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Absolutely criminal NATO with radioactive atomic rockets (uranium ammunition) since 1991 - DU video index

NATO is radioactive since 1991 - and systematically destroys the genetic heritage of the WHOLE WORLD.

German medical doctor Dr. Siegwart-Horst
                    Günther  Günther brought remnants of a radioactive NATO
                    uranium missile (ridiculed as "uranium
                    ammunition") to Germany for investigation and
                    it was confirmed: this is radioactive waste  Dr. Asaf Durakovic
                    investigated the Gulf War syndrome for 12 years  NATO criminal and
                    German SPD defense minister Rudolf Scharping
                    stating: Nuclear radiation of "uranium
                    ammunition" is "negligible"
German medical doctor Dr. Siegwart-Horst Günther - Günther brought remnants of a radioactive NATO uranium missile (ridiculed as "uranium ammunition") to Germany for investigation and it was confirmed: this is radioactive waste - Dr. Asaf Durakovic investigated the Gulf War syndrome for 12 years - NATO criminal and German SPD defense minister Rudolf Scharping stating: Nuclear radiation of "uranium ammunition" is "negligible".

by Michael Palomino (2018)

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-- The doctor and the radiated children of Basra (original German: Der Arzt und die verstrahlten Kinder von Basra (2003 - 44min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwrFRqZKqUw
long version:
-- Deadly Dust: Uranium ammunition and the consequences (original German: Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTRaf23TCUI
-- Quiet death in Garden of Eden (original German: Leiser Tod im Garten Eden (2016 - 52min.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BWDcwiU29U (8 minutes are missing)
(before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWLwVGjS2Ng)

Videos about criminal atomic missiles ("uranium ammunition") of child sex NATO
NATO makes wars destroying complete states so many parents sell their children to brothels or to the soldiers or to other men for having money. THIS is the child sex principle of this criminal NATO.

Video2 Deadly Dust part 1: Nuclear waste in form of tanks lies free around in Iraq between Basra and Kuwait - radioactive tank cemetery near Baghdad in Auweiry - NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium munition") provoke atomic dust (uranium dust) that can penetrate the lungs - contaminated NATO soldiers: fetuses are killed - contaminated Iraqis: leukemia, cancer and malformations
Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran
                            - Jenny Moore was loading NATO nuclear
                            missiles ("uranium ammunition")
                            during the Iraq war  radioactive nuclear waste tank
                            cemetery in Auweiry near Baghdad lies open
                            (!!!)  German medical doctor
                            Siegwart-Horst Günther  report by
                            Dr. med. Günther about the children of Basra
                            in 1991 01
Jenny Moore, Gulf War veteran - Jenny Moore was loading NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") during the Iraq war - radioactive nuclear waste tank cemetery in Auweiry near Baghdad lies open (!!!) - German medical doctor Siegwart-Horst Günther - report by Dr. med. Günther about the children of Basra in 1991 01

Video2 Deadly Dust part 2: The research of Dr. Durakovic - NATO contaminates the OWN soldiers - Dr. Günther with uranium ammunition in Berlin - Berlin District Court (Amtsgericht Berlin) imposing DM 3000 fine for "release of ionizing radiation" - 150.000 veterans radioactively contaminated with "Gulf War syndrome" (GWS) - Veteran Brian Haw demonstrating in London - Veteran Duncan in Scotland - NATO does not take low radiation seriously - handbook+training film were hidden (!) - NATO driving Durakovic out - assassination attempt on Dr. Günther - DU nuclear missiles=invention from German warmonger companies Rheinmetall and Messerschmitt
A NATO soldier playing with a NATO
                            nuclear missile (uranium rocket, minimizing
                            the truth as "uranium ammunition")
                            02  Free University
                            of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin) ordered
                            a special unit and had Dr. Günther's NATO
                            nuclear missile ("uranium
                            ammunition") collected in a special
                            container  NATO cartoon: The toxic dust
                            with heavy metals and radioactivity gets
                            into the mouth, throat and lungs - the
                            manual was HIDDEN!  After the
                            Iraq war, the uranium tanks are packed and
                            NATO personnel is walking around in
                            protective suits 2  Dr. Asaf
                            Durakovic, portrait, he was researching for
                            12 years the "Gulf War Syndrome"
                            of Gulf War veterans
A NATO soldier playing with a NATO nuclear missile (uranium rocket, minimizing the truth as "uranium ammunition") 02 -- Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin) ordered a special unit and had Dr. Günther's NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") collected in a special container. -- NATO cartoon: The toxic dust with heavy metals and radioactivity gets into the mouth, throat and lungs - the manual was HIDDEN! -- After the Iraq war, the uranium tanks are packed and NATO personnel is walking around in protective suits 2 -- Dr. Asaf Durakovic, portrait, he was researching for 12 years the "Gulf War Syndrome" of Gulf War veterans
                            German warmonger companies Rheinmetall and
                            Messerschmitt developed the criminal nuclear
                            missiles in Germany using nuclear waste
                            (depleted uranium), diminutively calling
                            these atomic bombs as "uranium
                            ammunition"  Berlin District Court (Amtsgericht
                            Berlin) is launching a lawsuit and a penalty
                            order against Dr. Günther for the
                            "spread of ionising radiation"  The Berlin District Court (Amtsgericht
                            Berlin) has fined Dr. Günther DM 3,000 for
                            the "spread of ionizing
                            radiation". The criminal German weapon
                            warmonger companies Rheinmetall and
                            Messerschmitt and criminal NATO remain
                            unpunished until today (2018) (!!!)  Child with nuclear
                            NATO damage by nuclear missile
                            ("uranium ammunition") 1
The German warmonger companies Rheinmetall and Messerschmitt developed the criminal nuclear missiles in Germany using nuclear waste (depleted uranium), diminutively calling these atomic bombs as "uranium ammunition" -- Berlin District Court (Amtsgericht Berlin) is launching a lawsuit and a penalty order against Dr. Günther for the  "spread of ionising radiation" -- The Berlin District Court (Amtsgericht Berlin) has fined Dr. Günther DM 3,000 for the "spread of ionizing radiation". The criminal German weapon warmonger companies Rheinmetall and Messerschmitt and criminal NATO remain unpunished until today (2018) (!!!) -- Child with nuclear NATO damage by nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") 1

Video2 Deadly Dust part 3: The Baghdad Gate No.6 after the radioactive NATO nuclear missile tank battle - Baghdad central hospital with deformed babies without end - Baghdad with radioactive nuclear ruin telecommunications and TV center - radioactive NATO nuclear missiles on District Mansour and radioactive debris until 3 days ago - urine samples of the neighbors with Dr. Shaickly and Dr. Weymann - Dr. Günther with operations and awards
Baghdad, Gate
                            No. 6, this is where tank fights took place,
                            and the ground is radioactively contaminated
                            by radioactive NATO nuclear missiles  Geiger counter on the tree
                            floor now shows 99  Baghdad Central Hospital,
                            deformed babies 01
Baghdad, Gate No. 6, this is where tank fights took place, and the ground is radioactively contaminated by radioactive NATO nuclear missiles -- Geiger counter on the tree floor now shows 99 -- Baghdad Central Hospital, deformed babies 01
Im Zentrum von Bagdad wurde das
                            Radio+TV-Zentrum mit NATO-Atomraketen
                            bombardiert, ist eine strahlende Atomruine  Bagdad Bezirk Mansour nach der
                            Bombardierung, es ist alles radioaktiv
                            verseucht, die Schutträumung fand OHNE
                            Schutzkleidung oder Schutzmaske statt  Dr. Günther bekam Auszeichnungen ohne
                            Ende, z.B. als "Medicus Magnus"
Baghdad, the bombed Radio+TV center - was bombed with a radioactive nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") and is a radioactive atomic ruin - Baghdad, the Mansour district directly after the 2003 nuclear bombing, the radioactive debris remained lying around for a long time -- Dr. Günther, award 2, Medicus Magnus

Video2 Deadly Dust part 4: radioactive NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition) in the Balkans: cancer, leukemia, deads in Hadzici - Belgrade with uranium dust from nuclear ruins - radioactive military deposit ruins in the forest - NATO nuclear missiles in Novi Pasar - the lies of Scharping - Serbian army decontaminating areas - Balkan syndrome in Kosovo in 1999: Contaminated NATO soldiers - the case of André Horn with invented cause of death and concealment of the original files for 5 years
In 1995, the criminal, radioactive NATO
                            bombed Hadzici with radioactive nuclear
                            missiles ("uranium ammunition")  enter of
                            Belgrade, tram is passing an open,
                            radioactive (!) nuclear ruin - a building
                            bombed by NATO with nuclear missiles
                            (uranium ammunition)  Fikreta Ramusovic, NATO uranium victim
                            in Novi Pasar, she died of leukemia  NATO criminal
                            and German SPD "Defence Minister"
                            Rudolf Scharping claimed that the radiation
                            from radioactive NATO nuclear missiles
                            ("uranium ammunition") would be
In 1995, the criminal, radioactive NATO bombed Hadzici with radioactive nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") - center of Belgrade, tram is passing an open, radioactive (!) nuclear ruin - a building bombed by NATO with nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition) - Fikreta Ramusovic, NATO uranium victim in Novi Pasar, she died of leukemia - NATO criminal and German SPD "Defence Minister" Rudolf Scharping claimed that the radiation from radioactive NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") would be "negligible".
The Serbian Army is decontaminating
                            the areas contaminated by NATO nuclear
                            missiles ("uranium ammunition")
                            01  The Serbian Army is decontaminating
                            the areas contaminated by NATO nuclear
                            missiles ("uranium ammunition")
                            02  Remains of NATO nuclear
                            missiles ("uranium ammunition") in
                            Serbia - close-up  André Horn's
                            grave, he died in Kosovo within 12 hours and
                            the German NATO army (Bundeswehr) denies the
                            exact cause of death
The Serbian Army is decontaminating the areas contaminated by NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") 1,2 - Remains of NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition") in Serbia - close-up - André Horn's grave, he died in Kosovo within 12 hours and the German NATO army (Bundeswehr) denies the exact cause of death

Video2 Deadly Dust part 5: Basra: Radioactive nuclear waste tanks in Abu Khasib - Dr. Gerdes: German Kosovo-NATO soldiers from 2003 with depleted uranium in their urine - Dr. Kreuscher: The contamination of northern Iraq by desert winds from Basra+Baghdad, example Erbil - Basra Mother-Child-Hospital 2002 appr.: Cancer and leukemia are increasing more and more - Uranium ammunition=Atom rockets=WAR CRIME+GENOCIDE
Radioactive tank ruin (open nuclear
                            waste!!!!) in Abu Khasib near Basra  The Geiger counter at the graze shot of
                            the radioactive tank ruin (open nuclear
                            waste!!!!) deflects into the maximum  Map of Iraq: The radioactive
                            desert winds from south to north are
                            spreading the radioactive desert dust from
                            Basra and Baghdad to northern Iraq to Arbil
                            (Erbil) and Mosul  Arbil (Erbil), child with
                            leukemia without hair
Radioactive tank ruin (open nuclear waste!!!!) in Abu Khasib near Basra - The Geiger counter at the graze shot of the radioactive tank ruin (open nuclear waste!!!!) deflects into the maximum - Map of Iraq: The radioactive desert winds from south to north are spreading the radioactive desert dust from Basra and Baghdad to northern Iraq to Arbil (Erbil) and Mosul - Arbil (Erbil), child with leukemia without hair

Kinderarzt Jabbar
                            Said Falyh im Irak prüft Röntgenbilder  Nasiriya, ein
                            strahlend-radioaktives Panzer-Wrack (offener
                            Atommüll!) neben einem Fussballplatz  Kinderspital Basra,
                            Missbildung offenes Hirn  Der
                            Kinderfriedhof von Basra ist voll, es geht
                            ein stilles Sterben vor sich, ein
                            "leiser Tod" -
Children doctor (pediatrician) Jabbar Said Falyh in Iraq examining X-ray photos - Nasiriya, a radioactive NATO tank wreck (open nuclear waste!) next to a football field - Children's Hospital of Basra, malformation of a baby with an open brain - The children's cemetery in Basra is full, a quiet death is taking place, a "quiet death" - URANIUM AMMUNITION=GENOCIDE

The Iraqi doctor Jabbar Said Falyh from Frankfurt on the Main in Iraq -- The conditions in the city of Nasiriya in Thiqar Province: No waste collection, no sewage treatment plants, but radioactive radiating ruins from the war (NATO radioactive waste is free around!!!) -- No justice against environmental crimes - no statistics about diseases -- Examples from the city of Nassr: garbage, radioactive ruins (NATO atomic waste!!!) just next to the soccer field -- 1990 to 2015: Iraq was bombed back to the status of a developing country -- Town of Nassr: boy (8) with leukemia - the garbage dump culture -- A heart center in Nasiriya -- The "survey" of the Iraqi representative at WHO shows only a slight increase in malformations -- Radiation biologist Baverstock (Kuopio, SF): "interviewing" parents is NOT a study! -- Nuclear biologist Christopher Busby (Wales): Radioactive investigations of samples from Fukushima and Fallujah are showing a gigantic radioactivity -- The Busby question form - clear statistics on Fallujah with clear increases in cancer, infant mortality, percentage of girls, leukemia -- The uranium dust from uranium bombs in the lungs is partly soluble, enters the blood and destroys bone and bone marrow - provoking leukemia -- since 1991: The city of Safwan near Kuwait - the "motorway of death" and uranium dust: children die of malformations, cancer, leukemia, heart disease - and there are stillbirths -- since 1991: City of Basra with increasing infant mortality: blood cancer (leukemia), heart disease, cancer, bad medication - birth defects continue (2015) - the children's cemeteries are full (!) -- since 1991: City of Basra: premature births with birth defects continue to occur in large numbers -- The New Children's Hospital in Basra for cancer children -- since 1991: City of Basra: 15 cases [of baby deformation] per year before 1990 - in 2003 200 cases [of baby deformation] -- Berlin: International lawyer Manfred Moor cannot change the WHO -- Mainz (Germany): The fistula operation with the boy (8 years old) -- Iraq: Christian families are also affected by radioactive NATO uranium rocket missiles provoking deformations and diseases -- Iraq: IS chasing and expelling Yazidi Christians -- Medical doctors appealing to the German NWO-Merkel government are of no use - the criminal Merkel government denies the consequences of uranium ammunition (!) - protecting criminal NATO -- Steinmeier protects Scharping and the German NWO lying newspapers Zeit ("Times") and FAZ (Frankfort) -- Children's hospital in Basra on deformities in babies: Before (before 1990) there were 15 cases of deformed babies per year - today (film material of 2003) there are 200 cases per year - an increase of around 1300%. -- URANIUM AMMUNITION=RADIOACTIVE ATOMIC MISSILE ROCKETS=WAR CRIMES+GENOCIDE -- Radioactive ammunition has to be BANNED - radioactive NATO has to be CLOSED - and this NATO has to PAY --