Vatican with
Organized Crime - Video 04
Criminal Church=darkness -
Light is
Mother Earth
04 (2015): Gay Vatican bishops with gay prostitutes
in gay saunas at Gay Street in Rome - 1 gay bishop
was from Argentina
from the video "Sodoma e Gomorra in Vaticano" from Italian
TV channel La7
This video was uploaded on December 3, 2015 on YouTube
(YouTube channel:
presented by Michael Palomino (2017)
Video: Sodom and Gomorrah in the
Vatican (6min.27sec.)
(original Italian: Sodoma e Gomorra in Vaticano
Movie protocol
1. Chaouqui + Balda with documents - and a bit
of sex
Francesca had worked in the Vatican as a public relations
officer, and with Bishop Balda, she had leaked Vatican
documents to some of the enlightenment journalists, leading to
huge scandals against the criminal Vatican. Then, not the
criminals who are the culprits in the documents, but the
whistleblowers were prosecuted. Balda landed in the Vatican
Whisblower Balda says in the movie, he's ashamed of events
with Francesca in the Vatican:
Io mi vergognavo di quello que avevo
fatto con Francesca (4sec.)
quando passavo i documenti pensavo allo scandalo
Se si sapeva... (8sec.).
I was ashamed of what I had done with
Francesca (4sec.).
When I let the documents pass, I thought of the
scandal (6sec.).
If you had known that ... (8sec.).
The Vatican is a highly criminal place
where 3000 gay people with drug-mafia connections and their
own bank are manipulating the entire world with
criminal-pedophile bishops, depressed pastors and with a
Jewish fantasy book from Asia
The reporter reports:
Sex is money in the Vatican, and there are many scandals in
the Vatican (13sec.). There was a Bishop Lucio Vallejo Balda
(in the Vatican Reorganization Economic Commission [web02], a
Spanish lawyer and economist), who had a PR consultant,
Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui (who was also a member of the
Economic Commission [web02]), and there was a beautiful,
sexual relationship, which the investigative journalists Nuzzi
and Fittipaldi have detected at the Vatican (27sec.). Ms.
Chaouqui was 32 years old, married, and was supposed to review
the economic affairs of the Vatican (38sec.). She made a great
career, met Paolo Berlusconi, the Renzi family, and
entrepreneurial journalists (48sec.).
The whistleblowers Chaouqui and Balda by
Vatileaks 2.0 - Francesca Chaouqui, portrait
[2016: The gay criminal Vatican under the
infertile Pope Francis condemns the whistleblowers
The Vatican court then condemned Balda and Chaouqui for
handing over documents [web01]. In the case of Chaouqui, the
sentence was suspended because she has to look after a
newborn [web02]. The criminals in the Vatican who actually
committed the crimes recorded in the documents (money
laundering, billing fraud, etc.) remain free. THAT is the
criminal logic of the gay-infertile Pope Francis ...
Facebook profile of Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui: https://www.facebook.com/francescaimmacolata.chaouqui
Balda does not have a Facebook profile, or he deleted it.]
There are also Vatican iPhone news related to beautiful sex:

Original Italian:
"Sei depresso? Vai a letto con quella ragazza."
"Are you depressed? Go to bed with this girl."
Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui reportedly described the priest
Balda as follows:
Original Italian:
"Balda è un goliardico, un personaggio assolutamente
fuori dall'immaginario di un comune sacerdote, uno
che scherza con tutti." (1min.28sec.)
"Balda is a student type, a character who is not at
all like an ordinary priest, he is making jokes with
everyone." (1min.28sec.) |

Francesca describing Balda
2. Nightlife of Rome: The "Gay Street" and
their hustlers (male prostitutes) telling about gay Vatican
The reporter means that bishops would be religious and should
not lead a double life: "Non possono condurre una doppia vita"
(1min.36sec.). That is why sexuality is quietly lived
somewhere in Rome (1min.43sec.).
The reporter gets upset when someone
organizes his sex life - Rome, nightlife 01
In the nightlife of Rome, there are zones where people meet
who like same-sex love (1min.49sec.). This is the "Gay Street"
Rome, nightlife 02 on Gay Street, where gays meet
The reporter talks to a passerby:

Original Italian:
Vengono anche preti de la chiesa? (1min.55sec.) -
Si, ecco un sacco di preti (1min.58sec.). -
Que vengono qui (2min.0sec.). -
Si si (2min.1sec.). |
Do priests also come here from the church?
(1min.55sec.) -
Yes, here are a bunch of priests (1min.58sec.). -
They come here (2min.0sec.). -
Yes, exactly (2min.1sec.).
First one meets these priests in a chat on the Internet
(2min.7sec.) and then there is a meeting fixed (2min.10sec.).
The reporter asks another male prostitute how to get in touch
with gay Vatican priests:

Original Italian:
Ci sono diverse app gay (2min.12sec.).
Siccome hanno un modo di fare un po' da prete
E il primo dice:
Me a scritto che era un prete e punto (2min.21sec.)
per incontro sessuale (2min.24sec.). |
There are several gay apps (2min.12sec.).
The priests have just their own kind (2min.16sec.).
And the first one says:
He wrote to me that he was a priest, point
for sex meetings (2min.24sec.). |
3. Rome: Contact portals for gays on the
There are contact portals on the Internet with chats, where
also the gay priests of the Vatican find their gay sexual
partners (2min.27sec.). There is e.g. the website
"Reverendis", which offers these contact possibilities for
religious gays to meet with other homos (2min.29sec.).

Homo gay chat in Rome 01, 02 - Homo gay chat web site
"Reverendis" in Rome, specially designed for gay and
infertile Vatican priests
Here gay men can find other gay men for
gay sex meetings (2min.34sec.). Here is an example of
communication between two gays in a chat (2min.38sec.).

Original Italian:
Sei att o pass (2min.41sec.)
No è da tanto che non fcclo sex (2min.43sec.)
Mi piace intimitòà stare nudi coccolare
Sono più di messe (2min.49sec.)
Potrei liberarmi (2min.50sec.)
Per una scopata con te in albergo (2min.52sec.) |
You are att or pass (2min.41sec.) [?]
No, it's been a long time since I had sex
I like being naked to cuddle (2min.45sec.)
They are more than crowds (2min.49sec.).
I could free myself (2min.50sec.).
For a fuck with you in the hotel (2min.52sec.) |
4. Rome: gay saunas with hustlers and gay
priests of the Fuckican (Vatican)
The gay scene in Rome not only meets in bars and back rooms,
but also in the gay saunas (2min.59sec.). Here the gays meet
for their sex meetings (3min.1sec.).

A gay sauna in Rome
The reporter talks to the porter of a gay sauna:

Original Italian:
Vengono un po' di preti? (3min.3sec.) -
Il collarino hanno deciso di toglierselo prima
Diciamo che l'odore di prete si sente da lontano
Pure nudo si capisce che e' un prete (3min.13sec.)
Priests come from time to time? (3min.3sec.) -
They have to drop their priest's collar
We have the saying that one smells a priest from
afar (3min.8sec.).
And even naked one sees that this is a priest
The reporter talks to a prostitute who often goes to the sauna
with clients:

Original Italian:
Le è mai capitato di incontrare un prete?
(3min.14sec.) -
Qualche volta (3min.17sec.),
Sono più in sauna che fuori (3min.18sec.). -
Ma uno, come si riconosce che è un prete?
(3min.20sec.) -
A volte te lo dicono, a volte vengono con la
(3min.23sec.) -
Cioè nello spogliatoio hanno il collarino da prete?
Quindi si vestono e si svestono tranquillamente da
prete? (3min.30sec.) -
Una volta in sauna ho incontrato un gruppo di preti
polacchi saranno stati una quindicina (3min.35sec.).
Approcciano anche fisicamente? (3min.37sec.) -
Che fanno, la messa? (3min.38sec.). |
Have you ever met a priest? (3min.14sec.) -
That sometimes happens (3min.17sec.),
well, I'm more in the sauna than outside
(3min.18sec.). -
How do you know that he is a priest? (3min.20sec.) -
Sometimes they tell you, sometimes they come with
... (3min.23sec.) -
In other words, in the locker room do they have a
priest's collar? (3min.27sec.)
So, they dress like that and then strip off the
priest clothes? (3min.30sec.) -
Once I met a group of Polish priests in a sauna,
they were about fifteen (3min.35sec.). -
Do they also approach physically? (3min.37sec.) -
What do you think they are doing, reading the mass?
(3min.38sec.). |
Another prostitute does not want to be called, and one should
not recognize him either. He continues talking about the
"forbidden meetings" (3min.43sec.).

Original Italian:
Si presentano come persone assolutamente normali e
poi... (3min.47sec.)
Alla fine te lo dicono (3min.48sec.).
Mi e' capitato ben tre volte per essere precisi
L'ultimo me lo ricordo perché' era argentino
e gli ho fatto la battuta sul papa (3min.56sec.)
Vivono la propria sessualità' come tutte le persone
Non si fanno problemi perché sono preti
(4min.0sec.). -
Quindi vivono il sesso in maniera assolutamente
libera? (4min.4sec.) -
Assolutamente... liberissima, ma più' di me
(4min.6sec.). -
Qual e' la cosa più' particolare che ti hanno
chiesto? (4min.9sec.) -
Di farlo a cinque (4min.11sec.). -
Cinque persone? - mhm [sì - annuisce] (4min.13sec.).
Considera che questa e' una sauna quindi...
puoi fare sesso liberamente e nessuno ti giudica e
nessuno ti dice nulla (4min.21sec.). -
Cioè' diciamo che qui dentro si viene proprio
sapendo che... (4min.24sec.) -
Qui dentro si viene solo ed esclusivamente per
scopare (4min.27sec.).
Non vieni a fare la sauna in una sauna gay
They present themselves as absolutely normal people
and then ... (3min.47sec.)
In the end they tell you (3min.48sec.)
It happened to me three times, to be precise
I remember the last one, that was an
Argentine, joking about the Pope
They live their sexuality like all humans
They do not cause any problems because they are
priests (4min.0sec.). -
So they live the sex absolutely free? (4min.4sec.) -
Absolutely ... very free, but more than me
(4min.6sec.). -
What is the strangest thing that they asked you?
(4min.9sec.) -
To do it with five people (4min.11sec.). -
Five people? - mhm [Yes - he nods] - (4min.13sec.).
Remember that this is a sauna ... (4min.15sec.)
You can have free sex and no one restricts you and
no one tells you what (4min.21sec.).
That means, we say that we know here that ...
(4min.24sec.) -
Here inside, people only come to fuck (4min.27sec.).
They do not come for the sauna in a gay sauna
5. Rome: Catholic authorities deny the
enlightenment - they want to make everything "God's"
The reporter walks around and meets a nun [this is of course
all arranged].

Sterile order sister nun of Catholic Church in Rome
The reporter now raises the
hypothetical question of whether there is help for her
when she got a sex offer by a priest.

Original Italian:
Sorella, le posso chiedere un consiglio spirituale?
Io ho a che fare con diverse persone della curia
tra queste un Vescovo (4min.47sec.)
e questo Vescovo si e' avvicinato a me (4min.50
con delle intenzioni diverse da quelle spirituali
Cioè' intenzioni sessuali... cosa devo fare?
(4min.55sec.) -
Devi parlare con lui, cerca di allontanarlo
Ma, posso dirlo a voi o a qualcuno che può'
segnalarlo al Vaticano? (5min.4sec.)
No... no, no (5min.6sec.).
Poi la Sorella dice nella chiesa:
E' successa anche a me una cosa del genere
e io gli ho detto: ci unisce il sangue di Cristo
basta questo (5min.13sec.)
Io non mi sono data (5min.16sec.).
e non sono più' voluta andare a servire
hai voglia a dire che io ero indemoniata perché' non
volevo servire (5min.21sec.) -
Era un prete anche lui? (5min.23sec.) -
Qui ci sono tutti Monsignori mica ci sono...
(5min.27sec.) -
Pero' io vorrei sapere se da cattolica dovrei
denunciare questa cosa? (5min.33sec.) -
Io non ho denunciato nessuno - ho detto ci pensa il
Signore (5min.37sec.). |
Sister, can I ask you for spiritual advice?
I deal with a number of people in the Curia
one of whom is a bishop (4min.47sec.)
and this bishop approached me (4min.50sec.)
with other intentions than spiritual (4min.53sec.).
These are sexual intentions ... what should I do?
(4min.55sec.) -
You have to talk to him, try to pull him away
(4min.58sec.). -
Can I tell you or someone who can report it to the
Vatican? (5min.4sec.)
No ... no, no (5min.6sec.).
The nun then says further in the church:
That also happened to me (5min.10sec.)
and I said to him, "Christ's blood binds us to it"
I did not give myself up to him (5min.16sec.).
and I did not want to go anymore to serve
You want to say that I was obsessed because I did
not want to serve (5min.21sec.) -
Was he also a priest? (5min.23sec.) -
There are many Gentlemen with glimmer here and there
... (5min.27sec.) -
But I would like to know if I should denounce this
thing as a Catholic? (5min.33sec.) -
I did not report anybody - I said, the Lord
remembers (5min.37sec.). |
Then the reporter in the church meets a "Padre" [can be a
pastor or a bishop] and asks this "Padre" in a brainwashing
church in Rome, what she should do, because she had much and
beautiful sex with a priest (5min .41sec).:

A brainwashing church in Rome 01

Original Italian:
Buona sera padre le posso chiedere un consiglio
spirituale? (5min.42sec.)
C'è' una persona in Vaticano lui e' un Vescovo
con la quale sono entrata molto in confidenza fisica
Che cosa devo fare? (5min.52sec.) -
Digli di no (5min.53sec.)
E' una situazione che non va bene (5min.56sec.).
Poi alla fine fa male a te, fa male a lui
fa male alla Chiesa, fa male a tutti (6min.2sec.). -
Secondo lei devo parlare anche con qualcuno della
sua curia? (6min.5sec.) -
No (6min.6sec.). -
Vuole sapere chi e' cosi fa delle indagini?
(6min.8sec.) -
No... no... no... no... (6min.9sec.)
Lo dice ai superiori? (6min.11sec.)
No... no... no... non lo voglio sapere (6min.12sec.)
Non me lo dica (6min.13sec.). -
No? - No - Preferisce di no? - No (6min.16sec.). -
Magari potrebbe essere utile... (6min.18sec.) -
No, va bene... (6min.20sec.)
Fatemi preparare adesso il senno' (6min.21sec.) -
Deve andare? (6min.22sec.) -
Si, devo prepararmi per questo funerale
Good evening, can I ask you for spiritual advice?
There is a person in the Vatican, he is a bishop
with whom I entered into a physical relationship of
trust (5min.49sec.)
What should I do? (5min.52sec.) -
Tell him no (5min.53sec.).
This is a situation that is not good (5min.56sec.).
In the end it hurts you, it hurts him (5min.59sec.),
It hurts the church, it hurts everyone (6min.2sec.).
Do you think I have to talk to someone from your
Curia? (6min.5sec.) -
No (6min.6sec.). -
Do you want to know who's doing the investigation?
(6min.8sec.) -
No ... no ... no ... no ... (6min.9sec.)
Will you tell your superiors? (6min.11sec.)
No ... no ... no ... I do not want to know
Do not tell me (6min.13sec.). -
No? - No - this would not be advantageous? - No
(6min.16sec.). -
Maybe it could be useful ... (6min.18sec.) -
No, that's ok, so... (6min.20sec)
Let me prepare spiritually now (6min.21sec.) -
You must go? (6min.22sec.) -
Yes, I have to prepare for this funeral
A brainwashing church in Rome 02
[6. Conclusions: Vatican=terrorist association
Racism against women, rejecting contraceptives for free love
and rejecting enlightenment is a PRINCIPLE in the
gay-barbaric-criminal Vatican of the 3000 gays. Even so, the
Vatican is actually an organization against human
dignity. With all it's crimes this gay and sterile
Vatican is a terrorist association: with
psychoterrorism against the normal population, with mafia
connections, with satanists, with drugs, and with prohibitions
without end.
Church is DARKNESS and SUFFERING. Light comes from Mother