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Jewry in Portugal index / Judentum in Portugal Index

von / by Michael Palomino (2020)

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What exists and what not exists: Moses, Jesus and Muhammad did not exist
-- Moses (12 tribes - a dozen) did not exist: book: The Bible Unearthed)
-- Jesus (12 disciples - a dozen) did not exist (and 33 is the highest Freemason's code=number of vertebra of human spine) - link
-- Muhammad did not exist either (until the year 800, Arab Peninsula was Christian with a Fantasy Jesus - book: Good bye Mohammed)
-- Moses+Jesus+Muhammad are an invented trilogy for world domination applying fantasies and damnifications
-- The solution: Mother Earth is healing (link), Human Rights are the way of life, and a healthy Buddha without big belly is the model for yoga and brain yoga. Prosecution services of the world are not ready yet...
Michael Palomino, Sep.16, 2020

Juden in Portugal / Jews in Portugal

1. Jews in Portugal 01: Roman times - Middle Ages (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Immigration legend since 70 C.E. - communities in town

2. Jews in Portugal 02: 14th and 15th century (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Envy and anti-Jewish law with taxes and Jewish badge - influx of Spanish Jews - forced conversions - emigration movement

3. Jews in Portugal 03: Inquisition and Jews at stake (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Massacre of 1506 enforces secret Judaism - criminal Catholic Church struggles for an Inquisition - Jews at stake - Inquisition law until 1821

4. Jews in
Portugal 04: 1800-1933 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Jewish resettlement - detection of an old Marrano community - conversion trend

5. Jews in Portugal 05: 1933-1945 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Jewish refugees in the 1930s - transit visas and consular protection

6. Jews in Portugal 06: 1945-1971
(Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Conversion trend - professions and synagogues - Herzl Israel

  • Jews in Lisbon  (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
    Rich cultural contribution since Afonso I - Anti Jewish laws since Ferdinand I - pogroms and popular anti-Judaism - Spanish Jews coming in 1492 - expulsion from Portugal in 1496 - persecution of Conversos - emancipation of New Christians in 1773 - emancipation of Jews in 1910 - Jewish influx from Eastern Europe and from NS territories for emigration overseas - numbers 1945-1970 - scholars and printing