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Food of blood group 0. List

1 Meat - 2 Fish - 3 Dairy products - 4 Oils - 5 Nuts - 6 Seeds - 7 Grain - 8 Cereals - 9 Breads - 10 Eggs - 11 Vegetables - 12 Fungi (mushrooms) - 13 Vegetable Juice - 14 Fruits - 15 Fruit juices - 16 Herbs and spices - 17 Syrup / seasonings / thickener - 18 Beverages: teas - 19 drinks

by Michael Palomino (2012)

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-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups - 4 strategies (4 Blutgruppen. 4 Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil; Piper 2001)
-- Peter D'Adamo: Live right 4 your type (4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, Piper 2002
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups. Lexikon (4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005)

Meat spiced
                      (foreground) and raw (background)
Meat spiced (foreground) and raw (background) [1]

1 Meat with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.75)

+ + + Positive:
optimizing metabolism of blood group 0; allowed meats, liver and kidney of blood group 0 are best vitamin B foods (4 strategies, p.99).

buffalo, Giblets (heart, liver), mutton,
(Liver vitamin E is best food for blood type 0 (4 strategies, p.103)

Beef, calf, ground beef, lamb, wild

ooo neutral:
chicken, duck, pheasant, rabbit, partridge, turkey,

--- Negative:
bacon, bacon, ham, pork, ("causes abnormal blood reaction, contains material which may affect disease susceptibility." (Lexicon, S.706).

Fish counter [2]

2 Fish with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.76)

- Fish with omega-3 fatty acids is decreasing with blood group 0 lipids and lipid levels and blood fat levels, and prevents  cardiovascular disease (4 strategies, p.75).

- Seafood for blood group 0 is a good source of iodine for thyroid regulation (4 strategies, p.75), fish, but especially marine fish (4 strategies, p.100)

Allowed fish species are for blood group 0 best vitamin B foods (4 strategies, p.99).

+ + + Positive:
with omega-3 fatty acids regulating the thyroid of blood group 0

blue fish, Cod, Hake, halibut, Herring (fresh), mackerel, perch, pike, Rainbow trout, red Snapper,  salmon,

Sardine (with a lot of calcium for blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.100)

Shad, snapper, sole, swordfish, sturgeon, striped bass, White fish, White perch, tile fish, Yellowtai.

ooo neutral:
eel, oysters, Barramunda, sailfish, flounder, crayfish, frog legs, shrimp, shark, pike, lobster, Scallops (Pilgrim, scallops), Kalmar (Squid), carp, crabs, salmon trout, seabream, mussels, Redfish (redfish), Anchovy (anchovies), haddock, turtles, seabass, abalone, Monkfish (angler), Bluegill, smelt, Clams (sand, clams), Snails, albacore. Weissstör, Sea bass (loup de mer), grouper

--- Negative:
Barracuda (barracuda), Marinated herring, Catfish, caviar, octopus, sea snails, smoked Salmon.

                      products, for example milk, yogurt, butter, and
Milk products, for example milk, yogurt, butter, and cheese [3]

3 Dairy products in blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.84-85; Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - really live, p.229)

Blood group 0 fends off cow's milk products:

-- The defense system of the blood group 0 produces antibodies to cow's milk products, to "the penetration of this food into the organism" to fight (4 strategies, p.77)

-- The organism from blood group 0 can not properly process cow's milk products

-- Cow's milk products interfere with the metabolism of other foods

-- Mold materials can provoke allergic reactions (4 strategies, p.84-85)

-- Ice cream (from cow's milk products) can cause arthritis (4 strategies, p.290)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
Butter (all 0 humans),
Farmer cheese (only secretors),
Mozzarella (only secretors)
cheese (feta) (right living, p.229) (only secretors)
soy Cheese
Goat cheese (only secretors) (right living, p.229)
Ghee [butter] (all 0 humans)

--- Negative:
Blue cheese, Brie, buttermilk, Camembert,
Cheddar [dt. Cow's milk cheese originally, from Cheddar, Somerset]
Colby [mild "American" cheese from Colby, Wisconsin]
cream cheese,
Edam, Emmentaler
Farmer cheese (only non-secretors) (right living, p.229)
Feta cheese (feta) (negative only for non-secretors) (right living, p.229)
Gouda, Gruyère, cottage cheese, Jarlsberg, Yogurt (all varieties), kefir

Milk, all varieties (including skimmed milk, goat's milk also)

Monterey Jack, Mozzarella (only non-secretors) (right living, p.229), Munster, Neufchâtel, Parmesan, Provolone, Ricotta [from sheep's and cow's milk], whey

cheese spread,
ice cream,
Goat cheese (only non-secretors) (right living, p.229)
Goat milk (secretors and non-secretors) (right living, p.228)

Best for
                      all blood groups is Olive oil

Best for all blood groups is Olive oil [4]
4 Oils with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.78, 87)

+ + + Positive:

flaxseed oil,
olive oil

Flaxseed oil and olive oil promote heart and arteries, and possibly lower blood cholesterol levels (4 strategies, p.78).

ooo neutral:

Cod liver oil (cod liver oil), rape oil, sesame oil

--- Negative:
Corn oil, cottonseed, peanut oil, safflower oil,

Nuts, for
                      example walnut, Brazil nut, almonds, hazel nuts,
                      and peanuts
Nuts, for example walnut, Brazil nut, almonds, hazel nuts, and peanuts [5]

5 Nuts in blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.78)

Allowed nuts are best vitamin B source for type 0 (4 strategies, p.99), and vitamin E source, too (4 strategies, p.103).

+ + + Positive:
pumpkin seeds, walnuts

ooo neutral:
Almonds, almond butter, Chestnuts (Chestnuts), hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans

--- Negative:
cashews, Peanuts, peanut butter, Brazil nuts

Seeds and pits, for
                        example pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds,
                        and sunflower seeds
Seeds and pits, for example pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds [6]

6 Seeds in blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.78)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
pine nuts, Sesame paste (tahini), sunflower puree, sunflower seeds

--- Negative:
poppy seed, pistachios

                      for example oat, wheat, rice and rice harvest,
                      spelt, and rye
Cereals, for example oat, wheat, rice and rice harvest, spelt, and rye [7]

7 Cereal with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.80, 81)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
Rice (basmati rice, brown rice, rice flour, wild rice) (4 strategies, 80,81),
Rice milk (all) (right living, p.229)

barley flour
Jerusalem artichokes
Oats (secretors) (right living, p.233)
Quinoa [quinoa, buckwheat from South "America"]
rye flour
Spelt flour

--- Negative:

Wheat (precooked cracked wheat, semolina, durum wheat flour, semolina)

The humans of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectines. The wheat metabolism of type 0 is slowly working and storing the wheat products as fat (4 strategies, p.80).

The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen with blood group 0 provoking infections, especially for non-secretors, v.a. men (right living p.233).

The wheat lectins with blood group 0 are imitating insulin provoking a resistance against insulin, so insulin has to be injected (right living, p.263-264).

couscous [millet polenta of North Africa]
gluten-containing flour, oats (non-secretors) (right living, p.233)
multigrain mixes with wheat
soba (buckwheat noodles)

affects with blood group 0 the insulin production provoking diabete and overweight. When there is diabetes in the family it has to be eliminated immediately (p.82).

Maize lectins with blood group 0 are imitating insulin provoking a resistance against insulin, so insulin has to be injected (right living, p.263-264).

                      for example muesli, oat flakes, rye flakes, and
                      chocolate flakes (crispies)
Cereals, for example muesli, oat flakes, rye flakes, and chocolate flakes (crispies) [8]

8 Cereal with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.80)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
Amaranth Flakes, Buckwheat Flakes, Barley flakes, Kamut (Egyptian wheat), puffed millet, puffed rice, rice flakes, rice bran, Spelt flakes,

--- Negative:

cornflakes, oat Bran Flakes, oatmeal

Wheat flakes, wheat germ, wheat bran, shredded wheat.

The humans of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectines. Wheat diet is then slowly working storing the products of metabolism as fat (4 strategies, p.80).

The agglutinin of whole wheat  with blood group 0 may worsen inflammations, especially with non-secretors, especially with men (right living, p.233).

Wheat lectins with blood group 0 are imitating insulin provoking a resistance against insulin so insulin injections are needed (properly live, p.263-264).

Bread [9]
9 Breads with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.81)

+ + + Positive:

Essen bread (wheat lectines are destroyed by germination of wheat before processing) (4 strategies, p.81); digestible for secretors and non-secretors (right living, p.235)

ooo neutral:
crispbread, Gluten-free bread, millet Bread,Spelt Bread

Rice cakes, brown rice bread (bread made from brown rice) Rye Bread

soy bread

--- Negative:

-- Is poorly digested by blood group 0 and provokes fat and weight gain
-- Interferes with the metabolism of other foods (4 strategies, p.81)
-- Adverse grains provoke arthritis with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.286), for example, Sandwich made of wheat flour (4 strategies, p.290)

Metabolism of type 0 converts wheat lectines into fat not processing it (4 strategies, p.80).
The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen with blood group 0 infections, especially for non-secretors, above all men (yes, live p.233).
Wheat lectins with blood group 0 cause insulin imitation and by this an insulin resistance, so that subsequently injections with insulin are needed (live properly, p.263-264).

Bagels (from wheat buns)
Cornmeal muffins
Corn lectins with blood group 0 are imitating insulin provoking a resistance against insulin so insulin injections are needed (properly live, p.263-264).
Durum wheat bread
Matzas, wheat, multigrain bread, [with wheat in it], wheat germ bread, wheat bran muffins, whole wheat bread (bread Graham)
Oat Bran Muffins
Pumpernickel [of wheat]

Eggs [10]
10 Eggs with blood group 0
(live correctly, p.228-229)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:

Egg yolk (egg), egg white (chicken), chicken eggs, duck eggs (right living, p.229)

--- / ooo negative (secretors) - neutral (non-secretors)

Goose eggs, salmon eggs, quail eggs (right living, p.228)

                      for example broccoli, beans, tomatoes, and yellow
Vegetables, for example broccoli, beans, tomatoes, and yellow peperoni [11]

11 Vegetables with blood group 0
(From: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.82, 83)

-- basic fruits and vegetables are protecting the acidic stomach of blood group 0 against acidification, irritation of gastric mucosa and therefore also protecting it from stomach ulcers (4 strategies, p.75).

-- green vegetables rich in vitamin K help blood coagulation of the thin blood of type 0: green cabbage, kale, lettuces, broccoli / broccoli, spinach (4 strategies, p.82, 83)

-- Green leafy vegetables with folic acid (a vitamin B) (right living, p.212), the green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, chard) are for blood group 0 best vitamin B foods (4 strategies, p.99) and best Vitamin E foods (4 strategies, p.103).

--  green vegetables promote with blood group 0 with their chlorophyll blood clotting (4 strategies, p.293).

+ + + Positive:
Beans and Legumes: adzuki beans, cowpea, pinto beans (4 strategies, p.79)
(Reduce stomach acid and can blood group 0 heal stomach ulcers (4 strategies, p.79)

Beet: Turnips, turnip greens
Broccoli / Broccoli (rich in vitamin K, helps blood to clot the blood thin blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.82, 83), with a lot of calcium for blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.100)

Cabbage: cabbage, kale (rich in vitamin K, the blood clotting of the thin blood of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.82, 83) best vitamin B foods for blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.99) and vitamin E (supports 4 strategies S .103)

chard (best Vitamin B foods for blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.99) and vitamin E (4 strategies, p.103)
Chicory, dandelion, Eskarol (endive), Kohlrabi (turnip cabbage), Vegetable marrow, Onions, Potatoes: Sweet potatoes
Horseradish, Okra (Gumbo), Red peppers, Parsnips, Leek,
Jerusalem artichokes
Romaine lettuce (rich in vitamin K, helps blood coagulation of thin blood of type 0 (4 strategies, p.82, 83) and contains vitamin E (4 strategies, p.103)
Spinach (rich in vitamin K, helps blood coagulation of thin blood of type 0 (4 strategies, p.82, 83), best vitamin B food (4 strategies, p.99) and vitamin E (4 strategies, p.103)

ooo neutral:

Bamboo shoots

Beans and Legumes: Cannellini beans, broad beans, green beans, green peas, chick peas, Lima beans, broad beans (fava beans), red beans, black beans, soybeans, white beans, snow peas (4 strategies, p.79) watercress chillies

Daikon (Japanese radish), Iceberg lettuce, Endive, Fennel, Spring onions, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Squash, Carrots, Bean sprouts, Olive green
Pak-choi (Chinese cabbage leaves)
Peppers (green, yellow)
Radicchio [red-leaved endive]
Radishes, Radishes, radish sprouts, Beets (red, yellow turnip, rutabaga), Arugula, Shallots, Asparagus, Celery
Tempeh [Indonesian soy product]
Tofu, Tomatoes, Water Chestnuts, Yam, Zucchini
Tomato (tomato lectins agglutinate the blood of each blood type. 0-types, however, produce no antibodies against tomato and thus they may eat (4 strategies, p.118).

--- Negative:

Alfalfa [sprouts]
-- in the case of type 0 is irritating the gastrointestinal tract and can reinforce problems of over acidification in the stomach (4 strategies reinforce, p.82)
-- add to this alfalfa is diluting the blood and with type 0 with it's highly fluid blood this is dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).

Eggplant (a nightshade plant, the lectins in bodies of type 0 are deposited in tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases).

Kohl: cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard greens, cabbage
(these vegetables are known to inhibit the already weak thyroid function of blood group 0 in addition (4 strategies, p.83).

Potatoes [boiled potatoes, french fries] (a nightshade plant, the lectins in bodies of type 0 are deposited in tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases).

Boiled potatoes with lectins are imitating insulin with blood group 0 causing insulin resistance, so injections of insulin are needed (right living, p.263-264).


Beans and legumes: lentils, green lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, red lentils (4 strategies, p.79)
-- harmful beans and legumes (especially lentils and kidney beans) provoke a basic muscle tissue causing fatigue with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.73).
-- lectins of the harmful beans with blood group 0 are imitating insulin so there develops a resistance against insulin and injections are needed (properly live, p.263-264).

Corn, yellow and white
-- corn with blood group 0 is affecting insulin production provoking obesity and diabetes (4 Strategien, p.82)
-- lectins of corn / maize with blood group 0 are imitating insulin provoking insulin resistance provoking injections (properly live, p.263-264).

Olive, black (mold substances can cause allergies) (4 strategies, p.82)

Vegetables in vinegar:

Pickle / pickles in vinegar or brine (right to live p.249)
pickles, sour and sweet [vegetables in vinegar inserted] (4 strategies, p.86-87)
Relish [vegetables in vinegar] (4 strategies, p.86-87; live rightly, p.249),

-- vinegar irritates blood group 0 in the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86)
-- pickled vegetables [such as Sweet and Sour of Dr.Ben 's] irritate gastric mucosa and are highly indigestible for blood group 0 (4 strategies, S. 87)

Mushrooms, for example
                        maitake, shiitake, and mushrooms
Mushrooms, for example maitake, shiitake, and mushrooms [12]

12 Fungi (mushrooms) with blood group 0

(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.83)

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
abalone mushrooms, mushrooms, Enoki mushrooms,  oyster mushrooms

--- Negative:
Shiitake mushrooms (contain mold substances that can trigger blood group 0 allergic reactions (4 strategies, p.82)

Vegetable juices, for example carrot juice,
                      potato juice, or cucumber juice

Vegetable juices, for example carrot juice, potato juice, or cucumber juice [13]
13 Vegetable juice with blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.83, 85)

Basic fruits and vegetables are protecting the acidic stomach of blood group 0 of over acidification and of irritations and thus are preventing type 0 from stomach ulcers (4 strategies, p.75).

+ + + Positive: not available

ooo neutral:
Wholesome juices of vegetables:

carrot juice
cucumber juice
tomato juice (Tomato lectins agglutinate the blood of each blood type. 0-types, however, produce no antibodies against tomatoes and thus they can take tomato juice (4 strategies, p.118).

--- Negative:
Cabbage juice (due to inhibition of the already low thyroid function in blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.82)

Fruits, for
                      example pineapple, papaya, apple, and green
Fruits, for example pineapple, papaya, apple, and green grapes [14]

14 Fruits with blood group 0
(From: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.84-85)

-- basic fruits and vegetables are responsible so the type 0 stomach is protected from over acidification, also a protection from irritation of the gastric mucosa and thus helps to prevent stomach ulcers (4 strategies, p.75)

-- berries are for blood group 0 all no problem except blackberries that affect digestion (4 strategies, p.84)

+ + + Positive:

-- with basic alkaline effect in the stomach of blood group 0

-- no mold materials

Cherries: cherries (blue cherries, p.85) (are strongly basic and balancing the acidic stomach of the same blood group 0 from (4 strategies, p.85)
Figs (fresh and dried) (Basic reaction, balancing the acidic stomach of blood group 0 and having no harmful mold substances (4 strategies, p.84)
Plums (fresh and dried) (basic reaction, balancing the acidic stomach of blood group 0 and having no harmful mold substances (4 strategies, p.84)

ooo neutral:

Apple, Apricot, Banana, Pears, Blueberries
Boysenberries [cross between loganberry, raspberry and blackberry, va New Zealand]
Grapefruits (are acidic, after digestion but they have alkaline properties (4 strategies, p.84)
Grape, Guavam, Raspberry, Elderberry, Currants (red and black), Prickly pear, Cherry, Kiwi,
Kumquat [orange fruit from China and Vietnam]
Lemon, Lime
Loganberry ["American" cross between blackberry and raspberry]
Mango, Nectarine, Papaya, Persimmon (Kaki), Peach
Pineapple (Aids digestion flatulence, affects blood group 0 against edema and obesity (4 strategies, p.85)
Pomegranate, Raisin, Starfruit (carambola) [Carambole],
Watermelon: watermelon, winter melon

--- Negative:

-- due to acidic effect in the acidic stomach of blood group 0

-- due to mold substances in blood group 0 wich can trigger allergic reactions.

Banana: Plantain ["platano"]
Blackberry (difficult in blood group 0 digestion (4 strategies, p.84).
Coconut (with blood group 0 sensitive reactions possible (4 strategies, p.84)
Mandarin (high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.84), is acid-forming (right living, p.217)
Melon: Melon, Kantalup melon (mold substances can cause allergic reactions blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.82, 84)
Orange (high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.84), is acid-forming (right living, p.217)
Rhubarb [too acidic?]
Strawberry (high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84), is living acid-forming (right, p.217)

                      juices, for example apple juice, grape juice, or
                      grapefruit juice
Fruit juices, for example apple juice, grape juice, or grapefruit juice [15]

15 Fruit juices with blood group 0

(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.84-85)

Basic fruits and vegetables are responsible for the acidic stomach of blood group 0, a protection against acidification, irritation of the stomach and thus prevent stomach ulcers (4 strategies, p.75).

+ + + Positive:

- With basic alkaline effect in the stomach of blood group 0

- No mold materials

Cherry juice (from black cherries) (Cherry juice from black cherries is strongly basic balancing the acidic stomach of blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.85).
Pineapple Juice (Pineapple aids digestion flatulence, helps blood group 0 against edema and obesity) (4 strategies, p.85).
prune juice (Plums are basic balancing the acidic stomach of blood group 0 and have no harmful mold substances) (4 strategies, p.84).

ooo neutral:

apricot juice
Grapefruit juice (grapefruit is acidic, after digestion but they have alkaline properties) (4 strategies, p.84).

--- Negative:

-- Due to acidic effect in the acidic stomach of blood group 0

-- Due to a high sugar content

Apple cider (for blood group 0 to high sugar (4 strategies, p.85)
Apple juice (for blood group 0 to high sugar (4 strategies, p.85)
orange juice

Manderines and oranges have an acidic effect in the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84-85), and they are also acid forming (right living, p.217). All acidic juices like orange juice should be avoided by blood group 0 (4 Strategies, p.85).

Herbs and
                      spices, for example garlic, peppermint, thyme,
                      honey, nutmeg, and black pepper
Herbs and spices, for example garlic, peppermint, thyme, honey, nutmeg, and black pepper [16]

16 Herbs and spices in blood group 0

(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.86-87)

+ + + Positive:

with a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract

Carob [Carob]
Cayenne [ground chili pepper Cayenne] (warm spice acts, soothing to the gastrointestinal tract in blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.86)
Curry (warm spice acts, soothing to the gastrointestinal tract in blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.86)

Kombu algas
-- basic and preventive against gastrointestinal ulcers
-- fucose in kombu algas protects mucosa of gastrointestinal tract, so bacteria provoking ulcers can hardly install themselves
-- are regulating thyroid with iodine and have an effect against overweight (4 Strategien, p.86)

Parsley (soothes gastrointestinal tract with blood group 0)
Red algae (dulse)
turmeric [curcuma, yellow ginger, saffron-like]

ooo neutral:

anise, basil, bay leaf, cardamom, chervil, chilli (red), chives, clove, coriander, cumin, dill, garlic, ginger, horseradish, marjoram, mint, mustard powder, pimento (allspice), paprika, peppercorns, peppermint, rosemary, saffron, sage, savoy, spearmint, tamarind, tarragon, thyme

--- Negative:

cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper (ground, black and white) (irritates the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86), vanilla

Irritating herbs also diluting the blood and being dangerous for blood group 0: alfalfa [alfalfa], Aloe, Big Climb, Corn pen (4 strategies, p.88).

Maple syrup
Maple syrup [17]
17 Syrup / seasonings / thickener in blood group 0
(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.86-87)

+ + + Positive:

iodized salt (with iodine acts regulating in small amounts on the scarce thyroid activity in blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.86)
lemon juice

ooo neutral:

Agar [thickener E406], almond oil, Arrowroot flour, barley, bergamot, Brown rice syrup, gelatin, honey, Jam (from acceptable fruits), Jellies (from acceptable fruits), maple syrup, Miso [Japanese soy paste], molasses, rice Syrup

Salad dressings (low fat, only permissible ingredients) [e.g. Soy sauce or olive oil]

salt, mustard, tamari (dark soy sauce, wheat free, live rightly, p.252), sugar (white and brown), sugarcane juice, Tapioca [cassava starch], tartaric (cream of tartar), Wintergreen oil, Worcestershire sauce

--- Negative:

Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, mayonnaise [contains vinegar], tomato ketchup (contains vinegar)

(Vinegar irritates blood group 0 in the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86)

Caper [?]

Corn syrup (impaired in blood group 0, insulin production, provoked diabetes and obesity, diabetes in the family, desperate to get away with it; 4 strategies, p.82)

Cornstarch (impaired in blood group 0, insulin production, provoked diabetes and obesity, diabetes in the family, desperate to get away with it; 4 strategies, p.82)

Peppermint tee [18]

18 Beverages: Tea with blood group 0

(From: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.88)

+ + + Positive:

-- have a calming effect on the overactive digestive system and on the hyperactive immune system blood group 0

Fenugreek, Chickweed, Chilli (red), Dandelion, Hops, Ginger, Gray elm bark, Linden, Mulberry, Parsley

Peppermint (soothing to the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.87)
Rosehip (calms the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.87)
Sarsaparilla tee (spice from the sarsaparilla root) (calms the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0) (4 strategies, p.87)

ooo neutral:
Camomile, Dong quai (Chinese tea, Angelica sinensis), Elder, Ginseng

Green tea (caffeine as a substitute for coffee allowed; 4 strategies, p.88, 89)
Licorice root (as a powder or as a sweet (eglycyrrhicized licorice root, Glicyrrhiza glabra DGL). Liquorice is healing stomach mucosa and is protecting the stomach from stomach acids (4 Strategien, S.101)

Mint: Spearmint, Catnip, Mullein, Raspberry leaf, Sage, Skullcap, Silverbirch, Thyme, Valerian, Verbena, White horehound, White oak bark, Yarrow

--- Negative:


Alfalfa (lucerne) (in blood group 0 irritates the gastrointestinal tract and can the problems of acidity or (4 strategies reinforce, p.82).
(Alfalfa further diluted the blood and for blood group 0 with his blood dangerously thin (4 strategies, p.88).

Aloe (irritate the gastrointestinal tract, has a blood thinning effect and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).
Corn pen (irritates the gastrointestinal tract, has blood thinning and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).
Currant herb
Echinaceae tee
Great burdock (irritates the gastrointestinal tract, has blood thinning and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).

Red clover, Rhubarb, Senna, Shepherd, Strawberry leaf, Turmeric, Yellow Dock

Drinks, for example
                        lemon water, coca cola, or red wine
Drinks, for example lemon water, coca cola, or red wine [19]

19 Drinks with blood group 0

(from: Peter D'Adamo: Right 4 Your Type - 4 Strategies, p.88)

+ + + positive:
mineral water (has a calming effect on the overactive digestive system and on the hyperactive immune system blood group 0)

ooo neutral:
Beer (in limited quantities), green tea, red wine, White wine,

--- Negative:
Bean coffee with caffeine, without caffeine, cola, lemonades, black tee, spirits.

Teilen / share:


Photo Sources
[1] meat counter: http://www.merkur-online.de/nachrichten/stars/zr-fotostrecke-z-tv-tatort-quiz-94621.html?popup=media&firstslide=1

[2] Fish Counter: http://www.fisch-zertifizierung.de.tl/
[3] Milk products: http://www.nieuwvliet-online.de/umgebung/kueste/blankenberge/het-zuivelmuseum.html
[4] Olive Oil: http://www.migipedia.com/de/lebensmittel/essig-oel/bio-italienisches-olivenoel/500ml
[5] Nuts: http://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Ernaehrung/Schimmel-Wann-gehoert-Essen-in-den-Muell-57274.html

[6] seeds:
Pine nuts, pistachios: http://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Ernaehrung/Schimmel-Wann-gehoert-Essen-in-den-Muell-57274.html
Pumpkin seeds: http://hartmann-popp.skandia1.de/?pid=28&sub=26
Sunflower seeds: http://www.yatego.com/gartenundtierbedarf/p,4e42948a7cc1f,4e00aad662ed10_8,activa-sonnenblumenkerne-15-kg-oder-2x15-kg

[7] Cereal:
Oats: http://www.finanzen.net/rohstoffe/haferpreis
Wheat: http://www.digilotta.de/2008/04/14/fsfl-mehl-das-geheimnis-guter-backwaren/
Rice: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reis
Rice harvest in Cambodia: http://www.20min.com/wissen/news/story/12750279
Spelt: http://www.traubenkernmix.de/heilpflanzen/dinkel.htm
Rye: http://baeckereiberndt.de/roggenweizendinkel.html

[8] cereals:
Bircher muesli: http://www.mymuesli.com/blog/2008/09/29/bircher-muslibircher-musli/
Oatmeal: http://www.horvat.it/01unsere_produkte/horvat_produkte09getreide.htm
Rye Flakes: http://www.horvat.it/01unsere_produkte/horvat_produkte09getreide.htm
Chocolate crossies: http://jennys-backwelt.blogspot.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

[9] bread: http://peho.typepad.com/chili_und_ciabatta/2007/02/wiener_brot_le_.html

[10] eggs: http://www.essen-und-co.de/eier.html

[11] vegetables:
Broccoli: http://www.worldcommunitycookbook.org/season/guide/broccoli.html
Beans: http://www.hoooliday.com/tipps-info/fruechte/frucht-lexikon-d.php
Tomatoes: http://www.lebensmittelfotos.com/2008/02/16/tomaten/
Yellow peppers,: http://www.hoteldreikoenige.com/Angebote/tabid/62/language/de-CH/Default.aspx

[12] mushrooms:
Maitakepilze: http://www.shii-take.de/irw_cat.4b41543335.product.54502d4d2d303530.html
Mushrooms: http://www.lebensmittelfotos.com/2008/02/16/braune-champignons/
Shiitake mushrooms: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiitake

[13] vegetable juices:
Carrot juice: http://www.supermarktcheck.de/product/21211-schneekoppe-moehrensaft
Potato juice: https://shop.apothekestadelhofen.com/biotta-kartoffel-saft-plus-5-dl.html
Cucumber: http://www.arco-images.de/bild-287527/Gurkensaft.html

[14] fruits:
Pineapple: http://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/ananas-pi.html
Papaya: http://www.asien-news.de/national/papaya/8019
Apple: http://www.oldskoolman.de/bilder/freigestellte-bilder/essen-trinken/freigestellter-roter-apfel/
Grapes (green): http://www.s-mayr.at/loiser_wanderwege.html

[15] Fruit juices:
Apple juice: http://www.gielesberger.at/de/node/61?size=980px
Grape juice: http://www.ao-getraenke.de/index.php?cPath=247_259&osCsid=0b297eb0610d0b20182bad91876ed52f
Grapefruit Juice: http://www.ao-getraenke.de/product_info.php?cPath=247_259&products_id=2289&osCsid=0b297eb0610d0b20182bad91876ed52f

[16] Spices:
Garlic: http://www.herba.de/wirkung-von/knoblauch
Honey: http://www.gourmet-blog.de/gen-honig/
Nutmeg: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskatnussbaum
Pepper (black): http://spicy-life.de/Bio-Gewuerze/Bio-Pfeffer/Bio-Pfeffer-schwarz-gemahlen::18.html
Peppermint: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfefferminze
Thyme: http://www.anke-feja-biokochen.de/html/impressum.html

[17] seasonings:
Maple syrup: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahornsirup

[18] Drinks: Tea: Peppermint: http://www.google.com/ig?hl=de&source=webhp

[19] Drinks:
Lemon Water: http://suite101.de/view_image.cfm/309237
Red wine: http://www.adpic.de/lizenzfreie_bilder/Lebensmittel/Getraenke/Rotwein_und_Trauben_223514.html
Coca-Cola: http://www.wahrheit-oder-lüge.de/Coca-Cola-Toilettenreiniger.html
