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Blood groups: Treatment of diseases with blood group B

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)

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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)

Personality of blood group B: "chameleon" with many defects

"B" stands for "balance". When humans were driven from the fertile plains of [today's] China to the Himalaya Mountains, these persons suffered a climate change and were adapting to the climate in the Himalaya Highlands, and therefore was establishing blood group B. Then this blood group B was spreading in the steppes of Eurasia. They are farmer nomads, a "balance" with meat consumption and milk products at the same time. Blood group B was pushing forward up to [today's] Eastern Europe (4 Strategien, p.29) and can be seen often down to Elbe River and Austria (4 Strategien, p.31).

Blood group B is innovative, with creativity, intellectuality and technique. Humans in highland of China developed sophisticated methods for surviving, also irrigation systems in agriculture (4 Strategien, p.30).

The most density of blood group B has [today's] India, followed by a high share of B in [today's] Northern China and [today's] Corea where the share of blood group A is very low. Jews have a high share of blood group B, followed by A (4 Strategien, p.31).

Blood group B is
-- a hunter type
-- but at the same time it is adaptable (4 Strategien, p.34)
-- and is balanced (4 Strategien, p.34,148)

-- but with this blood group B also has characters similar to a "chameleon", is often similar to blood type 0, but it's behavior often also is very special (4 Strategien, p.148).

There are heavy defects of the organism of blood group B:
-- does hardly accept vaccinations
-- exhaustion
-- fluctuating blood sugar levels with hypoglycemia
-- it's easy to provoke a weakness with the immune system
-- overweight is coming fast by consumption of damaging food products, above all in combination with wheat can also come diabetes
-- chronic fatigue
-- vulnerability for bladder inflammations
-- lack of concentration
-- vulnerability for depressions (4 Strategien, p.34?)

Change of nutrition in general: diet level 1 and 2

General alimentation change for prevention against chronic disease in the age is "basic diet level 1" comprising the most important beneficent and many neutral kinds of food.

Dr. D'Adamo:

<According to my experience some humans are well going with the basic diet 1 - that means they are more or less following the most important rules using beneficial and evading damaging food and eating much neutral food as a general supplement.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Nach meiner Erfahrung kommen manche Menschen sehr gut mit der grundlegenden Diätstufe eins zurecht - das heisst, sie halten sich einigermassen an die wichtigsten bekömmlichen und zu vermeidenden Nahrungsmittel und essen viele neutrale Nahrungsmittel als allgemeine Ernährungsergänzung." (richtig leben, S.213)

When already exist chronic diseases, then a radical change of alimentation has to be performed with diet level 2.

Dr. D'Adamo:

<Others need a strict plan above all when they are suffering chronic diseases. Diet level 2 is facilitating a strict election which serves for healing of diseases and for recovery.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Andere brauchen einen strengeren Plan, besonders, wenn sie an chronischen Krankheiten leiden. Die Diätstufe zwei ermöglicht eine strengere Auswahl, die zur Überwindung von Krankheiten und der Wiederherstellung des Wohlbefindens beiträgt." (richtig leben, S.213)

Digestion enzymes for blood group B: bromelain during the change of nutrition

At the beginning of the general change of nutrition, digestion enzymes can be important when meat and cow milk products are introduced and integrated into the food plan. There is the suggestion to take pineapple enzyme "bromelain" as a compound:

<When you take for a certain time a digestion enzyme with the meals, then organism can adapt more easily to the concentrated proteins. Bromelain is good for that, an enzyme from pineapple, can be bought in form of a supplement compound in many health shops, normally in the fourfold strength.> (4 Strategien, p.177)
(orig. German:
"Wenn Sie eine Zeit lang ein Verdauungsenzym zu den Malzeiten einnehmen, kann sich der Organismus leichter auf die konzentrierten Proteine einstellen. Bromelain, ein in der Ananas vorkommendes Enzym, ist in vielen Reformhäusern  in Form eines Ergänzungspräparats erhältlich, normalerweise in der vierfachen Stärke." (4 Strategien, S.177)

Disease management with children of blood group B

Pregnant women of blood group B should not get influenza vaccination

Dr. D'Adamo indicates:

<Also pregnant women of blood group B should resign to influenza vaccination, above all when the father of the child is of blood group A or AB. Influenza vaccine could rise the production of anti A antibodies and therefore could put into danger the development of the fetus.> (4 Strategien, p.269)
(orig. German:
"Auch Schwangere der Blutgruppe B sollten auf Grippeschutzimpfungen verzichten, insbesondere, wenn der Vater des Kindes der Blutgruppe A oder AB angehört. Der Grippeimpfstoff könnte die Produktion von Anti-A-Antikörpern erhöhen und dadurch die gesunde Entwicklung des Fötus gefährden." (4 Strategien, S.269)

Nourishment of little children of blood group B

Eczemas: When children of blood group B have got eczemas, then magnesium is helping which is naturally in leafy vegetables (4 Strategien, p.160).

Leafy vegetables with it's magnesium have a building up effect with blood group B against virus diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important, anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium food for blood group B are
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).

Vaccinations with children of blood group B: bad compatibility

Children: Vaccinations with persons of blood group B can provoke heavy damages. Therefore children of blood group B have to be watched very well after a vaccination concerning "marching behavior, moving behavior on the ground, or there can also be a change of personality". Children of blood group B should only be vaccinated when they are absolutely healthy not suffering anything, not any cold either (4 Strategien, p.268), no influenza, and no ear infection either. As children of blood group 0 also children of blood group B should get the oral form of polio vaccination.

Why persons of blood group B have such an incompatibility with vaccines? Type B is producing a huge amount of antigens B in the nervous system. according to my experience there is a cross reaction in the immune system of type B when the vaccine is introduced, and this provokes in the body a defense reaction against himself. Possibly the vaccine itself provoking this cross reaction. Perhaps there are also chemical substances disturbing the whole process - these chemical substances in the vaccine should enhance the vaccination effect... Perhaps the cause is even the production base which was used for producing the vaccine. There is no definite answer to this question with the wisdom of today.> (4 Strategien, p.269)
(orig. German:
"Bei Kindern mit der Blutgruppe B können Impfungen schwerwiegende neurologische Reaktionen auslösen. Eltern sollten sehr aufmerksam auf jedes Anzeichen einer Komplikation achten, zum Beispiel auf Veränderungen im Lauf- und Krabbelverhalten des Kindes oder auf eine Persönlichkeitsveränderung. Bei einem Kind der Blutgruppe B sollte vor einer Impfung absolut sichergestellt sein, dass es völlig gesund ist und nicht unter einer Erkältung (S.268), Grippe oder Ohreninfektion leidet. Wie Kinder der Blutgruppe 0 sollten auch Kinder der Blutgruppe B die orale Variante des Polio-Impfstoffes erhalten.

Warum neigen Personen mit Blutgruppe B zu derart starken Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen auf Impfstoffe? Der B-Typ produziert eine grosse Zahl von Antigenen B im Nervensystem. Meiner Meinung nach kommt es bei der Einführung von Impfstoffen zu einer Kreuzreaktion im Immunsystem des B-Typs, die den Körper dazu veranlasst, die Abwehr gegen sich selbst zu richten. Möglicherweise ist es der Impfstoff selbst, der die Kreuzreaktion auslöst. Vielleicht auch einer der chemischen Stoffe, die die Wirksamkeit des Vakzins steigern sollen. Vielleicht ist die Ursache sogar die Kultur, die zur Züchtung des Impfstoffs verwendet wird. Mit unserem derzeitigen Wissen lässt sich die Frage nicht definitiv beantworten." (4 Strategien, S.269)

General management of diseases with blood group B

Exhaustion with blood group B

Humans of blood group B should eat the sorts of meat which are the optimum for them. When there is exhaustion or weakness of defense, then beef (neutral) or chicken (negative, evade at any time) have to be omitted and the beneficial sorts of meat have to be eaten which are lamb, mutton and rabbit (4 Strategien, p.151).

Organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium that well so there can even be an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level. In this case there are coming vulnerabilities for
-- virus diseases
-- exhaustion (4 Strategien, p.176).

Leafy vegetable with magnesium for blood group B has got a reinforcing effect against virus diseases and against autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium food for blood group B is
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).

Blood sugar level with big fluctuations with blood group B: hypoglycemia

Blood group B has a characteristic behavior of it's blood sugar level: This blood sugar level is sinking after meals, called hypoglycemia (4 Strategien, p.165):

<After meals many types of B suffer low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).> (4 Strategien, p.165)
(orig. German:
<Bei vielen B-Typen kommt es nach dem Essen zu einem Absinken des Blutzuckers (Hypoglykämie).> (4 Strategien, S.165)

When blood sugar levels are sinking the food cannot be proceeded well any more and are stored as fats so the person is taking weight (4 Strategien, p.185). Therefore the damaging food causing hypoglycemia has to be eliminated. These damaging kinds of food are for example corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, and sesame (4 Strategien, p.150).

Licorice against hypoglycemia
There are remedies against hypoglycemia, for example licorice tea (4 Strategien, p.165) taken after the meal (4 Strategien, p.177).

There are licorice chewing tablets  "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) and there is also licorice tea, absolutely simple and not dangerous. Other remedies should be taken only under medical supervision. When the dosages of medical licorice compounds are too high there can be sodium deposits in the body enhancing blood pressure. Then licorice is working like a poison (4 Strategien, p.177)..

Weak defense of immune system of blood group B

Cause for low magnesium level

Organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium very well, so even an imbalance between calcium and magnesium levels is possible. If this is the case, vulnerabilities are emerging for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue (4 Strategien, p.176).

Blood group B: enforcing the defense by magnesium in leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables have a building up effect with blood group B with it's magnesium, against virus and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium food for blood group B is
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).

Blood group B: enforce defense with optimal sorts of meat
Humans of blood group B should eat the sorts of meat which are the optimum for them. When there is a weak defense, then beef (neutral) or chicken (negative, evade at any time) have to be omitted and the beneficial sorts of meat have to be eaten which are lamb, mutton and rabbit (4 Strategien, p.151).

Blood group B: immune system disorder with chicken meat
Muscle meat of chicken contains a lectin which is agglutinating the blood of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.151), and this can go up to strokes and heavy disorder cases with the immune system (4 Strategien, p.152).

Chicken meat can be replaced by turkey meat and pheasant meat. These sorts of meat don't have the damaging lectin of chicken meat (4 Strategien, p.151).

Mixed beverage with lecithin enforcing immune system and nervous system of blood group B

As a nutrition supplement Dr. D'Adamo recommends additional to the blood group nutrition a mixed drink with lecithin granulate which can be bought in health shops. Lecithin is "a lipid from animals and plants which enforces the characteristics of metabolism and immune system." (4 Strategien, p.162)
(orig. German:
Lecitin ist "ein in Tieren und Pflanzen vorkommendes Lipid, das den Stoffwechsel und das Immunsystem stärkende Eigenschaften hat." (4 Strategien, S.162)

This lecithin drink for blood group B is going like this:

1 table spoon linseed oil + 1 table spoon lecithin granulate + 180 to 240 ml fruit juice, mix and shake well and drink it (4 Strategien, p.162).

Lecithin drink is reinforcing the immune system and the nervous system of blood group B. Lecithin is emulsifying the oil so it will mix well with the juice (4 Strategien, p.162).

Overweight with blood group B

Factors for overweight with blood group B are corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, sesame, and wheat (4 Strategien, p.149-150). Lectins of these kinds of food are slowing down the metabolism down to states of fatigue. There follow water deposits in the body and hypoglycemia (falling down of blood sugar levels after meals). When wheat and another damaging grain is combined in the food, then the wheat is enforcing the negative effect with heavy consequences like wheat with blood group 0 [adiposity and diabetes] (4 Strategien, p.149).

"Paunch": "Apple form" is a warning for blood groups 0 and B
Blood groups 0 and B are taking weight above all in the belly zone where it's growing also especially fast.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

Dr. D'Adamo says:
<A classical signal of insulin resistance with the blood groups 0 and B is the "apple figure" with a characteristic big belly. Now one has to know: Fat cells are distributing fat into the blood. But: Fat cells in the belly zone are distributing more easily fat into the blood than fat cells from other parts of the body. [...] Distribution of fat from the belly zone is beginning within 3 to 4 hours after a meal. Other fat cells from other parts of the boy are distributing fat only many hours later. This early distribution of fat is indicated by risen levels for triglycerides and free fatty acids. Free fatty acids themselves are provoking insulin resistances, and risen levels of triglycerides are coordinated with low levels for HDL (the "good" cholesterol). In the meantime it's rated for sure that the overproduction of insulin - as a result of the insulin resistance syndrome - is provoking a risen VLDL level (this is the "bad" cholesterol). [...]

Persons "in form of a pear" storing their fat in the hips and thighs have not the same risks for their health.> (richtig leben, p.118)
(orig. German:
"Ein klassisches Zeichen von Insulinresistenz bei den Blutgruppen 0 und B ist die "apfelförmige Figur" mit dem charakteristischen grossen Umfang in der Körpermitte. Fettzellen im Bauchraum schütten Fett leichter ins Blut aus als ihre Schwesterzellen an anderen Körperteilen. [...] Die Ausschüttung von Fett aus dem Bauchraum beginnt innerhalb von drei bis vier Stunden nach einer Mahlzeit. Bei anderen Fettzellen geschieht das erst viele Stunden später. Diese frühe Ausschüttung wird durch erhöhte Werte für Triglyceride und freie Fettsäuren angezeigt. Freie Fettsäuren wiederum verursachen Insulinresistenz, und erhöhte Triglyceridwerte gehen einher mit einem niedrigen HDL-Wert (dem 'guten' Cholesterin). Es gilt inzwischen als gesichert, dass die Überproduktion von Insulin als Resultat des Insulinresistenz-Syndroms den VLDL-Wert (das ist das 'sehr böse' Cholesterin) ansteigen lässt. [...]

'Birnenförmige' Menschen zum Beispiel, die Fett in den Hüften und Oberschenkeln speichern, haben nicht dieselben Gesundheitsrisiken." (richtig leben, S.118)

Prevention against overweight: test for extra cellular water edema

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Put your finger firmly to your shinbone and hold the pressure for 5 seconds. When muscles or fat are pressed, the skin will come out again immediately. But when water is between the cells, it will be shifted and the bump will not fill so rapidly again. The more lasts the depression, the more water is in the tissue, and this means that you have superfluous water in your body.> (richtig leben, p.262)
(orig. German:
"Drücken Sie ihren Finger fest auf Ihr Schienbein und halten Sie den Druck fünf Sekunden lang. Wenn Sie mit dem Finger auf Muskeln oder Fett drücken, wird die Haut sofort wieder herausschnellen. Ist jedoch Wasser zwischen den Zellen, wird es seitlich verschoben und die Delle wird sich nicht sofort wieder füllen. Je länger die Vertiefung bleibt, desto mehr Wasser ist im Gewebe, und das bedeutet, dass Sie überschüssiges Wasser im Körper haben." (richtig leben, S.262)

Prevention against overweight: measurement of waist and hips

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Here is a fast test investigating your fat distribution: Stay upright before a mirror where you can see yourself completely. Take a measuring tape and measure your hip and then your bottom. Part now the measured hip by the measured bottom length. A healthy relation is with women 0.7 to 0.75, with men it's about 0.8 to 0.9 (richtig leben, p.262).
(orig. German:
"Hier ist ein schneller Test für die Feststellung Ihrer Fettverteilung: Stellen Sie sich aufrecht vor einen Spiegel, in dem Sie sich ganz sehen können. Nehmen Sie ein Massband und messen den Umfang Ihrer Taille an der schmalsten Stelle. Dann messen Sie den Umfang ihres Gesässes an der breitesten Stelle. Teilen Sie jetzt Ihren Taillenumfang durch Ihren Hüftumfang. Ein gesundes Verhältnis liegt bei Frauen zwischen 0,70 bis 0,75. Bei Männern liegt ein gesundes Verhältnis bei 0,80 bis 0,90 (richtig leben, S.262).

Overweight or underweight with blood group B: food for weight control of blood group B

Table: negative food supporting gaining weight with blood group B, examples
Corn lectins are slowing down metabolism of blood group B until there are states of exhaustion, and then water deposits come (4 Strategien, p.149): "Corn is inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, and is causing hypoglycemia" (falling blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Mais hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie." (4 Strategien, p.150)
Buckwheat lectins are slowing down metabolism of blood group B until there are states of exhaustion, and then water deposits come (4 Strategien, p.149): "Buckwheat is inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, and is causing hypoglycemia" (falling blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Buchweizen hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie." (4 Strategien, p.150)
Lentil lectins are slowing down metabolism of blood group B until there are states of exhaustion, and then water deposits come (4 Strategien, p.149): "Lentils are inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, and is causing hypoglycemia" (falling blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Linsen hemmen die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie." (4 Strategien, p.150)
Peanut lectins are slowing down metabolism of blood group B until there are states of exhaustion, and then water deposits come (4 Strategien, p.149): "Peanuts are inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, and is causing hypoglycemia" (falling blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Buchweizen hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie." (4 Strategien, p.150)
Sesame lectins are slowing down metabolism of blood group B until there are states of exhaustion, and then water deposits come (4 Strategien, p.149): "Sesame is inhibiting the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, and is causing hypoglycemia" (falling blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Sesam hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie." (4 Strategien, p.150)
Wheat is enforcing the negative effect of corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts and sesame (4 Strategien, p.149): "Wheat is slowing down digestion and metabolism proceedings so the nutrition is deposited in form of fat and the energy is not burnt, and therefore also the effect of insulin is inhibited." (4 Strategien, p.150)
(orig. German:
"Weizen verlangsamt die Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselvorgänge, bewirkt, dass die Nahrung als Fett gespeichert und nicht als Energie verbrannt wird, hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins." (4 Strategien, S.150).

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.149, 150)

Table: positive food for blood group B, supporting loss of weight: examples
Leafy vegetables
"Leafy vegetables are supporting the efficiency of metabolism" and with blood group B there will be automatically a reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
Meat [beneficial sorts]
"Meat [beneficial sorts] are supporting [with blood group B] the performance of metabolism" and there will be automatically a reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
Liver [of beneficial animals]
"Liver [of beneficial sorts] is supporting [with blood group B] the performance of metabolism" and there will be automatically a reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
Milk products (low-fat)
"Low-fat milk products [also cow milk] are supporting [with blood group B] the performance of metabolism" and there will be automatically a reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
Eggs [only hen's egg, other sorts have to be avoided]
"Eggs [hen's eggs] are supporting [with blood group B] the performance of metabolism" and there will be automatically a reduction of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.151)

Diabetes type 1 with blood group B

Damaging grains for blood group B are corn, buckwheat, lentils and peanuts. In combination with wheat all this is slowing down metabolism of blood group B, so there will be heavy overweight cases like with blood group 0 with wheat [with adiposity and diabetes] (4 Strategien, p.149).

Healing of diabetes with blood group B
Diabetes of type 1 and 2 can be healed well with blood group nutrition. Blood group A and B are vulnerable to type 1 diabetes (youth diabetes, provoked by shortage of insulin when beta cells of pancreas are not working well any more). Blood group 0 is vulnerable to type 2 diabetes because of adiposity because the tissue is insensitive to the insulin: "The tissue reacts too insensitive to the hormone." (4 Strategien, p.311)

Prevention to secondary diseases by diabetes type 1
Quercetin [from lat. quercus = oak] is a prevention against secondary diseases of diabetes type 1. These disease are cataract, nervous diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Eventually insulin has to be balanced again (4 Strategien, p.311).

Case of a rabbi, Jacob, 73 years old: healing of diabetes type 1 and healing of the aftermaths of a stroke

There was an extreme case of a unilateral diet. Jewish rabbi Jacob was eating two times chicken per day, bean paste and buckwheat meals with Italian noodles, in a hot chicken fat and with onions. Jacob had blood group B and therefore he was eating lots of damaging lectins (4 Strategien, p.51) blocking the liberation of insulin in his body [by the pancreas] (4 Strategien, p.52-53). The consequence was a diabetes type 1. Add to this wrong lectins were agglutinating his blood and he had suffered a stroke [blood group b has thick blood and is vulnerable for this anyway] (4 Strategien, p.51). Diabetes disease could hardly be regulated (4 Strategien, p.53).

Measures were:
-- change of the food plan eliminating the wheat meals changing to rice or millet
-- eliminating chicken and changing to lamb and fish
-- bean paste with different beans was introduced
-- and vitamins were introduced, and a treatment with healing herbs was performed (4 Strategien, p.53).

Within 8 weeks this rabbi could walk again normally, there were no aftermaths anymore from his stroke, and withing 6 months the rabbi could change from injected insulin to oral insulin (4 Strategien, p.53).

Digestion diseases with blood group B

Constipation with blood group B

Constipation is a warning signal for an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. The causes are
-- too less fibers
-- to less liquid, above all water and juices
-- to less sports (4 Strategien, p.312).

Laxatives do not use because the constipations are coming again and again. Blood groups A, B, and AB can regulate their nutrition overcoming constipation with the integration of fiber rich and original not treated bran (4 Strategien, p.313).

[Note that blood group 0 is NOT going well with bran, but is balancing it's digestion with fruits and vegetables].

Irritation of intestine with blood group B

The following spices are irritating the intestine of blood group B, and these spices have to be omitted:
-- sweetener of barley malt
-- corn syrup
-- cornstarch
-- cinnamon (4 Strategien, p.163).

Peppermint tea is calming down the gastrointestinal tract of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.165).

Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease) and colitis with blood group B

Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease by irritation in the gastrointestinal tract) has different causes according to the blood group. Blood group 0 has got the tendency for "colitis with swellings, probably by the thin blood with more tendency for bleeding. Blood group A, B and AB with little tendency for bleeding have the tendency for "irritable bowel" (4 Strategien, p.313).

With a blood group diet the symptoms are reducing with all blood groups (4 Strategien, p.313).

Case of Sarah, 35 years old, blood group B: healing of Morbus Crohn, anemia and chronic diarrhea
Sarah suffered even several operations by "normal medicine" when parts of scarved intestine were removed (4 Strategien, p.315). Healing in her case is simple, because also in this case a damaging nutrition is playing a role:
-- chicken meat and other damaging food for blood group B has to be eliminated from the food plan
-- beneficent kinds of food have to be integrated into the food plan
-- licorice and fatty acids [butyrate?] are also integrated.

After 4 months most troubles have gone, also diarrhea (4 Strategien, p.316).

Food intoxication: salmonellae
Weak immune systems are more vulnerable for food intoxications than strong and active immune systems. Salmonellae intoxication is very often with blood group A and AB and healing is going slowly. But blood groups 0 and B are less vulnerable and healings are going faster (4 Strategien, p.316).

Inflammations are often a problem for blood group B, above all by Shigella organisms, provoking dysentery (4 Strategien, p.316).

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Type B - which is more vulnerable for inflammations of all kinds in general - is falling ill more by kinds of food polluted with Shigella organisms. These bacteria are on plants and are causing dysentery.> (4 Strategien, p.316)
(orig. German:
"Der B-Typ, der generell anfälliger für Entzündungen aller Art ist, erkrankt eher durch Nahrungsmittel, die mit Shigella-Organismen verunreinigt sind; diese Bakterien, die sich auf Pflanzen befinden, lösen Dysenterie (Ruhr) aus." (4 Strategien, S.316)

Stomach ulcer - gastritis - duodenitis with blood group B

Stomach ulcers can often be observed in the sour stomach of blood group 0, and also in the balanced stomach of blood group B, when the food plan is not following the blood group (4 Strategien, p.316-317). Bleedings and breakthroughs are mostly with blood group 0, not with type B (4 Strategien, p.317).

Prevention and healing of stomach ulcers with blood group B

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) against stomach ulcers
is "having effect in at least 4 fields":
-- against stomach ulcers [above all with blood group 0]
-- against herpes virus as an anti viral agent
-- against chronic fatigue [above all with blood group 0 and B]
-- against hypoglycemia [falling blood sugar level after meals with blood group B] (4 Strategien, p.177).

As a chewing tablet "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) and as licorice tee it can be taken without any danger. Other compounds should be taken only with medical assistance. Too high dosage can provoke sodium deposits provoking hither blood pressure. In this case licorice is working like a poison (4 Strategien, p.177).

Gastritis (inflammation of gastric mucosa) with blood group B is rare
Gastritis is precisely the contrary to a stomach ulcer and is emerging in connection with a shortage of stomach acid in the stomach. Therefore there is almost no gastritis in the stomachs of the blood groups 0 and B (4 Strategien, p.316-317).

Colds and influenza with blood group B

For influenza virus blood groups 0 and B are more vulnerable than for A and AB. Measures with colds and influenza with blood group 0 are:

-- sufficient relaxation and movement
-- evade stress
-- stop bad habits which provoke stress
-- enhance the share of vitamin C in the food
-- take little dosages of Echinacea which can protect or mitigate the course of illness, so say some doctors (4 Strategien, p.325)
-- air humidity in flats can be enhanced against dry throat and nose
-- gargle with salt water when there is a throat ache
-- tee with 50% Indian saffron (curcuma) and sage, gargle it several times per day
-- when nose is running or blocked an anti histaminicum can be taken "damping the reaction of the mucosa to the infectioning virus provoking that the nose is free again", but take care: antihistamine of Ephedra group are dangerous and can provoke high blood pressure, sleep troubles and complications with prostate problems (4 Strategien, p.326).

Cold and influenza are virus illnesses. Antibiotics only have an effect against bacteria. So, antibiotics will not have any effect against cold and influenza (4 Strategien, p.326).

Sinusitis with blood group B

Blood groups 0 and B are vulnerable for sinusitis and are often suffering chronically this disease. Antibiotics have only a short effect because sinusitis will come back. The reason for a sinusitis is a swelling of the mucosa of sinus (4 Strategien, p.328).

When blood groups A and AB are developing a sinusitis, then mostly nutrition is the cause which is provoking more mucus, so there is too much mucus and this is the base for the infection (4 Strategien, p.329).

Measures for a healing are:
-- blood groups A and AB have to follow blood group nutrition, and then sinusitis is mostly going by itself already
-- as an addition the herb Collinsonia can be applied with which the swellings are going down until a complete healing is coming - can also be applied with swellings in the varicosities
-- therefore in the extreme case blood group nutrition and Collinsonia are used, and no antibacterial "medicament" is needed any more (4 Strategien, p.328).

Collinsonia is not dangerous and can be bought as a tincture in health shops. Can be taken 20 to 25 drops in a glass of warm water (4 Strategien, p.329).

Bronchitis and pneumonia with blood group B

Humans of blood group A and AB have more often bronchial infections than 0 and B. Blood group 0 is less vulnerable because it's nature does not have much mucus production, and therefore the base for bacteria is not big. But there is a danger for blood group B coming from B-similar bacteria Haemophilus (4 Strategien, p.322).

Fungal infections with blood group 0: Candidiasis by Candida albicans with blood group B

[When the immune system is weakened, Candida albicans is provoking fungal infection in the gastrointestinal tract, in the mouth etc.].

"Normal medicine" is operating with "Candida diets" with a high protein share and with prohibitions of grains, but these measures are weakening the immune system of A and AB more than are reinforcing it, because a renunciation on leaven is no protection from Candida infections for the blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.324). Antibiotics only are having effect for a short time because the infections are coming again (4 Strategien, p.323).

Candida albicans can be found more with blood group 0 than with other blood groups, and most frequently it is with non secretors (richtig leben, p.267).

Dr. D'Adamo says:

"In general according to my experience persons with blood group 0 are more vulnerable for Candida than persons of other blood groups, whereas the vulnerability with non-secretors of blood group 0 is the highest." (richtig leben, p.267)
(orig. German:
"Im allgemeinen sind nach meiner Erfahrung Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 empfänglicher für Candida als die mit anderen Blutgruppen, wobei die Anfälligkeit bei Nicht-Sekretoren der Blutgruppe 0 am grössten ist." (richtig leben, S.267)

Blood group 0 develops more often than others "a hypersensitivity similar to allergies to Candidiasis organisms." (4 Strategien, p.323), above all when there is a high share of grains in the food plan (4 Strategien, p.324).

But all in all blood group 0 can get rid of these Candida infections fast, faster than blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.323).

-- integrate olive oil in the food plan of type 0 (richtig leben, p.268)

-- root of stinging nettle is agglutinating Candida albicans
-- take pro biotic bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus casei
-- support the defense system and expel Candida with it by taking thyme, oregano, rosemary, kombu algas, seaweed kelp, seaweed bladder fucus (richtig leben, p.268).

Kidneys, bile ducts and liver with blood group B

Kidney infection Pyelonephritis
is emerging above all with blood group B, above all with non secretors (4 Strategien, p.331).

Liver diseases - alcoholism and liver cirrhosis with blood group A
Heavy liver diseases have above all blood group A and B, mostly non-secretors (4 Strategien, p.333). Alcoholism is above all distributed with non-secretors of blood group A. In general non-secretors [of all blood groups] are especially vulnerable for alcoholism (4 Strategien, p.331).

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Non-secretors which are about 20% of the population seem to be more vulnerable for alcoholism, but their predisposition has less to do with their secretor status. But there is a strange disposition with the cells, so the gene which is fixing the non-secretor status is on the same place of DNS like the gene which is fixing how much alcohol can be processed by the liver. My patients which were non-secretors almost always had a long alcoholism tradition in their families.> (4 Strategien, p.331)
(orig. German:
"Nicht-Sekretoren, die etwa 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung ausmachen, sind offenbar am anfälligsten für Alkoholismus, aber ihre Empfänglichkeit hat wenig mit ihrem Sekretorstatus zu tun. Durch einen unglücklichen und möglicherweise zufälligen Dreher auf zellulärer Ebene befindet sich das Gen, das den Nicht-Sekretor-Status festlegt, auf derselben Stelle der DNS wie das Gen, das festlegt, inwieweit die Leber Alkohol abbauen kann. Meine Patienten, die zu den Nicht-Sekretoren gehören, können fast immer auf eine lange Alkoholismustradition in ihrer Familie verweisen." (4 Strategien, S.331)

Alcoholism is a strong stress component. Blood group A eventually has the ambition to reduce stress by euphoric agents like alcohol, and therefore is very in danger for alcoholism. 3% of the alcohol are excreted in pure form, 97% are proceeded by the liver and are proceeded in the stomach and intestine. When there is a constant overcharge, then liver cirrhosis is developed, "this is a heavy malnutrition by insufficient adaption of nutrients, and at the end death is coming.> (4 Strategien, p.332
(orig. German:
"eine schwere Mangelernährung durch die ungenügende Aufnahme von Nahrungsbestandteilen und schliesslich der Tod." (4 Strategien, S.332).

More liver damages
More liver damages can be by
-- infections
-- allergies
-- troubles with metabolism
-- jaundice as a symptom of a hepatitis (4 Strategien, p.332).

Liver cirrhosis is not only a question of alcoholism, but "can [also] be caused by infections and different diseases of the liver and the bile ducts." (4 Strategien, p.332)
(orig. German:
Leberzirrhose ist nicht nur eine Folge von Alkoholismus, sondern "kann [auch] durch Infektionen und verschiedene Erkrankungen der Leber und Gallenwege verursacht werden." (4 Strategien, S.332)

Blood group A has most cases of liver cirrhosis, followed by B and AB, and blood group 0 has fewest cases of all. The same counts for gall stones, for illnesses of bile ducts and jaundice. Blood group A is especially vulnerable for tropical liver infections, less 0 and AB (4 Strategien, p.333).

Case of Gerard, 38 years, blood group B: healing of chronic inflammations of bile ducts
The inflammation was causing a liver fibrosis. "Normal medicine" meant that a liver transplant wold be the only solution of the problem. Gerard comes to Dr. D'Adamo with catastrophic blood levels and with a strong itch (pruritis) by the gall dye bilirubin which is reaching the skin (4 Strategien, p.333).

The measures to heal Gerard are:
-- introduce blood group nutrition of type B
-- treatment with liver specific herbal antioxidants which like to deposit in the liver (4 Strategien, p.334).

Healing is going starting and in 9 to 12 months Gerard is completely healthy (4 Strategien, p.334).

Heart diseases with blood group B

Blood group B is affected in a medium range by heart diseases because of a medium enzyme level of alkaline enzyme phosphatase in the gastrointestinal tract, because phosphatase is responsible for the proceeding and for the adaption of nutrition fats in the intestine. Therefore the fats are only hardly proceeded. Some fats reach the blood and are rising the cholesterol level with blood group B up to highest heights. Blood groups A and AB are in highest dangers for cardiovascular diseases, then comes type B, and type 0 has least cholesterol problems (4 Strategien, p.295).

High blood pressure: blood group B not so affected
High blood pressure can be the precursor for a heart attack or a stroke. Normal are 120 to 80, under 40 years from 140 on to 90, from 40 years on from 160 on to 95. Risk factors are smoking, diabetes, women after menopause, overweight, and much stress. Blood group A and AB should especially pay attention because they have most of cardiovascular diseases. Blood group B is not so affected. High blood pressure is treated with blood group diet and blood group sport (4 Strategien, p.299).

Blood group B: stroke

Muscle meat of chicken contains a lectin which is agglutinating the blood of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.151), and this can go up to strokes and troubles of the immune system (4 Strategien, p.152).

Chicken meat can be replaced by turkey and pheasant. Turkey and pheasant do NOT have the damaging lectin of chicken meat (4 Strategien, p.151).

Auto immune diseases: tendency for inflammations with blood group B

Licorice tea
is reducing the vulnerability for virus and autoimmune diseases with blood group B, is regulating the blood sugar level additionally (hypoglycemia after meals), and has got an effect against chronic fatigue syndrome (4 Strategien, p.165).

Chronic fatigue syndrome CFS (liver hypofunction) with blood group B

According to D'Adamo CFS is a subfunction of the liver, and is only secondarily an autoimmune disease:

<Also when CFS is emerging in the shape of a virus or of an autoimmune disease, the basic cause for it is probably a troubled metabolism of the liver [...] The liver is not capable [any more] to decontaminate chemical substances.> (4 Strategien, p.287)
(orig. German:
"Auch wenn CFS in Gestalt eines Virus oder einer Autoimmunerkrankung auftritt, ist die Grundursache wahrscheinlich ein gestörter Leberstoffwechsel [...] Die Leber ist unfähig, chemische Stoffe zu entgiften." (4 Strategien, S.287)

Symptoms are:
-- above all a terrific exhaustion
-- and there are pains in the muscles and legs and arms, and there is a stubborn throat inflammation, there are digestion problems, and there are allergies.

Therefore there are immunologic effects and organic dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract at the same time. That's why the illness will be more a liver disease with effects also on the "muscle skeleton apparatus" (4 Strategien, p.287).
orig. German: "muskuloskelettalen Apparat" (4 Strategien, S.287).

Some medical doctors don't take earnest chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and to not diagnose it, but they consider it as a personal imagination, or other medical doctors are even worsening the illness with their pills of "normal medicine" (4 Strategien, p.290).

Licorice tea / licorice pill against chronic fatigue syndrome
Licorice tea is reducing the vulnerability to viruses and autoimmune diseases, is balancing the blood sugar level concerning hypoglycemia and has an effect against chronic fatigue syndrome (4 Strategien, p.165).

There are chewable tablets "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) and there is also licorice tea, absolutely simple and not dangerous. Other remedies should be taken only under medical supervision. When the dosages of medical licorice compounds are too high there can be sodium deposits in the body enhancing blood pressure. Then licorice is working like a poison (4 Strategien, p.177).

Blood group B: magnesium against chronic fatigue syndrome
Organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium that well so an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level is even possible. This provokes new vulnerabilities for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue
-- depressions
-- and eventually also nervous diseases (4 Strategien, p.176).

Leafy vegetable with magnesium has a building up effect with blood group B against virus diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium nutrition is for blood group B
-- all beneficent leafy vegetables
-- all beneficent grains
-- all beneficent pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg are possible, in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has got the tendency of having a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should always be accompanied by calcium-rich food for evading an imbalance between magnesium and calcium (4 Strategien, p.176).

Case of Karen, 44 years old, blood group B: healing of chronic fatigue syndrome CFS
Karen was suffering the following symptoms:
-- every night she had 12 hours sleep instead of 8
-- she could not work
-- she had pains in the zones of neck, shoulders and back, and add to this headaches etc.
-- and she had panic attacks and a strong beating of the heart (4 Strategien, p.288).

A strict blood group nutrition, some supplement compounds and regular sports are effecting a healing process within some weeks, and Karen then has two jobs at one time (4 Strategien, p.288-289).

Diseases of the urinary ways with blood group B

Blood groups A and 0 are not very affected by diseases of their urinary ways (bladder inflammation, cystitis etc.). But blood group B and AB are very vulnerable for bladder infections (cystitis) (4 Strategien, p.330), because most bacteria provoking infections in the urinary ways have characters similar to the cells of blood group B, and the bodies of B and AB do not produce antibodies against them, for example

-- E. coli
-- pseudomonas
-- klebsiella (4 Strategien, p.331).

Above all the non-secretors of type B are in a high danger for chronic diseases of their urinary ways (richtig leben, p.132).

Healing is going on according to Dr. D'Adamo's recommendation with a mixed juice of pineapple and cranberry juice, 1 or 2 glasses per day (4 Strategien, p.331).

All nutrition has to be balanced against bacterial infections (richtig leben, p.132).

Epidemics with blood group B

Tuberculosis (TB) with blood group B
Blood group 0 is the most vulnerable for lung TB. Blood group A is most vulnerable for the other forms of TB. Above all rhesus negative is affected. [About blood group B indications are missing]. With AIDS and with homeless persons TB is spreading again over the whole world. Bad hygienic conditions and chronic diseases [by wrong nutrition against the blood group] are weakening the immune system and are giving TB agents a base (4 Strategien, p.330).

Cholera with blood group B
0 is vulnerable, A is resistant (4 Strategien, p.324).

Plague, typhus, smallpox: blood group 0 is especially vulnerable
Blood groups A, B and AB are all less vulnerable to epidemics than blood group 0 which is the eldest blood group and is not prepared to fight epidemics. That counts for plague, typhus, and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.327).

Mosquitos and malaria
Mosquitos of Central Europe seem to be very attracted by blood group A and AB. Anopheles mosquito transmitting the malaria agent seems to prefer blood group 0 and B especially (4 Strategien, p.327).

Parasites with blood group B
[About blood group B indications are missing]. Blood group 0 is not so vulnerable for parasites [because of the high level of gastric acid which they don't like]. So, parasites love more the gastrointestinal tract of the blood groups A and AB [because there is hardly any gastric acid]. As a prevention during trips against contaminated water one can take berberis or charcoal tablets (4 Strategien, p.329).

Parasites: worms with blood group A, B, and AB, none for 0
Worms often have characteristics of the blood groups A and B. So, blood groups A and B are vulnerable for worms, especially blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.330).

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Many parasitic worms like tapeworm and roundworm have characteristics like cells of A and B,and therefore can be seen often with persons of these blood groups. Type AB with it's doubled antigen of A and B is especially vulnerable." (4 Strategien, p.330)
(orig. German:
"Viele parasitäre Würmer wie der Bandwurm und der Spulwurm weisen A-ähnliche und B-ähnliche Merkmale auf und finden sich häufiger bei Personen mit diesen Blutgruppen. Der AB-Typ mit seinen doppelten Antigenen A und B ist besonders anfällig." (4 Strategien, S.330)

Diseases of the nervous system of blood group B

Polio is most frequently with blood group B
Polio is a virus infection of the nervous system with paralyzations during childhood and youth. Polio is most frequently seen with persons of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.328).

Viral meningitis is most with blood group 0
Viral meningitis is an infection of the nervous system with symptoms of fatigue, high fever and stiffening of neck muscles. Blood group 0 is affected most by it, probably because their immune system of blood group 0 is not so resistant against infections (4 Strategien, p.328).

Mixed beverage with lecithin enforcing immune system and nervous system of blood group B

As a nutrition supplement Dr. D'Adamo recommends additional to the blood group nutrition a mixed drink with lecithin granulate which can be bought in health shops. Lecithin is "a lipid from animals and plants which enforces the characteristics of metabolism and immune system." (4 Strategien, p.162)
(orig. German:
Lecitin ist "ein in Tieren und Pflanzen vorkommendes Lipid, das den Stoffwechsel und das Immunsystem stärkende Eigenschaften hat." (4 Strategien, S.162)

This lecithin drink for blood group B is going like this:

1 table spoon linseed oil + 1 table spoon lecithin granulate + 180 to 240 ml fruit juice, mix and shake well and drink it (4 Strategien, p.162).

Lecithin drink is reinforcing the immune system and the nervous system of blood group B. Lecithin is emulsifying the oil so it will mix well with the juice (4 Strategien, p.162).

Magnesium as a help against nervous diseases with blood group B

The organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium so well that an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level is possible. In this case vulnerabilities are rising for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue
-- depression
-- eventually also for nervous diseases (4 Strategien, p.176).

Leafy vegetables with it's magnesium have a building up effect with blood group B against virus diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important, anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium food for blood group B is
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).

Mental troubles with blood group B

Lack of concentration and weak memory of blood group B

Lack of concentration and a weak memory are general troubles with blood group B (4 Strategies, p.178).

Best herbs for the organism of blood group B against lack of concentration and supporting it's memory are
-- Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus)
-- ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), is enhancing blood circulation with blood group B [so the oxygen supply in all organs is better and also the brain is working better] (4 Strategien, p.178).

[Blood group 0 with thin blood does NOT need any ginkgo but all organs of blood group 0 are well supplied without any compound].

Depression with blood group B

Magnesium against depression with blood group B

The organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium so well that an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level is possible. In this case vulnerabilities are rising for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue
-- depression
-- eventually also for nervous diseases (4 Strategien, p.176).

Leafy vegetables with it's magnesium have a building up effect with blood group B against virus diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important, anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).

Best magnesium food for blood group B is
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).

Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).

Intoxications with blood group B

Religious Jews with blood group B can suffer an ergot intoxication by rye grain

Religious Jews are eating much rye bread ritually, and they regularly are intoxicating with it because almost all Jews are blood group B. They "suffer then vessel diseases like 'St. Anthony's fire' [intoxication by ergot alkaloids by rye with ergot] or an 'ergot intoxication'." (4 Strategien, p.157)
(orig. German:
Sie "bekommen dann Gefässerkrankungen wie 'Antoniusfeuer' [Vergiftung durch Mutterkorn-Alkaloide durch Roggen mit Mutterkorn] oder 'Mutterkornvergiftung'." (4 Strategien, S.157)

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