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1995: Illuminati card game 03: video "Most Important Illuminati Cards" part 2: 11 to 20

11. Card "Backfire" - and attacks against "U.S." embassies -- 12. Cards show "dictatorship" and "revolution" - and then some victims are shown: Gaddafi in Libya, Mubarak in Egypt, Yemen with Ali Abdullah Salih, Tunisia with Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Syria with Assad and Iran with the mullahs -- 13. Cards with Saddam Hussein and "political correctness" of New World Order (NWO) -- 14. Card "Eco-Guerrillas" and Somali pirates -- 15. Cards showing protest movements at Wall Street and protest march on Washington - and the peak of this "movement" was the occupation of Wall Street in 2011 -- 16. Play card "Libertarians" and the deputy Ron Paul -- 17. Card "Backlash" with a person who is hit with dirt - and mass murderer Obama next to it -- 18. Play card "Earthquake Projector" and "Weather Satellite" - these are HAARP manipulations -- 19. Card with the "International Weather Organization" and an air plane producing a cloud - and chemtails -- 20. Play card "fiendish fluoridators" - and a water tap with fluoride water warning from death

Spielkarten mit Saddam
                        Hussein und "politischer Korrektheit"
                        der Neuen Weltordnung (NWO)
Iraq NEVER attacked ever "U.S.A." - and what the fascist "U.S.A." have done with Iraq? This should be the "New World Order"? Fuck You "USA"!
Fascist "U.S.A." did the same with Germany...


Michael Palomino (2014)

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The card game of the Illuminati was edited in 1982 first and was completed until 1995 again and again (0-8sec.).
(Video: The Illuminati Card Game Has Predicted Our Future ( The destruction Of The World ) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZZCrNTJwlM)

Some personalities and events described in this Illuminati card game

from : Video: MOST IMPORTANT ILLUMINATI CARDS 1995 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFmU8lLPqi4



Here is the interpretation of the cards 11 to 20:

                              ("Backfire") und Anschläge gegen
11. Card "Backfire" - and attacks against "U.S." embassies

The criminal "U.S.A." with all their manipulations are creating a mood against themselves in the Muslim countries, and then it's no wonder that some Muslim groups are occupying or burning "U.S." embassies down, e.g. in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, or in Sudan.

This violence is only the answer to the violence of CIA, Pentagon and NATO, but is calculated because then they have a reason to interfere with other means. This is the normal Illuminati principle. Sometimes the reasons for the interference are even invented and CIA, Pentagon, and NATO have "fun" because after new wars there are new children for sell (Thailand 1964-1975 as a "rest room" during Vietnam War is only an example where NATO installed sex tourism). And in this way the criminal "U.S.A." are playing in the world for getting more slaves...

Cards show
                              "dictatorship" and
                              "revolution" - and then some
                              victims are shown: Gadaffi in Libya,
                              Mubarak in Egypt, Yemen with Ali Abdullah
                              Salih, Tunisia with Zine el Abidine Ben
                              Ali, Syria with Assad and Iran with the
12. Cards show "dictatorship" and "revolution" - and then some victims are shown: Gaddafi in Libya, Mubarak in Egypt, Yemen with Ali Abdullah Salih, Tunisia with Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Syria with Assad and Iran with the mullahs

One has to see clearly: These dictatorships were installed "by the West" partly (absolutely criminal in Iran in 1979), and then the criminal "U.S.A." are manipulating the populations then to the other side provoking revolutions again. People like Assad resisting to these manipulations get a country with ruins - this is just the language of fascist Illuminati (among others with mass murderer Kissinger etc.). So we can ask when the revolution against the "American" dictator in the White House will come. It's time for it indeed.
With these manipulations the fascist "U.S.A." are playing with the whole world and they keep the world in panic. These manipulations are only the facade and in the background the secret services like CIA, NSA, Pentagon and NATO etc. can make their hyper criminal businesses without being detected or caught: new "friends" are found, new data is collected, there is data dealing, there is secret weapon dealing and drug dealing, and new states are incorporate in the system of trade of humans etc. See what happened in the Middle East with IS which was armed in 2013 against Assad and now other forces have to be armed against this IS - it's pure Illuminati tactic in the most primitive way - peace is working without weapons (!!!)

Cards with Saddam
                              Hussein and "political
                              correctness" of New World Order
13. Cards with Saddam Hussein and "political correctness" of New World Order (NWO)

It seems that in 1985 or 1995 was fixed already that Saddam Hussein should be presented as a "rascal". It seems strange that Hussein is presented on the card with rockets and tanks in the background, but with the "American" mass murderer president e.g. such a background is missing.

The "political correctness" of fascist "U.S.A." is performed by hanging then. In this case it can be admitted that Hussein had many doubles or that only a puppet was hanged. Additionally Iraq NEVER attacked "U.S.A." But this is the way the fascist "U.S.A." are understanding the law.

This hanging was already performed in 1946 in Germany when all "U.S." manipulations prolonging the war by 2 years were hidden but gas lie was invented with granulate which can never pass any little hole of a shower head. So this "New World Order" is not at all "new" but fascist "U.S.A." are just going on as they were before...

                              "Eco-Guerrillas" and Somali
14. Card "Eco-Guerrillas" and Somali pirates

An Eco Guerrilla is referring to violent groups protecting the environment from environment damages. Greenpeace has much experience in this with it's ship "Rainbow Warrior" for example against wale murderers in Japan.

Thus the association with Somali pirates seems to be wrong.

15. Cards showing
                              protest movements at Wall Street and
                              protest march on Washington - and the peak
                              of this "movement" was the
                              occupation of Wall Street in 2011
15. Cards showing protest movements at Wall Street and protest march on Washington - and the peak of this "movement" was the occupation of Wall Street in 2011

Also these "movements" were financed by fascist "U.S.A." pretending "democracy" to the world. At the same time were the big manipulations organized in the background against the Muslim world, and Ukraine was prepared for the disaster of 2014. Nazism in Ukraine was systematically developed and EU never wants to have seen anything of it. It seems that the facade was the Occupy movement when squares and streets were occupied in the whole world and the movement which found it's "end" in the Ukraine organizing racist occupations splitting Ukrainians and Russians

Play card
                              "Libertarians" and the deputee
                              Ron Paul
16. Play card "Libertarians" and the deputy Ron Paul

Here any association is possible with people who are not sending people to one's death.

Ron Paul was presenting his political vision in the media when he was a candidate for presidency several times stating clearly that the "foreign policy" of "U.S.A." would be responsible for the disaster of Sep 11, 2001, and that any military aid for Israel would be unappropriated.

But as we know a "President" of the "U.S.A." is only a puppet of the fascist CIA, Pentagon and NATO and peace is never wanted otherwise one could dissolve these fascist CIA, Pentagon and NATO (!!!).

                              "Backlash" with a person who is
                              hit with dirt - and mass murderer Obama
                              next to it
17. Card "Backlash" with a person who is hit with dirt - and mass murderer Obama next to it

The wrong "Nobel Prize Winner" Obama has converted into a mass murderer with bombs and drones - with Mrs. Clinton as "right hand". At the same time Obama can be extorted easily because his wife is an operated man and the children are adopted. Thus Obama is a puppet of CIA, Pentagon, and NATO and they can do what they want. But now abroad only "President" Obama is presented and therefore the truth is hitting only Obama - or he will tell the truth and reveal all. Fact is: Obama is without political education and he cannot create any peace policy. This Black Hitler does simply not know how peace is working. But poker gaming he knows for sure and may be there are even bets in the background who will win which war etc. Mass murderers of Illuminati are making bets...

18. Play card
                              "Earthquake Projector" and
                              "Weather Satellite" - these are
                              HAARP manipulations
18. Play card "Earthquake Projector" and "Weather Satellite" - these are HAARP manipulations

Fascist "U.S.A." have installed on their territory and abroad (e.g. in occupied Germany) new HAARP antennas. with electro magnetic loading techniques one can "load" the atmosphere in a certain way also in remote areas and the "discharging" provokes earthquakes and seaquakes around.

In the same way weather can be manipulated harming enemies or for provoking mercy and heroes. Let's see the following cases: A high pressure area is protecting the Caribbean and the south of the "U.S.A." from hurricanes since 2006. Also floods are provoked e.g. in summer 2013 in Germany just before the national elections so Mrs. Merkel could be presented as the "savior of the country" and in September 2013 she won the elections. There must be "weather players"!
Only in California is a drought since 3 years. We don't know who stays behind this. According to KGB informations the "U.S.A." should be split and California should go to China...

Card with the
                              "International Weather
                              Organization" and an air plane
                              producing a cloud - and chemtails
19. Card with the "International Weather Organization" and an air plane producing a cloud - and chemtails

Chemtrail airplanes are big converted airliner without radar signal. They just NEVER appear on the radar systems. But they are spraying their toxic soup daily into the atmosphere always under the pretext that the forming of clouds would protect the world from too much sunlight and from climate change. In this way the climate change should be fought.

But fact is that these sprayed clouds contain plenties of toxic heavy metals and this can have only one purpose: intoxication of mankind having more ill persons provoking more sellings for criminal pharma industries...

                              "Teuflische Fluoridierer"
                              ("fiendish fluoridators") und
                              Fluorid-Wasser aus dem Wasserhahn
20. Play card "fiendish fluoridators" - and a water tap with fluoride water warning from death

This card is warning clearly from fluoride, and the photo is clearly warning from fluoride in drinking waters which can have even lethal consequences (Fluoride - drinking ourselves to death?).

The high lodges of the criminal pharma industries spread that fluoride would be a prevention against caries. And then fluoride was not only added to tooth pasts but also to salt, drinking water, milk (see Wikipedia: Fluorid, German version). And by that many new illnesses were created one cannot imagine - and pharma had new patients and could sell pills again. This was well done by criminal pharma again...

All these additions of fluorides like in tooth pastes are not natural fluoride, but this is an absolutely toxic product of aluminum, steel, and phosphate industries. The term "fluoride prevention program" is a giant lie of the high policy for generating more ill persons for toxic pharma industries and for disposing toxic industrial waste [the same like mercury with amalgam]. Let's go to another web site and there are many more indications (http://gesund-einkaufen.com/Blog/gesundheit/fluor-fluorid/):

Fluoride is added to drinking water, mineral waters, table salt, tooth pastes, mouth rinses, food, pesticides and medicaments. Chemical added fluoride is destroying the enzymes of the body provoking destruction in the body with
  • <immune system
  • digestion system
  • blood circulation
  • respiration system
  • kidney function
  • liver function
  • brain function.>
This absolutely toxic fluoride is never discarded but is collected in the human body. Some tooth pastes are indicating the warning that one should not swallow the foam. And one has to imagine how toxic this stuff is. Fluorine is used in war gas, sodium fluoride is in rat poison and in pesticides. And the medical doctors are not educated for a diagnose of a fluoride intoxication.

Why then fluoride is added in many states? What is the project of the governments? Here is a list with more effects of fluoride:

  • <damaging the nervous system
  • deactivating at least 62 enzymes in our body and damaging DNA repairing enzymes
  • enhancing the risk of osteoporosis
  • causing genetic damages
  • indications say that it can be in connection with arthritis
  • is enhancing the risk for cancer
  • has a damaging effect to the heart, to the liver and kidneys
  • is reducing the fertility of men
  • is weakening the human will. This was also the reason why the Nazis were giving fluoride to the inmates of concentration camps.>
  • <in areas where more fluoride is consumed there are also the world wide highest figures of CFIDS illnesses (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome)
  • and there is no proper scientific proof for the prevention of caries by fluorine until today. But there are some studies just proving the contrary.>
And psychologically this fluoride is an absolute killer provoking depression and lack of willpower, and it is added to about 60% of psych pharmaceutics as a main component.

The conclusion is that the "high lodges" are creating their masses without willpower by adding fluoride in many products for plundering the world in a better way. And the web site indicates that good teeth are not coming from the tooth paste but from good biologic and healthy food.

The conclusion is that in the food all natural minerals have to be without pesticides and other chemicals but in Europe and in North "America" there are pesticides and poor earth without enough minerals... aha!

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Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy’ is a card game produced by Steve Jackson Games that was originally released in the early 80′s. It was based on the successful book trilogy ‘The Illuminatus!’ and was supposedly designed to be a satirical, tongue in cheek take on the topic of global conspiracism, featuring opposing secret societies competing for world domination using various malevolent means. You may well have heard of this somewhat sinister card game already, as there are plenty of online references to it on other alternative and conspiracy based websites, mostly due to it’s apparent prophetic content, which rather accurately details aspects of the illuminati agenda that we are now seeing playing out in front of us on a daily basis.

The makers of the card game, were, as mentioned above, influenced by the book trilogy “The Illuminatus!’ and prior to it’s release they also spent time researching the illuminati and various other conspiracy theories and so it’s no surprise that this kind of subject matter

was used within the game. What is surprising however and perhaps even a little disturbing, depending on how you look at it, is how many of the events depicted in the game decades ago have now actually happened or are currently in the process of happening – things that the creators of the game could surely not have known about – or could they?

The first card in the game talks of rewriting history and depicts discarded books in a library or classroom environment. It is no secret that the government controlled education system and the mainstream media work exceptionally hard to shape the minds of the masses to fit with their manufactured version of reality. Many important histories are overlooked and events left unreported, while other, either false or far less important topics and events are given excessive amounts of focus, in order to engender bias towards the illuminati agenda.

- See more at: http://www.illuminatiagenda.com/ominous-old-illuminati-card-game-predicts-911-the-new-world-order-and-more/#sthash.9nVfSLf9.dpuf
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