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Learner: Primary Nations in the "US" territory (natives, indians)

1. Introduction

Map of the "USA" with natives
                  primary nations  
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1]

"Reserve" = open-air concentration camp.

the Golden Three - the three golden fruits

Trail of Tears

This is a principle: Bible + stock market = barbarism + destruction of  other cultures + genocide

presented by Michael Palomino (2023)



from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians.html (in 2023 not online any more)


1. Natives of the "USA": Introduction

The United States was not always divided into the 50 states we know today. Many distinct Indian tribes originally inhabited each of the regions that are now part of the country.

Currently, it is thought that the continent's original inhabitants arrived between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, after crossing a "land bridge" between Asia and North America. [In those times, the sea level was about 60m deeper and the landbridge between Russia and Alaska was real].

Map of the "USA" with natives
                primary nations  
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1]

Some figures

The genocide in "America"
The mass murder of the indigenous peoples of "America" has long been recognized as genocide, only the perpetrators are NEVER named: criminal Jesus-fantasy "Christians"!

-- see the Mossad-Wikipedia with the website "Genocide of indigenous peoples"

In this article, "just under 100 million indigenous people" are estimated for all of "America".
Statement by Henry F. Dobyns; In the book: Charles C. Mann: "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus"

-- Population decline of up to 100 million: Book by David Stannard published in 1993: "American Holocaust".

-- and 145 million total before 1491 estimates the book by McKenna, Erin, and Scott L. Pratt: "American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present." Bloomsbury 2015

-- in 1965, yet 500,000 natives were living in the "USA", this is indicated by the "US" school book "Trails to Freedom" of 1965, p.263 [web06].

Well, now it's clear what is a "Christian": praying bullshit and killing other cultures around.

Various estimates for the number of Native Americans in "America" by 1491
-- just under 100 million (all together: North "America," Central "America," and South "America" combined) [Henry F. Dobyns; In: Charles C. Mann: 1491 - web01]
-- 20 million [Joachim Kahl: Misery p.40 - web02]
-- 20 million for the "USA" (my estimate).

Number of murdered aborigines
-- Native Americans reduced by up to 100 million from 1492 to the 1890s (Wounded Knee massacre) [David Stannard - web03]

Types of deaths in the genocide against Native Americans in "America" - systematic decimation by the criminal "Christians" from Europe
-- the criminal Vatican claimed in 1492 that the whole world belonged to him and divided the world into a Spanish and Portuguese zone, and the English then thought in the same way that the whole world belonged to them, and thus companies on the stock exchange were connected with speculation - and so the "Christian" megalomania was provoked against all other cultures. The criminal English "Christians" with their stock exchange in London were very special and made a marketing trick: They promised in England that "America" was "virgin land", "free land", without even mentioning the native peoples. So the natives became victims of 1) criminal "Christians" (worst racists), 2) stock exchange and 3) marketing with it's lies - and in the end 4) also multiple gold rushes. This principle Bible+stock exchange=genocide was applied in the "USA" and  partly also in Canada and India.

-- The modes of death in the 1st century of confrontation were mainly the spread of diseases by the criminal "Christians" (smallpox, cholera, influenza),

-- from the 2nd century of confrontation, the genocide of the criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" against the indigenous people continued with war, mass murder, deportation, starvation on reservations, etc.
-- violence [murders, shootings, sterilization]
-- displacement [deportation to reservations, starvation marches, starving to death] and
-- wars against the Indians ["David versus Goliath"] by the colonizers contributed to the death toll in subsequent centuries. [38] As described in American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present (2015).
[Website: Genocide of Indigenous Peoples - web04]

-- The Spaniards in Central- and South-"Amerka" achieved the destruction of  cultures of the natives also with contaminated blankets as a "gift", in addition also defamation, hunger discrimination, slavery in mines, prohibition of cults, "Christian" propaganda etc..

1-God-religions are pure fantasy
-- overall, the fantasy God from Rome does not exist (the 1-God movement in Judaism is false, Christianity+Islam have NO basis)
-- the fantasy Jesus from Asia was NEVER there and therefore will NEVER come
-- the "Christians" invent a "devil" that does NOT exist, but demonize all other cultures and call this "freedom of worship"
-- Torah, Bible and Koran have NO author and the Torah is free poetry of ancient history in the world of about 700 B.C. (so the described geography and names do not fit with archaeology), the fantasy Jesus stories are free fiction, there are much better healers than the fantasy Jesus, and the Mohammed is also free poetry and the "holy stone" without view does not seem credible either
-- the criminal "Christians" have since 1948 their NATO - the most criminal army in the world to terrorize the world with crosses and dead bodies (churches in military camps, field preachers etc.).

Conclusion: It is clear: the criminal "Christians" are the worst and must go to a reservation to protect the world from superstition, waste of time for fantasies and discrimination and mass murder.

Mother Earth always counts: Native people with Mother Earth should be allowed to live freely again. Peace comes with Mother Earth, with the planet and its knowledge. And there were always gods, the world of gods of the aborigines, without devil.

No rights in the White House: To this day (2023), the indigenous people in the "USA" do not have a seat in the White House and no voting rights in Congress, although the criminal "Christians" have robbed them of all their land. THIS is the eternal, "Christian" racism. The "USA" is an illegal state. And fantasy "Christianism" is illegal.

<< index        >>


Henry F. Dobyns; In: Charles C. Mann: book: "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus"


The contrasting approaches of "High Counters" and "Low Counters" among historians are discussed. Among the former, anthropologist Henry F. Dobyns estimated the number of pre-Columbian Native Americans as close to 100 million, while critics of the High Counters include David Henige, who wrote Numbers from Nowhere (1998)."

Estimation of 20 million natives in whole "America" all in all:
Joachim Kahl: "Misery of [fantasy] Christiandom" (orig. German: "DAS ELEND DES [FANTASIE]-CHRISTENTUMS")
Edition Rowohlt GmbH (rororo); Reinbeck near Hamburg (Germany); August 1968/1993, p.40

[web03] David Stannard: book: "American Holocaust"

"During that time the indigenous population of the Western Hemisphere declined by as many as 100 million people."

[web04] Webseite: Genocide of indigenous peoples


"By 1900, the indigenous population in the Americas declined by more than 80%, and by as much as 98% in some areas. The effects of diseases such as smallpox, measles and cholera during the first century of colonialism contributed greatly to the death toll, while violence, displacement and warfare against the Indians by colonizers contributed to the death toll in subsequent centuries.[38] As detailed in American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present (2015),

Estimation of McKenna, Erin, and Scott L. Pratt: 145 million

It is also apparent that the shared history of the hemisphere is one which is framed by the dual tragedies of genocide and slavery, both of which are part of the legacy of the European invasions of the past 500 years. Indigenous people both north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape, and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere.[39]"

from the book of  McKenna, Erin, and Scott L. Pratt: "American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present." Bloomsbury 2015, p. 375 [web05]

[web05] Book by McKenna, Erin, and Scott L. Pratt: "American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present." Bloomsbury 2015, p. 375


In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere."

In: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_indigenous_peoples
The title is indicated in the footnote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_indigenous_peoples#cite_note-41

[web06] "US" school book by Frederica B.Coons / Prater, John / Cartwright, William H.: Trails to Freedom; Boston 1965 p.263

In 1965, yet 500.000 natives are living in the "USA". 
Web site: http://www.geschichteinchronologie.com/USA/trails-ENGL/Coons_USA-trails-without-freedom.htm

Photo sources
[1] from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians.html (in 2023 not online any more)
