'What the Prime
Minister was warning about is that if we just start
plastering names all over the place, of people
against whom there may be no evidence, it may well
turn into a witch-hunt and clearly because of the
attitudes towards gay people at the time, in the
80s, many of them are likely to be on it.'
Schofield later
apologised, saying: 'If any viewer was able to
identify anyone listed, I would like to apologise
and stress that was never my intention.
Mr Cameron had agreed
to appear on This Morning to talk about dementia,
including an event held at Downing Street today
where he discuss the issue with TV presenter Fiona
Mr Cameron had agreed
to appear on This Morning to talk about dementia,
including an event held at Downing Street today
where he discuss the issue with TV presenter Fiona
'I was not accusing
anyone of anything and it is essential that it is
understood that I would never be part of any kind of
'Unfortunately there
may have been a misjudged camera angle for a split
second as I showed the Prime Minister some
information I had obtained from the internet.
'I asked for his
reaction to give him the opportunity to make a point
which he very clearly made about the dangers of any
Asked if the Prime
Minister planned to make a complaint to This
Morning, his official spokesman said: 'I think the
Prime Minister dealt with the issue at the time.'
Schofield was absent
from today's edition of This Morning as he and
co-host Holly Willoughby hand over presenting duties
to Eamonn Holmes and his wife Ruth Langsford each
But the programme team
emphasised they were not pointing the finger at
anyone in particular.
Langsford reiterated
to viewers Schofield's point about a 'misjudged
camera angle' and she added: 'The programme was not
accusing anyone of anything.'
Earlier shadow home
secretary Yvette Cooper added her voice to
condemnation of Schofield's actions.
She told BBC Radio 4's
Today programme: 'Clearly the Prime Minister can't
be expected to comment on individuals on live
television. You can't have this being driven by
internet frenzies. What you need is proper criminal
investigations to get to the truth.'
Yesterday Tory MP
Stuart Andrew denounced the presenter's ambush as
'completely irresponsible and an outrageous stunt'.
Downing Street later
defended the decision to launch fresh inquiries into
the abuse scandal, insisting 'a number' of serious
allegations had been made.
The Prime Minister's
official spokesman added: 'Serious allegations have
been made about the conduct of the police inquiry
and the subsequent public inquiry and it's right we
look into those and that's what we are doing.
'I don't want to get
into the speculation about particular individuals.
The Prime Minister made the point he made yesterday,
which is if there are allegations, if there is
information about particular individuals, that
information should be handed to the police.'
He added: 'People are
questioning the conduct of a public inquiry. That is
quite a serious thing. As you would expect, we take
that seriously. We have not reopened the public
inquiry. We have asked an independent person to
review the scope and conduct of that inquiry.'>
9 November 2012: Defense of Lord McAlpine: He
never visited education institutions in Wrexham
- but dead Jimmy McAlpine could be the culprit well
with his car collection
from: The Telegraph: tory Pier Lord McAlpine break
silence: 'I did not sexually abuse anyone'; 9 Nov. 2012;
November 9, 2012
Former Conservative Party treasurer,
breaks silence over internet rumours linking him
to the North Wales child sex abuse case,
describing them as “wholly false and seriously
Gordon Rayner
The Telegraph
[Reproach by Steve Messham from Wrexham]
Lord (Alistair) McAlpine’s name circulated widely
online after Steve Messham, a former resident of the Bryn
Estyn home in Wrexham, told Newsnight he
had been abused by a high-ranking Thatcher-era Tory.
After the Guardian newspaper named Lord McAlpine but
reported that he had been a victim of mistaken
identity, the peer released a strongly-worded
statement addressing the “slurs”.
[Had visited Wrexham only once and in company -
never saw any children's home - never was in
education institutions]
He said he had visited Wrexham “only once”
and that was in the company of an agent from
Conservative Central Office.
“I have never been to the children’s home in
Wrexham, nor have I ever visited any children’s home,
reform school or any other institution of a similar
nature,” he said.
[McAlpine never wears luxury items]
“I have never stayed in a hotel in or near Wrexham, I
did not own a Rolls Royce, have never had a ‘Gold
card’ or ‘Harrods card’ and never wear aftershave, all
of which have been alleged.
[Another man is the culprit]
“I did not sexually abuse Mr Messham or any other
residents of the children’s home in Wrexham.”
He added: "I wish to make it clear that I do not
suggest that Mr Messham is malicious in making the
allegations of sexual abuse about me. He is referring
to a terrible period of his life in the 1970's or
1980's and what happened to him will have affected him
ever since.
"If he does think I am the man who abused him all
those years ago I can only suggest that he is mistaken
and that he has identified the wrong person."
[Another member from McAlpine family - who lived
for years near Wrexham]
A local councillor who was also a victim of abuse at
Bryn Estyn told The Guardian that he believed a
different member of the McAlpine family may have been
mistaken for Lord McAlpine.
Several sources have suggested that Mr Messham may
have been referring to Jimmie McAlpine, who chaired
the building firm Alfred McAlpine Ltd, and who lived
in Chester, near Wrexham.
[Mister X. with "several different motor cars" -
"wait for him" - dead Jimmie McAlpine with car
collection - "called Tom"]
The Waterhouse inquiry into the abuse allegations
recorded that, according to Mr Messham’s statement to
the police, “X (the letter used to hide the identity
of the McAlpine family member) had several different
motor cars and would wait for him at the bottom of
Bryn Estyn Lane.”
Jimmie McAlpine, who is now dead, had one of the largest
private collections of cars in Britain.
Reporters covering the inquiry at the time concluded
that Lord McAlpine could not be the person referred to
as the abuser because Mr Messham said his abuser was
dead, whereas Lord McAlpine is alive. And when a Times
reporter put Lord McAlpine’s name to Messham in 1996,
he said his abuser was in fact called Tom.
[Another ex-member of children's home only saw a
photo not more]
Another boy who originally appeared to corroborate the
accusation later confirmed that he had only been shown
a photograph of Lord McAlpine by a journalist
subsequently, and said this was his sole knowledge of
[Lord McAlpine claims that rumors are spreading
without control by media agents]
In his statement, Lord McAlpine said: "Over the last
several days it has become apparent to me that a
number of ill - or uninformed commentators have been
using blogs and other internet media outlets to accuse
me of being the senior Conservative Party figure from
the days of Margaret Thatcher's leadership who is
guilty of sexually abusing young residents of a
children's home in Wrexham, North Wales in the 1970's
and 1980's.
"It has additionally become apparent to me that a
number of broadcasters and newspapers have, without
expressly naming me, also been alleging that a senior
Conservative Party figure from that time was guilty of
or suspected of being guilty of the sexual abuse of
residents of this children's home.
"It is obvious that there must be a substantial
number of people who saw that I had been identified in
the internet publications as this guilty man and who
subsequently saw or heard the broadcasts or read the
newspapers in question and reasonably inferred that
the allegation of guilt in those broadcasts and
newspapers attached to me....
"I therefore have decided that in order to mitigate,
if only to some small extent, the damage to my
reputation I must publicly tackle these slurs and set
the record straight."
[Cameron concerned about stupid media - and
wants to see "the bottom of the allegations"]
Prime Minister David Cameron said he had not seen Lord
McAlpine's statement, but said the issue highlighted
his concerns about how paedophilia accusations were
Speaking at Carlisle, the PM said: "We must get to
the bottom of the allegations that have been made.
"In doing so, all organisations, all politicians,
have to be very careful they do not bandy about
allegations and names without thinking about the

Krimineller Pädophiler Jimmy Savile war
"Starmoderator" bei BBC und wurde von
der BBC bis zu seinem Tod gedeckt
12 November 2012:
Criminal pedophile Jimmy Savile was "star
moderator" with BBC and was protected by
BBC until he died
aus / from: 20 minuten
online: Missbrauchsskandal: Weitere BBC-Newschefs
nehmen den Hut; 13.11.2012;
<Nach dem
Rücktritt des BBC-Direktors George
Entwistle lassen die Nachrichtenchefin des
britischen Senders sowie deren
Stellvertreter ihre Ämter ruhen.
Die Krise beim britischen Radio- und TV-
Sender BBC zieht weitere Kreise: Nach dem
Rücktritt von Generaldirektor George
Entwistle lassen die Nachrichtenchefin des
britischen Senders sowie deren
Stellvertreter ihre Ämter ruhen.
Das teilte der BBC-Medienkorrespondent Torin
Douglas am Montag in London mit.
Nachrichtenchefin Helen Boaden und ihr
Stellvertreter Steve Mitchell hätten ihre
Aufgaben bis auf Weiteres an Kollegen
Beide seien angesichts
laufender Untersuchungen zur Zurückhaltung
von Informationen im Fall des verstorbenen
BBC-Starmoderators Jimmy Savile, der
hunderte Kinder missbraucht haben soll,
zum Rücktritt aufgefordert worden.
Der Sendung «Newsnight»
wird vorgeworfen, entsprechende Hinweise
auf Savile zurückgehalten zu haben. Die
BBC hatte im Oktober einräumen müssen,
dass Savile Kinder missbraucht hatte.
Savile ist vergangenes Jahr gestorben, war
aber offensichtlich bis nach seinem Tod
durch die BBC gedeckt worden.
Am Samstagabend war
bereits BBC-Chef George Entwistle
zurückgetreten. Auslöser dafür war ein
unzutreffender Bericht über einen anderen
Missbrauchsskandal. Der Sender hatte
Anfang November eine Sendung ausgestrahlt,
in der ein Politiker der britischen
Konservativen fälschlicherweise des
Kindesmissbrauchs in einem Kinderheim
beschuldigt wurde.
Entwistle war erst vor
acht Wochen zum Generaldirektor der BBC
ernannt worden. Der Chef des
BBC-Weltdienstes, Tim Davie, übernimmt nun
die Leitung des Senders, bis ein
Nachfolger für Entwistle gefunden ist.
(sda)> |
the demission of BBC Director George
Entwistle there is more action: News
Director of the British radio and TV station
and her substitute are not working at the
This crises with British radio and TV station
BBC is developing it's own drive: After the
demission of General Director George Entwistle
also News Director of the British station and
her substitute are not working at the moment.
This was indicated by the BBC media
correspondent Torin Douglas this Monday in
London. News DIrector Helen Boaden and her
substitute Steve Mitchel had given their work
to other staff members until there is another
change in the affair.
Both were asked to show reluctance in giving
information concerning the current
investigation in the case of the BBC star
moderator Jimmy Savile who has died recently
and who is said having abused hundreds of
Child abuse is the susicion
Broadcast "Newsnight" is reproached having
concealed corresponding indications. BBC had
to avow in October that Savile had abused
children. Savile died last year, but as it
seems he was covered and protected by BBC
until his death.
Saturday evening BBC boss George Entwistle has
resigned. Trigger for this had been another
scandal about child abuse. In the beginning of
November BBC had beamed a broadcast in which a
politician of British Conservatives had been
charged wrongly of child abuse in a children's
Entwistle had been named to be General
Director of BBC only eight weeks ago. The boss
of BBC world service, Tim Davie, is taking
over the general management of the station now
until there is found a successor for
14 November 2012: <Former BBC local radio
presenter charged with sexually abusing underage
- Michael Souter
charged with 18 offences relating to young boys
plus an offence against a man and one against a
woman between 1979 and 1999
- Souter says he
'strenuously denies' and will 'vigorously
defend' claims
from: Dail Mail online; 14 November 2012;
<A former BBC
employee has been charged with sexual offences
against children.
Michael Souter, from
Loddon, Norfolk, has been charged with 18 offences
relating to young boys, plus an offence against a
man and one against a woman.
Mr Souter is accused
of 10 indecent assaults on a boy under the age of 16
and six sex offences with a boy under 16.
Norfolk Police said
the offences date back to between 1979 and 1999 and
happened in Norfolk.
Mr Souter, 59, who
formerly worked as a presenter for BBC Radio
Norfolk, is due before Norwich Magistrates' Court on
November 30.
Souter issued a
statement which read: 'This is the third time that
Norfolk Police have investigated these alleged
offences, which I strenuously deny and will
vigorously defend.
'On both previous
occasions, the Crown Prosecution Service advised
against making charges. It has taken Norfolk police
nearly 20 years and two years in the current
investigation to get to this stage using methods
that are now subject to a judicial review in the
High Court.
'For that reason, plus
the fact I have now been charged, you will
understand that I cannot go into detail.
'My close friends
have been a tower of strength during what has been
an extremely difficult period and I cannot thank
them enough for their support.
'I would just ask
that nobody jumps to any conclusions and I look
forward to being able to prove my innocence and get
on with my life.'
Souter now runs a
media consultancy.
He was born and
brought up in Scotland and attended the Britannia
Royal Naval College in Dartmouth as a scholarship
entrant in 1970.
He began his media
career at Radio Clyde as a reporter before moving to
the BBC, where he spent nine years producing and
presenting programmes for radio and television.
He also has a home in
BBC als Pädophilenzentrum?

15.11.2012: <BBC-Affäre:
sind es schon 450 Opfer von Jimmy
15 November 2012:
<BBC Affair: Now Over 450 Victims by
Jimmy Savile>
/ aus: 20 minuten online; 15.11.2012;
translation by Michael Palomino;
<Es ist alles
noch viel schlimmer: Der
Missbrauchsskandal um BBC-Moderator
Jimmy Savile betrifft nicht nur 300,
sondern rund 450 Kinder. Zudem wurde ein
weiterer Mann verhaftet.
Kindesmissbrauchsskandal um den
verstorbenen BBC-Moderator Jimmy Savile
erreicht immer schrecklichere Dimensionen.
Die Zahl der Opfer sei auf 450 gestiegen,
teilte die britische Polizei am Donnerstag
mit. Zuvor war bereits von mehr als 300
Opfern die Rede gewesen.
Savile, früher
Moderator von «Top of the Pops», und
andere sollen sich über Jahre hinweg an
jungen Menschen vergangen haben. Die
Taten sollen zum Teil auf dem
Sendergelände der britischen BBC
geschehen sein.
Scotland Yard teilte
zudem mit, man habe einen weiteren
Verdächtigen im Missbrauchsskandal
festgenommen. Es handle sich dabei um
einen Mann um die 60. Es ist die vierte
Festnahme in dem Fall.
Auf freiem Fuss
Zuvor waren bereits
der 69 Jahre alte TV-Comedian Freddie
Starr, der 68-jährige Rocker Gary
Glitter sowie ein weiterer Mann
festgenommen und von der Polizei befragt
worden. Alle drei sind inzwischen gegen
Kaution wieder auf freiem Fuss.
Jimmy Savile kann
nicht mehr zur Verantwortung gezogen
werden. Er starb bereits 2011. Erst im
Oktober dieses Jahres wurden die
Vorwürfe bekannt.
all much worse: The scandal about child
abuse about BBC moderator Jimmy Savile
concerns not only 300, but more than 450
children. Add to this one more person was
Child abuse scandal about died BBC moderator
Jimmy Savile is reaching always more
terrible dimensions. The number of victims
had risen to 450. This communicated police
on Thursday. Before the indication was more
than 300 victims.
Savile had been moderator of "To of the
Pops", and others also are said having
abused children over years. The criminal
actions are said also having been performed
on BBC territories.
Scotland Yard also informed that there had
been captivated one more suspect, a man of
about 60 years. This is the fourth
captivation in this case.
Free on bail
Before 69 years old TV comedian Freddie
Starr had been captivated and asked, and the
same had been with 68 years old rocker Gary
Glitter and with a third man. All three are
free for on bail at the moment.
Jimmy Savile cannot be torn to justice any
more. He died in 2011. ONly in October of
this year the reproaches were known in

16.11.2012: <Entschädigung
für Falschbericht: BBC zahlt
McAlpine aus> - 185.000 Pfund
16 Nov. 2012:
<Compensation for wrong report: BBC
pays McAlpine> - 185,000 Pounds
aus: n-tv online;
16.11.2012; translation by Michael Palomino;
BBC ist darum bemüht, die Krise des
Senders rasch vom Tisch zu bekommen. Mit
dem Tory-Politiker McAlpine kommt es
schnell zu einer Einigung über
Entschädigung. Damit dürften die
juristischen Folgen des Falschberichts
über Kindesmissbrauch ausgestanden sein.
Neues gibt es aber auch in den
Ermittlungen um Missbrauchsfälle innerhalb
der BBC.
Nach dem falschen
BBC-Bericht über die angebliche
Verwicklung eines Politikers in einen
Kindesmissbrauchsskandal zahlt der Sender
Entschädigung. Der Tory-Politiker Alistair
McAlpine erhält 185.000 Pfund, wie die BBC
mitteilte. Die Summe entspreche einer
Vereinbarung mit dem Politiker, nachdem
dieser eine Verleumdungsklage eingereicht
hatte, hieß es in der Erklärung der BBC
Die "umfangreiche"
Zahlung stehe für die "Schwere der
Vorwürfe", die fälschlicherweise erhoben
worden seien. Neben der
Entschädigungszahlung sollen McAlpine, der
in der Ära von Premierministerin Margaret
Thatcher tätig war, auch seine Kosten
erstattet werden. Zudem wird vor Gericht
eine Erklärung verlesen, mit der sich die
BBC bei ihm entschuldigen will.
Affäre um Savile geht
McAlpine begrüßte die
"schnelle und frühe Einigung mit der BBC".
Er wolle jetzt auch eine Einigung mit
weiteren Organisationen erzielen, "die
verleumderische Äußerungen" über ihn
veröffentlicht hätten sowie mit
Einzelpersonen, die den
Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter zur
Verbreitung genutzt hätten.
Neben dem Skandal ist
die BBC zudem in eine weitere
Missbrauchsaffäre verwickelt. In diesem
Fall geht es um den einstigen
BBC-Starmoderator Jimmy Savile, der
jahrelang Kinder missbraucht haben soll.
Savile starb vergangenes Jahr im Alter von
84 Jahren. Der BBC-Nachrichtensendung
"Newsnight", in der auch der falsche
Bericht über McAlpine lief, wird
vorgeworfen, Hinweise zum Fall Savile
zurückgehalten zu haben. Zudem gibt es
Vorwürfe, dass Savile von BBC-Mitarbeitern
jahrelang gedeckt wurde.
Travis auf Kaution
wieder frei
In der Affäre gab es nun
eine vierte Festnahme. Bei dem
Verdächtigen handele es sich um Saviles
BBC-Kollegen, den 67-jährigen ehemaligen
Radio-DJ Dave Lee Travis, berichteten
britische Medien. Die Polizei sprach
lediglich von einem etwa 60 Jahre alten
Mann, dem Sexualstraftaten vorgeworfen
würden. Wie am Abend bekanntwurde, kam der
Mann nach seiner Aussage auf Kaution
wieder frei.
Laut Medienberichten
arbeitete Travis zusammen mit Savile 25
Jahre lang für BBC Radio 1, bevor er zum
BBC-Programm World Service Network
wechselte. Bislang gibt es keine Hinweise,
dass Travis Pädophilie zur Last gelegt
wird. Allerdings werfen ihm zwei Frauen
vor, er habe sie in den 70er und 80er
Jahren belästigt, was Travis vehement
Die Affäre Savile
erschüttert Großbritannien seit Wochen,
immer wieder gibt es neue Enthüllungen. Im
Zusammenhang mit dem Skandal wurden auch
drei britische Prominente festgenommen,
unter ihnen Ex-Glam-Rock-Star Gary
Glitter. Auch sie kamen aber gegen Kaution
wieder auf freien Fuß.
Quelle: n-tv.de, AFP>
wants to get off this crises. With Tory
politician McAlpine there is reached fast an
aggreement about a compensation. Juridical
consequences for the wrong report about
child abuse should have an end with this.
But there are new details about
investigations in cases of abuse within BBC.
After a wrong BBC report about an alleged
connection of a politician in a child abuse
scandal the radio station pays a compensation.
Tory politician Alistair McAlpine receives
185,000 Pounds as BBC was communicating. This
sum corresponds to an aggreement with the
politician after he had made a complaint for
calumnation, so the report.
This "comprehensive" payment would stay for
"bad reproaches" which were presented in
public by mistake. And also the costs should
be repayed to McAlpine. He had been working in
the Thatcher government. Add to this a
declaration will be read before the court in
which BBC is apologizing.
Affair about Savile is going on
McAline is welcoming this "fast and early
agreement with BBC". He also wanted to reach
more agreements with more organizations "which
had published calumnations", and also singular
persons who had used short message service
Twitter for spreading.
Aside this scandal BBC is connected with
another affair about child abuse. IN this case
the culprit is BBC star moderator Jimmy Savile
who is said having abused children for years.
Savile had died last year with 84. BBC news
portal "Newsnight" (in which also the wrong
information about McAlpine was given) is
reproached having guarded indications about
the Savile case too long. Add to this there
are reproaches that Savile had been covered by
BBC staff members for years.
Travis free on bail
In this affair there was a fourth detention
now. The suspicious person is a BBC collegue
of Savile, 67 years old ex radio DJ Dave Lee
Travis, according to British media. Police
only spoke about a man of about 60 years with
reproaches of sexual abuse crimes. As was
published in the evening this man was set free
on bail after his statement.
According to media reports Travis was working
with Savile for 25 years in BBC Radio 1 before
he had changed to BBC Program "World Service
Network". Until today there is no indication
that Travis was charged with pedophily. But
two women are charging him having been
harassed by him in the 1970s and 1980s, but
Travis is rejecting this harshly.
Savile affair is striking Great Britain since
weaks because threre are new facts coming out
without end. Also three prominent persons were
detained in this case, among them ex Glam rock
star Gary Glitter. Also these persons were set
free on bail.
Source: n-tv.de, AFP>
A Savile case:
18 November 2012: <Niece 'molested' by
Savile 'driven to suicide' by Facebook taunts as
claims emerge the TV star preyed on girls in
from: Daily Mail online; 18 November 2012;
- <Caroline Robinson said she was molested twice
by her famous great-uncle, once aged 12 and again
three years later
Claims that she was
abused on Facebook after going public with
Told how she was 'driven to
attempt suicide' by taunts
The great niece of Jimmy Savile has told how she was
driven to the brink of suicide by the Facebook backlash
after claiming she was one of the TV star's victims.
Caroline Robinson,
49, spoke out last month about how she had been
abused twice by her great uncle, who was best known
for his Jim'll Fix It TV show, by the time she was
But Ms Robinson,
whose late grandmother Marjorie Marsden was Savile's
older sister, has received a barrage of abuse from
other Facebook users after going public with her
She last night told how she
was driven to attempting an overdose before her
husband David Robinson, 65, found her at their home
near Leyburn, North Yorkshire, and talked her out of
Mrs Robsinson
told the Daily Star on Sunday: 'One part of me
wishes that I had never said a word and taken my
secret to the grave. I really wanted to end it
'Now I know why so many victims of abuse stay
One Facebook user
accused her of lying - adding that there was a
'nice long line of people wanting to smack' her
after she told how Savile had abused her.
Another wrote it
was a 'load of b*******' while another said her
claims 'were beyong belief'.
Her husband last
night said her abusers should 'be ashamed of
themselves' after his wife was driven to
attempting an overdose because of their
Retired engineer Mr
Robinson said: 'Outwardky she has been putting
on a brave face but behind closed doors she
has been a mess.'
couple's ordeal come as new reports of
Savile abusing schoolgirls in the vestry
of a Catholic cathedral have emerged.
A former
schoolgirl told the Sunday Mirror that
there were rumours that the TV star had
abused a girl in the vestry at Leeds
Cathedral and that pupils at her nearby
primary school were told not to sit near
Savile when they visited the church in the
She said:
'As we trooped in he would be waiting. He
would turn and grin.
'We were
told to sit away from him because of talk
he had taken a girl into the vestry.
'He was
there every week. I remember him being
shifty and grinning, I found him creepy.'
A spokesman
for Leeds Cathedral said: 'There was a
school which took children to the
cathedral in the late 1960s. But we have
no record of any complaint made against
Jimmy Savile.'
It comes as
police investigate 300 cases of alleged
abuse by Savile across three
decades. >
Details über Jimmy Savile
mit 214 Sexualverbrechen |
January 2013: Details about
Jimmy Savile with 214 sexual
crimes |
aus: 20 minuten online: BBC-Skandal: Savile ein
Sexualstraftäter»; 11.1.2013;
Ermittlungsbericht der
britischen Behörden zum
Missbrauchsskandal um
Jimmy Savile ist
erschütternd. 214
Sexualverbrechen werden
BBC-Moderator vorgeworfen.
umtriebig und berechnend»: Ein
Ermittlungsbericht hat die
Abgründe des
Missbrauchsskandals um
BBC-Moderator Jimmy Savile ans
Licht gebracht und das Bild
eines skrupellosen
Sexualstraftäters gezeichnet.
In einem
Zeitraum von mehr als 50
Jahren habe der inzwischen
Verstorbene 214
Sexualverbrechen begangen,
darunter 34 Vergewaltigungen,
hiess es in dem am Freitag
Polizeibericht. Savile nutzte
demnach seinen Ruhm aus, um
Jagd auf neue Opfer zu machen
- das jüngste war nach Angaben
der BBC erst acht Jahre alt.
Savile starb
im Oktober 2011 im Alter von
84 Jahren. Bekanntheit
erlangte er vor allem in den
1960ern als Moderator der
BBC-Chart-Show «Top of the
Pops». Später schuf er die
Kindersendung «Jim'll Fix It»,
in der er jungen Leuten ihre
Träume erfüllte. Zudem galt er
als Vertrauter von
Ex-Premierministerin Margaret
jeden Vergleich»
«Man kann
durchaus sagen, dass er eine
ganze Nation an der Nase
herumgeführt hat», sagte
Kriminalkommissar Peter
Spindler über Savile. «Er
versteckte sich vor aller
Augen, aber keiner von uns
konnte irgendetwas dagegen
tun.» Das Ausmass der
Missbrauchsfälle sei «im
Vereinigten Königreich ohne
jeden Vergleich».
Sein Unwesen
trieb Savile laut dem
Polizeibericht in
Krankenhäusern und Schulen, wo
er sich oft im Rahmen seiner
aufgehalten habe. «Er konnte
tun und lassen, was er
wollte», sagte Chefermittler
David Gray. «Er konnte einfach
in einer Schule auftauchen und
fragen: 'Will mich
irgendjemand kennenlernen?'»
Ganz bewusst habe sich Savile
nur die Schwächsten
ausgesucht, sagte Gray weiter.
«Er war schlau genug,
diejenigen Kinder auszumachen,
die am ehesten stillhalten
setzte Ermittlungen in Gang
Einige Opfer
Saviles machten aber doch den
Mund auf. Etliche gingen
bereits im Jahr 2003, 2007 und
2008 zur Polizei. Der Stein
kam trotzdem erst ins Rollen,
als der Fernsehsender ITV im
vergangenen Oktober eine
Reportage ausstrahlte, in der
mutmassliche Missbrauchsopfer
von Savile zu Wort kamen.
Die Behörden
seien im Lichte der jüngsten
Enthüllungen verpflichtet,
Kindern besser zuzuhören, die
von Missbrauch berichteten,
sagte Peter Saunders von der
Vereinigung für minderjährige
Missbrauchsopfer. «Ich will,
dass wir Jimmy Savile
vergessen. Er ist unseres
Andenkens nicht wert. Aber ich
will, dass wir uns an seine
Opfer erinnern.»
<The investigation report of
British authorities about the
abuse scandal of Jimmy Savile is
frightening. 214 sexual crimes are
charging the BBC moderator.
"He was like a carnivore, he was
always doing something, and he was
calculating": The investigation
report describes that BBC
moderator Jimmy Savile was without
any scruples presenting the facts
about the scandal.
During more than 50 years the
nowaday's dead Savile committed
214 sexual crimes, with 34 rapes -
so the report published on Friday.
Savile was abusing his reputation
chasing his victims - and the
youngest was only 8 years old, BBC
Savile died in October 2011 with
84 years. His show "Top of the
Pops" in the 1960s was well known.
Later the children serie "Jim'll
Fix It" was created where he
fullfilled the dreams of young
people. And he was rated as a
confidant of ex Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher.
"Without any comparison"
"One can really say that he was
cheating the nation", criminal
commissioner Peter Spindler said
about Savile. "He was hiding
himself from all eyes, but nobody
could do something about it." The
dimensionof the cases of child
abuse would be "without any
comparison in the United Kingdom".
According to the police report
Savile was making troubles in
hospitals and schools, where he
often had his charity work. "He
could to and let what he wanted",
chief investigator David Gray
said. "He could simply go to a
school and ask: 'Somebody wants to
get to know me?' " And Savile was
electing precisely the weakest,
Gray said. "He was clever enough
to elect those children who never
would say anything."
TV documentation provoking
first investigations
But some victims of Savile were
reporting the crimes. Many went to
the police in 2003, in 2007 and in
2008 already. But the affair was
coming up only when TV channel ITV
was presenting a report in October
2012 where suspected victims of
Savile were talking.
The authorities were forced to
listen better to the victims,
Peter Saunders from the
Association of Abused Victims
said. "I want that we will forget
Jimmy Savile. He is not worth
being remembered. But I want that
we will remember the victims."
10 February 2013: Geoffrey Dickens
presented a file about VIP pedophile
ring in 1983 at the boys care home "Elm
guest house" - but now the file has gone
from: The Mirror:
Elm guest house:
Home Office was warned by top Tory 30
years ago of VIP paedophile ring;
10 February 2013;
also from: David Icke website:
Elm guest house:
Home Office was warned by top Tory 30
years ago of VIP paedophile ring;
10 February 2013;
<A senior Tory MP handed an
explosive dossier alleging VIP child
abuse to the Government almost 30 years
ago, the
Sunday People can reveal.
The 50 pages contained information about
suspected paedophile rings, police
misconduct and abuse of boys in a care
There are suggestions the dossier
contained links to the notorious Elm
guest house in south-west London
which is currently the focus of the Met
Police’s investigation Operation
But the file has disappeared.
It was presented to the Home Office by
Geoffrey Dickens MP in 1984.
Later he had a half-hour meeting with the
then-Home Secretary Leon Brittan which Mr
Dickens described as encouraging.
The MP for Littleborough and Saddleworth
said he had been assured his allegations
of a UK-wide paedophile ring would be
fully investigated.
But there is no evidence Mr Dickens’
findings were ever followed up and the
Home Office admits it has no idea where
the file is now.
Our revelations support claims first made
in the Commons last October by campaigning
MP Tom Watson that evidence of a VIP
paedophile ring with links to the heart of
government was not followed up in the
early 1980s.
Together they raise concerns that a
cover-up – perhaps orchestrated by MI5 or
Scotland Yard’s Special Branch – may have
protected senior figures mentioned in the
Mr Watson has now tabled a Parliamentary
question asking Home Secretary Theresa May
to track down the Dickens dossier and make
it available to MPs.
Mr Dickens, who died in 1995 aged 63,
spent years collecting his evidence. The
colourful MP was convinced he had solid
proof of a VIP paedophile network with
links to Parliament, Buckingham Palace and
other areas of public life.
It is believed he handed at least two
dossiers to the Government.
In 1981 he used Parliamentary privilege
to name diplomat Sir Peter Hayman as a
Three years earlier an envelope
containing obscene literature and written
material had been found on a London bus.
A police investigation found vile
correspondence between Sir Peter and
several other people.
But no prosecution was brought against
the diplomat, who worked for MI6 and was
High Commissioner to Canada.
The police uncovered Hayman’s links to
the infamous Paedophile Information
Exchange (PIE).
The twisted pressure group lobbied for
child-sex perverts to be given equal
rights and for the age of consent to be
lowered to four.
In 1983, Mr Dickens said there were “big,
big names – people in positions of power,
influence and responsibility” and
threatened to expose them in Parliament if
no action was taken against PIE.
The MP handed a one-million strong
petition against the group to Home
Secretary Mr Brittan.
In 1984 he revealed he had called for Mr
Brittan to investigate the allegations in
his dossier.
He added: “The dossier contained
allegations of a child offence in a
children’s home.”
Reports at the time said the file
described a youth worker abusing boys in
his care, and a TV boss allegedly abusing
a child.
Now investigators are keen to see the
dossier as the probe into the Elm guest
house gathers pace.
Operation Fernbridge was set up to
investigate claims the Elm – a gay brothel
– was used by high-profile paedophiles to
abuse boys in the late 1970s and early
Documents seen by police – and first
revealed in a joint investigation between
the Sunday People and Exaro website – show
that guests at the Elm had connections
with the royal household, politics and
Last week one
victim told the Sunday People how as a
13-year-old he was taken from nearby
Grafton Close care home to the Elm where
he was plied with drink, dressed in a
fairy costume and then abused by “posh
A Home Office spokesman said: “We are
aware of media reports from the 1980s
about papers collected by Geoffrey
“Files from that time are no longer held
centrally by the department, but work is
underway to find out what relevant
documents have been archived.”>
16 February 2013: <VIP
paedophile ring
The net closes: Ex-Tory chief faces
child sex arrest over claims girl was
raped and boys were abused>
from: Mirror; 16 February 2013;
<The probe into a former Cabinet
minister, the notorious paedophile Sidney
Cooke, Jimmy Savile and MP Cyril Smith
Ex-minister: He allegedly raped a girl.
Sick Jimmy Savile was 'part of the gang'.
MP Cyril Smith was spotted in
Child killer: Rapist Sidney Cooke.
Police are preparing to arrest a
former Tory Cabinet minister after a
woman came forward to claim she had
been raped by him as a girl.
Detectives are also investigating
claims that he abused boys.
We can reveal that the former minister
is suspected of being part of a VIP
paedophile ring that was regularly
handed boys by child rapist and killer
Sidney Cooke for vile sex orgies.
The former high-ranking MP, who we
cannot name, is under investigation by
Scotland Yard’s paedophile unit.
Sources close to the probe gave details
of the new allegations to the Sunday
Mirror and investigative news website
A former detective who worked on the
original investigation into Cooke told
the Sunday Mirror that the minister was
among those alleged to have been
photographed in a 1986 police
surveillance on premises where boys had
been dropped off.
Others allegedly included Jimmy
Savile, MP Cyril
Smith and top judges – though none
of them were ever arrested.
Cooke, 85 – dubbed Britain’s most
notorious paedophile after he tortured
and killed 14-year-old Jason Swift in
1985 – would pick the unsuspecting
teenage boys up off the streets around
Kings Cross.
He would drive them to locations across
North London where paedophiles lay in
wait to repeatedly rape them.
Last week the former officer, who
worked on Operation Orchid which
convicted Cooke and his gang, said they
had taken pictures of the minister.
The former officer said up to 16 high
profile figures were due to be arrested.
But the day before they were to be
carried out detectives were told the
operation had been disbanded.
The revelation means Scotland Yard knew
about allegations concerning the Cabinet
Minister and Savile in 1986 but did
nothing about it, instead choosing to
cover up the claims.
A source told Exaro last week that
senior officers, including Commander
Peter Spindler, the head of the
Paedophile Unit, have had a secret
briefing on preparations to arrest the
It is understood that the investigation
is at an early stage but there is a plan
to arrest him in the next few weeks.
After the 1986 operation into Cooke was
disbanded the former officer went to
check the file – only to find the
pictures had disappeared and any mention
of the men involved had also vanished.
The former officer said: “It was clear
a cover-up had taken place.
“The investigation showed that Cooke
would pick up rent boys and take them
back to flats or garages where large
groups of men were waiting to abuse
“These paedophiles, which included a
lot of high-profile figures that were
said to include the former Cabinet
Minister, Savile and MP Cyril Smith, all
knew each other and all operated
together. They would lie in wait and
Cooke would turn up with the boy who
wouldn’t know what was going to happen.
“We had photographic evidence of these
high-profile figures entering or leaving
buildings where the abuse was taking
place. Everyone knew Savile was a paedo
but nothing was ever done.
“Cyril Smith was photographed going
into one of the properties with a
high-profile film director.
“All of the others were pictured and
were going to be arrested before the
plug was pulled. I was sickened and to
this day I wonder how many children we
could have saved if we had been allowed
to arrest those men.
“I feel guilty they weren’t arrested
but there was nothing I could do at the
time as the evidence had gone.”
The Sunday Mirror knows the identity of
the paedophiles in the gang but has
chosen not to name them.
In 1993 Detective Superintendent Ed
Williams tried to track down the Orchid
file on Cooke to see if there were any
similarities with the abduction and
murder of nine-year-old Daniel Handley,
but he struggled to find the folder.
He eventually found it in the basement
of Arbour Square Police Station in
Stepney, East London.
While there were references to a “wider
paedophile ring” there were no
photographs or names.
Mr Williams said: “I was very upset
about the way the Met treated paedophile
cases but I was a voice in the
wilderness at that time and people
thought I was being over-emotional.
“I found the Orchid files where they
had been put for storage purposes and
somebody had completely forget to send
it back to the Yard. I was trying to
look for paedophiles and connections
with other cases as I was trying to
build up a profile of the offender.
“The report spoke about boys being
passed around from paedophile to
“There were no pictures on the file. It
did mention that there was a wider ring
of individuals but did not mention Jimmy
Savile or a cabinet minister.”
Sidney Cooke, along with three
accomplices – Leslie Bailey, Robert
Oliver and Steven Barrell – was found
guilty of the manslaughter of Jason
Swift in May 1989. They have been linked
to up to 20 murders.
Cooke was believed to have murdered
seven-year-old Mark Tildesley but the
Crown Prosecution Service decided not to
bring charges as he was already serving
19 years for Jason’s death.
He was released in 1998, to a public
outcry, but was rearrested the following
year for systematically abusing two boys
in the 1970s and jailed for life.
Savile was exposed last year as one of
the UK’s most prolific paedophiles, with
450 victims. Police said he “groomed a
nation” by avoiding justice while
abusing hundreds of children over 54
Officers on Operation Yewtree, which
investigated the claims, have also
arrested celebrities including Gary
Glitter, comedian Freddie Starr, DJ Dave
Lee Travis, publicist Max Clifford and
comedian Jim Davidson. All have denied
any wrongdoing and not all the
allegations involve under-16s.
Scotland Yard said they would not
comment on an on-going investigation.
Visit the Exaro
website for more on this