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Food for blood group AB, list

1 Meat - 2 Fish - 3 Dairy products - 4 Oils - 5 Nuts - 6 Seeds - 7 Grain - 8 Cereals - 9 Breads - 10 Eggs - 11 Vegetables - 12 Fungi (mushrooms) - 13 Vegetable Juice - 14 Fruits - 15 Fruit juices - 16 Herbs and spices - 17 Syrup / seasonings / thickener - 18 Beverages: Tea - 19 drinks

by Michael Palomino (2012)

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-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups - 4 strategies (4 Blutgruppen. 4 Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil; Piper 2001)
-- Peter D'Adamo: Live right 4 your type (4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, Piper 2002
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups. Lexikon (4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005)

Meat spiced (foreground)
                      and raw (background)
Meat spiced (foreground) and raw (background) [10]

1 Meat with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.187)

+++ positive: mutton, rabbit, lamb, turkey (turkey)

ooo neutral: pheasant, liver

- - - negative:
Buffalo, duck, goose, heart, chicken [chicken / chicken], veal, partridge
Beef, ground beef
Ham, pork, bacon, bacon ("Contains material which may affect susceptibility to disease" (Lexicon, S.706)

Smoked and cured meats (nitrates in smoked or cured meat cause more gastric cancer in the stomach of blood group AB - which does not have much acids) (4 strategy, p.210).

Fish counter
Fish counter [2]

2 Fish with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.188)

+++ positive:
Shad (shad), Sailfish, Pike, Pike, Cod (cod), Salmon trout, Mackerel, Seabream, Rainbow trout, Redfish (redfish), Red Snapper, Sardine, Hake (Hake), Monkfish (angler), Sturgeon, Albacore [Tuna], Snails (the snail lectin eliminates the mutant, A-like cancer cells by agglutination (4 strategies, p.187). Grouper

ooo neutral:
Barramunda, Blue Fish, Perch, Shark, Herring, fresh, Scallops (Pectinidae, scallops), Kalmar (Squid), Carp, Catfish (Catfish, Catfish, Catfish), Caviar, Salmon, Mussels, Snapper, Swordfish, Seabass, Abalone, Smelt, White perch, White fish (whitefish, whitefish, whitefish), Tile fish

- - - negative:
Eel, Oysters, Barracuda (barracuda)

Flounder (from blood group AB is poorly implemented (4 strategies, p.187)

Crayfish, Frog legs, Shrimp, Yellowtail, Halibut, Marinated herring, Lobster, Crabs, Octopus, Sea snails, Smoked Salmon, Anchovy (anchovies), Haddock, Turtles

Sole is (of blood group AB poorly implemented (4 strategies, p.187)

Bluegill, Striped bass, Clams (clams, clams), Weissstör, Sea bass (loup de mer)

                    products, for example milk, yogurt, butter, and
Milk products, for example milk, yogurt, butter, and cheese [3]

3 Dairy products / milk products with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.189)

In general: The body of blood type AB has a very high mucus production (as if blood group A). Thus, a general caution to the consumption of dairy products, and in infections, the dairy products are sorted out until recovery (4 strategies, p.188).

+++ positive:
Farmer Cheese, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Kefir, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Sour cream (10% fat), Feta cheese (feta), Goat Cheese, Goat Milk, Peanut butter (4 strategies, p.190)

ooo neutral:
Cheddar [originally from Cheddar, Somerset]
Colby [mild "American" cheese from Colby, Wisconsin]

, Emmentaler, Low-fat milk (1.5% fat), Cream cheese, Gouda, Gruyère, Jarlsberg, Skimmed milk (0.3% fat), Whey, Monterey Jack, Munster, Neufchâtel, Cheese spread, Soy Cheese, Soymilk

- - - negative:
Blue cheese, Brie, Butter, Buttermilk, Camembert, Parmesan, Provolone, Sherbet, Ice cream, Whole milk

Best for all
                    blood groups is olive oil

Best for all blood groups is olive oil [4]
4 Oils with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.190)

+++ positive: olive oil

ooo neutral: cod liver oil (cod liver oil), peanut oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil

- - - negative: cottonseed, safflower oil, corn oil, sunflower oil

Sesame oil (sesame with blood group AB is causing a lowered insulin production and is also causing hypoglycemia (lowered blood sugar after food intake so the food is transformed with less effect) (4 strategies, p.185).

Nuts, for
                      example walnut, Brazil nut, almonds, hazel nuts,
                      and peanuts
Nuts, for example walnut, Brazil nut, almonds, hazel nuts, and peanuts [5]

5 Nuts with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.190)

+++ positive:
Peanuts (very good tonic for the immune system of blood type AB, as with blood group A (4 strategies, p.190)
Chestnuts (Chestnuts)

ooo neutral: cashews, macadamia nuts, almond butter, almonds, Brazil nuts

- - - negative: hazel nuts

Seeds and
                      pits, for example pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin
                      seeds, and sunflower seeds
Seeds and pits, for example pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds [6]

6 Seeds with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.190)

ooo neutral: pine nuts, pistachios

- - - negative: pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, sunflower mush

Sesame paste (tahini) (sesame with blood group AB is causing a lowered insulin production and is also causing hypoglycemia (lowered blood sugar after food intake so the food is transformed with less effect) (4 strategies, p.185).

Sesame seeds  (sesame with blood group AB is causing a lowered insulin production and is also causing hypoglycemia (lowered blood sugar after food intake so the food is transformed with less effect) (4 strategies, p.185).

                      for example oat, wheat, rice and rice harvest,
                      spelt, and rye
Cereals, for example oat, wheat, rice and rice harvest, spelt, and rye [7]

7 Cereal with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.192)

+++ positive: basmati rice, oatmeal, brown rice, rice flour, rye flour, white rice, flour, wheat germ, wild rice

ooo neutral:
Bulgur (cracked wheat precooked; 4 strategies, p.116, 117) Couscous
Spelt flour
Essene bread with sprouted wheat used where the gluten lectins (almost all in the seed coat) destroyed by the germination process (4 strategies, p.80-81). Containing gluten flour from hard wheat pasta HartweizengriessQuinoa [quinoa, buckwheat from South "America"]
Spinach Pasta
Wheat flour (in small quantities) (4 strategies, p.191)
Whole wheat flour (in small quantities) (4 strategies, p.191)

- - - negative: buckwheat, barley flour, soba (buckwheat noodles), Jerusalem artichoke,

Wheat (is negative at regular consumption) (4 strategies, p.191), AB blood type has a defensive reaction against wheat lectines (4 strategies, p.80), the metabolism of insulin is inhibited (4 strategies, p.72), wheat reinforces the negative effect of buckwheat, corn and sesame seeds (4 strategies, p.150).

                      for example muesli, oat flakes, rye flakes, and
                      chocolate flakes (crispies)
Cereals, for example muesli, oat flakes, rye flakes, and chocolate flakes (crispies) [8]

8 Cereal with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.192)

+++ positive: spelled, oat bran, oatmeal, millet, puffed rice, rice bran, rye flour,

ooo neutral: Amaranth, Crunchy, barley, grain mix, rice flakes, soy flakes, soy granules, wheat flakes, wheat germ, wheat bran, shredded wheat

- - - negative:
Buckwheat (buckwheat lectins with blood group AB are (as also with blood group B) slowing down the metabolism of up to exhaustion, and then water retention is coming (4 strategies, p.149), with hypoglycemia (4 strategies, p.150, 186).
Kamut (Egyptian wheat)
Corn meal (corn lectins affect insulin production and thus provoke diabetes and obesity (4 strategies, p.82, 185), with hypoglycemia (4 strategies, p.185).

Bread [9]

9 Breads with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.192)

+++ positive:
Essen bread (the wheat lectines are destroyed by germination of the wheat before processing) (4 strategies, p.81),

millet bread,
Crisp bread, rice cakes, rye bread, soy bread, brown rice bread (bread made from brown rice), wheat germ bread

ooo neutral: Bagels (from wheat buns), bread, gluten free bread, oat bran muffins, wheat bread, matzo, wheat, multigrain bread, pumpernickel,

Wheat Bran Muffins
Whole wheat bread (bread Graham)

- - - negative: cornmeal muffins

Eggs [10]
10 Eggs with blood group AB
(Richtig leben (Live right), p.466)

+ + + positive:
egg white of hen's egg
yolk of hen's egg (non-secretors)

ooo neutral:
yolk of the hen's egg (secretors)
goose egg
quail's egg

                    for example broccoli, beans, tomatoes, and yellow
Vegetables, for example broccoli, beans, tomatoes, and yellow peperoni [11]

11 Vegetables with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.194)

+++ positive:

Alfalfa sprouts, eggplant, cauliflower

Beans: navy beans, pinto beans, red beans, soybeans (4 strategies, p.191)

Lenses: Green lentils (4 strategies, p.191)
(Lenses for blood group AB contain high quality antioxidants as cancer prevention respectively against cancer) (4 strategies, p.190).

Broccoli (is best source of vitamin C for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.210)

Kale, cucumber, dandelion, parsnip, beetroot, turnip greens, mustard cabbage leaves, celery, sweet potatoes (yams)

Tempeh [Indonesian soy product]
Tofu (is helpful as a prevention and against cancer) (4 strategies, p.194)

ooo neutral:

Seaweed, bamboo shoots

Beans: Cannellinobohnen, green beans, green peas / beans, white beans, snow peas (4 strategies, p.191)

Lentils: lentils, red lentils (4 strategies, p.191)
(Lentils for blood group AB contain high quality antioxidants as a cancer prevention or against cancer (4 strategies, p.190).

Watercress, chicory, Chinese cabbage, daikon (Japanese radish), iceberg lettuce, endive, Eskarol (endive, really live, S.480), fennel, onions, pumpkin, onions, yellow turnip, potatoes [and chips], kohlrabi, lettuce , chard, horseradish, Squash, carrots, okra (Gumbofrucht), olives, green, Pak-choi (Chinese kale), leeks, radicchio [red chicory], Romaine lettuce, brussels sprouts, cabbage, arugula, salad dressing (low fat, from acceptable Ingredients) (p.198), shallots, asparagus, spinach

Tomatoes (The lectin is agglutinating the blood cells, but is tolerated well by blood group AB, "perhaps because the reaction of the lectin is reduced by the antibodies of A and B" (4 strategies, p.185).

Water chestnuts, Turnips, cabbage, zucchini, onions, red onions

- - - negative:

Artichokes, avocados

Beans: adzuki beans, cowpeas, beans, chickpeas,

Kidney beans (causing a decreased production of insulin and cause hypoglycemia (4 strategies, p.185)

Lima beans (causing a decreased production of insulin and cause hypoglycemia (4 strategies, p.185)

Black beans (4 strategies, p.191), chili peppers corn (yellow, white), bean sprouts, olive, black, green peppers, yellow, green and red, radish, radish sprouts, Jerusalem artichokes

Pickles (gherkins, sweet and sour) (p.198) [in ethyl] (vinegar is acid forming and is harming with blood group AB, possibly even as a factor for gastric cancer) (4 strategies, p.198)

Relish [vegetables in vinegar] (
p.198) (vinegar is acid forming and is harming with blood group AB, possibly even as a factor for gastric cancer) (4 strategies, p.198)

Mushrooms, for example
                        maitake, shiitake, and mushrooms
Mushrooms, for example maitake, shiitake, and mushrooms [12]

12 Fungi (mushrooms) with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.194)

positive: maitake

ooo neutral: abalone, oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, enoki, shiitake

Vegetable juices, for
                      example carrot juice, potatoe juice, or cucumber
Vegetable juices, for example carrot juice, potatoe juice, or cucumber juice [13]

13 Vegetable juice with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.196)

+++ positive: cabbage juice, carrot juice, celery juice

ooo neutral: vegetable juice (from wholesome varieties), cucumber

Fruits, for
                    example pineapple, papaya, apple, and green grapes
Fruits, for example pineapple, papaya, apple, and green grapes [14]

14 Fruits with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.195-196)

+++ positive:
Pineapple ("excellent digestive aid" (4 strategies, p.194) with the enzyme bromelain (4 strategies, p.213), best source of vitamin C for blood group AB (4 strategies, p.210)

Figs, fresh and dried (potassium-rich, instead of harming bananas in blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.195)

Grapefruits (is sour, but after digestion has a positive alkaline effect, and grapefruit has much vitamin C as an antioxidant as a prevention of gastric cancer (4 strategies, p.195), the best source of vitamin C for blood group AB (strategies 4, S .210)

Cherries (strongly alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196), best source of vitamin C for  blood group AB (4 strategies, p.210)

Kiwis (have much vitamin C as an antioxidant as a prevention of gastric cancer (4 strategies, p.195).
Loganberries [crossing of Blackberry and Raspberry]
Plums (alkaline, ideal for the acid weak stomach of AB (4 strategies, p.194)
Cranberries (very alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196)
Grapes (strongly alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196)
Grapes: raisins
Lemons (are promoting digestion and eliminating mucus from the AB-organism [as with blood group A] (4 strategies, p.195), best source of vitamin C for blood group AB (4 strategies, p.210)

ooo neutral:
Apricot (rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB (4 strategies, p.195)
Pear, blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries, Dates

Prunes (alkaline, ideal for the acid weak stomach of AB) (4 strategies, p.194)

Jellies (from acceptable fruits) (p.198)


Melon (rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB (4 strategies, p.195)
Black currants, and red
Kantalupmelonen (rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB (4 strategies, p.195)
Plantains [Platanos]
Jam (from acceptable fruits) (p.198)
Kumquats [orange fruit from China and Vietnam]

Lychees, Tangerines, Nectarines, Papaya, Peaches, Raisins

Watermelons (rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.195)
Winter Melon (
rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.195)

- - - negative:
Banana (disturbs digestion of blood group AB, can be replaced by other potassium-rich fruits: apricot, fig, certain melons (4 strategies, p.195)
Prickly pear
Orange (is irritating the alkaline stomach of blood group AB (similar blood group A), and is disturbing the absorption of important minerals and trace elements (4 strategies, p.195)
Persimmon (Kaki)
Starfruit (carambola [Carambole])

                      juices, for example apple juice, grape juice, or
                      grapefruit juice
Fruit juices, for example apple juice, grape juice, or grapefruit juice [15]

15 Fruit juices with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.196)

+++ positive:
Cherry juice (black cherry) (strongly alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196)
Papaya juice
Cranberry juice (highly alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196)
Grape juice (very alkaline and easily digestible for the acid weak stomach acid of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.194, 196)

ooo neutral:
Pineapple juice ("excellent digestive aid" (4 strategies, p.194) with the enzyme bromelain (4 strategies, p.213)
Apple juice
Apricot juice (rich in potassium, instead of harming bananas for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.195)
Grapefruit juice (is sour, but after digestion a is getting a positive alkaline effect, and grapefruit has a lot of vitamin C as an antioxidant for the prevention of gastric cancer (4 strategies, p.195)
Prune juice (alkaline, perfect for the acid weak stomach of AB (4 strategies, p.194)

- - - negative:
Orange juice (oranges are irritating the alkaline stomach of blood group AB (similar blood group A), and are disturbing the absorption of important minerals and trace elements (4 strategies, p.195)

Herbs and
                      spices, for example garlic, peppermint, thyme,
                      honey, nutmeg, and black pepper
Herbs and spices, for example garlic, peppermint, thyme, honey, nutmeg, and black pepper [16]

16 Herbs and spices with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.197)

+++ positive:
Garlic (is a "strong tonic and natural antibiotic" for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.197).
Miso [Japanese soy paste] (for AB is very healthy, as a soup or sauce) (4 strategies, p.196)

ooo neutral:
Agar, Basil, Savory, Carob [Carob], Dill

Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar (vinegar is acid forming and is harmful for blood group AB, possibly even is as a factor for gastric cancer (4 strategies, p.198)

Tarragon, Clove, Spearmint, Honey, Cardamom, Chervil

Kombu kelp (positive with low sodium content for AB, also having a positive effect on the heart and immune system, and is very useful for weight management (4 strategies, p.196)

Coriander, Cumin, Turmeric, Bay leaf, Marjoram, Mint, Nutmeg, Paprika, Peppermint, Allspice [pimento], Rosemary, Red algae (dulse), Saffron, Sage,

Salt (table salt with a high sodium content is harmful to AB (4 strategies, p.196)

Chives, Mustard powder, Soy sauce,

Tamari (dark soy sauce, wheat free, live rightly, p.252),

Thyme, Vanilla, Weinstein, Cinnamon

Sugar, brown and white (is harmful in large quantities for blood group AB [limonades!!!] ) (4 strategy, p.197)

- - - negative:
Anise, Cayenne pepper, Chilli (red), Barley

Capers [in vinegar] (vinegar is acid forming and harmful for blood group AB, possibly even as a factor for gastric cancer (4 strategies, p.198)

Pepper (black and white) (is acid forming (4 strategies, p.197)
Peppercorns (are acid forming) (4 strategies, p.197)
Tapioca [cassava starch]

Maple syrup
Maple syrup [17]
17 Syrup / seasonings / thickener in blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.197)

ooo neutral: maple syrup, bergamot oil, brown rice syrup, rice syrup, oil of wintergreen, molasses, arrowroot flour

- - - negative: corn syrup, almond oil, gelatin, corn starch

Tees, for
                    example peppermint tee
Tees, for example peppermint tee [18]

18 Beverages: Tees with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.198-199)

+++ positive:
Alfalfa [alfalfa] strengthens the immune system of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.198)
Strawberry tea (helps blood type AB, the absorption of iron, prevents anemia (4 strategies, p.198)
Great burdock (strengthens the immune system of blood type AB, and helps blood group AB's absorption of iron, prevents anemia (4 strategies, p.198)
Green tea (boosts the immune system of blood group AB (4 strategies, p.198)
Rose hip
Chamomile (strengthens the immune system of blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.198)
(Echinacea) (strengthens the immune system of blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.198)
Licorice root (after consultation with the doctor) (is nursing cardiovascular system with blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.198)
Hawthorn (is nursing cardiovascular system with blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.198)

ooo neutral:
valerian, chilies (red), Dong quai, verbena, tumeric, spearmint, raspberry leaf, Elder, St. John's wort, catnip, Yellow Dock

Dandelion (helps blood type AB with the absorption of iron, prevents anemia) (4 strategies, p.198)

Mulberry, parsley [Petroselinum], peppermint, Rotulmenrinde, sage, sarsaparilla, yarrow, thyme, chickweed, white birch, white oak bark, White horehound

- - - negative:
Aloe, fenugreek, gentian, Skullcap, shepherd's purse, hop, coltsfoot, mullein, linden flowers, corn pen, rhubarb, red clover, senna

Drinks, for
                      example lemon water, coca cola, or red wine
Drinks, for example lemon water, coca cola, or red wine [19]

19 Beverages: Drinks with blood group AB
(From: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Strategies, p.199)

+++ positive:
Coffee with and without caffeine
(Coffee increases stomach acid level and contains the same enzymes as soya. 1 to 2 cups coffee per day are positive for blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.199)
Green tea

ooo neutral:
Lemon water (4 strategies, p.196)
(Lemons support digestion and eliminate mucus from the AB-organism [as with blood group A] (4 strategies, p.195). Warm lemon water cleans away the mucus that has accumulated during the night, and lemon water promotes excretion. After a glass of lemon water a glass of grapefruit juice or papaya juice is good (4 strategies, p.196)
Mineral water
Red wine (is nursing the cardiovascular system with blood group AB and is healthy. 1 glass of red wine per day - so the estimations - are reducing the risk of heart diseases with persons of blood group AB) (4 strategies, p.199).
White wine

- - - negative:
Lemonade, diet lemonade, including Coke
Black Tea
Spirits [alcohol]

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Photo Sources

[1] meat counter: http://www.merkur-online.de/nachrichten/stars/zr-fotostrecke-z-tv-tatort-quiz-94621.html?popup=media&firstslide=1

[2] Fish Counter: http://www.fisch-zertifizierung.de.tl/
[3] Milk products: http://www.nieuwvliet-online.de/umgebung/kueste/blankenberge/het-zuivelmuseum.html
[4] Olive Oil: http://www.migipedia.com/de/lebensmittel/essig-oel/bio-italienisches-olivenoel/500ml
[5] Nuts: http://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Ernaehrung/Schimmel-Wann-gehoert-Essen-in-den-Muell-57274.html

[6] seeds:
Pine nuts, pistachios: http://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Ernaehrung/Schimmel-Wann-gehoert-Essen-in-den-Muell-57274.html
Pumpkin seeds: http://hartmann-popp.skandia1.de/?pid=28&sub=26
Sunflower seeds: http://www.yatego.com/gartenundtierbedarf/p,4e42948a7cc1f,4e00aad662ed10_8,activa-sonnenblumenkerne-15-kg-oder-2x15-kg

[7] Cereal:
Oats: http://www.finanzen.net/rohstoffe/haferpreis
Wheat: http://www.digilotta.de/2008/04/14/fsfl-mehl-das-geheimnis-guter-backwaren/
Rice: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reis
Rice harvest in Cambodia: http://www.20min.com/wissen/news/story/12750279
Spelt: http://www.traubenkernmix.de/heilpflanzen/dinkel.htm
Rye: http://baeckereiberndt.de/roggenweizendinkel.html

[8] cereals:
Bircher muesli: http://www.mymuesli.com/blog/2008/09/29/bircher-muslibircher-musli/
Oatmeal: http://www.horvat.it/01unsere_produkte/horvat_produkte09getreide.htm
Rye Flakes: http://www.horvat.it/01unsere_produkte/horvat_produkte09getreide.htm
Chocolate crossies: http://jennys-backwelt.blogspot.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

[9] bread: http://peho.typepad.com/chili_und_ciabatta/2007/02/wiener_brot_le_.html

[10] eggs: http://www.essen-und-co.de/eier.html

[11] vegetables:
Broccoli: http://www.worldcommunitycookbook.org/season/guide/broccoli.html
Beans: http://www.hoooliday.com/tipps-info/fruechte/frucht-lexikon-d.php
Tomatoes: http://www.lebensmittelfotos.com/2008/02/16/tomaten/
Yellow peppers,: http://www.hoteldreikoenige.com/Angebote/tabid/62/language/de-CH/Default.aspx

[12] mushrooms:
Maitakepilze: http://www.shii-take.de/irw_cat.4b41543335.product.54502d4d2d303530.html
Mushrooms: http://www.lebensmittelfotos.com/2008/02/16/braune-champignons/
Shiitake mushrooms: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiitake

[13] vegetable juices:
Carrot juice: http://www.supermarktcheck.de/product/21211-schneekoppe-moehrensaft
Potato juice: https://shop.apothekestadelhofen.com/biotta-kartoffel-saft-plus-5-dl.html
Cucumber: http://www.arco-images.de/bild-287527/Gurkensaft.html

[14] fruits:
Pineapple: http://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/ananas-pi.html
Papaya: http://www.asien-news.de/national/papaya/8019
Apple: http://www.oldskoolman.de/bilder/freigestellte-bilder/essen-trinken/freigestellter-roter-apfel/
Grapes (green): http://www.s-mayr.at/loiser_wanderwege.html

[15] Fruit juices:
Apple juice: http://www.gielesberger.at/de/node/61?size=980px
Grape juice: http://www.ao-getraenke.de/index.php?cPath=247_259&osCsid=0b297eb0610d0b20182bad91876ed52f
Grapefruit Juice: http://www.ao-getraenke.de/product_info.php?cPath=247_259&products_id=2289&osCsid=0b297eb0610d0b20182bad91876ed52f

[16] Spices:
Garlic: http://www.herba.de/wirkung-von/knoblauch
Honey: http://www.gourmet-blog.de/gen-honig/
Nutmeg: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskatnussbaum
Pepper (black): http://spicy-life.de/Bio-Gewuerze/Bio-Pfeffer/Bio-Pfeffer-schwarz-gemahlen::18.html
Peppermint: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfefferminze
Thyme: http://www.anke-feja-biokochen.de/html/impressum.html

[17] seasonings:
Maple syrup: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahornsirup

[18] Drinks: Tea: Peppermint: http://www.google.com/ig?hl=de&source=webhp

[19] Drinks:
Lemon Water: http://suite101.de/view_image.cfm/309237
Red wine: http://www.adpic.de/lizenzfreie_bilder/Lebensmittel/Getraenke/Rotwein_und_Trauben_223514.html
Coca-Cola: http://www.wahrheit-oder-lüge.de/Coca-Cola-Toilettenreiniger.html