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Jews with split families because of deportation events during Holocaust times and because of blocked borders of Communist states until Gorbachev have the possibility to find their family members again. Here are some addresses and phone numbers:.
Help for search of Jewish family members by Jewish organizations with genetics database
There are Jewish organizations searching for family members comparing gen strips so the family members can find each other from all over the world by genetic tests, also when they changed religion or names.
Here are three organizations investigating and comparing gen strips finding Jewish family members:
-- the association "Family tree DNA", 1445 North Loop West, Suite 820 Houston, Texas 77008, USA, Phone: (713) 868-1438
with its web site
contact data are here:
Family Tree DNA
Genealogy by Genetics, Ltd.World Headquarters
1445 North Loop West, Suite 820 Houston, Texas 77008, USA
Phone: (713) 868-1438
Fax : (832) 201-7147
the Jewish culture institute "Combined Jewish Philanthropies" (CJP) - 126 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts, phone: 02110 - 617-457-8500
www.aish.com with the e-mail-box
Help for search of Jewish family members by German Jewish institutes
Jewish institutes in today's Germany perhaps also can help to Jews who are looking for other Jews staying or having stayed in Germany:
-- Fritz-Bauer-Institut in Frankfurt / Main
Fritz Bauer Institut
Grüneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
phone: 0049 (0)69-798 322-40
fax: 0049 (0)69-798 322-41
e-mail: info@fritz-bauer-institut.de
secretary: d.becker@fritz-bauer-institut.de
Web site: http://www.fritz-bauer-institut.de
-- Jewish institute in Heidelberg ("Hochschule für jüdische Studien", hfjs), web site http://www.hfjs.eu, English version: http://www.hfjs.eu/profile/index.html
High school for Jewish studies of Heidelberg
(Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg) (hfjs)
Landfriedstraße 12
69117 Heidelberg
phone: 0049 (0) 62 21 - 54 192 00
fax.: 0049 (0) 62 21 - 54 192 09
e-mail: info@hfjs.eu
Désirée Martin
Tel.: +49 (0) 62 21 - 54 192 47
Fax: +49 (0) 62 21 - 54 192 09
E-Mail: desiree.martin@hfjs.eu
Help for search of Jewish family members by Red Cross
Also Red Cross in Geneva has got a big data base of Jews world wide:
English web site of Red Cross in Geneva:
Red Cross in Geneva, web site
Red Cross contact form: http://www.icrc.org/eng/who-we-are/contacts/index.jsp
Red Cross in Geneva (ICRC)
19 Avenue de la paix
CH-1202 Geneva
phone: 0041-(0)22-734 60 01
fax: 0041-(0)22-733 20 57
e-mail to actual red cross services
Library and Research:
phone: 0041-(0)22-730 20 30
fax: 0041-(0)22-730 20 82
e-mail to the library of Red Cross
0041 (0)22-730 29 66
0041 (0)22-730 29 43
Red Cross of Geneva, contact form: http://www.icrc.org/eng/who-we-are/contacts/index.jsp
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