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Note: healing cancer with baking powder (sodium) 03: instruction for healing cancer cases - in 10 to 12 days
1. The principle: cancer can only live in a sour body - in a basic alkaline body cancer is killed immediately - baking powder! - 2. measure pH-value - 3. go shopping for baking powder and sugar molasses or a fruit juice concentrate - 4. take 1 tea spoon of baking powder + 1 tea spoon of sugar melasses in 1 glass of water 1x daily (little persons) or 2x daily (big persons) - 5. symptoms (excretion of toxic substances): sweat, flatulences, little diarrhea, pimples etc. - 6. factor sleep for healthy body cells - 7. measure pH-value - from pH7 on (neutral pH-value) cancer is paralyzed - from pH8 on (basic alkaline pH-value) cancer is killed - 8. make a new X-ray photo and celebrate your healing - 9. prevention: 1 time per year control your pH-value - balanced food
by Michael Palomino (2015)
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1. The principle: cancer can only live in a sour body - in a basic alkaline body cancer is killed immediately - baking powder!
The principle: cancer can only live in a sour body. When the body becomes basic alkaline then any cancer is promptly killed. Baking powder has the effect that the body is converting into a basic alkaline state and all cancer is killed immediately.
2. Measure pH-value
One can measure the pH-value - in a laboratory or in a clinic. You take a little bottle with your fresh urine with you. Within about 20 minutes the result is coming. One can also buy measuring equipments and measure the pH-value oneself.
A pH value of 7 (pH7) is neutral, under pH7 is sour, under pH6 is dangerously sour. Then cancer can grow. The aim is now to rise the pH-level to pH7 (neutral) and to pH8 (basic alkaline pH-value) - because with pH8 any cancer is immediately killed.
3. Go shopping for baking powder and sugar molasses or a fruit juice concentrate
In a grocery shop or in a shopping center one can provide baking powder and sugar molasses or a fruit juice concentrate. Baking powder should be without aluminum compounds (aluminum free). The sweet juice is not only provoking that the beverage is sweet but is also provoking that the baking powder is getting faster into the blood.
Compositions of baking powders without aluminum:
Bob's Red Mill Double Acting Baking Powder ("USA")
Royal "Polvo para hornear" (Peru)
sodium bicarbonate
bicarbonato de sodio
monocalcium phosphate
monocálcico fosfato
sodium acid pyrophosphate
pirofosfato ácido de sodio
4. take 1 tea spoon of baking powder + 1 tea spoon of sugar melasses in 1 glass of water 1x daily (little persons) or 2x daily (big persons)
The therapy is consisting now of 1 tea spoon of baking powder + 1 tea spoon of sugar melasses in 1 glass of water.
Little persons (e.g. up to 50kg) take it 1 time per day, bigger persons (e.g. with 80kg) take it 2 times per day.
You can also double the sweet compound if you want.
pH-value is rising about 0.3 points every day.
Weak persons can take a mineral powder as a supplement.
The cup with the baking powder solution with the fruit juice concentrate "Algarrobina" [10]
5. symptoms (excretion of toxic substances): sweat, flatulences, little diarrhea, pimples etc.
During the cancer healing process with baking powder with rising pH-level toxic substances are secreted. Corresponding symptoms are coming up with secretion action of toxic substances like
-- sweat
-- flatulence
-- little diarrheas
-- pimples.
These secretion symptoms are different from person to person. There can be all or only some.
At the end of about 8 to 10 days new symptoms can come up when pH8 is reached:
-- headaches
-- formication
-- short pains like stings in some joints etc.
Then one should measure pH-level again! You can measure it daily. In some countries are sets or devices to have for measuring pH-levels oneself.
6. factor sleep for healthy body cells
Profound sleep is important for a healing process so the body can recover well. For that some foot baths are recommended. Additionally for a good profound sleep you should go early to bed before 10pm so one can profit of before midnight sleep. With before midnight sleep and profound sleep the body cells get a maximum of recovery and therefore they are also less vulnerable to cancer.
7. Measure pH-value - from pH7 on (neutral pH-value) cancer is paralyzed - from pH8 on (basic alkaline pH-value) cancer is killed
At the end will be a pH8.
8. make a new X-ray photo and celebrate your healing
With the new pH-value of pH8 you can make a new X-ray photo and then you will see that all cancer HAS GONE.
Now you can celebrate your healing. Healed with baking powder power!
9. prevention: 1 time per year control your pH-value - balanced food
I can only recommend that all persons will test their pH-value one time per year. When pH-value is under pH6 one can make a little baking powder therapy bringing the pH-value up to a neutral pH7 so there is no cancer danger for sure.
Nutrition should be balanced.
Meat and bad garbage food (French fried and other in oil baked things) are provoking acid in the blood provoking a sour body with low pH-levels.
Fruits, vegetables, rice and pure fruit juices without additives are provoking a rise of pH-value and the body is more basic alkaline by this.
The body will be sour, danger of cancer is rising, toxics are causing organic failures etc.
Eat meat maximally 2 times per week [13] - French fried have to be eliminated [14]
Meat and French fried are BOTH provoking a sour pH-value - NEVER eat this [15] - Lomo saltado - NEVER eat this [16]
Escalope with French fried are BOTH provoking sour pH-value - NEVER eat this [17] - broaster chicken NEVER eat this [18] - broaster chicken with French fried are BOTH provoking sour pH-value - NEVER eat this [19]
With fruits, vegetables and rice the body is reaching a neutral pH-value, cancer has no chance - and organs are working well.
A fruit stand - fruits provoke a rising pH-value [20] - vegetable and salads, pH-level is rising [21]
Fruit juice with apple and banana, pH-value is rising [22] - fruit juice with papaya, pH-level is rising [23] - fruit salad, pH-level is rising [24]
Biological apple puree, pH-level is rising [25] - tea, e.g. lime tee, pH-level is rising [26]
Rice dish with vegetables and some meat (Arroz chaufa): pH-value is not changing [27]
So, everybody has it's own responsibility that his/her body is in a balance and will not be acid.
People eathing much meat and French fried with hardly fruits, vegetables or rice should really be aware that they are in a heavy danger with their acid body.
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[1] Michael Palomino, portrait 2012: photo by Michael Palomino
[2] scheme about pH-value in a sour, neutral and basic alkaline level with danger of cancer in the acid zone: Michael Palomino 2015
[3] pH-Wert-Test, Kreisskala: http://www.sheknows.com/home-and-gardening/articles/997949/understanding-soil-ph
[4] pH-Wert-Test mit Sticks: http://www.matador-futter.de/default.asp?ContentId=2159&LanguageId=49&CategoryId=2066&NewsId=58600
[5] pH-Wert-Test mit elektronischem Gerät: http://www.palintest.de/products-category.aspx?id=14
[6] Bob's Red Mill baking powder: http://www.iherb.com/bob-s-red-mill-baking-powder-gluten-free-16-oz-453-g/9585
[7] 1 tea spoon of baking powder: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpulver
[8a] Brer Rabbit Blackstrap molasses in a bottle: Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Brer-Rabbit-Blackstrap-Molasses-Bottle/dp/B0002XIAXE
[8b] Brer Rabbit Blackstrap molasses in a glass: Amazon:
[9] 1 glass of water: http://www.aguasdesantiago.com.ar/paginas/ver/47/mision_y_vision
[10] the cup with the baking powder solution combined with Algarrobina: photo by Michael Palomino 2015
[11] Schlaf: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Panneau-dormir.png
[12] pH-test with a pH-value of pH8: Michael Palomino 2015
[13] eat meat maximum 2 times per week: http://www.chinchillas-in-wuppertal.de/fleisch-essen-nein-danke.html
[14] delete damaging French fried: http://www.toepfer-feinkost.de/index.php/pommes-frites.html
[15] meat with French fried NEVER: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Flickr_-_cyclonebill_-_B%C3%B8f_med_pommes_frites_%281%29.jpg
[16] meat with French fried: Lomo saltado NEVER: http://randommealoftheday.blogspot.com/2009/10/marios-peruvian-seafood-lomo-saltado.html
[17] escalope with French fried NEVER: http://www.danimei.ch/mein_angebot_98983433.html
[18] NEVER eat broaster chicken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfbkTk7LrFk (2min.37sek.)
[19] NEVER eat broaster chicken with French fried: http://adecuacionymontajedeunbroaster.blogspot.com/
[20] fruit trader in Lima, pH-value is rising with fruits: http://viviendoenlima.com/2013/08/22/frutero-verdulero/
[21] vegetable and salads, pH-value is rising: https://noelsutabutr.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/organic-pesticide-free-and-hydroponic-veggies/
[22] fruit juice of apple and banana, pH-value is rising: http://www.e-recetasdecomida.com.ar/Apple-Banana-Smoothie.html
[23] fruit juice with papaya, pH-value is rising: http://www.alimentos-saludables.com/papaya.html/papaya2
[24] fruit salad, pH-value is rising: http://blogs.20minutos.es/yaestaellistoquetodolosabe/por-que-se-llama-macedonia-al-postre-compuesto-de-varias-frutas/
[25] apple puree, pH-value is rising: http://www.bio-und-feinkostversand.de/konserven/bauckhof-bio-apfelmus-gesusst-700-g.html
[26] lime tee, pH-value is rising: http://elblogdezalma.blogspot.pe/2012/09/aceites-para-masajes-relajantes.html
[27] rice dish (Arroz chaufa): http://recetasnicolini.blogspot.pe/2011/01/arroz-chaufa-con-pollo-pag-105-arroz.html