Genocide state "U.S.A." 2015 -
Fuck You "U.S.A."! - Brick the Pentagons up - done!
1. 20 million natives (primary nations, "Indians") were
2. millions of blacks (first as slaves) were murdered, I
estimate 5 million - and many "Amis" are in racist
congregations like Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
3. by bombings 600.000 to 1 million Germans were murdered
1943-1945 when the war was extended deliberately waiting
for the atomic bomb against Germany
4. Berlin was given to Stalin deliberately, and 1945-1950
AFTER the war 12 million Germans were killed or criminal
Zionist "USA" let them kill (refugees, Rhine meadow camps,
provoked famines by rejecting complete food trains from
the Red Cross) - and German history was faked completely
5. millions of Vietnamese were murdered or damaged by
Agent Orange for life without any reason
6. millions of Muslims are murdered since the installation
of racist Zionist state of Israel in 1948 - these wars in
the Middle East are organized in the second Pentagon, from
the big "U.S." military base in Ramstein in Germany
7. actions for murdering the own population for having war
reasons: Pearl Harbor of 1941 was known 10 days before
with about 2,400 lethal victims, and on 9/11/2001 WTC was
blast by atomic bombs 70m under the earth with about 2,700
people murdered - and air planes are hijacked and
passengers robbed (probably for organ trade of CIA)
8. "U.S.A." are going on murdering around with
Rockefeller, Rothschild and Kissinger with their criminal
"organizations" CFR, UNO, CIA, NATO, Bilderberger.
Trilateral Commission (TC) and JSOC
9. CIA is collaborating with the English secret service
MI6, German secret service BND, and Swiss secret service
SND for profits from the Organized Crime (dealing in
weapons, drugs, women, children, money laundering etc.)
10. Complete regions are contaminated by uranium bombs
with cancer and deformed babies (Balkans, Basra, Faluja
11. In Asia many towns are sinking: Bangkok, Jakarta, in
China over 50 towns Shanghai inclusive, but "U.S.A." are
going on with wars ans mass murder instead of helping Asia
(criminal CIA is making it's profit then after the big
catastrophes because women will be cheaper for woman
12. Lying media of "U.S.A." and CIA never stop with
maneuvers and propaganda for wars
13. Since 2014 "U.S.A." are trying to arrange war against
Russia and want to force Europe for a war
14. More wars for more genocides and mass murders are
pesticides (e.g. from Monsanto, among others big damage
with bees and with fertility of humans), genetic altered
food damaging animals and humans (Monsanto), weather
manipulations (HAARP), chemtrails (strips in the sky),
tsunamis (provoked by atomic bombs on the ground of the
sea without any earthquakes before or after, 2004+2011),
fracking (contamination of underground water), hijacking
airplanes robbing passengers (organ trade of CIA,
September 11, 2001, MH370, MH17, Germanwings 9525) etc.
15. And "USA" with the government (Rockefeller,
Rothschild, Kissinger+ 1 puppet President) and CIA are
even feeling "good" and they mean that all this wold be
16. "USA" are a neurotic terrorist state with murder
neurosis and war neurosis since their foundation in 1776!
17. Until today (2015) the natives NOT ONE SINGLE SEAT in
the White House and are DISCRIMINATED from any politics!
18. The corrupt clique with Rockefeller, Rothschild and
Kissinger (TC, Committee of 300) let also perform
political murder (Kennedy, Moro, scientists with water
engine, journalists etc.) or calumnies and overthrows are
organized (Goldwater 1964, Chile 1973, invented Watergate
against Nixon 1973, the mullah revolution in Iran in 1979
was organized by "U.S.A." and Europe, Marcos 1986,
Thatcher was overthrown because of her "independence" in
1990 etc.)
These "U.S.A." are not needed. Fuck You "U.S.A."! Fuck You
CIA! Piss off from the landscape and then peace will come!
We don't need any "U.S.A."!
And Zionist Israel with racism and land robbery against
Muslims is not needed either!
Surround the Pentagon - brick it up - done!
Ramstein=Pentagon 2 for the Middle East - brick it up -
It is proved that these "U.S.A." are
a neurotic genocide state, a mass murder state, a
holocaust state, and they NEVER learn what ist peace,
thus these "USA" have no right to exist any more.
Michael Palomino, April 22, 2015
is the shit of criminal "U.S.A." since 2001 - one
should detain the main criminals at last:
Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger, and the CIA:
Fuck You
"USA": WTC was powdered by 3 underground
atomic bombs, it was a mass murder of
about 2,700 persons on Sept. 11, 2001

Fuck You
"USA": atomic weapons were launched
against Japan, agent orange was launched
against Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia - and
they launched uranium bombs against Iraq

You "USA": Pentagon 1 is in Washington,
and Pentagon 2 is in Ramstein (Germany),
these are houses of death [8+9]

Fuck You
"USA": Monsanto is killing everywhere
with PCB, dioxin, agent orange,
pesticides, genetic manipulated plants,
and the pesticide "Roundup" is even
exterminating the bees etc. [10]
Detain these hyper criminals Rockefeller, Rothschild and
Kissinger and CIA with CFR, Bilderberger, Trilateral
Commission, NATO, JSOC etc.!!! Otherwise the maneuvers,
fakes and crimes will go on without end...
And this yet:
since 1945 criminal Switzerland is the European
center of CIA and it's also the
center for criminal pedofilia by politicians under the
protection of NATO...