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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Racist Zionist organization in criminal racist "USA"

Racist Zionism from Russian Jewish immigrants dominating - anti-Zionism - racist Zionist congregations, parties, newspapers - Balfour Declaration of 1917 - new racist Zionist committees and organizations - racist Zionist leader Brandeis - anti-Zionist Marshall and Joint - help for illegal immigration in Palestine and for racist fight of Haganah - Jewish Agency - fund raising - religious Zionist matters after 1948

from: Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16

presented by Michael Palomino (2008)

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Racist Zionist madness says that Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Jewry is a religion. Add to this the Arabs were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Jews believed the Jewish racist Zionists and warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Zionist racism is legal until now (2008) and their racist books like "The Jewish State" from racist Herzl are not forbidden...]

[Racist Zionist ideas by Russian Jewish immigrants - racist Hibbat Zion and Hovevei Zion movements]

<Jewish immigrants who came to the United States from eastern Europe in the early 1880s brought the ideas of (col. 1141)

the Hibbat Zion (Ḥibbat Zion) [["Love of Zion"]] movement with them, and by 1890 Hovevei (Ḥovevei) Zion [[those in favor of going to "the land of our fathers", "to which we have historical rights"]] organizations existed in the large Jewish communities of New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. At the same time, newspapers propagating Hibbat Zion (Ḥibbat Zion) ideas appeared, two of which were Shulamit, edited by J.I. *Bluestone in Yiddish, and Ha-Pisgah ("The Summit", 1888-89), a Hebrew paper edited by W. Schur.

Following a mass meeting in New York on May 4, 1898, supporters of [[racist]] Zionism established an organization which [[the German racist Zionist newspaper]] Die Welt called the Zentralverein der amerikanischen Zionisten [[American Zionist Central Congregation]]. Other [[racist]] Zionist organizations appeared in the months before the First [[racist]] Zionist Congress at Basle (1897).

[Anti-Zionists in the criminal racist "USA"]

Opposition was expressed by upper-class Jews and Reform rabbis. The *Central Conference of American Rabbis passed a resolution in July 1897 denouncing [[racist]] Zionists in sharp terms:

Resolved that we totally disapprove of any attempt for the establishment of a Jewish state. Such attempts show a misunderstanding of Israel's [[the Jews]] mission which, from the narrow political and national field, has been expanded to the promotion among the whole human race of the broad and universalistic religion first proclaimed by the Jewish prophets.

[Racist Zionist congregations]

By 1898 two major Zionist organizations developed in New York City:
-- the Federation of [[racist]] Zionist Societies of Greater New York, under the leadership of Richard *Gottheil, and the League of [[racist]] Zionist Societies of the [[criminal racist]] United States of North America, under Rabbi Philip *Klein and Michael Singer.

they united in February 1898 into the Federation of [[racist]] Zionists of Greater New York and Vicinity. Consolidation at the national level in July 1898 resulted in the establishment of the Federation of [[racist]] American Zionists (FAZ), under the presidency of Gottheil, with Stephen S. Wise as first secretary.

[[The Arabs are not mentioned...]]

[Racist Zionist counter congregations - left anti-Zionism - mentality problems between German Jews and Jews from eastern Europe]

Despite initial progress, the FAZ encountered great organizational difficulties. Many [[racist]] Zionist organizations did not recognize its authority. The most recalcitrant were the scores of independent [[racist]] Zionist organizations in New York based on [[racist]] *landsmanschaften and in Chicago on the [[racist]] Knights of Zion, who organized in October 1898 under the leadership of Leon Zolotkoff. Only in 1913 did the Knights accept the authority of the FAZ.

Another obstacle to the growth of the FAZ was the opposition to [[racist]] Zionism from the left, i.e., from East European immigrants who adhered to Socialist organizations and regarded socialism and trade unionism as the solution to Jewish problems as well.

Difficulties were increased by the reluctance of the membership, which was primarily from eastern Europe, to accept the leadership of "Germans", who differed from them in their way of life as well as social class.

[Developments and racist Zionist leaders of the Federation of American Zionists FAZ]

In 1902 Jacob *de Haas moved to the U.S. as editor of the FAZ's official paper, The Maccabean, and secretary of the organization. He tried to cope with the various organizational and administrative difficulties and to include more organizations under Richard Gottheil's leadership. De Haas instituted the "Shekel Day" and developed elaborate [[racist]] Zionist propaganda. Nevertheless, the FAZ was plagued by financial difficulties.

In 1904 Gottheil resigned and Harry *Friedenwald became president. In early 1905 de Haas also resigned and was replaced by Judah Magnes as secretary. With the two new leaders, the [[racist]] Zionist orientation of the FAZ changed. [[The racist Zionist leaders]] Gottheil and de Haas were [[racist]] "political Zionists" who supported [[racist]]  Herzl on the Uganda issue, whereas [[the racist Zionist leaders]] Friedenwald and  Magnes were "cultural Zionists" who tried to adapt [[racist]] Zionism to the American scene.

Other Other important [[racist]] cultural Zionists were [[the racist Zionist leader]] Solomon  Schechter, president of the Jewish Theological Seminary, and [[the racist Zionist leader]] Israel *Friedlander, also of the Seminary, a Bible scholar and communal leader. These [[racist]] "cultural Zionists" saw [[racist]] Zionism as a renaissance of traditional Jewish values and check on assimilation. Although Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] was for them a cultural center, they did not negate the Diaspora, which they viewed as equal in importance.

[Racist Zionist Labor parties - the racist aims - racist Zionist fighting newspapers]

The first [[racist]] Labor Zionist (Po'alei Zion) organization was founded in New York City in March 1903. Its ancillary Jewish National Workers Alliance (Farband [[Yidd.: Union]]) was established as a benevolent organization in 1910, in part to attract members who might join the Socialist, anti Zionist Workmen's Circle. In its initial stages, [[racist Labor Zionist]] Po'alei Zion was rejected by the Socialists and regarded with suspicion by the [[racist]] Zionists. [[Racist]] Labor Zionism combined [[racist]] Jewish national aspirations with a social philosophy dedicated to the establishment of a new political and economic order both in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] and the Diaspora.

During its first decade, the platform included as priorities:

-- the furthering of [[racist]] Jewish settlement in Palestine,
-- the [[racist]] struggle against assimilation,
-- aid to Jewish workers, (col. 1142)
-- and the building of Yiddish folk schools.

Its organs, Der Yidisher Kemfer [[Yidd.: The Yiddish Fighter]] (1905, with interruptions) and The Jewish Frontier [[The Jewish Front]] (1934) exerted wide influence, especially in liberal and progressive circles outside [[racist]] Zionist ranks (the latter under the editorship of Hayyim (Ḥayyim) *Greenberg).

[East European Jews dominating in FAZ since 1911 - weak racist Zionists in criminal racist "USA" until 1914]

In 1911 a new FAZ administration whose members were mostly East European was elected. Friedenwald remained honorary president, but the affairs of the organization were handed to the chairman of the executive, Louis *Lipsky. He shared the burden with his associates Abraham Goldberg, Bernard *Rosenblatt, and Senior *Abel, who founded the Yiddish organ of the movement, Dos Yidishe Folk [[Yidd.: The Yiddish People]] (1909). Until world War I attempts were made to improve administration, notably by Henrietta *Szold, who functioned as secretary between 1910 and 1911.

Newly founded organizations gradually established ties with the FAZ:
-- Po'alei Zion [[racist Labor Zionist]],
-- Hadassah Women's Organization, founded by Henrietta Szold (1912),
-- and the Mizrachi [[racist religious Zionist]] Organization of America (1914).

The latter was established in 1911 by Meir Berlin (*Bar-Ilan). In time it became the backbone of the World Mizrachi Organization by virtue of its numbers  and resources.

[[About the racist Jewish immigration wave (the natives and the blacks have no rights in Jewish societies) between 1900 and 1914, see: *USA 1880-1919]].

Early in 1914 the [[racist]] Federation of American Zionists, and [[racist]] American Zionism, was small and weak; its membership was static and it was suffering from financial stress. It did enjoy the support of the Day and Morning Journal, two leading Yiddish dailies. The Forward, however, was sharply anti-Zionist out of socialist conviction until it became more sympathetic during the 1920s [[after Balfour Declaration of 1917]].

[WWI - racist Zionist "Provisional Committee for General Affairs" PZC under Brandeis - idea of cultural pluralism]

With the outbreak of World War I, international [[racist]] Zionist activity became largely centered in the U.S., where the [[racist Zionist]] Provisional Committee for General Affairs (PZC) was established. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Louis D. Brandeis, who had his first contact with [[racist]] Zionism through [[racist Zionists]] Jacob de Haas, Nahum Sokolow, and Bernard *Richards, accepted its chairmanship. He took up his role with great energy and drew to the [[racist]] Zionist movement [[the racist Zionists]] Felix *Frankfurter, Louis Kirstein, and Bernard *Flexner, all of whom were also attracted by its democratic and progressive ideas. Under Brandeis' able leadership, the financial situation of the FAZ improved, and membership and political influence increased. Brandeis and his associates were influenced through Horace *Kallen and others by the idea of cultural pluralism, the essence of which is that America is a nation of nations in which different cultures are blended. This theory served to reconcile "Americanism" with [[racist]] Zionism.

[["Cultural pluralism"? The cultures of the natives are never mentioned in the Encyclopaedia Judaica. And the Arabs are not mentioned in the article...]]

[Racist Zionist leader Brandeis in the Supreme Court of the "USA" since June 1916 - foundation of Zionist Organization of America ZOA in 1917]

After [[racist Zionist leader]] Brandeis' elevation to the Supreme Court in June 1916, he resigned as active chairman but continued to lead the FAZ through his [[racist Zionist]] associates, notably de Haas. In 1916 the [[racist Zionist Labor]] Po'alei Zion and [[racist Zionist religious]] Mizrachi organizations withdrew from the [[racist]] Provisional Zionist Committee, and in 1917 the federation reorganized all its branches into the [[racist]] *Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), which was based on territorial districts. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Brandeis became honorary president, Judge Julian W. *Mack president, Stephen S. Wise and Harry Friedenwald vice-presidents.

[1919: racist Zionist leader Brandeis in Palestine planning large racist Zionist investments - ZOA rejecting Brandeis' ideas - racist Zionist Palestine Economic Corporation set up - United Israel Appeal set up]

After the war Brandeis visited Palestine and formed plans to build its future on the basis of large-scale investment and centrally controlled public corporations. He wanted the ZOA to collect funds for specific economic projects. At the London Conference of 1920 his views clashed with [[racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann's who wanted to found the Keren Hayesod [[United Israel Appeal: the central fund raising organization for racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel]] as a general fund to improve the economy and [[racist Zionist Jewish]] settlement methods of Palestine, as well as to establish educational institutions.

The [[racist Zionist "American"]] Brandeis group refused to accept the decisions of the [[racist]] World Zionist Organization, represented by [[racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann. At the Cleveland convention of the ZOA in 1921, in which the issues were debated, a majority rejected Brandeis' views, and as a result he and his close associates seceded from the mainstream of [[racist]] Zionist activity in the U.S. and concentrated their efforts on fostering the economic development of Palestine, as, e.g., through the [[racist Zionist]] Palestine Economic Corporation.

Louis Lipsky, who led the opposition to Brandeis, became president, with Abraham Goldberg, Emanuel Neumann, Morris *Rothenberg, and others as his collaborators. The Lipsky administration remained in office until 1930. During this period the ZOA concentrated on fund raising but was not very successful. It established the Keren Hayesod [[United Israel Appeal for fund raising]] in the [[criminal racist]] United States.

["Jewish agency" of racist Zionists and non-Zionists founded in 1929 by racist Zionist leader Weizmann and anti-Zionist Marshall]

Article 4 of the League of Nations Mandate had made specific provision for the recognition of a "Jewish agency" to advise and cooperate with the administration of Palestine as representative of the Jewish people. U.S. Jewry, by reason of its tremendous numbers and resources, was a decisive factor in "enlarging" the Jewish Agency. Louis Marshall, the leading American "non-Zionist", (col. 1143)

convened two nonpartisan conferences to consider Palestine problems in 1924 and 1925. These meetings resulted in proposals to include non-Zionist representation in an enlarged Jewish Agency. The proposal to enlarge the Agency by the co-option of non-Zionists was also approved in principle by the [[racist]] Zionist Congress in 1927, and in that year, following publication of a preliminary agreement between [[racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann and [[anti-Zionist]] Marshall, a Joint Palestine Survey Commission was appointed. It made recommendations for practical work in Palestine upon which both [[racist]] Zionists and non-Zionists could agree.

In August 1929 the constitution of the enlarged Agency was approved and the Americans received the largest number of the 112 seats allotted to non-Zionists (44). However, due to the death of Marshall, the onset of the economic depression, the subsequent political events, and the disorganization of the American section of the Jewish Agency, the [[racist]] Zionists continued to control all activities and policies of the Agency.

[Riots in Palestine 1929 - Brandeis' group taking over the lead (of ZOA?)]

The riots in Palestine in 1929, coupled with the U.S. economic crisis, further lowered the morale of the ZOA, whose membership declined to 8,000. There was a general clamor for Brandeis' return [[probably in the ZOA where his ideas had not been accepted before]]. At the convention in 1930, an executive committee of 18, composed mainly of Brandeis' circle, was elected with Robert *Szold its chairman from 1930 to 1932. From 1932 tho 1936 Morris Rothenberg functioned as president; Stephen S. Wise succeeded him from 1936 to 1938, followed by Solomon *Goldman in 1938, Edmund Kaufmann in 1940 and Judge Louis E. *Levinthal in 1941.

World War II

[American Emergency Committee for racist Zionist Affairs - Biltmore program for "Jewish Commonwealth"]

With the outbreak of World War II, the ZOA formed the American Emergency Committee for [[racist]] Zionist Affairs, which later became the [[racist]] American Zionist Emergency Council, presided over by Stephen Wise and Abba Hillel Silver. On May 9-11, 1942, at New York's Biltmore Hotel, a [[racist]] Zionist Convention consisting of delegates of the ZOA [[racist Zionist Organization of America]], Hadassah [[racist Zionist Women organization]], Mizrachi [[racist religious Zionist]], and Po'alei Zion [[racist Labor Zionist]] enacted the Biltmore Program which defined the postwar [[racist]] Zionist aim as the establishment of Palestine as a Jewish Commonwealth.

[[The whole chapter with the immigration and the restriction of immigration by the Department of Internal Affairs, and the whole anti-Semitism and discriminations against Jews in the "USA" under the Roosevelt administration are not mentioned, see: *USA 1929-1939,and *USA 1939-1945]].


[Racist Zionist propaganda work in the "USA"]

From 1945 the [[racist]] Zionist Emergency Council directed the energies and [[racist Zionist]] propaganda of the movement to influence the entire Jewish community, the U.S. government, and public opinion to support its demands in Palestine. Through these efforts [[racist]] American Zionists contributed decisively to the political prerequisites for the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel on May 14, 1948 [[without the definition of boundaries...]]

[[Addition: Naive an racist white "American" voters
It can be admitted that the Arabs were never mentioned - and that the civil war already existing in Palestine was never mentioned. By this the naive white "Americans" (the Blacks and the natives had no right to vote) were seduced to support the racist Zionist project for a Jewish Empire ("Greater Israel") from Nile to Euphrates. Naive and racist white "American" voters did not want to see that Palestine was an eternal war trap against the Arabs...]]

During and after the war, a dissident group, called at first Committee for a Jewish Army and later the Hebrew Committee for National Liberation, agitated in the U.S., mainly through newspaper advertisements, by expounding and supporting the ideas and acts of the Irgun Zeva'i (Ẓeva'i) Le'ummi (I.Z.L.) in Palestine. The group was headed by an I.Z.L. leader, [[racist Zionist leader]] Hillel *Kook (who appeared in America under the name of Peeter Bergson), and enlisted the support of several prominent Jews and non-Jews. The style and tactics of the "Bergson group" were the subject of sharp controversies in [[racist]] Zionist circles, particularly among Revisionists and their sympathizers.

[Racist American Zionists acting in Palestine: help for illegal immigration to Palestine, weapon deliveries to racist Zionist terror organization Haganah, big funds, volunteers - racist Zionist Jewish majority since 1948]

In addition to their efforts in the political field, [[racist]] American Zionists were among the most active participants in practical aid to the yishuv in its struggle after 1945; they helped with "illegal" immigration, the Berihah (Beriḥah), secret shipment of arms to the Haganah, and great sums of money. The greatest number of volunteers to the yishuv's fighting forces, which were called Mitnaddevei Huz la-Arez (Ḥuẓ la-Areẓ) (*Mahal (Maḥal)), came from the [[racist criminal]] United States. However, only after World War II, under the impact of the Nazi Holocaust in Europe and, later, the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, did [[racist]] Zionism become accepted by the bulk of the Jewish community in America.

Opposition to Zionism

[Anti-Zionism in the criminal racist "USA": the Reform rabbinate against racist Zionism and against the racist Zionist Herzl Jewish State]

From the beginning [[racist]] Zionism had encountered great opposition, especially from Reform Judaism. Among the staunchest, most influential opponents were rabbis Emil G. *Hirsch and Kaufmann *Kohler. Other prominent Reform rabbis, however, such as Gustav *Gottheil, Jacob *Raisin, Bernard *Felsenthal, and Maximilian *Heller supported the movement. In 1907 professors Max *Margolis, Henry *Malter, and Max Schloessinger, all strong sympathizers with [[racist]] Zionism, resigned from the *Hebrew Union College faculty, while the [[racist]] Zionists charged that they were forced to resign by the College's anti-Zionist president Kohler. Among the younger generation Stephen S. Wise, Judah L. Magnes, and Abba Hillel Silver were notable exceptions to the anti-Zionism of the Reform rabbinate.

The main body of the Central Conference of American Rabbis was (col. 1144)

anti-Zionist and delivered pronouncements against [[racist]] Zionism until 1920. After the Balfour Declaration (1917) and the San Remo decision on Palestine (1920), the Reform movement adopted, although unofficially, a position of non-Zionism which allowed cooperation with [[racist]] Zionists in philanthropic enterprises. In 1935 they revised their collective negative stand on [[racist]] Zionism in favor of individual choice, and further conciliation occurred after the "Columbus Platform" of 1937. A small minority group, however, continued with its opposition to [[racist]] Zionism.

In November 1942 the *American Council for Judaism was formed, composed of Reform rabbis and influential lay leaders, such as Lessing *Rosenwald, with Rabbi Elmer Berger as its head. The Central Conference of American Rabbis tried to halt this split within its ranks, but to no avail. Whereas the Reform movement as a whole tended to pro-Zionism, the Council continued its anti-Zionist activities and upon the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel it stated:

The State of Israel is not the state or homeland of the Jewish people: to Americans of Jewish faith it is a foreign state. Our single exclusive national identity is to the United States.

[Anti-Zionism in the criminal racist "USA": split Jewish Orthodox]

Jewish Orthodox circles were divided nearly from the beginning on the [[racist]] Zionist issue. While the [[racist religious]] Zionist Mizrachi and the Ha-Po'el ha-Mizrachi [[labor wing of Mizrachi]] found many adherents among the East European Jews, Agudat Israel [[Orthodox political party]], a smaller but articulate group, was anti-Zionist out of conviction that [[racist]] Zionism was secularist and incompatible with Orthodox Judaism. Only during World War II did these groups abate their anti-Zionism, and in 1945, with some internal opposition, Agudat Israel declared its willingness to cooperate with the [[racist]] Zionists. On the fringe of Orthodoxy, extremist opposition to [[racist]] Zionism was continued by the Satmar Rebbe Joel *Teilelbaum, who condemned the [[racist]] Zionists for trying to hasten the redemption by establishing a "heretical" state.

[Anti-Zionism in the criminal racist "USA": Joint]

Within the lay leadership of American Jewry, [[racist]] Zionism at first found its strongest opponent in the *American Jewish Committee, whose leadership included at various times, among others, Mayer *Sulzberger, Cyrus *Adler, Irving *Lehmann, Louis Marshall, Jacob *Schiff, Felix *Warburg, Oscar *Straus, Cyrus *Sulzberger, (col. 1145)

and Julius *Rosenwald, all wealthy, of German background, and non or anti-Zionists. After the Balfour Declaration [[1917]], however, the Committee tacitly recognized the ZOA as the representative of those Jews directly concerned with the welfare of Palestine, although within the American context the AJC, which was an unelected elite, opposed the "Congress Movement" during World War I, which was advanced by [[racist]] Zionists and based on mass support.

During the 1920s the leaders of the AJC were approached by [[racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann in order to establish the enlarged Jewish Agency. [[Racist]] Zionist "Diaspora nationalism", however, which the AJC saw as a threat to their position and patriotism, remained an issue of contention between them. Thus, opposition to the [[racist]] Zionists continued in various forms until January 1948, when Judge *Proskauer, under the pressure of the [[racist]] pro-Zionist Jewish consensus in the U.S., declared the committee's acceptance of the Jewish state recommended by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP).

[[The Arabs are never asked. In Palestine the Arabs can only boycott the Jews because they never want a partition of Palestine, see: *UN. But the naive white racist "Americans" support the Jewish plan for a Jewish Empire ("Greater Israel") without borderline definition according to the racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". This racist booklet of Herzl - which provoked an eternal war between Jews and Arabs - is legal to have until now (2008)...]]

However, the AJC remained apprehensive about the status of American Jews in the light of a Jewish state. It was willing to support [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel while remaining independent of direct Israel interference in its affairs.

[Racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel cannot speak in the name of Jews in other states]

In 1950 [[racist Zionist dictator]] David Ben-Gurion, as prime minister, exchanged letters on the subject with Jacob *Blaustein, president of the AJC. Ben-Gurion stated that [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel represented only its own citizens and had no claim to speak in the name of the Jews in the Diaspora. The Jews of the [[criminal racist]] United States, as a community and as individuals, owed political loyalty only to the [[criminal racist]] United States, and the Jews in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel had no intention of interfering in the affairs of Jewish communities abroad. The effect of these letters was the cooperation of the AJC with [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel within defined areas of agreement.

Mass Support and Fund Raising

[Racist national "US" rabbis supporting the racist Zionist movement - rabbi Kaplan's concept of "Jewish Peoplehood"]

Dedicated supporters of the [[racist]] Zionist movement came from the ranks of Conservative Judaism. Solomon Schechter and his faculty at the Jewish Theological Seminary supported [[racist]] Zionism despite the objection of the Reform-oriented board of directors of the Seminary. The meetings of the Rabbinical Assembly of America were consistently characterized by expressions of sympathy for [[racist]] Zionism. The Reconstructionist movement, under the leadership of Rabbi Mordecai M. *Kaplan, also was always pro-Zionist. It viewed its (col. 1146)

endeavor in Palestine as a means to achieve a renaissance in Jewish life in America as well. Guided by Rabbi Kaplan's concept of "Jewish Peoplehood", Reconstructionist rabbis worked within the [[racist]] Zionist movement in order to achieve their twofold aim.

From the 1930s on the ZOA devoted more and more attention to fund raising, mainly in the United Palestine Appeal [[UPA]]. There was considerable rivalry with non-Zionist overseas agencies, especially the *American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), for the allocation of funds raised in local communities. In 1939-40 the UPA and JDC combined into the *United Jewish Appeal (UJA). The frequent consequence of such cooperation was a lack of emphasis on [[racist]] Zionist ideology in [[racist]] Zionist circles. The situation changed from the 1940s when fund raising and political ideology became indistinguishable. [[Racist]] Zionist fund raising became the almost universal expression of Jewish identification and communal participation [[by heavy racist Zionist propaganda]].

In April 1960, following criticism from a U.S. Senate committee and other sources of the practice of returning a small proportion of funds raised for [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel for educational activities in the U.S., an agreement was reached between the Jewish Agency and the leadership of the UJA to establish an entirely American body, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., to budget and allocate funds raised in the United States for immigrant needs in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. This body was charged with authorizing the expenditure in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel of funds contributed in America, thus giving American Jewry a direct say and responsibility in administering its funds in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel.Aid to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel by Jews in the [[criminal racist]] U.S. was channeled through the UJA and other overseas agencies, and through the Israel Bond Organization.

[Racist Zionist fund raising for racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel 1948-1968 against the Arabs]

From 1948 through 1968, the UJA [[racist Zionist United Jewish Appeal]] provided over $1,100,000,000. In times of crisis for [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, the sums collected reached unprecedented proportions, as evidenced at the time of the Six-Day War: in 1966 the sale of Israel Bonds totaled $11,000,00;in 1967, $175,000,000. In 1970-71, in the face of threats to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel security, the goal was the largest ever, $1,000,000,000. In addition to fund raising, private investment was fostered by bodies such as the Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC).

American contributors and investors were not only declared [[racist]] Zionists, but Jews who felt a sense of identification with the Jewish people.

[[Jewry is a religion, not a people and not a "nation", but the racist Zionists never see this...]]

As a consequence, American Jewish philanthropy shifted its main priority from support of American Jewish causes to the support of [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, and the distinction between [[racist]] philanthropic humanitarianism and political Zionism lost its practical significance.

Aliyah and Youth Movements

[No great migration movements from criminal racist "USA" to racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel after 1945 - provocation of a greater migration movement by Six-Day War victory]

Aside from the increase in funds, there was also evidence of greater American immigration to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, the ultimate expression of commitment to [[racist]] Zionism. In the first three and a half years of the state's existence (May 1948-December 1951), out of a total of 684,201 [[racist Zionists]] immigrants to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, only 1,090 were Americans. Until 196 immigration from the [[criminal racist]] United States was less than 1.1% of the total number of immigrants. Between 1960 and 1967 immigration to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel from the U.S. was 2,000 per year;

immediately after the Six-Day War this figure rose to 5,000 per year. After 1967 a "grass roots" immigration movement started independent of the Jewish Agency, which in 1968 formed the Association of Americans and Canadians for Aliyah. The resolutions of the 27th [[racist]] Zionist Congress (Jerusalem, 1968) stated that all necessary help be extended to this and all other organizations seriously contemplating immigration. Immigration in 1970 and 1971 was approximately 7,000 annually.

[Manipulation of Jewish youth by racist Zionism in criminal racist "USA"]

The [[racist]] Zionist movement in America financially assisted established educational institutions and youth movements (Ihud (Iḥud) Habonim, Young Judea, Benei Akiva, etc.), summer camps, and also organized tours to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. In the 1950s and 1960s membership in these movements declined mostly as a result of the growing Jewish affiliation to the various religious movements and their youth groups.

Organizational and Cultural Impact

[1920s: fund raising and youth manipulations]

[[...]] In 1923 [[racist]] Labor Zionism formed the Histadrut Campaign, which raised funds for the various institutions of the Histadrut in [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel. *Pioneer Women, founded in 1926, made its (col. 1147)

main function raising funds for the women's division of the Histadrut (Mo'ezet (Mo'eẓet) ha-Po'alot). The youth affiliated to [[racist]] Labor Zionism, Habonim, administer summer camps and year-round social and cultural programs in North America.



After World War II, as a continuation of the framework created by the [[racist]] American Zionist Emergency Council, an American section of the [[racist Zionist]] Jewish Agency Executive was established in New York, consisting of leading members of the ZOA [[Zionist Organization of America]], Hadassah, the [[racist]] Labor Zionists, and Mizrachi [[religious racist Zionists]]. They participated regularly in plenary sessions of the Executive, whose main center remained in Jerusalem.

In 1957 Mizrachi and Ha-Po'el ha-Mizrachi ([[the Labor wing of Mizrachi]], founded in 1925) united into the Religious Zionists of America. The women's organizations of both groups, as well as their respective [[racist Zionist]] youth groups, Mizrachi ha-Za'ir (ha-Ẓa'ir) and Benei Akiva, remained separate organizations.


[Anti-Zionism in criminal racist "USA" in the 1960s - reforms in racist Zionist structures]

In the late 1960s [[racist]] Zionists became concerned with increasing their propaganda activities through new tactics and approaches, especially on the American campuses where the New Left and Black Nationalists developed an explicit anti-Zionist ideology which denied Israel's right to exist and supported Arab aims to destroy [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel - an ideology which even attracted a number of Jewish students. Independent radical campus groups (e.g., the Radical Zionist Alliance) emerged throughout the U.S. to counter this ideology from a Jewish point of view.

Partly under the impact of this [[racist]] Zionist revival in the new generation, an important reform took place in the structure of [[racist]] American Zionism. Instead of the relatively weak coordinating body called the [[racist]] American Zionist Council, in which the main parties and organizations were represented, the [[racist]] Zionist Federation of America was established in 1970. [[Racist]] Zionist affiliation of individuals became henceforth possible without the intermediary of a particular party or organization.

[Elements of racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel in the synagogue service of criminal racist "USA" - Six-Day War victory practically eliminates the anti-Zionists]

Encyclopaedia Judaica: Zionism, vol. 16, col.
                  1145-1146: [[Racist Zionist]] demonstration in support
                  for (racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl) Israel in
                  Lafayette Park, Washington, during the Six-Day War,
                  June 1967. On the opposite side of the street, by the
                  White House railings, a pro-Arab group is
                  demonstrating. Photo U.P.I., New York
Encyclopaedia Judaica: Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1145-1146: [[Racist Zionist]] demonstration in support for (racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl) Israel in Lafayette Park, Washington, during the Six-Day War, June 1967. On the opposite side of the street, by the White House railings, a pro-Arab group is demonstrating. Photo U.P.I., New York

The voluminous literature and extensive ideological debates on the relationship between American Jewry and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel indicated the impact made on the Diaspora by the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel. American Jews showed themselves more willing and ready to be identified as Jews, to affiliate with Jewish organizations and institutions, and to send their children to Jewish schools as a result of their ties to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. Israel occupies an important place in synagogue activities, sermons, and various religious celebrations, and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel's Independence Day [[without definition of borderlines...]] assumes an important place in the American Jewish calendar. The [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel flag is frequently displayed in synagogues and community centers.

In many synagogues prayers for the welfare of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel and world Jewry are recited on Sabbaths and holidays following that for the welfare of the [[criminal racist]] United States. Both the Conservative and Reform branches attempt to establish themselves in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel through rabbinical schools and various educational programs.

Another impact of [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel has been the use of the Hebrew language in contrast to the decline of Yiddish. Hebrew songs and Israel folk dances have become American Jewish popular culture: at weddings, bar mitzvot, and on many college campuses. Jewish art, which traditionally concentrated on East European themes, expanded to include [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel symbols; [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel crafts find a wide market among American Jews. Fiction on [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel life increases rapidly and an extensive periodical literature is directed from [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel institutions toward American Jewry.

[[Racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel had a profound impact on the ideologies of American Jews. The anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism was the only American Jewish organization which claimed that any suggestions of an ethnic bond among Jews, especially the ideas of [[racist]] Zionism and the creation of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, harmed the position of the Jews in America because it placed in question their loyalty to the [[criminal racist]] United States. With the progress of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel and particularly after the Six-Day War, many of its members and supporters shifted to a more pro-Israel stance, and the Council's influence dwindled considerably. Agudat Israel, on the other hand, which before the establishment of the state held that any state not governed by halakhah [[Jewish law]] would be illegitimate, accepted the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, as did almost all other Orthodox Jewish groups in America.

Jewish religious and welfare institutions in America, such as the National Council of Jewish Women, B'nai B'rith, and the Jewish War Veterans, as well as civic organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and the National Communal Relations Advisory Council, all adopted an official stand of "non-Zionism". In practice, however, they support the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel and demands for an American policy of friendship toward [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. [[Racist government of the "USA" meets racist government of Israel. This fits...]]

As a consequence, they reject the suggestion that Jewish ethnic traditions about [[racist]] Zionism and the existence of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel create conflicts of dual loyalty.

[[Palestine turned into a weapon test field since 1948. The Arab side which never will accept any partition of Palestine is not mentioned in the article. The Arabs are not asked. The Arabs do not count for racist American Zionists...]]

Religious and Ideological Issues

["US" Orthodox controlling the religious way of life in racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel - the question if Jews in Israel are more Jewish or not]

There are, however, issues of concern to some of these organizations. Orthodox Jewry in America feels itself intimately involved in the course of religious affairs in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and presses the state to pursue official religious policies in accord with its own religious beliefs. Similarly, Israel rabbis command influence and respect among similar circles in the [[criminal racist]] United States. The Conservative and Reform movements, on the other hand, are concerned that the legal establishment of religious Orthodoxy in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel involved discrimination against non-Orthodox (col. 1148)

Jews there. Some demanded the separation of state and religion or the adoption of forms of religious practice close to their own points of view. The concern of the American religious groups implies that the religious forms practiced in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel are of direct relevance to American Jews.

After the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, controversies also arose between [[racist Zionist]] Israelis and [[racist]] American Zionists over their relationships in the future. The Americans demanded a separation of the activities of the state from those of the Jewish Agency and the [[racist]] World Zionist Organization, whereas the Israelis wanted Jerusalem to be the center of all the [[racist]] Zionist activities.

In addition, there was a great controversy about the meaning of the Diaspora and the obligation to immigrate to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. The Americans claimed that America was not galut [[exile]] because Jews were secure and not oppressed there (Rose *Halprin) and that the [[racist]] Zionist Organization should not submit to the authority of [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel (Abba Hillel Silver). [[Racist]] American Zionists wanted to be recognized as the liaison for all activities between American Jews and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. They demanded that, through legislation, [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel recognize their leading position in fund raising and practical work, a demand practically achieved in 1952 through the passage of the [[racist]] Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency Law in the Knesset and the covenant signed subsequently between the [[racist Zionist Herzl]] Israel government and the Jewish Agency.

[[Racist]] American Zionists maintained that the most important issue for the Jews was their survival as a people.

[[Jewry is a religion, is NOT a people, NOT a nation, but a religion, but the racist Zionists will never see this because it would come out that a "Jewish State" as a national state is impossible...]]

Since Jews will continue to live in the Diaspora, only a [[racist]] Zionism that recognized the essential ethnic elements of the Jewish people could keep them from cultural disintegration. For this reason a strong emphasis on cultural continuity, Hebrew, and a strong bond with [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel are the tasks of American Zionism (Ben *Halpern), although since 1967 the furtherance of aliyah from the U.S. also became a legitimate part of [[racist]] Zionist activity in America. In essence this is a neo-Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am position which sees [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel as the cultural center of the Jewish people but simultaneously dependent on the moral, political, and financial assistance of the Diaspora.

[J.RE.]> (col. 1149)

[[The Arabs are never mentioned in the article...]]
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Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1141-1142
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1141-1142
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1143-1144
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1143-1144
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1145-1146
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1145-1146
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1147-1148
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1147-1148
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1149-1150
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1149-1150

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