Encyclopaedia Judaica
Racist Zionist organization in Poland
Slow racist Zionism in German and Russian Poland - fast racist Zionism in Austrian Galicia - big wave of racist anti-Semitism in anti-Semitic Poland 1919-1939 - "danger zones" and pioneer emigration - destruction of remaining Polish Jewry - "new Jewish man" - "disfigured man" - racist Zionism underground 1939-1945 - escape routes 1945-1948 - racist Zionism in Communist Poland officially destroyed since 1948
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1131: Lag ba-Omer parade of the [[racist]] Zionist-socialist youth movement, Ha-Shomer ha-Za'ir, in Kletsk, Poland, 1925. From "Pinkas Kletsk", Tel Aviv, 1959
from: [[racist]] Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16
presented by Michael Palomino (2008)
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Racist Zionist madness says that Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Jewry is a religion. Add to this the Arabs were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Jews believed the Jewish racist Zionists and warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Zionist racism is legal until now (2008) and their racist books like "The Jewish State" from racist Herzl are not forbidden...]
Prior to the restoration of Polish statehood, Poland's territory remained divided into three sections: one under the administration of [[racist kaiser]] Germany, the second of czarist Russia, and the third of the [[racist kaiser]] Austrian monarchy.
[Racist kaiser German part of Poland]
In the [[racist kaiser]] German part of former Poland, the very limited Jewish population (no more than around 50,000 at the beginning of the century) was thoroughly assimilated into [[racist kaiser]] German culture and displayed little interest in Jewish affairs in general and in [[racist]] Zionism in particular. However, two prominent forerunners of [[racist]] Zionism, Zevi (Ẓevi) Hirsch Kalischer and Elijah Gutmacher both lived in that part of Poland and there published their pamphlets calling for redemption of [[racist]] Zion, but their appeal had no influence upon the community, neither did the first conference of the Hovevei (Ḥovevei) Zion [[Love to Zion]] movement, which took place in 1884 in the [[racist kaiser]] German part of Poland.
[Czarist racist Russian part of Poland - Lithuanian Jewish immigrants for racist Zionism]
The development of [[racist]] Zionism was also slow among the great masses of the Jewish population in the Polish territories of czarist Russia, around 2,000,000 people at that time. A distinction should be drawn between the province of Congress Poland and other parts of the territory. In Congress Poland, which was one of the richest and economically most developed parts of the Russian Empire, the local Jewish population was somewhat influenced by the Polish assimilationist ideology and, on the other hand, the anti-Zionist Orthodoxy. It therefore had to be won over to [[racist]] Zionism with considerable effort. The standard-bearers of [[racist]] Zionism in that part of the country were the so-called "Litvaks", i.e., immigrants who came from Lithuania and the neighboring provinces, who were strongly imbued with Jewish nationalism and ideology and influenced other groups of the Jewish population. Quite different was the situation in other provinces, whose Jewish population was deeply rooted in Judaism, which was much nearer to the idea of Jewish nationalism and adopted the [[racist]] Zionist program with enthusiasm.
[[It seems the Litvaks had lost their brain for the racist Zionist madness and never were told of the Arabs...]]
[Racist national Zionist declaration of Helsingfors of 1906 provoking more anti-Semitism in Poland - growing racist Zionism in Poland - racist Zionist parties and congregations in Poland]
These initial differences disappeared in the course of time, however, as the movement conquered growing parts of the Jewish (col. 1129)
population. It was not particularly disturbed by the authorities, who were inclined to see in [[racist]] Zionism a means of reducing the danger of revolutionary propaganda among the Jews, or by the Polish population, which initially favored the idea of a movement likely to enlarge the scope of Jewish emigration. This situation changed considerably, however, when the [[racist]] Zionist movement proclaimed as a part of its immediate aims the struggle for civic and national rights for the Jewish population, as formulated in the *Helsingfors Program of 1906 [[Helsinki Program]]. The reaction of the authorities was a marked reduction in tolerance toward [[racist]] Zionist activities and anti-Semitism spread among the Polish population, leading even to an economic boycott of the Jews, which continued until the outbreak of World War I.
The number of adherents of the [[racist]] Zionist movement and the scope of its influence nevertheless grew from year to year. At the beginning the membership was limited mainly to people from the middle class, but the movement subsequently won many adherents among the workers. Although a few groups broke away and joined the [[racist]] territorialist *Zionist-Socialist Workers' Party (S.S.) or the party supporting Jewish autonomism (the "Sejmists", see *Jewish Socialist Workers' Party), the others remained concentrated around the Po'alei Zion Party and tried to combine their socialist ideology with the [[racist]] Zionist program. On the other hand, many groups of Orthodox Jewry had already supported the Hovevei (Ḥovevei) Zion [[Love to Zion]], joined the [[racist]] Zionist movement, and decided to establish a special faction of religious [[racist]] Zionists, the Mizrachi. The various groups cooperated closely, although the Po'alei Zion, influenced by the Russian branch with its strong proletarian class character, soon tended to proclaim its organizational independence, stressing the special interests of the Jewish workers.
[[Addition: Zionism in eastern Europe was not wanted by the racist Zionist leaders
All these Zionists from eastern Europe were not wanted by the racist Zionist bosses who wanted to have a westernized new "Israel" (see the westernization project of Lilienblum, see *Zionism, and some wanted a "modern" Israel without Orthodox, or they even wanted a "new Jewish man" of Central Europe without any Jews from eastern Europe, resp." to create a new Jewish man in the Land of Israel to replace the disfigured human being who had been shaped by his misery and alienation from nature in the Diaspora", see *Zionism. In clear words: All Zionism in Poland was not needed for the racist Zionist leaders who mostly came - from racist kaiser Germany or racist kaiser Austria. These facts are an indication that the emigration of German and Austrian Jews (with Ha'avara agreement), and that the Holocaust with the mass shootings against the eastern European Jews in eastern Europe 1941-1944 - was not so German as it looks like. Racist Zionist manipulation in collaboration with racist animal Hitler seems to be probable...]]
[Racist Zionism in Galicia - anti-Zionism by assimilationists and Orthodox - anti-Zionist government - national Jewish rights in Galicia by racist Zionist activity - racist Zionists in the parliament in Vienna - racist Zionism gets "popular" in Galicia - racist Zionist education facilities]
The situation differed in many respects in Galicia, the Polish part of the [[racist kaiser]] Austrian monarchy.The roots of Jewish nationalism and [[racist]] Zionism were much deeper there than in Congress Poland. Not only did the movement of Enlightenment, which considered Jewish nationalism self-evident and whose most prominent representatives lived in Galicia, leave its deep impression on the area, but the organized [[racist]] Zionist movement appeared there years before the First [[racist]] Zionist Congress (1897). The [[racist]] Zionist movement drew its supporters mainly from among the university students and the large groups of the Jewish intelligentsia. It is not surprising, therefore, that [[racist]] Herzl's call was responded to by the masses of the Jewish population, despite the opposition of rather small, if vociferous, groups of assimilationists, the extreme adherents of Hasidism (Ḥasidism) [[Orthodox]], and the unfriendly attitude of the authorities, who were opposed to Jewish nationalism.
This opposition grow much stronger when the [[racist]] Galician Zionist conducted a vigorous and relatively successful struggle for civic and national rights for the Jews, whose platform was formulated at the Cracow Conference (1906). In the first election to the Austrian parliament, after universal suffrage had been granted (1907), the [[racist]] Zionists acquired three seats in Galicia. One after another, various groups of the population joined the movement:
-- members of the middle class,
-- considerable groups of wage earners (especially the commercial employees),
-- university and high school students, etc.
It was an authentic popular movement, trying simultaneously to satisfy both the cultural needs of the population, through a network of Hebrew schools, and the economic needs, especially by establishment of credit unions in the poor and neglected province of the [[racist kaiser]] Hapsburg monarchy. Adolf *Stand and Osias *Thon were the prominent leaders of [[racist]] Galician Zionism in that period.
In Independent Poland
[Racist Zionist parties, institutions and leaders in Poland 1919-1939 - anti-Zionism in Poland]
The [[racist]] Zionist movement suffered strongly during World War I, especially in the province of Galicia, which was occupied for almost a year by the Russian army. After the war it was faced with a new situation and new tasks in the reconstituted Polish republic. It emerged as the strongest force in Jewish public life, challenged only by the anti-Zionist Orthodoxy, the Socialist Bund, and for a certain period also the movement of "Folkists" (see *Folkspartei). At the same time, it was faced with the task of merging into one the movement throughout the various parts of the country now united within the borders of the reconstituted Polish state. This task, however, could be accomplished only to a very limited degree. The religious and socialist factions within the [[racist]] Zionist movement developed into full-fledged parties, independent of the mother body, which thus became one party among several others. The religious Mizrachi party consolidated quickly and established its countrywide organization irrespective of the former territorial division.
The labor movement (col. 1130)
on the other hand, suffered for years from extreme differentiation and many splits, until at the beginning of the 1930s the main groups united in the Po'alei Zion-Hitahadut (Hitaḥadut). The left Po'alei Zion remained aloof and outside the [[racist]] World Zionist Organization, which it joined only shortly before World War II.
At the other extreme, the Revisionist Party developed, from the second half of the 1920s, to considerable strength. When the Revisionists broke away from the [[racist]] World Zionist Organization in 1935, a minority group split away from them, constituting the [[racist]] Jewish State Party, which remained within the ranks of the [[racist]] World Zionist Organization.
Some of these parties were organized on a national basis, comprising the whole of Poland, whereas others, although ideologically united, stuck to the previous territorial division. Only the center party of [[racist]] General Zionists was divided both on territorial and ideological grounds. In Congress Poland they split into the progressive, pro-labor Al ha-Mishmar faction, led by Yizhak (Yiẓḥak) *Gruenbaum, and the outspokenly middle-class Et Livnot faction, led by Leon Levite; in Galicia they were divided in the West Galician Federation, under the leadership of Osias Thon and later of Ignacy *Schwarzbart, and the East Galician Federation led by Leon *Reich, Fishel *Rotenstreich, and Emil Schmorak.
The process of internal disintegration and dissent frequently weakened the influence of the [[racist]] Zionist movement. This was especially felt in the field of national and local politics, the main bone of contention between the rival factions. Activities in this field were very pronounced, frequently taking first place in the program of various parties. The [[racist]] Zionist representation in the Polish Sejm grew considerably, especially in the first three parliaments, reaching its climax in the second Sejm with 32 [[racist]] Zionist deputies out of a total of 47 Jewish deputies. It fell considerably, however, in the following parliaments [[by growing anti-Zionism]], with the progressing degeneration of democracy in the life of the country, but it still continued to lead the struggle against the ever-growing wave of anti-Semitism. In the municipalities and the administration of the Jewish communities, however, [[racist]] Zionist influence was overshadowed by that of other political groups, especially the [[Jewish Social-Democrat anti-Zionist]] Bund and various Orthodox groups on the right.
[Pioneering and emigration wave 1919-1939]
[[There was a huge racist Zionist illegal immigration to Palestine in this time. The assimilationists did not emigrate, but they were murdered in the Holocaust and the racist Zionists were dominating the scenery after 1945...]]
In spite of external difficulties and internal frictions, [[racist]] Zionist activities continued with increasing intensity throughout the entire period, securing for [[racist]] Polish Zionism the first place within the world movement, especially in the field of aliyah to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], and strongly influenced all facets of Jewish life in the country. Polish Jewry was strongly represented in the waves of migration to Palestine between the two world wars, both by worker pioneers and the middle class. The membership of the various pioneering youth movements exceeded 100,000 in the 1930s, with 20,000 in active [[pioneer]] training (hakhsharah) for future life in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]].
Not all of them succeeded in emigrating, as the number of immigration certificates was severely limited by the Mandatory government of Palestine. As a consequence, Polish Jewish youth was also strongly represented in the "illegal" immigration, especially in the later 1930s. Jewish life in Poland during that period can hardly be imagined without aliyah as its focal point. [[Emigration numbers - which would be important - are missing]].
[[Addition: "Danger zones" and emigration to Palestine
Immigration certificates were given to the endangered Jews in "danger zones", see *Zionist organizations in Holland. Jews of countries who were not in danger by anti-Semitism were not given immigration certificates by the racist Empire English government. By this Dutch pioneers, e.g., were stuck in Holland, but Polish pioneers could emigrate to Palestine. When immigration certificates are given according to anti-Semitism in the home country during the English Mandate during 30 years (1919-1948), this would be a strong argument that also anti-Semitism in Europe was manipulated by the racist Zionists - to reach emigration certificates from racist Empire England. And racist Empire England's government knew about this...]]
[Racist Zionists organizing "cultural life" in anti-Semitic Poland: racist Zionist schooling and racist Zionist newspapers - racist Zionist dominance concerning Jewish newspapers in anti-Semitic Poland]
No less felt was the influence of [[racist]] Zionism on cultural life in all its forms. Jewish literature, press, and artistic life all remained under (col. 1131)
the strongest influence of [[racist]] Zionist ideology. One of the most outstanding fields of activity was education. Of the 250,000 students in Jewish educational institutions in [[anti-Semitic]] Poland in the 1930s, those in institutions under predominant [[racist]] Zionist influence took first place. This was especially true for the network of the *Tarbut schools (around 40,000 students), with Hebrew as language of instruction, but other networks, such as those under the influence of the Mizrachi and of the Po'alei Zion, as well as the officially nonpartisan organization of Jewish secondary schools in [[anti-Semitic]] Poland, also actually remained under the overwhelming influence of [[racist]] Zionism, despite assimilationist pressures from the Polish authorities.
[[Racist]] Zionist influence was also dominant in the press. In the period before World War I special importance may be attributed to the Hebrew daily *Ha-Zefirah (Ha-Ẓefirah), the Yiddish periodicals Dos Yidishe Vort [[The Yiddish Word]] and Tagblat [[Daily News]],and the Polish periodical Wschód. In the period between the two world wars virtually all Jewish dailies and periodicals, with the exception of those published by [[Social-Democrat]] Bund of by Agudat Israel, were either openly [[racist]] Zionist or influenced by [[racist]] Zionist ideology, including the leading Yiddish dailies Haynt and Moment, the dailies in Polish Nasz Przeglad, Nowy Dziennik, and Chwila, and many weeklies and other periodicals, issued by various [[racist]] Zionist parties and youth movements.
There was hardly any other Jewish community in the world before World War II, with the possible exception of the relatively small communities of the Baltic countries and Bessarabia, in which the influence of [[racist]] Zionism was so strongly felt.
[1939-1945: Destruction of remaining Polish Jewry - racist Zionist underground activities - racist Zionist rescue centers - representation before the Polish exile government]
All this broke down with the destruction of Jewish life in Poland during World War II.
[[Addition: The big manipulation of racist Zionist bosses - thesis
The racist Zionist bosses wanted to have a westernized new "Israel" (see the westernization project of Lilienblum, see *Zionism, and some wanted a "modern" Israel without Orthodox, or they even wanted a "new Jewish man" of Central Europe without any Jews from eastern Europe, resp." to create a new Jewish man in the Land of Israel to replace the disfigured human being who had been shaped by his misery and alienation from nature in the Diaspora", see *Zionism. In clear words: All Zionism in Poland was not needed for the racist Zionist leaders who mostly came - from racist kaiser Germany or racist kaiser Austria. These facts are an indication that the emigration of German and Austrian Jews (with Ha'avara agreement), and that the Holocaust with the mass shootings against the eastern European Jews in eastern Europe 1941-1944 - was not so German as it looks like. Racist Zionist manipulation in collaboration with racist animal Hitler seems to be probable. There is the thesis: The remaining Jews of Poland from 1939-1944 were victims of the racist theories of the racist Zionist bosses of German blood. These criminal Zionist bosses had the League of Nations in their hands...]]
Various [[racist]] Zionist groups, especially groups of [[racist]] Zionist youth, tried for a period to continue their activities underground. They took the lead in the clandestine struggle against the Nazi occupation and in the ghetto uprisings.
[[Racist]] Zionists who succeeded in escaping from [[anti-Semitic]] Poland established centers for rescue beyond the border, the most important of them in Vilna until its annexation to the [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet Union and later the German invasion of the U.S.S.R. in 1941. [[Racist]] Zionist refugees participated actively in the political and rescue activities of various Jewish bodies, notably the [[racist]] World Jewish Congress. Ignacy Schwarzbart in his capacity as member of the Polish parliament in exile represented the Jewish minority before the Polish government in London.
The second representative was a non-Zionist, member of the Socialist "Bund" party. Emil Sommerstein in his capacity as chairman of the great Jewish community of Poland.
[1945-1970: escape routes from Poland - racist Zionist Jewish education - official end since 1948]
After the war surviving [[racist]] Zionists, and especially [[racist]] Zionist youth movements, established escape routes to and from Poland (see *Berihah (Beriḥah)), assembled children who had been hidden in monasteries and in gentiles' homes, and reorganized Jewish education. But after a short period of transition all [[racist]] Zionist activity within [[Communist]] Poland was finally [[officially]] liquidated by the Communist regime.
[[Since it came out that racist Zionist Herzl Israel turned into a satellite of criminal racist "USA", Stalin felt encircled by the "US" satellites (Europe, racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel, India, and Japan), and by this Stalin turned against racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel and liquidated all Jewish movements in the Communist block resp. all Jews were "russificated", "polonized" etc. Racist Zionist activity was going on illegally underground]].
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Sources |
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1129-1130 |
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1131-1132 |
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