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Absolutely criminal NATO with radioactive atomic rockets (uranium ammunition) since 1991

Video Death Dust part 3: Baghdad: The radioactively contaminated Baghdad Gate No.6 - the radioactive nuclear ruin "TV Center" - District of Mansour with urine samples - Dr. Günther with OPs and awards 

Bagdad, Tor Nr. 6, hier
                              fanden Panzergefechte statt, und der Boden
                              ist von den NATO-Atomraketen radioaktiv
Baghdad, gate number six, this is where tank fights took place, and the ground is radioactively contaminated by NATO nuclear missiles.
Der Geigerzähler am
                              Boden beim Baum zeigt nun 99 an
The Geiger counter on the ground next to the tree at Baghdad Gate No.6 indicates 99.
Zentralkrankenhaus Bagdad,
                              deformierte Babys 01
Baghdad Central Hospital, deformed babies 01
Bagdad, das bombardierte
                                Radio+TV-Zentrum - eine Atom-Ruine!!!
Baghdad, the bombed Radio+TV center - was bombed with a radioactive nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") - and there are high radiation levels - and therefore this is an atomic ruin and should be covered and dismantled immediately and the rubble has to be specially disposed of!
Bagdad, der Bezirk Mansour
                                direkt nach der Atombombardierung 2003,
                                der radioaktive Schutt blieb noch lange
Baghdad, the Mansour district directly after the 2003 nuclear bombing, the radioactive debris remained lying around for a long time, and then the radioactive rubble was cleared WITHOUT protective suits or masks.
Dr. Günther,
                              Auszeichnungen 02, Medicus Magnus
Dr. Günther, award 2, Medicus Magnus

Movie protocol by Michael Palomino (2018)
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NATO = RADIOACTIVE: They use nuclear waste to build their "uranium bombs" and "do not know where the diseases are coming from!!!" - March 7, 2018

With the new NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition, nuclear waste ammunition) NO tests were carried out on rats or mice, but since 1991, the people of entire regions and countries are contaminated by criminal NATO on schedule, including animals, groundwater, and plants - and even the OWN SOLDIERS are contaminated - just EVERYTHING.

URANIUM AMMUNITION = ATOMIC ROCKETS = calculated WAR CRIMES = calculated GENOCIDE - half-life of uranium is 4.5 billion years

Uranium Medical Research Center: http://umrc.net  (Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Tedd Weyman)

Video about uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)
(Deadly Dust - Dust: uranium ammunition and the consequences (2007 - 1h33min.)

Video about uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)

Part 3: The Baghdad Gate No.6 after the radioactive NATO nuclear missile tank battle - Baghdad central hospital with deformed babies without end - Baghdad with radioactive nuclear ruin telecommunications and TV center - radioactive NATO nuclear missiles on District Mansour and radioactive debris until 3 days ago - urine samples of the neighbors with Dr. Shaickly and Dr. Weymann - Dr. Günther with operations and awards

Baghdad: The radioactive contamination at Gate No.6 - the Goethe University in Frankfurt with Dr. Axel Gerdes - the dust is 50 to 60% contaminated with uranium

Baghdad, Gate No. 6, this is where
                                tank fights took place, and the ground
                                is radioactively contaminated by
                                radioactive NATO nuclear missiles  Beim
                                Bagdad-Tor Nr.6 hat sich ein
                                Getränkestand installiert  Am Baum
                                beim Bagdad-Tor Nr.6 wird eine Messung
Baghdad, Gate No. 6, this is where tank fights took place, and the ground is radioactively contaminated by radioactive NATO nuclear missiles - a drink stand has been installed at Baghdad Gate No.6 - a measurement is being taken at the tree at Baghdad Gate No.6

Baghdad, gate number six, there were tank fights (45'1''). Weyman describes: The radiation is 100 to 150 times higher than normal. This is the highest value measured so far. The Geiger counter indicates 98.2 (45'39'').

Der Geigerzähler am Boden neben
                                dem Baum beim Bagdad-Tor Nr.6 gibt 94,8
                                an  Bagdad-Tor Nr.6: Der
                                Panzer-Atommüll wurde weggeräumt, aber
                                Panzerketten liegen da immer noch herum  Der
                                Geigerzähler am Boden beim Baum zeigt
                                nun 99 an
Geiger counter on the ground next to the tree at Baghdad Gate No.6 indicates 94.8 - Baghdad Gate No.6: Tank nuclear waste has been cleared away, but  tank chains (?) are still lying around - Geiger counter on the tree floor now shows 99

Medical doctor Dr. Ikram Shaickly: Such a high value is far too high for people, the area should have to be closed off. There is a sales stand with water, drinks etc. in the area. (45'52'')

Dr. Ikram
                                Shaickly: Hier um das Bagdad-Tor Nr.6
                                müsste alles abgesperrt sein und
                                dekontaminiert werden, die Erde entsorgt
                                werden  Tedd
                                Weyman nimmt eine Bodenprobe am Baum
                                beim Bagdad-Tor Nr.6 
Dr. Ikram Shaickly: Here around Baghdad Gate No.6, everything should be sealed off and decontaminated, the radioactive earth should be disposed of - Tedd Weyman takes a soil sample from the tree at Baghdad Gate No.6.

Soil samples are analysed at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Mr. Axel Gerdes is analyzing the samples with a mass spectrometer for several months (46'31''). Dr. Axel Gerdes: In the soil samples of the Baghdad Gate pure depleted uranium was found (46'50''). "The concentration was so high that we couldn't even detect the natural uranium in it." (46'56'')

  Dr. Axel Gerdes von der
                                Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main  Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, ein
                                Massenspektrometer  Dr. Axel Gerdes von der
                                Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Axel Gerdes from Goethe University of Frankfurt on the Main - Goethe University of Frankfurt, a mass spectrometer - Dr. Axel Gerdes from Goethe University of Frankfurt on the Main

Der Bericht von Dr. Axel Gerdes 

The report by Dr. Axel Gerdes

The depleted uranium is mainly in the dust part of the earth sample ("dust fraction"). If only this dust fraction is analyzed, the "percentage ranges from 50 to 60% that depleted uranium makes up there" (47'13''). - The Geiger counter at the gate shows 98.2 (47'13''), then 97.0 (47'16'').
Gerdes: The population is at great risk of inhaling this uranium dust (47'29''). The uranium does not decompose but remains there (47'40''). The danger of inhaling this uranium dust remains, "for 10, for 20, for 30, for 100 years" (47'45''). [Reality is another one: half time is 4.5 billion years].

Baghdad, the central hospital: Deformed babies are born

Dr. Günther visits the central hospital of Baghdad. The preliminary interview describes the patients: There are many genetically damaged babies, many water heads, "many previously unknown deformities and tumors" (48'22''). The cancer rate in the central hospital in Baghdad has increased eightfold (48,34'').

Die kriminelle NATO hat Bagdad
                                besetzt und blockiert Verkehrswege 01  Die kriminelle NATO hat Bagdad
                                besetzt und blockiert Verkehrswege 02
Criminal radioactive NATO has occupied Baghdad and blocked traffic routes 01,02
Zentralkrankenhaus Bagdad,
                                deformierte Babys 01  Zentralkrankenhaus Bagdad,
                                deformierte Babys 02  Zentralkrankenhaus
                                Bagdad, Krebskind
Baghdad Central Hospital, deformed babies 01,02 - Baghdad Central Hospital, a cancer child

The bombed telecommunications and television center in Baghdad - it's a radioactive ATOMIC RUIN!!
Bagdad, das bombardierte
                                  Radio+TV-Zentrum - eine Atom-Ruine!!!  Bagdad, das
                                  bombardierte Radio+TV-Zentrum - wurde
                                  mit einer Atomrakete
                                  ("Uranmunition") bombardiert
                                  - und weist hohe Strahlungen auf - und
                                  ist somit eine Atom-Ruine und müsste
                                  sofort abgedeckt und abmontiert und
                                  der Schutt speziell entsorgt
                                  werden!!!  Tedd
                                  Weyman im radioaktiven
                                  Radio-TV-Zentrum von Bagdad
Baghdad, the bombed Radio+TV centre - was bombed with a radioactive nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") - and has high radiation levels - and is therefore a radioactive atomic ruin and should be covered and dismantled immediately and the rubble should be specially disposed of! Tedd Weyman in the radioactive radio TV center of Baghdad [without protection suit, he is contaminating himself]
In the center of Baghdad the national Iraqi telecommunications and television center had been bombed. Tedd Weyman of the Uranium Medical Research Center reports that high levels of radioactivity have been found: "We have found high levels of uranium from highly explosive weapons used here (49'35''). [That means: The building is a radioactive ATOMIC RUIN!!] One single bomb went through 6 floors of reinforced concrete, then 12m into the cellar and then exploded upwards (49'42''). The question is, what can drive a bomb through reinforced concrete into the basement without it's exploding first, through all the floors?" (49'56'') - Weymann is measuring high radiation levels and takes soil samples (50'15''). He does not wear a breathing mask, otherwise the "US" occupying forces would forbid him to enter (50'38''). [Weyman is sacrificing himself for truth reports about radioactive NATO].

  Das radioaktive
                                Radio-TV-Zentrum von Bagdad wurde von
                                einer Atomrakete
                                ("Uranmunition") getroffen,
                                ist hochverstrahlt, ist eine
                                Atom-Ruine!!! 02  Das radioaktive
                                Radio-TV-Zentrum von Bagdad wurde von
                                einer Atomrakete
                                ("Uranmunition") getroffen,
                                ist hochverstrahlt, ist eine
                                Atom-Ruine!!! 03  Tedd Weyman nimmt im
                                Radio-TV-Zentrum von Bagdad eine
The radioactive radio TV center of Baghdad was hit by a radioactive nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition"), is highly radiated, is a nuclear ruin! 02,03 - cover  it immediately, dismantle it and dispose the radioactive rubble especially!! Tedd Weyman takes a soil sample at the Baghdad Radio TV Centre

In addition, the medical doctors Weyman and Shaickly are collecting urine samples from neighbors of the bombed telecommunications centre (50'51''). Urine levels are up to 400% higher for depleted uranium (51'0'').

Die Nachbarn des
                                atomverseuchten Radio-TV-Zentrums sind
                                ebenfalls uranverseucht 01  Die Nachbarn des
                                atomverseuchten Radio-TV-Zentrums sind
                                ebenfalls uranverseucht 02
The neighbors of the nuclear-contaminated radio TV center are also contaminated with uranium 01,02

Baghdad 2003: Bombs on a "restaurant" where Saddam was suspected - rubble was cleared away immediately - Gulf War syndrome among soldiers who brought the rubble away

Baghdad, Mansour district: Houses were bombed here in 2003, it is said to have been a "restaurant" where Saddam was suspected (51'35''). The radioactive rubble is now cleared away (51'58'').

Bagdad, der
                                Bezirk Mansour weist eine Baulücke auf  Bagdad, der Bezirk Mansour
                                direkt nach der Atombombardierung 2003,
                                der radioaktive Schutt blieb noch lange
Baghdad, Mansour district has a construction gap - Baghdad, Mansour district immediately after the 2003 nuclear bombardment, the radioactive rubble remained for a long time, and the rubble was cleared WITHOUT protective suits or masks.
Bagdad, der Bezirk Mansour, letzte
                                Schutträumung 2006 ca. nach dem
                                Eintreffen des Filmteams - OHNE
                                Schutzkleidung und OHNE Schutzmasken  Bagdad, der Bezirk Mansour, letzte
                                Schutträumung 2006 ca. nach dem
                                Eintreffen des Filmteams - OHNE
                                Schutzkleidung und OHNE Schutzmasken 02  Bagdad, der Bezirk Mansour, letzte
                                Schutträumung 2006 ca. nach dem
                                Eintreffen des Filmteams - OHNE
                                Schutzkleidung und OHNE Schutzmasken 03
Baghdad, the district of Mansour, last rubble clearance in 2006 approx. after the arrival of the film team - WITHOUT protective clothing and WITHOUT protective masks 1,2,3

Dai Williams, a British weapons expert, describes exactly what happened: "It was suspected that Saddam was in the restaurant, and then they bombed half of block with four 2,000 pound bombs (52,20''). The rubble was taken away with 12 trucks claiming to contain Saddam's DNA (52'22''). That's not so credible. It is more plausible that the bombs were uranium bombs and therefore the rubble was removed: "I think they took it away because these were uranium bombs (52'30''). They wanted to kill him and not only sedate him (52'33''). And this place must have been heavily contaminated. That's how they cleaned the place up and got the stuff out of town." (52'41'')

[This radioactive atomic rubble has to be deposited SAFE and UNDERGROUND. But it can be admitted that it lies open and winds are distributing the radioactive dust of this rubble everywhere].

Dai Williams,
                              britischer Waffenexperte
Dai Williams, British weapons expert

"The guys who did this are some of the soldiers who got a mysterious disease, and at least one died of lung and respiratory failure." (52'51'')

    The Balkan War also with Gulf War syndrome

    Dai Williams continues: "This is exactly what also happened to veterans in the Balkan war." (52'58'')

Baghdad: The restaurant's neighbors with Gulf War syndrome

Surviving neighbors claim that 4 neighbors have died in the meantime (53'15'').

Speaker: There were 12 casualties in the attack. There was never any restaurant here (53'23'').

Dr. Shaickly and Dr. Weymann are contaminated

Speaker: Both Dr. Shaickly and Dr. Weymann were traveling without protective masks and were slightly contaminated (53'33''). The two were only 2 weeks in these zones, whereas the population is exposed to this radiation during day and night (53'57'').

Dr. Günther about his life: Operations because of uranium ammunition - never-ending awards

Dr. Günther, Auszeichnungen 01  Dr. Günther,
                                Auszeichnungen 02, Medicus Magnus  Dr. Günther, Auszeichnungen 03
Dr. Günther, awards 1,2,3

Dr. Günther: Initially, he himself suffered serious health damage through carelessness in handling this radioactive uranium ammunition. He needed three operations and must constantly take medication (54'13''). Speaker: Professor Günther received various awards for his struggle for human rights (54'20''). Günther shows his medal cupboard: German awards for medicine, French awards, the highest Polish award, and awards "from all over the world", and he is also "Knight of Malta", there are awards from Austria, There are several awards from universities (54'52''), a Medicus Magnus (55'1''), international awards, and he is an honorary citizen of the State of Alabama (55'15'') and of Oklahoma (55'18'').

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