(original German: Leiser Tod im Garten Eden - Die Folgen der Golfkriege (BR2015) (44'19'')
Video: Quiet death in Garden of Eden - the consequences of the Golf Wars (BR2015) (44'19'')
(original German: Leiser Tod im Garten Eden - Die Folgen der Golfkriege (BR2015) (44'19'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BWDcwiU29U - YouTube-Kanal: backup_dokus2016 - hochgeladen am 9.3.2016
Movie minutes
The Iraqi doctor Jabbar Said Falyh from Frankfurt on the Main in Iraq
Speaker: There is a lot of leukemia (fast lethal acute lymphatic leukemia) in Iraq (2'14''). In 2003, criminal NATO used uranium bombs (depleted uranium ammunition), white phosphorus, and vacuum bombs, and this has caused many malformations so far (5'6''). And children are dying continuously in Iraq (5'19'').
Pediatrician Jabbar Said Falyh - Hassan in Mesopotamia with leukemia
Iraq: Malformation with 2 newborns that have grown together with an external urinary bladder - Children are dying continuously in Iraq - a dead child (corpse) is being prepared for burial
Speaker: The doctor Jabbar Said Falyh travels from Frankfurt on the Main to Istanbul and from there to Basra. On the flight he can control the lists of the patients who are waiting for him in Iraq (7'5''). Then from Basra to Nasiriya it is a 3 hour drive (7'11'').
Speaker: Consultation hours take place at the parents' home. Children in Iraq have birth defects, "malformations of the genital system, heart defects and brain damage" (7'18''). The poisonous ammunition in Iraq has never been disposed of and is still radiating the population (7'25'').
Pediatrician Jabbar Said Falyh in Iraq checks X-ray photos - a father in Iraq presents a child to Dr. Jabbar Said Falyh
Speaker: Children in Iraq are often born with an external bladder (7'34''). Doctor Falyh tells: In the present case, the bladder was operated, but now a fistula has formed and surgery is required a second time. In Iraq nobody has the courage to operate this, so the boy and his father will come back to Germany for surgery." (8'10'')
Iraq, a child Muhammad with birth defect had first an external bladder, now a fistula has formed 01.02
The conditions in the city of Nasiriya in Thiqar Province: No waste collection, no sewage treatment plants, but radioactive radiating ruins from the war (NATO radioactive waste is free around!!!)
Speaker: The city of Nasiriya has 500,000 inhabitants, the province of Thiqar has 1.5 million (10,29''). There is no waste separation here, sometimes not even waste collection, everything simply lands in the river (10'40''). Thiqar is one of the most contaminated provinces in Iraq (10'45''). The civil infrastructure has been destroyed, waste collection is non-existent, the sewage system is broken, waste water flows into rivers and into drinking water reservoirs (10'58'').
In Nasiriya there are radioactive ruins (NATO atomic waste!!!) with corresponding health consequences (11'7''). Radiation can be measured with Geiger counters (11'9''). Only recently the war wreckages were collected and defined as hazardous waste (11'14''). In Thiqar there are 7 landfills with toxic radioactive material (11'18'').
[The real truth: All this radioactive NATO atomic waste has to be put safe underground - half time for radioactivity is 4.5 billion years!!! - It counts the principle of the polluter pay principle: criminal NATO has to pay!!!]
There is no professional waste disposal (dumping) (11'26'').
[The real truth: All this radioactive NATO atomic waste has to be put safe underground - half time for radioactivity is 4.5 billion years!!! - It counts the principle of the polluter pay principle: criminal NATO has to pay!!!]Minister of Health of Thiqar Province is Mr. Ali Abdulla al-Ghalibi. He tells: The waste water flows untreated into the Euphrates and Gharafa (12'2''). People don't use the trash cans when there are installed some in the streets, they just dump the trash on the street (12'8''). Garbage from hospitals is also thrown onto the streets in this way (12'18''). The incineration of waste also takes place illegally (12'27'').
No justice against environmental crimes - no statistics about diseases
Speaker: Residents do not follow the regulations, environmental crimes are not prosecuted (12'33''). There is no disease statistics, and there is no special clinic for leukemia (12'39''). The Minister of Health is telling: "Not 100s, but 1000s children from Nasariya have to go to Baghdad or Basra to get treatment there." (12'49'') - A child may need treatment for 6 months, and parents are hesitating to do so simply because of the distance (13'0'').
Examples from the city of Nassr: garbage, radioactive ruins (NATO atomic waste!!!) just next to the soccer field
Speaker: Al-Ghalibi invites the film crew to visit his hometown Nassr [Al Neser?], 60km north of Nasiriya. Also here radioactive garbage (NATO atomic waste!!!) lies around (13'45''). The boys are playing soccer next to this radioactive atomic waste (14'13''). Waste and water pollution are the other hazards in Tika (14'29''). The town of Nassr has no sewerage system, everything runs in open ditches into Gharafa River (14'41''). At the same time, the drinking water is taken from the same river, this is very dangerous in some way (14'52'').
Nasiriya, a radioactive tank wreckage next to a football field - this is radioactive NATO atomic waste!
[This is NATO ATOMIC WASTE and has to be covered or stored safe underground - half time is 4.5 billion years!!! It counts the polluter pay principle: NATO has to pay!!!]
1990 to 2015: Iraq was bombed back
to the status of a developing country
Woman speaker: With three wars Iraq has
been thrown back into the state of a
developing country (15'0''). Diseases
caused by polluted water are viral
infections, jaundice, diarrhea,
typhoid fever and cholera,
these illnesses are everyday occurrences
in Iraq, and with these illnesses being
caused because of spoiled water there is
a massive increase since 2005 (15'19'').
In the 1990s, diarrhea was a
common cause of death for children
when UN sanctions banned the import of
chlorine, oxygen and drugs for water
purification and medicines (15'35'').
The IL-NWO-UNO argued that chlorine
could be used in the production of
chemical weapons (15'40'').
Town of Nassr: boy (8) with leukemia
- the garbage dump culture
Woman speaker: here is another case of
leukemia, a boy, 8 years old (15'48'').
The poor families cannot afford the
constant trips to Basra for chemotherapy
(15'55''). The boy does not attend
school at the moment, but perhaps there
is a possibility in Germany with the
film team (16'6'').
Woman speaker: The boy's family lives
in a poor suburb next to a garbage dump,
where poor are also searching the dump
for recycling. Everything is burnt open,
including plastic, chemicals and
radioactive hospital waste (16'31'').
Even the criminal NATO troops repeatedly
burned open air "rubber,
chemicals, toxic ammunition
remnants, including uranium
contaminated objects"
(16'41''). According to Ali
Abdullah al-Ghalibi, the "USA" and
England are responsible for all these
grievances (16'52'').
A heart center in Nasiriya
Nasiriya has got a heart center. State
governments and universities are
organizing further education training of
doctors and surgeons - in Germany
Heart surgeon Khafaji: There was this
boy with a congenital heart disease, he
was operated on in the heart center
Speaker: Congenital heart defects come
from fetal malformations in the first 3
months [of pregnancy].
Khafaji: The rate of congenital heart
defects is [allegedly] not higher than
elsewhere. Iraq can supply people well
with good diagnoses and surgeries
Manipulation of the IL-NWO-WHO for a
fake study: Parents are "questioned"
for a "study" on the consequences of
uranium bombs
Woman speaker: The government of Iraq
wants to silence the rumors about
uranium ammunition. A "study"
commissioned by the Iraqi Ministry of
Health, which "questioned" parents in 16
provinces and included some clinical
data, claims that there are no more
malformations in Iraq than elsewhere in
the world. But: doctors were NOT
questioned (19'13''). The study simply
states: "There is no clear evidence of
an unusually high rate of malformations
in newborns in Iraq (19'23''). However,
the results show local variations. The
rate of malformations in newborns was
lower before 1998." (19'31'')
Quote of the WHO lying report: "The rates of miscarriages, stillbirths and malformations in newborns are in line with or even below international estimates (19'12''). There is no clear evidence of an unusually high rate of newborn malformations in Iraq (19'21''). However, the results show local variations. The rate of malformations in newborns was lower before 1998." (19'30'')
[They mispredicted and miscounted. Surveys can always be manipulated with bribes, or people lie in order not to admit that they have a disabled child, or a mother is only counted once, even if she has lost 3 children etc.].
The "survey" of the Iraqi
representative at WHO shows only a
slight increase in malformations
WHO representative for Iraq, Dr Thamer
al-Hilfi, says: "In 2010, several
reports showed an increase in birth
defects in Iraq. It was about special
places like Fallujah etc. (19'48''). The
Ministry of Health then started a survey
and there was only a "small increase" in
malformations, but the figures were
"within the statistics of the Eastern
Mediterranean" (20'30'').
Radiation biologist Baverstock (Kuopio, SF): "interviewing" parents is NOT a study!
Radiation biologist Prof. Keith
Baverstock (University of Kuopio,
Finland) believes that the WHO report is
unsatisfactory because the methodology
is wrong: not a single child was
examined by a doctor, but simply
statements were collected from mothers
as to whether they had children with
malformations or not (21'17''). The WHO
report is based on lay knowledge, which
is absolutely unsound knowledge
(21'27''). The report is garbage, and on
the basis of this garbage the WHO has
now declared that no further measures
are required (21'47'') because there
would be no abnormalities (21'55'').
Nuclear biologist Christopher Busby
(Wales): Radioactive investigations of
samples from Fukushima and Fallujah
are showing a gigantic radioactivity
Woman speaker: Nuclear biologist Mr. Christopher Busby
(Chris Busby) from Wales presents more
results. He is chemist at the University
of Lithuania: He examines remains of
Fukushima and provides expert opinions
on soldiers contaminated with uranium
ammunition (22'30''). Since 2004 he has
also collected data on Fallujah
Chris Busby (Christopher Busby) in his laboratory 01 - Chris Busby (Christopher Busby) in his laboratory 02 with a Geiger counter
Woman speaker: Residents of Fallujah
sent him tree samples of wood, and they
are highly radioactive (22'44''). In
2012 he published his study about
Fallujah in the medical journal "The
Lancet" (22'55'').
Busby: A piece of wood was cut out and
surrounded with a sensitive chemical
paper showing alpha particles (23'5'').
Under the microscope you can see the
number of tracks (23'25''). In the
center of the wood is the highest rate
of alpha traces, thus there is the
conclusion that in the past, when this
tree was planted, there was much more
radioactivity in this region than today
Woman speaker: Further samples were
smuggled out of Fallujah in the
following period: hair, soil
samples, water samples, and again
tree samples (23'56'').
The Busby question form - clear
statistics on Fallujah with clear
increases in cancer, infant mortality,
percentage of girls, leukemia
Woman speaker: Busby proposed a uniform
question form to install reliable
statistics (24'3'').
Busby tells about the results: 1. there
was a clear increase in cancer. 2. there
was a high infant mortality. 3. the
boy-girl ratio changed (24'25'').
Woman speaker: When ovaries are exposed
to radioactive radiation then more girls
are born (24'33''). When male seminal
ducts are exposed to radioactive
radiation, more boys are born (24'38'').
The ratio of before was 1050 boys to
1000 girls.
Busby: Now the parents had suffered
genetic damage, because in 2004 there
were only 850 boys per 1000 girls
(25'2''). Additionally: leukemia rate
was 38 times higher than normal
(25'12''): "The rate was 38 times as
high as one would normally expect".
(25'12'') - This 38-fold increase in
leukemia is epidemiologically unique
(25'20''), and all this was provoked
with a small amount of uranium
[distributed in weapons and in the dust]
(25'28''). This means that children with
leukemia are always contaminated with
uranium dust, this is the answer: "That
has to be the answer" (25'34'').
The uranium dust from uranium bombs
in the lungs is partly soluble, enters
the blood and destroys bone and bone
marrow - provoking leukemia
Cartoon: "Uranium dust: A part of it is
soluble, once it gets into the body it
is reaching the bloodstream fast
(25'49''). Other particles get stuck in
the lungs when inhaled distributing
their radioactivity directly into the
tissue (25'57''). Uranium is
accumulating in bones where it destroys
the marrow causing leukemia." (26'3'') -
Uranium accumulates in the organs,
reaches the brain, and also the fetus
Cartoon: Uranium dust gets into the lungs - Cartoon: The uranium dust is partially soluble and enters the bloodstream, or settles in the lungs radiating without end.
since 1991: The city of Safwan near
Kuwait - the "motorway of death" and
uranium dust: children die of
malformations, cancer, leukemia, heart
disease - and there are stillbirths
Woman speaker: The city of Safwan on the
border with Kuwait: Soldiers call this
road between Basra and Safwan also as
the "motorway of death"
(26'20''). In 1991, criminal NATO bombed
the Iraqi army here with uranium bombs
and cluster bombs on its retreat from
Kuwait (26'38'').
[This is ATOMIC WASTE and has to be covered or stored underground in a safe tunnel - half time or radioactivity is 4.5 billion years].
Kerim Ameen, then reserve officer, now
a journalist, is telling: About the
uranium bombs with depleted uranium
information was given only later, during
this bombing the soldiers did not know
anything about this (27'26''). Later,
the tank wreckages were examined with
radiation meters, and only then the
terrible data came out (27'39'').
Woman speaker: During six weeks of this
First Iraq War in 1991 criminal NATO
used just under 400 tons of depleted
uranium ammunition (27'46'').
since 1991: City of Basra with
increasing infant mortality: blood
cancer (leukemia), heart disease,
cancer, bad medication - birth defects
continue (2015) - the children's
cemeteries are full (!)
Woman speaker: A few years later, the
hospitals in Basra registered
significantly higher rates of
malformations of newborns (27'54'') and
"drastically increased cancer rates"
(27'56''). International investigations
were blocked by the sanctions of UN
Security Council against Iraq (28'8'').
Iraqi families are mourning their
children on children's cemeteries
The children's cemetery of Basra: the gravedigger Abdul Hassan Abu Ali Daffan describes the catastrophe with the dead children caused by the radioactive uranium dust from NATO atomic waste (radiating sand and wreckages) - it's a GENOCIDE by NATO
The main witnesses for this genocide in
Iraq by radioactive NATO uranium
ammunition are the gravediggers and
corpse washers of the children's
cemeteries, e.g. Abdul Hassan Abu Ali
Daffan, who is the gravedigger here
already in the third generation.
Daffan tells: Every day there are 7 to 8
funerals, from newborns to several years
old (28'44''). The causes include "blood
diseases, heart diseases, cancer,
some children die because they take
bad drugs" (28'52'').
Woman speaker: Even 24 years after the
First Iraq War of 1991 (in 2015), many
children are born with birth defects
yet, or are even born dead (29'2'').
Daffan: It is not unusual that all
children of a family die (29'6''), i.e.
a married couple has 5 children, and all
5 children die (29'23''). The children's
cemetery has become much larger since
1991, and there are more children's
cemeteries now (29'43'').
since 1991: City of Basra: premature
births with birth defects continue to
occur in large numbers
Woman speaker: In former times the town
of Basra was considered as Venice of the
Middle East with its many canals and
gondolas. With each war, the influx of
war refugees from the countryside to
Basra increased (30'13''). Today there
is a boom, but poverty remains: The
civilian structure of the city is
destroyed, there is no waste collection,
the canals of the old town are full of
garbage and waste (30'35''), houses are
not maintained but decay (30'40''). And
there is the Mother Child Hospital in
Basra, with 12 incubators (31'55'').
Woman doctor Dr. Ghufran Sabah: The
number of premature babies is
increasing, and more and more premature
babies have anomalies, much more than
before (31'19''). There can be many
factors for the increasing number of
premature births: Environment, social
factors "we don't know for sure"
(31'37''). For example, there is a child
with clubfeet and crossing fingers and
toes, all pointing to trisomy 18
Woman speaker: According to the doctor,
such cases come to 1 case per 6 months
Woman doctor: A baby has an open brain,
probably will not survive (32'36'').
The New Children's Hospital in Basra
for cancer children
Woman doctor: Then there is a new
children's hospital in Basra, just
outside the city (32'46''). Here, all
cancer children from southern Iraq are
treated (32'50''), also with special
sectors for the treatment of leukemia
and cancer in the lymphatic system
Basra (Iraq), the new children's hospital for cancer children - Basra (Iraq), the new children's hospital for cancer children, the oncologist Dr. Jenan Hassan
And now comes the main error of the
IL-NWO-WHO study: it seems very strange
that NO doctors were questioned in their
survey but the doctors are the competent
for diagnoses and for counting of the
cases and who are entrusted with the
healing of children (!) (33'27'').
Now comes film material from 2003 when
this cancer hospital did not exist yet:
since 1991: City of Basra: 15 cases
[of baby deformation] per year before
1990 - in 2003 200 cases [of baby
And now comes the main message of the
WHOLE film - from the cancer
pediatrician Dr. Jenan Hassan, with film
material of 2003:
"I've been a
pediatrician and oncologist since
1992 (33'39''). Even before the
war, I was responsible. Before the
1990 war we had only 15 cases [of
deformed babies] (33'46''). But
since 1995 we have more and more
cases (33'49''). Today [2002
appr.] we have about 200 new cases
per year [of deformed babies].
That's too much (33'54''). [This
is an increase of about 1300%]
The pediatrician and cancer doctor Ms. Dr. Jenan Hassan at the New Children's Hospital Basra says how the statistics in Basra have changed: before 1990, there were 15 cases (childhood cancer?) in babies and children per year. Since 1995 the quota has increased, today [2015] there are 200 cases per year [an increase of around 1300%]
Jenan Jassan: The causes can be uranium
ammunition, other chemical
contaminations, factories or factory
waste in river water, or heredity? Any
systematic, professional investigation
is missing (34'18''). To be sure that
uranium bombs are the cause of
malformations and diseases, teeth,
bones and hair must be examined
(34'32''). Doctors from Hiroshima
University in Japan believe that leukemia
and brain tumors are mainly
caused by uranium ammunition (34'45'').
The medical data of the families are
needed, many families are similarly
affected (34'55''), the concerns are "leukemia,
brain tumors, lymphomas" in
the same family (35'9''). Sometimes
there are several cases in the same
family (35'13''). In many cases the
parents have been contaminated and they
pass the diseases on to their children
Dr. Thamer al-Hilfi, deputy of Iraq in
the WHO, finds this "interesting to
know" (35'57''). Hospitals should submit
their reports to the WHO (36'4''). The
monthly statistics of children's
hospitals are welcome in the WHO
since 1991: City of Basra: The
criminal IL-UNO-WHO NEVER asked the
doctors and children's hospitals (!)
Oncologist Jenan Hassan continues:
The IL-UNO-WHO has
NEVER visited the children's
hospitals in Basra for installing
the consequences of uranium in a
statistic. And if
anyone had come once, it wasn't because
of these cases. And these people of the
IL-UNO-NWO did never help anyway
Berlin: International lawyer Manfred
Moor cannot change the WHO
Berlin, Dr. Manfred Mohr, he is a
professor for International Law of
Berlin: Professor Manfred Moor is
working for a ban of uranium weapons
(36'50''). He is in the directorate of a
"coalition for the international banning
of these weapons" (36'56''). WHO and UNO
are being blackmailed by "certain
powers" [the Zionist NATO states] not to
report the damage caused by uranium
bombs - otherwise payments to the UN and
the WHO will simply be cut (37'43'').
Mainz (Germany): The fistula
operation with the boy (8 years old)
Woman speaker: When organizations fail,
individuals must act: Mainz: The boy
with fistula (8 years old) comes to
Mainz University Hospital for surgery.
The University Hospital Mainz supports
the Iraq
Children's Aid (' 38'25'').
The Iraqi boy (8 years old) with cyst at his operated bladder arrives with his father at the airport in Frankfurt on the Main - university hospital of Mainz, entrance
Iraq: Christian families are also
affected by radioactive NATO uranium
rocket missiles provoking deformations
and diseases
At the same time Iraq is not coming to a
rest [one can assume that the CIA is
manipulating there for as long as the
CIA exists]. There are still 400
Christian families (39'11'') living in
the province of Basra. Bishop Imad
Albanna: Both Muslims and Christians are
affected by the deformities and
miscarriages, as it were, by the
contaminated materials (39'28''). "There
are several families who had injuries,
malformations in newborns, and also got
certain skin diseases" (39'33'').
Leukemia also occurred, one child died
of it, 3 families with leukemia children
emigrated to Europe etc. (39'45'').
Iraq: IS chasing and expelling
Yazidi Christians
Woman speaker: Then suddenly came the
IS, who once again threw everything
overboard and threatened all the people.
Yazidi-Christians were driven out or
murdered by thirst. There are 1000s in
the refugee camps etc. A Bishop Strohm
was on his way visiting them (40'46'').
Medical doctors appealing to the
German NWO-Merkel government are of no
use - the criminal Merkel government
denies the consequences of uranium
ammunition (!) - protecting criminal
The association "International Doctors
Preventing Atomic War - Doctors with
Social Responsibility e.V."* appealed to
the German government to work with Obama
to stop using uranium ammunition in Iraq
(42'45''). And what happened in the UNO?
Germany has NOT supported a resolution
calling for assistance to states
contaminated with uranium ammunition.
150 states voted in favor, Merkel
Germany abstained (43'8''). The Merkel
government justifies its abstention with
reports that "residues of depleted
uranium... in the environment does not
pose a radiological risk to the local
population." (43'29'')
*original German: "Internationale Ärzte
für die Verhütung des Atomkriegs - Ärzte
in sozialer Verantwortung e.V."
[Steinmeier protects Scharping and the German NWO lying newspapers Zeit ("Times") and FAZ (Frankfort)
In this way, the Merkel government with Foreign Minister Steinmeier is protecting the criminal radioactive NATO and the criminal Mr. Scharping in coordination protecting the lying NWO newspapers of Zeit ("Time") and FAZ (Frankfort) 1999, because this gang Scharping-Zeit-FAZ also belittled the uranium ammunition as early as 1999 (article: "The embarrassment of the alarmists" - original German: "Die Blamage der Alarmisten") - in this article the medical doctors are laughed!!!].
Until today (2016) criminal radioactive NATO does not want to take any responsibility for the use of its uranium ammunition (43'59''). All dead children buried in the children's cemeteries are ignored (44'7''). Therefore this war in Iraq does NEVER come ton an end but the children are dying slowly and quietly (44'14'') [Quiet death in Garden of Eden].
The children's cemetery in Basra is full, a quiet death is taking place, a "quiet death" - this is GENOCIDE by radioactive NATO URANIUM MISSILES
Children's hospital in Basra on deformities in babies: Before (before 1990) there were 15 cases of deformed babies per year - today (film material of 2003) there are 200 cases per year - an increase of around 1300%.
Said Falyh, Jabbar, Dr.med.
60385 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: (069) 461003
Iraq help for children: https://www.ippnw.de/irakhilfe/