= RADIOACTIVE: They use nuclear waste to
build their "uranium bombs" and "do not
know where the diseases are coming
from!!!" - March 7, 2018
With the new NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition, nuclear waste ammunition) NO tests were carried out on rats or mice, but since 1991, the people of entire regions and countries are contaminated by criminal NATO on schedule, including animals, groundwater, and plants - and even the OWN SOLDIERS are contaminated - just EVERYTHING.
URANIUM AMMUNITION = ATOMIC ROCKETS = calculated WAR CRIMES = calculated GENOCIDE - half-life of uranium is 4.5 billion years
Uranium Medical Research Centre: (Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Tedd Weyman)
Part 4: radioactive NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition) in the Balkans: cancer, leukemia, deads in Hadzici - Belgrade with uranium dust from nuclear ruins - radioactive military deposit ruins in the forest - NATO nuclear missiles in Novi Pasar - the lies of Scharping - Serbian army decontaminating areas - Balkan syndrome in Kosovo in 1999: Contaminated NATO soldiers - the case of André Horn with invented cause of death and concealment of the original files for 5 years
Bosnia War 1995: radioactive uranium ammunition - high cancer rates, leukemia etc.
Bosnia War 1995: The scene repeats itself: Speaker: Criminal radioactive NATO with "Americans" and Britons were using radioactive uranium projectiles again in Bosnia (55'45''). Criminal radioactive NATO simply claimed that the radioactive uranium ammunition would be "harmless" (55'49''). For example, there was the bombing of Hadzici [near Sarajevo], because there was a tank repair station of the Serbian army there (55'55''). After this bombing, a large number of patients with aggressive cancers came to Sarajevo (56'9'').
Doctor and scientist Dr. Slavko Zdrale: Leukemia has increased by many times in this region (56'24''). "The number of certain blood diseases is 5 to 6 times higher than before the war in the area." (56'34'')
Resettlement of Hadzici residents to another place - it's too late - 1120 of 3500 resettled people die of cancer
Speaker: The Serbs had an idea of this danger of radioactive contamination (56'49''). 3,500 people were resettled on Serbian territory to Bratunac (56'55''). But many people were already contaminated. (57'2'')
An ex-citizen of Hadzici is telling: Hadzici was bombed for an army repair center (57'22''), but they bombed not only the repair shop, but also the entire center was destroyed (57'25''). The common people didn't know what it was about. But there was one case that proved that something was not right any more (57'32''). "A little girl played in a bomb crater and then all her fingernails fell off." (57'37'')
Speaker: The girl came to Belgrade to the military hospital (57'42''). Something was in the crater's earth as a cause (57'53'').
Dr. Günther: 1 to 2 years after the bombing of Hadzici there was a wave of deaths in Hadzici, you can see this at the cemetery on the dates of the graves, died in 1995, 1996 etc.. (58'31''). These are the people who died from depleted uranium (58'38''). In 1997, too, people died from depleted uranium yet (58'44'').
Dr. Slavko Zdrale, medical doctor in Sarajevo:
"We are sure that the increased cancer rate is
caused by depleted uranium (58'53''), with
children and adults (58'56''). In 1995, a
4-year-old child and a 24-year-old man died of
leukemia had been together watching a bombing,
and 1.5 years later both died together of
leukemia (59'20'').
Speaker: Of the 3,500 resettled, 1,120 died of cancer (59,35'').
Belgrade: Uranium dust is radiating through nuclear ruins in the city center - more and more cancer in Belgrade
Belgrade: Dr. Günther: The population believes that the bombed buildings in downtown Belgrade were destroyed by radioactive uranium ammunition (1h0'3''). "However, "experts" could detect "no radioactivity" (1h0'11''). However, Belgrade may be radioactively contaminated since then (1h0'15'').
There is more proof about radioactive NATO uranium missiles in Belgrade: Institute of Occupational Medicine and Radiation Protection keeps statistics:

Institute of Occupational Medicine and Radiation (Institut für Arbeitsmedizin und Strahlenschutz) - Belgrade, Dr. Radomir Kovacevic
Dr. Radomir Kovacevic describes the development of the disease rate in Belgrade: Serbian industry has been virtually completely destroyed in the last 10 years, so there are no chemical emissions that contaminate the air any more (1h1'15''). But the contamination with uranium 238 has increased (1h1'25''). Cancer cases have risen to 9% in the last 5 years, the forecasts say it will be 20% in 10 years (1h1'45'').
Balkans: Former Serbian army camp in the forest

Bombed, Serbian army deposit 05, is an open radioactive (!) nuclear ruin
Dr. Günther is on the way with Mitar Visnic, an ex-Major of the Serbian army. They put on gloves and a face mask (1h2'10''). Both are on their way in a ruin with a Geiger counter, this ruin was a Serbian army deposit before. Visnic says: "We thought it would only be a small war..." The Geiger counter in the ruin shows 0.31 on the wall at metal points (1h2'35''). [So there is no special radioactivity on this spot].

The bombed, Serbian army deposit is radioactively marked - bombed, Serbian army camp 01, Dr. Günther and Mitar Visnic put on gloves and protective mask - bombed, Serbian army camp 02 is an open (!) nuclear ruin

Visnic: "Today we see that it was a well-prepared war (1h2'53''), mean and treacherous, we see that we were only pawns in a play making maneuvers with them (1h3'0''). Or they wanted to get rid of something they had too much of." (1h3'6'') - Then the first "unidentified parts" were brought into his office, and the suspicion of radioactive uranium ammunition was confirmed (1h3'24''). "Some of the missiles hadn't exploded. Possibly there were some series that had not hit their targets (1h3'31''). These objects lay scattered next to destroyed objects on the concrete where the vehicles were standing." (1h3'37'') On entering the ruin for the first time, a feeling of warmth emerged that was unnatural (1h3'52''). "The uncovered parts of the skin began to change their color and became inflamed (1h3'58''). One had the feeling of being exposed to a diffuse heat source (1h4'3''). One did not know where it came from. It was unnatural, different." (1h4'8'') - In Yugoslavia many uranium projectiles were used (1h4'30''), and at the top was always the uranium core (1h4'37''). Speaker: The area is contaminated with radioactivity and is marked accordingly (1h4'55'').
[Truth is another one: this atomic ruin has to be covered and destroyed and the rubble has to be stored in safe tunnels. Half time is 4.5 billion years].

Bombed Serbian army deposit 05 - radioactive NATO nuclear missile (minimized as "uranium bullet"), without uranium core - marking: The bombed army deposit is now an open radioactive (!) nuclear ruin
Novi Pasar is a Serbian border town to Kosovo with a majorly Muslim population, the Serbs were hiding their tanks in residential areas. The uranium projectiles of the criminal NATO hardly hit a tank in this way (1h5'22''). Radioactive NATO was performing bombing war actions in 1999 against Serbia there, it is estimated that they used 30 tons of radioactive uranium ammunition (1h5'29''). From 24th to 25th April 1999 the NATO attacked a Serbian garrison in the town of Novi Pasar, also destroying houses, farms and stables of farmers, animals were killed etc. (1h5'52'') - 13 innocent people died in the radioactive Novi Pasar bombing (1h6'0'').
Ismail Mumdzic from Novi Pasar is telling: The dead were civilians, they were neither military nor politicians, this was simply a "collateral damage" as NATO authorities say (1h6'20''). And now cancer rates in Kosovo have also risen (1h6'27''). Since this bombing of Novi Pasar his sister Fikreta Ramusovic is suffering from an aggressive leukemia (1h6'33''). Fikreta tells: During this attack she couldn't hide anywhere, the bombs came without warning, and since then leukemia is torturing her (1h6'49''). Ismail Mumdzic: A flyer campaign is supposed to bring money for a spinal cord transplant (1h7'40'').

Ismail Mumdzic in Novi Pasar - Fikreta Ramusovic, NATO uranium victim in Novi Pasar - Novi Pasar, a NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") exploding during the day, being watched from the window

In 2001 in Belgrade, Dr. Günther meets Mumdzic in a park: His sister has died of leukemia (1h8'41''). This is the greeting from the radioactive uranium bombs [being launched by Cocaine Bill Clinton and his CIA who manipulated the Balkans into wars for occupying the Balkans by radioactive NATO against Russia] (1h9'25'').
Radioactive uranium ammunition with "fireworks"
The bombing of Novi Pazar: Dai Williams, British weapons expert: You see a bright glow that gets stronger and stronger for about 4 to 5 seconds, and then everything burns out (1h9'50''). Then "white stars" fall from the sky (1h9'53''), so it "looks like great fireworks" (1h9'57''). The same thing happens with a radioactive uranium bomb (1h9'59'').
The war criminal Mr. Scharping from German Socialist Party (SPD) playing down radioactive uranium ammunition of criminal NATO
Speaker: In 2001, Scharping claimed full-bodied:
Balkans: The Serbian army is decontaminating the areas - the nuclear and bio-chemical defense of Colonel Manojlovic
After the war, Serbian soldiers wore thick protective suits marking the contaminated areas, and the Geiger counter was beeping without end (1h10'59'').
Belgrade: Dr. Günther visits the General Staff of the Serbian Army, the sector of nuclear and bio-chemical defense (1h11'19''). Dr. Günther is discussing with Colonel Predrag Manojlovic of the Atomic and Biochemical Defense about criminal NATO, because this radioactive NATO claims that contaminated areas being contaminated with radioactive uranium ammunition don't have to be decontaminated (1h11'27''). Manojlovic is commenting: Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. If areas are not decontaminated, they remain contaminated forever (1h11'42''). Our goal was to clean up the areas (1h11'48''). The food chain, groundwater, population, animals and habitat are threatened (1h11'54'').
The population of Hadzici in Bratunac: People are dying suddenly, in 2 weeks they are collapsing, after a total hair loss they are gone, nobody knows what the reason is (1h12'13''). Even people who have NEVER been ill (1h12'22'').
Balkans: The criminal NWO-NATO does not want to decontaminate the areas - Serbian army is taking out the uranium projectiles from the soil
Günther: Also in 2007 criminal NATO on the Balkans believes "that a remediation of the contaminated areas is not necessary". (1h12'43'') - Manojlovic states: The Serbian Army acknowledges the danger of the radioactive uranium ammunition and does not accept NATO reports (1h13'8''). Speaker: Some areas have already been cleaned up by the Serbian Army (1h13'19''). Remains of radioactive uranium ammunition are dug up and the poisonous earth is disposed of. However, there is no money to complete the work (1h13'32'').
Kosovo war in 1999 and the occupation period from 1999 with Balkan syndrome: Contaminated NATO soldiers - German Bundeswehr is mute (!) - the case of André Horn
NATO soldiers in Kosovo were from Italy, Spain and Portugal controlling the Kosovo. They suffered conspicuously often from leukemia. The word Balkan syndrome was born (1h13'45'').
The cause of death remains controversial. Father Udo Horn claims: First they said meningitis and sepsis (1h14'25''). But the pathologist didn't seem to have told the truth. Then 5 years after having hidden the original documents came out that the first finding was called pneumonia with internal bleeding (1h15'4'').
Dr. Günther believes that radioactive uranium caused André Horn's immune system to collapse, and then infections came along and he died of the infections (1h15'57''). Father Udo Horn complains that he was refused the original files for 5 years (1h16'11'').
With the new NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition, nuclear waste ammunition) NO tests were carried out on rats or mice, but since 1991, the people of entire regions and countries are contaminated by criminal NATO on schedule, including animals, groundwater, and plants - and even the OWN SOLDIERS are contaminated - just EVERYTHING.
URANIUM AMMUNITION = ATOMIC ROCKETS = calculated WAR CRIMES = calculated GENOCIDE - half-life of uranium is 4.5 billion years
Uranium Medical Research Centre: (Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Tedd Weyman)
Video about uranium
ammunition and the consequences in Iraq:
Deadly Dust - Todesstaub:
Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 -
(Deadly Dust - Dust: uranium ammunition and the consequences (2007 - 1h33min.)
Video about uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)
(Deadly Dust - Dust: uranium ammunition and the consequences (2007 - 1h33min.)
Video about uranium ammunition and the consequences in Iraq: Deadly Dust - Todesstaub: Uranmunition und die Folgen (2007 - 1h33min.)
Part 4: radioactive NATO nuclear missiles (uranium ammunition) in the Balkans: cancer, leukemia, deads in Hadzici - Belgrade with uranium dust from nuclear ruins - radioactive military deposit ruins in the forest - NATO nuclear missiles in Novi Pasar - the lies of Scharping - Serbian army decontaminating areas - Balkan syndrome in Kosovo in 1999: Contaminated NATO soldiers - the case of André Horn with invented cause of death and concealment of the original files for 5 years
Bosnia War 1995: radioactive uranium ammunition - high cancer rates, leukemia etc.
Bosnia War 1995 in Hadzici
- Sarajevo with Hadzici on the map - The
road sign to Igman / Hadzici
Bosnia War 1995: The scene repeats itself: Speaker: Criminal radioactive NATO with "Americans" and Britons were using radioactive uranium projectiles again in Bosnia (55'45''). Criminal radioactive NATO simply claimed that the radioactive uranium ammunition would be "harmless" (55'49''). For example, there was the bombing of Hadzici [near Sarajevo], because there was a tank repair station of the Serbian army there (55'55''). After this bombing, a large number of patients with aggressive cancers came to Sarajevo (56'9'').
In 1995, the criminal
radioactive NATO bombed Hadzici with
radioactive nuclear missiles ("uranium
ammunition") 1,2,3
Doctor and scientist Dr. Slavko Zdrale: Leukemia has increased by many times in this region (56'24''). "The number of certain blood diseases is 5 to 6 times higher than before the war in the area." (56'34'')
Resettlement of Hadzici residents to another place - it's too late - 1120 of 3500 resettled people die of cancer
Speaker: The Serbs had an idea of this danger of radioactive contamination (56'49''). 3,500 people were resettled on Serbian territory to Bratunac (56'55''). But many people were already contaminated. (57'2'')
Map with Hadzici, Sarajevo
and Bratunac - citizen of Hadzici in
Bratunac - the scenery in Bratunac with the
abandoned and unfinished houses [1]
An ex-citizen of Hadzici is telling: Hadzici was bombed for an army repair center (57'22''), but they bombed not only the repair shop, but also the entire center was destroyed (57'25''). The common people didn't know what it was about. But there was one case that proved that something was not right any more (57'32''). "A little girl played in a bomb crater and then all her fingernails fell off." (57'37'')
Speaker: The girl came to Belgrade to the military hospital (57'42''). Something was in the crater's earth as a cause (57'53'').
Dr. Günther: 1 to 2 years after the bombing of Hadzici there was a wave of deaths in Hadzici, you can see this at the cemetery on the dates of the graves, died in 1995, 1996 etc.. (58'31''). These are the people who died from depleted uranium (58'38''). In 1997, too, people died from depleted uranium yet (58'44'').
The mass
murder of the civilian
population of Hadzici by
radioactive NATO nuclear
missiles ("uranium ammunition")
in 1995
Causes of death from depleted uranium: cancer and leukemia - people are all buried in Bratunac: |
Speaker: Of the 3,500 resettled, 1,120 died of cancer (59,35'').
Belgrade: Uranium dust is radiating through nuclear ruins in the city center - more and more cancer in Belgrade
Center of Belgrade, a tram
is passing an open radioactive (!) nuclear
ruin - a building bombed by NATO with
radioactive nuclear missiles (uranium
ammunition) - Belgrade, Dr. Günther in front
of the nuclear ruin in the center of
Belgrade: Dr. Günther: The population believes that the bombed buildings in downtown Belgrade were destroyed by radioactive uranium ammunition (1h0'3''). "However, "experts" could detect "no radioactivity" (1h0'11''). However, Belgrade may be radioactively contaminated since then (1h0'15'').
There is more proof about radioactive NATO uranium missiles in Belgrade: Institute of Occupational Medicine and Radiation Protection keeps statistics:

Institute of Occupational Medicine and Radiation (Institut für Arbeitsmedizin und Strahlenschutz) - Belgrade, Dr. Radomir Kovacevic
Dr. Radomir Kovacevic describes the development of the disease rate in Belgrade: Serbian industry has been virtually completely destroyed in the last 10 years, so there are no chemical emissions that contaminate the air any more (1h1'15''). But the contamination with uranium 238 has increased (1h1'25''). Cancer cases have risen to 9% in the last 5 years, the forecasts say it will be 20% in 10 years (1h1'45'').
Belgrade, the radioactive
nuclear ruin in the center of the city,
bombed with radioactive NATO nuclear
missiles (minimized as "uranium ammunition")
Balkans: Former Serbian army camp in the forest

Bombed, Serbian army deposit 05, is an open radioactive (!) nuclear ruin
Dr. Günther is on the way with Mitar Visnic, an ex-Major of the Serbian army. They put on gloves and a face mask (1h2'10''). Both are on their way in a ruin with a Geiger counter, this ruin was a Serbian army deposit before. Visnic says: "We thought it would only be a small war..." The Geiger counter in the ruin shows 0.31 on the wall at metal points (1h2'35''). [So there is no special radioactivity on this spot].

The bombed, Serbian army deposit is radioactively marked - bombed, Serbian army camp 01, Dr. Günther and Mitar Visnic put on gloves and protective mask - bombed, Serbian army camp 02 is an open (!) nuclear ruin

Bombed Serbian Army Camp
03 - Bombed Serbian Army Camp 04, the Geiger
counter shows 0,31 on the wall at metal
parts - Ex-Major Mitar Visnic
Visnic: "Today we see that it was a well-prepared war (1h2'53''), mean and treacherous, we see that we were only pawns in a play making maneuvers with them (1h3'0''). Or they wanted to get rid of something they had too much of." (1h3'6'') - Then the first "unidentified parts" were brought into his office, and the suspicion of radioactive uranium ammunition was confirmed (1h3'24''). "Some of the missiles hadn't exploded. Possibly there were some series that had not hit their targets (1h3'31''). These objects lay scattered next to destroyed objects on the concrete where the vehicles were standing." (1h3'37'') On entering the ruin for the first time, a feeling of warmth emerged that was unnatural (1h3'52''). "The uncovered parts of the skin began to change their color and became inflamed (1h3'58''). One had the feeling of being exposed to a diffuse heat source (1h4'3''). One did not know where it came from. It was unnatural, different." (1h4'8'') - In Yugoslavia many uranium projectiles were used (1h4'30''), and at the top was always the uranium core (1h4'37''). Speaker: The area is contaminated with radioactivity and is marked accordingly (1h4'55'').
[Truth is another one: this atomic ruin has to be covered and destroyed and the rubble has to be stored in safe tunnels. Half time is 4.5 billion years].

Bombed Serbian army deposit 05 - radioactive NATO nuclear missile (minimized as "uranium bullet"), without uranium core - marking: The bombed army deposit is now an open radioactive (!) nuclear ruin
[This atomic ruin has
to be covered and destroyed and the rubble
has to be stored in safe tunnels. Half
time is 4.5 billion years].
Balkans: the town of
Novi Pasar on the border with Kosovo -
bombing with radioactive NATO nuclear
missiles ("uranium ammunition") provokes
deaths and leukemia victims
Novi Pasar is a Serbian border town to Kosovo with a majorly Muslim population, the Serbs were hiding their tanks in residential areas. The uranium projectiles of the criminal NATO hardly hit a tank in this way (1h5'22''). Radioactive NATO was performing bombing war actions in 1999 against Serbia there, it is estimated that they used 30 tons of radioactive uranium ammunition (1h5'29''). From 24th to 25th April 1999 the NATO attacked a Serbian garrison in the town of Novi Pasar, also destroying houses, farms and stables of farmers, animals were killed etc. (1h5'52'') - 13 innocent people died in the radioactive Novi Pasar bombing (1h6'0'').
Radioactive NATO nuclear
missiles ("uranium ammunition") during a
bombing in Novi Pazar in southern Serbia
near Kosovo 1999 01,02 - in 1999 in Novi
Pazar in southern Serbia near Kosovo 1999 13
innocent civilians died by the cr. NATO
attacks, memorial plate
Ismail Mumdzic from Novi Pasar is telling: The dead were civilians, they were neither military nor politicians, this was simply a "collateral damage" as NATO authorities say (1h6'20''). And now cancer rates in Kosovo have also risen (1h6'27''). Since this bombing of Novi Pasar his sister Fikreta Ramusovic is suffering from an aggressive leukemia (1h6'33''). Fikreta tells: During this attack she couldn't hide anywhere, the bombs came without warning, and since then leukemia is torturing her (1h6'49''). Ismail Mumdzic: A flyer campaign is supposed to bring money for a spinal cord transplant (1h7'40'').

Ismail Mumdzic in Novi Pasar - Fikreta Ramusovic, NATO uranium victim in Novi Pasar - Novi Pasar, a NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition") exploding during the day, being watched from the window

Novi Pasar, a radioactive
NATO nuclear missile ("uranium ammunition")
is exploding during the day in the
background, one can see it from the window
02 - Novi Pasar, the son of NATO uranium
victim Fikreta Ramusovic - Novi Pasar, the
leaflet action for leukemia victim Fikreta
In 2001 in Belgrade, Dr. Günther meets Mumdzic in a park: His sister has died of leukemia (1h8'41''). This is the greeting from the radioactive uranium bombs [being launched by Cocaine Bill Clinton and his CIA who manipulated the Balkans into wars for occupying the Balkans by radioactive NATO against Russia] (1h9'25'').
Radioactive uranium ammunition with "fireworks"
Dai Williams, British
weapons expert - radioactive NATO nuclear
missile provokes "fireworks" (minimizing
them as "uranium ammunition")
The bombing of Novi Pazar: Dai Williams, British weapons expert: You see a bright glow that gets stronger and stronger for about 4 to 5 seconds, and then everything burns out (1h9'50''). Then "white stars" fall from the sky (1h9'53''), so it "looks like great fireworks" (1h9'57''). The same thing happens with a radioactive uranium bomb (1h9'59'').
The war criminal Mr. Scharping from German Socialist Party (SPD) playing down radioactive uranium ammunition of criminal NATO
Speaker: In 2001, Scharping claimed full-bodied:
"According to all medical knowledge and medical experience, the radiation risk is negligible, especially for soldiers deployed." (1h10'25'')Speaker: This is strange, because Dr. Günther had already been imprisoned years BEFORE for 5 weeks for one single uranium core or a uranium missile he had carried around in Berlin. And German Secretary of Defense Mr. Scharping claims that the risk is "negligible" in war (1h10'48'').
(original German: "Nach aller medizinischen Erkenntnis und nach aller medizinischen Erfahrung ist insbesondere bei eingesetzten Soldaten das Strahlenrisiko vernachlässigbar." (1h10'25'')
Balkans: The Serbian army is decontaminating the areas - the nuclear and bio-chemical defense of Colonel Manojlovic
The Serbian Army is
clearing contaminated areas from radioactive
uranium ammunition using protection
equipment - The Serbian Army is controling
the area with a Geiger counter - The Serbian
Army is marking contaminated areas which are
contaminated by radioactive uranium
After the war, Serbian soldiers wore thick protective suits marking the contaminated areas, and the Geiger counter was beeping without end (1h10'59'').
Belgrade: Dr. Günther visits the General Staff of the Serbian Army, the sector of nuclear and bio-chemical defense (1h11'19''). Dr. Günther is discussing with Colonel Predrag Manojlovic of the Atomic and Biochemical Defense about criminal NATO, because this radioactive NATO claims that contaminated areas being contaminated with radioactive uranium ammunition don't have to be decontaminated (1h11'27''). Manojlovic is commenting: Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. If areas are not decontaminated, they remain contaminated forever (1h11'42''). Our goal was to clean up the areas (1h11'48''). The food chain, groundwater, population, animals and habitat are threatened (1h11'54'').
Radioacrtive remains of
NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium ammunition")
in Serbia - close-up view
The population of Hadzici in Bratunac: People are dying suddenly, in 2 weeks they are collapsing, after a total hair loss they are gone, nobody knows what the reason is (1h12'13''). Even people who have NEVER been ill (1h12'22'').
The population of Hadzici
in Bratunac - the sister-in-law died in 1997
within 1 month - The cemetery of Bratunac
Balkans: The criminal NWO-NATO does not want to decontaminate the areas - Serbian army is taking out the uranium projectiles from the soil
Günther: Also in 2007 criminal NATO on the Balkans believes "that a remediation of the contaminated areas is not necessary". (1h12'43'') - Manojlovic states: The Serbian Army acknowledges the danger of the radioactive uranium ammunition and does not accept NATO reports (1h13'8''). Speaker: Some areas have already been cleaned up by the Serbian Army (1h13'19''). Remains of radioactive uranium ammunition are dug up and the poisonous earth is disposed of. However, there is no money to complete the work (1h13'32'').
The Serbian Army
decontaminates the areas contaminated by
radioactive NATO nuclear missiles ("uranium
ammunition") 1,2,3
Kosovo war in 1999 and the occupation period from 1999 with Balkan syndrome: Contaminated NATO soldiers - German Bundeswehr is mute (!) - the case of André Horn
NATO soldiers in Kosovo were from Italy, Spain and Portugal controlling the Kosovo. They suffered conspicuously often from leukemia. The word Balkan syndrome was born (1h13'45'').
The German NATO leadership in Kosovo has not reported any particular cases of illness. But the case of André Horn contradicts this lie (1h13'59''). He died in Prizren 12 hours after admission to a field hospital (1h14'9'').
The NATO soldier André
Horn died in Prizren in Kosovo within 12
hours - Map with Prizren and the field
hospital of the German NATO "Bundeswehr" -
The grave of André Horn, complete view
The cause of death remains controversial. Father Udo Horn claims: First they said meningitis and sepsis (1h14'25''). But the pathologist didn't seem to have told the truth. Then 5 years after having hidden the original documents came out that the first finding was called pneumonia with internal bleeding (1h15'4'').
André Horn's grave - André
Horn's grave, close-up of the gravestone -
Father Udo Horn: For 5 years the authorities
of German NATO "Bundeswehr" refused him
access to the original files.
Dr. Günther believes that radioactive uranium caused André Horn's immune system to collapse, and then infections came along and he died of the infections (1h15'57''). Father Udo Horn complains that he was refused the original files for 5 years (1h16'11'').