-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes
Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood
Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben.
Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Distribution of blood group AB
Blood group AB is a mix between blood group A and B, world
wide under 5%, it's the youngest blood group (4 Strategien,
p.31), 2 to 5% of world wide population (4 Strategien,
p.184). Blood group AB was created before about 1,000 to
1,200 years during the time of the big migrations after the
collapse of the Roman Empire. This can be stated precisely
with bones which were investigated by archaeological
methods. It seems that before the period of the big
migrations the blood groups A and B hardly mixed (4
Strategien, p.32).
[Blood group B came down to Elbe River and to the region of
today's Austria. Roman Empire was preserving there it's
border lines with walls and fortresses so any mix of blood
group A and B seems having been impossible during the Roman
Empire. The big migrations were caused then by a climate
change when a colder period between 500 and 1,700 A.C. began
which depends on the position of Earth within the spiral of
Milky Way: Passing a big or little spiral arm of Milky Way,
the weather is getting colder (search for "galactic year")].
Blood group AB: less autoimmune diseases - higher
vulnerability for cancer
Immune system of AB has the characteristics of both blood
groups A and B. The immune system of the blood group AB has
<an enhanced capacity for a production of special
antibodies against microbiologic infections".
(orig. German:
"eine erhöhte Fähigkeit zur Produktion spezieller
Antikörper gegen mikrobielle Infektionen".
At the same time there are no antibodies against A or B.
Therefore all in all blood group AB has less vulnerability
for certain allergies and autoimmune diseases (for example
arthritis, pneumonia and lupus). But antibodies against A
and B are failing, and therefore there is a higher
vulnerability for cancer [because cancer cells are almost
all imitating the behavior of body cells of type A and B].
All in all humans of blood group AB are "complex and
instable" (4 Strategien, p.32). Shortly said: Blood group AB
has a very complex disease profile (4 Strategien, p.279).
Change of nutrition in general: diet level 1 and 2
General alimentation change for prevention against chronic
disease in the age is "basic diet level 1" comprising the
most important beneficent and many neutral kinds of food.
Dr. D'Adamo:
<According to my experience some humans are well going
with the basic diet 1 - that means they are more or less
following the most important rules using beneficial and
evading damaging food and eating much neutral food as a
general supplement.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Nach meiner Erfahrung kommen manche Menschen sehr gut mit
der grundlegenden Diätstufe eins zurecht - das heisst, sie
halten sich einigermassen an die wichtigsten bekömmlichen
und zu vermeidenden Nahrungsmittel und essen viele
neutrale Nahrungsmittel als allgemeine
Ernährungsergänzung." (richtig leben, S.213)
When already exist chronic diseases, then a radical change
of alimentation has to be performed with diet level 2.
Dr. D'Adamo:
<Others need a strict plan above all when they are
suffering chronic diseases. Diet level 2 is facilitating a
strict election which serves for healing of diseases and for
recovery.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Andere brauchen einen strengeren Plan, besonders, wenn
sie an chronischen Krankheiten leiden. Die Diätstufe zwei
ermöglicht eine strengere Auswahl, die zur Überwindung von
Krankheiten und der Wiederherstellung des Wohlbefindens
beiträgt." (richtig leben, S.213)
Childhood diseases of blood group AB
Zinc is strengthening the
immune system of children blood group AB
There are little zinc compounds with which children of blood
group AB can be better protected better from infections,
above all against ear infections. But they only should be in
low dosages and should be taken only over a short time. When
they are taken over a longer time or in higher dosages then
they will weaken the immune system and will inhibit the
adaption of other minerals. Zinc compounds should be taken
only under medical supervision (4 Strategien, p.211).
But there is food with zinc for blood group AB:
-- eat the suggested sorts of meat (above all dark poultry)
-- eggs of hens
-- pulses (4 Strategien, p.211).
Winds and gases with blood group AB
Bromelain compound made of pineapple against digestion
problems and winds and gases with blood group AB
Bromelain is highly effective supporting digestion and is a
good remedy against winds and gases:
-- "has a medium capacity splitting food proteins"
-- "helps the digestion tract of type AB absorbing proteins
better" (4 Strategien, p.213).
Overweight with blood group AB
Blood group AB has got a weak stomach with only little
gastric acid, and therefore meat is not well proceeded and
is stored mainly as fat provoking taking weight (4
Strategien, p.185).
Hostile grains are wheat, corn and buckwheat (like blood
group B) having the effect of a hypoglycemia after having
eaten them (blood sugar levels are going down after the
meal, and therefore food can be less proceeded and the food
is stored in form of fats provoking taking weight) (4
Strategien, p.185).
Prevention against
overweight: test for extra cellular water edema
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Put your finger firmly to your shinbone and hold the
pressure for 5 seconds. When muscles or fat are pressed, the
skin will come out again immediately. But when water is
between the cells, it will be shifted and the bump will not
fill so rapidly again. The more lasts the depression, the
more water is in the tissue, and this means that you have
superfluous water in your body.> (richtig leben, p.262)
(orig. German:
"Drücken Sie ihren Finger fest auf Ihr Schienbein und
halten Sie den Druck fünf Sekunden lang. Wenn Sie mit dem
Finger auf Muskeln oder Fett drücken, wird die Haut sofort
wieder herausschnellen. Ist jedoch Wasser zwischen den
Zellen, wird es seitlich verschoben und die Delle wird
sich nicht sofort wieder füllen. Je länger die Vertiefung
bleibt, desto mehr Wasser ist im Gewebe, und das bedeutet,
dass Sie überschüssiges Wasser im Körper haben." (richtig
leben, S.262)
Prevention against
overweight: measurement of waist and hips
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Here is a fast test investigating your fat distribution:
Stay upright before a mirror where you can see yourself
completely. Take a measuring tape and measure your hip and
then your bottom. Part now the measured hip by the measured
bottom length. A healthy relation is with women 0.7 to 0.75,
with men it's about 0.8 to 0.9 (richtig leben, p.262).
(orig. German:
"Hier ist ein schneller Test für die Feststellung Ihrer
Fettverteilung: Stellen Sie sich aufrecht vor einen
Spiegel, in dem Sie sich ganz sehen können. Nehmen Sie ein
Massband und messen den Umfang Ihrer Taille an der
schmalsten Stelle. Dann messen Sie den Umfang ihres
Gesässes an der breitesten Stelle. Teilen Sie jetzt Ihren
Taillenumfang durch Ihren Hüftumfang. Ein gesundes
Verhältnis liegt bei Frauen zwischen 0,70 bis 0,75. Bei
Männern liegt ein gesundes Verhältnis bei 0,80 bis 0,90
(richtig leben, S.262).
Overweight or underweight with blood group B: food
for weight control of blood group AB
Table: negative
food supporting gaining weight with blood
group AB, examples |
Meat [in big
(this is working
like blood group A): Meat cannot be proceeded well
in the stomach of AB because of shortage of
stomach acid, and therefore meat is stored in form
of fat (4 Strategien, p.185), "is digested badly,
is stored as fat, and is storing toxic substances
in the intestine" (4 Strategien, p.186), [and this
fat] "is inhibiting the effect of insulin [in the
whole body]" (4 Strategien, p.186). [Blood group
AB only accepts little meat consumption].
(this is working
like blood group B): Corn lectins are slowing down
the metabolism of blood group AB up to provoking
states of exhaustion, then provoking water
deposits (4 Strategien, p.149): "Corn is
inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the
performance of the metabolism, and is causing
hyperglycemia" (when sugar levels are falling down
after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Mais hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert
die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels,
verursacht Hypoglykämie" (Abfallen des
Blutzuckerspiegels nach Mahlzeiten) (4 Strategien,
S.150). |
Buckwheat |
(this is working
like blood group B): Buckwheat lectins are slowing
down the metabolism of blood group AB up to
provoking states of exhaustion, then provoking
water deposits (4 Strategien, p.149): "Buckwheat
is inhibiting the digestion, is reducing the
performance of the metabolism is causing
hypoglycemia" (when sugar levels in the blood are
falling down after meals and the food is not
proceeded well) (4 Strategien, p.150) [with a slow
metabolism and taking weight as a consequence].
Wheat |
(this is working
like blood group B): "Wheat is slowing down
digestion and metabolism procedures, and has the
effect that the food is stored in form of fat and
is not burnt and converted into energy. All in all
also the effect of insulin is inhibited" (4
Strategien, p.150)
(orig. German:
"Weizen verlangsamt die Verdauungs- und
Stoffwechselvorgänge, bewirkt, dass die Nahrung
als Fett gespeichert und nicht als Energie
verbrannt wird, hemmt die Wirksamkeit des
Insulins" (4 Strategien, p.150)
[so by the metabolism which is slowed down and
incomplete the food is deposited in form of fats].
And: Wheat is enforcing the negative effects of
corn, buckwheat and sesame (4 Strategien, p.149).
[Well, then adiposity and diabetes are
Sesame seeds
(this is working
like blood group B): Lectins are slowing down the
metabolism of blood group AB up to states of
exhaustion, then with water deposits in the body
(4 Strategien, p.149): "Sesame seeds are
inhibiting the performance of the metabolism and
are causing hypoglycemia" (when sugar levels in
the blood are falling down after meals and the
food is not proceeded well) (4 Strategien, p.150)
[with a slow metabolism and taking weight as a
orig. German:
"Sesamsamen mindern die Leistungsfähigkeit des
Stoffwechsels, verursachen Hypoglykämie" (Abfallen
des Blutzuckerspiegels nach Mahlzeiten) (4
Strategien, S.150). |
are causing
hypoglycemia (4 Strategien, p.186) [with a slow
metabolism and taking weight as a consequence].
Beans: kidney
"are inhibiting the
effect of insulin, are causing hypoglycemia, are
slowing down metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.186)
[and therefore deposits of fat will be].
(orig. German:
"hemmen die Wirksamkeit von Insulin, verursachen
Hypoglykämie, verlangsamen den Stoffwechsel" (4
Strategien, S.186)
Beans: Lima beans
"are inhibiting the
effect of insulin, are causing hypoglycemia, are
slowing down metabolism (4 Strategien, p.186) [and
therefore deposits of fat will be].
(org. German:
"hemmen die Wirksamkeit von Insulin, verursachen
Hypoglykämie, verlangsamen den Stoffwechsel" (4
Strategien, S.186) [so dass Fett angesetzt wird]
4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, S.149, 150, 185,
186) |
positive food for blood group AB, supporting
loss of weight: examples
"is supporting the
performance of metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.186)
(orig. German:
"fördert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels"
(4 Strategien, S.186)
Fish, seafood
"are supporting the
performance of metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.186)
(orig. German:
"fördert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels"
(4 Strategien, S.186)
Milk products |
"are enhancing
insulin production" (4 Strategien, p.186)
(orig. German:
"steigern die Insulinproduktion" (4 Strategien,
S.186) |
Leafy vegetables
(this is working
like blood group B): "is bettering the performance
of metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.186): "Leafy
vegetables are supporting the effect of
metabolism" and are provoking an automatic loss of
weight with blood group [A]B." (4 Strategien,
(orig. German:
"verbessert die Leistungsfähigkeit des
Stoffwechsels" (4 Strategien, S.186): "Blattgemüse
unterstützt die Wirksamkeit des Stoffwechsels" und
bewirkt bei Blutgruppe [A]B die automatische
Gewichtsreduktion (4 Strategien, S.151) |
Kombu algas
"are enhancing
insulin production" (4 Strategien, p.186)
(orig. German:
"steigern die Insulinproduktion" (4 Strategien,
Kombu algas have a low sodium level and therefore
are positive for blood group AB. Add to this they
have a positive effect on the heart ant on the
immune system, and they are very useful for a
reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.196).
"is supporting and
accelerating digestion work" (4 Strategien, p.186)
(orig. German:
"unterstützt und beschleunigt die Verdauung" (4
Strategien, S.186)
Blood group AB: evade fast
food restaurants because of damaging wheat for blood group
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
"Evade fast food restaurants. It's almost impossible to get
something without wheat there." (richtig leben, p.203)
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie Fast Food-Restaurants. Es ist fast unmöglich,
dort etwas ohne Weizen zu bekommen." (richtig leben,
[Add to this fast food restaurants mostly sell fat meat of
low quality].
Measures for a weight reduction with blood group AB
-- reduce meat consumption drastically
-- integrate vegetables and tofu in the food plan etc. (4
Strategien, p.185).
Digestion diseases with blood group AB
Constipation with blood group AB
Constipation is a warning signal for an imbalance in the
gastrointestinal tract. The causes are
-- too less fibers
-- to less liquid, above all water and juices
-- to less sports (4 Strategien, p.312).
Laxatives do not use because the constipations are coming
again and again. Blood groups A, B, and AB can regulate
their nutrition overcoming constipation with the integration
of fiber rich and original not treated bran (4 Strategien,
Bananas are disturbing digestion work of blood group AB, but
bananas can be replaced by other fruits with potassium:
apricot, figs, certain melons (4 Strategien, p.195).
Pineapple is an "extraordinary help for digestion" (4
Strategien, p.194) with the enzyme bromelain (4 Strategien,
[Note that blood group 0 is
NOT going well
with bran, but is balancing it's digestion with fruits and
Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease) and
colitis with blood group AB
Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease by irritation
in the gastrointestinal tract) has different causes
according to the blood group. Blood group 0 has got the
tendency for "colitis with swellings, probably by the thin
blood with more tendency for bleeding. Blood group A, B and
AB with little tendency for bleeding have the tendency for
"irritable bowel" (4 Strategien, p.313).
With a blood group diet the symptoms are reducing with all
blood groups (4 Strategien, p.313).
With the blood groups A and AB often psycho social stress is
the cause. So, with affected persons of the blood groups A
and AB not only blood group nutrition should be introduced,
but there should be also measures reducing stress in life (4
Strategien, p.313).
Food intoxication: salmonellae often with blood
group AB
Weak immune systems are more vulnerable for food
intoxications than strong and active immune systems.
Salmonellae intoxication is very often with blood group A
and AB and healing is going slowly. But blood groups 0 and B
are less vulnerable and healings are going faster (4
Strategien, p.316).
Gastric ulcer is rare with blood group AB
Gastric ulcers are growing when the stomach is always full
of too much stomach acid. But blood group A and AB don't
have much stomach acids but have an alkaline stomach, and
therefore there is hardly any gastric ulcer with blood group
AB (4 Strategien, p.316-317).
Gastritis (Inflammation of intestine mucosa) often
with blood group A and AB
Gastritis is precisely the contrary of a stomach ulcer and
is caused when there is too less stomach acid. And blood
group A and AB just have only few stomach acid, a more or
less alkaline stomach, and therefore gastritis can be found
often with blood group A when there is no blood group
nutrition balancing this stomach (4 Strategien, p.316-317).
When there is a gastritis with blood group A and AB, this
stomach with only few stomach acid cannot fight micro
organisms any more, and these micro organisms are dominating
the stomach then.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Gastritis is coming by a too low stomach acid level -
and affected are primarily blood groups A and AB. Gastritis
is coming when the stomach acid level is that low that the
gastric juice is not a barrier any more for micro organisms
[coming from the eaten food]. The microbes can install
themselves in the stomach and can provoke heavy
inflammations.> (4 Strategien, p.317)
(orig. German:
"Die Gastritis entsteht durch einen zu niedrigen
Säuregehalt - dazu neigen in erster Linie Personen der
Blutgruppen A und AB. Die Gastritis entsteht, wenn der
Säuregehalt so niedrig ist, dass der Magensaft nicht
länger als Schranke gegen Mikroorganismen wirken
kann. Bei zu niedrigem Säuregehalt können sich
Mikroben im Magen einnisten und schwere Entzündungen
hervorrufen." (4 Strategien, S.317)
Healing of gastritis with blood group A and AB is well
possible by eating some food with acids (4 Strategien,
Colds and influenza with blood group A
Blood groups 0 and B are more vulnerable for influenza virus
than A and AB because "A antigen of blood group A and AB is
blocking many viral strains and is hindering that they are
fixing themselves at the mucosas of throat and respiration
ways." (4 Strategien, p.325)
Possible measures against cold and influenza for blood group
A are:
-- sufficient relaxation and movement
-- evade stress
-- cut off habits which are causing stress
-- enhance vitamin C share in the food
-- little dosages of Echinacea are protecting or mitigating
the illness, so some medical doctors (4 Strategien, p.325)
-- air humidity in flats can be enhanced against dry throat
and nose
-- gargle with salt water when there is a throat ache
-- tee with 50% Indian saffron (curcuma) and sage, gargle it
several times per day
-- when nose is running or blocked an anti histaminicum can
be taken "damping the reaction of the mucosa to the
infectioning virus provoking that the nose is free again",
but take care: antihistamine of Ephedra group are dangerous
and can provoke high blood pressure, sleep troubles and
complications with prostate problems (4 Strategien, p.326).
Cold and influenza are virus illnesses. Antibiotics only
have an effect against bacteria. So,
antibiotics will
not have any effect against cold and influenza (4
Strategien, p.326).
Sinusitis with blood group A
Blood groups 0 and B are more vulnerable and are suffering
more often with sinusitis. In the long run antibiotics do
not help at all. The cause for a sinusitis is a swelling of
the sinus mucosa (4 Strategien, p.328).
Blood groups A and AB have the tendency for forming much
mucus and therefore are often developing a sinusitis. And
the cause of this is mostly mucus favoring food, and then
too much mucus is available and infections are following (4
Strategien, p.329).
Measures for a healing are:
-- blood groups A and AB have to follow blood group
nutrition, and then sinusitis is mostly going by itself
-- as an addition the herb Collinsonia can be applied with
which the swellings are going down until a complete healing
is coming - can also be applied with swellings in the
-- therefore in the extreme case blood group nutrition and
Collinsonia are used, and no antibacterial "medicament" is
needed any more (4 Strategien, p.328).
Collinsonia is not dangerous and can be bought as a tincture
in health shops. Can be taken 20 to 25 drops in a glass of
warm water (4 Strategien, p.329).
Infections: bronchitis and pneumonia with blood
group AB
Humans of blood group A and AB often have bronchial
infections, more often than 0 and B, because A and AB have
naturally more mucus production and therefore are supporting
the growth of more bacteria (4 Strategien, p.322).
Then for example pneumococci similar to the body cells of
type A are reproducing which are dangerous for A and AB (4
Strategien, p.322-323), or Haemophilus bacteria similar to
body cells of B are reproducing which are dangerous for B
and AB. Therefore all in all blood group AB is mostly in
danger for bronchitis and pneumonia (4 Strategien, p.323).
Take care with milk
products because of mucus supporting infections
Therefore there must be a general caution with the
consumption of milk products which are enhancing mucus
production. During an infection milk products should not be
taken so the mucus production is as low as possible
supporting the healing process eliminating the infection (4
Strategien, p.188).
Peanuts are supporting the
immune system of blood group AB
Peanuts are a very good agent to strengthen the immune
system, for blood group A and AB (4 Strategien, p.190).
Garlic is strengthening the
immune system of blood group AB
Garlic is a "strong tonic and natural antibiotic" for blood
group AB (4 Strategien, p.197).
Kombu algas are
strengthening the immune system of blood group AB
Kombu algas have a low sodium level and are positive for
type AB. Add to this there is a positive effect for the
heart and for the immune system, and kombu algas are very
good for a weight reduction (4 Strategien, p.196).
Teas for strengthening the immune system of blood group
-- alfalfa
-- cocklebur
-- camomile
-- Echinacea
-- green tea (4 Strategien, p.198).
Warm lemon water in the
morning: elimination of mucus as a prevention against
Press half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink the
warm lemon water. This is cleaning the mucus away which has
deposited during the night. And lemon water is also
supporting excretion. After having taken the glass of lemon
water a glass of grapefruit juice or papaya juice is good (4
Strategien, p.196).
Immune system of blood group AB can be enforced with
mild herb compounds
-- Echinacea, in
liquid form or in tablets, is good against colds and
influenza, is optimizing also the defense against cancer (4
Strategien, p.212)
-- huangki (Astragalus membranaceous, a Chinese medicinal
herb) (4 Strategien, p.212).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Sugars in both herbs have the effect of mitogens: They
are stimulating the distribution of white blood cells so the
immune system is stronger> and therefore the immune
system is getting stronger (4 Strategien, p.212)
(orig. German:
"In beiden Kräutern sind die aktiven Wirkstoffe Zucker.
Diese wirken wie Mitogene, die die Verbreitung der weissen
Blutkörperchen anregen" und so wird das Immunsystem
stärker (4 Strategien, S.212).
Fungal infections with blood group AB
Fungal infection of Candidiasis with blood group AB
Blood groups A and AB have difficulties to get rid of fungal
infections, and antibiotics are having an effect, but new
fungal infections will come again. Antibiotics have no
effect at the end but only are destroying the weak defense
system then (4 Strategien, p.323).
"Normal medicine" is operating with "Candida diets" with a
high protein share and with prohibitions of grains, but
these measures are weakening the immune system of A and AB
more than are reinforcing it, because a renunciation on
leaven is no protection from Candida infections for the
blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.324).
Kidneys, bile ducts and liver with blood group AB
Kidney infection Pyelonephritis
is emerging above all with blood group B, above all with non
secretors (4 Strategien, p.331).
Liver diseases - little alcoholism and liver
cirrhosis with blood group AB
Blood group A has most cases of liver cirrhosis, then follow
B and AB, and blood group 0 has least percentage of cases.
The same counts for gall stones, diseases of bile ducts and
jaundice. Blood group A is most vulnerable group for
tropical liver infections, less 0 and AB (4 Strategien, p.
Anemia with blood group AB
Teas supporting an adaption
of iron as a prevention against anemia for blood group AB
-- dandelion tee
-- cocklebur tee
-- strawberry leave tee (4 Strategien, p.198)
Heart diseases with blood group A
Blood group A is often affected by heart diseases because of
a low level of enzymes of of the alkaline enzyme phosphatase
in the gastrointestinal tract, because phosphatase is
responsible for the procedure and for the adaption of
nutrition fats in the intestine. So, with blood group A too
less fats are proceeded, and to many fats are reaching the
blood, and therefore blood group A has always a high
cholesterol level. Blood groups A and AB have the highest
danger for suffering cardiovascular diseases, then comes B,
and 0 has least cholesterol problems of all. But with the
blood groups A and AB a cardiovascular danger is always
present (4 Strategien, p.295).
High blood pressure
High blood pressure can be the precursor for a heart attack
or for a stroke. Normal are 120 to 80, under 40 years from
140 to 90 on, with humans over 40 from 160 to 95 on. Risks
are smoking, diabetes, women after menopause, overweight,
and much stress. Blood group A and AB should especially take
care because they have most of all cardiovascular diseases.
High blood pressure is treated with blood group nutrition
and with blood group sports (4 Strategien, p.299).
Heart diseases: tendency
for strokes with blood group AB because of thick blood
Blood group AB has thick blood (4 Strategien, p.293) and has
got the tendency forming deposits in the arteries, and
therefore there is always a great danger for cardiovascular
diseases. The same counts for blood group A. Above all women
of blood group A and AB have got the tendency for forming
blood clots [blood deposits in the arteries and veins
blocking the passage of the blood] when their alimentation
is against their blood group. With a diet according to type
of personality B the risk of blood clots is reduced
substantially (4 Strategien, p.294).
Surviving rate with heart attacks and strokes with blood
group A and AB is essentially lower than with blood group 0
(4 Strategien, p.294).
Against heart diseases: fresh vegetables
Fresh and beneficent vegetables are always a prevention
against cancer and heart diseases with blood group B. Best
will be for blood group AB to eat fresh vegetables several
times per day (4 Strategien, p.193).
Against heart diseases: kombu algas
Kombu algas have a low sodium level and are positive for AB,
add to this have a positive effect on the heart and on the
immune system, and are useful for weight regulation (4
Strategien, p.196).
Tees for cardiovascular care with blood group AB
-- whitethorn tee
-- licorice tee (4 Strategien, p.198).
Red wine for cardiovascular care with blood group AB
Red wine has got a curative effect for the cardiovascular
system of blood group AB. Roughly said 1 glass of red wine
per day is diminishing the risk of heart diseases with
members of blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.199).
Whitethorn as
cardiovascular tonic for blood group AB
Whitethorn is caring the cardiovascular system of blood
group AB without any side effect against vulnerabilities of
heart diseases. Above all when there are cases of heart
diseases or hardening of the arteries in the family already,
whitethorn is reasonable (4 Strategien, p.211). Whitethorn
-- is enhancing the elasticity of the arteries
-- is strengthening the heart
-- is lowering blood pressure
-- has got a slight soluble effect against the deposits in
the arteries (4 Strategien, p.212).
Diseases of urinary ways of blood group AB
Blood groups A and 0 are not very affected by diseases of
their urinary ways (bladder inflammation, cystitis etc.).
But blood group B and AB are very vulnerable for bladder
infections (cystitis) (4 Strategien, p.330), because most
bacteria provoking infections in the urinary ways have
characters similar to the cells of blood group B, and the
bodies of B and AB do not produce antibodies against them,
for example
-- E. coli
-- pseudomonas
-- klebsiella (4 Strategien, p.331).
Healing is going on according to Dr. D'Adamo's
recommendation with a mixed juice of pineapple and cranberry
juice, 1 or 2 glasses per day (4 Strategien, p.331).
Epidemics with blood group A
Tuberculosis (TB) with blood group A
Blood group 0 is the most vulnerable for lung TB. Blood
group A is most vulnerable for the other forms of TB. Above
all rhesus negative is affected. [Indications about blood
group AB are missing]. With AIDS and with homeless persons
TB is spreading again over the whole world. Bad hygienic
conditions and chronic diseases [by wrong nutrition against
the blood group] are weakening the immune system and are
giving TB agents a base (4 Strategien, p.330).
Cholera with blood group A
0 is vulnerable, A is resistant (4 Strategien, p.324).
Plague, typhus, smallpox
Blood groups A, B and AB are all less vulnerable to
epidemics than blood group 0 which is the eldest blood group
and is not prepared to fight epidemics. That counts for
plague, typhus, and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.327).
Mosquitos and malaria
Mosquitos of Central Europe seem to be very attracted by
blood group A and AB. Anopheles mosquito transmitting the
malaria agent seems to prefer blood group 0 and B especially
(4 Strategien, p.327).
Parasites with blood group AB
Parasite infections with especially blood group A
and AB
Parasites like to be in the gastrointestinal tract of blood
groups A and AB [because in the stomachs of A and AB is
hardly any gastric acid]. Normally these parasites are
copying the behavior of the antigen A, so the immune system
of A and AB cannot detect the parasites. Statistically blood
groups A and AB are also "vulnerable for complications by
parasitic cysts in the liver." Therefore A and AB are easily
victims for example by amoebic dysentery or by the parasite
Giardia lamblia ("revenge of Montezuma") which has a shape
similar to the body cells of blood group A. Transmission is
performed by contaminated waters, or often also by water
from wells (4 Strategien, p.329).
Humans of blood group A and AB on trips should have
something against contaminated water: barberry or charcoal
tablets, and should take them regularly (4 Strategien,
Parasites: worms with blood group A, B, and AB
Worms often have characteristics of the blood groups A and
B. So, blood groups A and B are vulnerable for worms,
especially blood group AB.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Many parasitic worms like tapeworm and roundworm
indicate characteristics similar to cells of blood group A
and B, and they can be found often in bodies of persons with
these blood groups. Type AB with his double antigen of A and
B is especially vulnerable.> (4 Strategien, p.330)
(orig. German:
"Viele parasitäre Würmer wie der Bandwurm und der Spulwurm
weisen A-ähnliche und B-ähnliche Merkmale auf und finden
sich häufiger bei Personen mit diesen Blutgruppen. Der
AB-Typ mit seinen doppelten Antigenen A und B ist
besonders anfällig." (4 Strategien, S.330)
Cancer with blood group AB
see also:
according to blood groups
Factors for a cancer
Stomach cancer by nitrates:
Nitrates of smoked or pickled meat are causing more stomach
cancer in the stomach of type AB with shortage of stomach
acid (4 Strategien, p.210).
Eventual stomach cancer by vinegar products
All vegetables prepared in vinegar have to be eliminated
because vinegar is forming acids and is damaging for blood
group AB. Eventually these vinegar vegetables are even a
factor for stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.198).
Prevention - remedies
Against cancer: fresh
Fresh and beneficent vegetables are always a prevention
against cancer and against heart diseases with blood group
AB. Best is when members of blood group AB are eating fresh
vegetables several times per day (4 Strategien, p.193).
Against cancer: tofu: Tofu is beneficent for blood
group AB (4 Strategien, p.193), is helpful as a prevention
and is against cancer (4 Strategien, p.194). Tofu should be
a main part of the food plan of blood group AB, but meat and
milk products only supplements (4 Strategien, p.193-194).
Against cancer: lentils
Lentils are beneficent for blood group AB as also for blood
group A (4 Strategien, p.185). Lentils contain antioxidants
of high quality for members of blood group AB as a cancer
prevention respectively against cancer (4 Strategien,
Against breast cancer: escargots: Escargots
contain a lectin which is especially against converted
breast cancer cells and lung cancer cells which are copying
the behavior of cells of type A. The lectin of the escargots
is eliminating these A-similar cancer cells agglutinating
them (4 Strategien, p.187). [The procedure is the same as in
blood group A].
Vitamin C as a prevention and against cancer diseases
with members of blood group AB
Vitamin C with antioxidants is working as a prevention and
against cancer with blood group AB. Dosages of 1,000 mg and
higher are not accepted by the stomach of AB because this is
irritating the weak AB stomach with his shortage of acids.
Therefore the dosages have to be little and have to be
distributed over the whole day, for example 2 or 4 capsules
with "a compound preferably derived from rosehip, a package
of 250 g." (4 Strategien, p.210)
(orig. German:
z.B. 2 bis 4 Kapseln mit einem vorzugsweise "aus Hagebutte
abgeleiteten 250g-Präparat" (4 Strategien, S.210).
Best vitamin C food for blood group AB:
berries, grapefruit, pineapple, cherries, lemon, broccoli (4
Strategien, p.210).
Selenium as a prevention and against cancer with members
of blood group AB
Selenium is a factor
of antioxidant defense forces against cancer. One should
take selenium only after a medical consultation and should
take it economically in little dosages, because in big
dosages a selenium intoxication is possible (4 Strategien,
Quercetin compound [from lat. quercus = oak]: prevention
against cancer for blood group AB
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, a highly effective antioxidant,
some 100 times stronger than vitamin E, is an effective
prevention against cancer with blood group A. Quercetin can
be found in some vegetables, above all
-- in onion
-- or as a compound in capsules in health stores (4
Strategien, p.142).
The compound can be bought in health stores in form of
capsules of 100 to 500 mg (4 Strategien, p.213).
Holy thistle against cancer at the organs with blood
group AB
Holy thistle has a very good effect as an antioxidant for
blood group AB, can be bought in health shops, has got a
specialty reaching high concentrations in the liver and in
the bile ducts. It should be taken as a prevention when
there have been cases in the family already with troubles
with liver, pancreas or gallbladder (4 Strategien, p.213).
Chemotherapy can be accompanied by holy thistle compounds
protecting the liver from the radiation (4 Strategien,
Case of Jane, 50 years old, blood group AB: two breast
cancer tumors are reduced by blood group nutrition
Jane was going to a "normal medicine" station and got the
diagnose of two tumors in her left breast with diameters of
4 and 1.5 cm. Tumor markers are CA15-3. The marker value is
166, but normally the level is under 10. "Normal medicine"
made radiations and was projecting that Jane would be dead
soon (4 Strategien, p.368).
Measures by Dr. Peter D'Adamo:
-- AB diet was introduced, above all with soya with A
-- a vaccination against pneumococci was made [activating
the fight of the immune system against the A similar cancer
-- and herbal compounds for humans of blood group A were
In some days tumor marker value for CA15-3 is falling to 87,
after two months is reaching 34. The state of Jane is
stable, but recidivisms are not excluded because Jane has
blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.368).
Diseases of the nervous system with blood group AB
Polio is going most with blood group B
[Blood group AB is not mentioned]. Polio is a virus
infection of the nervous system with paralyzations during
childhood and youth. Polio is most going with blood group B
(4 Strategien, p.328).
Viral meningitis is most with blood group 0
[Blood group AB is not mentioned]. Viral meningitis is an
infection of the nervous system with symptoms of fatigue,
high fever and stiffening of neck muscles. Blood group 0 is
affected most by it, probably because their immune system of
blood group 0 is not so resistant against infections (4
Strategien, p.328).
Skin diseases with blood group AB
Dermatitis and psoriasis
Dr. D'Adamo indicates that contact eczema (dermatitis) and
psoriasis are "normally caused by chemicals which have an
allergenic effect in the blood." (4 Strategien, p.335).
(orig. German:
"normalerweise durch im Blut wirkende allergene
Chemikalien verursacht." (4 Strategien, S.335)
Allergic skin reactions on chemical compounds are most with
blood groups A and AB, psoriasis less (4 Strategien, p.336).