1. The card says "Nice Idea. It's Mine Now" - showing the Facebook inventor Mark Zuckerberg, a data seller with this network -- 2. Card showing The Weird Turn Pro - and Lady Gaga -- 3. Card "And STAY Dead" is Julien Assange -- 4. Card "New Blood" - and there was such a Cannibal in Florida in 2012 -- 5. Card "Third World War" and the depiction of Middle East conflict between criminal racist Zionist Israel and Iran where is a nuclear research. -- 6. Card with the explosions in the WTC ("Terrorist Nuke") and in the Pentagon - and on Sep 11, 2001 this became real -- 7. Card "Oil Spill" and BP oil disaster of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico -- 8. Cards "Nuclear Accident" and "Earthquake" - and then it happened in Fukushima in 2011 -- 9. Card "Hurricane" - and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 -- 10. Card "Tidal Wave" depicting a Tsunami - and the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004
The card says "Nice Idea. It's Mine Now" - showing the Facebook inventor Mark Zuckerberg, a data seller with this spying network
by Michael Palomino (2014)
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The card game of the Illuminati was edited in 1982 first and was completed until 1995 again and again (0-8sec.).
(Video: The Illuminati Card Game Has Predicted Our Future ( The destruction Of The World ) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZZCrNTJwlM)
Video "Most Important Illuminati Cards" part 1: 1 to 10
from : Video: MOST IMPORTANT ILLUMINATI CARDS 1995 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFmU8lLPqi4
Here is the interpretation of the cards 1 to 10:
1. The card says "Nice Idea. It's Mine Now" - showing the Facebook inventor Mark Zuckerberg, a data seller with this spying network
Mr. Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook but he lets work this Facebook like a spying machine and he is selling these data to the criminal secret services in the whole world. All people who are in Facebook are in a prison so, and there is the allusion on the play card with a person being fixed on the table with a handcuff.
2. Card showing The Weird Turn Pro - and Lady Gaga
The criminal lodges from "policy" are organizing "bread and circuses" so the population is not aware of their maneuvers, and one of these elements of "bread and circuses" is lady Gaga with their weird clothing and head trees.
3. Card "And STAY Dead" is Julien Assange
The play card shows an old man with gray hair in a gray coat with gray full-fingered gloves in front of a prepared grave and flowers in the background. The video means that this would match to Julien Assange.
Assange is one of the most important whistle blowers presenting truths about the fascist "U.S.A." with CIA and Pentagon and JSOC in Iraq and in other countries. The Illuminati promised on the play card his death for ever.
There remains the question how it is possible that the card game knew that Assange would be this. There must be an special manipulation system to create the humans for their roles which correspond to the card game...
4. Card "New Blood" - and there was such a Cannibal in Florida in 2012
It seems that the Illuminati are controlling the whole mankind with CIA and NSA and they can chose 10 years before already how the human will be by manipulations of the environment of a person. In this way these Illuminati are "producing" also culprits as it seems.
There is nothing more criminal but it seems that this is the active "policy" of these fascist "U.S.." which began under the criminals of lodges Reagan, Bush senior, and Clinton, and was continued by the alcoholic Bush and Black Hitler Obama.
5. Card "Third World War" and the depiction of Middle East conflict between criminal racist Zionist Israel and Iran where is a nuclear research.
Criminal Illuminati in the "U.S.A." are also Zionists, and Zionists in racist Zionist Israel are also Illuminati. This power of Illuminati and Zionists together claims in the card game that they could provoke a Third World War.
Well, this world war is working since 2001 already. And it seems strange that the Zionist atomic bombs in Israel are missing on the map (!!!).
The location where the Third World War is provoked is chosen only symbolically. According to my opinion this Third World War is working since 2001 already - but until today Illuminati journalism does not want to confess what fascist "USA" has committed there on this Sep 11, 2001 - with uranium bombs without end...
6. Card with the explosions in the WTC ("Terrorist Nuke") and in the Pentagon - and on Sep 11, 2001 this became real
The play card with the World Trade Center (WTC) with the lateral explosion in one tower is predicting this explosion just where it happened also on September 11, 2001. Only the towers are exchanged (on the play card the North Tower is with the lateral explosion, on Sep 11, 2001 it was the South Tower).
The play card with the burning Pentagon shows a bomb explosion in the middle of the building. In fascist "U.S.A." the Pentagon is the "heart" of the state because the destruction of the whole world is the political program since 1898. Thus these "U.S.A." should be hit "amidst in it's heart". Therefore the Pentagon on the card has to burn in the center. On Sep 11 2001 the Pentagon was hit then by a little rocket and was smoking only on one side.
On both cards any rockets and airplanes are missing. So it's probable that originally only some bomb explosions were planned but then the airplanes were invented because a bomb in the WTC or in the Pentagon was too risky to explain because of "security reasons" and "theater" of truth fighters who had asked for the culprit the second day after the event already...
7. Card "Oil Spill" and BP oil disaster of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico
Illuminati card game is predicting a giant oil spill. During oil transports there are always accidents and practically every second year there is a big oil spill somewhere.
There was a special event in 2010 with a defect borehole from BP in the Gulf of Mexico. During a long time oil was soiling the sea with all consequences. Therefore this oil spill card is connected with the BP disaster of 2010.
But it's also possible that this oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was provoked deliberately as a diversion for the masses from other topics presenting the "President" Obama then as a "savior".
8. Cards "Nuclear Accident" and "Earthquake" - and then it happened in Fukushima in 2011
The earthquake and the nuclear disaster were catastrophic and have not ended until today (2014).
But the first play card does not match to the atomic plant of Fukushima because Fukushima has no cooling towers.
Perhaps the criminal Illuminati were projecting that another atomic plant should be the victim.
For sure atomic energy is not safe considering this play card. But safe and free energies are to have - without any atomic element!!!
9. Card "Hurricane" - and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in New Orleans
When one can predict hurricanes then hurricanes seem also to be a weapon. And the second question is who was the originator because "USA" were hit.
When Illuminati themselves were the culprit then this was a manipulation for a "restructuring" of New Orleans - without blacks, just a cleansing in a very fascist way...
10. Card "Tidal Wave" depicting a Tsunami - and the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004
When also this tsunami of 2004 was manipulated then the big seaquake of 2004 was also manipulated by the criminal Illuminati. The dimension how the "high lodges" can spread fear and horror in the world is really frightening. And may be not only the fascist "U.S.A." are working with these manipulations...
Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy’ is a card game produced by Steve Jackson Games that was originally released in the early 80′s. It was based on the successful book trilogy ‘The Illuminatus!’ and was supposedly designed to be a satirical, tongue in cheek take on the topic of global conspiracism, featuring opposing secret societies competing for world domination using various malevolent means. You may well have heard of this somewhat sinister card game already, as there are plenty of online references to it on other alternative and conspiracy based websites, mostly due to it’s apparent prophetic content, which rather accurately details aspects of the illuminati agenda that we are now seeing playing out in front of us on a daily basis.
The makers of the card game, were, as mentioned above, influenced by the book trilogy “The Illuminatus!’ and prior to it’s release they also spent time researching the illuminati and various other conspiracy theories and so it’s no surprise that this kind of subject matter
was used within the game. What is surprising however and perhaps even a little disturbing, depending on how you look at it, is how many of the events depicted in the game decades ago have now actually happened or are currently in the process of happening – things that the creators of the game could surely not have known about – or could they?
The first card in the game talks of rewriting history and depicts discarded books in a library or classroom environment. It is no secret that the government controlled education system and the mainstream media work exceptionally hard to shape the minds of the masses to fit with their manufactured version of reality. Many important histories are overlooked and events left unreported, while other, either false or far less important topics and events are given excessive amounts of focus, in order to engender bias towards the illuminati agenda.
- See more at: http://www.illuminatiagenda.com/ominous-old-illuminati-card-game-predicts-911-the-new-world-order-and-more/#sthash.9nVfSLf9.dpuf
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