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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Mohammed - Muhammad never existed
10. "Who did this to us?" - memories of reality
10d. Muhammad Fantasy Muslim stone age desert culture and Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Brothers
The scapegoat thinking in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - the guilt of the backwardness is always "given to the (Jesus+Moses Fantasy) West" -- The Muslim Brothers with a total blockage - example Sayyid Qutb's: prohibition of discussion about Muhammad Fantasy Quran - th subject of history is invented -- The precursor al-Maududi in Pakistan -- The connection from Qutb to bin Laden and extremist Muhammad Fantasy Saudi Arabia -- Extremization in Saudi Arabia since 1979 -- Saudis and criminal "USA" since 1990 - Saudi missionary activity all over the world - Salafists go to Afghanistan -- Supplement: Fantasies destroy Afghanistan
presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019 / translation 2019) - p.230-233
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10d. Muhammad Fantasy Muslim stone age desert culture and Muslim Brothers
Muhammad Fantasy Muslim stone age desert culture=eternal looser
[The scapegoat thinking in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - the guilt of the backwardness is always "given to the (Jesus+Moses Fantasy) West"]
In the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world, it was always again the question why after such a glory past with "golden times of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam" the distance to most parts of the world had been so great. In almost all sectors of life the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Arab Islamic world is on the last places of the scale as also AHDR was stating.
"Who did this to us?"
The answer was and is always the same, "the Franks, the West, the "USA" ..."
But, and that is the second part of the answer: "that could only happen because we have moved away from the original [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam. Everything will be fine if we just restore the 'golden years' again. "
This expresses the "salafiyya", the attitude of large parts of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world that has become modern again: an idealized view back into a past which does not exist.
The Muslim Brothers and their total censorship
[The Muslim Brothers with a total blockage - example Sayyid Qutb's: prohibition of discussion about Muhammad Fantasy Quran - th subject of history is invented]
Sayyid Qutb was an Egyptian Muslim brother, executed in 1966 under Nasser. He stated very clearly, so clear as no other [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic theoretic that one should return to "salafiyya", following the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran word by word, this would be the patent solution for all problems of this world, and he added: [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran content should not be allowed to think about, nor discussed. [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims would live ina world without time, and a comparison with other cultures would not be possible by this nor appropriate. Without time? Because when the [[Fantasy]] prophet and the [[Fantasy]] caliphs came, there had been an ideal society, and this should be reconstructed. History would be an European [[Jesus Fantasy]] invention, history would not happen for [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam. For Qutb it's an "indisputable fact" that the modern civilization is based on the delivered [[Muhammad Fantasy]] "Islamic" wisdom which for itself would be the result from the behavior with [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran word by word. Wisdom from [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe is basically not understood, and "the result would be a separation of religion and civilisatory renaissance which is a curse." [p.230]
One has to ask who has not understood anything here and on what level of wisdom this man is basically living. Qutb is a prototype of stone age radicalism. He just abolished any thinking, any wisdom, any ratio, and even forbid it. Al-Ghazali is close to him. Qutb did this because he just knew that this [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam with it's traditional mentality has nothing for fighting the modern world mentally and philosophically. Therefore, all comparison is rated as inappropriate and any historical process is presented as an invention.
He is confessing that this [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world is in a terrible condition, but the guilt is given to the foreign powers: [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe, [[Jesus+Moses Fantasy]] "America", [[Communist Gulag]] Soviet Union, [[Moses Fantasy]] Israel, just like this. The only remedy would be to follow the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran word by word. Well note this, "salafiyya" is a modern movement, and Qutb is not just somebody. It would be wrong to claim that the majority of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims would be Qutbist radicals. But nevertheless [p.231] his thinking is representing a significant sector of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world.
[The precursor al-Maududi in Pakistan]
The decisive teacher of Sayyid Qutb was a Pakistani, Mr. al-Maududi (1903-1979) who was preaching and editing books as no other one, and he was a decisive figure for provoking a chaos in his country because he had more influence to the population's soul as any president of the high politician caste.
[The connection from Qutb to bin Laden and extremist Muhammad Fantasy Saudi Arabia]
The path from Qutb leads directly to bin Laden.
Under the pressure of the persecution under Nasser, numerous [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim brothers emigrated from Egypt to Saudi Arabia. Following his release in 1972, Mohammed Qutb, Sayyid's brother, also emigrated. There they encountered a Saudi-Wahhabi system.
The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] sect founder Abdel Wahhab (1703-1791) had concluded a treaty with the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Al Sauds clan, according to which the Wahhabi "ulema" (clergy) would support the Sauds, conversely, they would allow the Wahhabi interpretation of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran to be the only valid one.
The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Sauds gained so much power over time [[with oil profits]] that the country even got the name of the family. Wahhabism was also associated with this all-dominating current. There was such a close affinity between the interests of the royal family and those of the Wahhabi Ulema, but also a strong dissatisfaction with people who were connected to neither one nor the other. These found a new harbor among the immigrant Muslim brothers, who propagated an even more radical [[Muhammad Fantasy]] lifestyle based on the model of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet in the sense of Sayyid Qutb.
[Extremization in Saudi Arabia since 1979]
In 1979, an event shook the kingdom [[of the Saudis]]: the storming of the mosque in Mecca by an ultra-religious, Salafist group that wanted to meet both the royal family and the Wahhabi Ulema. In the same year there were the Iranian revolution and the invasion of the [[Communist Gulag]] Red Army in Afghanistan. In Saudi Arabia, these events provoked a new competition between the Wahhabis and Qutbists, one was more radical than the other one.
[Saudis and criminal "USA" since 1990 - Saudi missionary activity all over the world - Salafists go to Afghanistan]
Then came the mega-shock for the kingdom: On August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein occupied Kuwait. Nobody expected that Saddam would be satisfied with Kuwait and in Saudi Arabia panic broke out. Already on August 7, King Fahd called the "US" for help and asked for [p.232] deployment of troops. The plan to station troops of non-believers on holy earth led to a tremendous inner ordeal and was impossible without the consent of the Wahhabi Ulema. The royal family had no alternative to survive, but a departure of the Saud dynasty would have meant that also the influence of the Wahhabits had ended. That's why Ulema was agreeing to the deployment of foreign troops, but this approval was gilded with billions of petrodollars, which flowed into an unprecedented, worldwide [[Muhammad Fantasy]] missionizing.
The young, radical Salafists were not satisfied with that, but another solution was found for them. Afghanistan had developed a jihad scene, and there the radical religion fighters were praised and got many millions of dollars as a starting capital. In this way, the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Saudis exported their problems to Afghanistan.
One of the exported ones - who was deprived of his Saudi passport - was Bin Laden. He and his Egyptian ideologues had well understood the situation in which the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world was, something that can not be said of the Umma, the community of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] believers. Bin Laden chose the armed form of fight because he saw himself in the position of the defender of religion: The [[Jesus+Moses Fantasy]] West, especially the [[Jesus+Moses Fantasy]] "USA", is to blame for the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic misery. And again we observe: There is a right understanding [[of the life conditions]], but the conclusions are wrong.
[[Supplement: Fantasies destroy Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, Jesus+Moses Fantasy "US" government supported the Muhammad Fantasy Bin Laden rebels against Communist Gulag Soviet Union. After that, Muhammad Fantasy Afghanistan became the main growing area of Jesus Fantasy CIA for opium]].
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