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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Mohammed - Muhammad never existed

11. Bibliography and register of persons and objects

1. List of literatuere - 2. Register of persons and objects

presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019 / translated 2019) - p.239-253

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List of literature

Al-Buhari, Sahih: Nachrichten von Taten und Aussprüchen des Propheten Muhammad; Stuttgart 2006

Allebrand, Raimund (Hrsg.): Terror oder Toleranz?; Bad Honnef, 2004

Arab Human Development Reports 2002-2009; United Nations Development Programme; New York

Barth, Jakob: Studien zur Kritik und Exegese des Qorans; Strassburg 1915

Bartsch, Gerhard (Hrsg.): De tribus impostoribus (Über die drei Betrüger); Berlin 1960

Bossong, Georg: Das maurische Spanien; München 2007

Burgmer, Christoph (Hrsg.): Streit um den Koran. Die Luxenberg-Debatte; Berlin 2007

Dieterici, Friedrich: Über den Zusammenhang der griechischen und arabischen Philosophie; Leiden 1903; Nachdruck München 2004

Diner, Daan: Versiegelte Zeit; Berlin 2007

Finster, Barbara: Arabien in der Spätantike; In: Archäologischer Anzeiger 1996

Finster, Barbara: Cubical Yemeni Mosques; Seminar for Arabian Studies; London 1991 [S.239]

Gericke, Wolfgang: Wann entstand das Buch 'Von den drei Betrügern'?; IN: Theologische Versuche 8, Berlin 1977

Goldziher, Ignaz: Muhammedanische Studien; Halle 1888; Reprint von Olms, 2004

Gopal, Jaya: Gabriels Einflüsterungen; Freiburg 2006

Grabar, Oleg: The Dome of the Rock; London 2006

Grabar, Oleg: Die Alhambra; Köln 1981

Gross, Markus / Ohlig, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Vom Koran zum Islam; Berlin 2009

Gross, Markus / Ohlig, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Schlaglichter; Berlin 2008

Henning, Max: Der Koran; Stuttgart 1998

Hottinger, Arnold: Die Mauren; ZÚrich 2005

Ibn Tufail: Hajj ibn Jaqzan. Der Naturmensch; Köln 1983

Ibn Warraq: Warum ich kein Muslim bin; Berlin 2004

Kepel, Giles: Die neuen Kreuzzüge; München 2004

Kolter, Bonifatius (Hrsg.): Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskus; Berlin 1981

Lewis, Bernard: Kaiser und Kalifen; München 1996

Lewis, Bernard: Der Untergang des Morgenlandes; Bergisch Gladbach 2002 [S.240]

Luxenberg, Christoph: Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Korans; Berlin 2007

Lüling, Günter: Über den Urkoran. Ansätze zur Rekonstruktion der vorislamischen Strophenlieder im Koran; Erlangen 1974

Lüling, Günter: Die Wiederentdeckung des Proipheten Muhammad: Eine Kritik am christlichen Abendland; Erlangen 1981

Müller, C.D.G.: Kirche und Mission unter den Arabern in vorislamischer Zeit; Tübingen 1967

Nöldeke, Theodor: Geschichte des Qorans; Leipzig 1909; Nachdruck Elibron Classics, New York 2004

Ohlig, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Der frühe Islam; Berlin 2007
Ohlig, Karl-Heinz / Puin, Gerd-R. (Hrsg.): Die dunklen Anfänge; Berlin 2007

Mezzomorto, Mavro: Mohammed auf Abwegen; Mainz 2002

Paret, Rudi: Der Koran; Stuttgart 2006

Paret, Rudi: Die Lücke der Überlieferungen über den Urkoran; Wiesbaden 1954

Qutb, Sayyid: Zeichen auf dem Weg; Köln 2005

Runciman, Steven: Geschichte der Kruzzüge; München 1989 [S.241]

Salibi, Kamal: Die Bibel kam aus dem Lande Asir; Hamburg 1985

Sprenger, Aloys: Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad nach bisher grösstentheils unbenutzten Quellen; Berlin 1869

Strohmaier, Gotthard: Denker im Reich der Kalifen; Leipzig 1979

Strohmaier, Gotthard: Avicenna; München 1999

Thomas, Johannes: Araboislamische Geschichtsschreibung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Geschichtsbilder von al-Andalus (8.Jh.); Saarbrücken 2010

Tibi, Bassam: Fundamentalismus im Islam; New York 1933

Waldmann, Helmut: Die Entstehung des Zurvanismus im alten Iran gefolgt von einer Skizze seiner Einflussnahme auf den heutigen Islam; Tübingen 1994

Weil, Gustav: Mohammed der Prophet, sein Leben und seine Lehre; Stuttgart 1843

Wieland, Rotraut: Offenbarung und Geschichte im Denken moderner Muslime; WIesbaden 1971

Werner, Helmut: Das Islamische Totenbuch; Köln 2009

Yehuda, D. Nevo / Koren, Judith: Crossroads to Islam; New York 2003 [S.242]

Register of persons and objects

Aachen, chapel 101
Aaron 126
Abbasiden 124,125,126
Abd Allah 88,120
Abd al-Malik, Marw 84,114,122
Abd al-Malik, Chorasan 114
Abd al-Malik, coins 84,114,117
Abd al-Malik, Dome of the Rock 86
Abd al-Malik, confession of faith 91
Abd al-Malik, muhamadism 114,116
Abd er-Rahman 189
Abu Dawud, recollector of hadiths 52,59
Abu Hanifa 63
Abraham 39,135
Abraham, Ibrahim 39,72
Ahmad 94
Ahmadinejad 121
Aisha 16
Akefale 193
Akhbar Magmua 182
Akhikar 142
Alexander the Great 83
Alfons the Wise 212
Alhambra 200
Alhambra, Lion Fountain 215
Alhazen 164
Ali 126
Ali, legendary 71
Alif 40
Almohads 171, 198, 213
Almoravids 196, 213
Allat 133
Al-Andalus: legends 179; rationalism 207; tolerance 208, 210, 212, 215, 216; sciences 206
Al-Aykah 38
Al-Azhar 24,46, 187
Al-Azraqi 135
Al-Biruni 169
Al-Buhari 53
Al-Dani 46
Al-Farabi 163
Al-Gharb 170
Al-Ghazali 147,171,172ff., 174,175,219
Al Ghazali: Avicenna 174; women 174; logics 173
Al-Guzgani 168
Al-Haitham: see: Alhaz
Al-Hakam 181
Al-Hatim 134
Al-Hira 143,158,186
Al-Kindi 157
Al-Mamun 127,129,157,214
Al-Mansur 191,206
Al-Masihi 166 [S.243]
Al-Masud 170
Al-Maududi 232
Al-Mutawakkil 130
Al-Sigistani 46
Al-Walid 122,144,149
Amir al-Muminin 79,112
Amir ibn As 112
Ammiya 23
Anastasius 154
Ansar 71
Antiochia 108
Aniochia Margiana 114
Apartheid 216
Aramaic: see: Syro-Aramaic
Arabs, year of the Arabs 83
Arabiya 23,36
Arabic 142,226
Arab Human development Report 217,225,226
Arianer 185,192
Aristoteles 158,176
Ar-Razi 147,161
Arser 39
Atatürk 229
Atta, Muhamad 34
Alticulac Tayyar 48
At-Tabari 17,42,151,152; headscarf: 35
Autodafe: 201
Averroes 170ff, 207ff.; prohibition of teaching: 208
Avicenna 165ff.; biography: 165; buddhism: 167
Aya 45

Bakka 129
Baktrien 166,222
Badr 74,129
Balh 166
Bamiyan 166
Bashear Suliman 12
Basilica of Saint John 144; photo 105
Barbate 180
Battle of the Ditch 130
Behaim Martin 169
Beit Islam 227
Benchrifa Mohamed 208
Berbers 179,184,186,189
Bible criticism 49
Bin Laden, Osama 217,232,235
Bismillah 120
Blachere Regis 12
Black Muslims 120
Bohemund 220
Buddhism 127,166,177
Byzantium 83,220
Byzantium, Persia, constant conflict 107

Caetani, Leone 12
Cairo: quran [Fantasy] from Cairo 16,46
Calendar, Arabic 82,111
Calendar hijra 84,111,187,222
Calendar, kata Araba 82,222
Caliph, caliphate 126,128,129,141,195
Camel 220
Censorship 138
Central Asia 177
Chalkedon, council 91,108
Chayyam Omar 176
Chimar, [pl.?] chumur 34
Chosrau II. 109,152,186
Christ 93
Christ, [honorary title] muhamad 118
Christiandom: Arab Christiandom 132,145; oriental Christiandom 132
Christmas story [Fantasy] 40
Circumference of the earth 128
Clausewitz 155 [S.244]
Cluny people (clunensers) 197
Columbus, Christoph 214
Conquista (re-occupation) 180,197,202
Constantinople 91,200
Convivencia (living together) 208,212
Cordoba 170,190
Corpus Coranicum 48
Councils 91
Covadogna 180
Crusaders 103
Crusades 12,120,197,220
Cusanus, Nikolaus 49

Darabgerd 81
Dar al-Islam 236
Dashti, Ali 22
Demokracy 228
Dhimmi (discriminating protection treaty for non-believers) 214,227
Diakritic points 30,37
Diaspora 235
Diatessaron 44
Dioskurides 207
Diner Dan 213
Dieterici, Friedrich 173
Dome of the Rock, Abd al-Malik 99; construction 115; Trinity dogma 89; photos 104; groundplan 101; inscriptions 86; Jerusalem 86,99; Mihrab 102; Muhammad ascension 102; octogone 100; Palatine Chapel 101; scroll 86; predecessors 100
Draz Abdallah 15,18,21 
Dshasira 109
Dshibril, Gabriel 67
Dschehennam 17
Duero River 189
Dyophysismus 90

Education of knowledge in Arab countries [is hardly existing because most of the topics are taboo and forbidden] 217
Ekthesis, Hagia Sophia 102,109,111
El Cid 196
Emirates 234
Ephesos, council 91
Erdogan 230
Ess, Josef van 139 
Evolution 229

Fairy tale teller 54
Fire worshipper 110
Ferdinand of Aragon 198,199
Florida 179
Foundation myth 140
Fustat, inscription 112

Gabitha, battle 112
Gabriel, archangel 67
Gadara 79
Galen 158,162,169
Ganjak, fire temple 109 [S.245]
Gibraltar 180
Gnosis 194
Gog and Magog 83
Goldziher, Ignaz 12,53
Gorbachev 176
Gospel 44,63
Goths 179
Grabar, Oleg 102,204
Granada 198
Guadelete 180
Gurgan 166,170

Hadj  71
Hamat Gader 79
Harun, al-Raschid 127
Harran 127
Haskala 236
Headscarf 34
Hierodulen 33
Hadiths 53ff; examples 54ff; age 59; jurisprudence 63; examination 59,61; tradition 60; Isnad 60; collections 53; sharia 61; reliability 61,63
Hagarits 154
Handwriting, Sanaa 39,41,47
Haruri 193
Herakleios 82,118; military campaign 109
Heresy 119,132
Heretic 154
Hijra 71,122
Higr 134
Hippokrates 162
Hira, mountain, cave 86
Hischam, Rufasa 123
Hispania 183,203
Hottinger, Arnold 191
Hudaibiyyah 74,130
Hunain inb Ischak 158
Huri 30

Ibad, Ibadits 143,187,194
Ibn As 155
Ibn Chaldun 156
Ibn Hischam 138
Ibn Ischak 138
Ibn Kuttiya 181
Ibn Madsha, hadith recollector 52
Ibn Masawahai 159
Ibn Masarra 194
Ibn Maymun: see Maimonides
Ibn Nasai, hadith recollector 52
Ibn Nusair 180,186,189
Ibn Ruschd: see Averroes
Ibn Sina: see Avicenna
Abrahim, Abraham 39,72
Ifriquiya 187
Ilm al-Ridschal 61
Indian figures [which were later renamed as "Arabic figures"] 158
Inquisition 201 [S.246]
Isabel of Castile 199
Isa bin Maryam 89
Ismaelits 119,154
Isnad 60
Islam 97,131,144,154
Islamisization 144
Islam [Fantasy] criticism 28
Islam [Fantasy], architectural style 204; genesis 97,139,145; conquests 149,156; [fake] Golden Times 147; political Islam 236; Spain 183; Tolerance [invention of tolerance] 140,208,221; sciences 157,178; sciences [with pre-censorship without science] 228,229,238
Isaiah III 154

Jericho 144
Jesus [Fantasy] and Quran [Fantasy] 43; crucifixion [Fantasy] 17; crib [Fantasy] 18; Dome of the Rock 89; Flaming sword 116; Last Judgment [Fantasy] 116; Nature MJesus 91,108;
Jews [Fantasy] 72,221,215
Jihad 181,197,232
Jihilliyya 139
Johannes bar Penyake 154
John the Baptist [Fantasy] 84
Joseph 125
Julian 179

Kaaba 134,136; groundplan 135; black stone [Fantasy] 136
Kadesia 150
Kalish, Muhamad 15
Karl Martell 183
Karthague 183
Kazakhstan 163
Katar 235
Katechon 83
Khadidsha 66
Kharidjits 192,194
Klimowitsh, Lucjan 12
Konstans II 112
Kuraish (Kurdish?) 66,129

Latin, Latin formulas 120,187
Lammens, Henri 12
Las Navas de Tolosa 198
Laykah 38
Leuke, Kome 39
Liber Continens 161
Limes Arabicus 83
Lion Fountain 215
Logos 17,42
Lord's Prayer [Fantasy] 63
Lüling, Günter 14,28,135,165
Luqman, Esel 142
Lut, Lot 38,45,91
Luther, Martin 49
Luxenberg Chr. 11,14,15,29,35; Christmas tale [Fantasy] 42; inscriptions of the Dome of Rock 86; muhamad (adjectiv gerundium) 88; Din, Islam, definition 89

Malik bin Anas 63
Malikits 192
Maavia 81,84; Christ [Fantasy] 113,114; Byzantium 114; caliph 84,113; Omayyads 113
Mahdi 95,120,121,125
Maimonides 207,208ff.
Maktoum Rashid 234
Mamluks 103
Manichaeans 193
Marw, Antiochia Margiana 114; photo 105; Marwan 123
Marwanids: see Omayyads
Marx, Michael 49
Maria, Quran [Fantasy] 18,43
Maryam, sura [Fantasy] 18,30
Masjid [aramaic, Place of worship in the Arabic-Christian culture] 130,187
Maximus the Confessor 112,154
Medina 71,129
Mehmed II. 200
Mecca, legendary 66; Mecca: 129,133,134
Menocal, Maria 211
Messiah 89
Mihrab 102,130
Migration of peoples 184
Mingana Alphonse Hormicide 29
Miracles 153,155,173
Monarchism 90
Moon: crescent Moon 133.143 [p.250]
Moon: lunar calendar 111,222
Moon cult 132
Moors, culture 203,213 [p.248]
Monophysitism 90
Monotheletism 90
Moriscs 201,211
Morozov, Nikolai 12
Morning Star 133.143
Moses, Quran 43
Mosque in Spain (Spanish: mezqita) 190,205,214
Mozarabs 211
Muawiya 80,118,151
Mudechants 211
muhamad [honorary title for a Fantasy Jesus] 86,94,124,125,127; Dome of the Rock 86; Jesus [Fantasy] 95; title 95; origin [of the Aramaic word "muhamad"] 94; meaning [The praised one] 85.94
Muhammad Abdallah 140
Muhammad Ali 223
Muhamad [Fantasy], letter to Heraclius [invented] 75; proper name [Fantasy] 94; footprint [Fantasy] 69; wars [Fantasy] 73; Legendary [all is a Fantasy] 66ff .; Ascension [Fantasy] 102; Historicity [all is a Fantasy] 93.95; revelations [all is a Fantasy] 28.70; protection letter [Fantasy] 49; traditionally [Fantasy] 65ff.
Muhammad Taha 231,238
Muhammad I 195
Muhadirun 71
Muir William 12
Mulades 211
Muqarna 204
Musrikun 132
Muslim, hadith collector [Fantasy] 53
Muslims [Fantasy], first mention 120
Mutazilism 129,194

Nagel, Tilman 22
Name symbolism 182
Nehawend 150
Neuwirth, Angelika 14,48
Nicaea 131; Council of Nicaea 91,108
Nikephoros II. Phocas 206
Nile River 127
Nöldeke, Theodor 29
Non-believers 20
Non-believers, Islamic commandment to kill them 20

Ohlig, Karl-Heinz 107,124
Omayads 122,123,125
Omayad Mosque 122; photo 105
Omayads, coins 118; Omayads in Spain 185,191,202
Optics 164 [p.249]
Oriental Studies 13,27
Ottoman Empire 223,229
Othman, caliph 16,29
Othman, Quran [Fantasy] 28,46,48

Palimpsest, Sanaa 40.41
Paracelsus 169
Paradise [Fantasy] 34
Paradise virgins [Fantasy] 31
Paraclete 95
Paret, Rudi 27.137
Paschal II. 220
Parchment, manuscript 41
Persia 155
Persia, war with Byzantium 83,107
Petra (town) 133
Philosophy: Greek philosophy 160,177
Plato 160,164
Phoinix 151
Phoenician 183
Polis [Latin: town] 221
Popp, Volker 79,81,129
Predicates 126,127
Primary sources 12
Prophet 140,141
Protection grant 80

Qassas 54,153
Qeryan 44,45,50,140
Qibla 72,190
Quran [Fantasy] 44,45,144
Quran [Fantasy] from Cairo 16,46
Quran, aesthetics 22; Alexander the Great 83; confirming font 44; dogma 15; pressure 51; foreign words 17; grammar 22 [p.247]; dispatch 40; Othmanian Quran 28,46; Peter's Letter 43; sources 28; language 17,23,144; Quran of Cairo 16,46; Kazan 50; Sanaa 41:47; traditional story 16ff .; kill bid 20; Unbelievers 20; original language 43; precursor 138; Christmas story 40; wine 19
Quranic Arabic 36,37
Quran exegesis 50
Quran: First Quran 122
Qutb Sayyid 153,230,231,232

Rajj 161
Rasm 37
Rasul 91,120
Raubzüge 148
Reconqista 180,197,202
Renaissance 157,219
Renaissance, East Iranian 168
Rey, Phillippe [UNESCO manipulator with propaganda for stone age Muhammad Fantasy Islam] 207
Roderisch 179,185
Rufasa 123

Sanaa, manuscript 39.47
Sabians 127,160
Saddam Hussein 125,232
Saint John from Damascus (John Damascensu) 119,154
Salafists 64
Salafiyya 147,230
Salibi Kamal 142
Salomon [Fantasy] 99
Samarra 130
Saracens 154
Sassanids 110
Saudi Arabia [was first a Christian Jesus Fantasy country!] 134
Sebeos 154
Servents of [a Fantasy] God 118
Shapur I., abductions, hijackings 108
Sharia [Fantasy] 61,227
Shiites, Twelver Shiites 121
Scriptures, Semitic 36
Silk Road 114
Sinai, monastery 49
Sira 62.64
Sophronius 154
Socotra 134
Source: Zamzam 133
Sources: non-Islamic sources 154
Source research 13,48,50,152,181
Sprenger, Aloys 95
SS. Mufti School 28
Standing Caliph 116,117
Stone of Gadara 79
Structure of consonants (language) 73
Suleiman the Magnificent 103
Sunnah 63:64
Surah [Fantasy] 20,33,16,45
Suras [Fantasy], lengths, number 16.21; suras from Medina [Fantasy desert life suras] 142,237; suras from Mecca [Fantasy Mecca life suras] 142,237
Syro-Aramaic 30,36,38,125,140; Peter's Letter [Fantasy] 43

Taif 79,133
Taifa [principalities in the Iberian Peninsula] 195,202
Talas River 151
Taqiyya 155,201
Tariff 182
Tariq ibn Ziyad 179
Tariq 182
Taurah 17
Tehran 161
Thabit ibn Kurra 160
The three defrauders 162
Theme conference 110
Theocracy 226
Theology 140
Thomas Johannes 182,192
Tirmidhi, Hadith collector [Fantasy] 52
Tischendorf, Constantin of 49
Topkapi 48.69
Tours and Poitiers 183
Turkish danger 199
Transmission gap 137,139
Trepidation 161
Trinity 89,91
Trinity doctrine 108
Turkmenistan 94

Ubbay 73
Ubaydallah 40
Ulema 227,232
Umar ibn al-Chatab 151,152
Umma 71
Umar II. 123
UNESCO [making propaganda by crazy Mr. Philippe Rey for stone age Muhammad Fantasy Islam] 207,215
UN Human Rights 228
Unbelievers 20
Unbelievers, Islamic commandment to kill them 20
United Emirates 234
Urban II. 120
Urgench 166,170
Uzza 133

Vandals 184
Verses, abolished and neutralizing 19
Venus 133
Verse separator 45

Wahhab, Abdel 232 [S.252]
Wahhabismus 24
Waldmann, Helmut 134
Warrantors 46
Weihnachtsgeschichte 40
Weil, Gustav 11
Wein, Koran 19
Westgoten 184
World Trade Center 13
Wunder 153,155,173

Wahhab, Abdel 232 [p.252]
Wahhabism 24
Waldmann, Helmut 134
Warrantors 46
Weil, Gustav 11
Wine mentioned in [Fantasy] Quran 19
Visigoths 184
World Trade Center 13

Yarmuk, battle 112,150
Yegar, Sahaduta 117
Yemen 134

Zafrani Haim 216
Zamzam 133
Ziggurat 130,131

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