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NDB-Agent Schlemihl Wrobel: Rufmörder mit Schwachsinn und Rufmorden
Das scheint ein von Soros bezahlter Agent der Rothschild-Regierung in Bern zu sein.
5.12.2019: Krimineller NDB-Agent "Schlemihl Wrobel" hetzt auch auf Mossad-Psiram:
Schweizer Geheimdienst-Mann ist nebenbei als Social Media Troll aktiv
Recherchenetzwerk Satanismus und rituelle Gewalt
Von Stefan Theiler
Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019
Peter Schlemihl Wrobel oder wer steckt eigentlich hinter dem einflussreichsten manipulierenden Facebook-Fakeprofil der Schweiz?
Nachdem über mich, Manuel C. Mittas, ja nun auch ein PSIRAM Artikel voller Schwachsinn und schwerer Fehler, veröffentlicht wurde, stellt sich die Frage wer mitunter hinter derartigen Verleumdungs-Kampagnen steckt.
Hier könnt Ihr den völlig . absurden, fast schon Kabarettreifen PSIRAM Eintrag zu Manuel C. Mittas, lesen:
Einen dieser Trolle stellen wir Euch dank Stefan Theiler jetzt vor!!
Peter Schlemihl Wrobel (PSW), benannt nach dem Kunstmärchen des Dichters und Naturforschers Adelbert von Chamisso Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichtevon 1813, hat knapp 5000 Freunde auf Facebook. Zusammen haben wir 443 Freund_innen auf Facebook gemeinsam. Die meisten kommen aus den Sparten: Politik, Medien, Facebook-Bloggers (Bürgerjournalisten), Kultur, Medizin, Bildung und anderen Formen der Unterhaltungsbranche.
Ich habe schon ca 20 Politiker_innen und andere geistig minder bemittelte Menschen angefragt, ob sie PSW persönlich kennen…>
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Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy’ is a card game produced by Steve Jackson Games that was originally released in the early 80′s. It was based on the successful book trilogy ‘The Illuminatus!’ and was supposedly designed to be a satirical, tongue in cheek take on the topic of global conspiracism, featuring opposing secret societies competing for world domination using various malevolent means. You may well have heard of this somewhat sinister card game already, as there are plenty of online references to it on other alternative and conspiracy based websites, mostly due to it’s apparent prophetic content, which rather accurately details aspects of the illuminati agenda that we are now seeing playing out in front of us on a daily basis.
The makers of the card game, were, as mentioned above, influenced by the book trilogy “The Illuminatus!’ and prior to it’s release they also spent time researching the illuminati and various other conspiracy theories and so it’s no surprise that this kind of subject matter
was used within the game. What is surprising however and perhaps even a little disturbing, depending on how you look at it, is how many of the events depicted in the game decades ago have now actually happened or are currently in the process of happening – things that the creators of the game could surely not have known about – or could they?
The first card in the game talks of rewriting history and depicts discarded books in a library or classroom environment. It is no secret that the government controlled education system and the mainstream media work exceptionally hard to shape the minds of the masses to fit with their manufactured version of reality. Many important histories are overlooked and events left unreported, while other, either false or far less important topics and events are given excessive amounts of focus, in order to engender bias towards the illuminati agenda.
- See more at: http://www.illuminatiagenda.com/ominous-old-illuminati-card-game-predicts-911-the-new-world-order-and-more/#sthash.9nVfSLf9.dpuf
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