Cancer according to blood groups
Blood groups A and AB are mostly in danger for cancer, B less, and 0 hardly - cancer can be healed with blood group nutrition
Cancer heals with sodium bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days, 90% success rate - the rest heals with blood group nutrition, with fruit extracts (e.g. noni+graviola) and with raw food in 3 to 6 months. Cancer also heals fast with cannabis oil.
Mouth cancer
Breast of a woman with breast cancer with visible tumor
Liver cance
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)
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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Statistics: cancer, recidivism rate and survival rate according to blood groups
General indications about cancer
Cancer is "a general trouble of blood circulation" (richtig leben, p.135).
High levels of indican and indole are caused when nutrition is against blood group, and they have demonstrably a cancer supporting effect and are enhancing the cancer supporting effect of chemicals (richtig leben, p.163). [That's why an indican test is important for all humans].
In general appearance or disappearance of antigens of blood groups is a characteristic for damaging cancer diseases (richtig leben, p.133).
A radiotherapy, a chemotherapy and an immune therapy has to be adopted with the blood group for getting optimal results (richtig leben, p.155).
Blood groups A and AB are mostly in danger for suffering cancer, B less, 0 hardly
It's proved that blood the groups A and AB have a higher cancer rate and that also the survival rate is worse with them than with the blood groups 0 and B (4 Strategien, p.346).
"Almost all carcinomas are attacking persons of blood group A or AB." (4 Strategien, p.356).
(orig. German:
"Fast alle Karzinome befallen bevorzugt Menschen mit der Blutgruppe A oder AB." (4 Strategien, S.356).
Comparing the quantities blood group is mostly affected by cancer, then comes blood group B, then AB, and 0 never. AB is at the third position because AB is rare [only making out 5% of the world wide population] (4 Strategien, p.357).
[Considered the percentage the rating of cancer diseases according to blood groups would be as described first: A and AB are mostly in danger, and then comes B, and at the end comes 0].
Reasons for the vulnerability for cancer of blood group A
-- the cancer cells are similar to the body cells of blood group A and therefore they cannot be detected well (richtig leben, p.356)
-- add to this blood group A has a "too tolerant and lazy immune defense" so cancer can spread very well in bodies of blood group A (richtig leben, p.134)
-- add to this blood group A has got thick blood with the tendency of coagulation. This is another factor which makes possible heavy cancer diseases (richtig leben, p.140).
Since the 1940s it's well known that blood group AB has the highest cancer rate, but public was never interested in this, may be because it was a little group in the statistics (4 Strategien, p.346).
Blood group 0 and B with only some cancer
Blood group 0 seems to be resistant against cancer in many cases,
because immune system of blood group 0 is hyper active and this "reduces the number of malicious tumors" (richtig leben, p.134)
and because cancer cells mostly behave similar to body cells of blood type A, rarely similar to body cells of blood type B, and therefore the immune system of blood group 0 always detects these kinds of cancer.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Persons with blood group 0 seem to be much more resistant to a development of almost all kinds of cancer. Metabolism of type 0 is behaving - as I believe - absolutely intolerant and hostile, and it's more or less simple structured fucose molecules are predisposed for it to eliminate the cancer cells behaving like A or in some cases also like B developing anti A anti bodies or anti B anti bodies." (4 Strategien, p.356)
(orig. German:
"Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 scheinen sehr viel resistenter gegenüber der Entwicklung fast aller Krebsarten zu sein. Der Stoffwechsel des 0-Typs verhält sich, wie ich glaube, intolerant und feindselig, und seine eher einfachen Fucosemoleküle prädisponieren ihn dafür, die A-ähnlichen - in manchen Fällen auch B-ähnlichen - Krebszellen zu entfernen und Anti-A- oder Anti-B-Antikörper zu entwickeln." (4 Strategien, S.356).
When humans of blood group 0 and B get a cancer disease, they don't need any aggressive treatment against cancer. Mostly the cut of the tumor is sufficient and only in rare cases a radiation or a chemotherapy is needed. Backslides are hardly observed with blood groups 0 and B (4 Strategien, p.351).
Dr. D'Adamo says about this:
"Some years ago during the initial session with a new woman patient it was striking that many women who had had breast cancer in their past and had well cured it, these women had always blood group 0 or B. Survival quota was really impressive because most women counted that they had had no aggressive treatment - regularly only the tumor had been cut, and only in rare cases radiation or chemotherapy had been applied additionally. Where are the reasons for that?" (4 Strategien, p.351)
(orig. German:Blood groups A and AB always suffer aggressive breast cancer with a short chance of survival, even when tissue samples of the lymph nodes indicate that the cancer would have gone.
"Vor einigen Jahren, als ich die Krankengeschichten neuer Patientinnen aufnahm, fiel mir auf, dass viele Frauen, die irgendwann in der Vergangenheit an Brustkrebs erkrankt und völlig genesen waren, entweder die Blutgruppe 0 oder B hatten. Die Genesungsquote war besonders beeindruckend, weil mir die meisten Frauen erzählten, dass sie keine besonders aggressive Behandlung verordnet bekommen hatten - in aller Regel handelte es sich lediglich um eine Entfernung der Geschwulst, wozu in seltenen Fällen auch eine Strahlenbehandlung oder Chemotherapie hinzukam. Wo liegen die Gründe?" (4 Strategien, S.351)
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"During the years of my work there could also be watched that breast cancer with women of blood group A and of the rare blood group AB developed always aggressive forms of malicious cancer, and these women only survived a short time, even then when tissue samples of the lymph nodes indicated that the women would be free of cancer." (4 Strategien, p.351)
(orig. German:
"Im Laufe der Jahre fiel mir ausserdem auf, dass Brustkrebs bei Frauen mit der Blutgruppe A sowie bei Frauen mit der seltenen Blutgruppe AB eine aggressivere Malignität aufwies und die Frauen kürzer überlebten, und zwar selbst dann, wenn die aus den Lymphknoten entnommenen Gewebsproben zeigten, dass die Frauen frei von Krebs waren." (4 Strategien, S.351)
So there has to be a connection with the blood groups:
"Analyzing my clinic experience and studies of professional literature I came to the conclusion that there must be an important connection between the survival rate with a cancer disease and the specific blood group the affected person is member of." (4 Strategien, p.351)
(orig. German:
"Aufgrund meiner klinischen Erfahrungen und des Studiums der Fachliteratur kam ich zu dem Schluss, dass eine wichtige Verbindung zwischen dem Überleben einer Krebserkrankung und der Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten Blutgruppe besteht." (4 Strategien, S.351)
Most kinds of cancer behave similar to the body cells of blood group A, few also like B and 0 (richtig leben, p.135).
Risk factors favoring the development of cancer
At the same time there are more risk factors (4 Strategien, p.346).
Risk factors favoring cancer are:
-- chemical toxic substances (smoking etc.)
-- radioactive radiation
-- genetic predisposition in the family (4 Strategien, p.347).
The cancer cell
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
-- "cancer cells have a typical round form instead of the normal flat form
-- cancer cells do not couple one with each other as normal cells do, because cancer cells have only a little quantity of gluing molecules on their surface. We will see yet that AB0-antigens are part of the most important adhesion molecules which are lost here
-- contact inhibition during moving is limited. Normal cells are stopping their movement when they get into contact with each other, but cancer cells don't do this
-- cancer cells are not rooted strongly in the tissue. Therefore they can enter into other tissues and they can reach also the blood system and lymphatic system (forming metastases)
-- cancer cells are not inhibited in growing by the environment tissue. The cancer cells are capable to file one on the other
-- and there is even extra cellular growth." (richtig leben, p.134)
Incomplete research of "normal medicine" is not investigating any recidivism rate or survival rate
The chance for a survival and recidivism rate is not investigated by "normal medicine" until today, but they present only morbidity. Considering this, research of "normal medicine" is absolutely incomplete.
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"There are many many investigations about molecular relationships between blood groups and cancer. But the scientists almost completely ignored the question if there is a better chance of survival according to the blood group in the case of cancer diseases. [...] The real connection between blood groups and cancer has to be searched considering the recidivism rate and not in the normal morbidity. And the cause for the connection is the 'glue' of the lectins." (4 Strategien, p.347)
(orig. German:
"Es gibt ungeheuer viele Forschungsarbeiten über die molekulare Beziehung zwischen Blutgruppe und Krebs. Die Forscher haben aber nahezu vollkommen die Frage ignoriert, ob für eine Person mit der einen oder anderen Blutgruppe eine bessere Chance besteht, die Krebserkrankung zu überleben. [...] Die tatsächliche Verbindung von Blutgruppe und Krebs ist eher in der Rückfallquote als in der Häufigkeit der Erkrankung unter den Blut-Typen zu suchen. Und diese Verbindung stellt vielleicht der 'Klebstoff' der Lektine dar." (4 Strategien, S.347)
The principle of cancer: cancer cells are "disguising" mostly like body cells of blood group A
Principally converted cells in a body are always detected in the immune system and are eliminated. A little part is not detected,
"whereas the 'successful' cancer cells (p.349) are cheating the immune system and let it without power because they are imitating the normal cells." (4 Strategien, p.350).
(orig. German:
"wobei die 'erfolgreichen' Krebszellen (S.349) das Immunsystem betrügen und machtlos machen, indem sie die normalen Zellen nachahmen." (4 Strategien, S.350).
Cancer cells mostly present themselves with a similar behavior like the body cells of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.351-352): Cancer cells "disguised" like a body cell of blood group A are the great majority (4 Strategien, p.353).
Women of blood group A and AB with liver damage or colon damage are in a great danger suffering cancer
Liver and colon are reducing estrogen. When these organs are damaged, then the estrogen level is higher. And this is a special danger, because: "A higher estrogen activity can stimulate cancer cells to grow."
(orig. German:
"Eine erhöhte Östrogenaktivität kann krebsartige Zellen zum Wachstum anregen."
Dietary fibers can rise the level of butyric acid salt in the cells of the colon wall. The salts of butyric acid are supporting the normalization of the tissue (4 Strategien, p.365).
Classes of cancer similar to body cells of blood group A
Tumor antigens (markers) are similar to blood group A with
-- brain tumors
-- cancer with the nervous system (4 Strategien, p.356)
-- many classes of cancer with the sexual organs of women: Depending on the conditions these classes of cancer provoke different tumor antigens ("markers") (4 Strategien, p.357).
Classes of cancer mostly growing with blood group A and AB
-- cancer in the mouth, cancer with esophagus (4 Strategien, p.357)
-- stomach cancer with stomachs poor of acids of blood group A and AB as a precondition (4 Strategien, p.358)
-- cancer with pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, less with type B, least with type 0 (4 Strategien, p.358)
-- prostate cancer (4 Strategien, p.360-361)
-- skin cancer with malicious melanoma (4 Strategien, p.361).
"Normal medicine" is investigating "markers" but cannot heal
Research of "normal medicine" (article in "Lancet" of 1991) indicates that cancer cells for example in connection with lectin of escargot (Helix pomatia) is converting to cells which are similar to body cells of blood group A, so the immune systems of blood group A and AB have no chance to detect these cancer cells which are similar to blood group A (4 Strategien, p.351-352).
"Normal medicine" is searching on and on with antigens (markers) on the surface of tumor cells and is defining them as
-- breast cancer marker, often 15-3 (CA 15-3)
-- uterine cancer marker, often 125 (CA125)
-- prostate cancer marker, often PSA (prostate specific antigen) (4 Strategien, p.352).
"Normal medicine" is leaving out to integrate blood groups into their research, because all in all - this detected Dr. D'Adamo - the similarity of tumor cells with body cells of blood group A is absolutely dominant:
"It's not a surprise that many of these tumor markers have characteristics similar to body cells of blood group A.2
(orig. German:
"Es ist nicht überraschend, dass viele dieser Tumor-Marker A-ähnliche Eigenschaften haben."
Therefore tumor cells get access to all organs of blood group A and AB and are not detected by the immune systems of blood group A or AB (4 Strategien, p.352).
[So, one could speak of "Trojan cancer cells", it's a normal war tactic with a disguise].
With blood groups 0 and B the cancer cells behaving similar to blood group A are eliminated (4 Strategien, p.353).
Case of Anne, 47 years old, blood group A: blood group diet as a cancer prevention
Anne is complaining many cancer cases in her family and a high lethal rate, and blood group A is a high risk factor (4 Strategien, p.353). Measures for prevention are:
-- introduce blood group nutrition according to blood group A, vegetarian
-- take herbal agents against cancer
-- soya portion in the alimentation is risen
-- specific medicinal herbs are taken
-- blood group sports are introduced in life according to blood group A with yoga (4 Strategien, p.354).
When neoplasm was detected (benign swelling as an antecedent of cancer) the nod is removed. Since three years Anne remains without swellings or tumors and is feeling healthy as never before (4 Strategien, p.354).
And there are cancer cells behaving like body cells of blood group B
Some classes of cancer are similar to blood group B (4 Strategien, p.356):
-- some classes of cancer at sexual organs of women are like this: Depending on the conditions these classes of cancer produce different tumor antigens ("markers") (4 Strategien, p.357)
-- bone cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).
And blood group 0 is eliminating all cells which are similar to blood group A or B
"Persons with blood group 0 seem to be much more resistant to a development of almost all kinds of cancer. Metabolism of type 0 is behaving - as I believe - absolutely intolerant and hostile, and it's more or less simple structured fucose molecules are predisposed for it to eliminate the cancer cells behaving like A or in some cases also like B developing anti A anti bodies or anti B anti bodies." (4 Strategien, p.356)
(orig. German:
"Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 scheinen sehr viel resistenter gegenüber der Entwicklung fast aller Krebsarten zu sein. Der Stoffwechsel des 0-Typs verhält sich, wie ich glaube, intolerant und feindselig, und seine eher einfachen Fucosemoleküle prädisponieren ihn dafür, die A-ähnlichen - in manchen Fällen auch B-ähnlichen - Krebszellen zu entfernen und Anti-A- oder Anti-B-Antikörper zu entwickeln." (4 Strategien, S.356)
But there are
Classes of cancer where blood group 0 is the most vulnerable one
-- skin cancer (4 Strategien, p.361)
And "normal medicine" is concentrating only on classes of cancer similar to A
"Research" is concentrating on the classes of cancer which are similar to body cells of blood group A, and classes similar to B are neglected (4 Strategien, p.362).
Anti cancer food according to blood groups
Optimal nutrition according to blood groups is a guarantee for a maximum of mobilization of the immune system against cancer (4 Strategien, p.362):
Blood group A and AB
Eat peanuts, lentils, wheat germs (4 Strategien, p.362), but don't eat wheat when there is a bladder cancer, because wheat lectins support bladder cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).
Peanuts have an effect against all kinds of cancer similar to type A, because peanuts contain a specific lectin against breast cancer. In a low quantity it has got an effect also against all other kinds of cancer. The peanuts should be eaten with the [dark brown] skin (4 Strategien, p.364). Peanuts are damaging with blood group 0 provoking colon troubles (4 Strategien, p.78; richtig leben, p.233).
There is also a lectin in brown and green lentils with a special effect against breast cancer, and this lectin "probably has got also an effect on other kinds of cancer similar to the cells of blood group A." (4 Strategien, p.364)
[With blood group 0 lentils have another effect: They provoke fatigue].
Lima beans: When cancer similar to the body cells of blood group A is coming up, Lima beans have a great effect against these kinds of cancer with the lectin of Lima bean, one of the "most powerful agglutinants of all cells of blood group A [...] Additionally this lectin will agglutinate any number of cancer cells. Add to this it will destroy some innocent and upright body cells of type A, but this exchange is worthwhile." But when Lima beans are taken without any illness, so they have a harming effect (4 Strategien, p.364).
Soya (tofu products) is a prevention against cancer and can detect the cancer cells which are behaving like body cells of blood group A:
"Soya bean agglutinin is capable detecting and eliminating the early converted cells producing the A type antigen, but the normal body cells of type A are kept safe."
(orig. German:
"Sojabohnen-Agglutinine sind in der Lage, früh mutierte Zellen, die das A-Typ-Antigen produzieren, selektiv zu bestimmen und aus dem Organismus zu beseitigen, während die normalen A-Typ-Zellen in Ruhe gelassen werden."
"Add to this, the soya bean lectin contains substances similar to estrogen: genistein and diazide. These substances do not only help balancing the effect of feminine estrogen level, but these substances also have some more characteristics which can be useful reducing blood supply to the tumor cells (4 Strategien, p.363).
(orig. German:
"Das Sojabohnen-Lectin enthält ausserdem die östrogenähnlichen Verbindungen Genestein und Diaziden. Diese Verbindungen helfen nicht nur, die Wirkung des weiblichen Östrogenspiegels auszugleichen, sondern enthalten darüber hinaus noch weitere Eigenschaften, die dazu beitragen können, die Blutzufuhr zu den Tumorzellen zu verringern." (4 Strategien, S.363)
Soya products are very favorable for blood groups A and AB and have an effect like a "strong medicine". Japanese women with traditionally much soya consumption in Japan hardly have any breast cancer, but Japanese women in "America" with much consumption of McDonalds and meat products are suffering much breast cancer. The more McDonalds, the less tofu, the more breast cancer with the blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.363).
Wheat germs:
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Agglutinin in wheat germs shows a strong attraction for cancer diseases with humans of blood group A. It's concentrating in the seed shell, in the outer shell which is removed normally. Original wheat bran without removal of any shell can deliver a lot of this lectin. But one can also use wheat germ products from industrial production." (4 Strategien, p.365)
(orig. German:
"Das Agglutinin in Weizenkeimen zeigt eine grosse Anziehung für Krebserkrankungen bei Menschen mit der Blutgruppe A. Es konzentriert sich in der Samenschale, der äusseren Hülle, die normalerweise entfernt wird. Unbehandelte Weizenkleie liefert die die wichtigste Menge dieses Lectins. Man kann allerdings auch industriell hergestellte Weizenkeimerzeugnisse verwenden." (4 Strategien, S.365)
Escargot: Escargots are for blood group A and AB like a medicine against cancer because escargot (Helix pomatia) "is a strong agglutinin against breast cancer"
(orig. German:
"ist ein starkes Brustkrebs-Agglutinin")
which is detecting cancer elements also in the lymph nodes yet:
"that can determine if the cancer cells in the lymph nodes are building metastases."
(orig. German:
"das zu bestimmen vermag, ob die krebsartigen Zellen in die Lymphknoten metastasieren."
There are no damages with consumption of escargots (4 Strategien, p.365).
For colon cancer there are among others two agents: fibers can enhance the level of butyric acid and salt in the cells in the colon wall. Salts of butyric acid will foster the normalization of the tissue then. And the lectin of Amaranth grain also destroys cancer cells in colon areas (4 Strategien, p.365).
Blood thinner compounds with blood group A: Blood group A with it's thick blood can lower for example it's number of metastasis applying blood thinner compounds (richtig leben, p.141)
Case of Lisa T., medium age, blood group A: breast cancer healed
In 1971 was the first treatment with her breast cancer, and since 1979 / 1980 she is living with blood group nutrition. The cancer was healing completely, and there was no recidivism (richtig leben, p.142).
Case of Kay S., medium age, blood group A: no recidivism with breast cancer
After an operation Kai begins with blood group nutrition. Her breast cancer never comes again (richtig leben, p.144). All blood tests indicated normal levels (richtig leben, p.145).
Blood group B and 0
Blood group nutrition is working very well against cancer and as a prevention against cancer (4 Strategien, p.362).
Soya products are very well accepted by blood group B, but if they also have the same cancer inhibiting effect with blood group B is not sure (4 Strategien, p.363):
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Persons with blood group B may eat soya products. But is is not sure if they have the same effect in the blood of their body." (4 Strategien, p.363)
(orig. German:
"Menschen mit der Blutgruppe B dürfen Sojaerzeugnisse essen. Es ist aber nicht sicher, ob sie im Blut dieser Personen die gleiche Wirkung erzielen." (4 Strategien, S.363)
Vaccination against cancer: hostile lectins against cancer cells
Against cancer the immune system can be activated using hostile lectins [by food? by injection?], so the immune system is working "at full blast" (4 Strategien, p.347).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"In connection with a cancer disease lectins can be useful in two different ways: One can use them for an agglutination of the cancer cells so they have the effect in the immune system like a catalyzer - this is a kind of alarm signal for a begin of work protecting the healthy cells." (4 Strategien, p.347)
(orig. German:
"Im Zusammenhang mit einer Krebserkrankung dienen Lektine auf zweierlei Weise: Man kann sie dazu verwenden, dass sie Krebszellen agglutinieren, so dass sie im Immunsystem als Katalysator wirken - als eine Art Weckruf, sich an die Arbeit zu begeben und die gesunden Zellen zu schützen." (4 Strategien, S.347)
The malicious cancer cells with their growth without end and with their sensitivity which is 100 times higher will agglutinate immediately then when they get the wrong lectins (4 Strategien, p.348-349).
By the agglutinated clusters of agglutinated cancer cells the immune system is immediately alarmed and is producing a huge quantity of antibodies against these cancer cell clusters and is destroying them, respectively the scavenger cells are destroying them coming from the liver (4 Strategien, p.349).
"Normal medicine" is only working with lectins against cancer calling them "marker" finding out specific antigens which are on the surface of the cancer cells. "Normal medicine" does not want to recognize the connection between blood group and food until today, and therefore this "normal medicine" is blocking any chance for healing cancer (4 Strategien, p.349).
Development of a vaccination against cancer by Dr. Dr. George Springer with T antigens
Dr. George Springer is developing a vaccine with T antigen and the tumor marker CA15-3. In this way, the immune system of the affected person will be activated and the destruction of the cancer cells can begin. When cancer is in the final stadium a prolongation of life between 5 to 18 years is reached (4 Strategien, p.355).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Dr. George Springer, researcher at Bligh Cancer Center of University of Chicago School of Medicine, he investigated the effects of his vaccine. The base is a molecule, the so called T antigen. Since the 1950s Springer is one of the most important researcher working with illnesses in connection with blood groups. His works in this research field have a big significance. His investigations about T antigen are very encouraging.
Springer is convinced that with the help of a vaccine which is composed by a T antigen and the tumor marker CA 15-3 the lazy immune system of cancer patients can be revived so this will be a contribution attacking and eliminating any cancer cell. In the last 20 years Springer and his friends used a vaccine which is derived from a T antigen and when it's used for a certain time is used against recidivisms.
Experimental group is a little small - less than 25 women -, but the results are impressive. All 11 breast cancer patients with a tumor in a late stadium (stadium III and stadium IV) survived for over 5 years - a respectable result considering that this had been cancer in the final stadium. But 4 women survived (three of them had a tumor in stadium III and other three had stadium IV) for 10 to 18 years. These results are really wonderful." (4 Strategien, p.355)
(orig. German:
"Dr. George Springer, Forscher am Bligh Cancer Center der University of Chicago School of Medicine, hat die Wirkungen eines Impfstoffs erforscht, dessen Basis ein Molekül ist, das so genannte T-Antigen. Seit den fünfziger Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts zählt Springer zu den wichtigsten Forschern, die sich mit der Rolle der Blutgruppe bei der Entstehung bestimmter Krankheiten befassen. Seine Beiträge auf diesem Forschungsgebiet sind von grösster Bedeutung. Seine Forschungsarbeiten über das T-Antigen sind äusserst vielversprechend.
Springer ist der Überzeugung, dass man mit Hilfe eines Impfstoffes, der sich aus dem T-Antigen und dem Tumor-Marker CA15-3 zusammensetzt, das untätige Immunsystem von Krebspatienten aufrütteln und zu neuem Leben erwecken kann, so dass es dazu beiträgt, die krebsartigen Zellen anzugreifen und zu vernichten. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben Springer und seine Kollegen einen Impfstoff verwendet, der aus dem T-Antigen abgeleitet ist und bei Dauerbehandlungen gegen das Wiederauftreten von Brustkarzinomen eingesetzt wird.
Wenn auch die Testgruppe zahlenmässig klein ist - weniger als 25 Frauen -, so sind doch die Ergebnisse eindrucksvoll. Alle 11 Brustkrebspatientinnen mit einer Geschwulst im weit fortgeschrittenen Stadium (Stadium III und Stadium IV) überlebten einen Zeitraum von über fünf Jahren - ein bemerkenswertes Resultat bei einem Krebs im Endstadium. Dagegen überlebten sechs dieser Frauen (bei dreien befand sich die Geschwulst im Stadium III und bei dreien im Stadium IV) einen Zeitraum zwischen 10 bis 18 Jahren. Diese Ergebnisse grenzen an ein Wunder." (4 Strategien, S.355)
Vaccine "Pneumovax" having effect with all blood groups against all kinds of cancer similar to the body cells of blood group A
Vaccine "Pneumovax" having effect against pneumococci infections [pneumonia, meningitis, toxemia, infection of the middle air or inflammation of maxillary sinus etc.] can be used without any danger and is cheap and has a general effect supporting the production of anti A anti bodies.
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Pneumovax (vaccine against pneumococci) is rising the quantity of anti A anti bodies. [...] Because most kinds of cancer have a behavior similar to body cells of type A, so this vaccine can increase the quantity of anti A antibodies and therefore can mobilize the immune system of the members of all blood groups." (4 Strategien, p.366)
(orig. German:
"Pneumovax (Pneumokokken-Impfstoff) erhöht die Menge der Anti-A-Antikörper. [...] Da die meisten Krebserkrankungen A-ähnliche Neigungen haben, kann der Impfstoff die Menge der Anti-A-Antikörper erhöhen und dadurch das Immunsystem der Angehörigen aller Blutgruppen mobilisieren." (4 Strategien, S.366)
With this the immune system is better prepared than normally for the fight against kinds of cancer similar to body cells of type A, so for example against breast cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and pancreas cancer. Add to this the vaccine is a prevention against some kinds of pneumonia, and it is producing iso hemagglutinin, also absolute strong anti bodies against virus and bacteria. D'Adamo suggests a vaccination "Pneumovax" for blood group A and AB all 5 years, for 0 and B all 10 years (4 Strategien, p.366).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Persons of type 0 and B produce a higher quantity of these anti A anti bodies than the were given by the vaccine. Therefore they are better in fighting the kinds of cancers which are similar to the body cells of blood group A. These are the first encouraging treatment methods for cancer cases of group B or 0 because by the support of the defense forces against the A similar cancer-causing mutations special cancers can be fought better now: breast cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer and pancreas cancer.
Persons of blood group A do not produce anti A anti bodies of course. But the vaccine can stimulate the immune system and can help to detect the cancer like mutations which would be not detected normally." (4 Strategien, p.366)
(orig. German:
"Personen der Gruppen 0 und B produzierten eine höhere Menge dieser Anti-A-Antikörper, als man ihnen diesen Impfstoff verabreichte. Dadurch waren sie noch besser in der Lage, A-ähnliche Krebserkrankungen zu bekämpfen. Dabei handelt es sich um die erste vielversprechende Behandlungsmethode für Krebskranke der Gruppe B oder 0, da durch die Stärkung der Abwehrkräfte gegen A-ähnliche krebsartige Mutationen spezielle Krebserkrankungen wie Brust-, Magen-, Leber- und Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs besser bekämpft werden können.
Menschen mit Blutgruppe A produzieren natürlich keinen Anti-A-Antikörper. Der Impfstoff kann aber das Immunsystem in Schwung bringen und helfen, die krebsartigen Mutationen zu entdecken, die normalerweise unentdeckt bleiben." (4 Strategien, S.366)
[There are side effects of Pneumovax indicated on other web sites:
(from: http://www.continentale.de/de/gesundheitsmagazin/gesundheitsmagazin.htm?http://continentale.gesundheitsportal-privat.de/de/lexikon/medikamente/100010589.jsp)
- reactions at the injection point (redness, hardening, little bruises
- troubles like influenza, for example fever, headaches, weakness, shiverings, pain in the limbs
- sensitive troubles with stinging or numbness in some parts of the body (rare)
- troubles with muscles or joints (rare)]
Cancer compounds
-- vitamin compounds do not serve against cancer
-- vegetable compounds have only an effect against cancer in combination with vitamin C compounds (4 Strategien, p.367).
-- vitamin E is not suitable because of an estrogenizing effect (4 Strategien, p.367)
-- quercetin from yellow onions is a special strong antioxidant without estrogenizing effect and 100 times stronger than any vitamin anti oxidant (4 Strategien, p.367)
-- women with blood group a and AB during their climacteric period should take herbal estrogens with big quantities of estriol. According to Dr. D'Adamo the weaker form of estrogen hormone estriol is reducing also the breast cancer risk. The synthetic produced estrogen hormone estradiol is stronger, but all synthetically produced estrogen compounds are enhancing the breast cancer risk (4 Strategien, p.367)
-- the compound Tamoxifen is a medicament blocking estrogen and is itself a weaker form of estrogen, is prescribed to women who are sensitive to estrogen (4 Strategien, p.367)
-- the compound genestein is a herbal estrogen, is a connection containing estrogen produced with soya bean lectin, is inhibiting the building of vessels, is disturbing the production of new blood vessels which are necessary for the support of the growth of cancer tumors (4 Strategien, p.367).
Cancer according to blood groups, difference between secretors - non secretors
Table: cancer risk according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
has a light tendency of resistance, has a little risk to die with cancer
Secretors have a little bit a higher risk than non secretors.
Blood group A
-- higher cancer risk
-- the results were bad
-- cancer is growing fast
Secretors have a little bit a higher risk than non secretors.
Blood group B
-- slightly formed tendency of resistance
-- little risk to die when it's the first case within the family
-- but there is a big risk for suffering a recidivism.
Secretors have a little bit a higher risk than non secretors.
Blood group AB
-- higher risk
-- bad results
-- fast growing of the illness.
Secretors have a little bit a higher risk than non secretors.
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.143)
Brain tumors, tumors of nervous system, eye tumors (malicious glioma)
These kinds of cancer come above all with blood group A, less with blood group B, and hardly with type 0, and when, then will be a good chance of survival (richtig leben, p.154).
Table: Cancer in the brain and in the nervous system according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
relative little risk
Blood group A
highest risk for brain tumors and tumors within the nervous system
Blood group B
relative high risk for tumors in the brain and in the nervous system
Blood group AB
highest risk for tumors in the brain and in the nervous system
Secretor status
no connections known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.154)
Cancer in the mouth and at the esophagus: mostly with blood groups A and AB
These kinds of cancer are connected mostly with smoking, alcohol and with an alimentation against the blood group and emerge mostly with the blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.357).
More kinds of cancer are lip cancer, tongue cancer, palate cancer, cheek cancer and pancreas cancer, above all with blood group A, less with B, and hardly with 0 (richtig leben, p.153).
Non secretors of all blood groups suffer more intensive cancer illnesses of these kinds of cancer mentioned above (richtig leben, p.153-154).
-- epithelial dysplasia [?] emerges almost only with non secretors
-- larynx cancer and cancer in the lower throat emerge with all blood groups with the exception of blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.154).
Table: cancer in the throat according to blood group and secretor status
Blood group 0
relatively low risk
Blood group A
highest risk for mouth cancer and esophagus cancer
Blood group B
higher risk for mouth cancer and esophagus cancer
Blood group AB
like blood group A: highest risk for mouth and esophagus cancer
Secretor status
-- secretors have a higher risk for esophagus cancer
-- non secretors have a higher risk for all kinds of mouth cancer and esophagus cancer
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.153)
Thyroid cancer
is emerging above all with blood group A, hardly with blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.155).
Table: thyroid cancer according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
relatively little risk
Blood group A
highest risk
Blood group B
little risk
Blood group AB
highest risk
Secretor status no connections known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.155)
Breast cancer
Breast cancer with blood group B: When in a family with blood group B has occurred a case of cancer already, so "a protection does not seem to have any effect with blood group B." The danger for breast cancer then is so big as for blood group A, and recidivisms are also possible (richig leben, p.145).
Secretors - non secretors:
"Breast cancer has a weaker connection with the status of a non secretor." (richti leben, p.146)
(orig. German:
"Brustkrebs hat eine schwächere Verbindung mit dem Status eines Nicht-Sekretors." (richtig leben, S.146)
Lung cancer: any group has the same risk - or more with A
Lung cancer is above all favored by smoking. But also people without smoking get a lung cancer [then mostly by passive smoking] (4 Strategien, p.360). According to Dr. D'Adamo's book "4 Blood Types, 4 Diets" (German: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben") lung cancer is provoked by smoking by 85-90%, and add to this by asbestos and by other pollutants at the working place, can be also radioactivity or radon at the working station (richtig leben, p.148), and passive smoking has also to be considered (richtig leben, p.149).
Lung cancer is emerging with all blood groups in the same quantity (4 Strategien, p.360). But in the book "4 Blood Types, 4 Diets" (German: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben") Dr. D'Adamo indicates that blood group A would have more lung cancer than blood group 0. With persons under 50 years many persons of blood group A would be affected and only few of blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.149).
Table: lung cancer according to blood group and secretor status
Blood group 0
slightly diminished general risk (when other factors like smoking play a role)
Blood group A
slightly increased general risk (when other factors like smoking play a role)
Blood group B
slightly diminished general risk (when other factors like smoking play a role) Blood group AB
slightly diminished general risk (when other factors like smoking play a role)
Secretor status no connections known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.148)
Case of Cathy, 49 years old, blood group A: transplanted liver, lung cancer is healed, but there is coming a recidivism and death
"Normal medicine" detects liver cancer and is performing a liver transplantation (p.358). Then Cathy comes to Dr. D'Adamo. First the medicaments against a repulsion are changed to natural medicaments. After two years a lung cancer is detected. A chemotherapy is not possible because of the transplante liver. The measures are:
-- strict blood group nutrition for blood group A
-- vegetable immune enforcing agents, among others a compound with shark cartilage.
As a consequence lung cancer is going within one year. The following three years Cathy is without cancer, but is suffering a recidivism then and is suffering death despite of blood group A diet (4 Strategien, p.359).
Cancer in feminine reproductive organs: mostly with blood group A
Cancer whit the feminine regenerative organs can be found mostly with women of blood group A:
-- endometrium cancer: is mostly with blood group A, and survival with blood group A is rare, blood group 0 has best chance of survival, B the second best
-- ovarian cancer: is more often with blood groups A and AB, with only little chance of survival for blood group A, blood group 0 has best chance of survival, B the second best. All in all blood group B has only seldom any ovarian tumor (richtig leben, p.146)
-- cervix cancer: is mostly with blood group A, and A also has the worst chance for a survival. Blood group B has a lightly higher risk. Blood group 0 has better chance of survival (richtig leben, p.147).
Table: cancer in feminine reproductive organs (gynecological tumors) according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
has better chance of survival with all kinds of cancer with regenerative organs
Blood group A
-- higher risk
-- worse results for all kinds of cancer of the regenerative organs
Blood group B
-- lowest probability of a malicious ovarian tumor
-- better chance of survival with cancer of endometrium
-- slightly increased risk for cervix cancer.
Blood group AB
-- higher risk
-- worse treatment results with all kinds of cancer of the regenerative organs, especially with ovarian cancer.
Secretor status for all blood groups counts: "Enforced building of Lewis antigens"
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.146)
Stomach cancer: mostly with A and AB
Blood group A has a higher risk for stomach cancer, and only little chance of survival (richtig leben, p.149). Low level of stomach acid is the precondition for stomach cancer, and therefore the stomachs with a low level of stomach acids are affected, the stomachs of blood group A and AB (4 Strategien, p.3589. Stomach cancer cells produce an antigen that is immunologically familiar with the A antigen (richtig leben, p.149) and therefore cannot be detected as a hostile element. But immune system of blood group 0 and AB detects it well (richtig leben, p.150).
Blood groups A and AB are mostly affected by stomach cancer, but blood group B with higher level of stomach acid lis less affected. Food with cancer provoking nitrates should be omitted, therefore these are
-- smoked food
-- pickled food
-- fermented food (4 Strategien, p.358).
In China, Japan and Corea such food is eaten much. By this damaging consumption the positive effect of soya food is partly eliminated (4 Strategien, p.358).
The defense system of blood group 0 is building up a defense wall and is limiting the growth and the spreading of stomach cancer, with a good chance of survival (richtig leben, p.149).
Table: stomach cancer according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
very low risk
Blood group A
higher risk, low chance of survival
Blood group B
low risk all in all
Blood group AB
higher risk, low chance of survival
Secretor status little lower risk for non secretors
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.149)
Abdominal organ: pancreas cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer and bile duct cancer: mostly with A and AB
Blood groups A and AB are mostly affected by these kinds of cancer, B less, above all when there are eaten many nuts and seeds ("rough food"), and blood group 0 with it's strong digestive tract is the less affected blood group with these kinds of cancer (4 Strategien, p.358).
Liver of sheep, of horse and of buffalo contains lectins "slowing down the growth and the spreading of cancer of pancreas, of liver, of gall bladder and of bile duct."
(orig. German:
Die Leber von Schaf, Pferd und Büffel enthält Lektine, "die das Wachstum und die Ausbreitung des Bauchspeicheldrüsen-, Leber-, Gallenblasen- und Gallengangkrebses verlangsamten." (4 Strategien, S.358)
Pancreas cancer: Blood groups A and B are very affected percentally, blood group 0 only less (richtig leben, p.150). Cancer cells are similar to B so the risk is also high with blood group B (richtig leben, p.151).
Liver cancer: Blood group A is especially in danger (richtig leben, p.151).
Gallbladder cancer and bile duct cancer: blood groups A and AB are percentually mostly affected (richtig leben, p.151).
Colon cancer
Factors are blood group, risk factors and genetic predisposition. When there is a Colitis ulcerosa [colon inflammation], when there is Morbus Crohn [inflammatory intestine infection] or when there is an irritable bowel [inflammatory diarrhea] the organism is suffering exhaustion and therefore is vulnerable for cancer. When alimentation is not changed then but fat food is going on, when smoking is going on and when much alcohol consumption is going on, then the environment is well preparing outbreaks of cancer. Genetic predisposition is only the last factor of this chain of factors then (4 Strategien, p.357).
According to Dr. D'Adamo's book "4 Blood Types, 4 Diets" (German: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben") colon cancer is not very specific concerning blood groups (richtig leben, p.152). Colon cancer can spread in families. Colon cancer begins with intestine polyps, then inflammatory intestine illnesses are following. Reasons for this development are lack of movement, charge by chemicals, and much fat in the food in combination with a lack of fibers (richtig leben, p.151).
Colon cancer is specific to rhesus factor and is more emerging with persons of rhesus positive than negative, developing metastasis etc. Persons of rhesus negative have "a great possibility that the illness is only local." (richtig leben, p.152)
Some searchers indicate that there is food with a negative therapeutic effect fighting colon cancer:
-- amaranth grain
-- and also the lectin of broad bean [vicia faba] is inhibiting intestine cancer: cancer cells are reconverted into normal cells. D'Adamo says:
"Vicia faba agglutinin, this is a natural lectin existing in broad bean [vicia faba], and this is another possibility to slow down the growing of colon cancer, so were the discussions. Basically it seems to be like this that vicia faba agglutinin can stimulate a non differentiated line of intestine cancer cells for building new structures similar to glands. In other words: This lectin can reconvert malicious intestine cancer cells into healthy useful cells." (richtig leben, p.152-153)
(orig. German:
"Vicia faba agglutinin, ein natürliches Lektin, das in der Puff- oder Saubohne sowie der Dicken Bohne vorkommt, ist ebenfalls als eine Möglichkeit, das Dickdarmkrebswachstum zu verlangsamen, in die Diskussion gebracht worden. Im wesentlichen sieht es so aus, als ob Vicia faba Agglutinin eine undifferenzierte Darmkrebszellinie dazu anregen kann, sich zu drüsenähnlichen Strukturen auszubilden. Anders gesagt: Dieses Lektin kann aus bösartigen Darmkrebszellen wieder gesunde, nützliche Zellen (richtig leben, S.152) machen." (richtig leben, S.153)
-- also mushrooms inhibit the distribution of lines of intestine cancer cells (richtig leben, p.153).
Table: colon cancer according to blood groups and rhesus factors
Blood group 0
no connection known
Blood group A
no connection known Blood group B
no connection known Blood group AB
no connection known
rhesus factor Persons with a factor of rhesus negative have locally limited illnesses,
persons with rhesus positive have the tendency for forming metastasis.
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.151)
Cancer in the urinary tract: urinary bladder cancer / vesicle cancer: often with A and AB - or blood group 0
Vesicle cancer is emerging with men and women in the same quota, with A and B often. It can be assumed that AB has the highest risk. B should live extremely cautious when there are repeating infections of urinary bladder and kidney infections. With urinary bladder wheat lectins have paradoxically no healing effect and no stimulating effect to the immune system, but have an effect supporting cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).
Another study indicates for blood group 0 an aggressive form of vesicle cancer, and women of blood group 0 were more often victim of "tumors of higher grades", and the rate of survival was the lowest, and 0 also had more recidivisms. Then blood group B followed, and A and AB were suffering the less aggressive forms of vesicle cancer ("low grade") and hardly any recidivism was with A and AB (richtig leben, p.147).
[Science seems in a current concerning vesicle cancer].
Prostate cancer: more with A and AB
According to Dr. D'Adamo's experience with his office and clinic prostate cancer is more with the blood groups A and AB than with 0 and B, and secretors suffer more than non secretors (4 Strategien, p.360-361). Secretors of blood group A and AB have the highest risk (4 Strategien, p.361).
Skin cancer: mostly with blood group 0
Blood group 0 is mostly affected by skin cancer, eventually because in Northern Europe blood group is dominating and persons with white skins of blood group 0 are especially sensible for UV lights (4 Strategien, p.361).
"Skin cancers are unique because there is a high number of persons with blood group 0 suffering it. Perhaps the bright skin of North Europeans is the cause - where blood group 0 is dominating - reacting more and more to the increasing ultra violet radiation which is increasing by the environmental pollution."
(orig. German:
"Hautkrebse sind insofern einzigartig, weil es eine grössere Zahl von Personen der Gruppe 0 gibt, die daran erkranken. Vielleicht reagiert die hellere Haut der Nordeuropäer, die überwiegend zur Gruppe 0 gehören, auf die zunehmende, durch die Verschmutzung der Umwelt verursachte Zunahme der ultravioletten Strahlung." (richtig leben, S.361)
Skin cancer is emerging above all with blood group 0 with highest rates for malicious melanomas, and time of survival after a diagnose is very short. Blood group A has the longest time of survival, above all women of blood group A (richtig leben, p.156).
But Dr. D'Adamo says also the contrary: Malicious melanomas would be more often with blood group A and AB, but also often with 0 and B (4 Strategien, p.361).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Malicious melanoma is the deadly form of skin cancer. For types of A and AB there is an especially high risk of illness. But persons of group 0 and B are not immune against it." (richtig leben, p.361)
(orig. German:
"Das maligne Melanom ist die tödlichste Form des Hautkrebses. Für A- und AB-Typen besteht ein besonders hohes Krankheitsrisiko. Allerdings sind Personen der Gruppen 0 und B nicht immun dagegen." (richtig leben, S.361)
Table: skin cancer (melanomas) according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
highest risk for skin cancer and malicious melanomas, low rate of survival
Blood group A
best rate of survival, especially women
Blood group B
no connection known
Blood group AB
no connection known
Secretor status no connection known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.156)
Bone cancer: mostly with blood group B, only few with 0
Bone cancer is emerging mostly with blood group B, then with A and AB, and not with 0 (4 Strategien, p.361).
Table: bone cancer according to blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
relative low risk
Blood group A
low risk
Blood group B
highest risk
Blood group AB
no connection known
Secretor status no connection known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.156)
Blood cancer / leukemia: malicious lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin disease: mostly with 0 - or with A
Malicious lymphoma seems to be a virus illness which is mostly with blood group 0.
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"First it can be a kind of cancer for which eventually persons of blood group 0 are vulnerable. The cancer disease of the blood and lymphatic system are attacking mostly persons of group 0, but it can be that the question is not at all a really cancer disease, but it can be that it's a virus infection which has gotten out of control. This would make sense considering what we know about type 0; 0 can defend most cancer diseases well, but the antigen of group 0 is not shaped for a fight against a virus." (4 Strategien, p.360)
(orig. German:
"Ersteres ist eine Krebsart, für die eventuell Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 anfällig sind. Die Krebserkrankungen des Blutes und des Lymphsystems befallen zwar bevorzugt Personen der Gruppe 0, doch handelt es sich dabei möglicherweise gar nicht um richtiggehende Krebserkrankungen, sondern um ausser Kontrolle geratene Virusinfektionen. Das ergäbe durchaus Sinn im Licht dessen, was wir über den 0-Typ wissen; er kann die meisten Krebserkrankungen eigentlich recht gut bekämpfen, aber das Antigen der Gruppe 0 ist nicht zur Bekämpfung von Viren geschaffen." (4 Strategien, S.360)
[Further indications about leukemia and Hodgkin disease are missing].
In the book "4 Blood Types, 4 Diets" (German: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben" there are other indications. According to this book blood group A gets mostly blood cancer, above all A2, and blood group 0 less, above all women with blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.157).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"Persons of type A have a stronger predisposition for leukemia than other blood groups. This trend is especially strong with blood type A2. Members of blood group 0 seem to have a certain defense, especially with an acute leukemia. This protection is especially striking with women of blood group 0. Therefore some searchers presume that it would be a gendered gen near the AB0-gen location on chromosome 9 which is protecting women of type 0 against leukemia. But considering the facts with Hodgkin disease there is more a connection with type 0.
An leukemia normally provokes the loss of the blood group antigen. After a complete recovery after the illness often happens that normal conditions are installing and antigens are again in the cells." (richtig leben, p.157)
(orig. German:
"A-Typen haben eine stärkere Leukämie-Veranlagung als die anderen Blutgruppen. Dieser Trend ist bei der Blutgruppe A2 besonders stark ausgeprägt. Die Zugehörigkeit zur Blutgruppe 0 scheint eine gewisse Widerstandsfähigkeit zu verleihen, besonders bei akuter Leukämie. Dieser Schutz ist bei Frauen des Typs 0 besonders auffällig. Deshalb haben einige Forscher vermutet, dass es ein geschlechtsspezifisches Gen in der Nähe des AB0-Genorts auf dem Chromosom 9 geben könnte, das Frauen des Typs 0 gegen akute Leukämie schützt. Dennoch zeigt sich bei der Hodgkin Krankheit eine Verbindung zum Typ 0.
Eine Leukämieerkrankung zieht normalerweise den Verlust von Blutgruppen-Antigenen nach sich. Nach einem völligen Abklingen der Krankheit kommt es häufig vor, dass der Normalzustand wieder eintritt und Antigene in den Zellen erscheinen." (richtig leben, S.157)
Table: blood cancer diseases with blood groups and secretor status
Blood group 0
-- low risk of leukemia, especially women of type 0
-- higher risk for Hodgkin disease
Blood group A
higher leukemia risk, especially for type A2
Blood group B
no connections known
Blood group AB
no connections known
Secretor status no connections known
(from: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben; Piper edition 2002, 7th edition 2005, p.156)
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Photo sources
-- mouth cancer: http://rohkost.info/2007/09/17/
-- breast with breast cancer with visible tumor: http://brustkrebs.prof-obwegeser.at/diagnose.htm
-- liver cancer: http://www.tqnyc.org/2006/NYC063193//smoking.html