Sing a song: Old Obama had a farm - bum bum bum bum bum
¡Obama go to Guantanamo!
Versager Obama
Widow with coffin of dead "US" soldier / Witwe an Sarg mit totem "US"-Soldat [1]
Tent city in criminal "USA" / Zeltstadt in den kriminellen "USA" [2]
by Michael Palomino (2015)
Military destructive mass killing topics in "USA"
(Militärische Tatsachen über die Killer-"USA")
Old Obama had a farm - bum bum bum bum bum.
And a rifle rifle here and a rifle rifle there
(und ein Gewehr hier hier und ein Gewehr da da)
gun (Waffe)
soldier (Soldat)
tank (Panzer)
helicopter (Helikopter)
jet fighter (Düsenjäger)
bomber (Bomber)
submarine (U-Boot)
Agent Orange
drone bomb (Dronenbombe)
uranium bomb (Uraniumbombe)
manipulation (Manipulation)
ruin (Ruine)
war (Krieg)
intervention (Einschreiten)
killing action (Killer-Aktion)
mass death (Massentod)
spree killing (Amoklauf)
widow (Witwe)
child without daddy (Kind ohne Vater)
vaccination (Impfung)
Social facts about poverty in "USA"
(Soziale Tatsachen über die Armut in den "USA")
Old Obama had a farm - bum bum bum bum bum.
And a poor poor here and a poor poor there
(und ein Armer Armer hier und ein Armer Armer da)
homeless (Obdachloser)
no money (kein Geld)
food stamp (Essensmarke)
charity (Wohlfahrt)
public kitchen (Suppenküche)
veteran (Veteran)
bomb splinter (Bombensplitter)
amputation (Amputation)
golf syndrome (Golf-Syndrom)
bad remembrance (schlechte Erinnerung)
FEMA camp (FEMA-Lager)
people in cars (Menschen leben in Autos)
people in caves (Menschen leben in Höhlen)
people in tunnels (Menschen leben in Tunneln)
people in tents (Menschen leben in Zelten)
tent city (Zeltstadt)
frozen guy (erfrohrener Mann)
people begging (Bettler)
Old Obama had a farm - fuck you to Guantanamo!
(Old Obama had a farm - hau ab nach Guantanamo!)
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Bei Kriminellen kann man keine Werbung machen.
[1] Witwe an Sarg mit totem "US"-Soldat:
[2] Zeltstadt in den kriminellen "USA":