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Healing powers of colors: colors as remedies, application in practice
Part 3, chapter 13 to 21
[2] ![]()
Empedokles defined "four tempers", but today these principles are outdated by psychological analysis
Colored glass
hinders passing other rays with the exception of those which are of that color like the glass itself. (chapter 32)
Water beings - irradiation of water
Plants and beings above all are consisting in water, and therefore colors have a big effect on plants and beings. Therefore the color irradiation is principally a "water irradiation". But "normal medicine" does not take this earnest... (conclusion in chapter 6)
Summary by Michael Palomino (1998 / 2003 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012 / 2014)
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from: Prof. Lilli Eberhard: Healing powers of colors. Colors as a remedy, application in practice (original in German: Heilkräfte der Farben. Farben als Heilmittel, Anwendung in der Praxis); edition 3 Oaks (Drei-Eichen-Verlag), 10th edition, 2002; ISBN-10: 3-7699-0392-7; ISBN-13: 978-3-7699-0392-8 [web16]
Part 1
1. Goethe's color theory as a base and signpost
2. Spectral analysis
3. Color therapy: effect of colors on the soul
4. Investigations in color therapy
5. Rejuvenating cure with color therapy: Dr.Sciascia
6. Changing water by irradiation with colors
Part 2
7. Light and photosynthesis - why are leaves green? and water plants are red?
8. Colors of animals
9. Healing effects by dyes [side effects?]
10. Claims and wisdom of the color therapist
11. Color rays and the effect of color therapy
12. Effect of color rays according to Prof. Ewald Paul - production of trace elements according to Dr. Ghadiali
Part 3
13. Color therapy with humans according to E.C.Babbitt, Grabley, Ghadiali
14. Kurt Matthäus: undulations of color rays have effect in body cells
15. Color therapy according to Dr. Falkenberg
16. Color therapy according to Dr. Heermann
17. Psychological effect of colors according to 4 tempers
18. Color therapy: Colored panes, colored food, colored bulbs
19. Color therapy with green
20. Perception of colors in state of exhaustion
21. Color blindness
Part 4
22. Munich Scientific Society for Science of High Frequency and Light, Ewald Paul, Dr.F.W.Fröhlich
23. High frequency therapy
24. "See" colors in a distinguished way
25. Dr.Alexander Heermann: thesis of harmony of growth and of harmony of restraint
26. Streams of space
27. Prof. E.Paul: psychiatric color therapy
Part 5
28. Effect of color rays - color therapy according to Gerhard Dix
29. Colors in agriculture according to Prof. Ewald Paul
30. Color therapy according to Dr. Müller
31. Color therapy with animals and by food according to Ludwig von Riess
32. Effect of color rays according to Dr.Ghadiali
33. Color therapy with vegetables according to Camille Flammarion
34. Conclusions by Michael Palomino
35. Appendix: color searcher
36. News
Part 6: Literature
13. Color therapy with humans according to E.C. Babbitt, Grabley, Ghadiali
Colored light brings the electric and magnetic forces of sun light to a bright development.
Color therapy according to E.C. Babbitt Blue and violet light ![]()
calming effect against pre sclerosis, nephritis, arteriosclerosis
Color therapy according to Grabley Colors in red, orange and yellow
The effect comes by bio electric waves, and there comes an excitement like a little fever
-- healing of organic heart troubles
-- healing of nervous heart troubles
Dr. Ghadiali indicates: Cancer and paralyzations can be healed by color irradiation. Health is the well working body with all it's parts of the organism. [Unfortunately the indication of colors or combinations of colors for healing cancer or paralyzations is missing in Eberhard's book].
Dr. Ghadiali is rating the colors in two groups with six colors each: red is center of warmth
, and blue is center of cold
14. Kurt Matthäus: Undulations of color rays have effect on body cells
Kurt Matthäus was writing a book together with Erich Zögisch and others, with the title:
"Old Popular Healing Art In New Light. A scientific presentation of popular healing wisdom considering basic nature laws."
(orig. German: "Alte Volksheilkunst in neuem Lichte. Eine wissenschaftliche Darstellung des volkstümlichen Heilwissens unter Zurückführung auf die zugrundeliegenden Naturgesetze". 1930, 191 pages. [web16]
The undulations of the different colors (respectively the color waves, here an excerpt) have an effect by resonance effect on the body cells and are healing with a right application, Kurt Matthäus indicates.
Among others, nature searcher Kurt Matthäus writes about the phenomenon of resonance (co undulation) in nature and in the human body. Little forces have a big effect, often a bigger effect than strong forces. Examples for resonance can be found also in physics and techniques: The best and strongest material can not resist to the force of resonance (bridges, crank shaft). Resonance in the body can be shown with the following example: Having electric waves with body cells which have the same wave, so resonances in the cells are coming up.
Colors also are working with resonance undulations: The color waves have a resonance effect on the body and applied in the right way this resonance effect can heal the cells and the body from diseases.
Destroying undulations: short waves, Roentgen waves, concentrated radium waves
-- strong electric waves can destroy organic live respectively can provoke that the cells are blasting
-- short waves from radio stations are dangerous
-- short waves of 10 cm can kill little animals immediately, can damage human health, are provoking resonance procedures in the protein molecules of the organism, and these resonance procedures provoke the blasting of the cells
-- Roentgen rays and radium rays have a destroying effect
-- radium under normal conditions is finally distributed and is not provoking any damage: The force of the finally distributed radium is animating the constructive forces of the body to build up the body again and again - by tiniest destructions of molecules. Therefore radium finally distributed in nature is even an element supporting health.
15. Color therapy according to Dr. Falkenberg
High frequency irradiation: color rays of Dr. Falkenberg
Falkenberg develops a device converting the daily electric power into a "high frequency power with violet rays"
-- by this Falkenberg can produce "artificial thunderstorms" in the body
-- the supply consists in finest energies of nature
-- the currents come from the same source, from the sun, and have a balancing and harmonizing effect
-- harmony is rhythm and health
-- not working organs or a restraint of their activity is a disharmonic procedure provoking diseases.
Sun light: the color of white
White: the different color effects are eliminating mutually:
Characteristics of colors according to Dr. Falkenberg
White the different color effects are eliminating mutually
Red has the strongest penetration capacity
This is the sequence of colors from the strongest to the most little penetration effect.
Rating of the colors according to Dr. FalkenbergRed, orange, yellow ![]()
warm colors Blue, violet ![]()
cold colors Yellowish-green is rated as a warm color
Grayish-green is rated as a cold color.
Color therapy with humans according to Dr. FalkenbergYellow
against fatigue. Example: Knitting with yellow needles is much more easier than knitting with gray needles. Knitting with yellow needles can go on for hours without being tired.
Yellow in quantities of 15 to 20 minutes
-- stomach troubles
-- intestine troubles
-- liver troubles
-- milt troubles
ad is reinforcing the gland system.
longer than 20 minutes
provokes vomiting.
Remark this: Most vomiting agents have a yellow color: sulfur, senna leaves etc.
Colors of spices and medicaments have their sense
red flowering plants are exciting spices e.g. pepper blue flowering plants are cooling spices
Color therapy according to Dr. Heermann
Color therapy according to Dr. HeermannColor
healing of diseases
Red [1]
supporting growth
extension of vessels
15 min. 2 or 3 times per day
-- heart diseases
-- lung diseases
-- muscle diseases
-- supports healing of wounds with simple wounds.
Blue light [2]
has a disinfecting effect
with purulent wounds Red
is healing
-- measles
-- scarlet
-- weeping itches
-- other skin troubles
Red towel put around skin locations [3]
One can wrap the whole person in red towels, this was done in former times
and this red towel heals
-- measles
-- scarlet.
Red [1]
is healing
-- asthma
-- anemia
-- dying limbs
-- cold damages
-- rheumatism
-- paralyzations.
Blue light [2]
are restricting undulations
are healing
-- many kinds of proliferation
-- crop
-- warts.
Not all humans have the same reactions. So there are also the following possibilities:
instead of blue can be that violet has a better effect
instead of red can be that orange has a better effect
instead of yellow can be that green has a better effect
Color ray irradiations can be supported by a color view therapy. This has a basic mental and supporting effect.
Goethe: Color theory
Goethe was the first person indicating healing forces by colors indicating that the mood can be changed by colors.
Prof. Nils Finsen with a Nobel Prize
Prof. Nils Finsen proved that colors are independent forces. Finsen got a Nobel Prize for his works about lights and color effects.
Finsen had healed also skin tumors simply with colors and light [web06].
Psychological effect of colors according to the 4 tempers by Empedokles
Empedokles [4] defined the "four tempers", an outdated "character" theory today because of modern psychoanalysis
This theory of the "four tempers" is only historically interesting as a step of development. But one can use the characterizations of the colors.
Definition of the "4 tempers" by Empedokles
Empedokles from Agrigent (530-490 B.C.) is defining water, fire, air and earth as general basics of all things and driving forces of the world. In an analogy he is defining the 4 tempers.
-- in the following times these "4 tempers" are well accepted by the medical doctor Hippocrates and by the philosopher Aristoteles
-- add to this Aristoteles is defining the theory of the main qualities cold-warm-dry-humid.
Then, by Galenus these "4 tempers" are accepted as a medical theory
-- Claudius Galenus (born in 131 A.C.), a Greek-Roman medical doctor, is rating the theory of "4 tempers" as a general medical theory, and
-- as an analogy he is formulating the "4 cardinal liquids":
oo melancholy would correspond with black bile
oo bile of choleric people corresponds with yellow bile
oo Sanguis of sanguine persons corresponds with the blood
oo and phlegm of phlegmatic person would correspond with mucus.
-- any of the 4 tempers was named and characterized according to the thesis of dominating liquid
-- and by all this there are the names melancholic (heavy blood), choleric (hot blood), sanguine (light blood) and phlegmatic (cold blood).
Rating of the colors with the "4 tempers"
Nature element according to Empedokles (530-490 B.C.) Cardinal liquid according to Claudius Galenus (born in 131 A.C.) character temper Blue water [5] black bile heavy blood
melancholic Red fire [6]
blood hot blood
choleric yellow air [7]
yellow bile
light blood
sanguine green earth [8]
mucus cold blood
The "4 tempers" can also be proved in physics and in the whole body. They are the basic source of all things and are determinating all effects and mutual effects.
Color effects with character of humans [for example for schools, workstations, psychiatry]
Color Effect temper Blue
provokes to be earnest, to be restricted, with much feeling, but without energy, in some cases even appears surfeit and mental disorder, sensitive, loyal in a good sense, ready to help, docile, religious, believing, comforting, calming
Blue has some melancholic effect.
provokes open mind for all and euphoria, but can change into negative energy with fights and rage, can provoke an addiction for fast fights, provokes easily an excitement, a rage, an euphoria, self confidence, urging forward (red is the most penetrating color, always moving, lively, without calm and rest). Red is the symbol for euphoric, fighting youths, for spring storms and for the beginning of the day (rising sun).
Red has some choleric effect.
is the symbol for mature humans in a developed life with all forces like sun giving it's forces on midday. Yellow stands for light blood nature, fast change of mood, saying yes to life, with pleasure, well managing life, force like sun on midday, positive mood, with energy, light, cheerful, optimist, is the contrary to melancholic persons and therefore it's the opposite to blue color. A combination of blue and yellow is a harmonic pair of colors.
Yellow has some sanguine effect.
is lazy, comfortable, not ready to be much excited, indifferent, materialist talent, cold blood and common sense are focus of life, this person knows how to beware his profits, firm, against progress, lazy in thinking, adapter, opportunist, only wants his advantage, careful, critical, and the mood can also change into being morose. Green stands for connection with Earth, with rough substances, cannot reach higher spheres.
Green has some phlegmatic effect.
It's also possible to compose "color chords", for example the color chord blue-red-yellow![]()
-- blue has an effect on the mood
-- red has an effect on the blood
-- yellow has an effect on the spirit.
More effects of colors on humans Dark green is the color of the masses of nature, connected with Earth
-- is supporting health as a dye of plants, as nourishment
-- is symbolizing reducing light, reducing of warmth and of life, is symbolizing the heavy hours of the end of the day, or also autumn with it's fruits.
light blue-green
is a great exceptions Yellow-green is part of the sequence of positive, active colors like red and orange
Blue ![]()
has a cooling, refreshing effect, reducing pains of diseases coming from nerve troubles
Red ![]()
has got a heating effect, provokes moving of the blood, is good against all diseases connected with blocked blood or lazy blood
Yellow provokes moving effect of spirit, has an effect against fatigue and laziness, gives energy supply, is cheering up dark moods, is a gift for persons in mental troubles
Green is a calming remedy for choleric people, is calming down, provokes relaxing and refreshment.
Adoption capacity of colors depending from the temper
-- melancholic and choleric people have a strong adoption capacity of colors
-- sanguine and phlegmatic people have a weak adoption capacity of colors.
Sanguine and phlegmatic tempers are called happy tempers, because these humans are hardly sensible for anything what is called "world pain".
Variations of red
Red with low temperatures
has got a blueish effect
Red in a warm, heated room
has got a yellowish effect [see the red of the fire which is almost orange].
[The same counts also for green which has got a bluish effect with low temperatures, and which has a yellowish effect with high temperatures, see chapter 24].
Therefore the scale of colors and temperatures has all possible variations. Composed tempers are changing sometime to one or to the other side.
Color and character of composed tempers
Violet -- is a not satisfied character, drawn back and forth, inclining to red, then again to blue
-- is neither warm nor cold
-- is uniting passive blue with active red and therefore has an inner unrest
-- embodies something unstable, nervous, difficult
-- embodies longing and dreams coming from a melancholic resignation
-- is the symbol for helplessness, for loneliness, for for death, for renunciation
is a warmed blue which has lost it's freshness and cold
the more inclining to the red the more powerful and steady is the character
big surface of violet
-- on big surfaces violet is not recommendable
-- has got a depressing and mood disturbing effect
-- such an influence can be developed up to thoughts of suicide, above all when violet is the color of a private room
Orange -- orange is the mix of red and yellow, and also a part of the character of red and yellow are in that orange
-- orange is a well ordered character, with inner passion and pulsating
-- is never sentimental, never earnest, excitement or fatigue
-- cheerfulness is dominating
-- embodies a healthy life, can be intrusive, dominant
-- embodies changes in life when it's more going to the yellow or to the red.
18. Color therapy: colored panes, colored food, colored bulbs
Colored panes of cellophane can be produced by plastics fixed on the window pane, and the windows have to be covered without any spot left out. Cellophane has several characteristics:
-- is living without end
-- can be fixed at any window, and any force of color can be installed
-- panes can be fixed over the other so mixed colors can be installed
-- any human is different, therefore the mixtures of colors and the force of color has to be varied
-- during the first color treatments the medical doctors only can guess and suggest
-- but certain mixtures cannot be used, as for example strong green on red [resulting almost black].
Effect of color irradiation on humans
Color treatment
changing red and blue color irradiation [1,2]
provokes rejuvenating and more beautiful body
red light
extension of blood vessels
provoking more blood circulation
blue light
restrictioning the blood ways
-- causing anemia
-- the skin is forced to act as never is possible by another treatment, and therefore rejuvenating and more beautiful body are following
Additional color sight training accompanying the color therapy
There is an immediate effect in the epiphysis above in the middle of the back part of the head
Blue light view training
epiphysis is pulling down Red and yellow light view training [1,9]
epiphysis is pulling upwards Doubling or even six panes of colors in a file
is increasing the feelings of pulling in the head.
Removing the color panes step by step
the feeling of pulling in the head is reducing.
Effect of colored window panes and colored rooms on humans
blue room or blue color view panes
can beware epileptic patients from an attack shortly before an attack
Gold, bright colors in general
have a lively effect on humans with fatigue
has an effect against melancholy
has an effect against bad mood
red room
provokes a joy for fighting, e.g. with boxing
blue panes at the window
-- are shying flies
-- are keeping food longer fresh.
Colors in connection with food
can be found in cherries, strawberries, currant, raspberry, beetroot, rote radish, red grapes, red apples, red plums, red pepper
tomatoes, carrot
in oranges
in lemons, pea, egg yolk, butter, egg plum, bananas, yellow grapes, yellow apples, yellow pears, saffron
in leave vegetables, in leave salads
in blue berries, in plums, in blackberries, blue cabbage, blue grapes, poppy
[These colors in fruits and vegetables have their effect. Therefore a healthy and balanced meal contains fruits and vegetables in all colors, above all concerning salads and cereal, considering blood group nutrition of Dr. D'Adamo at the same time].
Colored food when there is an illness: only raw food
Colored food during an illness: During an illness colored food only should be eaten as raw food because the color and the forces are lost by cooking. During diseases food should be chosen which is the counter part to the color of the illness:
Colored food and colored beverages: color irradiated food and beverages
During a disease the counter pole should be applied.irradiated color
blue food
[should be eaten when the body is too hot, when too much red is in the body]
when there is fever, blocked blood, heat, all diseases provoking red skin
[inflammations like e.g. gastritis]
red-orange or yellow food
[should be eaten when the body is too cold, when too much blue is in the body]
when people suffer colds, cold weather, healing blocked processes resulting flatulence
reinforced effect by irradiation of vegetables
There is a reinforced effect of colors by vegetables and fruits when they are irradiated with their own color: [one can put the fruit or vegetable in a box which is covered by a colored plastic with the color of the fruit or the vegetable, and then]
-- one can put the box with the plastic 15 min. into the light of the sun
-- or about 30 minutes into an electric light
-- this irradiated raw fruits or vegetables should be eaten immediately after the irradiation process.
reinforced effect by irradiation of beverages
One can irradiate water with any color you want so the water gets a specific effect. The irradiation is performed with a colored pane over the glass for 15 to 30 minutes.
Color therapy: Colored cellophane [cellophane plastics, colored plastics, cellulose hydrate] can be put directly on the ill location, but not on open wounds. Color viewing exercises are supporting the treatment, and also a color sun bath.
Color therapy Color treatment
strong blue irradiation on the face with a weak lamp with a colored plastic fixed
has effect against nervousness and against insomnia blue light during the sleep
has also effect against nervousness and against insomnia
Bath: Bath water with color irradiation
Water easily adopts energies from the light and is also transferring this energy.
Cellophane panes: Combination of colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue
1 blue ![]()
1 red ![]()
bright purple
2 blue ![]()
1 red ![]()
deep blue violet 1 blue ![]()
1 green cyan [green-blue] 1 blue ![]()
2 green strong green 1 green 2 yellow beautiful yellow-green (olive) 3 yellow 1 red ![]()
2 yellow 1 orange yellow-orange Chronic diseases are practically impossible in a colorful life when also colored food, colors beverages, baths with colored water, color viewing and color irradiation are applied.
Color therapy with lamps according to Hans Wölfle
with the order of illnesses
(from: Prof.L.Eberhard: Heilkräfte der Farben, p.88-91)-- one should increase color irradiation slowly from 15 to 30 to 60 minutes
-- between the irradiation times rests of at least 60 minutes should be made
-- the distance between the color lamp and the skin should be about 10 to 20 cm depending of the sensibility of the patient
-- generally with the lamp only single parts of the body should be irradiated
-- when the whole body is irradiated the singular parts of the body should be irradiated step by step in a strong way
-- supporting the whole process irradiated water can be taken two times per day which had been irradiated for 15 minutes with the corresponding color
-- ad to this healing cloths, tapestries, carpets and mineral colors have a healing effect
-- a yellow wallpapered room is cheering the mood
-- a blue wallpapered room is calming the humans and provokes sleep
-- a red wallpapered room provokes more life, euphoria and makes people excited but also excitable
-- the temper of the patient has always to be considered.
Blue, 60 minutes -- is healing abscesses, and when there is no purulence any more, red irradiation can follow Blue sessions for 60 min., blue sweating bath, very favorable and not harming anything -- is healing adiposis / fat addiction Red for the whole body, 3 times per day, 60 minutes each -- is healing anemia Red and green changing 30 minutes on intestine region
-- is healing anorexia
Blue 2 times per day, each time 60 minutes, on the region of the brain -- is healing arteriosclerosis of the brain Blue 2 times per day, each time 60 minutes, on the region of the heart -- is healing arteriosclerosis of the heart region Green and red in turns, 60 minutes on breast and shoulder -- is healing asthma Blue and green in turns, 2 times per day, 60 min. each -- is healing backaches Blue and red in turns, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each -- is healing barber's itch Blue, 60 min., 3 times per day -- is healing blockage of blood Green, 60 min. on the breast and on the back -- is healing bronchial catarrh Blue, sessions of 30 min.
-- is healing colds after some irradiation sessions Red -- is healing colds (applied by D.P.Ghadiali) Blue light -- is healing colics Red, 60 minutes, as often you want
-- is healing dying limbs
Green and blue in turns, 3 times per day, 30 min. each -- is healing ear troubles, heavy cases have to be treated by specialized medical doctor Red, 60 minutes, 2 times per day
-- is healing eczema
Green and blue in turns, as many times as you want, 30 min. each -- is healing edema
and heart and kidneys are well animatedYellow, 60 minutes before sleeping, colored light -- is healing epilepsy Blue room -- is hindering epileptic attacks shortly before the outbreak
-- when the blue room is applied again and again, then a complete healing is possibleBlue, 30 minutes on closed eyes -- is healing eye inflammation Green, 2 times per day, 30 min. each -- is healing gout Blue irradiation of the whole body, 30 min., very favorable -- is healing heart troubles Blue irradiations for 60 minutes, as many times as you want, but the basic cause has to be found out and measures have to be taken -- is healing headaches Blue, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each, and yellow irradiation on the abdomen, and heal the constipation [by balanced food] -- is healing hemorrhoids Red, 60 minutes on intestine region
-- is healing incubus
Yellow, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each, and with diet -- is healing intestinal catarrh -- blue irradiation of the whole body, sessions of 30 minutes
-- blue room with blue tapestries
-- blue lights
-- purification of intestine
-- deep respiration
-- is healing insomnia
-- when there is insomnia with heart palpitations or with cold feet, also red irradiation of the feet can be applied, above all at the sole of the foot, has a very good effect.Blue and green in turns -- is healing insomnia Red, 2 times per day, 60 min. each -- is healing itch Green, 3 times per day, each 30 min. -- is healing joint inflammations Blue, 3 times per day, 30 min. each -- is healing kidney troubles and kidney diseases Red, 30 min., as many times as you want -- is healing larynx troubles (huskiness) Yellow, 2 times per day, 60 min. each -- is healing liver troubles and liver diseases Red and yellow in turns, 60 min. on intestine region
-- is healing loss of appetite
Red, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing loss of hair
Red and green changing, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing lumbago
Red, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each, and: hang red cloth at the windows, or better is wrapping the patient into red cloth -- is healing measles Red room, Orange room, Yellow room -- is healing melancholy, as a balance for melancholic people, giving more life and cheering their mood up Red, irradiation of the whole body, 30 minutes
-- is healing mental troubles
Green, 2 times per day, 60 min. each, on the back and on the intestine region -- is healing nervous troubles Blue and green in turns -- is healing nervousness Blue light -- is healing neuralgia Blue, 2 times per day, 30 min. each -- is healing nose inflammation (influenza) Red, 60 min., as many times as you want
-- is healing paralyzations of the limbs
Blue, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing periostitis
Green, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing pertussis
Blue, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each
-- is healing purulence
Blue, 2 times per day, 60 minutes each
-- is healing purulent leg troubles, and when purulence has gone the treatment can be followed with red color
Blue irradiation of the complete body, as many times as you want, 60 min. one session
-- is healing rheumatism
Red and green changing, 2 times per day. 30 min. each
-- is healing sciatica
Red, 60 minutes, as many times as you want
-- is healing skin troubles and skin diseases
Yellow, 3 times per day, 30 min.
-- is healing stomach catarrh
Blue, 3 times per day, 30 min. each -- is healing stomach catarrh with pains Blue, 60 min., as many times as you want
-- is healing struma
Green and red in turns, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing pleurisy
Red, 2 times per day, 30 min. each; add to this the windows should be covered with red cloth, or one can wrap the patient into red cloth
-- is healing scarlet
Red light
-- is puring skin
-- is healing paleness
-- is healing skin blemish
-- is healing loosing hairBlue, short irradiations
-- has an effect against tooth aches: Short irradiations let disappear the ache fast [but then the cause for the pain has to be found out and treated].
Blue, 30 minutes
-- is healing warts, disappear after several irradiation sessions
Red, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing fresh wounds
-- is healing inflamed wounds
Blue and green, 30 min.
-- is healing chronic wounds, when purulence has gone, the irradiation can follow in red
Color therapy with lamps according to Hans Wölfle
with the order of colors
(from: Prof.L.Eberhard: Heilkräfte der Farben, p.88-91)
-- one should increase color irradiation slowly from 15 to 30 to 60 minutes
-- between the irradiation times rests of at least 60 minutes should be made
-- the distance between the color lamp and the skin should be about 10 to 20 cm depending of the sensibility of the patient
-- generally with the lamp only single parts of the body should be irradiated
-- when the whole body is irradiated the singular parts of the body should be irradiated step by step in a strong way
-- supporting the whole process irradiated water can be taken two times per day which had been irradiated for 15 minutes with the corresponding color
-- ad to this healing cloths, tapestries, carpets and mineral colors have a healing effect
-- a yellow wallpapered room is cheering the mood
-- a blue wallpapered room is calming the humans and provokes sleep
-- a red wallpapered room provokes more life, euphoria and makes people excited but also excitable
-- the temper of the patient has always to be considered.Blue, 60 min.
-- is healing abscesses, when purulence has gone, red irradiation follows
Blue, 2 times daily, 60 min. each, on region of the heart
-- healing arteriosclerosis of heart region
Blue, 2 times daily, 60 min. each, on the region of the brain
-- is healing arteriosclerosis of the brain
Blue, 30 min. on the closed eyes
-- is healing eye inflammation
Blue, 2 times daily, 60 min. each
-- is healing purulent leg troubles, when purulence has gone, red irradiation follows
Blue, 3 times daily, 60 min. each
-- is healing blockage of blood
Blue, 2 times daily, 60 min. each
-- is healing purulences
-- irradiation with blue, 60 min,
-- sweating bath with blue irradiated water, very favorable and not harming anything
-- is healing adiposes / fat addiction
Blue, 2 times daily, 60 min. each, and yellow irradiation on the abdomen, and balancing feces balancing alimentation
-- is healing hemorrhoids
Blue irradiation of the whole body for 30 minutes, very favorable
-- is healing heart troubles
Blue, 2 times daily, 30 min.
-- is healing periostitis
Blue, as many times you want, 60 min., but then the basic cause has to be found and measures have to be taken
-- is healing headaches
Blue, as many times you want, 60 min. each
-- is healing goiter
Blue, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing stomach catarrh with pains
Blue, 2 times per day, 30 min.
-- is healing nose inflammation
Blue, 3 times per day, 30 min.
-- is healing kidney troubles
Blue irradiation of the whole body, as many times you want, 60 min.
-- is healing rheumatism
-- blue irradiation of the whole body, 30 min.
-- blue room with blue tapestry
-- blue lights
-- balancing digestion
-- technique for deep breathing
-- is healing insomnia
-- when insomnia is going with heart palpitations or with cold feet, additional red irradiation of the feet is good, above all of the soles, very good
Blue, 30 min.
-- is healing colds: Cold is disappearing after some irradiations
Blue, 30 min.
-- is healing warts
they disappear after some few irradiation sessions
Blue, short irradiations
-- reduces tooth pains
short irradiations provoke the disappearing of the pain [and then the cause for the pain has to be found out and treated]
Blue and green in turns, 2 times per day, 60 min.
-- is healing pains of the back
Blue and green in turns
-- is healing nervousness and insomnia
Blue-green, 30 min.
-- is healing chronic wounds, after purulence has gone, irradiations follow with red
Blue light
-- is healing colics and neuralgia
Blue and red in turns, 2 times per day, 60 min. each
-- is healing beard lichen
Blue room
-- is healing epileptic attacks shortly before the outbreak
-- can be applied for healing of epilepsy when the blue room is applied again and again, and healing is possible then
Yellow, 2 times daily, 60 min. each, with diet
-- is healing intestinal catarrh
Yellow irradiation, 60 min. before sleeping, and yellow light
-- is healing epilepsy
Yellow, 2 times per day, 60 min. each
-- is healing liver troubles and diseases
Yellow, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing stomach catarrh
Green, 60 min. on breast and back
-- is healing bronchial catarrh
Green, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing joint inflammations
Green, 2 times daily, 60 min. each
-- is healing gout
Green, 3 times daily, 30 min. each
-- is healing pertussis
Green, 2 times per day, 60 min., on back and intestine region
-- is healing nervous troubles
Green and blue in turns, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing ear troubles, heavy cases have to be treated by the specialized doctor
Green and blue in turns, as many times you want, 30 min. each
-- is healing edema
heart and kidneys are well animated
Green and red in turns, 60 min. each, on breast and shoulder
-- is healing asthma
Green and red in turns, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing pleurisy
-- is healing cold (applied by D.P. Ghadiali)
Red, as many times you want, 60 min. each
-- is healing dying limbs
Red, 60 min., on stomach region
-- is healing incubus
Red, 2 times per day, 60 min. each
-- is healing eczema
Red irradiation of the whole body, 3 times per day, 60 min. each, is very favorable
-- is healing anemia
Red, 2 times per day, 60 min. each
-- is healing itch
Red irradiation of the whole body, 30 min. each
-- is healing mental troubles
Red, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing loss of hair
Red, as many times you want, 60 min. each
-- is healing skin troubles and diseases
Red, as many times you want, 30 min. each
-- is healing larynx troubles (huskiness)
Red, as many times you want, 60 min. each
-- is healing palatalizations of the limbs
-- red, 2 times per day, 60 min. each
-- cover windows with red cloth
-- better: wrap the patient into red cloths-- is healing measles
-- red, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- cover windows with red cloth
-- better: wrap the patient into red cloths
-- is healing scarlet
Red, 3 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing fresh wounds
-- is healing inflamed wounds
Red and yellow in turns, 60 min., on the stomach region
-- is healing blocked appetite (anorexia)
Red and green in turns, 30 min., on the stomach region
-- is healing loosing weight (anorexia)
Red and green in turns, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing lumbago
Red and green in turns, 2 times per day, 30 min. each
-- is healing sciatica
Red light
-- is for the purification of the skin
-- against paleness
-- against skin blemishes
-- against loss of hair
Red room or orange room or yellow room
serves as a balance for melancholic people giving new life
Color therapy with green
Dr. Peters, Leipzig (German) found out: Chlorophyll is also a rejuvenation agent
Capsules with Chlorophyll [10]
Chlorophyll hinders the deposit of degenerative substances in the human body. And therefore the body is longer in a state of youth until the high age. By isolated chlorophyll the natural aging process can be stopped.
Dr. Gordonoff: Chlorophyll has got an effect against arteriosclerosis
-- take squeezed chlorophyll daily [mixed in water] step by step against arteriosclerosis
-- this probably is also a good remedy against gout
-- chlorophyll can also heal colds, influenza and rheumatism.
Chlorophyll according to Dr.Peters, Leipzig
has an effect against deposits of degeneration agents in the human body
is a rejuvenation agent
Squeezed chlorophyll taken step by step
-- is healing arteriosclerosis
-- is healing colds
-- is healing influenza
-- is healing rheumatism
Seeing a green color is there very good where blue colors are perceived as too strong. Green gives a comfortable calm, and it's yellow variations have a good effect for melancholic or hypochondriac people. Green has always a balancing effect.
Green has got a tempering effect with inflammations, burnings and wounds, has got a good effect balancing acute nervous troubles, nervous over excitement fast hurry and precipitance.
has got a balancing effect
-- healing melancholic people
-- healing hypochondriac people
-- healing nervous troubles
-- healing nervous over excitement
-- healing fast hurry
-- healing panic.
Perception of colors in state of exhaustion
Houses in bright colors in South "America" [11], for example in Buenos Aires, are provoking always a cheering mood.
There is research by Karl Koch, a secondary council of Color Research Society (orig. German: Farbenforschungsgesellschaft):
When there is exhaustion, then any pastel color or gray or slight rose is considered as depressing. For example soldiers in war hospitals did react on pastel colors with depression and not with a cheered up mood.
When there is people in a state of exhaustion, only bright colors can have a good effect with them. The bright colors first provoke a silence, and then a quick recovery is coming, with purple, bright blue of lapis lazuli etc.
21. Color blindness
Eye test testing color blindness [12]. Color blinds don't see any "45" in the first circle, and in the second circle they only see number "70" and no "29).
Color blindness is existing in different grades:
-- complete color blindness
-- partly color blindness
-- blue yellow blinds
-- red green blinds.
Color blindness can be healed
Color blindness is more often with men than with women, and is hereditary. The occurrence is different from country to country. Especially high is the rate in England. But color blindness can be healed by spectral analytic exercises and prism exercises. Many people do never become aware of the fact that they are color blind. When such persons get to be art critics or teachers, this can have fatal consequences. This can provoke that wrong and false stiles ("schools") are developed etc.
Total color blindness
When people are suffering a complete color blindness, they see only different grays [respectively they see their life as if it would be a film in black and white, or black and white photos].
Blue yellow blindness
This spectrum of blue yellow blindness only consists of the colors red and green. And blue violet side is very short respectively is dark.
Red blindness / red green blindness
-- the patient can see only yellow and blue
-- the sense for red and green is missing
-- yellow comes directly after blue
-- the red side appears without color and is dark.
Creation of green blindness
is possible by commotions of the nervous system. White objects seem to be purple rose.
Healing of color blindness can be performed by high frequency therapy.
Now follow investigations about electric phenomenons at the cephalopod eye.
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Photo sources
[web1] http://www.klausmoeller.net/lernen/farbenlehre/farbordnung.html
[web2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wilhelm_Bunsen
[web3] http://www.lichtbiologie.de/page15/page7/page7.html
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[web12] http://www.ilgattopardo.altervista.org/pg154.html
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green irradiation: http://www.vaporsana.ch/index.php?nav=3,24,112
16. Color therapy of Dr. Heermann
[1] red irradiation: http://www.hausdersinneberlin.de/theater.html
[2] blue irradiation: http://www.teichmann-wienands.de/2_therapie_fuellungen.html
[3] red towel: http://einestages.spiegel.de/external/ShowEntry/Sl_onHideNotices/S22929.html
17. Colors according to the 4 tempers of Empedokles
[4] Empedokles, profile: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empedokles
[5] nature element water: http://www.zellamsee.de/Bildergalerie/ZellAmSeeBilder1/ZellamSeeBilder1.htm
[6] nature element fire: http://www.wolfgang-schmitt.de/Weberhaus/Der_Brand/der_brand.html
[7] nature element air: http://www.psychosophia.ch/sportcoaching/tauchen.html
[8] nature element earth (meadow): http://www.faulhammer.org/archiv-mainmenu-31/22-persoenlich/35-reisebericht-irland-2005
18. Color therapy: colored panes, colored food, colored bulbs
[9] yellow irradiation: http://www.vaporsana.ch/index.php?nav=3,24,112
19. Color therapy in green
[10] chlorophyll capsules: http://www.vitalabo.de/alles/kraeuter/chlorophyll_90_kapseln
20. Exaustion
[11] bright colors on houses: http://www.spanisch-aktiv.de/cms/front_content.php?idcat=155
21. Color blindness
[12] eye test investigating color blindness: http://karrierebibel.de/70-oder-29-ein-kleiner-sehtest/
[13] color blindnesses, scales of colors: http://www.gesundheit-heute.de/gh/ebene3.html?id=1383