Minutes of a visit of the Municipal Museum of Düsseldorf of
June 1, 2014
Berger Avenue no. 2
40213 Düsseldorf
opened from 11 am to 6 pm, closed on Mondays, free entry from
5 to 6 pm
children and youths until 18 years have free entry.

The entry of the Town's Museum of Düsseldorf
Hall with items of antiquity
-- there are items from a Franconian cemetery of Oberlörste
-- and there are items from a Roman fort in Moers-Asberg.

The hall with the items of the different epochs of antiquity
The rooms with items since 15th century
There is a tradition with a holy Barbara
The castle of Düsseldorf is mentioned, but there is never
mentioned when it was built and by whom.
There is a special Jacoba jug from Holland
There is a drinking vessel called Maigelein.
There is a town's seal with a Romanic church, unfortunately
the printed seal is missing
There is a tradition with a cooking vessel called "grape",
this "grape" has got "feet" on the bottom thus one can put the
vessel directly into the fire
In a corner there are - just as a diversion - statues with
Roman gods: goddess of spring called Flora - goddess of summer
Ceres - and the god of autumn: Bacchus.
And then there is a big cupboard of "Cologne type".
Drinking glasses from 15th and 16th century
First show case: drinking glass "Berkemeyer" - octagonal
cylindrical beaker, in Holland it is also used as a beer
glass - nonagonal cup with foot - there is also a jug with 3
exits as a joke - and there is a little salt box

Drinking glasses in Düsseldorf's municipal museum from
15th and 16th century
Second show case: there is a "Spechter" cup - a Roman wine
glass - a Venetian wing glass - an octagonal cup - a silver
cup - a grapen cooking vessel with feet thus it can be put
directly into the fire.
Map by Mercator of about 1550
Anatomic models of man and women with their organs
Copper engravings of a funeral procession
Flying bridge
"Knapp" Garden
Flea trap - hand warmer "Muff"
Bowl jug
Books about ceremonial science
"Collector" was a license for collecting charity
Table solar clock

City map of Düsseldorf of 17th
century approximately with the extension and the town wall
Halls with items from "modern times"
Chest of drawers was invented in the 18th century only - this
was a new type of furniture in those times

Chest of drawers is invented in the 18th century only and is
a new type of furniture in upper class house holds
Napoleon comes also to Düsseldorf and lets destroy the
complete town wall and only therefore Düsseldorf gets the
possibility for a big extension
Trani traffic is replacing stage coach traffic, but there is
much stage coach traffic yet where is no train and car is not
invented yet
In Bilk District of Düsseldorf an observatory is installed
Since 1582 Düsseldorf is a real trade fair town, but in
reality it began in 1811 when a trade fair was organized for
In 1858 there was a police regulation thus all houses in
Düsseldorf had to be numbered
In about those times an Art's Academy and a painter's school
with many painters is founded in Düsseldorf [unfortunately
Düsseldorf itself is not painted so colorful]
In 1872 the municipal castle (city palace) is burning down and
only one tower is left and the castle is not rebuilt any more.
The location is used for other buildings.

In 1872 the municipal castle (city palace) is burning down
in Düsseldorf and only one tower is left, and the castle is
not rebuilt.
In the middle of the 19th century about there is a regulation
forbidding catching nightingales for keeping the level of
nightingales in Düsseldorf.
In 1907 Henkel is inventing Persil washing powder in
And then there is weapon production developed in Düsseldorf
with tanks and so on...
Third Reich
Photos of bombed Düsseldorf show the destructions by the
"American" and English bombings against the civil population
in Düsseldorf
There are imitations of clothes shown of the kind of the Third
Reich in 1945
-- there is a man's suit of sack clothe
-- and there is a skirt with ornaments of lenses and beans
There is a show case with Care parcels from 1946, with soaps,
with biscuit parcels, and next to it there is a handcart

Care parcels came to Düsseldorf since August 1946 - and the
text is clearly saying that these Care parcels were
organized by private organizations and NOT by the official
occupation forces of criminal "U.S.A." who rather wanted
that all Germans had died by hunger
Show case with facts about the British occupation forces:
-- British occupation forces did "unify" the German provinces
of North Rhine and Westfalen creating "Nordrhein-Westfalen"
ordering Düsseldorf the capital of it
-- terrorism was going that far that even for driving a
bicycle had to be approved by a license: There is a "Bicycle
Approval" of the British military government of 1945 in the
show case
Special hall with documents about Mr. Joseph Boys

Joseph Beuys, chronology of a
famous sculptor
Special exhibition about Düssel creek
-- and there were many photos about Düssel creek and a creek
being "Düssel" was created (Düssel is just not a river)
Unfortunately there was no map with Düssel creek. In
Düsseldorf this Düssel creek is parted and is passing many
districts with some ponds. Sometimes it's also covered in dark
A book is missing
A book about the museum would spread the precious content and
the maps o this museum in private households.