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Illnesses in general considering blood groups

Immune system
              is a defense against disease-causing intruders
Immune system is a defense against disease-causing intruders (so, it is like a defense martial art), and this defense is working in different ways according to the blood groups (as there are also different kinds of defense martial arts).

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)

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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)

Basic knowledge about blood groups

D'Adamo says:

"Blood group has influence on the complete organism and on all body cells." (richtig leben, p.33)
(orig. German:
"Die Blutgruppe beeinflusst den gesamten Organismus auf zellulärer Ebene." (richtig leben, S.33)

Digestion, gland secretion and secrets of stomach gastric juice are completely terminated by the blood groups (richtig leben, p.83).

Blood group is like the name of a car. A car with the wrong spark plug does not function well either. Therefore also our organism of humans is only going well when blood group nutrition is considered [secretor status inclusive] (richtig leben, p.81-82).

"Normal medicine" defines a substance only then as a "poison" resp. as a "toxin" when death is caused within a maximum of 24 hours. According to "normal medicine" not matching lectins are not "poisons". And by this error "normal medicine" is coming to a deadlock in a system which is causing many ill persons, and many causes of illnesses are not recognized by "normal medicine" (richtig leben, p.159).

Immune system: formation of blood group antigens according to the age

Das Immunsystem ist
                        eine Abwehr gegen krankmachende Eindringlinge
                        (also wie eine Abwehr-Kampfsportart), und diese
                        Abwehr funktioniert je nach Blutgruppe
                        verschieden (so wie es verschiedene
                        Abwehr-Kampfsportarten gibt). Immune system is a defense against disease-causing intruders (so, it is like a defense martial art [1]), and this defense is working in different ways according to the blood groups (as there are also different kinds of defense martial arts).

Babies forming their immune system by their first food

New born babies need two weeks sensitizing their immune system against blood group antigens (richtig leben, p.128). Schooling of antigens with babies is going with vegetarian food (richtig leben, p.129). So, the baby is passing "1,000s of tiny vaccinations during it's early childhood [...]. They are provoked by the substances in the food (richtig leben, p.130).

Working immune system and the maximum of antibodies between 3 and 10 years
Blood group antigen is producing antibodies very fast against foreign blood and against micro organisms and against elements of food of other blood group antigens (richtig leben, p.128).

In the age between 3 and 10 years most antibodies against other blood groups can be found. Since 10 years the number of antibodies  against other blood groups is going back already (richtig leben, p.130).

Immune system in the age: blood group nutrition can prolong the declining number of antibodies
With the age anti blood group agglutinins in the blood are reducing (richtig leben, p.129). In the age of 80 the level of antibodies corresponds to the level of a baby of 6 to 12 months (richtig leben, p.130). Immune system is more vulnerable. Decisive is a constant high part of anti blood group agglutinins (richtig leben, p.129).

Therefore the aim of life should be to prolong the reduction of antigens. With blood group nutrition this is well possible (richtig leben, p.130).

Vaccinations are in the suspicion to rise the level of isohemagglutinins. According to a French study children of today have 50% higher isohemagglutinin levels as in 1929 (richtig leben, p.131).

General measures against illnesses

-- much moving
-- enough rests
-- evade toxics
-- evade insecticides
-- fulfill blood group nutrition
-- blood group A and AB should eat much tofu against cancer (4 Strategien, p.367)
-- don't take antibiotics without end and don't take much influenza pills
-- immune system has to overcome the illness and can be very strong when one let's it work. One should not let work antibiotics or influenza pills for the immune system because this would suppress the natural reaction of the immune system (4 Strategien, p.368).

With blood group nutrition the immune system is completely enforced for the fight against illnesses (4 Strategien, p.369-370).

The humans should act with the principle of benefit:

<Common sense in food questions is giving the advice that consuming food that has not really a benefit should be limited.> (4 Strategien, p.164)
(orig. German:
<Der gesunde Menschenverstand in Ernährungsfragen rät einem, dass man den Verzehr von Lebensmitteln einschränken soll, die keinen wirklichen Nutzen haben.> (4 Strategien, S.164)

Fulfilling blood group nutrition little quantities of damaging food can be well accepted. Favorite recipes can also be modified so they will correspond to blood group nutrition keeping the body healthy well (4 Strategien, p.167).

Dr. D'Adamo about his recipes:

<From time to time you will find in a recipe an ingredient which does not correspond to the blood group but should be avoided. Mostly these are only little quantities (for example spices) which will be well accepted when blood group nutrition is fulfilled in general.> (4 Strategien, p.167)

General mechanism between food and body

Speichel von
                        Menschen mit Amalgamfüllungen ist hochgradig mit
                        Quecksilber vergifteter Sondermüll. Gemäss den
                        Grenzwerten für Trinkwasser dürften Menschen mit
                        Amalgamfüllungen ihren eigenen Speichel nicht
                        schlucken, sondern müssten ihren Speichel als
                        Sondermüll abgeben Saliva [2] of "secretors" contains blood group antigens, saliva of "non secretors" not.

Secretors and non secretors

So called "secretors" have blood group antigens in their blood AND in the other liquids of their body. "Non secretors" have their blood group antigens ONLY in the blood. 80% of a blood group are secretors, 20% non secretors, but about 40% of the food is affected by this differentiation. Because of this it is important to know about secretor status.

Blood group of secretors can be determined by blood AND by the other liquids of the body (saliva, mucus, sperm), with non secretors ONLY by the blood (4 Strategien, p.404).

[So there is no secretor test needed but only a test if blood group can be determined in saliva probes].

Rhesus Factors and MN system (Antigen system M and N)

<In rare cases also rhesus factors and the status in the MN system are determinating the acceptance of food. This specifics are indicated in the tables in separated colons.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
<In seltenen Fällen beeinflussen auch der Rhesusfaktor und der Status im MN-System die Nahrungsmittelverträglichkeit. Diese Besonderheiten sind jeweils unter der entsprechenden Tabelle getrennt aufgeführt.> (richtig leben, S.213)

Rhesus factors are important to know for pregnant women. The factor is called "Rhesus" because the factor was detected with Rhesus monkeys first (4 Strategien, p.405).

MN system is important when medicine against cancer is searched:
-- humans with M antigen are type MM
-- humans with N antigen are type NN
-- humans with MN antigen are type MN (4 Strategien, p.406).

"Genealogical tree" of blood groups
"Genealogical tree" of blood groups consists of: blood group - secretor status - rhesus factor - MN status (4 Strategien, p.408).

Panhemagglutinin are lectins agglutinating with all blood groups - having a coagulating effect, for example tomato lecitin [lectin?] (4 Strategien, p.403).


Antibodies are counter agents produced by immune system coagulating foreign antigens (4 Strategien, p.401).

Antioxidants are vitamins as a prevention against cancer for example having a defense effect against free radicals when the radicals are attacking the cells. Strongest vitamins are C, E, and beta-carotene (4 Strategien, p.401).

Antioxidants "are enforcing the immune system hindering an abnormal cell division." (4 Strategien, p.118)

Sugar provoking vulnerability of the immune system

Zucker macht die
                        weissen Blutzellen träge und so ist das
                        Immunsystem weniger aktiv Sugar [3] provokes that the white blood cells are lazy and therefore the immune system is less active, so the vulnerability for illnesses is rising.

The words of D'Adamo:

<In many many studies was proved that sugar is weakening the immune system, that sugar is making the white blood cells lazy, and that sugar is lowering the defense force against intruding pathogens.> (4 Strategien, p.304)
(orig. German:
<In zahlreichen Studien wurde belegt, dass Zucker das Immunsystem schwächt, die weissen Blutzellen träge macht und ihre Widerstandskraft gegen eindringende Erreger senkt.> (4 Strategien, S.304)

Helpless "normal medicine" with futile antibiotics - antibiotics are destroying the immune systems

"Normal medicine" means that their antibiotics would be a "wonder weapon" against infections. But antibiotics are only fighting the symptoms, and the chronic infections are coming again and again - despite of any antibiotic. Any body has to organize it's defense, and best for this is blood group nutrition (4 Strategien, p.303).

Add to this antibiotics are even destroying weak immune system - when they are applied for example against fungal diseases.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Humans with blood group A and AB suffer even more fungal diseases after an antibiotic treatment. This seems logic because antibiotics are destroying the immune system which is already weak.> (4 Strategien, p.323)
(orig. German:
<Menschen der Blutgruppe A und AB werden auch nach Antibiotika-Behandlungen häufiger von Pilzinfektionen heimgesucht, was einleuchtend erscheint, da die Antibiotika das bereits geschwächte Abwehrsystem zerstören.> (4 Strategien, S.323)

Healing of illnesses with the corresponding food

Blood group medicine is indicating precisely which factors are a benefit o dangerous - according to the blood group. Until today "normal medicine" is generalizing that all humans would be equal in respect of medicine and is stuck in thinking in fix patterns. Therefore "normal medicine" is not precise and is only fanning fear, and then is selling the same pills to all humans - without distinguishing any blood group mechanism (richtig leben, p.183).
Claims that medicaments could heal all humans are always wrong in any case (richtig leben, p.184).


<Any system promising a fast and an effortless bettering cannot be right but must be mistrusted.> (richtig leben, p.186)
(orig. German:
<Jedes System, das rasche und mühelose Besserung verheisst, verdient Misstrauen.> (richtig leben, S.186)

Lectins of certain food can agglutinate bacteria or viruses and therefore can heal diseases:

<The same lectins which are dangerous for one blood group can have a healing effect for the other blood group.>
(orig. German:
<Dieselben Lectine, die den Verzehr eines bestimmten Nahrungsmittels gefährlich machen, können andererseits zur Heilung von Krankheiten beitragen.>

So, lectins have a "double role", for example against cancer (4 Strategien, p.301).

All in all there is the requirement that all illnesses have to be treated specifically in coordination with the blood groups, with specific plans of treatment [and with secretor status] (richtig leben, p.183-184).

Add to this patients have to know if there were illnesses of the same kind already before in the family or not (richtig leben, p.184), and they have to finish with damaging circumstances of life:
-- cancer-causing life conditions have to be eliminated or left
-- violence in the family causing stress has to be avoided
-- uncomfortable clothes causing stress have also to be avoided (richtig leben, p.186).

General check-up one time per year is good

One time per year a general check-up should be done:
-- urine indican test
-- blood investigation: with haemogram, serum albumin, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, iron, hormone level
-- bio electric impedance measurement comparing mass of muscles with mass of fats, measuring the water in the cells
-- electrocardiogram measuring heart powers
-- measurement of blood pressure
-- sigmoidoscopy: investigation of rectum and last peace of colon checking up benign growth and colon cancer (from 40 years on)
-- colonoscopy (from 50 years on)

and especially for girls from their menarche on: There should be an investigation of abdomen and a Papanicolaou stating if there are pathalogical changes and indications for cervical cancer

and especially for men: There should be a prostate investigation (from 40 years on)

and especially for women: There should be a breast investigation, mammography (from 35 or 40 years on, until 50 years all two years, from 50 years on every year).
(richtig leben, p.187-188)

[Well, other doctors say the contrary that there should not be many investigations because the fear produces destabilization and depressions and this leads to more diseases and more cancer].

Special conditions:
-- measuring blood pressure: high blood pressure should be measured one time per day
-- blood investigation: blood investigation should be done several times per year with diabetes, thyroid diseases, anemia, risen cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, AIDS or cancer
-- electrocardiogram measuring heart power: should be done several times per year when there are heart diseases
(richtig leben, p.187-188).

[Diabetes, thyroid glands and cancer heal with sodium bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%), and the rest with blood group nutrition within 3 to 6 months].

Kinds of illnesses

Origin of illnesses by microbes copying the form of antigens

Mikroben (hier:
                        neisseria gonorrhoeae) können Antigene nachahmen
                        und so die Immunsysteme überlisten, wenn die
                        Ernährung nicht der Blutgruppe entspricht Microbes (here: neisseria gonorrhoeae [4]) can copy the form of antigens, and therefore they can cheat any immune system when the alimentation is not corresponding to the blood group.

D'Adamo says:

<Many microbes have the capacity to copy the form of antigens, and therefore they are not detected as enemies by the defense troops of a certain blood group.> (4 Strategien, p.277)
(orig. German:
<Viele Mikroben haben die Fähigkeit, die Form von Antigenen nachzuahmen und werden deshalb von den Abwehrtruppen einer bestimmten Blutgruppe nicht als Feinde erkannt.> (4 Strategien, S.277)

These microbes are intruding (p.277), they are overwhelming the defense forces and then they are taking over the power in the body (4 Strategien, p.278).

[So, there are installed new imbalances provoking symptoms of illnesses].

For all blood groups count the risks of toxics and of smoking (4 Strategien, p.279).

Inflammations by wrong food against the blood group

Entzündungen (hier
                        eine Entzündung des Gehörgangs) werden durch
                        eine Ernährung gegen die Blutgruppe sehr
                        begünstigt Inflammations (here an inflammation of the auditory canal [5]) are supported by food against the personal blood group.

According D'Adamo 70% of all inflammations are in connection with digestion problems and stress illnesses, provoked by a toxic imbalance in the body (richtig leben, p.159).

The wrong alimentation is liberating histamines (4 Strategien, p.336).


<Blood group specific acting lectins which can be found in many kinds of food (p.335) are interacting with the blood and with the intestine tissue, and therefore these lectins have the effect liberating histamine and other agents which provoke more inflammations.> (4 Strategien, p.336)
(orig. German:
<Die blutgruppenspezifisch wirkenden Lectine, die in zahlreichen Nahrungsmitteln enthalten (S.335) sind, interagieren mit dem Blut und mit dem Darmgewebe, und dadurch bewirken sie die Freisetzung von Histamin und anderen entzündungsauslösenden Stoffen.> (4 Strategien, S.336).

Gases go away with blood group nutrition
Gases are a signal for a bad adaption of proteins (4 Strategien, p.213).

[Bad will be the adaption of proteins when proteins come from food which cannot be processes well in the body. Eliminating the damaging food according to the blood group provokes mostly also that all gases go away].

Add to this a help of digestion is also pineapple enzyme bromelain (4 Strategien, p.213).

Curing diabetes

Diabetes kann je
                        nach Blutgruppe verschiedene Ursachen haben und
                        ist entsprechend je nach Blutgruppe verschieden
                        heilbar Diabetes can have different causes according to the blood group, and can to be cured according to the blood group in different ways.

Diabetes of type 1 or type 2 can be healed well with a blood group diet. Blood group A and B are vulnerable for type 1 diabetes (youth diabetes provoked by shortage of insulin because beta cells of pancreas are not working any more. Blood group 0 is vulnerable for type 2 diabetes when there is fatness because the tissue is getting insensible for insulin: "The tissue is reacting more and more insensible to the hormone." (4 Strategien, p.311)

Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases: causes according to blood groups

Blood group 0 and B can manage a high level of cholesterol. At the same time blood groups 0 and B don't tolerate carbohydrates which are provoking heart diseases (richtig leben, p.114). Therefore the body fat has to be limited in general with blood groups 0 and B. But the fat in food is well processes (richtig leben, p.114) with the enzyme phosphatase in the intestine (richtig leben, p.100-101). Blood groups 0 and B simply have to omit what provokes more kilos, respectively damaging food with damaging lectins inhibiting metabolism have to be omitted (richtig leben, p.117).

Blood groups A and AB [which get fatness above all by meat and fish] get heart diseases by high cholesterol levels (richtig leben, p.114). With blood groups A and AB a blood group diet and some herbal compounds can manage cholesterol level and bring it down (richtig leben, p.115-116).

One can detect the danger of heart diseases by heightened triglyceride levels. Persons with diabetes often have higher triglyceride levels, a "hyper triglyceridemia" High levels of triglyceride can more than double the risk for a heart attack (richtig leben, p.117).

Table: diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses: causes according to blood groups
Blood group
causes for diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses
Blood group 0
-- intolerance to carbohydrates
->> provokes high levels of triglycerides and a resistance to insulin
Blood group A
-- high level of LDL (lipoproteins of low density)
-- high cholesterol levels in general
-- oxidative difficulties of diabolism
-- and extreme blood coagulation
-- and high levels of cortisol.
Blood group B
-- imbalance of nitric oxide (high pressure)
-- intolerance of carbohydrates
-- high cortisol levels
Blood group AB
-- high level of LDL cholesterol (lipo proteins of low density)
-- oxidative difficulties of metabolism
-- high cholesterol levels in general
-- and extreme blood coagulation
non secretors
-- resistance against insulin
-- especially low intestinal alkaline phosphatase [fast growing of overweight with meat and fat]
-- light trouble of blood coagulation [reducing again heart diseases in a certain grade].

(from: Dr. Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, p.120)

Infections are over 50% specific to blood groups
Over 50% of 282 bacteria are specialized with certain blood groups (4 Strategien, p.318). Blood group 0 has more virus infections because blood group 0 has no antigens (4 Strategien, p.318-319). Blood groups A, B, and AB have more seldom viral infections and the infection is more harmless than with blood group 0 because they have antigens (4 Strategien, p.319).

Diseases of gastro-intestinal system by the wrong food against the blood group for years
All diseases of gastro-intestinal system are caused by wrong food taken for years. With blood group nutrition and some simple and harmless herbal compounds all illnesses of gastro-intestinal system can be eliminated (4 Strategien, p.313-319).

Illnesses of gastro-intestinal system: acid reflux

Chumus provoked the stomach for a liberation of incompatible gastric juice. Gastric juice consists of water, muriatic acid and enzymes. When there is an acid reflux, chumus is coming back passing the esophagus upwards almost up to the mouth. And this is harming badly the esophagus by muriatic acid in the chumus destroying it step by step (richtig leben, p.87).

[Acid reflux can be eliminated simply by following blood group nutrition eliminating sour food from the food plan. Blood group 0 for example have to eliminate the following products: vinegar, oranges, mandarins, orange juice, mandarin juice, and strawberries etc.].

Food intoxications
Blood groups A and AB with their weak immune systems are more vulnerable than blood groups 0 and B with their strong immune systems (4 Strategien, p.316).

Cancer according to blood groups

Krebs (hier ein
                        Zungenkrebs) ist blutgruppenspezifisch und ist
                        entsprechend verschieden heilbar Cancer (here a tongue cancer) is specific to the blood group and has to be healed in different ways according to the blood group.

The words of Dr. D'Adamo:

<Almost all cancers are attacking preferably blood group A or AB.>
(orig. German:
<Fast alle Karzinome befallen bevorzugt Menschen mit der Blutgruppe A oder AB.> (4 Strategien, S.356)

Blood group 0 seems to be resistant against many kinds of cancer because cancer cells are similar to A, seldom similar to B, but never like 0 (4 Strategien, p.356).

Therefore members of blood groups A, B, and AB have to eat the corresponding food optimizing their immune system.

Add to this there are more factors favoring cancer:
-- chemical toxins (smoking etc.)
-- radioactive radiation
-- genetic predisposition in the family (4 Strategien, p.347).

AIDS will be without symptoms
When humans are respecting blood group nutrition and immune systems are not charged with damaging food, then a life with AIDS without symptoms is possible (4 Strategien, p.319-322).

Skin diseases have chemical causes - and there are skin diseases according to blood groups

Schuppenflechte wird
                        durch Ernährung gegen die Blutgruppe provoziert,
                        vor allem bei Blutgruppe 0 Psoriasis is provoked by alimentation against the blood group, above all emerging with blood group 0

D'Adamo: Illness of contact eczema (dermatitis) and psoriasis "are normally caused by chemicals acting in the blood." (4 Strategien, p.335).

Blood groups A and AB have the highest rates with allergic skin reactions to chemical substances.

Psoriasis is emerging mostly with blood group 0 when too much corn and milk products are eaten (4 Strategien, p.336).

Climacteric period without symptoms - by blood group nutrition

Die Wechseljahre
                        können bei Anwendung der Blutgruppenernährung
                        symptomfrei ablaufen Climacteric period can pass without symptoms - when blood nutrition is taken

Case of Marie L., medium age, blood group A: no symptoms during climacteric period
Blood group nutrition for Marie with blood group A without meat and with 4 times fish per week and vegetarian food provokes a complete health of Marie. 50% of all women who Marie knows have breast cancer, the other half is looking like "fat, bloated, hormone taking cows". She was glad for blood group nutrition getting years of climacteric period without any symptom (richtig leben, p.161).


Rising immune defense

Rose hip as source of vitamin C: An extract of vitamin C of rose hip is rising the level of vitamin C on a good level and this is a precondition for an effect of Echinacea (4 Strategien, p.304).

Echinacea: is a general stimulant for the immune system. Natives already knew about it. Has a great effect against bacteria and viruses, and is not dangerous (4 Strategien, p.304).

Soya products are very beneficial for blood group A and AB, and are a "strong medicine" against most kinds of cancer, that means against all cancer cells which are similar to body cells of blood type A (4 Strategien, p.363).

Pneumovax: <"Pneumovax" (vaccine against pneumococci) is rising the quantity of anti A antibodies [...] Because most kinds of cancer have a tendency to be similar to the body cells of blood group A, this vaccine can enhance the quantity of anti A antibodies, and by this can stimulate and motivate the immune system of all blood groups.> (4 Strategien, p.366)
(orig. German:
<"Pneumovax" (Pneumokokken-Impfstoff) erhöht die Menge der Anti-A-Antikörper. [...] Da die meisten Krebserkrankungen A-ähnliche Neigungen haben, kann der Impfstoff die Menge der Anti-A-Antikörper erhöhen und dadurch das Immunsystem der Angehörigen aller Blutgruppen mobilisieren.> (4 Strategien, S.366)

Phyto estrogens [hormones in herbs] can be taken during the climacteric period. These phyto estrogens are not suppressing the own estrogen production. And at the same time they inhibit the tendency for breast cancer (4 Strategien, p.367).

Essen bread / wheat bread with wheat germs

-- must not be a mix with other flours. Industrial production is mostly mixing also the damaging flours in it. So one has to control always the composition of the bread (4 Strategien, p.116).

Compound Floraix: is a fluent herbal supplement with iron in it, and is well adapted by the stomach of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.139).

Beneficial fruits for all blood groups are: pineapple and grapefruit
-- pineapple supports digestion very well (4 Strategien, p.120)
-- grapefruits have a basic alkaline effect after it's digestion (4 Strategien, p.120), but blood group 0 with it's very sour stomach should take only little quantities of it (4 Strategien, p.84).

Grain germs have a basic alkaline effect with 0 and B, but an acid effect with A and AB

The words of Dr. D'Adamo:

<The germ of the grain has an alkaline effect with types of 0 and B [with sour muscle tissue], but with types of A and AB [with basic alkaline muscle tissue] the effect is sour." (4 Strategien, p.191)
(orig. German:
"Der Keim des Getreidekorns wirkt bei 0- und B-Typen [mit saurem Muskelgewebe] basisch, während er bei A- und AB-Typen [mit basisch-alkalischem Muskelgewebe] sauer wirkt." (4 Strategien, S.191)

Wheat germs in general are not so positive and should be eaten therefore only one time per week. The same counts for wheat bran (4 Strategien, p.191).

Grain dishes: prepare them yourself for being sure of it's quality

Deep frozen dishes, noodle instant meals and prepacked mixtures with rice and vegetables should be evaded because there are missing many nutrients. Humans need the complete nutrients, not only a part of it. Best is you bake yourself, also make pasta yourself, cook rice yourself so the full nutrients are preserved (4 Strategien, p.117).

[When rice is cooked in water a part of it's nutrients is in the rice water which is very beneficial (indication of B.J. chemical laboratory assistant)].

Swellings going down

Herb Collinsonie: has an effect as medicament against sinusitis, is healing sinusitis completely, is also healing swellings like for example varicose veins (4 Strategien, p.328), is not dangerous, can be bought as tincture in the health food shop (4 Strategien, p.329).

Remedies with different effects

Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
"is useful in at least 4 fields":
-- against gastric ulcers [above all blood group 0]
-- against herpes virus as an anti viral agent
-- against chronic fatigue syndrome [above all with blood group 0 and B]
-- against hypoglycaemia [falling blood sugar level after meals with blood group B] (4 Strategien, p.177).

Liquorice can be taken for example as chewable tablet "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) or as tee, without any danger. Other compounds should be taken only with medical assistance. When dosages are too high there can be sodium accumulations in the body which can provoke a higher blood pressure. In this case the liquorice compounds are like a poison (4 Strategien, p.177).

General negative food for all blood groups

Smoked and pickled meat with nitrate: provokes cancer with blood group A
Nitrate which is emerging during smoking and pickling meat, is a special problem for blood group A because of it's cancer provoking effect in combination with it's low level of stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.137).

Tomatoes: damaging for blood groups A and B, not damaging with blood groups 0 and AB

The words of Dr. D'Adamo:

"Evade [persons with blood group A] tomatoes because their lectins have a very damaging effect on digestive tract of blood type A. They [the tomatoes] are food of the  panhemagglutinyzing group, this means that their lectins are agglutinating the blood of the blood type. But types of 0 don't produce antibodies against tomatoes and therefore persons of blood group 0 may eat tomatoes, as also persons of blood group AB. Very damaging they [the tomatoes] are for blood type A and B." (4 Strategien, p.118).
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie [Menschen der Blutgruppe A] Tomaten, da deren Lectine auf den Verdauungstrakt des A-Typs überaus gesundheitsschädlich wirken. Sie [die Tomaten] gehören zu den so genannten panhämagglutinierenden Lebensmitteln, das heisst, ihre Lectine verklumpen das Blut jedes Bluttyps. 0-Typen produzieren jedoch keine Antikörper gegen Tomaten und dürfen sie somit essen, wie auch AB-Typen. Sehr schädlich sind sie [die Tomaten] aber für A- und B-Typen." (4 Strategien, S.118)

Oranges, mandarins and strawberries
Oranges, mandarins and strawberries make trouble for the gastric mucosa and are making trouble with the resorption of minerals, especially with sensitive stomachs like with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.120), or with very sour stomachs of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84). For the balanced gastro-intestinal system of blood group B oranges, mandarins and strawberries are neutral (4 Strategien, p.162).

Peanuts: allergy against peanuts

[Allergies are a vaccination damage and heal with sodium bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%), the rest heals with blood group nutrition and raw food in 3 to 6 months].

Peanut allergy is not depending from the blood group. Persons with peanut allergies have antibodies against peanut proteins. Possible is an anaphylaxis or an anaphylactic shock. According to investigations, peanut lectin has an effect against several kinds of cancer like stomach cancer, intestine cancer, and breast cancer [cancer comes mostly with the blood groups A and AB] (richtig leben, p.99).

[Cancer heals with sodium bicarbonate within 10 to 30 days (90%), the rest heals with blood group nutrition and raw food and fruit extracts noni and graviola within 3 to 6 months, or cancer heals also with cannabis oil within some days - when you have the contacts].
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Photo sources

[1] immune system, defense like hapkido: http://www.hapkido.de/khoshrou/hapkido.htm
[2] saliva: http://www.intimatemedicine.de/sexy-tipps/machen-sie-ihn-beim-oralverkehr-zu-ihrem-sklaven-1-teil/
[3] sugar: http://www.marions-kochbuch.de/zutat/zucker.htm
[4] microbes: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/505/303500/bilder/?img=8.0
[5] inflammation of auditory canal: http://portal.gmx.net/de/themen/gesundheit/lexikon/kopf/1871392-Symptome,articleset=1871386.html
[6] diabetes injection: http://lifestyle.t-online.de/c/14/66/11/78/14661178.html
[7] tongue cancer: http://www.med-college.de/de/wiki/print.php?id=45&lan=1
[8] psoriasis: http://www.dr-neuhofer.at/index.cfm?seite=schuppenflechte
[9] climacteric period without troubles: http://www.diabetespro.de/Wechseljahre-Locker-bleiben-Diabetes-A090119SCANR106066.html
