![]() ![]() ![]() A mass evacuation bus with a pharmacy symbol with a snake - The map of the "U.S.A." from google earth with the FEMA concentration camps (ccs) - Mass murderer Obama with a skull field - he is really the Black Hitler - Fuck You! ![]() ![]() ![]() A FEMA concentration camps with doubled fence and barbed wire - The map of the "U.S.A." with the 10 FEMA sectors - The law H.R.645 for the construction of the FEMA concentration camps ![]() ![]() The symbol of the criminal Free Masons with the compass and the right angle on a lorry with FEMA coffins - it seems that the criminal Free Masons and FEMA are collaborating... |
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Oct. 21, 2014: "U.S.A." has empty and even filled concentration camps and 100,000s of coffins - for what?
[Partly the concentration camps in the "U.S.A." are filled with illegal immigrants - estate of October 2014].
from: Freigeist-Forum online: Concentration camps in the "U.S.A." are filled already! Ebola lie should be used for a genocide (original in German: Konzentrationslager in den USA sind bereits gefüllt ! Ebo-Lüge soll zum Impfgenozid genutzt werden); Oct. 21, 2014;
Translation by Michael Palomino:
<About 800 concentration camps the "U.S." branch called FEMA has erected. There is space for four million persons. Partly they are clear murder camps near airports and near railway tracks, without living space or fences.
[The documentary by Jesse Ventura]
As one can see in the report by Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones in the video below some camps are working already and children play grounds are installed and used but all is behind a doubled barbed wire! There are indications saying that masses of illegal Mexican immigrants are detained here in such camps and they are used also for other purposes whatever.
Jesse Ventura was in the "U.S." Navy first, he was a war swimmer specialized for underwater blasts, then he was a professional wrestler, then he was a candidate for governor in the "American" Federal State of Minnesota. Finally he did not collaborate with the lies any more and he is investigating now making documentaries about the locations of the crime about HAARP, DUMPS and NWO and he became very known for this, and he also blamed persons like David Icke.
In this part of documentary about 800 FEMA camps (concentration camps of the home security board) in the "U.S.A." the case are these concentrations camps which are partly already working and where even children playgrounds are installed.>
Video: Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (14min.50sek.)
Video: Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (14min.50sek.)
The investigation of Jesse Ventura from trutv: In criminal "U.S.A." there exist "residential centers" of FEMA behind barbed wire with 100,000 of coffins - and the deputies are signing laws without reading them
The speaker of one of the concentration camps means to Jesse Ventura that this would be just a "residential center" - A FEMA concentration camps with doubled fence and barbed wire - Portrait of Jesse Ventura
Piles of coffins - The war monger company Halliburton is also a player in this game of mass destruction - The new map of the "U.S.A." with the numbered 10 FEMA sectors
The new map of the "U.S.A." with the 10 FEMA sectors in color - The law H.R.645 for the construction of the FEMA concentration camps (ccs) - Steve Cohen rejects having known anything about these concentration camps
Jim Gerlach signed the law H.R.645 but did not read it
The video minutes
The speaker of a FEMA camp in Texas indicates: Oh, this is a residential center - a FEMA camp. It looks like a prison with two fences (55sec.). - Speaker of the camp: The reason for that is to protect the privacy of the residentials (1min.1sec.) - And why do they need protection? (1min.4sec.)
Jesse Ventura: Some camps are isolated, like Alcatraz [a former prison island]. There is a camp in Texas (2min.23sec.). Police is guarding the camp and wants to know why the reporters are coming (2min.27sec.). There is a police state conspiracy, and there is a concentration camp conspiracy (2min.34sec.).
There is another FEMA camp in Madison in Georgia near a railway line and near an airport, perfect for smuggling people during the night (3min.4sec.). There is no barbed wire, but 1,000s of coffins are stored there (3min.16sec.). The coffins are piled by 25 each stack and there are 100s of stacks (3min.34sec.). In every coffin get 4 dead bodies (3min.37sec.). 10,000s of coffins (3min.42sec.).
The coffins are 7 feet long, 3 feet deep. The company which is producing the coffins just says that this is for a "pre-need" (4min.0sec.). So somebody is planning a massacre (4min.4sec.). The company is called "Hercules" (4min.19sec.), a branch from major defense of the "U.S.A." from Halliburton (4min.24sec.). FED gave 325 million dollars to a Halliburton subsidiary for the construction of the camps (4min.30sec.).
Halliburton is making the hell with the world, also with the "U.S.A.", all the time it's Halliburton (4min.39sec.). There are "Homeland Security Contracts KBR to build detention centers in the US" (4min.42sec.). And the camps are from FEMA, the emergency board for crisis - is organizing mass death (4min.58sec.) - "is ready to round us up" (5min.1sec.).
There is a map of the "USA" parted into 10 sectors:
Jesse Ventura: FEMA has created 10 regions of "USA" (5min.5sec.) and they match almost perfectly with the council of governors sectors (5min.9sec.). This seems all to be a preparation for martial law (5min.16sec.). And just in Georgia the mass of coffin is prepared "where the center for disease control is based" (5min.23sec.).
The scenery for the martial law is the following plan: They provoke an epidemic, and the epidemic is the excuse to introduce martial law so everybody can be deported to other places (5min.54sec.) by military force (6min.8sec.). There can be pandemic influenza (6min.10sec.), there are projected 100,000s to millions dead (6min.16sec.). Mega death is prepared (6min.24sec.). A flu can be provoked and then all have to be forced to be vaccinated and then one can see what comes (6min.37sec.).
When the reporters were there about 20 minutes, then workers came and were loading the coffins on lorries taking them away (6min.51sec.).
Jesse Ventura is going to Washington and wants to speak with congress deputies:
The responsible does not want to be present - Jim Gerlach, Pennsylvania (7min.6sec.) [German Jewish Zionist name as it seems]. And a congressman plays down all (7min.22sec.). The question is: What reason have the congressmen for the prepared FEMA concentration camps? Because there is a congressional bill for this: H.R.645 (8min.34sec.).
Jim Gerlach was welcoming Jesse Ventura in a good mood, but the topic to speak about converted his mood into a bad mood (9min.6sec.). Mr. Jim Gerlach is resigning the conversation just on two occasions (9min.17sec.).
"Congressmen Steve Cohen [is also a Jewish Zionist name] of Tennessee had agreed to talk about the bill" (9min.36sec.). The question why are these camps built for what purpose are they to use? (9min.50sec.) - Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Tennessee: "Well we wouldn't because it's just a figment of some people who are concerned about maybe Martians or creatures who are thinking that there are such camps." (10min.4sec.)
Question by Jesse Ventura: "So why was it put into that bill? (10min.8sec.) - It's put into the bill so it doesn't exist? There are no FEMA camps anywhere in America?" (10min.14sec.) - Cohen: "No there aren't." (10min.16sec.)
Question by Jesse Ventura: "What was the place I saw in Texas?" (10min.18sec.) - Cohen: "I don't know what place you mean." - Jesse Ventura: "It was called a residence. It had two 20 foot high fences around it. When I knocked at the door it was locked (10min.26sec.). When the people came to the door, no comment. They gave not any question." (10min.32sec.) And: "There was a day care with swings and slides for children and you keep children inside this place? No comment. Have you ever kept children in this place? No comment." (10min.48sec.) - Cohen: "I haven't been there so I ..." (10min.50sec.)
Question by Jesse Ventura: "Shouldn't you tell me that there is not one FEMA camp in the United States right now?" (10min.55sec.) - Cohen: "There are none." (10min.56sec.) - Question. "And why is it in that bill?" (10min.58sec.) - Cohen: "What is exactly in the bill?" (11min.0sec.) - Ventura: "It talks about building FEMA camps, doesn't it? That particular bill we are talking about!" (11min.6sec.) - Cohen: "I would like to see the bill." (11min.8sec.)
Question by Jesse Ventura: "What's the bill number?" (11min.17sec.) - Cohen indicates for the case of a disaster like Katrina the FEMA camps are built (11min.39sec.).
Question by Jesse Ventura: "The place in Texas is locked, you can't go in and out of it." (12min.4sec.) - Cohen: Probably it was not used (12min.6sec.).
Question by Jesse Ventura: "We have films with children playing on the swings and on the slides and stuff (12min.10sec.). And this one falls under Homeland Security [Department of Homeland Security, DHS]." (12min.14sec.) - Cohen: "Well I don't know. I haven't been there (12min.16sec.). [...] "The children are probably very happy." (12min.20sec.)
Summary by Jesse Ventura: Congressmen sponsor bills because they are told to, or because it means money for their district (12min.50sec.).
With Mr. Gerlach it comes out he has put his name under a bill he probably didn't even read (13min.14sec.).
The new project is that there are 10 sectors ruled by 10 people: "10 people you didn't vote for" (14min.1sec.). This police and military make their black lists counting who has signed petitions somewhere or so. And there are so many detention centers, for what? (14min.16sec.) - "Why do you think the standard answer is: No comment?" (14min.19sec.) - And they are doing all this "in the name of national security. Talk about the fear factor. I said it before and I say it now: I would rather face the dangers than to loose my freedom." (14min.32sec.)
[The Ebola lie and all the lies of before]
<Ebola should be really just the big case for performing the genocide program of the Club of Rome and of the eugenic criminals like Gates and Company.
But it's always more obvious who is staying behind this arranged Ebola lie.
Who is believing yet in bird flu or swine flu, SARS or Novo virus with all it's hysteria spreading the fear from a pandemic. (When swine flu was coming China had shot down a spraying airplane of CIA which was spraying the virus over China!: see here).
Fear is always one of the big businesses. And with this Ebola lie the big vaccine producers want to make cash again.
But this time there is just a bigger force behind it. The planned collapse of the system is projected which is already celebrated in Hollywood shit films like "Outbreak" - for showing the model.
We remember of TAMIFLU where the main shareholder and mass murderer Donald Rumsfeld ("American" War Minister / Foreign Minister under Bush) was making cash without end.
The Ebola virus was developed especially by the Pentagon and got a patent [so with every treatment a part of the cost is given to the patent owner].
Thus we speak about a biological weapon which was developed in an experimental laboratory in Sierra Leone and was spread artificially for having a population reducing effect giving a push to the NWO.>
And there is still this video with a lorry with coffins and with a certain logo on it:
Video: FEMA Coffins On Masonic Trucks Coming To YOUR Neighborhood Soon!!! Make Viral!!! (2min.17sek.)
Video: FEMA Coffins On Masonic Trucks Coming To YOUR Neighborhood Soon!!! Make Viral!!! (2min.17sek.)
Here some coffins are transported on a lorry for the FEMA concentrations camps, and on the lorry there is a clear logo visible from the criminal Free Masons with a compass and a right angle. The criminal Free Masons seem to be directly connected with the criminal warmongers of FEMA and Halliburton:
Lorry with FEMA coffins in the "U.S.A." - zoom
The symbol of the criminal free masons with the compass and the right angle on the lorry with the FEMA coffins
[More details about the Ebola lie: flight MH17 - newspaper of Sierra Leone: only vaccinated are infected - mass vaccination planned for 2015 - stage director without protection on the airport with an Ebola patient]
<There is a connection between this biological weapon's laboratory to the launch of the flight MH17 committed by the elite in the Ukraine which is shown here.
The biggest newspaper of Sierra Leone did speak about lies herself and indicated that only the vaccinated people had fallen ill: see here, and the 2,000 "U.S." troops brought for fighting the virus are only another maneuver.
For "America" a theater is planned which should begin only in 2015 really because then - this indicates the woman speaker of WHO (see the video below) a vaccine will be prepared for "providing" the daily 5 to 10,000 newly infected people.
Here is also a good article by Nikki Vogt on the web site "creative thinking.tv" (quer-denken.tv): see here.
When Ebola patients arrive then the stage director is walking around with open camera lens.
We are defrauded and defrauded again and again. And again and again the people will not fall into the cheap trap. They will wake up more and more and they begin to ask, they will not want to be tricked any more and they block for being sold on the market. The effects are coming, the giant lies of the media are always more and more detected, and just these lies are the reason that the enlightenment is becoming more and more strong.
Thus nobody will want any vaccine any more and therefore will not be affected with the lethal elements.>
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