UFO über Lima in der Horus-Nacht / UFO over Lima in Horus
night / OVNI sobre Lima en la noche de Horus
UFO IN THE HORUS NIGHT, Dicember 25, 2016 - LIMA Los
During Horus Night there was an UFO in the sky from 0:11
to 0:15am over Lima in the sky, December 25, 2016 - the
photos are from 0:11:44h and 0:12:02h am, first the UFO
was stable in the sky without any noise what is NOT
possible with any airplane nor helicopter, then were fast
movements in the sky without any noise for about 2 minutes
and after this the UFO flew away southward to Ica / Chila
where they provoked the earthquake. Already during the
2007 earthquake in Ica were many UFOs in the sky.
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Object (UFO) over Lima Los Olivos, only red light visible,
Dicember 25, 2016, 0h11min.30sec. - object (UFO) over Lima
Los Olivos, 2 red and 2 green lights visible, Dicember 25,
2016, 0h11min.44sec.

Object (UFO) over Lima Los Olivos, only 2 red lights
visible, Dicember 25, 2016, 0h12min.2sec.