Rothschild mafia
faked the crash site with puppets, rubber dolls,
faked clothes, faked luggage and airplane parts -
all clean without sinkholes and no earth on it. |
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July 17, 2014: Flight MH17 - Boeing from Malaysian Airlines affected (part 5)
More fakes with the alleged downing of MH17
Dummies of silicone and inflatable rubber dolls -- no fuselage -- intact clothes in the fireplace -- no sinkhole, no dust, no remnants of earth, but dead birds -- big parts, seats and suitcases all without sinkholes, dust or remnants of earth -- footpaths into a wheatfield for putting objects there -- comparison with normal airplane crashes -- all new passports without burn marks - why dummies do have passports? -- three questions: passengers, coroner, insurances - criminal CIA and it's "little brothers" - where is justice against the hijackers of the airplane and against "U.S.A."?
Dummy does not bleed - inflatable rubber doll with a valve, and the sock is too little - luggage code for a flight MH017 but without suitcase
A plastic suit case without damage also after a fall of 10km - tail fin in a wheatfield - air photo with footpaths into a wheatfield where objects were put for simulating a crash of an airplane
Forged passport with forged ticket - just a normal "play" of the secret services forging passports and letting them "resurrecting" again...
presented by Michael Palomino (2014)
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Dummies and rubber dolls at the "crash site"
A web site for analysis was indicating me that many "dead bodies" from the crash site near Grabovo in Ukraine are rubber dolls and dummies of silicone. Such rubber dolls and silicone dolls do not bleed, nor any cut nor any hole of a shooting gun, not important how deept the injury is. And there are even inflatable rubber dolls. Thus the photos get a new interpretation:
Rubber dolls and dummies at the faked "crash site" of flight MH of July 17, 2014
(Attention, these are reality photos, but only "old dead bodies" and dolls - of RT - Russia TV)
(from the article: <Ukraine: *VERY GRAPHIC* MH17 crash site - charred bodies lie among burning debris;
The crash site, dead bodies in individual clothes on the meadow, without injuries as it seems [1] - these are dummies being put there - it's only war propaganda!
-- dummies and rubber dolls do not bleed
-- dummies and rubber dolls were put there only AFTER the fire
-- any dust is missing on the dummies and on the rubber dolls!
-- and where are the regular passengers of MH17?
The crash site with a deformed dead body in the meadow with a separated arm a little bit braised [2] - it's an erotic rubber doll - it's only war propaganda!
The crash site with a deformed dead body in the meadow with a separated arm a little bit braised [2] - it's an erotic rubber doll - it's only war propaganda!
Crash site with big parts of an airplane and with a dead body aside, here was no fire [4] - it's a silicone dummy - it's only war propaganda!
This gray sheet is a part of a wing, but why the dead body is braised and the part of the airplane is not? Because all is arranged!
This dummy is braised and the big wounds are not bleeding - well, an erotic dummy of silicone does not bleed - it's just war propaganda!
The web site
is showing the same dummy with the title "Silicone Dummy Detected in Wreckage of MH17 Crash Hoax":
People on the world should be just scared: "It is all about shock value. [...] It’s a silicon fake." And when even underwear is not existing this is really very improbable: "Even the underwear is non-existent. How could that happen?"
It's a silicone dummy - it's just war propaganda
The eyes in this case are coming from a pop-eye mask:
Pop-eye mask [7] on an erotic silicone dummy - this is just pure war propaganda!
The ghost train of Grabovo
All this is just normal war propaganda of the criminal imperialist NATO, CIA, Pentagon, and NSA. They want to present Russia just as "bad". This location near Grabovo in Ukraine is only a ghost train on a funfair, and the regular passengers of MH17 are probably hijacked by CIA and are kept in prison somewhere on a "U.S." base in Germany or in Diego García and nobody is asking for them! The tactic of criminal CIA distracting the world diverting from the criminal action was working very well one more time!
Here inflatable rubber dolls are shown at the faked crash site of MH17 near Grabovo. At one rubber doll even a big valve is visible:
Inflatable rubber dolls and dummies at the faked "crash site" of flight MH17 of July 17, 2014 near Grabovo
(see the video on the nodisinfo web site:
(video URL: - in 2021 deleted)
Inflatable rubber doll with white trousers and without feet or shoes, or perhaps only the trousers were put here!
Inflatable rubber doll with blue trousers without head, without arms and without blood
Inflatable rubber doll with blue trousers without head, without arms and without blood
Inflatable rubber doll with blue trousers, sports shoes, soccer socks and a valve - the sock is too little!
Inflatable rubber doll with blue trousers, sports shoes, soccer socks and a valve - the sock is too little - zoom
Inflatable rubber doll with a white T-shirt of "Hilfiger", after a crash from a fall of 10km it's just completely white - no dust? no earth coming up after the impact? IMPOSSIBLE - it's all a FAKE!
All objects look like new, all is put there, without dust and without earth - no dust? No earth coming up by the impact? IMPOSSIBLE - all is a FAKE!
Two little tanks are in the grass only with little deformations - but big and round tanks will be round yet after a fall of 10km? IMPOSSIBLE - all is a fake - FAKE!
With these photos of the faked "crash site" of MH17 in Ukraine one can also see the Russian mentality and the mentality of criminal leadership of "U.S.A." with their lodges like Skull&Bones, Free Masons, ans NATO, with a mentality of sarcasm. This forged "crash site" is like a ghost train and should only scare the public:
-- all objects are absolutely clean, also after a crash of 10 km, so it's absolutely sure that all was put there
-- totally white T-shirts, wrapping shining in rose colors and seats without dust after an impact in a meadow are just IMPOSSIBLE after a fall of 10km
-- also the hardly deformed tanks without any dust nor remnants of earth are not possible after a fall of 10 km
This means that for this faked "crash site" just new physical regularities should be invented so an impact is not answered by energy of the earth any more but Earth is catching falling objects smoothly and rubber dolls are inflated automatically then!
Thus this whole story about flight MH17 of July 17 2014 is a giant fraud by the Ukrainian government. At the same time it can be admitted a collaboration with the rebels. Without collaboration with the rebels such a big faked "crash site" cannot be arranged.
At the same time there is the question where flight MH17 of July 17, 2014 really remained? Where are the regular passengers? When this CIA will be dissolved at least and when the responsible people will be put in jail for life for their criminal maneuvers? The crash site in Shanksville was a fake already in 2001. When will the journalists of the world at least wake up?
Dead body without burn marks with a white bra in a fire place - IMPOSSIBLE - this is a silicone dummy doll!
Dead body (zoom) without burn marks with a white bra in a fire place - IMPOSSIBLE - this is a silicone dummy doll!
Remembering location for MH17 near Grabovo, but there is the question yet: where have gone the regular passengers of flight MH17 of July 17, 2014?
The faked "crash site": no fuselage - objects in color and in white in the fire place - all things around are without sinkhole, without earth and without dust - and there are dead birds
There are the following facts with this forged "crash site" near Grabovo in Ukraine:
-- this faked crash site remains without fuselage and thus this crash site is nothing more than a "fire place"
-- in this giant "fire place" are also objects which have not burnt and are not even braised a little bit but such objects are put there subsequently
-- all objects around the "fire place" are put there because nothing is dirty, nothing is dusty, there is no earth having come up and also with the heaviest parts there are no sinkholes
-- this means that the complete "crash site" is a fake and was arranged
-- this means that this faked "crash site" was arranged in collaboration WITH the rebels and WITH the local population and there must be bribes of CIA and afterwards after the claimed accident nobody wants to have collaborated because everybody means having enough "proofs" in his hand against the other side
-- thus also all testimonies of the rebels and of the population have to be raised in question.
The stupid NATO journalists with their "western mainstream" media are not recognizing anything of this because they take Russia only earnest when the question is about gas, but in other things Russia is not important and has no value.
Only one fact is sure now: The original flight of MH17 was NOT shot, but the passengers are probably hijacked by CIA as the passengers were of flight MH370 and of September 11, 2001. A direct flight to Diego García is also possible from Amsterdam. And it seems that many AIDS searchers were on board with a cheap remedy against AIDS, and this success against corrupt pharma industry had to be hindered as it seems...
Here are more examples of impossibilities at the big "fire place" near Grabovo:
Big parts of the airplane, seats and suit cases - distributed in the landscape without sinkholes, without dust and without dirty earth
Examples of impossibilities from the big "fire place" near Grabovo - a crash of an airplane without fuselage...
(video from a nodisinfo web site:
(video URL: - in 2021 deleted)
Objects in full color and white objecs in the a place after a big fire are IMPOSSIBLE
Objects in full color and white objecs in the a place after a big fire are IMPOSSIBLE (02)
Burnt doll, cadaver of an animal (bird?) and prothesis at the fire place
Burnt dull, cadaver of an animal (bird?) and protesis at the fire place, zoom
Dummy parts and a protesis at the fire place, partly with original colors of an opened joint (arrow) - all a FAKE
Fire place without fuselage and a big broken part without dirt outside of the fire - IMPOSSIBLE
Why is there a parrot dead in the grass?
Why is there a parrot dead in the grass? - zoom - is this a mafia code?
Two round tanks are in the grass with holes, but without any sinkhole and without any dirt!
Two round tanks are in the grass with holes, but without any sinkhole and without any dirt, zoom
Dead bird with broken feathers in the grass - is this a mafia code?
Dead bird with broken feathers in the grass, zoom
Round tank with a hole, but without sinkhole, without dust or remnants of earth
Two round tanks with holes, but without sinkholes, dust or remnants of earth
The big fire place with colorful and white parts in it - it's just IMPOSSIBLE
There is a little part of metal with the number 398
There is a little part of metal with the number 398, zoom
There is a shoe in the grass - but there are no ore shoes in the grass
A seat with a dummy in the grass - no blood
The dummy in the seat - no blood
A seat with a dummy in a wheatfield - no blood
A dummy with half trousers in a wheatfield - no blood
A dummy with half trousers in a wheatfield - no blood 02
An indefinable flat cake in the grass in the meadow - no blood 01
An indefinable flat cake in the grass in the meadow - no blood 02
An indefinable flat cake in the grass in the meadow - no blood 03
An indefinable flat cake in the grass in the meadow - no blood 04
Dummy without clothes - a man without chest hair - on a meadow with some painted spots - 1st the wrinkle is visible as puppet - 2nd the arm does not match to the shoulder - 3d the big wound does not bleed - it seems the pupped was damaged during it's transport...
There is a leg of a dummy or of an actor in the grass. The burning does not look fresh - and all other "dead bodies" don't have such burnings!
A double seat on a meadow, without dust, without earth, without sinkhole
A dummy without clothes sitting in one of the seats without dust nor earth nor sinkhole
A dummy in a seat without clothes and without dust nor earth nor sinkhole 02
There is the question why dummies are in seats without clothes - because they are just dummies...
In the fire place (!) are clothes in full color without damage
In the fire place (!) are clothes in full color without damage 02
This "fire place" is only a fire place, any big part of the airplane is missing, no fuselage 01
This "fire place" is only a fire place, any big part of the airplane is missing, no fuselage 02
This "fire place" is only a fire place, any big part of the airplane is missing, no fuselage 03
This piece of metal and this luggage code are near the fire place but no part of them is braised
A luggage code of flight MH17 (MH017) - but any suitcase is missing!
A luggage code of flight MH17 (MH017), zoom - and the suitcase is missing yet!
All this is the proof that CIA has hijacked the passengers, but the luggage was brought to Grabovo to Ukraine and is in the rain now somewhere. ALL personal rights are hurt. Criminal CIA is doing with the people what he wants, for CIA the law does NOT count. When these maneuvers of CIA will be stopped?
The big parts of the airplane look very "shred", but
-- with the big parts all round forms are conserved, there are no dents
-- all is very clean
-- the big parts have no dust nor dirty earth on it
-- and there are no sinkholes - and all this IS IMPOSSIBLE
-- and there are even suitcases of heard plastic which survived a fall of 10 km WITHOUT DAMAGE - and also this is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE.
Confirm yourself:
Big debris parts of the airplane allegedly from a crash of flight MH17 of July 17, 2014 near Grabovo in Ukraine
(see the video on a nodisinfo web site:
(video URL: - in 2021 deleted)
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines at the roadside
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines at the roadside, zoom 1
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines at the roadside, zoom 2
Big parts at the roadside and in a field
Parts of the interior of the airplane in the grass, very clean
Colored part of the airplane in blue and red upright with a registration number MRO
Luggage without dust, earth, sinkhole, and a white T-shirt
Luggage without dust, earth, sinkhole, and a white T-shirt, zoom
List of persons and a leaflet of rent a car Köhler (Autorent Köhler)
List of persons, zoom
Not damaged suitcase of hard plastic with content without any damage
Luggage without dust, remnants of earth or sinkhole, but with a laptop in the field
They are pretending as if the passengers of MH17 were traveling without any big luggage! The criminal culprits are: criminal CIA, Pentagon, NATO and NSA and as it seems also secret service of Ukraine and the rebel commanders. They all were bribed by CIA for this maneuver.
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines without dust nor earth nor sinkhole at he roadside
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines without dust nor earth nor sinkhole at he roadside, view to the interior and a part of a wing 01
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines without dust nor earth nor sinkhole at he roadside, view to the interior and a part of a wing 02
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines without dust nor earth nor sinkhole at he roadside, view to the interior and a part of a wing, and there is a dummy in the background (arrow)
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines with the tail fin with it's anchorage, without dust nor earth nor sinkhole, it was just put into a wheatfield carefully
Big part of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines with the tail fin with it's anchorage, without dust nor earth nor sinkhole, it was just put into a wheatfield carefully - zooom
Tail fin without rudder, but with holes
Tail fin without rudder, but with holes 02
Tail fin with the logo of Malaysian Airlines without rudder
The end of the tail fin without rudder in the wheatfield
Faking holes, take off a rudder or cut wings - all this is an easy work for a fake which should provoke the initial step for a Third World War...
Also the end of the tail fin has got holes - and is without rudder
The tail fin without rudder but with the logo of Malaysian Airlines
The tail fin without rudder but with the logo of Malaysian Airlines, view to the anchorage
The tail fin without rudder but with the logo of Malaysian Airlines, view to the anchorage 02
A part of the interior of an airplane in a meadow
A part of the interior of an airplane in a meadow with the shield "Amaran"
Another part of the interior of an airplane in a meadow without dust nor earth nor sinkhole
Another part of the interior of the airplane in a meadow, overview
The big part of an airplane at the roadside - can be any airplane with a red stripe
A memorial site - but the real passengers are missing - there are only "old dead bodies", dummies and dolls
The CIA helicopter was transporting the debris and the luggage very carefully and put it at different places without leaving any crater - the CIA helicopter driver's work was perfect and well payed for sure...
Example: little parts were put into the wheatfield - foot paths visible on the air photo
Another web site of shows clearly an example of the wheatfield near the fire place how little parts or luggage pieces were put into the weat field:
Example of the "prepared" crash site with the distribution of objects in the neighboring wheatfield - comparison with normal crashs of airplanes with a compressed cockpit and an intact tail fin
See here the air photo with the fireplace of MH17 and with the wheatfield with the paths for putting objects there
Zoom of the air photo of the wheatfield near the fire place with the foot paths for putting objects there deliberately
Hey, don't let you trick!
First the media claimed that the airplane was coming down "in one piece" because the two engines were together at the crash site. So this is also the normal case and the scenery is the following one:
-- the cockpit is intact, eventually compressed
-- the middle is exploding and burning because the fuel of the wings is exploding
-- the tail fin is normally intact and is erecting as the only part which is intact yet
-- or a bigger part of the rear is breaking and remained intact somewhere and the passengers survive.
Here are two examples:
Crash of an airplane in Tunisia, the tail fin is erecting intact, news of Feb 21, 2014 - and the crash of an airplane of Crossair on Nov 24, 2001 near Zurich with the view from the front: cockpit compressed, middle part burnt, and the tail fin is erecting intact.![]()
Crash in Tunisia:
The fireplace near Grabovo with the heap of debris and two little engines allegedly from a Boeing777 from flight MH17 of July 17, 2014
This is al a BIG LIE: There is NO airplane existing but the big parts of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines were "distributed" at roadsides and in some fields - and all this is not working when an airplane is coming down "in one piece". At the same time some luggage of the passengers was brought there and was distributed carefully thus also suitcases of hard plastic got NO damage.
Thus: don't let you trick, all this is a complete big lie. How could mobile phones be stolen from the dummies seems also a big fake and seems to be only one more faked news as so many other news - but the following questions remain:
Criminal CIA should know all this because CIA is behind the maneuvers manipulating Boeing airplanes, and about 3 months ago CIA was "taking" the leadership of the secret police of Ukraine and now we have what CIA is doing: There are just criminal maneuvers without end.
After 6 hijacked Boeing airplanes with passengers (4 airplanes on Sep 11, 2001, and now the airplanes from the flights MH370 and MH17) one can conclude that Boeing airplanes are not safe any more. Boycott it as long as CIA is existing. Also insurances can boycott Boeing evading big damages.
And there is also the passport story:
All passports are brand-new without burn marks? Are they "resurrected" from the big fire?
On September 11, 2001 already criminal CIA was playing with passports and was producing an intact passports from the debris of the WTC. The same is happening also in the case of MH17 - and the world wide public is still not detaining these criminals from CIA. Safety forces of Grabovo are presenting "passports" of the alleged flight passengers whereas neither passengers nor passports were in Grabovo! And when they were then all is said to be burnt! For a research one can search on YouTube
passports MH17
or in German also
Pässe MH17
and then the documentations come showing how a local police officer is showing dozens of new passports - all are wonderful fakes WITHOUT ANY BURN MARKS - hyper criminal CIA and his "little brothers" make it possible!
Search result of YouTube of July 26, 2014 for "MH17" and "passports" - only CIA knows how new passports come out of a big fire...
There are not only forged passports but also forged tickets
(see for example here in this video: <BUSTED! 'Fresh Passports' Pulled From Truck at Flight MH17 Crash Site!> -
Brand-new faked passports for the original passengers of flight MH17 of July 17, 2014 - even with forged tickets, shown by a police commander
There is an intelligent web site of Mr. Don R. Wetter (in German "Donnerwetter", means "Thunderstorm"). The title of the web site is "Striking facts about the passports of flight MH17" (original in German: Auffälligkeiten zu den Pässen von Flug MH17 - Now this video is showing some examples how the passports are faked (originally the video is from
Hole in the passport - triangle cut out of a passport
A police officer is playing with brand-new passports on a meadow - a passport from the town of Naarden in Holland
A passport van der Meer - a passport with a deleted entry of being invalid
A passport van Keulen - another passport with a deleted entry of being invalid
A passport of Singh - the watermark is visible here which should not at all be visible
So all passports are brand-new and without any burn marks - it's all a fake
Conclusions: "fire place", "old dead bodies", dummies and rubber dolls, spread parts and spread luggage of the airplane, and passports having "resurrected"
Well, and there is the following result of all this:
-- at the "crash site" respectively the "fire place" near Grabovo there are only "old dead bodies" respectively dummies and rubber dolls, and the regular passengers of flight MH17 are hijacked by CIA in a prison somewhere like the passengers of flight MH370 were hijacked
-- and the big parts of the airplane are distributed without sinkholes sometimes just at the roadside
-- and the "old dead bodies" and the dolls should have passports thus passports were faked for "resurrection" - and the real passports are with the hijacked passengers.
Criminal CIA and his "little brothers" (Pentagon, NATO, NSA, right extreme Zionist center Wiesenthal in Los Angeles, Mosad etc.) just wanted to show what they "can do":
-- hijack passengers by remote control (on September 11, 2001 four Boeings were hijacked, in 2014 two Boeings with flight MH370 and Mh17)
-- passports are faked respectively are "resurrected" from a fire again
-- dummies and rubber dolls are put
-- "old dead bodies" are arranged (this was the case in Shanksville on Sep 11, 2001 already and is repeating in Grabovo in Ukraine now).
So where is the court in Den Haag for stopping the hijacking actions of criminal CIA etc.?
This is only a little part of the criminal repertoire which is dominating the heads of the people of CIA - always combined with beer and whiskey. There is a strong alcoholism there, above all in the "American" lodges with Rothschild and Rockefeller. We are asking us when justice will block this criminal "U.S.A." at least (criminal CIA, Pentagon, NATO, NSA and their "little brothers" like Boeing, Bilderberger, Free Masons, and Skull&Bones).
Michael Palomino has got 3 questions
Three questions: passengers? - coroners? - insurances? Where is the court in Den Haag blocking hijacking of airplanes and blocking this "U.S.A."?
Since 1898 "U.S.A." is executing the "strategy" to destroy any foreign country for having more "economic growth" destroying the complete world in this way, only "U.S.A." will not be destroyed. Now "U.S.A." was making so many wars that bankruptcy can be awaited and the leading elite wants a Third World War for saving themselves from bankruptcy - they mean! But the destruction of all other states is just calculated - this is not important to "U.S.A.". This maneuver was just a trial to make people in the world in Europe and in Russia so furious manipulate the whole world into a Third World War.
When will be the court of Den Haag at least for limiting these "U.S.A."?
Journalists, administrations and insurances on the whole world should "wake up" at least limiting this aggression of "U.S.A.".
Boycot Boeing: You don't have to fly with a Boeing, there is also Airbus, Ilyushin etc. Only in Asia and in the "U.S.A." Boeing is dominating, in Asia because Asian people are considering European as colonialists yet. This is up tu them, then they will be steered by remote control - they are just anyway steered by remote control as long as these "U.S.A." will not be limited by Den Haag.
Michael Palomino, July 27, 2014
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Rothschild mafia
faked the crash site with puppets, rubber dolls,
faked clothes, faked luggage and airplane parts -
all clean without sinkholes and no earth on it. |
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indicated in the text