on the Federal Square (Bundesplatz)

Resistance Switzerland March 9, 2023: Preparation for patriotic peace demonstration at Berne Federal Square (Bundesplatz), March 11, 2023 at 4pm [4]
Ukraine. News 19: Ukraine war 19: Resistance: Peace demonstration against war at Berne March 11, 2023

Michael Palomino with cap "NEVER WAR" ("NIE KRIEG") [1] - Flag of MassVoll with 2 wooden peace doves, zoom 02 [8] - Sticker with the opinion: "I am for peace negotiations" (orig. German: "Ich bin für FRIEDENsverhandlungen" [11] - Assange portrait with the word "TRUTH" [12] - Trychler with bells [23].
My comment
I sent the photos around with my comment with my warning what war really is.
Circular e-mail from March 12, 2023
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE - March 11, 2023
What war means is only known by those who
1) have been in a war themselves, or
2) who have people in their family who are refugees, or
3) who were wounded in a war, or
4) who never came home (i.e., were killed or abducted).
Here is my data on war and peace and history (I have been analyzing history data since 1992): www.geschichteinchronologie.com -> ENGL
-- I can add to this: My German grandfathers BOTH did not return from Russia after 1945. One fell near Leningrad, the other at the Don River in Ukraine. And it makes me angry that the fools are now doing the same shit there again.
-- If the dad doesn't come back and the children grow up without a dad, it's a catastrophe, because then the teachers are the substitute dads and are overburdened or the children develop a stubbornness that harms them later in life.
-- AND: In wars many soldiers become disabled: leg off, arm off, hand off, foot off, lung damage, heart damage, liver damage, shell splinters cause all kinds of shit.
-- AND: In wars there is a lot of shooting, and then are coming: lung shot, leg shot, arm shot, shoulder shot, lung shot through the lung, leg shot through the leg, arm shot through the arm, shoulder shot through the shoulder, fatal heart shot or fatal brain shot, etc. Shell fragments can land anywhere. And then the medical staff has much work: many hands, arms, feet and legs are amputated.
Well, people who go to war have to expect that they will end up in a wheelchair afterwards or not come back at all, the chance is actually always at least 50/50.
-- Some soldiers shoot themselves in the foot to avoid having to go to war. Other soldiers think they can survive by serving behind the front lines: as medics, weathermen, etc. My paternal grandfather wanted to "survive the war" as a weatherman, but this tactic didn't work out in Ukraine on the Don River. He was deported and was never seen again.
-- War is the spawn of the devil of "civilization", and one can only warn. Biden and Selenski are the devils, and Baerbock and the war agitator journalists of 20minuten, Tagesanzeiger, a tennis player on Dufourstrasse at Zurich, or in Germany Spiegel Stern and FAZ BILD ZEIT Kurier etc. are further devils, who always only agitate against Russia. Putin simply never eliminates the Selenski so that the theater continues and Putin is never guilty. What looked like a peace mission at the beginning now comes out as a war. And China is also said to have troops in Ukraine already.
-- In World War I, for example, according to the Treaty of Versailles, the French side wanted Germany to pay the pensions for the French invalids.
-- German bombs destroyed northern French cities, and when in the late 1930s these cities were rebuilt, German bombs came again and destroyed the cities AGAIN.
-- Hitler was financed by the Bush family, among others, this Bush family installed an OWN BANK him. Why? The high Satanists from the Committee of 300 thought Hitler would win against Russia and had already PRE-reserved Russian territories. And I mean, the same could happen again since 2022!
-- So, it's important to know: The project was to win the Russian campaign under Hitler within 3 months - and it became 4 years and a terrific defeat. The "USA" remained intact, the rest of Europe was a field of ruins except for Italy and Switzerland and a few mini-states.
-- Overall, no one has ever defeated Russia: Napoleon failed, Hitler failed, and the Schneelenski (Schnee=German: drug cocaine) will also fail with NATO. Europe will see Russian tanks again, but this time maybe also Chinese tanks, if this war is not stopped.
Have a nice day, Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE
WHAT DOES WAR MEAN? Part 2: War is NOT a holiday trip!
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE, Basel March 12, 2023
-- Consider this: War also always means a great urban exodus, because always the cities are destroyed, and who does not flee from the city, may then save himself in the cellars - you are safe only on a farm and sometimes not even there, because passing troops need quarters and shelter
-- War is ALWAYS a planned population reduction, and governments are laughing at the sheep who are going to the battlefield, in former times this was with marching music, nowadays they are going with iPhones, in former times war were proceeded under the command of the criminal-pedophile drug-gay Vatican, nowadays the command comes from a Red Shield [Rothschild] in London
-- A war is transforming all social structures, family ties break down: when a soldier is at the front, the wife at home may not be able to wait for years and changes the husband, and the soldier has "normal" visits to the roadside war brothel, the soldier becomes traumatized by the death of his comrades or had to kill others for surviving, he becomes manic-depressive, or soldier are with women just for fun and children are born, but the child will never know the father because the soldier has moved away, etc.
It is strange that exactly the destruction of families is predicted in the Agenda 2030. War will do that if it is not stopped.
-- Wars provoke the Stone Age without electricity and therefore without money machines and this provokes barter: there will be new currencies like: cigarette currency, toilet paper currency, potato currency, etc.
-- Wars destroy the roads and the landscape, the land damage is enormous and harvests are often no longer brought in, so hunger comes up.
-- War is NOT environmentally friendly, but very harmful to the environment: The pollution with fuel consumption and metal consumption for vehicles, tanks and aircraft are enormous (pollutants from mines), and possibly radioactive shells are used (uranium ammunition) and the tank wrecks then radiate radioactively around, the children play in the tank wrecks and get cancer, radioactive dust from the tank wrecks pollutes the country and cancer comes everywhere (example: Iraq)
-- Rape of women is "normal" in war, also uncontrolled brothels and venereal diseases are "normal" in war
-- let's estimate: 50% are killed - 50% survive, but of the survivors 45% are disabled and only 5% are not injured or healed
Medical operations take place without electricity and without anesthesia, clothes become bandages, because medical bandages are missing, and therefore wounds become infected and may not heal at all - if you want to know details, there are reports about the medical operations during the Battle of Stalingrad 1942.
-- And: charging cell phones in a trench is not possible, emergency call is not possible.
-- The people who survived in battle have nightmares and can't deal with the hell of war and are only burden for the society because they mostly had to kill to survive, and often the Why-me syndrome comes up with the question: why did I survive and the others didn't (the Why-me syndrome)
-- at the end of a war, most of the young men have died and the cities are in ruins, and it is then partly the WOMEN (rubble women) who rebuild the cities.
-- the propaganda war with warmongers has been going on in the world for a long time now, since 2001 - with the claim that airplanes were flown into the WTC by Muslim pilots, and all counter-evidence was said to be "conspiracy theory" - and since "Corona" since 2020 all truth-tellers are also said to be "Nazis" and "right-wing radicals", this is the vocabulary of the Zionists of the Mossad with its Antifa under the direction of the Red Shield [Rothschild] in London, the media are controlled and blackmailed by this Red Shield [Rothschild] and its secret services resp. since 2010 about, the media are also directly infiltrated by the Antifa (journalists are Antifa members), where education does not count, but agitation and betting on victims: this counts.
-- the propaganda in Switzerland is running since 2010 copying the propaganda in Germany: in the year of 2010 approximately, an offshoot of the German "Antifa Skeptics" was created in Switzerland with it's fool Kovic as it's leader in Switzerland, he is always asked by the Antifa media nau.ch and 20minutes classifying what should be "conspiracy" or who should be a "Nazi" or a "right-wing radical", although this fool Mr. Kovic has NOT studied any history and has NOT studies any sociology, but only "communication", NOTHING MORE. He is concerning world knowledge a complete ZERO - well, the propaganda heroes of Antifa know how to manipulate and mentally abuse whole school systems and young people, but the truth seeps through more and more: Not only the "corona vaccination" is a lie, but also NATO and Unicef and WHO anyway and the Royals with reptilians (reports of Diana) and they make their parties in the basements of castles and in bunkers with tortured children (painter Lena Cronqvist), etc.
-- War propaganda is also promoted with computer games, since there are computer games: teenagers and young men are made "war horny" with computer games, and that is also the purpose of the whole exercise: New sheep are created which go to the battle fields and die for "those up there" in the sense of population reduction. Teenagers and young men are loosing hours, days and weeks playing computer games instead of learning life skills such as horticulture, crafts or other professions for having a combined knowledge finally. THAT is the purpose of computer games: to stay stupid and go into battle to die against Russia. Population reduction. Kovic doesn't say that, of course, because he's not used to truths.
-- the EU has long become a Fourth Reich since 2001 with the NATO enlargement to the East and the eternal propaganda against "alternative knowledge": since 2007, the propaganda against new knowledge is working under the housewife Merkel (statement in Cologne: "I am not so interested in politics") with a pillory website in the internet since 2017 being called Esowatch, and then from 2012, a new pillory web site was installed being called Psiram (perpetrator is for example a criminal Mossad Antifa agitator Mr. Bartoschek, he wanted to "get" me on his site in 2017)
-- the vision of Mr. Blocher in Switzerland in 1992 against the EU considering the EU a Fourth Reich became reality since 2014 with the Ukraine war, what was unimaginable for many in 1992, but since the eastward expansion of NATO towards the Russian border it is clear what the EU is up to, and since 2022 even more: EU wants to LOSE against Russia again!
-- The European governments and the Swiss government itself have a good life in Switzerland e.g. on the Bürgenstock Mountain in the hotels or in chalets in Kandersteg or in a vineyard at the Lake Geneva, or in Germany the governments enjoy their life in a secret government bunkers (Ahr Valley - Ahrtal) celebrating festivals with bought children.
VIETNAM WAR: What happened in the Vietnam War?
In South Vietnam even whole villages were resettled and the populations were put under the propaganda of the "USA", the "USA" wanted to split Vietnam after the scheme of Korea and Germany, but the Vietnamese did not want to be split like Germany or Korea, and therefore the criminal "USA" [and their criminal "friends" (Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, etc.)] was kicked out there. The Vietnamese
-- operated with underground tunnel systems, where the big Americans could not get in at all
-- operated with a secret oil pipeline from North Vietnam to South Vietnam
-- operated at night, so that the next day the situation looked completely different again
-- the cr. NATO sprayed the poison pesticide Agent Orange over whole areas [Agent Orange came partly from German factories], NATO planes were loaded with it [with this Agent Orange] in Thailand [on Thai military airports] and the NATO pilots poisoned large parts of Vietnam and Laos.
-- The Yank soldiers bragged about their strong dollar and made Thailand, the Philippines and partly also South Korea a sex paradise for soldier tourists etc. Since the Vietnam War, the governments of Thailand and the Philippines simply let these structures continue.
-- At the same time, not only coffins with dead soldiers came back to the "USA" or Australia or South Korea etc., but also the survivors came back with disability and/or with mental damage, with horror events, nightmares, with killing experiences and with the why-me-syndrome. Search word: Vietnam veteran. It should be noted: Pharmaceutical psychology is also happy about every war, because then new trauma patients come (!).
If Europe then runs out of men, first the refugees will have to go to the front, and finally maybe even robots will be used at the front and there will be a new propaganda that robots would be a "great progress". It's all about POPULATION REDUCTION. Bill Gates is happy. Absolutely PERVERSE.
All the trillions spent on war could be saved if the corrupt and partly drug-addicted donkeys in the governments (Schneelenski on drugs, Macron on drugs) would finally stop the war. Why is the war not stopped immediately?
-- There were apparently certain bets made.
-- Some "bigwigs" have reserved privileges for themselves.
-- Some "bigwigs" speculate with shares of the arms industry.
It can be assumed that, as in 1941, Russian territories were already reserved with the "bigwigs" in the "West" (at that time with Ford, Shell, royalists, etc.). In any case, new maps with a divided Russia are already in circulation. Then it should be already secretly agreed in NATO who should rule there then.
Peace is there, where human rights are, where Mother Earth is, where a life with the PLANET and FOR EACH OTHER takes place.
Human rights are certainly NOT valid in a war. They are out of fashion already since 2001!
Folks, you have to know the truth, and that's why every peace demonstration is absolutely important now, so that the war in Ukraine stops, otherwise Europe will be bombed down again like in 1945.
Greetings from Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE
Basel, March 12, 2023
Email: michael.palomino@yandex.com
Facebook chat: https://www.facebook.com/michael.palominoale
Lectures and discussions with topics by arrangement + expenses: History - Sociology - Natural Medicine

Photos from the peace demonstration in Bern on March 11, 2023

Friedensdemo auf dem Bundesplatz in Bern 12.3.2023, die Bühne vor der Nationalbank [3] -
Webseite grossalarm.ch: https://patriot.ch/2022/09/26/grossalarm-ch/ [4]

Kerze brennt für mehr Licht, damit den Kriegs-Geil-Blinden endlich ein Licht aufgeht [5] - Friedenstauben aus Holz [6]

Friedenstaube aus Holz Zoom 01 [7] - Fahne von MassVoll mit 2 Friedenstauben aus Holz Zoom 02 [8]

Fahne von MassVoll + Transparent "Gegen den Russen-Hass" + Transparent "NATO=KRIEGSTREIBER" [9]
Transparent "Friede jetzt" + Transparent "Gegen den Russen-Hass" + Transparent "NATO=KRIEGSTREIBER" [10]

Sticker mit der Meinung: "Ich bin für Friedensverhandlungen" [11] - Assange Porträt mit dem Wort "WAHRHEIT" (englisch: "TRUTH") [12]

Fahne "Pace" und Plakat "Nein, meinen Sohn geb ich nicht" [13]

Plakat: "Selbst Affen schaffen Frieden ohne Waffen" [14] - Plakat: "Krieg ist NICHT umweltfreundlich" [15]

Plakat: "Krieg ist NICHT umweltfreundlich" Zoom [16]

Plakat: "Schweiz raus aus der WHO" ("Use mit de Schwiiz us de WHO") [17] - Plakat: WEF+WHO hinter GITTER! [18]

Fahne mit einem Goldbaum mit Herz in der Mitte [19] - Fahne mit Goldbaum mit Herz, Zoom [20]

Der Goldbaum "Arbor aurea" hat auch eine Webseite https://arboraurea.world/ - [21] - Plakat: "Alles Leben ist heilig" [22]

Trychler [23] - Plakat: "Wer Frieden will, soll Frieden vorbereiten, nicht den Krieg!" [24]

3 weisse Herzen mit Botschaften: "Friede für ALLE Völker der Welt" - "Krieg ist ein Geschäft" [25]

2 Herzen "Friede für ALLE Völker" und "Krieg ist ein Geschäft" [26]

Weisse Ballons [27] - Plakat: "Wir wollen Frieden auf der GANZEN Welt!!! Wir wollen aber keine WHO kein WEF keine PHARMA, die uns zu TODE spritzt!!! [28]

Plakat: "Weg mit den Sanktionen! 100%ige Neutralität!" [29] - Plakat: "Die USA\Nato treiben Europa in den 3. Wk!! Stoppt den Irrsinn!" [30]

Plakat: Krieg ist ein Lottospiel und bedeutet Leben oder Sterben: "Ein Krieg bedeutet leben oder auch nicht - und sterbe noder auch nicht." [31]
Plakat: Schluss mit der Wirrpolitik: Die Schweizer Politik hat nichts in Machtkämpfen der Supermächte zu suchen. Das Volk hat schon einiges unter den Covid-Wirren gelitten! Es reicht!" [32]

Die Leitlinie von Historiker Ganser: "Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen" [33] - Plakat: Die Schweiz soll neutral bleiben [34]

Plakat: Die Kriegstreibermedien sind ABFALL: "NZZ, Tagi, SRF=Kriegstreiber=Abfall" [35,36]

Die Forderung nach FRIEDEN vor dem Bundeshaus [37]

Die Forderung nach FREIHEIT vor dem Bundeshaus [39]

Die Forderung nach FREIHEIT vor dem Bundeshaus frontal [40]

Die Forderung nach FREIHEIT vor dem Bundeshaus mit Assange daneben [41]
The WARNING about war: Leg lost: She wanted to win against Russia!
Nazi Ukraine March 11, 2023: Ukrainian soldier Ruslana (19) loses a leg - and many soldiers there have only 1 leg left:
Away from propaganda - THIS is war: shell splinters tore off Ruslana's (19) left leg
(orig. German: Abseits der Propaganda - DAS ist Krieg: Granatsplitter rissen Ruslana (19) das linke Bein ab)

Nazi Ukraine March 11, 2023: Ukrainian soldier Ruslana (19) loses a leg - and many soldiers there have only 1 leg left:
Away from propaganda - THIS is war: shell splinters tore off Ruslana's (19) left leg [42]
Translation by Deepl:
She confidently posts her photos on
Instagram - including the new ones: Ruslana
Danilkina was wounded while working for
the Ukrainian army at the front. When she
regained consciousness, her lower left leg was
missing. It's also her fate that shows all the
cruelty of war.
The pictures of her first missions as an
artillery observer still show Ruslana Danilkina
proudly in her uniform: at only 18 years of age,
the Ukrainian volunteered for the Ukrainian
army. Her job was anything but harmless: Ruslana
was supposed to report to the command center
exactly where the artillery shells of the
Russian invaders were hitting, and she was
supposed to observe and report enemy troop
Then, 31 days ago, her all-terrain vehicle came
under fire, shells were hitting. Ruslana
reports, "I thought it was all over now." She
was hit by shell fragments. The girl recalls:
"By chance, a squad of our frontline doctors was
nearby. These doctors saved my life with
professional first aid. Then, when I was lifted
into a van, they laid my cut leg next to me."
Ruslana wants to help many other seriously
wounded people with her pictures and her fate
Ruslana says that she cried for two days in the
hospital. Then she decided to continue fighting:
The young soldier wants to be a good example for
all the other severely wounded people who have
to bear a similar fate now. To show them that
even after being severely wounded, they can
still have a beautiful life.
The courageous young Ukrainian woman therefore
keeps posting new pictures of herself on the
social media platform Instagram: Her photo
series can be found there under rusya_danilkina.
Ruslana's photos also show how important
proposals for a rapid ceasefire and European
initiatives for peace between Ukraine and the
Russian Federation would be. So that no more
soldiers or woman soldiers are seriously wounded
- or die at the front.