and all Federal States of the
"U.S.A." are cleansed territory with mass murdered and
expelled natives, whose wisdom is systematically
1791 to 1900
Rothschild group organizing wars
The agents of Rothschild brought about
World War II like they brought about World War I, the
Russian Revolution and the French Revolution (the
Jacobines). After the chaotic 19th century of continuous
wars and revolutions, mankind prayed for a peaceful 20th
century but as Rothschild's Protocols of the Elders of
Zion predicted, "We will give them no peace").
"U.S.A.": meadow camp in the "American" civil war in
Andersonville - a great model for Eisenhower
Criminal military forces of the "U.S.A." have experience how
to organize concentration camps with starvation and mass
murder. It began with the mass murder against the natives in
this way, and in 1865 they were applying mass murder in
concentration camps also against the white southerners. This
was the model for Eisenhower he applied in Germany in 1945:
<In American history Andersonville of
Civil War infamy is condemned for imprisoning 50,000
Northern troops during the war without adequate food,
water, shelter, sanitation, medical care, causing
extensive exposure, disease and death. Like at
Zionist-Jewish Nuremberg, the commander, Henry Wirtz, was
hung. A horrific movie of this human outrage was made
recently by Hollywood. But Eisenhower did exactly the
same.> [web8] [But Eisenhower will not be hanged
but will be a "President" of these criminal "U.S.A."!]
David and Ida
The father of Eisenhower is a Swedish Jew (David
Eisenhower [web19]). He married a "Christian" Swedish
woman (Ida [web19]). With a mother not being Jewish
Eisenhower is no Jew according to the orthodox Jewish
rules [because Orthodox Jews claim that a real Jew would
be only a Jew with a Jewish mother]. [web16]
Mother Ida Eisenhower is a fanatic "Christian" since she
is a child. She is only reading one book and she is even
learning parts of this book by heart. No other book shall
be permitted. Quotation:
<Ida was growing up in Shenandoah Valley in Virginia
and first was a member of Lutheran Church. [Biographer]
Hutchinson concluded that Ida had interest for religion
since her earliest years (1954:364). As a school child Ida
was studying the Bible on and on and could cite it by
heart - one time she learnt 1,365 Bible verses withing six
months, a fact that was quoted by several of her sons with
pride ([biographer] Neal, 1984:13). The books of the Bible
classes in Lutheran Church in Mount Sidney near Staunton
in Virginia contain the remarks yet how she was learning
the Bible by heart.> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Ida
wuchs im Shenandoah Valley in Virginia auf und ging
ursprünglich zur lutherischen Kirche. [Der Biograph]
Hutchinson kam zu dem Schluss, Ida habe seit den
frühesten Jahren ein Interesse an Religion” gezeigt
(1954:364). Als Schulmädchen studierte Ida die Bibel
ausgiebig und zitierte auswendig daraus — einmal lernte
sie innerhalb von sechs Monaten 1365 Bibelverse
auswendig, eine Tatsache, die mehrere ihrer Söhne voller
Stolz anführten ([Biograph] Neal, 1984:13). Die Bücher
der Sonntagsschule in der lutherischen Kirche in Mount
Sidney nahe Staunton, Virginia, enthalten immer noch die
Aufzeichnungen, wie sie die Bibel auswendig lernte.>
[Well, then Ida is more a victim of the
Bible because she is leaving out all other literature -
and in this unilateral manner also her children will be
David and Ida knew each other in a "Christian" high school
with Brethren ideology, and then both quit the high
school. Quotation:
<Eisenhower's parents met as students in a little
college of United Brethren as a part of Lane University in
Lecompton in Kansas. After they married in Lecompton on
September 23, 1885, both left the college (Hatch, 1944).
Both had only passed one trimester. But at the end they
were they were eager for more education yet - and they
were giving much support to the education of their
children (Kornitzer, 1955). Obviously it was Ida's
bridegroom who was introducing her into the group of River
Brethren, partly because many of his family members were
members of it.> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Eisenhowers Eltern trafen sich, als sie
beide Studenten an einem kleinen College der United
Brethren in Lecompton, Kansas, der Lane University,
waren. Nachdem sie in Lecompton an 23. September 1885
heirateten, verließen sie beide das College (Hatch,
1944). Obwohl sie jeweils nur ein Semester vollendeten,
blieb in beiden der Wunsch nach Bildung erhalten — und
spiegelte sich in der großen Unterstützung bei der
Erziehung ihrer Söhne wider (Kornitzer, 1955).
Offensichtlich war es Idas Ehemann, der sie in die
Gruppe einführte, die landläufig die River Brethren
genannt wurden, und zwar zum Teil deswegen, weil viele
seiner Verwandten zu dieser Gruppe gehörten.> [web19]
[But this education is consisting only in one single
October 14, 1890
Dwight Eisenhower and three brothers Earl, Edgar and
Dwight David Eisenhower ("Ike") was born in Denison in Texas
[cleansed territory] on October 14, 1890, as the third child
of the parents David Jacob Eisenhower and Ida Elizabeth
Stover. All in all there were three brothers: Earl, Edgar,
and Milton [web01].
And the Eisenhower family is very poor in these times
Map of ethnically cleansed Federal State
of Texas with Denison [13]
Eisenhower family with the "Christ group" of "River
Brethren" - rules: marriage for life and hard work are
virtues, prohibition of tobacco etc.
<River Brethren groups have much in common with
Mennonites and both were called "the simple persons" with
their simple life style and their simple clothing. Whereas
this group has revolved and details like clothing were not
so important any more in the beginning of the 20th century,
this group had harsh rules compared to other groups in 19th
century. Marriage could be solved only after the death, hard
bodily work was rated as a virtue, and even after 1900 their
members were forbidden to smoke tobacco or to cultivate
tobacco.> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Die River Brethren haben
viel mit den Mennoniten gemeinsam, und beide wurden einmal
wegen ihres einfachen Lebensstils und ihrer Kleidung die
schlichten Menschen” genannt. Obwohl die Sekte sich
erneuert hat und bereits im frühen 20. Jahrhundert nicht
mehr wie früher einmal großes Gewicht auf Einzelheiten wie
die Kleidung legte, war sie im 19. Jahrhundert doch noch
vergleichsweise streng. Die Ehe konnte nur durch den Tod
aufgelöst werden, harte körperliche Arbeit war eine
Haupttugend, und noch nach der Jahrhundertwende durften
die Mitglieder weder Tabak rauchen noch anbauen.>
Change of Eisenhower family to Abilene in Kansas
cleansed territory
Eisenhower family is changing into a one family house in
Abilene in the Federal State of Kansas [web1].
[Also this Federal State is ethnically cleansed territory
and all Primary nations were taken to central reservations
unrooting them from their earth. The base of this life in
"U.S.A." is absolutely racist Bible life and all wisdom
about the world of the natives is destroyed. In this
absolute racism Eisenhower is growing up].
family in Abilene (Kansas Bible racist cleansed

Map with the racist "U.S.A."
and Kansas and Abilene [14,15]

Eisenhower monument in Abilene,
Kansas [16]
Monument for a mass murderer and war criminal.

Abilene (Kansas), the Eisenhower home [17] |

Eisenhower home with brown
wallpaper and furniture [18]
[It can be admitted that in those times there is hardly any
culture there than Bible or alcohol in Kansas. Children of
the Eisenhower family are educated with the Bible in a black
and white pattern, and later Eisenhower will also act with
this black and white pattern].
since 1892
Abilene: Dwight Eisenhower has 5 brothers. All in all they
are 6 brothers [web20].
[As it seems the Eisenhower parents were waiting also for
a girl, but there was none].
The house comes from a family member called
"Abraham". Quotation:
<When David's uncle Abraham, an autodidactic
veterinarian, took the resolution for being an itinerant
preacher [being also a victim of the war book of the Bible],
he was leasing his home to David under the condition that
Jacob could live there (Lyon, 1974; Dodd, 1963). Then David
Eisenhower's family was living in Abraham's house at 201
Southeast Fourth Street. David was in connection with the
River Brethren by his job in Bella Springs in a dairy
factory which belonged to the Church. Since this change to
Abilene he was working in this dairy factory until he was
retiring (Ambrose, 1983:19-20).> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Als Davids Onkel Abraham,
ein autodidaktischer Veterinär, beschloss, Wanderprediger
zu werden, vermietete er sein Haus an David mit der
Maßgabe, dass Jacob dort wohnen konnte (Lyon, 1974; Dodd,
1963). David Eisenhowers Familie zog darauf in Abrahams
Haus in der 201 Southeast Fourth Street. David stand durch
seine Beschäftigung in der Bella Springs-Molkerei, die der
Kirche gehörte, mit den River Brethren in Verbindung. Er
arbeitete seit seinem Umzug nach Abilene in der Molkerei,
bis er in Rente ging (Ambrose, 1983:19-20).> [web19]
And the territory of this house also had 5 acres of
agricultural land (about 2.5 hectars [web31]), and
mother Ida was working the land:
<His parents, David and Ida Eisenhower, had a simple
wooden two store house at South 4th Street in Abilene in
Kansas. Ida was a modest person and working hard, planting a
big garden working on the almost 5 acres of land where many
products were growing needed by the family. Neal states that
the Eisenhower's only could nourish their big family by this
little farm where also were cows, hens, a smoking house,
fruit trees and a big vegetable garden (Neal, 1984). Dwight
and his five brothers (Arthur [born in 1886], Roy [born in
1892], Earl [born in 1898] and Milton [born in 1899] and
David had their childhood and youth in Abilene in
Kansas.> [web19]
in German: <Seine Eltern, David und Ida Eisenhower,
besaßen ein einfaches, zweigeschossiges Holzhaus auf
der South 4th Street in Abilene, Kansas. Ida, eine
genügsame, hart arbeitende Frau, pflanzte einen großen
Garten auf ihrem knapp fünf Morgen großen Land, in dem
vieles von dem, was die Familie brauchte, wuchs. Neal
behauptete, die Eisenhowers konnten nur deshalb ihre
wachsende Familie ernähren, weil sie diese kleine Farm
hatten, auf der es auch Kühe, Hühner, ein Rauchhaus,
Obstbäume und einen großen Gemüsegarten gab (Neal,
1984). Dwight und seine fünf Brüder (Arthur [geb.
1886], Roy [geb. 1892], Earl [geb. 1898] und Milton
[geb. 1899] sowie David] wuchsen in Abilene, Kansas,
auf.> [web19]
The character of the Eisenhower family with "Brethren"
first and then with "Jehovah's Witnesses"
<Physically and mentally he [the boy Dwight Eisenhower]
was surrounded by aunts, uncles, grandfathers and a great
grandfather and most of them were normal members or lay
preachers in one of the Brethren or Holiness groups (Dodd,
1994).> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Physisch und seelisch
umgaben ihn [den Bub und Jugendlichen Dwight Eisenhower]
Tanten, Onkel, Großväter und ein Urgroßvater, von denen
die meisten Laienmitglieder oder Prediger in einer der
Brethren- oder Holiness-Sekten waren (Dodd, 1994).>
And then after a fatality comes the change to the "Jehovah's
Death of brother Paul, Eisenhower family looking for safe
life with Jehova Watchtower members preaching rebirth -
Eisenhowers becoming Jehovas
<There was an important catastrophe provoking that the
parents of Dwight Eisenhower were leaving the River Brethren
group being members of the Watchtower group. The catastrophe
was the death of 8 months old brother Paul in 1895 caused by
diphtheria. This tragedy was smashing the Eisenhower family
and the theological explication of the Brethren group that
Paul would be in Heaven was not enough for them. In these
times three women from the neighborhood were consoling the
Eisenhowers preaching that her son would come back soon.
This consolation was the spirit of the Russellites [Jehovah
group with leader Mr. Russell] saying that death would only
be a sleep and all people in the graves wold be raised from
the dead. In 1895 was preached that this resurrection would
come in the new world which had to be expected before 1914,
thus only 9 years to wait in those times (Gruss, 1976).
These three women - Clara Witt, Mary Thayer and Emma Holland
- were selling Ida some books which were parts of a
Millennium Jehova series (later it was renamed into Bible
Studies), and they sold them a standing order about Zion's
Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, today "The
Watchtower". Ida was engaged there very well soon and she
also had a big influence on her husband for being also a
member there after a short time.> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Ein wichtiger Katalysator,
der bei Dwights Eltern bewirkte, dass sie die River
Brethren verließen und sich dem Wachtturm anschlossen,
hatte mit Ikes acht Monate altem Bruder Paul zu tun, der
im Jahre 1895 an Diphtherie starb. Diese Tragödie
schmetterte die Eisenhowers nieder, und die theologische
Erklärung der River Brethren, Paul sei im Himmel, stellte
sie nicht zufrieden. Zu jener Zeit konnten drei Frauen aus
der Nachbarschaft die Eisenhowers mit der Hoffnung
trösten, sie würden ihren Sohn bald wiedersehen. Dieser
Trost war die Lehre der Russelliten, der Tod sei bloß ein
Schlaf und alle in den Gräbern würden bald auferweckt
werden. 1895 wurde gelehrt, diese Auferstehung käme in der
neuen Welt, die vor 1914 zu erwarten sei, damals nur noch
neun Jahre entfernt (Gruss, 1976). Die drei Frauen — Clara
Witt, Mary Thayer und Emma Holland — verkauften Ida eine
Reihe von Buchbänden, die damals die Bezeichnung
Millennium-Tagesanbruch-Reihe trugen (später in
Schriftstudien umbenannt), sowie ein Abonnement auf Zion’s
Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, heute Der
Wachtturm. Ida engagierte sich schon bald und nahm auf
ihren Mann Einfluss, sich ihr kurze Zeit später
anzuschließen.> [web19]
<His mother was active in this Jehova
group since 1895 when Dwight was five years old, up to her
death. Eisenhower's father was also an active member
whereas he did not consider himself as a "Witness" any
more since 1915. [...] During the characterizing youth
years of their children both parents were very engaged and
surrendering to the Watchtower theology. Ida was probably
leading the family concerning religious matters, and David
Eisenhower was later disappointed by the Watchtower
doctrines, but the religion was anyway influencing his
whole life [...] The values of the parents of Dwight "Ike"
Eisenhower and their familiar surroundings were resembling
in the enormous success of all her children. [...]
Eisenhower's mother, Ida Eisenhower, declared she had
begun being engaged with the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1895
when she was 34 and Dwight was just 5 years old (Cole,
1955:190). Ida was baptized in 1898 meaning that she was
serving as a Jehovah's Witness [...] And Ida's work
with the Witnesses was not just a flirt as some were
stating, but she was a loyal member of the Jehovah's
Witnesses during 50 years (Fleming 1955:1).> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Seine
Mutter war seit 1895, als Dwight fünf Jahre alt war, bis
zu ihrem Tode in der Sekte tätig. Eisenhowers Vater war
gleichfalls ein aktives Mitglied, obwohl er sich nach
1915 schließlich nicht mehr als Zeuge betrachtete. [...]
Beide Eltern waren während der
meisten der prägenden Jahre ihrer Kinder sehr engagiert
und sehr der Wachtturm-Theologie verpflichtet. Ida
übernahm wahrscheinlich die Führung in religiöser
Hinsicht, und David Eisenhower wurde später von vielen
Wachtturm-Lehren enttäuscht; dennoch beeinflusste ihn
die Religion im späteren Leben [...] Die Werte
der Eltern von Dwight Ike” Eisenhower und ihrer familiären
Umgebung spiegelten sich in dem enormen Erfolg all ihrer
Kinder wider. [...] Eisenhowers Mutter, Ida Eisenhower,
erklärte, sie habe 1895 begonnen, sich beim Wachtturm zu
engagieren, als sie 34 und Dwight gerade einmal fünf Jahre
alt war (Cole, 1955:190). Ida wurde 1898 getauft, was
bedeutet, dass sie ab da als Zeugin Jehovas diente. [...]
Überdies war Idas Engagement bei den Zeugen nicht bloß ein
Liebäugeln, wie einige behaupteten, sie war vielmehr 50
Jahre lang ein treues Mitglied der Zeugen Jehovas”
(Fleming 1955:1).> [web19]
The complete family circle is fanatic and
working for "Jehovah's Witnesses", and the education is
given according the guidelines of "Jehovah's Witnesses"
now (with a "Watchtower") [web19].
[Thus these racist "U.S.A." are not at all a country of
thinkers and poets, but they are Bible racists and don't
know any other book, above all in the prairie states].
![Watchtower of Jehovah's Witnesses [19].
The Jehovah's racism states that "not
loyal" humans and non-believers will have
to suffer in the "Last Days" in the
hell, called "Armageddon" Watchtower of Jehovah's
Witnesses [19]. The Jehovah's racism states that
"not loyal" humans and non-believers
will have to suffer in the "Last Days"
in the hell, called "Armageddon"](d/01-d/019-watchtower-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Armageddon-for-non-believers-ENGL.jpg) |
of Jehovah's Witnesses [19]. The Jehovah's
racism states that "not loyal" humans and
non-believers will have to suffer in the "Last
Days" in the hell, called "Armageddon" [19].
Since these times the philosophy of the Jehovah's Witnesses
is preached in the Eisenhower family invoking the "Last
Days" ("Armageddon") and the destruction of all "evil". This
is a Nazi ideology. Quotation:
<David and Ida's interest with Armageddon (the war
preached by the Watchtower ideology teaching that God will
destroy all evil, that means all non-Witnesses) and the
future return of Christ were strongly influenced by the work
with this Watchtower ideology with the Last Days events,
above all the date for Armageddon. It's possible that also
other friends not from the Watchtower group had an interest
in the prediction about the "Last Days", with them also
their uncle Abraham and Ira. Both were obviously influenced
by speculations about "Last Days" of an evangelical group
called Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association from Tabor in
[ethnically cleansed] Iowa (Dodd, 1994:2).>
(orig. in German: <David und Idas Interesse
an Armageddon (der Krieg, von dem der Wachtturm lehrt,
dass Gott in ihm alle Bösen, d.h. alle Nichtzeugen,
vernichten wird) und der bevorstehenden Wiederkehr Christi
wurden stark durch die Wachtturm-Beschäftigung mit
Endzeitereignissen beeinflusst, insbesondere dem Datum für
Armageddon. Möglicherweise hatten auch andere Bekannte
neben den Wachtturm-Anhängern ein Interesse an der
Vorhersage von Endzeitdaten, darunter auch ihre Onkel
Abraham und Ira, die beide offensichtlich von den
Spekulationen über Endzeitdaten der evangelikalen Sekte
namens Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association aus Tabor,
Iowa, beeinflusst wurden (Dodd, 1994:2).>

Abilene in
Kansas, cattle breeding [20]
Life conditions in Abilene
In these times Abilene is the final stop for many cattle
trails from Texas. As there are no trains in Texas the
cattle breeder have to drive their cattle to Kansas, for
example to Abilene [web32].
All Eisenhower children are manipulated and mentally blocked
with the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. Quotation:
<Dodd was investigating much about the religion in the
Eisenhower family and came to the conclusion that Ida had
become a safe and surrendering Witness after a short time
already and she was working actively up to her death as a
missioner for the Watchtower Society (Dodd, 1959.245).
Already in a short time the religion was the force
determinating life in this wooden hose of the Eisenhowers in
Abilene (Kornitzer, 1955:134). "Dwight Eisenhower's belief
had it's roots in the Biblical heritage of his parents", and
the educators of "the Eisenhower boys were infused" by
religion (Fox 1969:907; Lyon, 1974:38).>
(orig. in German: <Dodd kam nach ihrer
ausgedehnten Untersuchung des religiösen Engagements der
Eisenhower-Familie zu dem Schluss, dass Ida schon sehr
bald eine treue und hingegebene Zeugin wurde und sich bis
zu ihrem Tod aktiv als Kolporteurin [Missionarin] für die
Wachtturm-Gesellschaft betätigte” (Dodd, 1959:245). Schon
bald war die Religion die Kraft, die das Leben eines jeden
in dem Holzhaus der Eisenhowers in Abilene bestimmte
(Kornitzer, 1955:134). Dwight Eisenhowers Glaube wurzelte
in dem biblischen Erbe seiner Eltern”, und die Erziehung
der Eisenhower-Jungen war durchdrungen” von Religion (Fox
1969:907; Lyon, 1974:38).>
Instead getting more education at an university getting
knowledge in history and sociology or medicine the
Eisenhower parents are simply living in a Bible fanaticism
organizing even Bible sessions in their home and the
children have to cite the war book "Bible" regularly. It's
an absolute religious child abuse. Quotation:
<The Eisenhowers had weekly Watchtower sessions in their
saloon where the boys were reading aloud one by one texts
from the Watchtower publications and from the Bible and they
were speaking about. Dwight Eisenhower was also taking part
in these studies - he was stating he had studies the Bible
two times completely even before being 18 years old
(Jameson, 1969:9). [Eisenhower biographer] Ambrose [to the
contrary] was concluding that the religious ambition of the
Eisenhower boys was not going so far:
"David was reading the Bible before the meals
and was pleading for a blessing. After the meal they were
reading the Bible again. When the boys were old enough
they could also read the Bible aloud. Ida was organizing
sessions of [...] Watchtower Society, there were meetings
on Sundays in the saloon. She was playing the piano and
was leading the songs. Neither David nor Ida were smoking
or drinking, they were never playing cards, never cursing
or making games for money (Ambrose 1983:19-20)"
Without any doubt this education had a decisive influence to
all Eisenhower boys. R.G. Tonkin estimates that the
Eisenhower boys were young yet but the group of studies had
already 15 members" (1952:48).> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Die Eisenhowers hielten
in ihrem Salon wöchentliche Wachtturm-Treffen ab, wo die
Jungen der Reihe nach aus den Wachtturm-Publikationen und
der Bibel vorlasen und darüber sprachen. Dwight Eisenhower
war auch an diesen Studien beteiligt — er behauptete, er
habe die Bibel zweimal vollständig durchgelesen, noch
bevor er achtzehn Jahre alt war (Jameson, 1969:9). Ambrose
kam zu dem Schluss, das Ausmaß des religiösen Engagements
der Eisenhower-Jungen sei so weitreichend gewesen, dass
"David vor den Mahlzeiten
aus der Bibel vorlas und dann um einen Segen bat. Nach
dem Essen zog er wieder die Bibel hervor. Als die
Jungen alt genug waren, waren sie mit dem Lesen an der
Reihe. Ida organisierte Zusammenkünfte der [...]
Wachtturm-Gesellschaft; man traf sich sonntags in
ihrem Salon. Sie spielte Klavier und führte das Singen
an. Weder David noch Ida rauchten jemals oder tranken,
spielten Karten, fluchten oder spielten um Geld
(Ambrose 1983:19-20)"
Diese Erziehung hatte zweifellos einen
entscheidenden Einfluss auf alle Eisenhower-Jungen. R.
G. Tonkin schätzte, als die Eisenhower-Jungen noch klein
waren, habe die Größe der Studiengruppe etwa fünfzehn
Personen” betragen (1952:48).> [web19]
since 1898
Learning difficulties
Eisenhower was one of the worst pupils in his class.
<By the way, he was next,
or nearly so, to the last in his class.> [web5]
[There is no indication if also the other
boys had such learning difficulties. But it seems the
Eisenhower boys and Dwight were generally manipulated in
an extreme way and it can be that he was rejecting also
school, or he was busy with his side job thus he could not
concentrate and the parents were never making homework
with him as it seems and they did not know anything about
pedagogy. How the education was executing punishments and
how this school was organized with punishments is not
described. Normally it has to be admitted that beating and
torturing and torture by hunger was normal in those times
- with the "Christian" cross at the wall being a model for
since 1898 appr.
Side job of boy Dwight Eisenhower
The little Dwight Eisenhower has got a side job in a
water utility and is sanding wooden horses for
roundabouts [web20].
Father David Eisenhower and his
prophecy with pyramids
Father David Eisenhower had developed a prophecy with the
pyramids of Egypt. Quotation:

Pyramids of
Gizeh in Egypt [21]
<Dwight was influenced by more ideas, for example from
his father David Eisenhower. Whereas as a little child he
[father David] was educated with the River Brethren group
and then a short time with Lutherans and later and before
his college times with Methodist church, he was adapting
the belief of the Watchtower some years after his
marriage. David Eisenhower was serving the Watchtower
during many years as a boss and a leader in Bible studies,
a role which was alternating from time to time with L.D.
Toliver (Dodd, 1959:225). Neal even claimed that David
Eisenhower after having adapted the Watchtower was brought
to mysticism because he was using a huge map with the
Egypt pyramids hanging on a wall of his house predicting
the future. David was teaching his sons during their
childhood and youth this map of "Last Days theology" of
the Watchtower Society. This map was 3 meters long and
1.80 meters high containing prophecies for the future and
the confirmation of the Biblical events - David claimed.
Fascinated by the bizarre drawings ... [Dwight] was
passing hours studying David's creation." (Neal, 1984:13).
(orig. in German: <Dwight
wurde auch von den religiösen Vorstellungen seines Vaters,
David Eisenhower, beeinflusst. Obwohl er als Kleinkind bei
den River Brethren erzogen wurde und für kurze Zeit zu den
Lutheranern und dann später vor und während seiner
Collegezeit zur Methodistenkirche ging, bekehrte er sich
ein paar Jahre nach seiner Frau zum Wachtturm. David
Eisenhower diente dem Wachtturm viele Jahre lang als
Ältester und Bibelstudienleiter, eine Rolle, in der er
sich gelegentlich mit L. D. Toliver abwechselte (Dodd,
1959:225). Neal behauptete sogar, dass David Eisenhower
durch den Wachtturm zum Mystizismus” gebracht wurde, weil
er eine riesige Wandkarte” der ägyptischen Pyramiden
benutzte, um die Zukunft vorherzusagen. David lehrte seine
Jungen, als sie aufwuchsen, von dieser Karte die
Endzeittheologie der Wachtturm-Gesellschaft. Die drei mal
eins achtzig Meter große Karte enthielt nach David
Prophezeiungen für die Zukunft wie auch die Bestätigung
biblischer Ereignisse. Fasziniert von der bizarren
Zeichnung … verbrachte [Dwight] Stunden damit, Davids
Schöpfung zu studieren” (Neal, 1984:13).
This map with the pyramids showed the [Big] pyramid of
Gizeh in Egypt; it was really a central philosophy of the
Bible searchers (Dodd, 1959:242). The map was published by
the Watchtower Society the first time in the Millennium
Dayspring series in volume 1 published in 1898. Later also
a big wall map version was available. The map played a
supreme role in the Watchtower theology during 35 years,
and for David the significance was very high.
His religious conviction was so strong that he
was producing this big wall map (1.5 or 1.8 meters high, 3
meters large) showing the Egyptian pyramids, and he was
proving himself that the dimensions of the pyramids - with
their measures, there corridors, their angels and their
chambers and so on - would predict Biblical events and
other things yet which were in future yet. As one could
expect this presentation was fascinating his children and
the map was one of the most precious possessions of the
family (Lyon, 1974:38.
Russel took many of his prophecies from the pyramid,
above all the year of 1914 waiting for the end of the
world (Franz, 1993:20). The pyramid was also used with the
confirmation of the Watchtower philosophies about the
different ages. Earl Eisenhower claimed that his father
had used the map when he was a Watchtower member [proving]
for his own satisfaction that the Bible with their
prophecy was right." (Kornitzer, 1955:136).
The pyramid was of such a decisive significance for the
early Watchtower theology that a huge, three meter high
pyramid in concrete was made as gravestone for C.T.
Russell when he died. This pyramid is near Russell's grave
near Pittsburgh in [ethnically cleansed] Pennsylvania yet.
Russel condemned mysticism explicitly as a hellish stuff
and taught that the pyramid had nothing to do with any
mysticism but would be a second revelation, a "Bible in
stone" being a supplement of the Holy Book and as a
confirmation (Russell, 1904:313-376).
Some years later the second Watchtower president, Joseph
F. Rutherford, was convicting the pyramid philosophy with
clear words. This was one of many changes in the
philosophy of the Watchtower group provoking several
splits in the group (Rutherford, 1928; Dodd, 1959:243).
Dodd remarked that the mad would have been in
[Eisenhower's] house in 1944 yet, but in 1957 the map
could not be found neither in the house nor in the
Eisenhower Museum next to the house. She was told that the
map and other Watchtower items had been eliminated (Dodd,
1959:242-243). Dodd concluded that the Watchtower items
had probably destroyed by the family itself getting rid of
the embarrassments because of the work of the parents with
the Jehovah's Witnesses. [The Eisenhower mother had died].
David's devotion for the Watchtower was changing at the
end and later he was an open enemy of it.
Dodd comes to the conclusion that David Eisenhower's
curiosity for Russell was reducing since 1919 clearly.
Before his death in 1942 it is said that he had revoked
Russel's philosophy (1959:224). In a letter to Edward Ford
David declared that one point disillusioning him from the
Watchtower philosophy had been the fake about the prophecy
about the end of the world including the year 1914 and
1915 (Ford, 1995). After having given up the Watchtower
community David had - this states is son Arthur - been
always a searcher of the Bible, and his religious reading
customs were limited to the Bible or to everything in
connection with the Bible", but he did not read Watchtower
literature. Whereas the Bible was the center of David
Eisenhower's mind his father - this added Milton - was
also reading historical reports, serious reviews,
newspapers and other religious literature (Kornitzer,
Edgar Eisenhower declared that his father partly had left
the Watchtower group because he could not accept the pure
Watchtower philosophy any more which had been a part of
his mind. His sons later claimed unswervingly that David
had accompanied his wife to the Watchtower activities
above all because he wanted to please her. Watchtower
reports normally only report Ida as a witness and thus
support the conclusion that David had left the Watchtower
group since 1915.> [web19]
(orig. in German:
<Diese Pyramidenkarte zeigte die [Große] Pyramide von
Gizeh in Ägypten; es handelte sich dabei tatsächlich um
eine zentrale Lehre der Bibelforscher (Dodd, 1959:242).
Die Karte wurde von der Wachtturm-Gesellschaft erstmals in
der Millennium-Tagesanbruch-Reihe, Band 1, im Jahre 1898
veröffentlicht. Später war dann eine Wandkarten-große
Version erhältlich. Die Karte spielte in der
Wachtturm-Theologie für über 35 Jahre eine hervorragende
Rolle und hatte für David eine solche Bedeutung, dass
…… seine religiösen Überzeugungen in Form einer
eindrucksvollen (eins fünfzig oder eins achtzig Meter
hohen, drei Meter breiten) Wandkarte der ägyptischen
Pyramiden Gestalt annahmen, mit deren Hilfe er zu
seiner eigenen Zufriedenheit bewies, dass die Maße der
Pyramiden — äußere Abmessungen, innere Gänge, Winkel
der Kammern usw. — spätere biblische Ereignisse und
andere Dinge, die noch in der Zukunft lagen,
vorhersagten. Wie zu erwarten, faszinierte diese
Vorführung seine Kinder; die Karte wurde zu einem der
am meisten geschätzten Besitztümer der Familie (Lyon,
Russell entnahm viele seiner Prophezeiungen der
Pyramide, insbesondere das Jahr 1914, zu dem das Ende
der Welt erwartet wurde (Franz, 1993:20). Die Pyramide
fand auch bei der Bestätigung der Wachtturm-Lehre von
den Zeitaltern Verwendung. Earl Eisenhower behauptete,
sei Vater habe die Karte benutzt, als er zum Wachtturm
gehörte, um zu seiner eigenen Zufriedenheit [zu
beweisen], dass die Bibel mit ihrer Prophetie Recht
hatte” (Kornitzer, 1955:136).
Die Pyramide war von solch entscheidender Bedeutung für
die frühe Wachtturm-Theologie, dass eine riesige, drei
Meter hohe Betonpyramide als passender Grabstein für C.
T. Russell ausgesucht wurde, als er starb. Sie steht
immer noch in der Nähe von Russells Grab nahe
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Russell verurteilte den
Mystizismus ausdrücklich als Dämonismus und lehrte, die
Pyramide habe nichts mit Mystizismus zu tun, sondern sie
sei eine zweite Offenbarung, eine Bibel in Stein”, die
den Bericht der Heiligen Schrift sowohl ergänzte als
auch bestätigte (Russell, 1904: 313-376).
Einige Jahre später verurteilte der zweite
Wachtturm-Präsident, Joseph F. Rutherford, die
Pyramidenlehre mit eindeutigen Worten, eine der vielen
Lehränderungen, die zu mehreren Wachtturm-Spaltungen
führte (Rutherford, 1928; Dodd, 1959:243). Dodd
bemerkte, die Karte sei noch 1944 im Hause [der
Eisenhowers] gewesen, aber im Jahre 1957 konnte sie sie
weder im Haus noch im Eisenhower-Museum in der Nähe
ausmachen. Sie erfuhr, dass die Karte und andere
Wachtturm-Werte beseitigt worden waren (Dodd,
1959:242-243). Dodd kam zu dem Schluss, die
Wachtturm-Gegenstände seien wahrscheinlich von der
Familie vernichtet worden, um die Peinlichkeit wegen des
Engagements der Eltern bei den Zeugen Jehovas zu
mindern. Davids Hingabe an den Wachtturm änderte sich
schließlich, und später wurde er ein offener Gegner.
Dodd kommt zu dem Schluss, 1919 sei David Eisenhowers
Interesse an Russell eindeutig verblasst”. Vor seinem
Tod im Jahre 1942 soll er die Lehre Russells widerrufen”
haben. (1959:224). In einem Brief an Edward Ford
erklärte David, ein Faktor, der seine Desillusion über
den Wachtturm hervorgerufen habe, sei der Fehlschlag der
Prophezeiungen über das Ende der Welt einschließlich der
Jahre 1914 und 1915 gewesen (Ford, 1995). Nachdem er die
Wachtturm-Gemeinschaft aufgab, sei David, so behauptet
sein Sohn Arthur, ein Erforscher der Bibel geblieben,
und seine religiösen Lesegewohnheiten seien auf die
Bibel oder alles, was mit ihr in Zusammenhang stand,
beschränkt gewesen”, aber er las keine
Wachtturm-Literatur. Obwohl die Bibel den Mittelpunkt in
David Eisenhowers Denken einnahm, habe sein Vater, fügte
Milton hinzu, auch Geschichtsberichte, seriöse
Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und religiöse Literatur”
gelesen (Kornitzer, 1955: 261).
Edgar Eisenhower erklärte, dass sein Vater zum Teil
deshalb den Wachtturm verlassen habe, weil er nicht mehr
mit der reinen Wachtturm-Lehre einverstanden sein
konnte, die so sehr ein Teil ihres Denkens war.” Seine
Söhne behaupteten später steif und fest, David habe
seine Frau vor allem deshalb bei den
Wachtturm-Aktivitäten begleitet, um ihr zu gefallen.
Wachtturm-Berichte nennen gewöhnlich nur Ida als Zeugin
und stützen damit den Schluss, dass David den Wachtturm
nach 1915 verlassen habe.> [web19]
since 1900 appr.
Jehova Bible circle in Eisenhower's house is always
bigger and bigger - and they claim "the truth"
<Until 1915 the Watchtower adherents
had their sessions in Eisenhower's house and then the
growth of the local sessions forced them to rent a hall
for their divine services. Later a big house was built in
Abilene for the Watchtower sessions (now called the
Kingdom Hall) (Dodd, 1959:244). The composition of the
Russellites groups in Abilene is described by Mrs. Dodd
like this:
Mary Thayer was presenting
the Watchtower to the Eisenhowers first. This community
formed the core of the sessions of the Russellites in
Abilene together with L.D. Toliver and R.O. Southworths.
From 1896 to 1915 the Bible searcher ... had sessions on
Sunday afternoons in the house of the Eisenhowers.
During most of this time David Eisenhower (and from time
to time also L.D. Toliver) were serving to the classes
as leading Bible searchers or elders" as they were
calling their leaders (1959:236)
During her whole life Ida was working for
the Watchtower group. In a letter to an old lady also in
her 90s Ida stated that she she was working in the truth
since ninety six [1896] and [I] ... am working yet there
... it was a consolation for me ... Naomi Engle remains
[sic] with me, and she is also a witness, and I hoping
well about it [sic]" (Fleming, 1955:3; Cole,
1955:192).> [web19]
(orig. in German:
<Die Wachtturm-Anhänger
kamen bis 1915 im Hause der Eisenhowers zusammen, als
das Wachstum der örtlichen Versammlung sie dazu zwang,
einen Saal für die Gottesdienste zu mieten. Später wurde
in Abilene ein großes Haus für die
Wachtturm-Zusammenkünfte (ein Königreichssaal, wie er
jetzt heißt) gebaut (Dodd, 1959:244). Die
Zusammensetzung der Russelliten-Gruppe in Abilene wird
von Dodd folgendermaßen beschrieben:
Mary Thayer brachten den Wachtturm den Eisenhowers
als erste nahe. Diese Gemeinschaft bildete zusammen
mit L. D. Toliver und den R. O. Southworths den Kern
der Versammlung der Russelliten in Abilene. Von 1896
bis 1915 kamen die Bibelforscher … am
Sonntagnachmittag im Hause der Eisenhowers zusammen.
Während der meisten Zeit dieser zwanzig Jahre diente
David Eisenhower (und gelegentlich L.D. Toliver) der
Klasse als Bibelstudienleiter oder Ältester”, wie die
Gruppe ihren Führer nannte (1959: 236)
Ida blieb ihr ganzes Leben lang im Wachtturm tätig. In
einem Brief an eine Mitzeugin stellte Ida fest, sie sei
seit sechsundneunzig [1896] in der Wahrheit und [ich] …
bin es immer noch … es war für mich ein Trost … Naomi
Engle bleibt [sic] bei mir, und sie ist auch eine
Zeugin, so bin ich guter Hoffnung [sic]” (Fleming,
1955:3; Cole, 1955:192).> [web19]
since 1902
Zionist circles want to destroy "Christendom"
This is mentioned in the report by Lieutenant Colonel
"Jack" Moor:
<It might be well
to state here, that as early as 1902, International
Jewry had a plan for the destruction of Christianity in
Europe.>) [web23]
The Eisenhower family in 1902: row
above: Dwight, Edgar, Earl, Arthur, and Roy; below:
David (father), Milton and Ida (mother) [22]
since 1903 appr.
Provision of money for the college: fire brigade
and freezing plant
The two brothers Dwight and Ed Eisenhower are making
some money for their college fees alternating being
firemen. In the holidays Dwight Eisenhower is
working the whole day in a freezing plant [web20].
[There are no indications if the boys were beaten, if
they were tortured, if they were torturing each other,
if they were stealing or no, if they had other
compensational occupations aside the Bible or if there
were other relationships to other families. It can be
admitted that there had been a brutal punishment
Sunday school of the Eisenhower brothers
There are indications from John Bayhoff that Dwight
had visited Sunday school of the River Brethren Church
in Abilene from time to time. And there are also
statements from John Dayhoff (who is listed as a
school mate of Dwight in the church books of 1906)
that Dwight had visited the Sunday school. According
to the class teacher Ida Hoffman Dwight was going to
the Sunday school, but is seems that he was never
paying attention or being interested in these lessons
(Davis, 1952:49). <Three of the Eisenhower
children, also Dwight, are enlisted in 1906 in the
Sunday school of the Brethren in Abilene, Kansas, but
the parents are not mentioned. The fact that the three
brothers are listed was partly the result of the
influence of Jacob, Dwights grandfather, an active
pastor of River Brethren Church until his death in May
1906.> [web19].
(orig. in German:
Hinweise, dass Dwight vielleicht gelegentlich in die
Sonntagsschule der River Brethren Church in Abilene
ging, beinhalten auch die Behauptung von John Dayhoff
(der in den Kirchenbüchern von 1906 als Klassenkamerad
Dwights geführt wird), er sei mit ihm zur Sonntagsschule
gegangen. Als Dwight gemäß der Klassenlehrerin Ida
Hoffman dorthin ging, schien er offensichtlich nie
aufzupassen oder sich für die Lektionen zu
interessieren” (Davis, 1952:49). Drei der
Eisenhower-Kinder, darunter auch Dwight, werden in den
Aufzeichnungen von 1906 der Sonntagsschule der Brethren
in Abilene, Kansas, geführt, aber ihre Eltern werden
nicht erwähnt. Dass die drei Jungen aufgelistet wurden,
ging wohl teilweise auf den Einfluss von Jacob, Dwights
Großvater, zurück, einem aktiven Geistlichen der River
Brethren-Kirche bis zu seinem Tode im Mai 1906.>
Dwight D. Eisenhower beginning with Abilene High
School [web1]
Dwight Eisenhower is clearly characterized by the
Jehovah's Witnesses
<The Watchtower Society was manipulating Dwight
decisively with it's religious ideas - until 1914 when he
entered West Point Military Academy (Dodd, 1959; Eisenhower,
1969).> [web19]
[Well, Eisenhower was waiting for the "Last Days" in his
subconsciousness. Some event or some population should
represent the "Last Days" then...]
Inscription at the military because of lack of money
<The money of his parents did not reach for a college. A
friend was manipulating that young Dwight was inscribing for
the Marines Academy Exam. Ike was performing a double
strategy: He made two entrance exams and passed also in West
Point Military Academy. When he had not been over 20 years
then (the highest age for the entrance for the Marines
Academy) Eisenhower had become an Admiral perhaps.>
(orig. in German: <Das Geld seiner Eltern
reichte nicht für ein College. Ein Freund veranlaßte den
jungen Dwight, sich zur Marine-Akademie-Prüfung zu melden.
Ike nähte gleich doppelt: er bestand auch die
Aufnahmeprüfung der Militärakademie von West Point. Wenn
er damals nicht über 20 Jahre alt gewesen wäre (das
Höchstalter für die Marine-Akademie), wäre möglicherweise
ein Admiral aus ihm geworden.> [web20]
Eisenhower's education in the "U.S." Military Academy in
West Point - with diploma

Map of the "U.S.A." with West
Point [23]

West Point Academy on a cape

Dwight Eisenhower as a
cadet at West Point Academy, portrait

Dwight Eisenhower as a
cadet in West Point Academy in 1912 [26]

West Point Academy,
dwelling homes with the cathedral on the
hill [27]
Who was no racist in those times in the beginning
of the 20th century could not make any career in
the racist "U.S.A." of these days...

Eisenhower in the
soccer team of West Point in 1912
(second from the left, more a little
person) [28]

West Point Flag with an
eagle and stars and stripes [29]
-- Eisenhower is not especially eager, and his fantasy is
more going to the direction of illegal behavior [web1]
-- Eisenhower's talents and performances are only medium:
"His army career like his West Point standing
was mediocre" [web8].
[One can see on the photos that also the military academies
are characterized totally by the "Christian" religion. And
thus all military forces in these criminal "U.S.A." are
acting with this faked base of Bible. The abuse of the
figure of "Jesus" for military purposes with churches at
military bases comes to an absolute culmination point in
these criminal "U.S.A."].
Sport and injuries with Dwight
Eisenhower is characterizing his behavior
with butcher's methods. Quotation:
<Eisenhower with his strong bones was getting a
reputation as a boxer and soccer star. His mates called
him a coarse person. In 1915 he was becoming an
officer.> [web20]
(orig. in German: <Der
starkknochige Eisenhower machte als Boxer und
Fußballstar von sich reden. Seine Kameraden nannten ihn
ein Rauhbein. 1915 wurde er Offizier.> [web20]
<At one time he
threatened to get interested in life and won his "A" by
being the most promising back in Eastern football - but
the Tufts game broke his knee and the promise.>)

Dwight Eisenhower as a cadet in the West Point Military
Academy in 1914 appr. [30]
In the military
academy Eisenhower is stated as a half Jew -
principally illegal in a military academy
<During Cadet Eisenhower’s time at
West Point Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office
of the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At
the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet’s blood
to insure White racial integrity.
Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower’s racial
lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower’s attention by
the headmaster. When asked if he was part Oriental,
Eisenhower replied in the negative. After some discussion,
Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish background. The
headmaster then reportedly said, “That’s where you get
your Oriental blood?”. Although he was allowed to remain
at the academy, word got around since this was a time in
history when non-Whites were not allowed into the academy.
Later, in Eisenhower’s West Point Military Academy
graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, Eisenhower
is identified as a “terrible Swedish Jew.”
Wherever Eisenhower went during his
military career, Eisenhower’s Jewish background and
secondary manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow
officers.>) [web5]

report about Dwight Eisenhower at West Point
Academy, 1915 [31]
Senatorial Appointee, Kansas; "Ike";
Corporal, Sergeant, Color Sergeant: A.B., B.A.,
Sharpshooter: Football Squad (3,2), "A" in
Football; Baseball Squad (4); Cheer Leader;
Indoor Meet (4,3).
Now, fellers, it's just like this. I've been
asked to say a few words this evening about this
business. Now, me and Walter Camp, we think -" -
This is Señor Dwight David Eisenhower,
gentlemen, the terrible Swedish-Jew, as big as
life and twice as natural. He claims to have the
best authority for the statement that he is the
handsomest man in the Corps and is ready to back
up his claim at any time. At any rate you'll
have to give it to him that he's well-developed
abdominally - and more graceful in pushing it
around than Charles Calvert Benedict. In common
with most fat men, he is an enthusiastic and
sonorous devotee of the King of Indoor Sports,
and roars homage at the shrine of Morpheus on
every possible occasion.
However, the memory of man runneth back to the
time when the little Dwight was but a slender
lad of some 'steen years, full of joy and energy
and craving for life and movement and change.
'Twas then that the romantic appeal of West
Point's glamor grabbed him by the scruff of the
neck and dragged him to his doom. Three weeks of
Beast gave him his fill of life and movement and
as all the change was locked up at the Cadet
Store out of reach, poor Dwight merely consents
to exist until graduation shall set him free.
At one time he threatened to get interested in
life and won his "A" by being the most promising
back in Eastern football - but the Tufts game
broke his knee and the promise. Now Ike must
content himself with tea, tiddledy winks and
talk, at all of which he excels. Said prodigy
will now lead us in a long, loud yell for - Dare
Devil Dwight, the Dauntless Don.
[It can be admitted that the name "terrible Jew" was a
normal racist insult in those times by "Christian" military
school. And it can be admitted that this insult was hurting
Dwight Eisenhower very much and sometimes he was taking
revenge in combination with the philosophy of the "Last
Days" of the Jehovah's Witnesses - against any enemy not
important which. The Germans would be his victims for that
in 1945].
The Rothschild gang is organizing the
First World War [web7]
September 22, 1915
Eisenhower getting the grade of a "Second Lieutenant" [web1]
after 1915
Father David Eisenhower leaving the Watchtower group
"Jehovah's Witnesses"
Service in the infantry [web1]
Eisenhower getting the grade of a "First Lieutenant" [web1]
Dwight Eisenhower in 1916 appr. [32]
July 11, 1916
Marriage of Eisenhower with Mamie Geneva Doud
[web1, web20]; then founding a family with two sons, the
first son Doud Dwight Eisenhower dies in 1921 by scarlet
fever. The second son follows in 1922, John Sheldon Doud
Eisenhower. He becomes a highly ranked military and id
"U.S." ambassador in Belgium [web1].

Dwight and Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower
Hiding the past: The identity with the "Jehovah's
Witnesses" is concealed now by the Eisenhower family
Dwight Eisenhower and his wife are concealing the
education with the religion of the "Jehovah's Witnesses",
and they are also concealing the activity of Eisenhower's
mother for the "Jehovah's Witnesses" group. The surviving
son John is separating from this doctrine of "Jehovah's
Witnesses" and is contradicting important aspects of this
Watchtower philosophy [web19].
Eisenhower is an instructor for the military tank units
Eisenhower gets the grade of a "Captain". Eisenhower is
also reaching the grade of a "Lieutenant Colonel", or this
comes only in 1936. In 1917 Eisenhower is an instructor
for the newly found "U.S." military tank units [web1].
Butcher Eisenhower is a fan of the tank units. Quotation:
<The First World War he was far from the war theater in
an "American" garrison. He had a military hobby: tank
weapon. "Country of cars - country of the tanks",
Eisenhower was giving his slogan with a prophecy for a
tank war and in this kind he was educating the young
generation.> [web20]
(orig. in German:
ersten Weltkrieg verbrachte er weit vom Schuß in
amerikanischen Garnisonen. Er hatte ein militärisches
Hobby: die Panzerwaffe. "Land der Autos - Land der
Tanks" kombinierte Eisenhower, prophezeite den
Panzerkrieg und drillte den Nachwuchs.> [web20]
The Rothschild gang and their agents are organizing the
Russian Revolution [web7].
[Lenin and his lodge friends are financed by Jewish banks
from the "U.S.A." installing a communist army. See: Armin
Risi: Machtwechsel auf der Erde].
This action of the Zionist banksters has to be understood
like this: The aim of these Zionist Jews is the complete
destruction of Christendom. Lieutenant Colonel "Jack" Mohr
is indicating details:
<This [the destruction of
Christianity] called for the destruction, first of
Czarist Russia, which took place in 1917, and then for
the destruction of Germany. A
war chest of some $2-billion was set aside for
this purpose, long before a man named Adolf Hitler
came on the scene.>) [web23]
Eisenhower is publishing a project to organize a tank show
with a track of tanks driving from the east coast to the
west coast. In the same time he gets to know the latter
General George S. Patton [web1].
Eisenhower gets the grade for being a Major [web1].
Eisenhower is an "Executive Officer" in the Panama Channel
Zone under Fox Conner [web1].
Eisenhower is going for further military education for
being a general in courses at the "Command and General
Staff College" [web1].
Eisenhower serving in the War Ministry [web1].
Mother Ida Eisenhower is preaching without end -
always the same book
<According to Dwight Eisenhower his mother Ida
Eisenhower had a "stubborn connection to this religious
conviction". According to the words of the nowadays
Watchtower President Milton G. Henschel Ida Eisenhower was
one of the "most powerful [Watchtower] preachers in
Abilene" (Fleming, 1955:1).> [web19]
(orig. in German:
<Mit Dwights Worten hatte sie eine "unbeugsame
Anhänglichkeit an ihre religiösen Überzeugungen". Gemäß
den Worten des gegenwärtigen Wachtturm-Präsidenten
Milton G. Henschel war Ida Eisenhower eine der
"tatkräftigsten [Wachtturm-] Predigerinnen in Abilene"
(Fleming, 1955:1).> [web19]
Eisenhower is an assistant in the military chiefs of staff
as a "Chief Military Aide
" under General Douglas
MacArthur [web1].
Eisenhower is on the Philippines with MacArthur [web1].
World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen.
Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested
to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was
incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his
staff.>) [web5]
<In the thirties after serving with
MacArthur, MacArthur called him, "the best clerk I ever
had". He was mostly a staff officer who never had a
command.>) [web8]