Healings with sodium bicarbonate:
Sodium bicarbonate healing illnesses - big list -- The
healing of direct symptoms of illnesses - of intermediate
symptoms of illnesses - of advanced symptoms of illnesses --
Sodium bicarbonate in Rothschild's toxic "medicine" -- Dr.
Tullio Simoncini in Rome healing cancer with bicarbonate --
The basic alkaline shock wave - provoked by sodium
bicarbonate -- Baby stomach problems solved with sodium
Cancer healing with sodium bicarbonate: Cancer cells
-- Kinds of cancer -- Side effects of cancer: fungi,
syndromes, kidney damages etc. -- Healing the environment -
cancer cells transformed into normal cells -- Sodium
bicarbonate healing cancer away: with pH7.4 sleeping cancer
- and with pH8 cancer is killed -- The standard 90%-10%: 90%
are healing with sodium bicarbonate - 10% are healing with
herbal medecine -- Sodium bicarbonate healing cancer away:
acid waste going away - tumors are reducing - cancer is
going away -- Healing cancer with sodium bicarbonate
combined with sugar (sugar molasses etc.) -- The benefits of
sugar molasses -- Passing from pH6 to pH7.4 fast - the trick
with more sugar -- pH higher than pH8 is not so good --
Treatment of cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate
injections, infusions etc. -- Cancer with children -- Cancer
never coming back with change of life style - throw
Rothschild's McDonalds' garbage food away etc. -- Research
says: Cancer is a faulty energy metabolism -- Research says:
Cancer is a fungi disease -- Cancer or fungus - fungus or
cancer - similar properties and behavior -- Parallels
between cancer and fungi cells -- First it was Rothschild's
industrial garbage food - then fungus came - and then cancer
came -- Changes of metabolism and damaged pancreas by fungi
-- Conclusion: cancer=fungi -- The mycotoxins of the fungi
-- Where are the fungi? In toxic satanic reptile's
Rothschild's industrial food! -- Dangerous diseases by fungi
-- Fungi diseases as side effects -- Treatments of fungus
diseases: toxic Rothschild pills are for nothing --
Treatments of fungus diseases: sodium bicarbonate is
eliminating anything -- General food prevention against
vulnarability to fungi -- Dangerous diseases by fungi's uric
acid -- Rothschild's toxic medicine without chance against
fungi and cancer -- Cancer healings with sodium bicarbonate
- examples
Healing more illnesses, diabetes, kidneys etc.:
Healing diabetes with sodium bicarbonate -- Diabetes: Sodium
bicarbonate healing diabetes -- Muscles: sodium bicarbonate
for muscles and skin -- Feet: sodium bicarbonate for tired
feet -- Kidneys: Sodium bicarbonate healing kidneys --
Stomach: gastritis, stomach ulcers etc.: sodium bicarbonate
killing heliobacter pylori bacteria -- Skin: Sodium
bicarbonate healing aging and skins -- Wounds healing easily
with sodium bicarbonate lotions -- Teeth and gum prevention
- and illnesses provoked without mouth care -- Teeth:
amalgam and diabetes provoking denture and gingivitis
illnesses -- Truth about criminal amalgam: it's fragile and
mercury is contaminating the whole body -- Allergies by a
sour bodies -- Baby stomach problems solved with sodium
Sodium bicarbonate healing illnesses - big list
Most chronic diseases can be healed with alkaline sodium
bicarbonate (p.52).
The healing of direct symptoms of illnesses - of
intermediate symptoms of illnesses - of advanced symptoms
of illnesses
Sodium bicarbonate is converting the ill and acid body into
an alkaline body (p.12) so all acid body illnesses are
healed (p.26-27) because life conditions in the body are
changed to the good (p.35).
1. Direct effects of acidity are:
Acne, agitation, bloating, chemical sensitivities to odor,
gas heat, cold hands and feet, constipation, diarrhea,
dizziness, excess head mucous (stuffiness) [?], food
allergies, hard to get up in the morning, heartburn, hot
urine, hyperactivity, irregular heartbeat, joint pains that
travel, lack of sex drive, low energy, metallic taste in the
mouth, mild headaches, muscular pain, panic attacks,
pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping [pre-menstrual and
menstrual pains, syndrome], pre-menstrual anxiety and
depression, rapid heartbeat, rapid panting breath, strong
smelling urine, white coated tongue (p.26).
Heartburn is a stress indicator [the body is coming to it's
limits] - and is an indicator that "Western" Rothschild
garbage food is overloading the stomach with trash food and
too much meat, dairy, and quick rising bread and sourdough
bread (p.53).
2. Intermediate symptoms of acidity are healed:
Asthma, bacterial infections (staph, strep), bronchitis,
cold sores (Herpes I and II), colitis, cystitis, depression
(p.26), disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing, ear
aches, endometriosis, excessive falling hair, fungal
infections (Candida albicans, athlete's foot, vaginal),
gastritis, hay fever, hives (rash, exanthema), impotence,
insomnia, loss of concentration, loss of memory, migraine
headaches, numbness (ear not working) and tingling (feeling
of ants), psoriasis, sinusitis, stuttering, swelling,
urethritis (urinarian tube inflammation), urinary infection,
viral infections (colds, flu) (p.27).
3. Also the advanced symptoms of acidity are healed:
All kind of cancer, Crohn's disease, Hodgkin's Disease,
learning disabled, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia
gravis (weak muscles), rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis
(knots), schizophrenia, scleroderma (hard skin and hard
organs), systemic lupus erythematosis (exanthema),
tuberculosis (p.27).
And also the following illnesses are healed:
-- colic, stomach pain, hiccups, gas (p.51)
-- urticaria
-- thin hair becomes thick (p.11) [pesticide damage and
missing minerals]
-- tiredness is going away (p.11)
-- asthma (p.12) [vaccination damage]
-- infertility (rising fertility resp. agility of sperms)
-- has an anti microbial effect (p.13)
-- nerves (p.14)
-- allergies (p.12,14) [vaccination damage]
[Illnesses by pesticides, missing minerals and McDonalds
trash food]:
-- kidneys (p.15), chronic kidney diseases (p.40)
-- renal stones (p.15), uric acid renal stones (p.53)
-- indigestions (stomach troubles, heartburn) (p.14)
-- osteoporosis, osteoarthritis are stopped (p.35)
-- cancer is stopped, even bone cancer (p.35)
-- diabetes (p.40)
-- ulcers, colitis, other gastric disorders healed by
drinking bicarbonate-rich water (p.135)
Gargling sodium bicarbonate against colds (S.31).
Sodium bicarbonate is healing poisonings, overdoses, cancer,
and nerve damage (p.45).
Sodium bicarbonate:
-- has an anti-fungal effect, is a disinfectant against
viruses with a 5% concentration (p.2).
-- can neutralize radiations: "One of the most potent uses
of sodium bicarbonate is as an antidote for radiation
exposure." (p.2)
-- can balance radiation poisoning by rising pH levels
-- can heal Candida infections (p.3) (Candida albicans,
Candida tropicalis, Torulosis glabrata - S.118)
-- can heal any grade of cancer (p.9)
-- is an anti-fungal agent (p.9)
-- has an effect against bacteria (p.9)
-- has an effect against viruses (p.9)
-- is healing flu (p.48) in just one day (p.49) [or is at
least aliviating flu symptoms which is different from type
to type]
-- is healing kidneys (p.10)
Everybody can medicate oneself with sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate in Rothschild's toxic "medicine"
In Rothschild's toxic "medicine" sodium bicarbonate is used
as a buffer during chemotherapy saving kidneys from toxics,
during radiation screens saving kidneys from radiation
contamination (p.9).
In emergency cases the bicarbonates are given intravenously
by an injection, e.g. when there is a standstill of the
heart bringing down acidity of the body fast in combination
with a pacemaker with electro shocks (p.34).
Cancer healing with sodium bicarbonate
Die giftig-satanistische Rothschild-Zivilisation gibt
vor, Krebs zu heilen, verschlimmert aber alles
Criminal Satanist Rothschild pharma industry tries to heal
cancer with more radiation, but in this way no cancer is
healed but the damage is even bigger and more cancer is
provoked (p.56). Quotation:
"Increasing levels of radiation exposure leads to increases
in cancer rates. Oncologists though insist on using
something that causes cancer (radiation) to treat it."
[At the same time also toxic cancer pills are sold which are
damaging even more].
Cancer in a sour Rothschild body - failing Rothschild
pill medicine
Tumor's life is in an acid body (p.35). Cancer cells don't
need oxygen, but they need blood sugar (glucose). Then
cancer grows by fermenting process when there is no oxygen
Rothschild's pharma is pretending to heal cancer but is only
worsening because
1st one cannot heal any illness with only one agent
2nd toxic pills are so toxic so also healthy cells are
3d when toxic pills are combined the effects can be
absolutely harmful because the combinations are not tested
So, chemotherapy with Rothschld's pharma pills is provoking
MORE cancer and not less (p.72).
Rothschild's toxic medicine with expensive treatments
Rothschild's technical medicine is developing against cancer
-- new toxic chemotherapy drugs
-- radiotherapy which is harming even more
-- bone marrow transplant which are fucking expensive and
there is a giant risk with it
with some success (p.118) [because cancer is healed one
time, but is coming back, and in the relation to the costs
of research and of operation it's nothing]
-- and with many side effects and damaging many organic
functions (p.119).
[Toxic Rothschild "medicine" system does not want to heal
any cancer because there is no change with pH values - and
in this way they make billions of profits without healings].
[Pharma is poison - pharma is NO "medicine"
So, the industrial pharma medicine of the Rothschild cartel
on the world cannot be used, is garbage, that's it. The word
"medicine" is wrong in this case, it's a calculated
deception because pharma medicine is no medicine but these
intoxication methods and nothing else -
only garbage. But the profits are 1,000 to 10,000% for every
pill (!!!). And the main part is sold to elder people who
have no idea about the truth because they believe yet in the
propaganda movies in the TV which is also financed by the
same pharma companies...]
Conditions provoking cancer
Conditions for cancer are very complex so the causes are
different from person to person (p.75). [Criminal satanic]
"USA" are a cancer country (p.62). Cancer is caused because
of heavy metal toxicity in combination with free radical
damage, pathogen infection etc. (p.69). Causes for cancer
are - quotation:
"-- heavy metal toxicity (e.g. mercury is the base for
cancer so cancer always comes back when amalgam fillings are
not taken out - p.117),
-- free radical damage,
-- pathogen infection,
-- inflammation,
-- mitochondria dysfunction,
-- immune system depression,
-- mineral and vitamin deficiencies,
-- genetic mutation,
-- cell wall damage,
-- and oxidative stress" (p.69).
Alcohol for example is provoking 50 different kinds of
cancer. Alcohol is a fungi poison, a mycotoxin, as also
penicillin is a fungi poison, a mycotoxin (p.116).
Normally cancer patients have a low pH value with a deficit
in bicarbonates in the blood (p.66).
Cancer tissue is acid in general (p.67) and very different
to normal skin tissue and has a much higher concentration of
toxic chemicals, pesticides, and other toxic materials
Cancer cells create a sour environment to live (p.63).
"Respiration of cancer cells creates acid conditions"
(p.66). Cancer cells are aggressive and invasive destroying
normal healthy cells (p.63). In some cases cancer tumors are
also pH neutral tumors [with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0] (p.65).
Cancer is like a fungus [which also has an invasive
behavior] (p.64). Cancer cells are metabolizing much
glucose, and this is provoking much acid (p.64). Low pH
values are promoting the invasion and thus are provoking
tumors (p.63).
Toxic Rothschild pharma "medicine" with toxic pills has no
success against cancer but the body is even developing
resistances against cancer pills (p.65).
[This means: toxic Rothschild pharma has a success perhaps
with one cancer healing, but after 2 years this cancer is
coming again and then the pill has no effect any more and
all the costs for the first cancer treatment were for
Some food especially provokes cancer
-- meat + dairy products rise cancer risk for prostate
cancer (p.102-103)
[-- every blood group has it's own stomach and it's own
focus of food so one can keep the body in a balance - see
group medicine by Dr. D'Adamo].
Cancer cells
Cancer tissues contain
-- toxic chemicals in high concentrations (p.105)
-- pesticides in high concentrations such as DDT and PCB
-- mercury (p.117)
Cancer cells also love radiation metals such as potassium,
rubidium, cesium (p.105).
More uptake of these damaging substances is provoked by
-- vitamin A
-- vitamin C
-- zinc salts
-- selenium salts (p.106)
When cancer has developed a tumor not all tumor cells are
malignant in the same way (p.124). Only a little percentage
are cancer invasion cells and are tumor inducing cells -
working like stem cells. These cancer inducing cells
-- are copying themselves (self-renewal), and
-- are making all other tumor cells similar to stem cells
Kinds of cancer
-- leukemia is provoked by mercury (p.117)
-- liver cancer is often provoked by chronic hepatitis B+C
-- cervical, throat and oral cancer are often provoked by
HPV (Human papillomavirus) (p.114)
-- gastric cancer is often provoked by Heliobacter pylori
and MALT lymphoma (p.114)
-- bladder cancer is often provoked by Schistosome parasites
Side effects of cancer: fungi, syndromes, kidney damages
-- fungi diseases (p.113,117,118)
-- spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome with renal insufficiency
or intestinal obstruction
-- tumor compression with renal insufficiency or intestinal
obstruction (p.119).
Healing the environment - cancer cells transformed into
normal cells
When the environment and the body are absolutely healthy
then the cancer tissue converts into healthy cells again.
It's like a children's education: when the environment is
good without criminality, the child is trained well without
criminality (p.71).
Cancer: Sodium bicarbonate healing cancer
Cancer healing with elements of nutritional medicines like
sodium bicarbonate is no problem (p.173).
Cancer cells can only live in a sour body. Without sour
environment the cells cannot turn into cancer cells. Cancer
cells are like a kid in a bad neighborhood. The kid turns
bad when the neighborhood is bad. Cells turn only into
cancer cells when the body is very sour (p.71).
Cancer cells are rogue cells, and they are creating a sour
environment (the sour "microenvironment", p.71) always
developing more cancer cells and occupying more territory in
the body (p.70). Immune system cannot attack the cancer
cells because the cancer cells are protected by the sour
environment. Early grades of cancer are not spreading in the
body yet because the healthy environment stops the cancer
cells (p.70).
Dr. Simoncini believes that sodium bicarbonate only heals
cancer of grade 1 to 3. Dr. Sircus indicates clearly that
sodium bicarbonate is healing ALL cancers. Chemotherapy with
toxic Rothschild pills is NOT needed (p.143).
Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Rome healing cancer with
Oncologist Tullio Simoncini in Rome is healing cancer with
sodium bicarbonate (p.4).
The basic alkaline shock wave - provoked by sodium
With sodium bicarbonate a shock wave of alkalinity is
provoked: the body turns alkaline and all cancer is killed
Dr. Sircus:
"Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and
effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It is
irresistible cyanide to cancer cells. It hits the cancer
cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much
more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate.
Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels
of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is a killer of tumors, safer
and more effective than anything else." (p.4)
Sodium bicarbonate healing cancer away: with pH7.4
sleeping cancer - and with pH8 cancer is killed
Sodium bicarbonate is like an emergency care healing cancer
away (p.118). At pH7.4 cancer cells sleep. At pH8 cancer
cells die and the body is living (p.101). Healing cancer
affords reaching pH8 [in the urine with an empty stomach in
the morning] (p.149). Dr. Sircus is indicating that pH8
should be hold during two weeks (p.149). [But Vernon
Johnston healed his cancer of grade 4 within only 4 days of
pH8.5. The decisive fact are new photos controlling if the
cancer is present yet. This will hardly be the cace with
pH8. Vernon Johnston's security was to pass pH8 up to
One can reach this pH8 also with basic non acid provoking
food, but it will be very slowly going on - or just with
sodium bicarbonate very fast (p.101). Quotation:
"At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant, and
at pH8.0 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will
live. This has given rise to a variety of treatments based
on increasing the alkalinity of the tissues such as
vegetarian diet, raw foods, the drinking of fresh fruit, and
vegetable juices, and dietary supplementation with alkaline
minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, cesium, and
rubidium. But nothing can compare to the relatively instant
alkalinizing power of sodium bicarbonate for safe and
effective treatment of cancer." (p.101)
Survival rates also of cancer with children are rising with
sodium bicarbonate (p.118).
[The standard 90%-10%: 90% are healing with sodium
bicarbonate - 10% are healing with herbal medecine
Healing experience (estate September 2016) shows: the fast
healing method with sodium bicarbonate is working with 90%
of the cases. 10% have bad reactions to sodium bicarbonate
and have to heal with herbal healing methods which last 3 to
6 months: blood group nutrition, raw food, fruit extracts.
This counts also for other illnesses: 90% are healing with
sodium bicarbonate, 10% have negative reactions to sodium
bicarbonate and have to heal with herbal healing methods:
blood group nutrition, raw food, and fruit extracts].
Sodium bicarbonate healing cancer away: acid waste going
away - tumors are reducing - cancer is going away
Dr. Simoncini recommends a steady regular intake of the
sodium bicarbonate solution without interruption for at
least 7 to 8 days. Tumors will reduce from the third to the
fourth day on, and will collapse from the fourth to the
fifth day on (p.144). Quotation by Dr. Simoncini:
"Sodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast, and effective
because it is extremely diffusible. A therapy with
bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong dosage,
continuously, and with pauseless cycles in a destruction
work which should proceed from the beginning to the end
without interruption for at least 7 to 8 days. In general a
mass of [a tumor of] 2 to 3 to 4 centimeters will begin to
consistently regress from the third to the fourth day and
collapses from the fourth to the fifth." (p.144)
[As I told before: this works with 90% of the cases. 10%
have bad reactions to sodium bicarbonate and have to heal
with herbal medecine].
Sodium bicarbonate is increasing pH values (p.63) so oxygen
is rising in the cells eliminating all acid waste (p.67). pH
values are rising around tumors and the oxygen stops the
development of metastases (p.63). Cancer goes away with
rising pH values. Quotation:
"By simply changing the pH with baking soda they turned
invasive cancers into retreating cancers." (p.64)
Healing cancer with sodium bicarbonate combined with
sugar (sugar molasses etc.)
Sugar and sodium bicarbonate mix, but never tightly bind
together. So the effects of both are not changed in a mixed
solution. A heating of the solution provokes a better mixed
beverage, but not a binding (p.140).
Sugar makes grow cancer cells, but oxigen will come with it
and then the alkaline pH will kill all in a short time what
is cancer (p.140). Quotation:
"We combine the sugar with the bicarbonate and present it to
the cancer cells, which at first are going to love the
present. But not for long!" (p.140)
Sugar provokes opened cancer cells because cancer cells like
sugar (p.136). Healer Jim Kelmun in North Carolina in the
1950s combined sodium bicarbonate with maple syrup (p.140).
The proportion is 1 part of baking soda with 3 parts of
maple syrup. Cancer cells take the sugar but also baking
soda is coming with the sugar and kills the cancer cells
with a high pH value (p.140).
Some more data:
Cancer cells consume 15 times more blood sugar (glucose)
than normal cells (p.140). And then oxygen comes which is
provoked by sodium bicarbonate [cleaning acid waste away]
and the cancer cells are killed and transformed [into
healthy cells] by high oxygen levels. So, the sugar is a
Trojan horse getting the cancer cells opened. (S.136)
The benefits of sugar molasses
Sugar molasses has more minerals than maple syrup (p.136).
Additionally sugar molasses is the best sweetener because it
contains minerals which promote the health of the affected
cancer patient (p.141). Quotation:
"Blackstrap molasses [this is one of the "US" companies
selling sugar molasses in the criminal "USA"] is a healthful
sweetener that contains significant amounts of a variety of
minerals that promote your health." (p.141)
Sugar molasses contains
-- much calcium (for muscles, blood, nerves, brain, cells,
-- iron (for oxygen transport, enzymes, metabolism) (p.141).
Sugar molasses is healing many diseases alone, see the
chapter "Good to know for health" in
Passing from pH6 to pH7.4 fast - the trick with more
Cancer is growing fast between pH6 and pH7.4 until the
cancer cells sleep from pH7.4 on. So it's necessary to pass
this area between pH6 and pH7.4 as fast as possible (p.101).
"Cancer seems to grow slowly in a high acid environment (the
acids cause it to partially destroy itself) and may actually
grow more quickly as your body becomes more alkaline prior
to reaching the healthy pH; which means reaching slightly
above 7.4 where the cancer becomes dormant. Therefore, it is
important to get the pH above 7.4 quickly and then to get
the urinary pH up to 8.0." (p.101)
pH higher than pH8 is not so good
pH values over pH8 provoking an alkaline body is not so good
because also this state can provoke illnesses and imbalances
in the body (p.149). [So one should have a pH of higher than
8 only for cancer healing purposes during a short time].
Treatment of cancer tumors with sodium
bicarbonate injections, infusions etc.
Dr. Simoncini says: the best is to get sodium bicarbonate
directly into contact with the fungus tissue with endoscope
methods, catheters (p.114), clusters, drip infusions,
irrigations, and infiltrations (p.115). These injection and
infusion methods etc. are just expensive and must be
executed by a medical doctor (p.143).
Cancer with children
Children of Rothschild's toxic "civilization" have the
following cancer rates:
number 1: leukemia
number 2: brain tumor
number 3: lymphomas
number 4: sarcoma
number 5: ectodermal tumors (p.118).
Leukemia going away
Sodium bicarbonate is saving many leukemia children (p.118).
Leukemia is healing within 8 days with sodium bicarbonate
[in the best case] (p.143).
Leukemia with children is healed with sodium bicarbonate
injections within some hours
Dr. Simoncini healed a leukemia child within hours within 6
hours giving sodium bicarbonate solution in an intravenous
way (p.4-5) with an injection of sodium bicarbonate and
glucose (p.5).
Combinations of cancer healing methods
Sodium bicarbonate also supports other anti cancer
treatments (p.64,69) like O2 injections into tumors (p.64).
Rising pH levels provoke even the healing persons with
cancer of grade 4 (p.64).
Prevention: cancer never coming back with change of life
style - throw Rothschild's McDonalds' garbage food away
For a definite healing of cancer a change of life style is
necessary. Otherwise cancer comes back also after the
healing (p.75).
[One has to get rid off the McDonalds' food and the
industrial food of Rothschild's "civilization" because this
is no food but this is only death:
-- garbage food of McDonalds and fast food etc.
-- getting rid off tinned food which is without any
-- getting rid off any frozen food which is dead etc.
-- install blood group nutrition
-- install a balance of food time table only two times meat
per week and 3 days vegetarian].
Research says: Cancer is a faulty energy
"Dr. Seeger and Dr. Budwig, in Germany, have shown that
cancer is mainly the result of a faulty energy metabolism in
the powerhouses of the cells - the mitochondria. ATP
[Adenosine triphosphate] and most of the enzymes involved in
the production of energy require magnesium. A healthy cell
has high magnesium and low calcium levels. The problem that
comes with low magnesium (Mg) levels is the calcium builds
up inside the cells while energy production decreases as the
mitochondria gradually calcify." (p.164)
Research says: Cancer is a fungi disease
Fungi are the biggest killers of life on Earth (p.123).
Fungi are the most powerful and most organized
micro-organism (p.126). Fungi also can destroy rocks and are
changing complete landscapes (p.127). 70% of all extinctions
are provoked by fungi (p.123). Estimations mean that there
are 1.5 to 5 million different fungi on Earth. 100.000 are
identified (p.123). About 400 of these fungi produce
damaging mycotoxins for humans. Fungi change forms depending
of their environment. Since 1995 new types of fungi are
detected. Fungi can adapt also their metabolism to survive
What is it? cancer or fungus - fungus or cancer - similar
properties and behavior
Rothschild's toxic "medicine" often claims cancer, and then
fungi illnesses are prognosticated as "secondary" effect
(p.118). Or: many illnesses are prognosticated as fungi
illnesses, but are a cancer (p.113). Then come Rothschild's
toxic pills against fungal infection and leukemia is healing
with anti fungi pills (p.118).
But many illnesses are prognosticated as cancer, and go away
easily with sodium bicarbonate which is also a perfect
anti-fungal agent (p.113).
It seems strange that cancer is often accompanied by fungi
infections which are also healed by sodium bicarbonate
(p.113). What a coincidence!
The "cancer" definition and the "fungi" definition in
Rothschild's "medicine" are describing just the same cell
behavior (p.117). What a coincidence!
Parallels between cancer and fungi cells
Cancer cells and fungi cells
-- live both without oxygen (p.116)
-- die both when sugar supply is ending and oxygen comes
-- will be killed both by antifungal medicines (p.116)
respectively medicaments against fungal infection have also
an anti cancer effect (p.124)
-- conditions of fungi illnesses are often exactly the same
as it would be cancer: "many fungal conditions look exactly
like cancer" (p.124).
What a coincidence!
First it was Rothschild's industrial garbage food - then
fungus came - and then cancer came
First was bad garbage food (p.115) without minerals, above
all without magnesium (p.120) [from Rothschild's
"civilization"] but with much sugar, and all this garbage
food of Rothschild's "civilization" provokes growth of yeast
(p.127), there are antibiotics also provoking yeast
(p.117,127), and there are hormone therapies and pills
(p.117) and cortisone "medicaments" (p.127) and mercury
intoxication by amalgams (p.120). All this [Rothschild shit]
is poor in vitamins and minerals (p.127). More factors
stressing immune system are chemical colorings, flavorings,
preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers (p.127). All this
Rothschild shit of "modern life" is provoking weak immune
systems with bad defense permitting fungi to dominate the
body - and then fungi are producing their poison - the
mycotoxins (p.115). Fungi are always present, but only with
weak immune systems fungi can dominate the body provoking
heavy illnesses (p.120). These infections provoke more heavy
metals in the body provoking more illnesses and at the end
cancer (p.117).
Changes of metabolism and damaged pancreas by fungi
Fungi change the body chemistries and change metabolism
procedures of the body (p.120). They harm the immune system
so no defense is possible any more. They often attack
pancreas (p.121). In this way the fungi are "organizing"
their blood sugar (glucose) as their food: fungi destroy the
beta cells of pancreas so insulin production is halted so
the blood sugar glucose is not proceeded any more. When
insulin production is halted completely this is diabetes
type 1, when insulin production is halted partly this is
diabetes type 2. In this way the blood sugar levels remain
too high which is the fungi's food (p.120).
In 20 to 40% cancer is an infection with a yeast invasion or
fungi invasion (p.114). For example
-- hepatitis B+C are developing often a liver cancer (p.114)
-- HPV (Human papillomavirus) is often the beginning of
cervical cancer, throat cancer and oral cancer (p.114)
-- bacteria Heliobacter pylori provokes often gastric cancer
and MALT lymphoma
-- Schistosome parasites provoke bladder cancer (p.114).
Conclusion: cancer=fungi
So there is the clear conclusion that cancer is a chronic
fungus disease (p.116).
Alternative medicine states clearly that leukemia is a
fungal infection of white blood cells (leukocytes) (p.119)
Cancer cells + fungi cells + yeast cells = the same invasion
properties (p.126). What a coincidence!
So the new research says clearly that cancer is a
transformed fungi disease (p.126).
Cancer is a germ illness in many forms, virus-like and
fungus-like and mycoplasma-like [a bacterium] (p.126).
Dr. Simoncini states clearly, cancer is Candida albicans and
nothing else: "Candida albicans clearly emerges as the sole
candidate for tumoral proliferation." (p.127)
The mycotoxins of the fungi
Fungi are secreting digestive enzymes, and they are
absorbing the soluble nutrients which are provoked by the
digestive enzymes. Fungi like minerals and metals. They can
reach mercury and uranium etc. even through concrete
Mycotoxins of fungi are an alcohol which is provoking cancer
(p.116). Much of the crops are full of mycotoxins (p.119).
Fungal toxics
Aflatoxin: Aflatoxin is one of the strong
toxic mycotoxins and is the most carcinogenic
substance which exists - provoking breast cancer
(p.119). With a healthy immune system no fungus
has a chance (p.117). Aflatoxin is a by-product of
Aspergillus molds. Aflatoxin is in peanuts, in soy
grains, in cassava (p.120). Aflatoxin B1 stops the
decomposition of glucose / simple blood sugar and
of glycogen (p.121).
Ochratoxin: Ochratoxin is 10 times as
strong as aflatoxin. But "US" health boards are
not screening food for ochratoxin (p.119).
Zearalenone: this mycotoxin acts like an
estrogen first and is applied in high
concentrations in "USA" and Canada (p.120).
Aspergillus: this mycotoxin is in corn,
wheat, peanuts, barley (p.121). Aspergillus
infections are e.g. in lungs (p.123).
Penicillium mold and Aspergillus mold
produce the mycotoxin ochratoxin which provokes
cell death (apoptosis) (p.121) eliminating
gluthatione - a toxin-neutralizing substance
Oxalic acids: in some cases also the
mycotoxin oxalic acids are the cause (p.123).
There is no production of oxalic acid in healthy
bodies. Breast cancer is going with oxalic acid
with calcium oxalate crystals of oxalic acid.
Oxalic acid is coming from fungi, so breast cancer
has to be provoked by fungi (p.123). |
Where are the fungi? In toxic satanic reptile's
Rothschild's industrial food!
All these fungi are producing their toxics of fungi
(mycotoxins). In "USA" there is only one routine test
against one fungus, all other are not controlled routinely
in [criminal] "USA" (p.119). Many "countries screen for up
to 15 of the most common mycotoxins, including zearalenone,
fumonisin, and [...] ochratoxin" (p.119). "US" industrial
food [of Rothschild's toxic McDonalds "civilization"] is
full of mycotoxins, in grains, meats, fruits, processed
foods, and in toxic "medicine" pills or even in the air
Dangerous diseases by fungi
-- fungal infections can be very dangerous, can provoke
serious health problems and even can be fatal provoking
death (p.115)
-- prostate cancer is provoked by contamination of food with
mycotoxins (p.119)
-- breast cancer is provoked by the mycotoxin "aflatoxin"
which was detected in France in mold-fermented cheese
-- fungi are the first cause for diabetes (p.120), microbes
and toxins are causing diabetes (p.120)
-- fungi are the first cause for many autoimmune disorders
-- fungi provoke diabetes 1 and diabetes 2 and also
gestation diabetes (p.120)
-- fungi infections go together with leukemia (p.124).
Fungi diseases as side effects
After a bone marrow transplant a fungi infection can appear
thus life expectation sinks to 20% (p.124).
Treatments of fungus diseases: toxic Rothschild pills are
for nothing
Rothschild's technical toxic "medicine" cannot explain many
diseases (p.121). Chemotherapy of Rothschild pharma pills
does NOT work but is attacking the wrong cells (p.124).
Cancer colonies become resistant against normal anti-fungal
drugs (p.114). Toxic Rothschild pills against fungi have
dangerous side effects (p.115).
Antibiotics are reducing excretion of heavy metals (p.127).
Rothschild's antibiotics against fungi provoke even the risk
of cancer, because most antibiotics are derived from fungi
toxics, from mycotoxins (p.116). Rothschild's antibiotics
are winning for example against Candida 1 time, but not 2
times (p.117).
Also penicillin and alcohol are fungi toxins. And
Antibiotics provoke lymphoma risk (p.116).
Treatments of fungus diseases: sodium bicarbonate is
eliminating anything
Fungi research can explain many diseases: the causes are
fungi toxins (mycotoxins) in [Rothschild's McDonalds]
garbage food [in McDonalds' muck of Rothschild, in tinned
muck, in powder muck, in pesticide muck etc.] (p.121).
Dr. Simoncini says: fungi are sensitive to saline solutions
and electrolytic solutions. Salts and bicarbonates eliminate
any organic terrain where fungi could get their food and
place (p.115).
Dr. Simoncini says: sodium bicarbonate is the best agent
against fungi infections (p.114).
Fungal vaginitis (with symptoms such as vulval
pruritus, vaginal pain, leukorrhagia, dyspareunia, urodynia)
can be treated well by sodium bicarbonate (p.115).
Albicans (candidiasis, Candida) is provoked by
antibiotics, garbage food, low immune system, heavy metals
such as mercury in amalgams etc. (p.116). According to Dr.
H. Takeuchi Candida albicans is most prevalent, but also
Torulopsis glabrata and Candida tropicalis are prevalent
(p.118). Candidiasis lives from mercury (pl.116). Die
Antibiotik der Rothschild-Pharma are winning against Candida
1 time, but not 2 times. Sodium bicarbonate is eliminating
it fast (p.117).
In a case study of Dr. H. Takeuchi with Candida diseases
-- one part were cured only by elimination of the
predisposing factors [eliminating toxic pills, eliminating
garbage food, stronger immune system, taking amalgams out
-- one part was cured with adaption and sodium bicarbonate,
"5-fluorocytosine, and / or irrigation with amphotericin B"
-- one case with bilateral renal torulopsiosis [?]
developped into renal failure
-- 4 cases could not be healed but "died of the primary
disease" [which is not mentioned] (p.118).
General food prevention against vulnarability to fungi
Reduce or eliminate completely
-- alcoholic beverages [yeast product] (p.122)
-- wheat, sorghum, corn, barley, peanuts [products with
molds] (p.122)
-- sugar (p.123) [toxic white refined sugar because all
minerals are missing]
-- rye (p.123)
-- cottonseed (p.123).
Dangerous diseases by fungi's uric acid
Uric acids are a product of many fungi (p.122). Uric acid
after oxidation becomes alloxan which provokes diabetes when
immune system is low - with a healthy immune system
gluthatione levels are normal defending the body well from
uric acid and alloxan (p.122). After more oxidation alloxan
becomes urea (p.122).
Uric acid by-product alloxan is damaging the islet cells of
pancreas (p.122). So insulin production is damaged or even
stopped and diabetes is provoked. At the same time
cholesterol and triglyceride is rising (p.122).
Uric acid is provoking
-- diabetes
-- heart disease
-- probably strokes
-- renal disease
-- gout
-- kidney stones (p.122).
Rothschild's toxic medicine without chance against fungi
and cancer
Rothschild's toxic medicine meant that uric acid would be a
"marker" of renal disease, but new studies found out how
uric acid is working in the kidney stating clearly that
kidney disease is first causing uric acid then (p.122).
Rothschild's toxic medicine claims always that cancer
disease would be a damaged cell with damaged DNA (p.125).
Then they say: Some cells are repaired, some die, some
become cancer cells with cancer like fungi cells and cells
with yeast damage (p.126).
Rothschild's toxic "medicine" is even going forward with
"personalized" cancer drugs which does NOT work because
cancer cells do NOT adapt personal DNA and DNA damage is NOT
the cause for cancer. Personalized DNA drugs have no success
against cancer at all [and all is only one more waste of
money] (p.126).
Cancer healings with sodium bicarbonate - examples
Farmer Ian Roadhouse was a cancer case and
[Rothschild] "medicine" doctors said he had 6 months to live
yet. But with a treatment with Dr. Jim Kelmun from North
Carolina with the combination of sodium bicarbonate with
maple syrup he healed his cancer away (p.140).
Vernon Johnston was a cancer case in 2007 with
prostate cancer with metastasis to the bones being rated as
a dead 6 months to live yet by the medical doctors of toxic
technical "medicine" (p.142). Vernon Johnston found baking
soda as an emergency cure because cesium chloride did not
come by mail (p.145). Vernon Johnston was using baking soda
therapy of "Arm & Hammer" baking soda making the
protocol (p.146-148). Reaching urinary pH values of over
pH8.5 during 5 days he cleared his body up and no cancer
could be detected any more during the next medical control
The cancer case
"K W" had cancer grade 4 and healed
with Vernon Johnston's method (p.143).
David Aponte, 58 years old, healed his leukemia with
sodium bicarbonate within 8 days (p.143).
Healing diabetes with sodium bicarbonate
Failing pancreas in Rothschild's "civilization" - up to
1. is producing digestive juices for the stomach
2. is producing insulin controlling blood sugar
3. is producing bicarbonate neutralizing acids (p.38).
Overcharged pancreas is first reducing bicarbonate
production. Then a chain reaction comes with inflammations
in the body with the brain inclusive. Then pancreas is
becoming always worse, and also liver is becoming worse.
High damage of pancreas and liver are causing that they
cannot regulate blood sugar any more provoking diabetes
Diabetes in Rothschild's "Western" world
Diabetes is a metabolism disease. Diabetes is the proof,
that toxics are in water, food and air. Diabetes is also
provoked by antibiotics (p.40). Pancreas is failing not
producing enough digestive juices, insulin and bicarbonates
(p.38) thus there is too much glucose in the blood because
there is not enough insulin to proceed glucose and
transporting it to the body cells. And the liver absorbs
more and more of the excess glucose and is blocked for the
elimination of other toxics (p.41).
"Modern" pharma medicine [Rothschild's satanic pharma
industry] is concealing these causes for diabetes stating
that it would be incurable (p.40).
E.g. "cancer pills" like Streptozocin or oxidation agent
alloxan are provoking diabetes in rats experiments (p.40) -
rats have a DNA which is of 99% the same of humans [so the
results of rat experiments are not very different from the
human experiments] (p.3). Antibiotic penicillin e.g. "causes
changes in the beta cells affecting both insulin and
bicarbonate production." (p.40)
When diabetes is not healed
-- it can develop a complete kidney failure
-- it can come gangrene (dead and black fingers, dead and
black toes etc.)
-- also blindness is possible with dead eyes (p.41)
Healing diabetes
Insulin potentation therapy (IPT) makes cell membranes more
permeable so the doses of medicaments can be reduced
Diabetes: Sodium bicarbonate healing diabetes
For healing diabetes sodium bicarbonate can be taken orally
or in a transdermal way with a bath with sodium bicarbonate
The sodium bicarbonate solution can be combined with insulin
or with maple syrup (p.141).
[Also here we have the norm of 90% and 10%: 10% of the cases
are reacting badly to sodium bicarbonate and have to heal in
another way: with blood group nutrition, with natural
medicine, and with fruit extracts].
Further illnesses healed by sodium bicarbonate
Muscles: sodium bicarbonate for muscles and skin
Sodium bicarbonate is harmonizing muscles pulling out the
acids of the muscles (p.152), is also healing muscle aches
(p.153). Much bicarbonate protects muscles and bones from
loss (p.164). Sporty people reach greater performances with
a pH7 than with an acid body (p.151-152). A direct way to
get into muscles is a bath with sodium bicarbonate.
Concentrations are different from type to type. Variations
adding magnesium are possible. Just avoid complications with
too much baking soda with your gastrointestinal system
avoiding diarrhea by too much sodium bicarbonate (p.153).
Also the skin is getting a better look with sodium
bicarbonate like after a peeling (exfoliation) with a fresh
bright youthful skin (p.153).
Feet: sodium bicarbonate for tired feet
People working in professions with much running can be happy
when their feet take a foot bath with sodium bicarbonate
[balancing the energies and healing the little injuries of
every day's running work] (p.153).
Kidneys: Sodium bicarbonate healing kidneys
Sodium bicarbonate is eliminating renal insufficiencies.
Special doctors for kidneys (nephrologists) are working
already with sodium bicarbonate, e.g. Dr. S.K. Hariachar
from Tampa (Florida). Sodium bicarbonate can heal kidneys
even when the patients depend on dialysis. So, the kidneys
are healed and dialysis is not needed any more but kidneys
are working well again - kidney failure is healed and
dialysis can be evaded (p.46).
Rat experiments with socium bicarbonate show that
development of polycystic kidney disease is reduced, cystic
enlargement is inhibited, and the development of
interstitial inflammation, chronic fibrosis,. and uremia was
evaded completely (p.46).
Radiation, kidneys and sodium bicarbonate
After radiation contamination sodium bicarbonate protects
kidneys from radiation acting as a detox (p.55). Quotation:
"The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes
the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the
kidneys." (p.74)
Thus sodium bicarbonate would be a life care for Fukushima
people (p.55).
When kidneys have failed completely and patients are in a
dialysis time table sodium bicarbonate can be applied within
the dialysis solution [sodium bicarbonate is added to the
dialyse blood] so metabolism betters (p.44).
Dialysis solution contains then bicarbonate, calcium, and
magnesium (p.46).
More illnesses being healed by sodium bicarbonate
Stomach: stomach ulcers etc.: sodium bicarbonate killing
heliobacter pylori bacteria
Ulcers and gastritis are caused by high gastric acid levels
(p.54). Sodium bicarbonate in an acid stomach is reducing
acids (p.50) and is also killing heliobacter pylori bacteria
in the stomach thus ulcers are healed [because they can only
live in a sour environment] (p.54).
[According to healing experience gastritis is better healed
with raw potatoe juice on an empty stomach].
Skin: Sodium bicarbonate healing aging and skins
-- aging is stopped (p.11,17,20)
-- food provoking acids in the body is "acidic" food. This
acidic food burns out the cells causing aging (p.164) -
bicarbonates provoke alkaline bodies neutralizing acidity
and the skin becomes young again (p.164)
-- old skin becomes younger (p.11,17)
-- old age diseases are healed like "acid reflux, kidney
stones, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart
diseases, cancer, gout" (p.20)
-- added sodium bicarbonate in a cream or paste it's healing
stings, stings of nettles, stings of poison ivy, and sunburn
-- psoriasis is partly healed with baths with sodium
bicarbonate in the water taking the agents by the skin
-- morgellons are partly healed (p.48)
-- inflammations of oral mucosa (mucositis) are healed
Sodium bicarbonate baths bring a betterment of psoriasis.
When also magnesium is added to the bath this is a "clear
resolution of psoriasis" (p.153).
Wounds healing easily with sodium bicarbonate lotions
-- operations are proceeded easily and wounds are healed
easily with a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution in Warsaw in
1947 after Second World War, also dirty, open and
contaminated wounds were healing well with it (p.13)
-- skin problems can be solved easily with a bicarbonate
mask: rashes are going (p.14).
Sodium bicarbonate is a general prevention for winter times
against flu etc. (p.48)
Teeth, gum and mouth care
Sodium bicarbonate is rising pH value also in oral cavities
neutralizing harmful effects of bacterial metabolic acids
(p.59). Bacteria and fungi go off (p.60). Sodium bicarbonate
is less abrasive to enamel and dentine than other commercial
toothpastes (p.60).
No holes: Sodium bicarbonate is eliminating acids
thus there are no holes in the teeth any more (p.59).
More calcium: Sodium bicarbonate provokes an
increased calcium uptake by dental enamel (p.59).
No tartar, no plaque: Sodium bicarbonate eliminated
biofilms and is a prevention against tartar and dental
plaque (p.59)
No gum diseases: Sodium bicarbonate heals little gum
inflammations and wound of the gum (p.59).
Diseases provoked by neglected mouth care
Bad mouth hygiene provokes more inflammatory markers in the
blood such as for example C-reactive protein (CRP) provoking
more illnesses (p.60). Periodontal disease provokes more
risks for heart disease, heart strokes, and coronary disease
Perfect mouth hygiene is the precondition that also all
illnesses which are provoked by a bad mouth hygiene are
eliminated like
-- cancer by gum disease (p.60)
-- heart failures by periodontal increases (p.60,62)
-- arthereosclerosis by gum diseases (p.62)
-- tongue cancer by periodontitis (p.62)
-- systemic diseases such as diabetes by periodontal
diseases (p.62)
-- pancreatic cancer is often provoked by gum diseases
Teeth: amalgam provoking illnesses
By the way amalgam
-- is the first cause for changing gum tissues to the worse
-- and most of the cancer patients have amalgam fillings
[Truth about criminal amalgam: it's fragile and mercury
is contaminating the whole body
Amalgam is a mixture of metals. Highly toxic mercury is the
main part of it. Criminal Rothschild industry is selling
it's superfluous mercury to the dentists who are selling it
as dental filling. Thus toxic garbage is landing in the
mouth. The dentists are claiming that all would be in order
and lawful. But the amalgam fillings become fragile and then
much more mercury is escaping than indicated by the dentists
and the whole bodi becomes a toxic waste deposit. This can
be read in the Amalgam Report (original in German:
which was published but the wide distribution was blocked by
the criminal German Rothschild government].
Allergies by a sour bodies
Allergies are provoked by failing pancreas by lack of
enzymes and by undigested proteins provoking inflammations
[Allergies and asthma are vaccination damages and are
healing easily with sodium bicarbonate (90%). The rest of
10% with bad reactions to sodium bicarbonate will heal with
blood group nutrition, raw food and with fruit extracts].
Baby stomach problems solved with sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate can be applied also for babies without
problem healing colic, stomach pain, hiccups, gas, and
teething problems (p.51).