-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programms. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Addition: General indications about autoimmune
Autoimmune diseases are among others
-- various kinds of rheumatic illnesses (chronic
polyarthritis, M. Bechterew, lupus erythematosus, Sjörgren
syndrome, scleroderma)
-- chronic inflammatory intestine illnesses (M. Crohn and
Colitis ulcerosa)
-- celiac disease, vasculitis (inflammations of vessels)
-- not bacterial kidney inflammations
-- certain nerve inflammations (multiple sclerosis, Guillan
Barré syndrome)
-- some skin diseases (psoriasis, pemphigus, Lichen ruber,
-- certain blood diseases
-- certain thyroid illnesses, and also so called youth
diabetes (type I)
-- and other illnesses like asthma, arteriosclerosis,
Alzheimer, dementia
-- some kind of cancer are at least partly also caused by
immunologically caused inflammations
(these indications come from:
With autoimmune diseases the body is in a bad condition
because it's immune system is broken (4 Strategien, p.285).
Anti bodies are running amok and are producing anti bodies
against themselves (4 Strategien, p.285-286), these are the
so called "auto anti bodies". These "auto anti bodies"
destroy the own organs and are provoking inflammatory
reactions (4 Strategien, p.286).
Addition: healings with sodium bicarbonate
Many autoimmune diseases - some are vaccination damages -
and are healing with
bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%). The rest of
10% heals with blood group nutrition and raw food in
some months. In this way are healing for sure kidneys,
nerves, thyroid gland, diabetes (which also heals with fruit
extract yacon), asthma (which is vaccination damage), cancer
(which also heals with fruit extracts Graviola and Nomi),
ans also dementia is partly reduced (Michael Palomino,
September 21, 2016).
Autoimmune diseases: prevention against arthritis
according to blood groups
Rheumatoide arthritis [1] (here with
swollen basic joint of fingers, with rheumatic
nods at the finger joints and with deformed little
fingers) is different depending on blood groups |
Arthritis with blood group 0: inflammations by
damaging crops and potatoes
Humans of blood group 0 have an inflammatory reaction by the
lectins, among others by crops and potatoes. Typically for
elder humans of blood group 0 is ostheoarthrosis in the age
with destroyed cartilage, "a kind of arenaceous arthritis"
(4 Strategien, p.286).
"Persons of blood group 0 are main affected by autoimmune
illness of arthritis. Immune system of type 0 is reacting
with a hypersensitivity on effects of the environment, and
there are many kinds of food - among them many kinds of
grains and potatoes -, with lectines provoking inflammatory
reaction in the joints.
Many years ago my father made the observation that humans of
blood group 0 have the tendency to develop a kind of
arenaceous arthritis, a chronic degeneration of cartilage of
the bones. This so called osteoarthrosis is typical
arthritis with elder humans." (4 Strategien, p.286)
(original in German:
"Personen der Blutgruppe 0 sind die Hauptbetroffenen der
Autoimmunkrankheit Arthritis. Das Immunsystem des 0-Typs
reagiert überempfindlich auf Umwelteinflüsse, und es gibt
zahlreiche Nahrungsmittel - darunter Getreidesorten und
Kartoffeln -, deren Lectine entzündliche Reaktionen in den
Gelenken auslösen.
Mein Vater machte vor vielen Jahren die Beobachtung, dass
Menschen der Blutgruppe 0 dazu neigen, eine Art sandiger
Arthritis zu entwickeln, eine chronische Degeneration der
Knochenknorpel. Diese so genannte Osteoarthrose ist die
typische Arthritis bei älteren Menschen." (4 Strategien,
Arthritis with blood group A: rheumatic arthritis by
damaging lectines and permanent stress
Blood group A has a special "rheumatoid arthritis" in
connection with swellings. The joints are destroyed with it.
The causes can only be presumed.
"Persons of blood group A have the tendency for an arthritis
with swellings. This is the more acute rheumatoid form of
the illness - there are many pains, and the joints are
destroyed and loose their function. In my own practice the
majority of the patients suffering under rheumatoid
arthritis are of blood group A. Normally type A has got an
immunologically tolerant system, but is developing this form
of arthritis. This can possibly be because of the A specific
lectines. Laboratory animals with injections of A specific
lectines had the same inflammations and joint degenerations
as it was with rheumatoid arthritis.
And probably there is also a connection with stress. Some
studies showed that humans with rheumatoid arthritis are
more nervous and less chargeable emotionally. When these
patients cannot manage the general stress situation (p.286),
then the illness is going forward faster. This seems to be
logic considering that we know about stress factors ans
about type A that it is more nervous by nature. For persons
of blood group A with rheumatoid arthritis it is absolutely
recommendable to learn relaxing techniques and apply them
every day." (4 Strategien, p.287)
(orig. German:
"Personen der Blutgruppe A neigen zu einer mit
Schwellungen verbundenen Arthritis. Das ist die eher
akute, rheumatoide Form der Krankheit - eine mit
Funktionsverlusten verbundene, schmerzhafte Zerstörung
zahlreicher Gelenke. In meiner eigenen Praxis gehört die
Mehrzahl der Patienten, die unter rheumatoider Arthritis
leiden, zur Blutgruppe A. Dass der A-Typ trotz seines
immunologisch toleranten Systems diese Form der Arthritis
entwickelt, hängt möglicherweise mit den A-spezifischen
Lectinen zusammen. Bei Labortieren, denen man
A-spezifische Lectine injizierte, traten die gleichen
Entzündungen und Gelenkdegenerationen auf wie bei einer
rheumatoiden Arthritis.
Genau so wahrscheinlich ist ein Stresszusammenhang. Einige
Studien zeigen, dass Menschen mit rheumatoider Arthritis
nervöser und emotional weniger belastbar sind. Wenn diese
Patienten schlecht mit allgemeinen Stresssituationen
umgehen können (S.286), schreitet die Krankheit schneller
voran. Das erscheint einleuchtend, wenn man bedenkt, was
wir über Stressfaktoren und über den A-Typ wissen, der von
Natur aus nervöser ist. Für Personen der Blutgruppe A mit
rheumatoider Arthritis ist es zweifellos empfehlenswert,
Entspannungstechniken zu erlernen und täglich anzuwenden."
(4 Strategien, S.287)
[Therefore blood group A should learn relaxing techniques
even since the childhood].
Autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis and
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis according to blood group
Some blood groups are especially vulnerable for MS
(here the MS affected writer Dirk Riepe in a wheel
chair) [2]
Some blood groups are especially vulnerable for
amyotrophe lateral sclerosis (here ALS affected
physicist Stephen Hawking in a wheel chair) [3]
Blood groups B and AB are especially vulnerable "for unusual
viral and neurological illnesses which are existing secretly
for a long time"
(orig. German:
Die Blutgruppen B und AB sind "für ungewöhnliche virale
und neurologische Erkrankungen, die lange im Verborgenen
for example MS and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Some
physicians claim that it would be a virus illness with a
virus similar to [the body cells of] blood group B with a
long latency. Therefore blood groups B and AB would be most
affected (4 Strategien, p.289).
Then the immune system of the body produces regularly no
anti bodies against this virus which is similar to [the body
cells of] blood group B, because there is no enemy. 0 and A
have strong B anti bodies and are relatively immune (4
Strategien, p.289).
Autoimmune disease: kidney failure (Lupus
nephritis) can be healed
Scheme of a kidney [4]
Kidney failure (Lupus nephritis) is different
according to the blood group, and is well curable
with blood group nutrition.
Supplement: kidneys are healing with sodium
bicarbonate within 10-30 days (90%)
Kidneys are cleaned and are healing fast with sodium
bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%). The
rest of 10% is healing with blood group nutrition
diet and with raw fruits and vegetables within
some months.
Michael Palomino, September 21, 2016
[Lupus = main tuberculosis, nephritis = kidney
Blood group diet can even heal kidneys where had been a
kidney transplant in project (4 Strategien, p.291).
Case of Marcia (30 years old, blood group A):
Marcia's kidneys don't work any more. She is with dialysis
and she has a kidney transplant in project already. Just
before the operation she is consulting natural medicine and
is going to Dr. Thomas Kruzel, doctor for natural medicine
in Gresham in Federal State of Oregon. She simply has eaten
just the wrong things: always milk products, wheat and raw
meat. A change of alimentation to vegetarian food "with
hydro therapeutic and homeopathic measures" are liberating
the kidneys of the agglutinations. After two months no
dialysis is necessary any more, and a new kidney is not
necessary at all (4 Strategien, p.291).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Marcia was a fragile young lady suffering Lupus. She was
taken to Dr. Kruzel by her brother bearing her after leaving
the intensive care unit of the hospital. There were immune
complexes in her body in connection with her illness
provoking her kidney failure. Marcia had a Shunt dialysis
during several weeks, and she should get a new kidney within
the next 6 months.
Dr. Kruzel saw Marcia's case history and got the detail that
she was eating above all milk products, wheat products and
raw meat - and all this food was damaging humans of blood
type A, above all in her condition. He was prescribing a
strict vegetarian diet in connection with hydrotherapeuthic
and homeopathic measures. After two weeks Marcia was much
better already and could reduce the dialysis sessions. After
two months Marcia did not need any dialysis any more which
was really amazing. And no kidney transplant was needed.
Since this time three years have passed and Marcia is going
well." (4 Strategien, p.291)
(orig. German:
"Marcia, eine zerbrechliche junge Frau, die unter Lupus
litt, wurde von ihrem Bruder in die Praxis von Dr. Kruzel
getragen, nachdem sie aus der Intensivstation des
Krankenhauses entlassen worden war. Zirkulierende
Immunkomplexe, die mit ihrer Krankheit zusammenhingen,
hatten zu einem Nierenversagen geführt. Marcia war mehrere
Wochen lang einer Shunt-Dialyse unterzogen worden und
sollte jetzt innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate eine neue
Niere erhalten.
Dr. Kruzel nahm Marcias Krankengeschichte auf und erfuhr,
dass sie sich überwiegend von Milchprodukten, Weizen und
rotem Fleisch ernährte - lauter gefährliche Substanzen für
einen A-Typ in ihrem Zustand. Er setzte sie auf eine
strikte vegetarische Diät in Verbindung mit
hydrotherapeutischen und homöopathischen Massnahmen. Nach
zwei Wochen hatte sich Marcias Zustand verbessert, und sie
musste seltener zur Dialyse. Nach zwei Monaten brauchte
Marcia erstaunlicherweise überhaupt keine Dialyse mehr,
und die geplante Nierentransplantation wurde abgesetzt.
Seitdem sind drei Jahre vergangen, und Marcia geht es nach
wie vor gut." (4 Strategien, S.291)
Autoimmune illnesses: healing of asthma
Asthma (here an asthma affected person
with respiratory device [5]) is different
according to the blood group. Blood group A with
much mucus in the mouth and in the nose is
especially in danger.
Supplement: asthma healing with sodium
bicarbonate within 10-30 days (90%)
Asthma is a vaccination dammage and is healing
fast with sodium
bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%). The
rest of 10% is healing with blood group nutrition
diet and with raw fruits and vegetables within
some months.
Michael Palomino, September 21, 2016
Wheat and asthma:
Blood group A with chronically much mucus in the mouth and
in the nose is especially in danger for asthma. Wheat is
even provoking more mucus production, and therefore wheat
products are especially favoring asthma with blood group A.
When there is asthma or when there are often infections with
illnesses of mucosa as a consequence, then wheat products
have to be eliminated completely (4 Strategien, p.115).
Case of Ellen I., medium
age, blood group A: healing of asthma
Ellen with blood group A suffering asthma first took the
inhalation and cortisone medicaments, but they had heavy
side effects in muscles and with the eyes. Then she limited
her treatment with a mouth spray which had not to be
prescribed (richtig leben, p.91). When she applied blood
group nutrition she got her turnaround: Wheat products,
potatoes and pasta were eliminated from her dishes, but she
integrated peanuts, vegetables and fruits. Within 7 days she
got a free respiration again (richtig leben, p.92).