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"Moon plays": The moon was the Earth - Lies and Truth in the Atmosphere
7. Gagarin is a lie: The contradictions and the impossibilities for a Gagarin Earth orbit
Corrected radio communication - Gagarin fotos with deformed eyebrow - wrong helmets without "CCCP" - variations of Gagarin in the bus - group foto as a mixture of foto and painting - painted launch pad without rocket - sitting test with trouser legs in the background - several rocket models - blurred fotos from the capsule which should not exist - "CCCP" missing again - several landing capsules - Gagarin during the landing in a parachute suit without helmet
That is said to be Gagarin on the launch pad, without rocket, without side holders,
without "CCCP" on the helmet, and without depth of field.
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2021)
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-- www.lostcosmonauts.com, www.raumfahrer.net and other Internet sources
-- Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies In Space]. Knaur 2005
since July 1963 approx.
Official historiography: Gagarin takes over the leadership of the "Soviet" moon research
With this Gagarin incorporates for all humans of the whole Eastern Bloc the hope that a group of astronauts could be lead to the moon.
Add to this Gagarin together with Vladimir Lebedev is writing a book "psychology in space".
Official historiography: Gagarin's further posts
-- Gagarin presides the technical commission of the "Soviet" water ski association in Cuba
-- Gagarin presides the association for "Soviet"-Cuban friendship
-- Gagarin is member of the Central committee of the organization "Komsomol".
"SU": Gagarin's essay "My Flight Into Space" - the faked radio communication can be proved
The essay is published in German in 1964. The wrong radio communication with the claim having been over "America" at 9:57 on his flight is corrected in the essay. Now Gagarin claims he had seen a dark ocean on 9:57 (Wisnewski, p.52).
So, the "transmission" from the alleged flight in the upper atmosphere [the propaganda says: "in space"] is definitively a fake (Wisnewski, p.52).
[So the indication that the radio communication of the alleged Gagarin flight had been a fake is definitively no conspiracy theory but the conspiracy is the other way round. There is a "Soviet" state fraud: Deliberately wrong data was published to frighten the "USA", as Sputnik 1 flew over "America". But because Vostok should land in the "Soviet Union" the flight path could not have been placed over the "USA"...].
since 1964 approx.
"SU": Gagarin fotos are handed in "later"
All in all from Gagarin are published many photos after the flight and are handed in later showing Gagarin in a space suit but never during a flight. There is even an absolute proof that the photos are not from his flight:
Gagarin Fotos with the deformed left eyebrow
Fotos with the deformed left eyebrow are made after the time of the accident of the 3 October 1961 for sure, absolutely after the time of the alleged "flight" (Wisnewski, p.44).
Gagarin as an astronaut with deformed left eyebrow:
This is an arranged foto after his "flight".
Conclusion: This is no conspiracy theory, but this is pure logic.
Gagarin Fotos with Gagarin in a space suit and with a helmet without "CCCP"
Gagarin fotos showing Gagarin in a space suit with a helmet without the inscription "CCCP" are all arranged fotos or even foto compositions. At the foto in the middle the helmet is absolutely in an oblique position. In the right foto of the title page of the review "TIME" Gagarin is presented in a milkboy's helmet. Better cannot be shown that something is wrong with Gagarin...
During the time of the "Cold war" with a Berlin Wall and a rising Vietnam war it's impossible that a "Soviet" astronaut is shown on fotos with a helmet without "CCCP", it's an impossibility. These are all faked fotos.
And the foto in the middle comes from the website of a "space flight specialist" Sven Grahn:
P.S.: This is no conspiracy theory, stupid Wikipedia, but this is logic.
Different manipulated fotos of Gagarin in the bus on the transport to the access ramp
According to Wisnewski the fotos showing allegedly Gagarin sitting in the bus during the ride to the access ramp are manipulated in different variations, with and without persons in the background, an the head in this position is variated for other purposes as well.
Alleged Gagarin fotos showing Gagarin in the bus on the ride to the alleged access ramp
Juri Gagarin in the bus allegedly on the way to the access ramp. The cosmonaut behind Gagarin is allegedly German Titov as "back-up pilot" who becomes pilot of "Vostok 2".
In the background are standing the cosmonauts Grigorij Neljubov and Andrian Nikolajev.
This position of Gagarin in the bus is used in the "SU" propaganda for different purposes:
Juri Gagarin in the Bus (left), in the same position without background (middle) or on an autograph card (right) with a newspaper's headline in the background smiling. The head is always in the same position, the face is variated. According to Wisnewski the foto with Gagarin in the bus was used for different purposes.
The group foto with Gagarin in the flying suit is a fake
The "SU" propaganda publishes a group foto of pilots where Gagarin is put on the first place. The mistakes:
-- the flying suit and the belt buckles of Gagarin are faked and painted (Wisnewski, p.37-38)
-- Gagarin's head (taken from a foto) is in an oblique position set on the neck (painted flying suit)
-- the left arm is deformed because the left upper arm is much too long and the forearm is too short
-- and the right and the left shoulder have not the same level.
The whole "composition" looks really deformed (Wisnewski, p.38).
But also the third pilot is deformed: The right shoulder is coming out from the body too low and the left arm seems to have two arm ankles...
(observation Palomino)
All in all the picture is a mixture of foto and painting. KGB had bad painters...
The Gagarin foto with Gagarin at the access ramp is a painting and the rocket is missing...
The foto allegedly showing Gagarin at the access ramp is absolutely blurred just at Gagarin's face. It could be any other astronaut. and at the helmet the inscription "CCCP" is missing. But in the bus the inscription "CCCP" was allegedly on the helmet (Wisnewski, p.43-44).
And on the picture any rocket or any side holder is missing. There is no rocket. When one looks precisely at the persons one can see that the foto is a painting, a normal Communist propaganda poster in the style of Stalin or Mao.
(Observation Palomino)
This is no conspiracy theory, stupid Wikipedia, but this is fact.
The painted picture allegedly with Yuri Gagarin at the access ramp without rocket, without side holders, without "CCCP" on the helmet and without depth of field
Yuri Gagarin allegedly on the ramp, obviously a faked painted picture without rocket, without side holders, without "CCCP" on the helmet and without depth of field at all.
Yuri Gagarin allegedly on the access ramp, blurred head without depth of field, obviously a painted faked picture. And the inscription "CCCP" on the helmet is missing.(Observation Palomino)
A helmet without "CCCP" before the start to an Earth orbit flight as "first human in space" during the Cold War is impossible.
The eyebrows are oblique directed to the nose, and the man has a big walrus mustache. Also by this the face would not correspond to the basic features of Gagarin's face.
(Foto from: Quarante ans après Youri Gagarin, http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Gagarine-40.html)
Fotos with Gagarin in the atmosphere ship which should not exist: Gagarin in a suit on a seat
The alleged fotos are said to show Gagarin in an astronaut suit in a sitting position. A comparison shows that in the background some trouser legs of another person, and this without any deformation by a bent glass and without any reflexion, absolutely unreal for a Vostok capsule. Thus Gagarin was not in a capsule here but was trying out an ejection seat. On the helmet the inscription "CCCP" can be seen. The "SU" propaganda publishes the foto on the ejections seat as fotos before liftoff. Which trouser leg should have been besides Gagarin in the cabin before liftoff on the top of the rocket (Wisnewski, p.43)?
Fotos of Gagarin's alleged rocket for the alleged flight: Three versions
The media present three versions of the rocket with which Gagarin is said to be launched into the Earth orbit [perhaps there are even more than three]:
-- the rocket starts in a form of a rising cucumber
-- the rocket has the form of a projectile with a large ring at the end for stabilization (Wisnewski, p.47)
-- or the rocket has got the form of a medicament capsule with many little antennas (in space) (Wisnewski, p.48)
[-- or the rocket has the form of a bazooka, the mostly used picture].
Blurred fotos with Gagarin in the atmosphere capsule? These fotos should not even exist...
In April 1961 Gagarin and the "SU" leadership had declared officially that there had been taken no fotos of the Gagarin "flight" from the atmosphere capsule. But then fotos are published where Gagarin is allegedly shown during his "flight" in an atmosphere capsule.
But these fotos are absolutely blurred and can represent easily another person. The fotos fit well into the tactic of the Cold War to spread fear (Wisnewski, p.45).
Fotos of Gagarin in the atmosphere capsule? "CCCP" is missing again!
This is said to be Yuri Gagarin in his capsule during the mission "Vostok 1" in a model "Vostok 3". (http://www.answers.com/topic/vostok-1).
The foto is not possible because no interior foto was taken.
Probably the foto is a variation of the foto with Gagarin in the bus, with another manipulated background an turned a little bit, or it's a foto from a simulator. Add to this it is blurred to pretend heavy conditions saying it would not be possible to make sharp fotos during a high atmosphere flight.
Right: This is said to be Gagarin in an atmosphere capsule during the mission "Vostok 1". (http://www.br73.net/vostok_1.htm)
The fotos are not possible because officially said by "SU" government and according to testimony of Gagarin in 1961 no interior foto was taken. From the head can be seen a little part, but it's not possible to see who it is. The fotos are blurred to pretend heavy conditions saying it would not be possible to make sharp fotos during a flight, and the blurred fotos should spread fear in the world because nobody can precisely say who the person is.
Add to this there is missing the inscription "CCCP" on the helmet which should appear on the first and on the second foto. This is absolutely impossible on a flight which should show the "first man in space" during the Cold War.
It can be any astronaut on the blurred fotos, in any situation, from any nation because there is no precise proof possible where the foto was taken and who the person is and which nationality the person is.
This is no conspiracy theory, but this is clear logic.
The camera positions in the atmosphere capsule of model "Vostok 3" according to Wisnewski
Officially on board of the manned "Soviet" Vostok atmosphere ships two cameras are installed: One camera taking fotos from a front position at a knee level, another from the right side. But the alleged Gagarin fotos from the alleged "flight" are made from three different positions, e.g. frontal from the top or from the left side. So these are positions where never was installed a camera (Wisnewski, p.45).
[When the photos do not correspond with the positions of the cameras, so all the photos are a fake and are published after the "alleged" flight to justify the diagrams. Speculations may go on...].
An "American" TV station shows Gagarin fotos from the right side. According to Wisnewski also these fotos are wrong, and the film is totally blurred that the astronaut cannot be recognized (Wisnewski, p.45-46).
From the height of the knee only one film exists which should not exist according to Gagarin [probably it has been produced after the alleged "flight" in a simulator in a staying position] (Wisnewski, p.46).
[Add to this the camera is indicated in a high position and not in a position of the knee, see here].
The faked Gagarin fotos are accepted by the media despite of all contradictions because in the "USA" these fotos provoke a counter energy against the "Soviet Union" for the "moon landing program". This way the dollars will come for it...].
Book of Gagarin: "I was the first human in space": Confirmation of the tape - some more impossibilities
Gagarin cult: The book "I was the first man in space".
Gagarin confirms in his book "I was the first human in space" that there shall have been a tape in the atmosphere capsule:
"In the cabin of 'Vostok' also was a tape recorder that was switched on by the cosmonaut when he began to speak. When the territory of the USSR was overflown all recorded text was transmitted to the Earth."
(orig.: "In der Kabine der 'Wostok' befand sich ferner ein Tonbandgerät, das vom Kosmonauten jedes Mal eingeschaltet wurde, sobald er anfing zu sprechen. Wenn er das Territorium der UdSSR überflog, wurde alles, was auf dem Tonband aufgenommen worden war, zur Erde gesendet." (Wisnewski, S.50)
By this the manipulation is admitted, and another reason for the tape is "found" (Wisnewski, p.50).
[But it seems strange why there is a tape needed recording all sayings of Gagarin when there is a radio transmission and the whole world is listening and recording this. Add to this there were no tapes with the following missions resp. tapes are never mentioned any more].
6. The spiritual condition of the "SU" leadership and the KGB - and the spiritual condition of the media people
Conclusions of Michael Palomino about the faked Gagarin
1. No Earth orbit without astronaut suit and without "CCCP" inscription
The document situation in case of Gagarin with painted fotos, with many fotos without "CCCP" inscription at the helmet before the start and in the cabin, with wrong radio transmissions and with landing fotos with a parachute suit is absolutely clear: Yuri Gagarin never performed an Earth orbit, but Gagarin performed an absolutely normal parachute jump by order of KGB and the "SU" leadership at the right time. Gagarin shall have changed the suit in the atmosphere ship, and this is absolutely impossible. With the many more contradictions and impossibilities about the alleged Gagarin flight the indications are more and more indicating that a parachute jump was the real scenario.
2. It's possible that Gagarin did not even a parachute jump
It can be that the fotos about the landing in a parachute suit are archive fotos from Gagarin's parachute club, and that Gagarin not even did a jumps on that day but was waiting in a secret room in a village not far from Moscow to be presented at the right time to the public. Why should the "SU" regime risk a parachute jump when the procedure could be realized also without any jump? In this case would have defined the "landing spot" in advance: within the site of Gagarin's parachute club. Perhaps the club management was even involved and had nothing against to be the "landing point" of the "first man in space".
3. There is not one single foto of Gagarin during the alleged landing in an astronaut suit
It would have been the minimum to perform a parachute jump in an astronaut suit with helmet with the inscription "CCCP". But it seems the manipulators of the "SU" regime not even have considered this and it seems there was also no foto of a rehearsal of a parachute landing in an astronaut suit before. The responsibles had so many atmospheric programs in their heads that they seem having forgotten to rehearse the Gagarin landing in an astronaut suit. So, all in all this seems to be a bad work of KGB and the "SU" leadership. But the "scientists" and the stupid media on the world accepted this lie as a whole, by the order of president Kennedy...
4. Since the moon landing scenario since 1968 nobody was interested in the "Soviet" atmosphere flight any more
The faked Gagarin could be kept in the encyclopedias as "first man in space" because the West had no interest any more for the "Soviet" atmosphere flight after the faked moon landings in TV. With the moon landing scenario in the simulation centers at Langley and Houston with the film faking studios and foto faking studios of CIA at Langley the "Soviet" atmosphere past was deleted in the Western block resp. only Gagarin as a "first man in space" was worth mentioning.
The state machinery is organizing, truth is capitulating...
5. No conspiracy theory
By all this the conclusion that Yuri Gagarin has never performed an Earth orbit is no conspiracy theory but this conclusion is the logic of the evidence as it is presented in the children's detective books of the fourth class level of the primary school already.
By this it can be determined that the spiritual condition of the "SU" leadership and in KGB is stuck at the fourth class level of primary school. The responsibles have drunk much Vodka and have eaten much meat as it seems so they have not even realized their retrogression.
Also the Western media people seem to be spiritually stuck at the fourth class level of primary school when critic analysts who present the data situation are always blamed to have a "conspiracy theory" in mind. Perhaps the stupid media could change to the fifth class level and drink more apple juice. Apple juice supports the intellectual power.
Chances for a correction of the historiography concerning atmosphere flight
This website about Gagarin is no conspiracy theory but presents the different contradictions and impossibilities according to a clear logic at the fourth class level of primary school. The state's responsibles and the media people are asked to correct the encyclopedias and the historiography about the "Soviet" atmosphere flight and Gagarin corresponding to the presented proofs.
If there is needed an international conference to change the historiography in atmosphere flight so there is needed a conference.
The "Soviet" and the "American" side are asked to present openly what is right and what is wrong in the atmosphere flight.
The "Soviet" atmosphere flight can make demands on having launched the first human in an Earth orbit at any rate. But is should be published who it precisely was.
The "Soviet" atmosphere flight can also make demands on having brought many astronaut victims at the beginning of the atmosphere flight. And "USA" has waited the development and had no victims on flights (which were mostly a fake). So the truth is needed who all died in space.
Picture sources
since 1964 ca.: Photos from the upper atmosphere of Gagarin presented after the jump
Yuri Gagarin in an astronaut suit with deformed eyebrow
so the fotos are taken after October 1961 for sure:
-- http://spaceinfo.jaxa.jp/note/rekishi/e/rek05_e.html
-- http://www.br73.net/vostok_1.htm
Yuri Gagarin in an astronaut suit without inscription "CCCP" on the helmet
-- black and white foto: http://astro.u-szeged.hu/oktatas/urkutatas/20Gagarin61apr.html
-- coloured foto with a helmet in an oblique position: http://www.svengrahn.pp.se/histind/Vostok1/Vostok1X.htm
-- cover of the "Time" magazine, Gagarin shown with a milkboy helmet without "CCCP: http://yurigagarin.hit.bg/bio.html
Yuri Gagarin in the bus on the way to the access ramp
-- black and white foto: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/s_cosmonauts_1.html
-- coloured foto: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/history/q0114.shtml
-- different versions: Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies In Space]; Knaur 2005, p.44
Group foto with Gagarin in a flight suit
-- mixture between foto and bad painting: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies In Space]; Knaur 2005, p.38
Yuri Gagarin on the access ramp, painting without rocket, without side holders, without "CCCP" and blurred face:
-- http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Gagarine-40.html; http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/images/Vostok-1g.jpg
-- http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/vo1img.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/img/g02.jpg
Yuri Gagarin's sitting tests
-- Gagarin's sitting test 1: http://www.wdr5.de/lilipuz/programm/zeitkreisel/detail.phtml?tag=06-04-10_gagarin
-- Gagarin's sitting test 2 with trouser legs in the background: Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies In Space]; Knaur 2005, p.43
-- Gagarin's sitting test 3 with hands doing nothing and eyes focused on the camera:
http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/vo1_obr.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/v1tran.jpg
-- Gagarin's sitting test 4 with raised left hand in the air before a white background:
http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/index.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/vo1crew.jpg
Gagarin's alleged rocket in different variations
-- cucumber form:
http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/vo1img.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo-1/img/g03.jpg
-- projectile form:
http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo_obr.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/ver_p.jpg
-- bazooka form with a big whole:
oo ready for liftoff: http://www.br73.net/vostok_1.htm
oo close-up: http://www.br73.net/vostok_1.htm
oo during flight: http://www.sandcastlevi.com/space/vtok-pic.htm
Yuri Gagarin in an atmosphere ship during the alleged mission "Vostok 1": Impossible blurred fotos
blurred portrait in a lying position with a helmet:
-- http://www.answers.com/topic/vostok-1
-- http://www.mentallandscape.com/V_Cameras.htm
-- http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vostok_1
-- http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Vostok%201
-- three absolutely blurred fotos without the inscription "CCCP" on the helmet: http://www.br73.net/vostok_1.htm
Gagarin's landing from a parachute jump in a parachute suit without helmet and without "CCCP"
Gagarin's alleged landing capsule on a green meadow:
-- WDR5: http://www.wdr5.de/lilipuz/programm/zeitkreisel/detail.phtml?tag=06-04-10_gagarin
-- Beverhoudt: http://www.sandcastlevi.com/space/vtok-pic.htm
-- astronautix: http://www.astronautix.com/gallery/fvostok1.htm; http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/q/qvos1cap.jpg
-- recovery with helicopters: Vostok - obrázky: http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/vo_obr.htm; http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/rusko/vostok/prist01.jpg
Gagarin's alleged landing capsule in the snow:
-- http://www.raumfahrer.net/raumfahrt/bemannt/projekt_wostok.shtml
-- recovery in the snow: http://www.astronautix.com/gallery/fvostok1.htm; http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/v/vosreco1.jpg
-- Yuri Gagarin during the alleged landing in a parachute suit with a parachute cap:
-- the first foto of Yuri Gagarin after the alleged landing without astronaut suit and without any helmet:
-- Gagarin book "I was the first man in space": http://search.ebay.de/Yuri-gagarin
-- memorial tablet of "US" astronauts confirming Gagarin: foto no.: S-70-56914:
http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/ALLGRIN_113.html; http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/GPN-2002-000150.jpg