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Absolutely criminal NATO with atomic rockets (uranium ammunition) since 1991

Video Deadly Dust part 1: open atomic waste in Iraq with tanks and dust (uranium dust) in the lungs - leukemia, cancer, malformations

Part 1: Nuclear waste in form of tanks lies free around in Iraq between Basra and Kuwait - radioactive tank cemetery near Baghdad in Auweiry - NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium munition") provoke atomic dust (uranium dust) that can penetrate the lungs - contaminated NATO soldiers: fetuses are killed - contaminated Iraqis: leukemia, cancer and malformations

                    Moore, Gulf War veteran - Jenny Moore was loading
                    NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium
                    ammunition") during the Iraq war  Basra - tank battles south of Basra 1991 01  cartoon: nuclear
                      missile (uranium bomb) flies against a tank  medical doctor Siegwart-Horst Günther
Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran - Jenny Moore was loading NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") during the Iraq war - Basra - tank battles south of Basra 1991 01 - cartoon: nuclear missile (uranium bomb) flies against a tank - medical doctor Siegwart-Horst Günther
                nuclear waste tank cemetery in Auweiry near Baghdad lies
                open (!!!)  the tip
                of a very radioactive NATO nuclear missile
                ("uranium ammunition")  children in
                the Basra region play on a radioactive nuclear waste
                tank wreck  report by Dr. med. Günther about
                the children of Basra in 1991 01
Radioactive nuclear waste tank cemetery in Auweiry near Baghdad lies open (!!!) - the tip of a very radioactive NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") - children in the Basra region play on a radioactive nuclear waste tank wreck - report by Dr. med. Günther about the children of Basra in 1991 01

Film protocol by Michael Palomino (2018)
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NATO = RADIOACTIVE: They use nuclear waste to build their "uranium bombs" and "do not know where the diseases are coming from!!!" - March 7, 2018

With the new NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition, nuclear waste ammunition) NO tests were carried out on rats or mice, but since 1991, the people of entire regions and countries are contaminated by criminal NATO on schedule, including animals, groundwater, and plants - and even the OWN SOLDIERS are contaminated - just EVERYTHING.

URANIUM AMMUNITION = ATOMIC ROCKETS = calculated WAR CRIMES = calculated GENOCIDE - half-life of uranium is 4.5 billion years

Uranium Medical Research Centre: http://umrc.net
(Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Tedd Weyman)

Video about uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)
(Deadly Dust - Dust: uranium ammunition and the consequences (2007 - 1h33min.)

Video on uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)

Movie protocol

Part 1: Nuclear waste in form of tanks lies free around in Iraq between Basra and Kuwait - radioactive tank cemetery near Baghdad in Auweiry - NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium munition") provoke atomic dust (uranium dust) that can penetrate the lungs - contaminated NATO soldiers: fetuses are killed - contaminated Iraqis: leukemia, cancer and malformations

Frieder Wagner Film (30 '')

Gulf War veteran Kenny
                                Duncan of Scotland
Gulf War veteran Kenny Duncan of Scotland: "When a Uranium bullet hits, it creates a tremendous heat, and millions of tiny uranium particles fly through the air (47 ''), and they can kill anyone." (50 '')

Cartoon: nuclear missile
                                    (uranium bomb) flies against a tank  cartoon: A tank
                                    explodes by a NATO nuclear missile
                                    ("uranium ammunition") -
                                    the tank becomes nuclear waste 
Cartoon: nuclear missile (uranium bomb) flies against a tank - cartoon: A tank explodes by a NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") - the tank becomes nuclear waste
Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran -
                                Jenny Moore was loading NATO nuclear
                                missiles ("uranium
                                ammunition") during the Iraq war  A
                                study in the 18th week of pregnancy
                                showed that one of the twin fetuses was
                                severely deformed 
Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran - Jenny Moore was loading NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") during the Iraq war - A study in the 18th week of pregnancy showed that one of the twin fetuses was severely deformed (1'1 '').

Iraq with radioactive waste: Tedd Weyman measures at a destroyed Iraqi tank the 20,000-fold radioactivity compared to natural radiation: "We measured 20,000 times more radioactivity on this tank yesterday, compared to natural radiation." (1'11 '').

Dr. Tedd
                                  Weyman shows a bullet graze shot of a
                                  NATO nuclear missile ("uranium
                                  ammunition"), where the
                                  20,000-fold radiation can be measured
                                  as normal  A tank is hit by a NATO atomic
                                    bomb and the tank becomes nuclear
                                    waste provoking atomic dust
Dr. Tedd Weyman shows a bullet graze shot of a NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition"), where the 20,000-fold radiation can be measured as normal - A tank is hit by a NATO atomic bomb and the tank becomes nuclear waste provoking atomic dust
Mr. Mitar
                                  Visnic, ex-Serb of the Serbian army
Mr. Mitar Visnic, ex-Serb of the Serbian army about the Balkan war: "Today we see that it was a well-prepared war, mean and treacherous (1'18 ''), we see that we were only pawns in a play." (1'25'')

NATO-Mördersoldaten spielen
NATO murderer soldiers are playing "war"

Doctor Prof. Dr. med. Asaf Durakovic: The government of the "USA" wanted to let the Gulf War veterans die in oblivion, but resistance came up (1'43 '').

Dr. Asaf Durakovic,
                                Portrait, he investigated "Gulf War
                                syndrome" on Iraq Veterans for 12
                                Years  NATO Murder
                                helicopter with radioactive NATO nuclear
                                missile (trivialized as "uranium
Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Portrait, he investigated "Gulf War syndrome" on Iraq Veterans for 12 Years - NATO Murder helicopter with radioactive NATO nuclear missile (trivialized as "uranium ammunition")

The sister Fikreta Ramusovic of Mr. Ismail Mumdzic, from Novi Pasar (Balkans): "And I know that this bombing destroyed my body, so I got leukemia." (1'55 '')
                                Ramusovic with leukemia, she was a
                                victim of radioactive NATO nuclear
                                missiles on the Balkans (being ridiculed
                                as "uranium ammunition") and
Fikreta Ramusovic with leukemia, she was a victim of radioactive NATO nuclear missiles on the Balkans (being ridiculed as "uranium ammunition") and died

The German medical doctor Mr. Siegwart-Horst Günther: NATO wanted to find weapons of mass destruction, but found none, and instead has itself used weapons of mass destruction. Quote:
"I wonder whether the Allied troops - who wanted to find weapons of mass destruction here - did not themselves use a weapon of mass destruction by using the uranium projectiles." (2'14'')
(original German: "Ich frage mich, ob die alliierten Truppen, die hier Massenvernichtungswaffen finden wollten, durch den Einsatz der Urangeschosse nicht selbst eine Massenvernichtungswaffe zum Einsatz gebracht haben." (2'14'') - (Dr. Günther on Wikipedia: 1925-2015)
Medical doctor Dr.
                                  Siegwart-Horst Günther (he died in
Medical doctor Dr. Siegwart-Horst Günther (he died in 2015)
Dr. Michael Kreuscher on Northern Iraq: Far away from the combat zones, a radioactive U36 concentration can be measured, which is 3000 times higher than normal (2'32 '').
Dr. Kreuscher has
                                measured radioactive contamination in
                                Northern Iraq in Erbil (Arbil) 3000
                                times more than normal
Dr. Kreuscher has measured radioactive contamination in Northern Iraq in Erbil (Arbil) 3000 times more than normal

Film sequence: On May 1, 2003, President Bush Jr. celebrated a "victory" over Iraq on an aircraft carrier called "Abraham Lincoln" (2'37 '').
Satanist and mass murderer Mr.
                                George W. Bush announces on 1 May 2003
                                on an aircraft carrier the
                                "victory" against Iraq - [but
                                this war is never ending and provokes
                                genocide with uranium dust]
Satanist and mass murderer Mr. George W. Bush announces on 1 May 2003 on an aircraft carrier the "victory" against Iraq - [but this war is never ending and provokes genocide with uranium dust]

The mother-and-child hospital in Basra in 2007: The woman doctor Mrs. Jenen Hassan reports: It is now contaminated everything, 80% of babies die. The uranium dust contaminates everything. Air, soil, food, everything is contaminated (3'43 ''). For example, there is a child, 1 year old: it has a skin disease, fish eyes and a fish mouth (4'6'').
                                2006 appr. 01  Basra
                                2006 appr. 02, occupied and terrorized
                                by English troops  Basra,
                                the mother-and-child hospital with
                                medical doctor Mr. Dr. Günther and the
                                medical woman doctor Mrs. Dr. med. Jenen
Basra 2006 appr. 01 - Basra 2006 appr. 02, occupied and terrorized by English troops - Basra, the mother-and-child hospital with medical doctor Mr. Dr. Günther and the medical woman doctor Mrs. Dr. med. Jenen Hassan
Basra, Mother
                                and Child Hospital, a mother with a
                                baby  Basra, Mother and Child
                                Hospital, baby with rash, fish mouth and
                                fish eyes
Basra, Mother and Child Hospital, a mother with a baby - Basra, Mother and Child Hospital, baby with rash, fish mouth and fish eyes

Doctor Günther in Basra 2006: In the
Mother and Child Hospital in Basra, there are only bad prognosis, the children all do not live long (4'12 ''). In addition, there is no possibility of therapy (4'20 ''). Film title: Deadly Dust - Death Dust (4'29 '').
The film
                                  title "Deadly Dust" - on the
                                  photo is a 7 years old boy of the
                                  Mother and Child Hospital in Basra
                                  with a lymphoma (lymph node cancer)
The film title "Deadly Dust" - on the photo is a 7 years old boy of the Mother and Child Hospital in Basra with a lymphoma (lymph node cancer - the boy is shown again at the end of the film)
Dr. Günther in the Middle East

On the road from Amman (Jordan) to Baghdad (Iraq) (4'47 ''). German Professor Siegwart Horst Günther, accompanied by Ted Weyman of the Uranium Medical Research Center in Toronto (Canada) (5'6 '').
Weyman and
                                Günther on the drive from Amman to
                                Baghdad  Dr. med. Siegwart-Horst Günther  Tedd
                                Weyman from the Uranium Medical Research
Weyman and Günther on the drive from Amman to Baghdad - Dr. med. Siegwart-Horst Günther - Tedd Weyman from the Uranium Medical Research Center

Dr. Günther describes: He is a medical doctor, he has been in these regions for a long time, he has found uranium-containing projectiles and he has found critically ill people (5'50 ''). Already in 1991 these symptoms could be detected, and now after 2003 they should be detectable again (6'0 '').

Tedd Weymann describes: He wants to collect urine samples from radiation victims (6'9''), also soil samples, water samples, and possibly also lung tissue samples, because a uranium contamination may be detectable (6'16 '').

Tank nuclear waste between Basra and Kuwait

On the road from Basra to Kuwait (6'32''). Dr. Günther is walking around with a Geiger counter near a radioactive tank wreck, the Geiger counter creaks (7'5''). Dr. Günther: Uranium ammunition causes a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius, "the soldiers burn up, uranium oxide is released and pollutes the environment." (7'23 '')
The road from Basra to Kuwait  a radioactive
                                  atomic waste tank wreck of 1991 or
                                  2003, contaminated by a NATO nuclear
                                  bomb ("uranium munition")
                                  01  a radioactive
                                  atomic waste tank wreck of 1991 or
                                  2003, contaminated by a NATO nuclear
                                  bomb ("uranium munition")
The road from Basra to Kuwait - a radioactive atomic waste tank wreck of 1991 or 2003, contaminated by a NATO nuclear bomb ("uranium munition") 01,02
Impacts of NATO
                                  nuclear missiles ("uranium
                                  ammunition") on the tank wreck,
                                  which has now become radioactive
                                  nuclear waste  the Geiger
                                  counter at the impact hole indicates a
                                  radioactivity in the red area  Dr. med. Günther
                                  explains: The nuclear missile
                                  ("uranium munition") heats
                                  up, ignites and partly becomes dust
                                  with "uranium oxide"
Impacts of NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") on the tank wreck, which has now become radioactive nuclear waste - the Geiger counter at the impact hole indicates a radioactivity in the red area - Dr. med. Günther explains: The nuclear missile ("uranium munition") heats up, ignites and partly becomes dust with "uranium oxide"
Quote Dr. Günther: "During this bombing, a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius is released inside the tank, the soldiers burn up (7'17 ''), it releases uranium oxide and this is contaminating the environment." (7'22 '')

Tank nuclear waste (radioactive tank cemetery) in Auweiry near Baghdad

In Auweiry near Baghdad there is a [radioactive] tank cemetery (7'25 '').
Radioactive nuclear waste tank
                                  cemetery of Auweiry near Baghdad, this
                                  nuclear waste lies open around (!!!)  radioactive nuclear waste tank
                                  cemetery of Auweiry near Baghdad 02,
                                  there are 2 rockets lying around  Tedd Weyman takes a
                                  dust sample from Auweiry [he will be
                                  contaminated radioactively without
                                  protection equipment].
Radioactive nuclear waste tank cemetery of Auweiry near Baghdad, this nuclear waste lies open around (!!!) - radioactive nuclear waste tank cemetery of Auweiry near Baghdad 02, there are 2 rockets lying around - Tedd Weyman takes a dust sample from Auweiry [he will be contaminated radioactively without protection equipment].
Tedd Weyman wants to take sand samples and soil samples here (7'45''). For a good laboratory analysis, only about half a gram is needed (7'58''). Weyman describes that children take parts here meaning that this is just scrap metal [but all is radioactive], and the cm-thick layers of dust are blown into the air (8'34''). Weyman: The radiation on the ground of the tank cemetery in about 1m floor height is 3 to 4 times as high as on the road (8'46''). A worker on this cemetery, Khazi Abdela (poet and philosopher), states: The lungs are blocked, deep breathing is no longer possible, there are anxieties. "But I do not have diseases that are visible outside." (9'31'') - "But there are people who are affected, one does not even know what has come down of poisons here." (9'38''). "The soil is contaminated." (9'42 '')

[Thus not only the tanks have become radioactive waste, but also the radioactive sand and the radioactive soil have to be removed].

                                worker on the open (!!!) radioactive
                                atomic waste cemetery of Auweiry, Mr.
                                Khazi Abdela 
The worker on the open (!!!) radioactive atomic waste cemetery of Auweiry, Mr. Khazi Abdela

The uranium dust affects the airways and lungs, people can not breathe properly and their hands are trembling (10'10''). Mr. Abdela: "The Americans over there are blowing something up, and we're fighting for survival here." (10'20'') - Iraq is ready to burn oil at will. Abdela: "Listen to what I have to say: Iraq has always used its oil and wealth against its own children." (10'36")

Gulf War veteran Kenny Duncan: Uranium ammunition penetrates tanks and provokes uranium dust

Gulf War veteran Kenny
                              Duncan from Scotland
Gulf War veteran Kenny Duncan from Scotland

Gulf War veteran Kenny Duncan of Scotland: "We saw it explode, it had something surreal." (10'44'') - First came the hit, then one had to wait 2 to 3 seconds, and only then was the explosion that completely dissolved a tank in the air (10'54''). The uranium ammunition penetrates the tanks "like a knife through butter." (10'57'') - "In 9 out of 10 cases the tank's tower will be blown away". The uranium projectile develops a "tremendous heat, and millions of tiny uranium particles fly through the air (11'11 '') and that kills everyone, so the missiles are so good at killing everyone in the tank (11'19''). The tank's tower is blown away, and everyone in there burns." (11'30'')

Narrator: Depleted uranium (DU) is uranium waste (11'44 ''). This is a waste product of the nuclear industry being used there (11'53 '').

Depleted uranium is
                                nuclear waste that must be stored in
                                barrels in safe tunnels  The
                                Geiger counter at a barrel of nuclear
                                waste indicates 16.5
Depleted uranium is nuclear waste that must be stored in barrels in safe tunnels - The Geiger counter at a barrel of nuclear waste indicates 16.5
[Depleted uranium is the nuclear waste that is stored in barrels in tunnels, and with this nuclear waste NATO produces radioactive nuclear missiles, which are ridiculed and trivialized as "uranium ammunition" (DU ammunition)].
Dr. Paul Roth: there is enriched uranium (nuclear fuel for atomic plants) and depleted uranium (nuclear waste for uranium ammunition)

Institute for Radiation Protection
                                (Institut für Strahlenschutz) in
                                Neuherberg near Munich  Institute for Radiation
                                Protection (Institut für Strahlenschutz)
                                in Neuherberg near Munich - Dr. med.
                                Paul Roth 
Institute for Radiation Protection (Institut für Strahlenschutz) in Neuherberg near Munich - Dr. med. Paul Roth

Dr. Paul Roth, medical doctor and physicist at the Institute for Radiation Protection in Neuherberg near Munich, explains: Natural uranium is not usable for nuclear fuel. You have to "enrich" the uranium (12'23''). The enriched uranium for nuclear fuel and the depleted uranium remaining are produced in a centrifuge (12'53''). The recycling of this depleted uranium [the "nuclear waste"] is not possible until today (13'16'').

Dr. Paul Roth explains the NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") which is made from this depleted uranium (nuclear waste): uranium is almost twice as dense as lead, and when you make bombs with it, tanks are smashed like butter, uranium evaporates, ignites, makes the tank explode (14'3''). NATO military thinks that this ammunition would be good for them (14'13'')

[just committing genocide by uranium dust - which is systematically ridiculed with NATO marketing maneuvers].

Scheme 1: the NATO
                                nuclear missile ("uranium
                                ammunition") is launched  scheme 2: the
                                radioactive uranium rod flies on alone  scheme 3: the radioactive uranium
                                rod heads towards a programmed tank
Scheme 1: the NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") is launched - scheme 2: the radioactive uranium rod flies on alone - scheme 3: the radioactive uranium rod heads towards a programmed tank
Scheme 4: The
                                  radioactive NATO uranium rod breaks
                                  through the armor of the tank  scheme 5: The
                                  radioactive NATO uranium rod of the
                                  NATO nuclear missile ("uranium
                                  ammunition") heats up, evaporates
                                  and ignites  a tank explodes by a radioactive
                                  NATO nuclear missile ("uranium
                                  ammunition") [and becomes
                                  RADIOACTIVE ATOMIC WASTE!!!]
Scheme 4: The radioactive NATO uranium rod breaks through the armor of the tank - scheme 5: The radioactive NATO uranium rod of the NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") heats up, evaporates and ignites - a tank explodes by a radioactive NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") [and becomes RADIOACTIVE ATOMIC WASTE!!!]
Only car wrecks (metal scaffolding) and body parts remain (14'17 '').

[These tank wrecks are contaminated ATOMIC WASTE. Why the scientists do not name this nuclear waste as such is a mystery to me. It has to be removed and stored in save tunnel systems like other atomic waste (!). Half-life period is 4.5 billion years (!)].

GB Gulf War veteran Jenny Moore: 1 irradiated embryo dies
Leigh near Manchester in
                                  England  Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran  Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran -
                                  during Iraq War Jenny Moore has loaded
                                  radioactive NATO nuclear missiles
                                  ("uranium ammunition")
Leigh near Manchester in England - Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran - during Iraq War Jenny Moore has loaded radioactive NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition")
Speaker: See the town of Leigh near Manchester. Jenny Moore tells what happened to her: During the Gulf War she worked in the ammunitions depot (14'42''). She activated the nuclear missiles ("uranium munitions") and put the nuclear missiles back on the pallets (14'48''). Narrator: After the Gulf War, she became pregnant with twins. Jenny Moore: In the 18th week of pregnancy it came out that 1 twin was severely deformed. The doctor asked her if she had taken drugs (15'32 ''). It survived one of the two children, and this could be only because they were in separate pulps (15'56''). The deformed embryo died in the 24th week of pregnancy (16'1''). [That was the greeting from the NATO uranium ammunition for the twins]. Daughter Rebekka was born alive and healthy (16'5'').

Iraq war in 1991: 300 tons of uranium ammunition - since 1993 occur new diseases - children play with uranium bullets

Basra  tank battles south of
                                Basra in 1991 01  tank battles south of
                                Basra in 1991 02
Basra - tank battles south of Basra in 1991 01,02

Dr. Günther is telling: In 1991, nothing was known yet about the terrible effects of these NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition"). In the Iraq war of 1991, about 300 tonnes of uranium ammunition were fired (16'35''), especially south of Basra in tank battles (16'42''). Prof. Günther was invited in October 1991 to inspect the health service in Iraq (16'55''). It had collapsed, the children's hospitals were overcrowded, the children died of infections and malnutrition (17'7''). In 1993, new illnesses emerged that had never appeared in Iraq for 40 years (17'22''): a lot of leukemia cases, clefting and other diseases (17'35''). This affected children as well as newborns (17'40 '').

Basra 02  Basra,
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 01  Basra,
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 02 
Basra 02 - Basra, children's hospital in October 1991 appr. 01, 02
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 03  Basra,
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 04  Basra,
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 05
Basra 02 - Basra, children's hospital in October 1991 appr. 03,04,05
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 06  Basra, das Mutter-Kind-Krankenhaus,
                                Baby mit Hausausschlag, Fischmund und
                                Fischaugen  Basra,
                                children's hospital in October 1991
                                appr. 08 
Basra 02 - Basra, children's hospital in October 1991 appr. 06,07,08

Dr. Günther found new projectiles and the children played with the spent projectiles (17'55''). These projectiles were painted as dolls. 1 child had died of leukemia and Dr. Günther became very wary and distrustful (18'3'').
Quote: "In the meantime, I had found projectiles that seemed strange to me, when I saw children playing with such projectiles outside of Basra, which were painted as dolls (17'57''), and one of these children had died from leukemia. Thus I became very wary and distrustful." (18'3 '')

(original German: "Ich hatte inzwischen Geschosse gefunden, die mir komisch vorkamen. Als ich dann ausserhalb von Basra Kinder mit derartigen Geschossen spielen sah, die als Puppen angemalt waren (17'57''), und eines dieser Kinder an Leukämie gestorben war, wurde ich sehr misstrauisch." (18'3'')
Radioactive NATO nuclear
                                missile ("uranium projectile")
                                with tip  Radioactive NATO
                                nuclear missile ("uranium
                                projectile") with tip next to it 
Radioactive NATO nuclear missile ("uranium projectile") with tip - or with tip next to it

[Apparently, the Iraqi people have unsuspectingly painted the projectiles as dolls].

Dr. Günther: The children in Basra developed the game habits provoking that many children were suffering of leukemia (18'18''). The children played with the uranium ammunition [with the remains of the nuclear missiles!!!] or played in the burned tankers [in nuclear waste!!!] (18'23''). And when surviving fathers in the war who had been exposed to uranium ammunition had children two years later, the babies were as malformed as the Chernobyl babies (18'41 '').

Children in the Basra region play
                                on a radioactive tank wreck which is
                                nuclear atomic waste [the word
                                "atomic waste" is hidden!!!] 
Children in the Basra region play on a radioactive tank wreck which is nuclear atomic waste [the word "atomic waste" is hidden!!!]

At the end of 1991 Günther wrote the first articles about uranium ammunition diseases in Iraq (18'50''). The evidence clearly indicated that NATO ammunition was radioactive (18'59''). Article: Were Iraqi children victims of ABCs?* (19'5'') - Article in the column Spotlight (Schlaglicht): 140,000 children suffering of war consequences (19'7 ''). Article: Still unclear what's going on*** (19'8 ''). Article: What can Iraq's children be guilty for Saddam's war?**** (19'9 '') - Article: Embargo works: infants in Iraq are dying of hunger***** (19'11 '').
*original German: Wurden irakische Kinder Opfer von ABC-Kampfstoffen?
**original German: 140.000 Kinder [leiden] an Kriegsfolgen
*** original German: Noch ungeklärt, was da los ist
**** original German: Was können Iraks Kinder für Saddams Krieg?
***** original German: Embargo wirkt: Säuglinge in Irak sterben vor Hunger

Dr. Günther with his typewriter  report
                                by Dr. Ing. Günther on the children of
                                Basra 1991 01  report by Dr. Ing.
                                Günther on the children of Basra 1991
                                02: 140,000 children [suffering] of war
Dr. Günther with his typewriter - report by Dr. Ing. Günther on the children of Basra 1991 01 - 02: 140,000 children [suffering] of war consequences
Report by Dr.
                                Günther about the children of Basra 1991
                                03: Still unclear what's going on  Report by Dr. Günther about
                                the children of Basra 1991 04: What can
                                Iraq's children be guilty for Saddam's
                                war?  Report by Dr. Günther about
                                the children of Basra 1991 05: Embargo
                                works: infants in Iraq are dying of
Report by Dr. Günther about the children of Basra 1991 03: Still unclear what's going on - 04: What can Iraq's children be guilty for Saddam's war? - 05: Embargo works: infants in Iraq are dying of hunger

GB Gulf War Veteran Jenny Moore: Second Pregnancy is a stillbirth without eyes

                                Moore in the Iraq war of criminal NATO
                                with combat equipment, but WITHOUT a
                                breathing mask  Jenny Moore in NATO Iraq
                                war in front of a truck WITHOUT
                                protective clothing
Jenny Moore in the Iraq war of criminal NATO with combat equipment, but WITHOUT a breathing mask - in front of a truck WITHOUT protective clothing

Jenny Moore then became pregnant again and suffered an abortive birth (miscarriage) (19'19''). The dead-born girl had no eyes (19'22''). Moore means: That happened also in the "USA" and elsewhere, you could read that, lots of dead children were born without eyes (19'30''). The babies all died of Gulf War Syndrome (19'35 '').

[This "Gulf War Syndrome" in fact is heavy radioactive contamination by NATO nuclear bombs which are ridiculed as "uranium ammunition". And this criminal NATO never pays 1 cent but is preparing more atomic bombs calling them "uranium ammunition"... Where are the politicians stopping this NATO genocide?].

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