For the second time in under thirty years, British troops
are entering upon the soil of Germany. The German Army, the
most carefully constructed military machine which the world
has known, has suffered catastrophic defeats in the field.
The civilian population of Germany has seen the war brought
into its homes in a terrible form. You will see much
suffering in Germany and much to awake your pity. You may
also find that many Germans, on the surface at least, seem
pleasant enough and that they will even try to welcome you
as friends.
All this may make you think that they have learned their
lesson and need no further teaching. But remember this: for
the last hundred years - long before Hitler - German writers
of great authority have been steadily teaching the necessity
for war and glorifying it for its own sake. The Germans have
much to unlearn.
They have also much to atone for. Never has murder been
organized on so vast a scale as by the German Government and
the German Army in this war. Death by shooting, hanging,
burning, torture or starvation has been visited [p.3] on
hundreds of thousands of civilians in the countries of
Eastern Europe occupied by the Germans, and on thousands in
the occupied countries of Western Europe.
The record of these outrages is not just "atrocity
propaganda". It is based in most cases on the evidence of
eye-witnesses or on statements made by the criminals
themselves. Moreover, the writings and speeches of the
German leaders show that such outrages formed part of a
deliberate policy.
The German people as a whole cannot escape a large share of
responsibility. The main instruments of German policy were
certainly Hitler's Black Guards and Secret Police, but
ordinary German officers, N.C.O.'s and men acted often
enough with the same brutality. Individual German soldiers
and civilians may have deplored it, but no one was found to
protest publicly and in good time against it. From the time
Hitler came to power no serious resistance movement showed
itself in Germany until the attempted putsch of the German
generals on the 20th July, 1944. But the cause of that
revolt was not the barbarity of Hitler's methods, but merely
their lack of success [p.4].
[There were many attempts against Hitler but he had his
agents and always some luck to survive also other attacks.
And Eisenhower was prolonging the war by 2 years
deliberately just for bombing all German towns into ruins
even waiting for the atomic bomb against Germany which came
"too late"].
[Also all collaboration of the criminal "U.S.A." as a
financier of Hitler is concealed]
The history of these last years must not be repeated. The
purpose of the British Commonwealth and its Allies, and of
the forces which represent them, is not vengeance against
the Germans. It is to make sure that they will never again
have the chance to submerge Europe and the world in blood.
Remember for as long as you are in Germany that you would
not be there at all if German crimes had not made this war
inevitable, and that it is only by the sacrifice of
thousands upon thousands of your fellow countrymen and
Allies, and at a cost of untold suffering at home and abroad
through five long years, that British troops are at last on
German soil. Think first of all this when you are tempted to
sympathise with those who today are reaping the fruits of
their policy, both in peace and war [p.5].
[Well, also the term "unconditional surrender" is concealed
which was never acceptable unfortunately for the German