Fulford, a son in a Canadian diplomat's
family living in Japan
from: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4177461.Benjamin_Fulford
<Benjamin Screaton Fulford (古歩道ベンジャミン 1961– ) is a
Canadian journalist living in Japan.
He was born in a diplomat's family. His
great-grandfather is George Taylor Fulford.
In the early 1980s he went to Japan to study at Sophia
University [in Tokyo, criminal Catholic Jesuits].
After receiving a B.A. from the University of British
Columbia, he returned to Japan in the mid-1980s to
pursue a career in journalism.>
It seems that Fulford really wants to be a neutral
news channel.

Fulford - his sources
from: https://benjaminfulford.net/about/
Fulford indicates his sources:
"Reporter and investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford.
Reports are based on information from a broad range of
sources including the yakuza [Japanese Mafia], MI6
[secret service of the Royals in London], the Freemasons
[Satanist Nobles, Jesuits], the CIA [London Zionist
secret service in the "USA"], the KGB [Russia, since
Putin FSB], Mossad [Satanists, Zionists from Jerusalem,
Shitzerland, London and WJC, Committee of 300, BIS], the
triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military
intelligence, etc.")