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x1: Climate diagram: 4500 years of climate change

March 31,
                          2023: Climate diagram for 4500 years of
                          climate change
March 11, 2023: Climate change happened all the time - see the diagram [1]


presented by Michael Palomino

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March 31, 2023: Climate diagram for 4500 years of climate change
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE - March 31, 2023

CLIMATE CHANGE has ALWAYS existed - this photo is a MUST HAVE: 
We see here the climate curve of the last 4500 years.
Soros and Greta are LIARS - the CO2 of engines does NOT matter in climate change.

March 31, 2023:
                      Climate diagram for 4500 years of climate change


Canton of St. Gall (Switzerland) March 31, 2023: There was a glacier and no Walen Lake (Walensee)
from informer Lake Walen (Walensee, Switzerland), March 31, 2023

20,000 years ago there was no Walen Lake (Walensee), but a glacier, which almost reached the peaks of the Churfirsten (about 2,300 m), it was a hostile ice block, or ice stream of about 3,000 m thick.
It's better to have a warmer climate, world history shows that it was a few degrees warmer than it is today, long before we burned coal or oil.
The Alps have been glacier-free several times, whether that's nice or not, humanity and wildlife have survived the warm periods very well (scientifically called "optimum"...), and the polar bears in the north are obviously not extinct either.

from 2001: Marketing for the idea of "climate change" and "tipping points":
Video-Link: Climate tipping points - one morning in Stockholm (Axel Bojanowski) (25'30'')
Video-Link: Klima Kipppunkte - Eines Morgens in Stockholm (Axel Bojanowski) (25'30'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWrn3DA8N3Y - YouTube-Kanal: Augen auf Medien - hochgeladen am 17.3.2023

July 18, 2023: NO climate change by mass murder - climate also changed without humans

by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE - July 18, 2023 - comment in the Wikipedia on the article "Genocide of indigenous peoples"

[There is the crazy superstition that the mass murder against the natives in the "Americas" had provoked a climate change for cooler climate, but this is wrong because it was in the rhythm of common climate changes].


I have here the climate diagram from 4000 years


Klimadiagramm: 4500 Jahre Klimawandel

and one can see,

-- that climate change was also happening with only 500 million people on Earth (!)

-- that the climate is changing all 600 to 800 years also BEFORE the mass murder of the natives in "America"

-- that the culmination of the climate before 1491 was in 1300 (when the Wikings were heading to "America" and found Greenland as "green land")

-- and the climate was cooling down since 1300 already when the native population was stable yet

-- so the argument that mass murder provokes a climate change of cooling is absolutely WRONG.

Climate change religion believing that mass murder would provoke a cooling is a FAKE belief. Climate change comes 1) from solar activity which is different, 2) from different positions to the sun, 3) when the planet system is passing an arm of the milky way then an ice age is coming, 4) there are magma chambers in the ground which are expanding and retreating in a certain rythm provoking high and low sea temperatures (higher sea temperature provoke an expanding and higher sea level, lower sea temperature provoke a lower sea level).

During an ice age the sea level can sink by 130 meters. So wish an ice age and sea level will sink, but an ice age only comes when our planet system will pass an arm of the milky way.

Link: climate change by galactic year: http://www.hist-chron.com/welt/klimawandel-durch-galaktisches-jahr-ENGL.html

Link: expansion of magma chambers: http://www.hist-chron.com/welt/klimawandel/klimawandel-auswirkungen012-ENGL-magma-chambers-glaciers-go+heating-seas-001.html

Now you see, there are many factors for climate change, but mass murder is NOT a factor because climate change happens since Earth is here (how many ice ages we had when no human was living on earth? About 5 or 6: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_glaciation)

And the claim that "greenhouse gases" could delay the next ice age (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age) is also wrong because of all these other factors.

Have a nice day, Michael Palomino

History, sociology, natural medicine - my history web site: http://www.hist-chron.com/index-ENGL.html

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