-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Making a difference between allergies and
An incompatibility of a food in gastro intestinal system is
not an allergy but is a reaction of the immune system. This
has to be made a clear difference. When there is missing
e.g. an enzyme in the body for the decomposition of lactose,
so milk lactose is provoking a sick feeling and therefore is
incompatible. In such a case for example one has to take
milk products where the enzyme is added (4 Strategien,
An allergy is not a sick feeling but is another illness:
Immune system produces an anti body against a food which
provokes a fast and strong reaction in the body: There can
be an eczema, swellings, or cramps (4 Strategien, p.283).
It is very rare that the body is reacting with an allergy
against a positive food of blood group nutrition. But in
such a case this food also has to be aliminated (4
Strategien, p.284).
[at least until blood group nutrition is stabilized, and
then one can try it again].
Damaging lectins provoke incompatibilities similar
to allergies
Many [damaging] lectins of food provoke the immune system
[depending on the blood group] the formation of anti bodies
against the [damaging] lectins. For the affected people
these foods are rated as "highly allergenic", whereas it's
not a bodily allergy, but it's only a reaction of lectins.
Omitting the damaging lectins is eliminating also the states
similar to allergies (richtig leben, p.90).
Dr. D'Adamo estimates that it's "very probable that many
allergies rated as food allergies are in reality the
reaction of the immune system to these damaging lectins in
damaging food according to the blood group." (richtig leben,
(orig. German:
D'Adamo schätzt es für "sehr wahrscheinlich, dass so
manche vermutliche Nahrungsmittelallergie in Wirklichkeit
eine Reaktion des Immunsystems auf diese in der Nahrung
vorhandenen Lektine ist." (richtig leben, S.90)
Allergies in general: wrong lectins - liberation of
histamines and kinines - allergic reactions
Example of the connection between pollen and wheat:
Pollen often contains lectins liberating strong histamines.
This is always the beginning of an allergy symptom as for
example itching or runny nose etc. Above all wheat lectins
are having an effect on IgE anti bodies (immunglobin E anti
bodies). These have an effect on white blood cells
("basophiles") and the whites blood cells for themselves are
producing now aside of the allergen histamin also the
allergen of Kinin. And the kinins can provoke heavy allergic
reactions, with swellings in the mouth and neck up to
inhibition of respiration (4 Strategien, p.284).
"Many pollen contain lectins favoring the liberation of
strong histamines, and - jab! - all allergy symptoms are
breaking out: itching, sneezing, runny nose, heavy
respiration, cough and red eyes with tears.
These damaging lectins are in many kinds of food, above all
in wheat products having an effect on the IgE anti bodies
(immune globulin E anti bodies) in the blood. These anti
bodies are stimulating the white blood cells, the so called
basophiles for a production of histamines and add to this
also kinins, one more group of powerful allergens. These
kinins can provoke heavy allergic reactions with swelling in
the mouth and in the neck up to inhibition of respiration."
(4 Strategien, p.284).
(orig. German:
"In zahlreichen Pollen sind Lectine enthalten, die die
Freisetzung von starken Histaminen begünstigen, und -
Zack! - schon sind alle Allergie-Symptome ausgebrochen:
Juckreiz, Niesen, Triefnase, Atembeschwerden, Husten und
rotunterlaufene, tränende Augen.
Die Lectine in zahlreichen Nahrungsmitteln, insbesondere
im Weizen, beeinflussen im Blut enthaltene
IgE-(Immunglobulin E) Antikörper. Diese Antikörper regen
weisse Blutkörperchen, so genannte Basophile, dazu an,
neben Histaminen auch noch Kinine, eine weitere Gruppe
machtvoller Allergene, freizusetzen. Diese Kinine können
schwere allergische Reaktionen auslösen, zu Schwellungen
im Rachenraum führen und die Atmung behindern." (4
Strategien, S.284)
[Allergies=vaccination damage
Allergies are a vaccination damage and are healing with
bicarbonate in 10 to 30 days (90%). The rest of 10%
heal with blood group nutrition and raw food in some months
(Michael Palomino, September 21, 2016)].
Allergies with blood group 0
Humans of blood group 0 have the big part of all allergies,
for example asthma, hey fever etc. (4 Strategien, p.284),
and this is because blood group 0 has got no antigens.
Therefore the organism of blood group 0 has the lowest force
to defend attacks from the outside (4 Strategien, p.285).
Asthma and hey fever with blood group 0
Blood group 0 develops an "environmental asthma" because of
the environmental effects. Healing of asthma and hey fever
can be performed
-- when blood group nutrition is strictly followed
-- and then sneezing and respiration problems etc. will go
away (4 Strategien, p.284)
-- also snoring is eliminated
-- and persistent digestion problems also will be eliminated
(4 Strategien, p.285).
Allergies with blood group A
Asthma and hey fever with blood group A
Blood group A develops a "stress asthma" because of it's
"stress profile". Healing also comes with blood group A by a
strict following of blood group diet. And then the excessive
mucus production is reduced which is always a problem with
blood group A (4 Strategien, p.285).
Healing of asthma and hey fever with blood group A is
-- by an elimination of food which is supporting mucus
production, and these are all damaging milk products
-- by a constructive managing of stress in life
-- by fulfilling a strict blood group diet (4 Strategien,
Eventually asthma can really be eliminated completely with
this program (4 Strategien, p.285).
Allergies with blood group B
When humans of blood group B have a good nutrition so these
humans are only hardly vulnerable for allergies. But the
damaging lectins of chicken and corn can provoke allergies
with persons of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.285).
Allergies with blood group AB
Humans of blood group AB have the lowest rate of allergies
of all blood groups because they have the double quantity of
antigens (4 strategies, p.285).