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Judentum in der Türkei - Index / Jewry in Turkey - index

von / by Michael Palomino (2020)

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What exists and what not exists: Moses, Jesus and Muhammad did not exist
-- Moses (12 tribes - a dozen) did not exist: book: The Bible Unearthed)
-- Jesus (12 disciples - a dozen) did not exist (and 33 is the highest Freemason's code=number of vertebra of human spine) - link
-- Muhammad did not exist either (until the year 800, Arab Peninsula was Christian with a Fantasy Jesus - book: Good bye Mohammed)
-- Moses+Jesus+Muhammad are an invented trilogy for world domination applying fantasies and damnifications
-- The solution: Mother Earth heals, Human Rights are the way of life, and a healthy Buddha without big belly is the model for yoga and brain yoga. Prosecution services of the world are not ready yet...
Michael Palomino, Sep.16, 2020

Türkei vor 1923 vor Atatürk: Ottoman / Turkey before 1923 before Atatürk: see Ottoma

Juden in der Türkei / Jews in Turkey

Juden in Istanbul / Jews in Istanbul

Jews in Istanbul 06: National republic 1923-1970  (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
National changes - Turkish and French - no Zionism permitted - secularizations - tax and ruin 1942-1944 - new tolerance since 1949 - emigtration to Herzl Israel - structures of the community 1945-1968
