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"Moon plays": The moon was the Earth - Lies and Truth in the Atmosphere

21 b. Impossible Lunar Module: The ascent stage is impossible

The technical impossibility with an ascent stage with only one engine of the Lunar Module -
missing noise and missing engine fire

Apollo 17: Start of
                  the ascent stage "from the moon" without
                  engine flame, original NASA TV pictures...
Apollo 17: Start of the ascent stage "from the moon" without any engine fire, original NASA TV pictures... [8]

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2021)



from: Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in space]; Knaur 2005

The official procedure at the ascent stage according to the program of Wernher von Braun

Mondlandefähre mit Beschriftung von
                        Landestufe und Aufstiegsstufe The upper part of the Lunar Module shall be parted from the lower part and fly flap away. An explosion shall blast away the ascent stage from the descent stage, with explosive charges, which shall cut the links between the two stages (Wisnewski, p.188) [1]


<After pressure on the button "Abort Stage" (button for the separation of the stages) in the cockpit [of the ascent stage] the bolts are blasted which kept together eh two stages until then. At the same time knifes which are driven by explosive charges will cut through the cables and pipes.> (Wisnewski, p.188)

(orig.: <Nach Druck auf den 'Abort Stage-Knopf'' (Knopf für die Stufentrennung) im Cockpit [der Aufstiegsstufe] werden jene Bolzen gesprengt, die Lande- und Aufstiegsstufe bis dahin zusammengehalten haben. Gleichzeitig hacken von Sprengladungen angetriebene Messer Kabel und Leitungen durch.> (Wisnewski, p.188)

(In: Woods, W. David / O'Brien, Frank: Apollo 15 Rendezvous and Docking, Corrected Transcript and Commentary 1999; Wisnewski, p.188)
Start of the ascent stage from the moon in
                        a comic and in theory. The engine has a strong
                        engine fire. In the "moon flims" and
                        on "moon fotos" any engine fire is
                        missing. And in reality the ascent stage has
                        never been tested...   
Start of the ascent stage from the moon in a comic and in theory. The engine has a strong engine fire. In the "moon films" and on "moon fotos" any engine fire is missing. And in reality the ascent stage has never been tested... [2]

Lunar Module:
                        Drawing of the ascent stage with inscription.
                        There is missing the engine flame in the
Lunar Module: Drawing of the ascent stage with inscription.
There is missing the engine flame in the drawing [3]

Coming back from the moon without engine noise?

Start of an ascent module from Mars
                        with engine flame, study of ESA. Also the ESA
                        seems to be stuck in the Science Fiction age and
                        does not seem to realize the impossibility to
                        navigate an ascent stage. But at least they have
                        not forgotten the engine flame...
Start of an ascent module from Mars with engine flame, study of ESA. Also the ESA seems to be stuck in the Science Fiction age and does not seem to realize the impossibility to navigate an ascent stage. But at least they have not forgotten the engine flame... [4]

According to the radio headquarters the flight back e.g. from Apollo 11 is going on without any engine fire: There is a "calm in the background of the radio transmission at the start from the moon", which is not comprehensible. During restarting there is astronaut Aldrin transmitted by radio, but not the slightest noise can be heard. All stays calm (Wisnewski, p.188), though the astronauts are said to be only about 40 cm far away from the engine.

-- see the alleged radio transmission

-- see the protocol of the alleged radio transmission:
(Wisnewski, p.189, 375)

In hes book "Start into space" Wernher von Braun predicted a big noise during the start from the moon, a "thunderful buzz".

(In: Braun / Ley: Start in den Weltraum [Start into Space], p.179; Wisnewski, p.189)

Ascent stage with an
                engine flame: This is a Science Fiction picture of the
                family Olliver, New Zealand.
Ascent stage with an engine flame: This is a Science Fiction picture of the family Olliver, New Zealand [5]

The fans of the moon landing defend the start from the moon with a vacuum

Apollo 9, Foto-Nr. AS09-21-3236: Das Foto
                          soll zeiten, wie sich eine Aufstiegsstufe in
                          einer Erdumlaufbahn befindet, ohne jede
                          Triebwerksflamme / Triebwerksstrahl. Das Foto
                          scheint eine Fotomontage zu sein. Dass ist ein
                          Bild der NASA...
vergrössernApollo 9, foto-no. AS09-21-3236: The foto is said to show who the ascent stage is in an orbit around the Earth, but without any engine flame. So the foto seems to be a composition. This is a foto from NASA [6]

The moon landing fans maintain that it would have been impossible to hear the engine because in the ascent stage would have been a vacuum (Wisnewski, p.189). But according to Wisnewski the sound would have transmitted also by the metal structure of the module (Wisnewski, p.189-190). During Apollo 13 there was also transmitted the noise of the explosion in the Service Module (SM) and heard by the "astronauts" though the Service Module had been in the vacuum. So there had been a transmission by the structure of the atmosphere ship, and this also was possible in the ascent stage of the Lunar Module (Wisnewski, p.190).

Add to this the "midsection" with the cabin is under pressure, so there was air in it. The engine in the center of the cabin should have been well to hear, so, by the metal transmission and by the wave transmission by the air in the cabin.

vergrössernAscent stage of Apollo 17 with a black background. Any engine flame is missing. The foto is said have been made from the Command Module which was in an orbit around the moon. This is a NASA picture... [7]

Aufstiegsstufe von Apollo 17 mit
                            schwarzem Hintergrund. Es fehlt jegliche
                            Triebwerksflamme. Das Foto soll vom
                            Kommandomodul aus gemacht worden sein, das
                            um den Mond gekreis sein soll.

(In: Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission, Press Kit, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington D.C., 6 July 1969; Wisnewski, p.190).

NASA films and NASA fotos: Start from the moon without engine flame?

Wernher von Braun mentions for the ascent stage a well visible engine flame. NASA indicates herself in the "press map" there had to be an engine flame visible at the start from the moon. Engines running with almost the same fuel also have an engine flame, e.g. with Space Shuttle. And also at the test on earth an engine flame of the engine of the ascent stage was visible (Wisnewski, p.186).

So in front of the background of the black space there should be visible an engine flame more than ever (Wisnewski, p.188).

But in the "moon films" at the start from the "moon" one sees from the engine flame... nothing (Wisnewski, p.186). The engine of the ascent stage has demonstrably not worked during the flight back from the moon, and despite of this the astronaut shall have started "from the moon"? (Wisnewski, p.190)

Apollo 17: Start of the ascent stage "from the
                moon" without engine flame, original NASA TV
Apollo 17: Start of the ascent stage "from the moon" without engine flame, original NASA TV pictures... [8]

The vehicle which starts seems to have not the right form, it's more the form of a bellied vase.

The flying ascent stage over the "moon" without engine flame - moon model LOLA
Apollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6626:
                            Ascent stage over the moon without any
                            engine flame. Probably the foto is a foto
                            composition with the moon model LOLA at
vergrössernApollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6626: Ascent stage over the moon without any engine flame. Probably the foto is a foto composition with the moon model LOLA at Langley [9]

Apollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6634:
                            Ascent stage over the moon without any
                            engine flame, but with a romantic Earth
                            rise. Probably the foto is a foto
                            composition with the moon model LOLA at
vergrössernApollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6634: Ascent stage over the moon without any engine flame, but with a romantic Earth rise. Probably the foto is a foto composition with the moon model LOLA at Langley [10]

Apollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6642:
                            Ascent stage over the moon without engine
                            flame, but with a romantic, advanced Earth
                            rise. Probably the foto is a foto
                            composition with the moon model LOLA at
vergrössernApollo 11, foto no. AS11-44-6642: Ascent stage over the moon without engine flame, but with a romantic, advanced Earth rise. Probably the foto is a foto composition with the moon model LOLA at Langley [11]

LOLA moon model at Langley with a little railway
                around it for simulation of the moon orbit.
LOLA moon model at Langley with a little railway around it for simulation of the moon orbit [12]

These are really simple and romantic foto compositions in the name of militarism of the "USA" and of the "Cold War" (conclusion Palomino).

The solution: Start from the moon on a rope on the moon crane or on crane helicopter "Sikorski"

The contradictions of the reality and the "moon film" give the conclusion that the start "from the moon" with the ascent stage was on a rope of the  moon crane at the simulation center at Langley (Virginia), or that the ascent stage had even been on a rope of a sky crane helicopter "Sikorsky". The rope had been subsequently painted out of the film. This is not at all complicated...

The moon crane can simulate the start of the ascent stage from the moon, without engine flame of course, but with a rope in a speed up to 30 km/h.

(In: Hansen, James R.: Spaceflight Revolution, SP-4308, S.375; Internet edition, http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4308/contents.htm; Wisnewski, S.285).

A helicopter on a sky
                          crane helicopter (sky crane)
                          "Sikorsky". An ascent stage of a
                          "Lunar Moule" can be put on the rope
                          easily and delete toe noise of the helicopter
Reality: A helicopter on a sky crane helicopter (sky crane) "Sikorsky". An ascent stage of a "Lunar Module" can be put on the rope easily and delete toe noise of the helicopter subsequently [14]
The moon crane in the simulation
                          center of Langley near Hampton (Virginia).
                          With this vehicle any play of a start from the
                          moon without engine flame is possible...
Reality: The moon crane in the simulation center of Langley near Hampton (Virginia). With this vehicle any play of a start from the moon without engine flame is possible... [13]

And it's very strange that the center of the CIA with it's foto and film manipulation centers is... at Langley, where the moon crane is.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are facts and logic.

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Picture sources

[1] Lunar Module, drawing with descent stage and ascent stage with inscriptions: http://www.apolloprojekt.de/technik/lm.php
[2] start of an ascent stage from Mars, ESA Science Fiction: http://www.urbin.de/next_step/next_step.htm
[3] Lunar Module: Drawing of the ascent stage with inscription: http://www.apolloprojekt.de/technik/lm.php

[5] Ascent stage with engine flame, Science Fiction of Olliver family, New Zealand: http://olliver.family.gen.nz/thumbnl.htm

[6] Apollo 9: Ascent stage in orbit without engine flame: http://www.apollospace.com/photos/AS09-21-3236.jpg

[7] Apollo 17: Ascent stage without engine flame, allegedly the foto is taken from a Command Module in a moon orbit: http://www.apolloprojekt.de/downloads/bilder.php

[8] Apollo 17: Start of the ascent stage without engine flame, TV picture:
http://www.nasm.si.edu/collections/imagery/apollo/AS17/a17sum.htm; http://www.nasm.si.edu/collections/imagery/apollo/AS17/images/S72-55423_1.jpg

[9] Apollo 11: Ascent stage over the moon without engine flame, allegedly the foto is taken from a command module in a moon orbit: http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/html/as11.htm;

[10] Apollo 11: Ascent stage over the moon without engine flame, allegedly the photo was taken from a Command Module in a moon orbit, and with Earth rise: http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/html/as11.htm;

[11] Apollo 11: Ascent stage over the moon without engine flame, allegedly the foto was taken from a Command Module in a moon orbit, and with an advanced Earth rise:
http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/html/as11.htm; http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/images/pao/AS11/10075285.jpg

[12] LOLA moon model at Langley near Hampton (Virginia), foto of the 1.8.1965, foto no.: L-65-5579:

[13] moon crane, sight from above: http://www.federalequipment.com/portfoliomil.html

[14] helicopter on sky crane helicopter:
http://www.popasmoke.com/visions/index.php?page=newview&cat1_id=3&cat2_id=13&cat3_id=245; http://www.popasmoke.com/visions/image.php?source=2526
