These indications about the creations of the blood groups are basics for all mankind. The complete historiography is denying this important topic about the "creation and distribution of the blood groups" until today and is not presenting it in the school education or in universities. But all these maps are important for nutrition and interpretaion of characters - up to the interpretation of political connections etc.
According to the maps of Dennis O'Neill blood group 0 has a share of at least 50% in the whole world.
The indications of Dr. Peter D'Adamo and the indications of Dennis O'Neill with his maps are not the same in respect of blood group A in Japan.
Michael Palomino, November 2012
The creation of the blood groups according to nature doctor Dr. Peter D'Adamo
The drive for surviving provokes the creation of different blood groups, also with different characters which are adapted to their main occupations (richtig leben, p.46).
70,000 to 40,000 B.C.
Blood group 0 is the blood group of the first human beings, of the "Cro Magnon humans", from the time between 70,000 to 40,000 years on. They were "hunters and collectors", above all living with their hunt (4 Strategien, p.23, p.401-402). This blood group of hunters was organizing it's hunt for animals always in groups (4 Strategien, p.25). Blood group 0 is the first blood group of mankind: from Africa, with the fight for meat, with marches because of climate changes from 30,000 B.C. on to Europe and to Asia (4 Strategien, p.25). Also in the complete Arab population down to Irak blood group 0 is dominant (4 Strategien, p.31). Also blacks in "America" (Bruno, culture historian) and the natives in "America" are blood group 0, in North "America" e.g. in Missouri valley (4 Strategien, p.56). Around 10,000 B.C. the whole Earth was populated with humans of blood group 0 - with the exception of Antarctica (4 Strategien, p.26).
The designation of "hunters and collectors" is an "allegory" (richtig leben, p.36).
Map about the distribution of Asian blood group 0 (today "natives") passing the Pacific for "America": there were 3 ways
(from: Human Impact and Adaption in Peru.ppt)
Blood group distribution of blood group 0 according to Dennis O'Neill, today
Map: blood group 0 world wide today
20,000 B.C.
Blood group A was created about before 20,000
years by the development of the hunter's society to the
over populated societies of the towns (4 Strategien,
p.28), during Neolithic, with the development of a first
agriculture (4 Strategien, p.402), with pottery and with
polished tools (4 Strategien, p.403). In these towns
there were often epidemics, and therefore blood type A
is especially resistant against plague, cholera and
smallpox. After the development of blood type A they
were marching (called "Indo Europeans") passing today's
Russia to Europe until Mediterranean, and passing Russia
to the South to today's Persia and Afghanistan
(3,500-2,000 B.C.) [and to the east] until Japan (4
Strategien, p.28), or between 7,000 to 3,500 (4
Strategien, p.402).
Therefore blood group A is also called "farmer" as an
allegory (richtig leben, p.36).
Humans of blood group A with their first production of
grain and milk products confronted the old type of blood
group 0 with big problems. The hunters of blood group 0
were confronted with the immigrants of blood group A
from the East, and blood group A was introducing
agriculture in Europe 3,500-2,000 B.C. (4 Strategien,
Distribution of blood
group A according to Dennis O'Neill

Map: blood group A world wide of today
to 10,000 B.C.
Blood group B was created between 15,000 and
10,000 B.C. in the Himalaya region, and this blood type
is especially adaptable. High-altitude steppe blood
group B can get along with almost all (Sommerschlager).
"B" represents "balance". When humans were driven out
from fertile plains of China to the Himalaya mountains,
there was also a climate change in the Himalaya
highlands, and therefore a new blood group B was coming
out. It spread to the steppes of Eurasia. They are
farmer nomads, they have a "balance" with meat
consumption and with milk products equally. Blood group
B was migrating until East Europe (4 Strategien, p.29)
and can be found often down to Elbe River and to Austria
(4 Strategien, p.31)..
Only now came the development of domestication and of
milk production with cows (4 Straategien, p.153).
"[Cow] milk products came as an important share of the
alimentation only with the development of the B type,
and at the same time came the domestication." (4
Strategien, p.153).
(orig. German:
"[Kuh-]Milchprodukte kamen als wichtiger Bestandteil der Ernährung während der Blüte der Entwicklung des B-Typs hinzu, gleichzeitig mit der Haustierhaltung." (4 Strategien, S.153)
[That means: Only now mankind was a milk "farmer" which
is called a "farmer" today. Blood group A is a goat
ward. But blood group B is not called a milk "farmer"
now], but blood group B gets the allegoric name of
"nomad" in respect of the Himalaya highlands (richtig
leben, p.36).
Blood group B has got as basic construction sugar "D
galactosamine [...], the sugar which is also in the
[cow] milk."
(orig. German:
Blutgruppe B hat als Grundaufbauzucker das "D-Galactosamin [...], der Zucker, der auch in [Kuh]milch enthalten ist." (4 Strategien, S.153)
The development of
agriculture according to the blood group
development |
Blood group |
name |
milk |
milk products made of |
group 0 |
and collectors" |
- |
milk, goat milk |
group A |
"farmers" |
milk |
milk, goat milk, soya milk |
group B |
"nomads" |
milk, goat mils |
milk, goat milk, cow milk |
group AB |
"chameleon" |
cow milk, goat milk |
sheep's milk, goat milk, cow milk |
(Palomino 2006) |
Cow milk products were introduced in Asia by the
"Mongolian Hordes" coming from the north. Asian people
reject to milk products until today because Mongols are
considered as "Barbarians". That's why the change to
blood group nutrition of type B in Asia can provoke some
sociological difficulties (4 Strategien, p.154).
Humans of blood group B are very ingenious, with
creativity, intellectuality and technique. Humans in
China highlands developed strategies of survival with
sophisticated procedures of irrigation agriculture (4
Strategien, p.30).
Densest region with blood group B is India, then
followed by northern China and Corea with a high share
of B, which have only little share of A. Jews mostly
have a high share of blood group B, followed by blood
group A (4 Strategien, p.31). Also Jews migrated to
"America" have blood group B [coming mostly from Russia
and eastern Europe] (4 Strategien, p.51).
Blood group
distribution with blood group B according to Dennis

Map: blood group B world wide, today
1,000 A.C
Blood group AB was created before about 1,000
years (from: Sommerschlager).
[Calendar discussion is here presented "Chronologiekritik",
new search found out that there are at least 300 years
too much].
So, blood group AB is a mix of A and B, world wide under
5%, and is the youngest blood group (4 Strategien,
p.31), and exists since about 1,000 to 1,200 years.
Blood group AB came after the breakdown of Roman Empire
after the Migration Period. This can be stated precisely
with bone finds. It seems that before this Migration
Period the blood groups A and B hardly mixed (4
Strategien, p.32).
Blood group AB is going well with a mixed food diet of A
and B. Humans with blood group AB have no A antibodies
and no B antibodies in their blood. Because of this -
according to Dr. D'Adamo - they have a special
protection against autoimmune diseases because their
immune system is less strong. This provokes a higher
vulnerability for cancer, so D'Adamo suggests the
consumption of more food which can inhibit cancer and
tumor developments (aus: Sommerschlager). As an allegory
blood group AB is called often "the enigma" because "the
factors are not detected yet which provoked the creation
of this relatively young blood group." (richtig leben,