Antibiotics according to blood groups

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Antibiotics according to blood groups

Antibiotics can have heavy side effects with some blood groups

              Antibiotikum kann je nach Blutgruppe verschiedene
              Wirkungen haben (hier die Pille des Penicillins VK 500mg)
An antibiotic can have different effects according to the blood group (here a Penicillin pill VK 500 mg)

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)

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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programms. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)

[Basic principle: no antibiotics for simple illnesses
Don't use antibiotics when you can cure a little illness with herbs or teas].

And when antibiotics are used, then there are some dangers using them:

Blood groups have different reactions on antibiotics

According to Dr. Peter D'Adamo only blood group A is going well in general with antibiotics. Blood groups 0, B, and AB have some heavy side effects with antibiotics, mostly blood group 0 (p.271-272).

Antibiotics are destructing also many useful bacteria in the digestive tract and are often causing diarreas then, or fungal infections with women as "side effect" (p.270). All in all one should only apply antibiotics when there is no other possibility of treatment and only with heavy illnesses, for example with long lasting infections (p.271).

It's possible to enforce the spreading of the antibiotic in the body by taking the enzyme bromelain that can be found in pineapple [fresh ones, no canned food] or in pineapple juice [fresh], or there are also pills with it (p.271).

Antibiotics with blood group 0 can provoke heavy side effects: allergies, eczema, blood thinning

Humans of blood group 0 are reacting on antibiotics the group of Penicillin "with a higher tendency for allergies against the antibiotic agents".
(orig. German:
Die Menschen der Blutgruppe 0 reagieren auf Antibiotika der Penicillin-Gruppe "mit einer erhöhten Allergieneigung auf antibiotische Substanzen".

That's why persons of blood group 0 should evade any antibiotic of the group of Penicillin (p.271).

Antibiotics of the group of sulfonamides can provoke eczema with blood group 0 and should also be evaded (p.271).

Also antibiotics of the group of macrolide should be evaded by blood group 0 because: "[The antibiotics called] Erythromycin, Bioxin, Zithromax can worsen the tendency for bleeding with persons of blood group 0." (p.271)
(orig. German: "Erythromycin, Bioxin, Zithromax können Blutungsneigungen bei Personen der Blutgruppe 0 verschlimmern." (S.271)
[Blood group 0 has the most fluent blood already. When antibiotics are diluting the blood of blood group 0 further on so no wound will heal any more].

Antibiotics with blood group A: blood group A is going with antibiotics more or less

Persons of blood group A have a good reaction with antibiotics of the group of carbacephem group, for example with Lorabid. There is hardly any side effect (p.272).

Blood group A also is going well with penicillins and with sulfonamides, better than tetracyclines and macrolides. When macrolides are used then "Erythromycin is better than Zithromax or Clarythromycin." The latter two "can cause digestion problems and can disturb the iron metabolism of type A." (p.272)

Antibiotics with blood group B and AB: Quinolones can cause heavy nerve troubles

Persons of blood group B and AB should evade antibiotics of quinolones, for example Flexin and Cipro. When then only little dosages should be taken. Quinolone antibiotics can cause neurological troubles with blood group B and AB: "There can be side effects like blurred view, states of confusion, dizziness or insomnia." (p.272)
(orig. German:
"Verschwommene Sicht, Verwirrungszustände, Schwindelgefühl oder Schlaflosigkeit." (S.272)

When such troubles are coming then one has to stop the treatment with quinolone antibiotics and a medical doctor should be consulted (p.272).

[Basic principle: no antibiotics for simple illnesses
Don't use antibiotics when you can cure a little illness with herbs or teas].

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Photo sources

-- penicillin:
