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from: Peter D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper-Verlag 2005, S.801-832 (orig. 4 blood groups. Lexikon)
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: A, B
chief virtue
type 0
type. A
type. B
type. AB
Adlai, adlay
(Coix lacrymajobi)
antioxidant [prevention of cancer]
B: supporting the defense
Algas / seaweed
are promoting metabolism, are a good source of minerals (iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, etc.), iodine regulating thyroid hormones.
0: regulating hormones with women, supporting metabolism
A: regulating intestine
Treatment of small wounds and burns [leaving no scar, scar-free]; laxative
[The gel of Aloe is very effective in skin care and also has got an effect against dandruff]
is an antidepressant; is enhancing the balance of neurotransmitters; is for the treatment of anxiety and depressions; treatment of herpes simplex / cold sores and AIDS-related illnesses; treatment of recurrent ear infections
A: reducing stress
[alpha- amino acid]
supports the immune system; is a compound of synthesis of nitric oxide; promoting wound healing
A: supporting the defense, regulating masculine hormones, supporting postoperative convalescence
AB: antiviral treatment; convalescence - chronic diseases
Artichokes, extract of the leaves
promoting digestion, strengthening liver function, improving the detoxification
0: supporting cardiovascular functions, supporting liver
A: supporting the heart and the blood circulation, supporting liver
Ascorbic acid: see vitamin C
(Withania somnifera)
is an adaptogenic plant supporting a healthy stress response
A: supporting convalescence with chronic diseases; mitigation of exhaustion
regulator of the immune system; increasing the activity of the natural killer cells (NK cells); supporting the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; supporting measures of chemotherapy; supporting the immune system; effect against colds, sore throat, and infections.
0: antibacterial treatment, antiviral treatment, prevention against cancer.
A: supporting the defense, supporting chemotherapy
B: prevention against cancer
AB: supporting the defense, antibacterial treatment; supporting chemotherapy, postoperative convalescence, reducing stress
protecting the liver, enforcing the secretion of bile and gastric juice.
B: postoperative convalescence
(homeopathic recepy with wild indigo; globuli)
has got an effect as a circulatory stimulant, antiseptic, laxative, tonic for general force, has got also antibiotic properties
A: antibacterial treatment
B: antibacterial support
(Ocimum basilicum)
is stimulating the complete organism, has got a relaxing effect with the smooth muscle tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, has preventing properties against cancer
AB: cancer prevention Bearberry
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
supporting the function of the urinary bladder
B: regulating urinary organs
Beetroot extract
(leave, root)
is acting as a laxative, is strengthening the functions of the liver
B: supporting the functions of the liver AB: supporting the functions of the liver Beta-carotin: see vitamin A
(Betaine hydro- chloride)
is increasing the acidity of the stomach; is promoting the splitting of the proteins for further digestion in the small intestine
A: for fighting fungus, for treatment of arthritis, for more blood building
AB: for fighting fungus Biotine [vitamin B7 resp. vitamin H]
in high doses has got an effect against fungus
0: regenerating skin
Black bugbane
(Cimicifuga racemosa)
is relaxing smooth muscle tissue affected by cramps; treatment of hot flashes and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
A: regulating the hormones with women; regulating effect during menopause
AB: regulating effect during menopause Bladder wrack / kelp
is promoting metabolism and loss of weight; iodine in the bladder wrack is supporting the production of thyroid hormones
0: supports health during an antibiotic therapy, fighting fungus; detoxication, regulating stomach
Blazing Star
(Chamaelirium luteum)
is supporting health of reproduction organs of man and woman
A: regulating hormones of men
inhibits the aggregation of trombocytes; heightens the protection of membranes of the gastric cells; is lowering the blood sugar level; is preventing damage by free radicals
AB: reducing inflammations Boerhaavia diffusa (spiderlings, hogweeds)
is reducing stress and protecting liver
A: mental fitness, stress reduction
promotes the health of the bones, supports metabolism of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and vitamin D
Non secretors in general can support with boron a treatment of arthritis and can reduce troubles of menopause
(Bacopa monniera)
is a prevention against cancer (antioxidant), is protecting the brain and the nervous system, is reducing blackouts of the nervous system when there are injuries and strokes
A: mental fitness, reduction of stress
AB: mental fitness, reduction of stress Bupleurum
has got an adaptogene effect, reducing inflammations and calming down the nerves
B: good effect supporting health during a chemotherapy AB: supporting functions of liver Burdock root [arctium]
is a modulator of the immune system and blood cleaner
A: regulating intestine; regeneration of the skin; prevention against cancer
AB: detoxication
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: C, D
chief virtue
type 0
type A
type B
type AB
Calcium citrate
is important for building up teeth and bones, important for blood clotting, muscle contractions and transmission of signals in nerve cells; is also regulating effects of menopause and is reducing stress
is a nerve tonic; has got a calming effect; is a domestic remedy against colic
A: regulating the hormones with women; good effect during menopause; supporting postoperative convalescence
AB: supporting postoperative convalescence Caprylic acid
acts fighting fungus, antiseptic, in small quantities it is produced in the body itself; can be found in the sweat and in the sebum, also in coconut oil, palm oil, butter and in other herbal and animal sources; is produced synthetically from caprylic alcohol (octanol) which can be found in coconut oil 0: fighting fungus A: fighting fungus
non secretors in general: caprylic acid can support health during an antibiotic therapy; is regulating intestine
Cat's claw
(Uncaria tomentosa)
is a modulator for the immune system; is used for the treatment of inflammations, rheumatism, gastric ulcers, tumors, and dysentery
B: reducing inflammations
Cayenne pepper
is stimulating digestion, can be used for the treatment of blood circulation diseases and for the reduction of rheumatic pain and arthritis
0: reducing inflammations
Celery seeds extract
contains a substance with anti-inflammatory effects on the tissue; treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, treatment of infections of the urinary ways
AB: regulating the hormones with women Chaste tree
(Vitex agnus castus)
is a tonic for women, is regulating the menstrual cycle respectively is regulating the period of women by an effect on the pituitary gland; is for the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease (cysts in the female mammary gland); is used for the treatment of infertility, of menstrual disorders, of PMS, and of menopause syndromes 0: good effect during menopause
B: regulating the hormones of women
(Stellaria media)
is stimulating the production of bile; indications are: asthma, indigestion, skin problems, skin problems; is soothing and protecting damaged mucosa
AB: regulating urinary organs China bark
has it's effect against asthma, bronchitis, colic, cough, eczema, gout, scabies, tinea (skin fungus with a ring worm structure), is having effect against skin problems, stomach ache, and is regulating hormonal functional disorders
B: regulating hormones of men
Chinese Angelica [root] (Dong quai)
has it's effect against heart diseases and blood circulation diseases, against hypertension, circulatory disorders of peripheral vessels, is working as a tonic for women with menstrual disorders, is reducing menstrual pain, uterine bleeding, and hot flashes during menopause
A: regulating hormones of women
B: good effect during menopause
is an immune modulator
[Add to this, chlorella is an agent for detoxication removing heavy metals e.g. from amalgam, see the note about detoxication]
B: antiviral treatment
AB: antiviral treatment Chondroitin sulfate
is an important component within the construction of the cartilage tissue; is probably supporting the regeneration of the articular cartilage; is binding water and other nutrients, and allows other molecules to move through the cartilage
A: treatment of artritis
AB: treatment of artritis Cloves
are an anti-inflammatory and antiulcer substance [eugenol]; strengthens the resistance to Candida albicans [fungus infection in the throat]. 0: fighting fungus
Codonopsis (Codonopsis clematidea)
has an effect healing diabetes, chronic cough, uterusprolaps, uterine prolapse, loss of appetite, fatigue, asthenia, diarrhea, vomiting with non secretors there is a general effect supporting the defense Coenzyme Q10
is increasing the intracellular energy; is protecting from angina pectoris and congestive heart failure; is an effective antioxidant [preventing cancer] protecting the body from free radicals, prevention of cancer Non secretors: mitigation of exhaustion; support of heart and blood circulation; support of lung Colostrum (beestings)
is a modulator of the immune system; is a very effective agent in the mammary glands defending damaging agents and supporting the growth during the first 24 to 72 hours after the birth; contains in general immunoglobulins such as IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD, and IgM.
AB: regulating intestine Common horsetail
(Equisetum arvense)
has an effect against fragile finger nails and toe nails, against arthrosis of the joints, against rheumatoid arthritis, against osteoporosis; has an effect as a diuretic with edemas.0: with regulation of urinary organs, good effect during menopause and good for postoperative convalescence.
AB: good for postoperative convalescence. Coneflower
is an immune modulator; is increasing the production and activity of the white blood cells; can be applied for a symptomatic treatment of colds and sore throats, flu and other infections.
A: good effect during an antibiotic treatment
Copper citrate
here shown in the compound "Basica Instant"
Copper citrate is maintaining healthy blood cells; is necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron; is also a part of the antioxidant enzyme of superoxide dismutase (SOD)
0: formation of blood; supporting postoperative convalescence
Cordyceps sinensis
[Yartsa gunbu]
[Ophiocordyceps sinensis]contains antibiotic agents and has got it's effect against cough, night sweats, and bacterial infections; supports recovery after long illnesses
B: supporting the defense, reducing stress
AB: reducing stress
has got an antispasmodic effect, sedative effect, stimulating appetite, also for the exterior treatment of infections and joint pains; regulating the hormones with women
B: fighting fungus
Cornsilk extract
is a tonic for the urinary organs
A: regulating urinary organs
Cranberry extract
has an effect against cystitis (bladder inflammation, cystitis), a bacterial infection (with the agent "Escherichia coli") like a fungal urinary tract infection
A: regulating urinary organs B: regulating urinary organs AB: regulating urinary organs Cranesbill / storksbill
is used as an astringent for the treatment of gastro-intestinal bleedings 0: regulating stomach
Curcuma, root of Indian safron
can heal many illnesses, among others amblyopia, rheumatic pain, cough, is reducing inflammations by reducing the histamines and possibly by the stimulation of the production of natural cortisone by the adrenal glands; is protecting the liver from various toxins; is protecting the body from free radicals, is supporting the production of breast milk, is supporting heart and blood circulation; prevents clumping of platelets, thus is improving blood circulation and is also protecting from arteriosclerosis
A: prevention of cancer B: reducing inflammations; supporting heart and blood circulation; supporting the functions of the liver AB: reducing inflammations; prevention of cancer; supporting the functions of the liver Curled dock
(Rumex crispus)
is supporting blood formation; is applied against skin diseases which are due to metabolic toxins as a result of inadequate digestion and poor liver function
AB: formation of blood Currant seed oil
is a source for omega-6 fatty acids; has got an anti-inflammatory effect; is for a treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and infections; is strengthening the kidneys and is supporting the forming of healthy blood
A: regulating the hormones with women; regulating intestine
The leaves of dandelion have a diuretic effect; laxative effect, regulating digestion; treatment of heartburn and edema (reducing water accumulations in the body); helps during pregnancy and after birth;
the roots of dandelion are used for alcohol withdrawal, indigestion, constipation, heartburn and liver diseases; also during pregnancy and after birth
0: supports metabolism
A: detoxication
AB: regulating intestine non secretors in general: supporting heart and blood circulation; supporting the functions of the liver Deflect (R)
Molecules are "sacrificing" themselves by preferring connecting themselves to the food lectins in the gastrointestinal tract [making them harmless] before they [the lectins] can enter the blood circulation; supports regulation of the intestine, is promoting metabolism
Non secretors: arthritis, detoxication, reducing inflammations, regulation of stomach, regulation of urinary organs
[Dehydroepiandro- sterone]
is balancing in general stress and aging reducing the hormonal effects of stress and aging
A: reduction of stress
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: G, H
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
(Gamma amino butyric acid)
mild sedative
B: reducing stress
(standardized Chinese extract)
has got an antibiotic effect; treatment of high blood pressure; lowering down high triglyceride levels 0: good effect for health during chemotherapy; detoxication; fighting fungus
AB: supporting heart and blood circulation Garlic
(standardized extract)
has got an antibiotic and blood thinning effect
AB: regulating intestine Genistein
(Soya extract)
is a phytoestrogen. The isoflavones of soya beans, above all genistein and daidzein, act as armoatase inhibitors; saponins strengthen the immune system, bind cholesterol, thus blocking its absorption in the intestine. Phytosterols and other components of soya beans are reducing cholesterol levels, it's proved.
A: prevention of cancer
AB: prevention of cancer Gentian
is a stomach tonic; supports appetite, improves digestion
A: regulating stomach
Ginger root extract
is a stomach tonic; is good for the treatment of anorexia, also working against flatulence, stomach cramps, intestinal cramps, acute colds; also against menstrual pain; for stomach regulation 0: reducing inflammations A: supporting heart and circulation B: supporting the lung; supports metabolism AB: supports the lung Ginkgo [wrong: Gingko]
[has got a blood thinning effect], improves cerebral blood flow; has got an effect against Alzheimer's disease, arteriosclerosis, cerebrovascular insufficiency, congestive heart failure, depression, diabetes, impotence / infertility
[0: not apply with type 0 because type 0 has thin blood already]
A: supporting heart and blood circulation
B: mental fitness
Ginseng, Chinese
is an adaptogene; is improving the healthy stress response, heart disease, stress, diabetes, indigestion, weakness after a long illness or injury or after a surgery, is balancing age-related troubles
A: good for an antiviral treatment
AB: reducing exhaustion
Ginseng, Siberian
is an adaptogene; is improving a healthy stress response, is increasing endurance and defense; is regulating the function of the adrenal gland; is increasing the mental vitality and is inhibiting harmful toxins
B: good for an antibacterial and antiviral treatment; also for convalescence of chronic diseases; against exhaustion, for mental fitness
AB: antiviral treatment, for mental fitness
(Isatis tinctoria)
is an immune modulator [and is also a coloring plant] 0: supporting defense
Glucosamine sulfate
strengthens the connective tissue; has got an effect for the treatment of kidney stones and arthrosis in the joints; is supporting wound healing
0: reducing inflammations
Glutamine (here in capsules)
is an [alpha] amino acid of which neurotransmitter of the type of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are formed; is improving the conductivity of the nerves; is calming down the stomach; is a nutrition for the cells of the intestine walls; is supporting alcohol withdrawal; has got an effect against AIDS diseases; also against gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory intestine diseases.
0: antiviral treatment, regulating intestine
AB: supporting nerves
is strengthening the defense; has got an antibacterial effect; is for the treatment of infections and inflammations of the mucous membranes; against diseases of the upper respiratory ways; against influenza; gastro infectious diarrhea; Giardia infection; peptic ulcer [low-lying skin ulcer] and uterine bleeding
is accelerating wound healings, helps with chronic venous valvular insufficiency, is healing little burns, scars, skin ulcers, and varicose veins. 0: regulating hormones with women, promoting metabolism A: postoperative convalescence, promoting metabolism
AB: postoperative convalescence Green tea
is an antioxidant and preventing cancer, is reducing cancer risk, is a prevention against gingivitis (gum inflammation); is lowering high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, is also lowering high blood pressure; is supporting the immune system and is preventing cardiovascular diseases; is supporting health during a chemotherapy; is supporting metabolism.
Guggul resin
(Guggulu, Arabian myrrh, lat. Commiphora mukul)
has got best effect lowering down LDL cholesterin and triglyceride levels; is increasing levels of good cholesterol (HDL); is inhibiting and mitigating artheriosclerotic vascular diseases (heart diseases)
0: supporting heart and blood circulation; supporting metabolism
is improving the functions of the heart; indications are: angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure; is improving blood flow in the coronary arteries, and is improving the contraction of the heart muscle
A: allergies; supporting heart and blood circulation
AB: supporting heart and blood circulation He shou wu
[root of Polygonum multiflorum]
is supporting motivation and mood; is a tonic for kidneys and liver; is a blood purifier; brings new sleep in cases of insomnia; is balancing the stomach in cases of indigestion; is reducing diabetes; the glycosides of He shou wu are regulating the stomach and constipation; the substances in the root have an anti-inflammatory effect and a positive effect on the heart and the blood circulation
A: antiviral treatment
non secretors in general: supporting heart and blood circulation
Holy thistle
is protecting the liver and has also got an antioxidant effect 0: supporting liver functions
AB: supporting liver functions Hop / hops
is a nerve tonic; calms the stomach and is promoting a healthy digestion
AB: reducing stress
[Marrubium vulgare]
is an expectorant, antiseptic; it's a bitter tonic; it's enlarging the vessels; in little doses it's regulating irregular heartbeat as well.
AB: supporting lung Horse balm
(Collinsonia [canadensis])
promotes the healthy function of the sinuses; stimulates and strengthens the mucus membranes of the digestive tract; supports the building up and the function of the veins
A: healing of paranasal sinuses
AB: healing of paranasal sinuses Horse chestnut
for the treatment of varicose veins, muscle bruises, chronic venous valvular insufficiency, edema, hemorrhoids, minor injuries 0: postoperative convalescence A: postoperative convalescence
for healing of sinuses diseases, of bronchitis, of chronic obstructive [obstructing] sinusitis; of lung diseases; of common cold and sore throat; regulating digestion; for the treatment of heartburn
A: supporting lung
Huang lian (Chinese goldthread, lat. Coptis chinensis)
is demonstrably hindering that bad bacteria can install themselves in the body
AB: good effect during an antibiotic treatment
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: I, J
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
(Indian incense plant, lat. Boswellia serrata)
can be used for the treatment of arthritis and inflammations
can be taken for example in form of tablets [10]
0: artritis A: reducing inflammations
AB: allergies, reducing inflammations Indole 3 Carbinole [Indole 3 Carbinole]
The ingredients Indole 3 Carbinole of cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli are supporting the transformation of harmful estrogen into benign forms of estrogen. Are demonstrably inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells.
A: supporting health during a chemotherapy, prevention of cancer
AB: supporting health during a chemotherapy, prevention of cancer
Inositole [inosite, muscle sugar]
is a part of the cell membrane which is important to restore the fluidity and function of the cell in general
B: supporting mental fitness, supporting nerves, reducing stress
Ipomoea violacea
is supporting defense; treatment of infections, of disorder of the stomach and of the intestine, treatment of kidney diseases and of liver diseases 0: regulating hormones of men
Iron citrate
is important for the building of healthy blood
B: forming blood AB: forming blood Jiaogulan
(lat. Gynostemma pentaphyllum)
has an effect against inflammations
B: reducing inflammations
AB: reducing inflammations
Joshua tree
(Yucca brevifolia,
saponine concentrate)
has got an anti-inflammatory effect
0: reducing inflammations
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: K, L
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
(Piper methysticum)
has got it's effect by lactones in the kava root, has got a relaxing effect provoking sleep, brings satisfaction and comfort, is enhancing sensory perception, mental alertness and memory performance; is a pain killer; the effect is calming, painkilling, relaxing and anticonvulsant
A: reducing inflammations
is improving energy processes in the cells; is helpful for some types of muscular dystrophy
0: supporting heart and blood circulation; supporting convalescence of chronic diseases
is one of the most effective antioxidants in the body; is supporting the functions of the liver
B: detoxication
non secretors in general: supports health during an antibiotic therapy
has got an effect against osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, depression; is supporting alcohol withdrawal; L-phenylalanine can be converted into L-tyrosine (one more amino acid) and then into L-opa (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), noradrenaline and adrenaline
0: arthritis
is supporting the balance of neurotransmitters
non secretors in general: reducing inflammations, reducing stress
Larch arabinogalactan ("ARA-6")
is a modulator of the immune system, and is an adaptogene; also serves as a source of fibers, and is used for the treatment of digestive diseases
for all blood groups: supports the defense, good for antibacterial and antiviral treatments; supporting health during antibiotic and chemotherapy treatments, fighting fungus; prevention of cancer;supporting the lung Lime tree flower tea
is inhibiting inflammations; tonic for the nerves
A: antiviral treatment
B: antiviral treatment
AB: antiviral treatment
Lipoic acid
This vitamin-like substance contains sulfur which is an essential nutrient for energy metabolism; is also working against damages caused by water and fat soluble free radicals; is promoting the reduction of catecholamines; is improving the reaction to insulin in cases of diabetes
A: supporting liver functions
B: supporting health during an antibiotic treatment; supporting heart and blood circulation
AB: supporting liver functions
Liquorice root
(DGL, de-glycyrrhizined)
has got an effect against mouth ulcers (stomatitis), against stomach ulcers, helps against indigestion and heartburn 0: regulating stomach
B: reduction of exhaustion; supporting the functions of the liver AB: reduction of exhaustion; regulating stomach Liver extract [e.g. from swine's liver [11]]
Liver extract can be found for example in the compound of "Aktivanad"; treating anemia 0: formation of blood
is an essential amino acid which is needed for the regulation of the growth in general and for a balance of nitrogen in the body; seems to help the body to absorb calcium and storing it [with all good side effects associated with a good calcium supply]
B: reducing stress
AB: reducing stress
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: M, N
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
Ma huang
is reducing swellings; has got an effect against asthma, cough, chronic obstructive respiratory diseases [obstructing]; is working against blood stasis, is regulating the weight and obesity
B: allergies
Magnesium (here in tablet form)
is supporting the nerves; is regulating digestion; is required for the formation of the bones, of proteins, of fatty acids which are essential for the forming of new cells and for the activation of the B vitamins; has a muscle relaxing effect and an effect against blood clotting
0: regulating the hormones with women A: regulating the hormones with women B: regulating the hormones with women; treatment of allergies, supporting convalescence of chronic diseases; regulating intestine; reducing exhaustions; good effect during menopause
AB: regulating the hormones with women Magnolia: Red magnolia / Japanese magnolia
(Magnolia liliiflora)
is a remedy against sinuses diseases and allergies
B: healing of paranasal sinuses AB: allergies Maitake mushroom extract
is a modulator for the immune system; is working against diabetes; treatment of high cholesterol levels, of high triglyceride levels, of high blood pressure, of AIDS related diseases and infections; is also helpful supporting health during chemotherapy
0: prevention against cancer
A: prevention against cancer
B: supporting the defense; supporting health during chemotherapy
is important for the formation of skin, bones and cartilage as well as for glucose tolerance; is helpful treating hypoglycemia (reducing blood sugar), and is helpful against osteoporosis
0: good effect during menopause
for the treatment of inflammations, eczema and various skin diseases for all blood groups: supporting skin regeneration Marshmellow extract
(Hibiscus syriacus)
has a strong effect reducing pains, very soothing, soothing mucous membranes, especially in the gastrointestinal tract
B: regulating the stomach
Marshmellow tea
has got an adaptogene effect on the female reproduction system, is regulating the hormones of women
Melatonine [hormone]
supports sleep; supports falling asleep, supports to sleep through the night, supports sleep quality; eventually also helps regulating the EGF receptors
B: reducing exhaustion
(active vitamin B12): see vitamin B12
Methylsulfonyl- methane (MSM)
is supporting the functions of the lungs and of the joints
0: healing of paranasal sinuses A: supporting lung B: allergies, reducing inflammations AB: supporting lung Moducare (R)
(herbal sterols, steroid alcohols, and sterolins)
has got an adaptogene effect on the immune system; herbal sterols are supporting the balance between the T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 cells, and this balance is important for a healthy immune system activity; sterols are preventing hyperactivity of the immune system [preventing allergies]
0: supporting defense
A: supporting defense B: supporting defense AB: supporting defense Motherwort
(Leonurus cardiaca)
is a tonic strengthening the body in general, and is a laxative; has also got an effect against menstrual disorder and is regulating symptoms of menopause
B: regulating hormones with women; good effect during menopause AB: regulating hormones of women Mullein
is working against asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive respiratory disease [vessel clogging], against colds, sore throat, cough, and recurrent ear infections
AB: supporting lung N-acetyl-cysteine
has a mucus-dissolving effect
AB:supporting metabolism
is binding lectins, is dissolving mucus, is protecting the liver; is binding certain lectins which are supporting insulin resistance; is an agent against obesity
0: effect against artritis, regulating intestine
A: effect against artritis B: supporting lung; effect against artritis
non secretors in general: supporting heart and blood circulation
Nettle: painted nettle
is increasing the intracellular energy production, is reducing in some cases also blood pressure by the relaxation of the smooth, involuntary muscles of the arterioles; has got a positive effect on the heart muscle, is inhibiting platelet aggregation. 0: reducing the effects of exhaustion; enforcing heart and circulation
Nettle: stinging nettle (the leaves)
has got an inflammation reducing effect, is also working against hay fever, sinusitis, and is regulating prostate (against prostate enlargement) 0: regulating hormones of men, fighting fungus A: regulating hormones of men, fighting fungus
(vitamin B3)
here in form of tablets
Niacine is releasing energy from carbohydrates; is converting carbohydrates into fat; is processing alcohol; is regulating cholesterol
0: regenerating skin
A: regenerating skin
B: regenerating skin; good effect against artritis; supporting nerves
AB: regenerating skin; good effect against artritis
Noni fruit extract
is reducing inflammations, is an antioxidant [for prevention of cancer]
0: supports lung
A: formation of blood; prevention of cancer
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: O, P
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
(oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
OPC are a class of nutrients from the family of the flavonoids. Main functions of OPC are among others an antioxidant effect and the stabilization of collagen and the maintenance of elastine, two compounds of the connective tissue.
A: supporting mental fitness
B: reducing inflammations; supporting heart and blood circulation; regenerating skin
AB: supporting mental fitness; regenerating skin
is fighting fungus and inhibiting inflammations
B: fighting fungus
Oregon Grape [Mahonia aquifolium, with the agent berberine]
Berberine of Oregon Grape inhibits infections, especially in the throat and in the urinary ways; is also supporting the defense; is fighting infections, parasites, indigestion, psoriasis
A: good for an antibacterial treatment, fighting fungus
Osha root
(Ligusticum porteri)
contains an antiviral agent, has effect against herpes, sore throat, colds, flu; has a mucus-dissolving effect in the bronchi; contains also properties stimulating the defense
0: supporting defense
pancreatic enzymes digestion help
B: supporting health during an antibiotic treatment
(active vitamin B5)
lowering cholesterol
A: supporting heart and blood circulation; regenerating skin
AB: supporting heart and blood circulation
Pantothenic acid
(vitamin B5)
mitigating the effect of stress; activating adrenal glands
0: against allergies; regenerating skin
A: convalescence of chronic diseases; reducing exhaustion
B: allergies; regenerating skin
AB: convalescence of chronic diseases
Parsley extract
supporting stomach activity; antioxidant [preventing cancer], diuretic; supports the excretion of uric acid; is increasing breast milk of lactating women; is inhibiting the release of histamine; is a tonic for uterus muscles
A: regulating hormones of women
B: regulating hormones of women
AB: regulating urinary organs; regulating hormones of women; regulating stomach
Partridge berry
(Mitchella repens)
is regulating the female hormones; is used for the treatment of menstruation troubles and of menopause symptoms 0: regulating the hormones with women A: regulating effect during menopause
Phosphatidylcholine (Lecithin)
is a remedy for the nervous system and the blood circulation system; treatment of eczema, colic, hepatitis, liver diseases, anxiety, manic-depressive states [bipolar disorder]
B: convalescence of chronic diseases
AB: supporting nerves
protects the liver, strengthens the defense, treatment of asthma, of acute and chronic infections, treatment of autoimmune diseases 0: good for antibacterial and antiviral treatments
Pineapple enzyme of bromelain
[Bromelain is found only in the fresh pineapple, not in the canned pineapple].
Bromelain in fresh pineapple has got an anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for curing little injuries, above all sprains and strains with muscular injuries, has also an effect against pains and swellings caused by sports; is also working well against angina pectoris, asthma, and urinary tract infections; also against allergies, inflammations, and for postoperative convalescence.
[Bromelain is found only in the fresh pineapple, not in the canned pineapple].
0: regulating urinary organs A: accompaning an antibiotic treatment
Poison ivy
(Rhus toxicodendron)
is healing skin disorders, aching joints, rheumatic pain
web site: http://www.rhus-toxicodendron.com/0: effect against artritis
Potassium citrate
is supporting the functions of the nervous system, is needed to regulate water balance, acid levels, blood pressure, and neuromuscular function, and is needed for metabolism of carbohydrate and protein
A: supports recovery after chronic diseases B: allergies; reducing exhaustions; supporting the functions of the liver AB: reducing exhaustions Probiotic food, here some yoghurts
Probiotic food with bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are improving the balance in the intestinal micro flora, are inhibiting the growth of damaging bacteria, are supporting a good digestion, are strengthening the immune system and the resistance against infections; the growth of disease-causing bacteria is better controlled by well developed colonies of useful intestinal bacteria.
all blood groups: supporting the defense; supporting health during antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy; regulation of intestine; detoxication; reducing exhaustion; regulation of urinary organs; supporting heart and blood circulation; regulation of the stomach; fighting fungus
non secretors in general: regeneration of the skin, prevention of cancer
Pygeum extract
is promoting health of prostate
0: regulating hormones of men
Pyridoxine: see vitamin B6
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: Q, R
chief virtue type 0
type A
type B
type AB
Quercetine [is a yellow color agent from the oak, Latin: quercus]
Quercetine is an antioxidant [prevention against cancer]; is working as an antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties; inhibits the enzyme aldose reductase which can reduce the production of sorbitol; in cases of diabetes sorbitol is suspected to damage nerves, kidneys and eyes
A: regulating intestine, prevention of cancer, supports lung
AB: regulating intestine, prevention of cancer
Raspberry leaves
is a tonic for women, is recommended during pregnancy and after birth
B: regulating hormones with women
Red clover
is preventing blood clots, is cleansing the blood
AB: regeneration of the skin Red elm
is protecting the mucous membranes of the digestive organs; can be used for a treatment of common cold, sore throat, cough, also against Crohn's disease, and gastritis
AB: regulating stomach, fighting fungus Rehmannia root
(Shen Di Huang)
is promoting healing of bones, supporting blood clotting; in Asia it's known as "dihuang" respectively "yellow earth"; effect against diabetes, constipation, urinary way problems, anemia, dizziness, irregular period
0: postoperative convalescence
B: postoperative convalescence
Reishi mushroom extract
supports on the long-term the resistance to viruses, is lowering blood pressure, is lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides; is preventing blood clots
0: supporting defense
AB: supporting defense
Rosehip: see vitamin C
has got a strong antibacterial effect and can smooth muscle tissue in the lungs which is affected by cramps; is also a prevention against cancer eventually 0: prevention of cancer
B: fighting fungus
(Rhodiola rosea)
has got a relaxing effect reducing stress; inhibits activities of catecholamines in the heart which cause stress; supports a stable contractility of the heart
0: reducing exhaustion; supporting mental fitness; reducing stress
Dietary supplement for treatment of diseases according to blood groups: W-Z
chief virtue
type 0
type A
type B
type AB
Water melon seeds
The seeds of water melon have a diuretic effect, are balancing metabolism
B:supporting metabolism
Wild oat / oat grass extract (Avena sativa)
The extract of oat grass of wild oat is a nervous tonic; for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, eczema; used against high cholesterol levels and high triglyceride levels; supports also a nicotine withdrawal 0: supporting nerves A: supporting nerves; reducing stress B: supporting nerves AB: supporting nerves White willow [Salix alba]
is reducing inflammations; treatment of bursitis, of fever, of tension headaches, of osteoarthritis, of rheumatoid arthritis
A: reducing inflammations
Wild yam
is a progesterone source; is used for treatments of stomach cramps, muscle pains, muscle cramps, symptoms of menopause; is used against high cholesterol levels and high triglyceride levels
0: regulating effects of menopause
Witch hazel
has got an astringent effect [acts with an astringent effect on mucous membranes or wounds, has an antihemorrhagic / styptic effect]; indications are: hemorrhoids, wounds, insect bites, ulcers, painful tumors
0: regenerating skin
A: regenerating skin B: regenerating skin AB: regenerating skin Yarrow [Achillea]
is supporting health of the intestine
AB: detoxication Yerba Santa tincture / Mountain Balm tincture [Eriodictyon californicum]
has got a light effect against swellings, and has also got a mucus dissolving effect; healing of paranasal sinuses
0: allergies
Zinc, herein form of fizzy tablets
supports the normal immune function, is a component of over 300 enzymes which are necessary for wound healing, for fertility, for maintaining the vision, strengthening the immune system, protecting the body from free radicals
A: supporting defense
AB: supporting defense, recovery after chronic diseases
for all blood groups: regeneration of the skin; regulating hormones of men; supports lung; supports postoperative convalescence
for non secretors in general: good for antibacterial and antiviral treatments, fighting fungus
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[1] http://www.muskelschmiede.de/forum/270-vitamin.html
[2] http://www.grauen.at/dng/index_blog.php?subaction=showcomments&id=1232151106&archive
[3] http://www.vitalstoff-lexikon.de/Vitamin-B-Komplex/Pyridoxin-Vitamin-B6-/Lebensmittel.html
[4] http://www.cedecam.org/aleman/camucamu_informacion.htm
[5] http://www.vitalstoff-lexikon.de/Vitamine-A-C-D-E-K/Vitamin-C/Lebensmittel.html
[6] http://www.seilnacht.com/Lexikon/VitaminC.htm
[7] http://www.vorsprung-leben.de/Gesundheita-z.pdf
[8] http://ernaehrungsstudio.nestle.de/start/fitnessvitalitaet/abwehrkraefte/ZellschutzVitalstoffeRaucher.htm
[9] http://www.vitalstoff-lexikon.de/Vitamine-A-C-D-E-K/Vitamin-K/Lebensmittel.html
[10] http://www.rheuma-online.de/phorum/showthread.php?t=11999&page=1
[11] www.gengland.de/files/vorklinik/Biochemie/H%20bc10.pdf]
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-- Vitamin D: cod liver oil: http://www.kraeuterhaus.de/content.php?Produkte%2FOur+products%2FCapsules+-+drag%C3%A9es+-+tablets%2F
-- vitamin D: trout: http://www.fv-werdenberg.com/Fischzucht.aspx?Sel=44
-- Vitamin D: stay in the sunlight: http://www.makonorm.at/sites/behaglichkeit.htm
-- Vitamin E: wheat germ oil: http://www.dr-ritter.de/produkte/weizenkeimoel.html
-- Vitamin E: sun flower oil: https://www.quintessence-shop.de/emax_shop/customer/product.php?productid=15769&cat=74631&page=1
-- Vitamin E: hazelnuts: http://www.suz-mitte.de/angebote/thema-heckenfruechte.htm
-- Vitamin E: almonds at an almond tree: http://www.portugalmania.de/essen-trinken/2008/mandeln-ein-portugiesisches-ostergeschenk-mit-tradition/
-- Vitamin K: kale: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Boerenkool.jpg&filetimestamp=20050425132000
-- Vitamin K: hips / rosehips: http://www.giftinfo.uni-mainz.de/gift_de/pflanzen/rose-hagebutte.htm
-- Vitamin K: lentils: http://www.effilee.de/wissen/Linse.html
-- Chickweed (Stellaria media): http://gaertnerblog.de/blog/2006/vogelmiere/
-- Water melon with seeds: http://www.geomix.at/news/wassermelone-hat-gleiche-wirkung-wie-viagra-2672-2740291131.html
-- Incense (Indian incense plant, lat. Boswellia serrata): http://lotharf.wordpress.com/2008/05/24/weihrauch-macht-high/
-- Escargot / vineyard snail (Helix pomatia): http://www.rotholl.at/archiv/schnecken-1/weinbergschnecke/11044.html
-- Hawthorn: http://manfred-ammer.de/fotos-blumen1.html
-- Wild yam: http://science.howstuffworks.com/yam-info.htm
-- Wild oat / oat grass extract (Avena sativa): http://www.potenzmittel-scout.com/avena_sativa.html
-- Witch hazel (Hamamelis): http://www.heilpraktiker.li/index.php?tit=ah&m1=ah&m2=ah
-- Zinc (fizzy tablets): http://www.hexal.de/subdomains/praeparate/otc/index_hxmod_id_294_ws_zink_med_zink-hexal.php