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Post-war era in Germany with hunger, rapes and mass murder by the allies 1945-1950
James Bacque: Crimes and Mercies. The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950
Read this truth about Germany and the criminal allies during the post-war era 1945-1950.
by Michael Palomino (2013)
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Recommendation for reading about exploiting policy and demolition of German industries 1945-1950 in Germany: John Gimbel: "Exploitations and Plunder"
The page indications refer to the German version of the book ("Verschwiegene Schuld").
Morgenthau Plan
Morgenthau Plan against Germany was rejected by Roosevelt, but after his death in April 1945 this Morgenthau Plan was fully executed (p.51ff.).
Not only Gulag "Soviet Union", but also England and "U.S.A." and since July 1945 also France are executing in Germany mass robbery as "reparations" and are DELIBERATELY ordering starvation rations (p.52).
In winter 1944 / 1945 industrial plants in Germany are mostly intact yet. At the beginning of 1945 industrial production of Germany is 105% compared with 1939, and only after May 1945 the industrial production is mostly stopped until autumn of 1945 DELIBERATELY to 25% (p.53), in January 1945 105%, in August 25% (p.106).
In Germany the allies are DELIBERATELY repeating the famine of Holland in a bigger scale. In 1946 famine edema can be seen in Hamburg (p.56).
In the "American" Rhine meadow camps food is DELIBERATELY burnt which is sometimes given from Germans for Germans. The food is piled, gasoline is thrown and then the food is fired by the criminal "American" staff and commanders (p.71-72).
French zone: "Children were too weak for playing plays." Additionally there were mass rapes in Stuttgart and in Karlsruhe (p.104).
From 1945 to 1949 industrial plants are demolished and German families are killed by starvation - four complete years (p.105).
German women expelled and raped
From CSSR, from Poland and from Russia 15 million Germans are expelled (p.105).
In Sudetenland there are mass rapes by Czechs. In a village Achilles tendons of German women are cut and then the Czechs are raping the victims in masses (p.108).
CSSR is organizing death camps against Sudeten Germans committing massacres against Germans without end (p.110).
In 1944 Red Army is entering Poland and is committing mass rapes with German women. Poland is organizing death camps for Germans (p.114ff.).
Morgenthau Plan
Between 1945 and 1950 Germany is a "huge prison" and emigration is not allowed for Germans. Thus "big mass death" is coming
1st in camps
2nd with the expelled during their flight or at the location where they arrive
3d within the local population in remaining Germany itself.
Criminal allied are brilliant concealing their mass murder in Germany with lies and with faked statistics and with manipulated investigations (p.119ff.).
There is hunger typhus (p.124).
In 1950 German chancellor Adenauer presents his "Adenauer report" stating clearly: "6 million Germans have disappeared from Earth" ("6 Millionen Deutsche sind vom Erdboden verschwunden"). (p.125)
From 1945 to 1950 the allied forces (from east and west) are organizing a giant mass murder in remaining Germany killing women, children and old people. This mass murder against Germans is comprising at least 9.3 million Germans. From 1945 to 1950 Germany is cut from any international welfare (p.138).
Total numbers of death
Deaths with expelled people (1945-1950): at least 2.1 million, max. 6 million
Deaths with prisoners of war (1941-1950): at least 1.5 million, max. 2 million
Deaths with local population (1946-1950): 5.7 million.
Total: 9.3 to 13.7 million (p.139).
Japan is NOT suffering any famine. General Mc Arthur is hindering such an action (p.141-142).
In 1919 Germany was already struck by an "organized" famine: food was rotten in the ports and famine was provoked artificially, and there were also defamations and reparations without limits (p.143).
Concealed mass murder is happening without big news: "It was important that this punishment was given silently" (orig. German: "Es war wichtig, dass sich die Bestrafung in aller Stille vollzog") and it had to be worse than Versailles of 1919. During the 5 years in the post-war era (1945-1950) more Germans die than during 6 years of war (1939-1945) (p.144).
[Imagine that Swiss Red Cross knows about it but criminal Swiss Nazi government in Berne is not allowing any public report about what is going on in the neighboring country but Swiss people are selling watches to "American" soldiers for high prices making holidays in Switzerland. When Swiss government had stated clearly what was happening in Germany Nuremberg process could have had another end...]
German resistance
German resistance existed (p.145ff)
Since 1945 German resistance is not important for the Western allies. The "Soviets" are acting in another way: Gulag "Soviets" are electing the members of German resistance forming a political group with then in the town of Krasnogorsk near Moscow installing this group as the new German government in Berlin (GDR) (p.147).
German resistance does not get any help from the allies whereas just this resistance could have ended the war in a short time (p.148).
[But an early end of the war was not wanted by the criminal Zionist "Americans" but they wanted to wait until the atomic bomb was developed throwing it on Germany].
Western allies save members of German resistance from the Nazi prison but put them directly into the "American" death camps of Rhine meadow camps for dying (p.149). In some way this kind of acting is called kin liability (p.151).
Only in June 1946 Jehova members and Mennonite members are allowed to send parcels to their coreligionists (p.149-150).
Western allies are helping the Gulag "Soviets" without limits
Western allies are supporting the Gulag "Soviets" also after their brute actions and mass rapes (p.150-151) and after expelling millions of Germans, and western allies are even driving "Soviet" captives and anti communist refugees into the hands of the Gulag "Soviets" and they also get the main part of the food aid (p.151).
British are even helping the Gulag "Soviets" with mass killings of Cossacks and Belorussians (p.151).
Polish government having fled to London in 1939 is getting the advice from the English side to return back to Poland being a part of the new Polish government. Then the former Polish government is returning and is detained immediately, is disappearing in the Gulag and is never seen again (p.151).
In Germany excavations for German mass graves are prohibited yet (p.152).
Famine relief and Hoover (p.153ff.)
Hoover was active in 1918/1919 already, and then there is UNRRA from 1945 to 1947 (p.156).
Morgenthau Plan
Morgenthau Plan is prohibiting Germany any oil production and is reducing coal production thus a big part of the agriculture and of the food production in Germany is hardly working yet (p.166).
Third Reich itself was a self supporter by 81 to 85% (p.167).
At the same time Western allies are spreading lies about a lack of food in the world (p.168ff.).
Western allies are blocking DELIBERATELY the food production in Germany: "Germans were starving famine mostly because they were hindered to produce their food. Available food (p.169) was not sent to them, and at the same time they were hindered with farming enough and with purchasing missing food abroad for their nourishment." (p.170)
(orig. in German:
"Die Deutschen hungerten hauptsächlich deshalb, weil sie daran gehindert wurden, sich selbst zu versorgen. Die verfügbare Nahrung wurde (S.169) ihnen nicht geschickt, und gleichzeitig wurden sie daran gehindert, sowohl selbst genügend anzubauen als auch das Fehlende im Ausland einzukaufen, um sich zu ernähren." (S.170)
The Western allies are playing with Germany a systematic blockage policy (p.170).
Remaining Germany of 1945 is self supporter by 60 to 70% (p.170).
"American" and English occupation forces are inventing excuses without end why Germans had to suffer starvation in Europe (p.170).
The allies (east and west)
-- are robbing systematically German industrial plants
-- in the "American" zone the industrial production is reduced to 3%
-- Germany cannot produce any own product any more and thus cannot pay any food from abroad any more
-- German fleet [in Bremen, Hamburg, Lübeck and in Kiel etc.] is blocked and fishing is prohibited during one year
-- and faked accounting of the allies is even hindering credit advice [income] for Germany (p.172).
In this kind and manner nationwide starvation and mass murder is systematically committed in remaining Germany killing Germans for years (p.172).
Criminal murdering "American" Supreme Command is blocking food aid for Germany coming from the Red Cross, from UNRRA, from the Mennonites, and food is even confiscated, trains are sent back etc. (p.173).
Food on the black market brought there by the criminal allies
"American" occupation forces are selling things on the black market, for example the robbed German watches. But not only this: The occupation forces of the western allies are robbing food donations and are selling them on the black market. Here is an example: 50% of the donated wheat for Germany coming from "U.S.A." and Canada is "disappearing" (p.174).
All around Germans are dying:
"In any case there are many reports that Germans and allied soldiers of the occupation forces were making cash with food on the black market - and at the same time Germans were dying by starvation in masses." (p.175)
(orig. in German:
"Auf jeden Fall geht aus zahlreichen Berichten klar hervor, dass sowohl Deutsche als auch Besatzungssoldaten auf dem Schwarzmarkt mit Lebensmitteln handelten, während rundherum die Menschen Hungers starben." (S.175)
Morgenthau Plan
Bookkeeping about reparations (dismantling of industrial plants) is also faked (p.174) and even "U.S." Secretary of State Marshall seems to have protected these thefts (p.174).
Feeding by organizations, allied blockages, hunger and death by hunger
Since about 1946 feeding is introduced. In 1946 the death rate in remaining Germany is the double than in 1939. Private help organizations like CARE, CRALOG are founded (p.175) and Caritas and German Red Cross are authorized being active (p.176).
General Clay in Austria is ordering limiting the food limit for the population going on with a maximum of 1250 calories per day (p.176) or is even lowering the food limit to 900. Since 1947 General Clay permits CARE parcels (p.177).
CRALOG parcels are reaching the "American" zone in February 1946. Evangelic Aid Organization is distributing parcels in the "U.S." zone since April 1946, since October also in the British and in the French zone. Other organizations are prohibited in the "American" zone (p.178).
Mennonites are giving flour, for example in Hesse. The buns are praised by the German children "having a better taste as cake" ("besser als Kuchen"). Swiss Donation is sending shoes and soap around (p.180).
Many German children have no real shoes until 1949 (p.180).
Additionally there are more organizations active in remaining Germany since 1946 as for example Quakers for orphans in the streets (p.180).
Ireland is organizing holiday camps for German children where German children can see a banana or a mandarin the first time in their life, and chocolates are considered being glittering buttons first (p.182).
Hunger winter of 1946/47 and also spring of 1947 is accompanied by total hunger and death by hunger in Germany. School feedings are going on (p.182), partly also after 1950 yet (p.183).
Criminal allies in Germany are installing a bureaucracy for blocking food aid. For example lorries with food from Switzerland, Sweden and from Ireland are blocked. Only some lorries are permitted by thinking commanders (p.183).
"U.S." occupation forces are systematically lying that in the "U.S.A." would be a mood against Germans (p.183).
In 1945 England is prohibiting any aid for Germany in general (p.184).
The allied bureaucracy is blocking DELIBERATELY any aid organization (p.184).
Also the year of 1947 is a famine year for remaining Germany (p.184).
Germany's industry id blocked absolutely by the criminal allies thus Germany hardly can produce food any more. This provokes an inflation with food products in whole Europe provoking hunger in whole Europe (p.185).
Farmers in Germany hardly bring their harvest into the towns on the market because the people in the German ruin towns hardly have anything. Thus the farmers are piling their harvests in the countryside and the town are suffering hunger (p.185).
[There are special trains organized then for the city dwellers reaching the farms for exchange trade getting food for a set of dishes or for a wedding ring etc. - the foraging trips for stockpiling. In some cases the criminal allies rob all the food from the people coming back with food].
England is rationing food in 1947 yet because the wheat price is so high (p.185).
[Such food limits in 1947 concern also criminal Switzerland, and people there should not complain to Germany but should complain to the criminal "U.S.A.", England and France for the fact that also in highly criminal Switzerland food was limited in 1947 yet].
Hitler's Chancellery was made of plaster and not of marble as Hoover is noting in 1946 (p.185).
Canada is giving much food, but many hardly recommend (p.186-187).
Hoover is working with food aid in Europe from 1919 to 1921 already (p.187).
An Austrian school of Graz is sending a thanking letter to Hoover thanking for a CARE parcel (p.187-188).
In February 1948 Hoover gets a begging letter from hungry Rhine Land pleading for shoes and laundry (p.188).
Mennonites are sending not only flour but also Bibles. When people don't know this then the Bibles are shred and are baked with the flour (p.189).
Marshall plan since April 1948 - but Morgenthau Plan is working on yet!
Marshall plan was projected with the Communist states included but they reject the plan (p.222).
[because blockage of Berlin is projected...].
Marshall plan is washing the "U.S.A." white and is dominating the media. All other things and the giant mass murder in Germany are concealed with this Marshal plan. But this Marshal plan is above all serving to President Truman being reelected in autumns of 1948. At the same time Stalin is sour (p.190).
[because the West is rejecting the union between Socialists and Communists].
Marshall plan is not the same for everyone: England and France receive the double per capita than Germany, but Marshall plan funds are used most effectively in West Germany (FRG) and almost all money is payed back. France, England and Italy are NOT paying pack ANYTHING (p.191).
[Holland is abusing Marshall plan funds for war against Indonesia independent movement...]
At the same time dismantling of industrial plants in Germany is going on also in 1948 yet being classified as "reparation". The balances are manipulated by Morgenthau staff in the lower ranks etc. Marshall is involved in the industrial robbery himself! (p.192).
There is a book about the industrial dismantling of Germany by John Gimbel: "Exploitations and Plunder" (p.192). Gimbel's investigation claims clearly that the robbing action of the "reparation" committed by the western allies "can hardly be less than the ones of the Soviets." (p.193)
In 1947 Russian Secretary of State Molotow is reproaching to "American" Secretary of State Marshall being involved into the industrial dismantling of Germany. Criminal Mr. Marshall is finding many excuses (p.192).
Marshall is inventing stories concealing the industrial robbery. Colonel O'Grady is complaining the "piratical practices" at the same time (p.193).
Author Gimbel (book: "Exploitations and Plunder") notes clearly that only the robbery of intellectual property is comprising 4.8 to 12 billion dollars, and additionally all the material robbery has to be added (p.193).
Concealment of the allied mass murder by lies without end
German government and "American" press are lying to the world concealing everything (p.194) and the historians are not investigating but they are collaborating with lies (p.194-195).
[And the left extremists of Socialists, Communists, Greens and of racist Zionist Antifa controlling Wikipedia for example are also lying and are not accepting data at all but are even ridiculing historians].
Faked balance of the allies
Also the balances of to costs for the occupation are faked and the expenses are much too high officially. Additionally exports of Germany are concealed. There are estimations (p.195).
[It's time to name these criminals: Zionist dominated "U.S.A."].
Morgenthau Plan
Remaining Germany suffers a "collective punishment" [a simple kin liability as it is the tradition in primitive military forces]. Also people from the German resistance are detained and are punished in the same way (p.196).
In 1948 Europe is a field of ruins yet and is economically dependent from the allies. Reconstruction in Europe depends decisively from Germany (p.196).
The French zone is an absolute hunger zone. The occupation tries to present some French culture with concerts but hungry Germans are not willing to listen (p.197).
In Cologne (British zone) Mr. Adenauer is installed as a mayor in 1945. When criminal Britains are ordering to cut trees in the town for making fire wood Adenauer rejects the order and is immediately dismissed (p.197).
[Converting urban trees into fire wood is an Anglo Saxon tradition in the time of the stock exchange crashes, e.g. in Chicago in 1929. It seems that Adenauer did not want to follow this example].
By the time German workers are making strikes against further dismantling of German industrial plants (p.197).
"Education" for "democracy" by hunger and dismantling by the western allies is absolutely failing. "Teaching democracy" is not working by a "violent regime" (p.197).
Voltaire said already: "Don't want to enslave the hearts and then all hearts will be yours." (German: "Suche nicht, die Herzen zu versklaven, und aller Herzen werden dir gehören." (p.198).
Criminal western allies are destroying any goodwill of the Germans destroying their country completely (p.198).
British for example want to have more performance by miners in Ruhr region but British authorities are also cutting food at the same time (p.198). And not only this: British authorities are paying only the half or one third of the market price for the coal! When England had payed the right price Germany had been able to purchase all food by itself! (p.199)
"U.S." President Truman and the "U.S.A." are hypocrites, and the historians are failing (p.199).
Wheat for free for Gulag "Soviet Union"
Canada, "U.S.A." and Argentina are helping the "Soviet Union" with wheat for free (p.200).
At the same time Gulag "Soviet Union" is spying the Canadian atomic program (p.200).
In 1995 "U.S.A." are already bankrupt (p.201).
In September 1945 approximately Mr. Middleton was telling fairy tales in New York Times: Mr. Drew Middleton was publishing articles in New York Times concerning any truth about remaining Germany after the war and it comes out he was describing the "American" camps without having been there one time in his life. When in the 1980s historian Bacque is questioning Mr. Middleton about it Mr. Middleton is neglecting any importance, nothing is important for him (p.202-203).
Stalin and Polish territories - 2+4 German Treaty of 1990 - UN convention on refugees in 1994
Since 1943 Stalin is urging getting Polish territory and performing an expulsion of German population "shifting" Poland to the west (p.203).
Stalin means that such a procedure would only be a repetition of what Hitler had made with Poland and Russia, and "the Poles are playing the game with Stalin", and in 1945 in Potsdam near Berlin the western allies are inventing "ordered and human conditions" for the expulsion of millions of Germans (p.204).
At the same time even during the conference of Potsdam 10,000s of German expelled people are dying in Berlin's streets: "Parks, sidewalks and tube stations were full of dead bodies. This was continuing during many years like this." (orig. German: "Parks, Bürgersteige und U-Bahnhöfe waren von ihren Leichen übersät. Das ging viele Jahre so weiter." (p.205).
One of the locations with many dead Germans in Berlin was Lehrte Train Station (p.205-206).
In 1994 UNO was deciding for a UN refugee convention giving refugees the right to return to their territories (p.206).
In 1990 German government was accepting the border line with Oder and Neisse rivers by signature, and this signature is illegal (p.206-207).
Compensation and recognition was never given to the German refugees. And also all loss of territories from East Prussia down to Neisse River is a "reparation" (p.208).
Thus the 2+4 German Treaty of 1990 [Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany] is a pure treason and has no value (p.208).
Morgenthau Plan
There is a principle with this Morgenthau Plan: planning is secret - execution is camouflaged - and then all is concealed. In this way it was also performed with Boers, with Germans, with Vietnamese people etc. (p.211)
[Zionist] Media and [Zionist] secret services are determinating the kind of thinking (p.211-212).
[According to Vietnam criminal "U.S.A." was not only involved since the 1960s but since 1945 when German soldiers were forced into the French Legions and when "U.S.A." was giving any war material against Vietnamese independence movement for the French army].
Secret services want to hinder the truth coming out about criminal allies in Germany
Secret services are spying to foreigners selling the data to other secret services where these foreigners are local people not being allowed for being spied (p.212).
Secret services are fighting editors and authors. There are even burglaries in editor's offices destroying certain texts and manuscripts (p.212-213).
Secret services are violating any democratic law with this manner (p.213).
During the 1990s criminal "USA" are looking for new wars. They are looking for a new enemy. At the same time there are so many persons in jail in the "USA" so these "USA" are even worse than the Third Reich (p.214).
Psychiatrists with a maneuver in 1945 investigating Nazi propaganda - world is with Nazi methods since 1945
In 1945 allied psychiatrists come to remaining Germany officially investigating the mental order of Nazi war criminals. But in reality they are investigating Goebbels' propaganda technique for using Hitler's propaganda methods in the future. Studies and experiments were made under Ewan Cameron in a college and the results were exactly predictable (p.215-216). "Control of mind" is spreading since then also in the allies (p.216) [and since then Zionists are terrorizing half of the world with this control of mind].
Censorship: Secret services want to hinder the truth about criminal allies
England is pursuing Nikolai Tolstoi for example because of his research about war prisoners. English government wants to protect Lord Aldington who's reputation would suffer when the truth would be published. English government wants to protect Lord Aldington from the historian (p.217).
Ramsey Clark is presenting the Iraq victims (p.217).
But considering Germany many lies against Germany are going on without limits and the real culprits are not mentioned officially but the historians are ridiculed (p.217).
"Reeducation" only working with good treatment
"Not a bad but a good treatment makes humans good." (Victor Gollancz) (p.218)
(orig. German: "Nicht schlechte, sondern gute Behandlung macht Menschen gut." (Victor Gollancz).
Since the "Cold War" all the world is split into "good and bad" and many elements of democracy are lost with it (p.219ff.)
Censorship against truth of criminal allies in Germany from 1945 to 1950 is going on
In 1995 Japanese prisoner camps in China and Korea are published. But Rhine meadow camps in Germany are not shown in the world wide [Zionist] press (p.220).
World wide press [steered by Zionists] is manipulating on and on the public meaning: nobody has got the courage to present the real atrocities to the "Americans", also historians are completely failing considering the reality of criminal "U.S.A." like Michael Howard or Stephen E. Ambrose (p.221).
"Adulation" to [criminal] "U.S.A." is only a myth (p.222).
Millions of German expelled are often not even mentioned in the history books (p.222).
Marshall plan was projected also in the Communist states but they rejected (p.222)
[because the blockage of Berlin was in project...]
[Hatred against Germans is going on also after 1950
Three examples:
-- since 1945 Swiss Nazi government in Berne is manipulating the Swiss population into a "special case" and against Germans in general never mentioning the truth about the post-war era with Rhine meadow camps and with mass murder of another 5 million Germans with children, women and elders - whereas Swiss Red Cross in Geneva knows everything!!!
-- Federal Reserve Bank in criminal and Zionist dominated "USA" is robbing all German gold in the 1960s
-- and then from 2006 to 2012 Swiss Nazi party of SVP with racist Swiss Nazis Blocher and Mörgeli made dramatic propaganda and attacks against Germans in Switzerland and abroad - never mentioning the criminal "USA" with their mass murder in the post-war era...]
[Zionist Jewish mass murder in Germany 1945-1950
All in all German post-war era from 1945 to 1950 was a Zionist Jewish mass murder committed to the German population with 5 to 6 million victims organized by the Zionists Eisenhower, Morgenthau and Baruch and all the secret Morgenthau staff in the "U.S." administration. And the Zionist controlled media were distributing fakes and lies and calumnies without end "hosing" Germany - which is continued until today (2013) for example by left extremist Antifa fighters etc. Is there an apologize for this mass murder? Where is the tribunal for these criminal "U.S.A."? Zionist "U.S.A." with their world wide manipulations since 1896 are a mental illness].
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Photo sources
Cover of the book "Crimes and Mercies" of James Bacque: http://www.serendipity.li/hr.html