The choice of the towns - the preparation of the bomb and the flight - the wrong air raid alarm and a missing air raid alarm - the burning at 4000 degree Celsius - the flash of blindness - the tornado of destruction - the black radioactive rain - mass death and new diseases - cheering drunken "Americans" and cheering Truman
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb: The watch stood still at 8:15...
Film protocol by Michael Palomino (2005)
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from: Film: Hiroshima. Die Bombe, die die Welt veränderte ("The Bomb Changing the World"); In: Swiss TV SF1: 2 August 2005, 20:00-21:25
The protocol shows the linking of conditions leading to a high number of victims in Hiroshima, shows the speculations of the Japanese leadership, shows several situations of victims in Hiroshima, and shows the war psychosis of a victory. The scenery is changing back and forth within the chronology and shows the contrasts clearly.
Michael Palomino, November 2005
Development of the atomic bomb in Los Alamos ("Manhattan-Project")
The costs of development for the atomic bomb are 2.5 bio. $.
December 1941
Japanese "attack" on Pearl Harbor on Hawaii
[is a lie: Racist criminal "US" Roosevelt government knew 10 days before that this attack will come. It's Roosevelt's calculation to let come the attack without installing any defense for the harbor provoking a high death toll for having a reason to throw the whole population of the "USA" into the war].
[Since December 1941 the "US" propaganda are driving for a "revenge for Pearl Harbor", but there is no base for this revenge].
Revenge poster of the "USA": "Avenge Pearl Harbor" [1]
14 July 1945
Los Alamos: The loading of the atomic bomb
Parts of the bomb are loaded. The project is a first test of the bomb in the desert of the "US" State of New Mexico, in Alamogordo.
The test release of the atomic bomb
-- the tower made of steal has vaporized
-- the sand of the desert has melt and converted to glass
-- the force is like 67 mio. sticks of dynamite, 20,000 tons of TNT
The "Fathers of the Bomb" wanted to hinder Hitler's world domination of his Third Reich with this bomb. But the Third Reich already has capitulated, and the use of the atomic bomb against Japan is not in the sense of the "Fathers of the Bomb". Robert Oppenheimer, the "scientific" leader of the Manhattan project becomes the world destructor now.
Warning voices warning of a use of the atomic bomb against human beings have no chance.
At the same time it's absolutely proved that rains of bombs on towns have hardly any effect concerning the military strategies.
At the same time there would be needed millions of victims for an allied invasion against Japan.
Split Japanese government: Negotiations of further fight - preparations of counter measures against an "American" invasion
At the same time premier Suzuki and the Japanese foreign secretary Togo are ready for negotiations. But war minister Anami wants to see his troops going on to fight: He is looking for the decisive battle and means that the "Americans" would give up.
At the same time in whole Japan are performed preparations against an "American" invasion. The willingness to die "for the Emperor" is immense:
-- there are instructed suicide bombers to lie down under the tanks with an explosive belt
-- all have to train to die for the Emperor, also the school girls who only have a bamboo stick in their hands.
26 July 1945
Conference of Potsdam: Truman is cheering the atomic bomb
Truman reports that the test of the atomic bomb was "successful". By this bomb an invasion against Japan would not be necessary. Truman is cheering and drinking on the atomic bomb. By this the "USA" could win the war without loosing one single man.
The new position of Truman: Only the Japanese army shall capitulate
Truman demands from Japan only the unconditional surrender of the army yet. By this the Emperor of Japan and his House could stay. On 26 July 1945 the new ultimatum reaches Japan.
The negative interpretation in Japan: The "USA" are said having become weaker?
The Japanese government's interpretation of the new ultimatum of the "USA" is negative. They don't know anything of the bomb and mean that the "USA" have become weaker or even would give up. Then the Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki is declaring that he would ignore the declaration.
The atomic bomb on the air force base on Timia Island
Now the use of the atomic bomb against Japan is prepared. The bombs are brought to the "American" air force base on Timia Island secretly, where squadron 509 is stationed with over 500 B29 bombers.
The choice of the Japanese big cities
Then the big cities are chosen which are not bombed resp. "roasted" until now. The military leadership does not want to eradicate towns which already have been bombed, but one wants to "test" the effect on an intact town. The choice is:
-- Hiroshima
-- Kukura
-- Nagasaki.
Supposedly the target of the "USA" is army and marines. Hiroshima has not been attacked until now. There are the head quarters of the Second Japanese army. Aiming point is the cross bridge in a form of a T. Hiroshima is said to be "a town in weapons", and it is further armed. Everybody there is expecting a bombardment, because already other towns have been bombed.
The preparation of the soldiers for the secret mission of the atomic bomb
The soldiers of the mission shall be shown the films of the test of New Mexico, but the projector fails. So, all is theory for them:
-- 3 miles destruction zone
-- a flash visible 10 miles
-- soldiers will be thrown yet in a distance of 2 miles
-- persons in a circle of 5 miles will go blind.
The military leadership claims that by the use of the atomic bomb could be shortened the war by 6 months. All about this mission is secret.
4 August 1945
Accident on the runway on Timia Island
During another mission a B29 bomber is bursting on the runway. This accident is giving a queasy feeling for the "Americans" on Timia Island.
The preparations of the atomic bomb: The point of time to "arm" the bomb
Now the explosives should be filled into the different chambers of the bomb. During this procedure there is a danger that the whole island will be blown up. That's why air admiral Parson is changing the line of action: The bomb shall be "armed" only in the air. He is writing a check list and is exercising for half a day long all procedures to evade any mistake.
The atomic bomb for Hiroshima, sarcastically called "Little Boy" by the "US" military officers... [2]
The air plane with the atomic bomb during the flight
Pilot is Paul Tibbets, navigator Van Kirk. The release shall be performed during the night with clear sky. Tibbets calls the air plane according to his mother "Enola Gay", and he takes the resolution to pilot the air plane himself. Captain Bob Louis protests in vain.
5 August 1945
Hiroshima reports no special events
[It seems strange that there is living the whole population in the towns. It seems that there is no flight of the population to the countryside resp. no sending to the countryside].
The doctors are all at the fronts and there is hardly any doctor in the town.
The flight of the atomic bomb air plane
According to the last orders there are 3 air planes in this mission:
-- air plane "Enola Gay" with the bomb
-- air plane "Great Artie" with the recording instruments
-- air plane "Necessary Eval" taking photos.
All shall be secret, and there are suicide pills with potassium cyanide for the case of a crash etc. The entering of the air planes is organized as in a Hollywood film. The journalists make the last waving photo of the pilots before the start...
Enola Gay: Waving photo with the atomic bomb on board before the start [3]
The bomb air plane can steer to Hiroshima without any defense because the Japanese air planes cannot fly this high. The run-up is performed without any protecting glasses.
The bomb has 4 tons weight. Pilot and copilot don't agree when the air plane will lift off. The copilot wants to lift off earlier than the pilot. [It seems that pugnacity in "American" culture does not know any limit...]
In the air Parson begins to prepare the bomb and is checking precisely every point of his check list. There have to be set several detonators, and there have to be screwed up several seals. So, several times:
-- screw off the seal
-- set in the detonator
-- screw up the seal.
Two hours the aerial escort is present. The last hour the data air plane is heading the mission for weather data over Hiroshima. Only now during the last hour of the flight are set in the three detonators into the bomb. By this the circuit of detonations complete.
6 August 1945
The happenings in Hiroshima during the drop of the atomic bomb
The "American" aerial escort which should only "bring" the weather data is provoking an air-raid alarm. All are running into the bunkers. At the same time the air crew reports good weather to the bomb air plane. After 30 minutes the authorities of Hiroshima give the all-clear signal, meaning that there would follow no more air plane. All are going back to work.
This miscalculation is one reason for the high number of victims. Among other happenings there are 1000s of Japanese soldiers performing their exercises on parade grounds.
Women students drive the trams, women are cleaning the offices, the men don't. That's why the women have to come 30 minutes earlier to work than men. This should save some women their lives.
Then comes the release. Between the release and the explosion will be 45 seconds, this is the calculation. All in the air plane are counting the seconds, and the air plane is flying away as fast as possible from the town to evade the whirl of the atomic cloud.
[There is the question why there was no second alarm. It seems that nobody on the Japanese side had awaited a scenario like this].
The time fuse of the bomb provokes the explosion.
The destructions by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima
-- under the fire ball there is a temperature of 4,000 degrees Celsius
-- the corpses are vaporizing
-- the flash consists of strong infra-red rays and gamma rays penetrating all
-- several 10,000 human beings are burning up instantly.
The blast wave is destructing all of the remnants of the vicinity:
-- a black cloud is rolling over the landscape
-- the blast wave resp. the wind comes in several waves and is turning down the wooden houses
-- windows, glass and stones convert into shrapnels
-- human beings are launched through the air.
Survivors in the ruins
-- survivors are in the ruins dead or partly buried alive
-- the whole town is in a smoke.
The "American" pilots are turning off
The pilot strictly says in the film:I did my "job". The photos are taken: The town consists only of smoke and dust. The crew means that now the war would be ended. The return needs 6 hours.
The Hiroshima survivor Dr. Hida
He is on the countryside on a farm to assist a girl which had a heat stroke. He is preparing his return. He sees an air plane over Hiroshima. He sees a fire ball and a flash, then an "atomic cloud", then a blast wave. Even on the countryside - miles away - Dr. Hida is launched through the air yet.
Then Dr. Hida is driving home by bike. 3 km before the town he meets a crazy creature: It's a black man, all in black, no face any more, without any skin, then the person is dying.
The women of a bank surviving the Hiroshima bomb
-- the bank is 260 m from the bomb release site, the house is built quakeproof
-- the women see all what is happening in the center of the town
-- the whole town is covered in smoke and it's dark like almost in the night
-- Hiroshima turns into a "town of death", there are dead bodies everywhere, and other survivors hardly don't exist
-- 1.5 km from the center there is a hospital where all survivors can go, mostly there are heavy cutting damages provoked by splinters of glass flying around
-- the whole town is full of splinters of glass.
The mother leaving behind her child in the fire
A mother survives, but at the same time she has to watch how the daughter is blocked in the ruins, how the daughter calls for help and then is burnt by the fire. The child calls how the fire is coming nearer and nearer, and then suddenly the child does not call any more. For the mother this trauma is unforgettable for life.
The schools were full
All the children are blocked in the ruins of their schools. The soldiers of the region are digging the children out of the ruins.
The woman tram driver Teriko Fuji
The woman student drives tram in the war. 3 km away from the bombing center at the railway station all is turned into a chaos. First she even does not know if there were bombs, or if she herself provoked a short circuit in the tram. She sees all people running through the town to save themselves. The people don't know yet that the town is destroyed.
The Japanese units of the region are ordered to Hiroshima - no water
A Japanese unit 11 km from the town is ordered to Hiroshima to clean up the town and to save lives. The survivors are asking for water. But fire victims should not be given water because in this situation drinking water has a mortal effect. But the people also die without water, so at least it could have been possible to give them some drops of water.
So, the survivors are urging to the water. There is a pool where many are dashing into, and many are jumping on the first, and by this many of the first layer of human beings are drowning.
Black rain: atomically contaminated rain full of smoke and ashes
Now there are falling black rain drops. These are heavy rain drops even provoking pains on the skin. The drops are full of smoke and ashes. It is heavy water falling from the sky, very atomically contaminated. The people partly drink this black rain.
In some few minutes 1000s of survivors are poisoning themselves with this black rain.
The return of the "American" bomber pilots
The crew is welcomed and cheered by 300-500 people. They get their "pins of honour" and are asked by Paul Tibbets. The news that Hiroshima only consists of smoke and ashes seems to be a sensation for the "American" journalists.
The message given to Truman - the cheering "US" soldiers - Truman's threat of the "Rain of Destruction"
Now the message is transmitted to "US" President Truman who is on the way to Washington.
In the military canteens the message of the successful release of the atomic bomb is cheered because this means that hardly any "American" soldier will be obliged to go into war any more.
Truman is going home and means that Japan will surrender now.
When Japan is not surrendering Truman is threatening again: He wants to hinder the total destruction of the Japanese people, and when the military leadership will not give in, there will come down a "Rain of Destruction" as it never was before.
At the same time the Mayor of Hiroshima deplores the criminal air raid and calls on confidence and courage.
7 August 1945
Great rescue action in Hiroshima
In the morning there are beginning the big rescue actions: dead bodies are collected to inhibit epidemics, wounded are sheltered in provisional hospital wards. Dr. Hida has to cure 3000 casualties now, without medicaments, without instruments, and there are hardly any doctors there.
Survivors are looking for survivors.
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb: field of ruins with an industrial hall [4]
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb: field of ruins with a tramway [5]
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb: The heat of the bomb was this intensive that the pattern of the clothes has been burnt into the skin [6]
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb: The watch stood still at 8:15... [7]
and also the pocket watch stood still, whose possessor probably did not survive... [8]
Kinuko Laskey: waking up after the fainting
Kinuko Laskey had fallen in a faint and then is waking up. She was considered dead. Then she can crawl to a hospital. Dr. Hinoki is asking admiringly: "Are you living yet?" Then all big splinters of glass are removed from her body.
Akiko Takakura survives with splinters of glass.
The leadership of Japan does not surrender
After the refusal of the Japanese leadership to surrender also Russia declares war on Japan.
Now Truman calls for the surrender of whole Japan with the House of the King and threatens with bomb drops on industrial centers. At the same time Truman claims that Japan had attacked Pearl Harbour without warning.
Truman claims he would use the atomic bomb
-- "to shorten the miseries of the war"
-- "to save the lives of 1000s and 1000s of Americans."
8 August 1945
Drop of the second atomic bomb: on Nagasaki
First the project was to bomb Kokura, but there was a tight cloud ceiling which saves Kokura: The air planes are changing sides to Nagasaki. The bomb is falling in a valley, so there cannot develop a fire storm. But although the consequence are over 50,000 deaths.
Nagasaki after the atomic bomb
Nagasaki atomic bomb: The "US" military calls it sarcastically "Fat Man" [9]
Nagasaki destroyed... [10]
Nagasaki after the atomic bomb: burnt boy [11]
New consultations of the Japanese leadership - surrender - suicides
The first war council is consulting. Primer Minister Suzuki goes to Emperor Hirohito calling for an end of the war.
The radical military officers revolt 4 days later without success.
The following surrender is a disgrace, so Kirumi is stabbing himself to death.
After the signing of the capitulation the "Americans" are cheering and drinking until they are drunk.
since 10 August 1945
New illnesses by the atomic bomb: sudden death by inner decomposing body by the radioactive black rain
After the fourth day after the dropping of the atomic bombs there are developing new mysterious illnesses, mentioned by Shiga Hirazuka. All these people who had drunk the black radioactive rain are suffering of this illness with the following symptoms:
In Hiroshima the 6 August is the remembrance day. Then 10,000 lamps are swimming on the river, every light is the symbol for a soul of a victim.
-- there is no blood coagulation any more
-- arrest of bleeding is not possible any more
-- there are spots on the whole body
-- there is brown vomiting
-- and after one hour the affected are dying.
1000s are dying on this new illness. The white blood cells are destroyed. The body has no resistance any more, and by this the people are innerly decomposing because infections cannot be defended any more.
The "American" scientists had known of the radioactivity...
The bombs had been dropped although the population partly had no rice any more for 1 year.
According to Dr. Hida the drop of the atomic bomb was an experiment of the "American" military officers.
Today only some trees with burn marks or the shadow of a man on a stoned step are reminding on the atomic bomb.
Akiko Takakura is one of the last survivors.
Hiroshima: Monument with the eternal flame in remembrance of the victims of the atomic bomb [12]
Hiroshima: lamp procession of 2003 [13]
New photos of Hiroshima
2011: Neue Fotos aus Hiroshima
Hiroshima, seel beam of shopping center Odamasa [14]
Hiroshima, cemetery at Kokutai temple, November 1945 [15]
Hiroshima, chamber for industry and commerce, November 1945 [16]
Hiroshima, coal distribution center of Chugoku, November 1945 [17]
Hiroshima, auditory of the town hall, November 1945 [18]
Hiroshima-Asano, deformed steel stairs, November 1945 [19]
Hiroshima, view to south west with fields of ruins and burnt trees, November 1945 [20]
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Photo sources
[1] USA revenge poster: http://www.ac-orleans-tours.fr/hist-geo3/sec-euro/Sec-Euro-ter/IIWW.html
[2] Hiroshima atomic bomb, called sarcastically "Little Boy" by the "US" military officers: http://www.cnduk.org/pages/ed/atom.html
[3] Enola Gay: waving photo with atomic bomb on board before starting: http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/fi/00000193.htm
[4] Hiroshima: field of ruins with industrial hall: http://www.hiroshima-is.ac.jp/Hiroshima/photogallary.htm
[5] Hiroshima: field of ruins with tramway: http://library.thinkquest.org/J002349/picturesWWII.htm
[6] Hiroshima: woman with burnt pattern of clothes in her skin: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/08/294141.shtml
[7] Hiroshima: the standstill of the watch at 8:15: http://www.hiroshima-is.ac.jp/Hiroshima/photogallary.htm
[8] Hiroshima: pocket watch standstill at 8:15: http://www.magicasruinas.com.ar/revistero/aquello/revaquello090b.htm
[9] Nagasaki atomic bomb, sarcastically called "Fat Man" by "US" military officers: http://www.cnduk.org/pages/ed/atom.html
[10] Nagasaki destroyed: http://www.ac-orleans-tours.fr/hist-geo3/sec-euro/Sec-Euro-ter/IIWW.html
[11] Nagasaki: burnt boy: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/08/294141.shtml
[12] Hiroshima: monument with eternal flame: http://www.pbase.com/glamis/hiroshima
[13] Hiroshima: lamps procession: www.signonsandiego.com/ uniontrib/20040801/22.html
Photos 2011
[14] Hiroshima, seel beam of shopping center Odamasa: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[15] Hiroshima, cemetery at Kokutai temple, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[16] Hiroshima, chamber for industry and commerce, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[17] Hiroshima, coal distribution center of Chugoku, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[18] Hiroshima, auditory of the town hall, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[19] Hiroshima-Asano, deformed steel stairs, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526
[20] Hiroshima, view to south west with fields of ruins and burnt trees, November 1945: http://bazonline.ch/kultur/ausstellungen/Bilder-aus-der-ausgeloeschten-Stadt/story/29347526