from: Hans Ulrich Wehler: Der Aufstieg des
amerikanischen Imperialismus (Rise of
"American" Imperialism); Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1974/1987.
This chronology shows how the
white race ("settlers") are destroying the natives with
the argument of "God", election and trade with China and
India. The white race was going that far so there was no
"frontier" left at the end in about 1890.
The own faults of the white higher classes in the "U.S.A."
concerning economy provoked three heavy economic crisis
and depressions between 1860 and 1899. Propaganda of these
higher classes of "U.S.A." was simply blaming communism
for this, and expansion was appointed to be the remedy
against the crisis.
White racism in the "U.S.A." with strong influence against
the neighboring states by manipulations has not stopped
until today (manipulations in South "America" by currency
manipulations, Foreign Ministry, bribed "UNO", fight units
and CIA etc.).
But since 1948 also the neighbors of Israel are the new
neighbors of the "U.S.A.". Also there is the same ideology
working with destruction instead of studying, just the
sense of living of "U.S." governments, with Gulf War of
2002 very real, until these "U.S.A." will collapse by the
extension of the border lines and by their debts.
But holistic view of living could be learnt with the last
native populations of the "U.S.A." for free...
Michael Palomino
2003 / March 2005 / September 2014
since the first settlements on North "America"
English mercantilism on North "America"
Within the British Empire the tradition and experience of
English mercantilism is applied with a collective
mentality of the "leading upper class" (p.7).
17th century
Foundation of puritanical society "Covenant"
The puritanic people should be the "holy people"
(p.11) in respect of the orders of the Old Testament
Antique view of the world wide empires going from the
east to the west
There is a certain philosophy in western universities
stating that the seats of the world wide empires are
shifting always from the east to the west (p.12).
since the 17th century
Formation of a new society by the "settlers" with the
puritanic belief of being elected
This puritanic people are installing themselves in the New
England Colonies
-- with overseas trade
-- with certain countries
-- and with ideological factors:
oo they believe to be elected which is
a remnant element of the religious doctrine of the Old
oo there are foundings of new secularized communal
institutions being called the new "American Israel", the
"New Zion"
oo they form a "New World" with the elimination of the
charges and vices of the "Old World"
oo they are turning away from the "Old World" stating that
the "New World" should be without charges and vices
(p.10), and they are mythologizing a paradise in the
"West" (p.283)
oo they are praising the territories in the west of the
coast line as a "Garden Eden" with "untouched soil" in a
kind of "virginity of spirit" (p.11).
[Thus all natives and primary nations are officially not
counting as human population].
oo these [arrogant and absolutely racist] puritanists have
the hope to mission the whole world in this kind of living
- Jonathan Edwards calls this "renovator of the world"
oo Edwards has the thesis that "God had appointed America
for the realization of his best plans" (p.11).
18th century
Enlightenment and philosophy
since the 18th century
"USA": [white]
power elites
The [white] "American" power elites are
enforcing their ideas of keeping the power in the "U.S.A."
[They are installing their secret clubs and secret lodges
like Free Masons and Skull&Bones rising up their temples
around 1730 ?
Foundation of the "Continental Congress"
against the English colonial power. Already in this name
the power of the whole continent is stated (p.12).
middle of 18th century
Thought of a world wide empire in the white population of
the New England Colonies
In the New England Colonies the thought is far spread that
the seat of the world wide empires is shifting from the east
to the west, and there is a big hope that "America" will be
the next leader of the world (p.12).
since the middle of the 18th century / since 1750 about
A mentality with the slogan "Rising American Empire" is
Foundation of
the "U.S.A."
Constitution of the [white] "U.S.A.": ideas of equality
and emancipation [only for whites]
This idea of equality and emancipation is fixed in the
constitution [but this equality and the rights are only for
the whites]. According to Wehler the political equal rights
are developing faster in the "U.S.A." than in Europe [but
only for the whites] (p.33).
Plan of a [white] "American" seal with Latin text for
world dominance
"Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo."
But realized will be only: "Novus Ordo Seclorum." [A new
order of ages].
The general statement (purport) of the white "American"
governmental essays of Jefferson and Adams is
this one: "U.S.A." should be a "lighthouse for the defamed
and suppressed humanity" of the "soiled and contaminated
world", and this lighthouse should be the guideline.
At Emerson and Whitman the general
statement (purport) says that the "U.S.A." would have an
order of healing concerning "mental order" and that these
"U.S.A." would be a "pattern of perfection" (p.11).
[It's just the other way round: "U.S.A." are a lighthouse of
racism and destruction].
since 1776
Breakthrough of the mentality of "Rising American Empire"
(p.7) and "Contiguous Expansion" (p.9)
After the declaration of independence against England
[which wanted to limit the expansion protecting the natives]
the aim of the political and intellectual [white racist]
elite of the "Union" is:
-- to extend the "New Empire of America"
-- to follow energically the guidelines of "national
interest" of the "American Empire"
-- extensions to all directions: to the west, north, and to
the south (p.7)
-- the aim is to create outposts at the west coast for Asian
trade (p.9).
Means for that should be
-- "treaties"
-- wars
-- purchase of land
-- violent occupations (p.7).
since 1776
The "Founding Fathers" are defining "America" as the
final station of the seats of the world wide empires
because according to a philosophic idea the seats of the
world wide empires are shifting always from the east to the
west, and "U.S.A." would be the final station now... (p.12)
Adaption of the English religious and laicist kind of
colonial thinking in the white "U.S." government
-- they claim always more land for "settlers"
-- the "American" government claims that "the territory of
Anglo-Saxon freedom would extend here as a model - the
'American Republic' "
-- the propaganda with the "Anglo-Saxon Race" is
going on "without break" (p.11).
[Natives and primary nations are not counted as human beings
and not at all as civilians, and blacks not either...]
since 1776
Propaganda of the white "U.S." government: The "American"
empire should comprise the whole continent
Strategic situation: quiet growth of the "U.S.A." by
extortion of England with Canada
"U.S.A." can "grow" because there are no strong rivals,
and because "Canada" is always the mean of extortion against
England ("dead pledge") which could be occupied easily when
there would be a conflict. By this relative calm [natives
are not mentioned by Wehler] an enormous growth [by robbery]
is realized:
-- territories [are robbed]
-- population [is lured with propaganda in Europe]
-- mineral resources [are "found" and robbed]
-- industries and production plants [are installed without
asking the natives]
-- a fleet [is a guarantee of power against the other
colonial powers] (p.18).
Jefferson's thesis of the power also over the southern
Jefferson is claiming that also Central and South
"America" would be parts of the "American" "hemisphere"
above all from 1776 on
Racist "enlightenment" philosophy is spread in the white
This "enlightenment" philosophy is teaching ideal
virtues, freedom, natural growth, perfection of the human
race. This kind of thinking is influencing also the
governmental tactics of the white "U.S." governments (p.11).
Revolution war
Now the white "American" strategists also want to occupy
British North "America" and claim Canada as a "14th colony"
Jefferson's idea for more "purchased" territories
Jefferson is outlaying a law ("Northwest Ordinance") for
the status of newly "purchased" territories which are not
only rated as occupied and subordinate territories but as
soon as possible they should be members of the white
"American" Union with equal participation (p.8).
[But: Natives and black should not have any participation,
and their culture and wisdom should even be exterminated...]
Coming into effect of the Northwest Ordinance
This is the new law with the Jefferson model of
1784 and with this law the status of newly "purchased"
territories is "arranged" and there is a harsh procedure for
the "incorporation" of "territories":
-- a certain number of population is needed
-- from a certain grade of self administration on the equal
participation within the union is given (p.8).
This Union is broadening more and more because the
subordinate states are very fast rated as being equal and
the "foundation" of more states is attractive [for the white
"Americans"] (p.8)
This Northwest Ordinance is rated as one of the most
important "performances" of "American" history of the
generation of the "founding fathers". Comparable projects
-- the expansion of Brazil
-- the expansion of Russia
-- the German administration in Alsace Lorraine after the
annexation 1871-1918 (p.8).
[But it seem clear that all whites of the Native Continent
are not at all "Americans" because they are Europeans. All
whites on the Native Continent are principally foreigners].
"U.S." imperialism: period of powerful "Continentalism" -
natives are exterminated
During almost 100 years the expansion of these racist
white "U.S.A." are performed in big steps against England,
Spain, France, Mexico and above all against natives and
primary nations.
Quotation of Wehler:
with "a policy of extermination and expulsion which is near
to genocide." (p.8)
(original in German: mit "einer dem Genozid oft
nahekommenden Ausrottungs- und Vertreibungspolitik." (S.8)
since 1787
"U.S." imperialism: White "American" views are going also
to the Caribbean, to Cuba and to the neighboring states of
the Gulf of Mexico
For Jefferson, John Quincy Adams and for Buchanan
the "hemisphere of the 'U.S.A.'" are comprising also the
"Spanish Antilles" [Islands] which would "fall into their
lap like ripe fruits" anyway sooner or later (p.9).
[In this way the "U.S.A." ware also thinking about Hitler
when there were the "annexations" of the Rhine Land and of
Austria. The principle is simple: The neighboring country is
also mine...]
Thesis of Jedidiah Morse: "U.S.A." will be the last world
wide empire
This thesis is spread in the book "American
Geography": "Probably" the "American Empire" will be
the "last station" of the seats of world wide empires, "the
biggest empire that ever was." (p.12)
[Well, every empire has gone because of the extension of
border lines and because of arrogance provoked by these
extended border lines...]
Election of J.Q. Adams as a President of the white
until 1801 (dtv-Lexicon vol 1, p.44)
The Minister of the State Department (Foreign Minister) Everett
is it stating clearly:
"The Principle of Our Institutions Is Expansion". (S.12)
-- steady expansion of the white "U.S.A."
-- Everett is presenting his thesis that only the continuous
expansion would bring success and reputation (p.12)
-- the expansion is considered as a "chance for let free the
blocked energy", this are claiming for example Madison and
-- the expansion policy is a precondition in the white
"American" leading classes for the maintenance of the system
-- the world will never be in calm when these "U.S.A." exist
-- the natives can expect their extinction but most of them
cannot even read nor write English...
-- the whites are not seeing anything of the native
1800-1850 about
There are more projects of expansion of the white "U.S."
-- above all purchases of land are projected
-- efforts for the whole Isthmus of Tehuantepec [today's
Mexico] are made: this project is without success
-- efforts for the strait of Panama are made:
without success
-- there is a guerrilla for getting Nicaragua:
without success
-- but there is a new term in "American" geography calling
the Caribbean as the "American Mediterranean" (p.9).
1800-1899 about / 19th century
"U.S.A." as the last and biggest world wide empire
In the "U.S.A." this thesis is spread without end claiming
that the "U.S.A." would be the last and biggest world wide
empire within the sequence of world wide empires (p.12).
since 1800 about
The second generation of founding fathers are continuing
Jefferson's propaganda
claiming that Central and South "America" would belong
to the "hemisphere" of the "U.S.A." (p.12).
since 1801
The successors of J.Q. Adams are executing the concepts
and projects of Adams
White "American" purchase of the Louisiana territory
(S.7) [The Louisiana Territory is comprising in these
times the complete prairie west of Mississippi River].
Second revolutionary war against England
The occupation of Canada is again one of the important goals
of war as it was before in 1778 already (p.8).
December 1814
Treaty of Gent: Definite independence of "U.S.A."
1815 about - 1900 about
White "American" "drive to the north" against Canada
The leading class of the "U.S.A." wants to go on planning
the occupation of Canada with annexation projects just as an
element of the "drive to the north" (p.8).
since 1815 appr.
Expansionism of the white "U.S.A." with subsidies - the
faked picture of the "world power against it's own
The federal government in Washington is systematically
giving subsidies for
-- construction of channels
-- construction of roads
-- construction of railways
-- giving land
-- privileges of taxes
-- reduction of custom tolls
-- interventions measures
-- assisting measures (p.18).
These measures are without competition in the whole world
The propaganda is claiming that these "U.S.A." would be a
"world wide power against it's own will", or is claiming
that the "power has been thrust upon her" (p.19).
White continental project: J.Q. Adams claims the whole
continent for the "U.S.A."
White "American" occupation of Florida
(S.7). Florida is sold from the Spaniards to the white
"U.S.A." (dtv-Lexicon vol.6, p.14).
[Natives and primary nations living there are not asked!!!]
Total white occupation of the East Coast: "Trans
Continental Treaty"
This treaty is concluded under J.Q. Adams (p.12).
The white "American" occupation of the East Coast is
completed (p.7).
Thesis of Trumbull: The "U.S.A." will be the "queen of
since 1820
Senator Benton: project of the occupation of California
on the way to Asia
Senator Benton states that California would be very
-- for the "domination of the northern Pacific"
-- for installing new "trade ways to China (p.9), Japan,
Polynesia, and India" (p.10)
-- the goal is the formation of a "Commercial Empire" in the
west of San Francisco (p.10).
[as Spain is doing it since 1520 with Asia].
Growing nationalism and legitimation of expansion in the
white "U.S.A."
with the self esteem and "sense of mission" (p.14).
[This "sense of mission" means racism and genocide against
the natives and primary nations...]
White "American" occupation of California under Polk
The Mexican province of "Upper California" is occupied by
the "U.S.A." (dtv Lexicon vol.9, p.161). Now the Asian trade
should be fostered and big profits should be made (p.9).
The white "U.S.A." under J.Q. Adams is acknowledging
white "Canada"
Canada is under the government of Canning. But Adams
claims the "rest" of the continent for the white "U.S.A."
Monroe Doctrine
Layout of Monroe Doctrine by J.Q. Adams (p.12).
The goal is a safe northern continent resp. of the whole
western hemisphere. This is a document
-- of claim of hegemony
-- with geopolitical goals / policy with determination of
goals (p.13)
-- including the southern hemisphere of "America" (p.9)
-- with an anti European isolationism
-- with the propaganda for a new guideline of an "American
System" with the "U.S.A." as the main focus
-- forming a union of all guidelines of "American"
nationalism (p.13).
Monroe Doctrine is a summary of all thesis of before about
the white "U.S.A." for the dominance of the continent
Rejecting reactions of Europe against the Monroe Doctrine
Europe's "Jus Gentium" [people of justice] are not
admitting this Monroe Doctrine (p.13).
Death of former President J.Q. Adams
in Braintree, now Quincy, Massachusetts
(dtv Lexicon vol.1, p.44)
since 1830 appr.
"U.S." agriculture begins with mechanization
because of lack of workers. The farmers just don't
comprehend themselves as traditionalist farmers but as
capitalist managers (p.20).
["Mechanization" of agriculture: trees go, hedges go,
forests go, swamps go - pesticides and droughts come
This is the process of channeling rivers and eliminating
rows of trees, hedges and little forests so not only the
birds are eliminated but also the insects who are
responsible for the balance of animals in the fields - thus
some animals can spread well and are "vermin" at the end -
and pesticide and since the 1990s even genetically
manipulated plants are applied then instead of reinstalling
the natural landscape. Also water reservoirs in form of
swamps are eliminated and when there is a drought then the
policy today is not knowing why is there a shortage of water
in the waters. White "Americans" are just born with a little
bit of stupidity...].
Expansionist William Henry Seward becomes governor of
(dtv-Lexicon vol.16, p.317).
1840 appr.
Industrial revolution in the "U.S.A."
There is growing up a permanently expanding economy as a
motor for the constant movement which is combined with
-- there is a competition
-- and this competition is sharpened by the European states
-- new import export companies are founded
-- agriculture begins with exportations (p.10).
["American" agri-"culture"
-- the blacks are making the hard work for the whites for
famine wages or even for no wages
-- and mono cultures are accepted more and more].
since the 1840s
Slogan in the white leading circles of white "U.S.A." is
the term of a "Manifest Destiny"
Just this slogan is incorporating the self esteem and
need of value for the claim of world wide dominance (p.13).
[connected with arrogance and racism against all other
humans of the world - and against nature!]
Activities for "saving" the white "American" Asian trade
-- white "American" occupation of Hawaii (p.10).
[It seems strange that Spain never occupied these islands
for "saving" their Asian trade].
-- expeditions under Mr. Wilkes to the Pacific (p.10).
-- the expeditions under Mr. Ringgold in the Pacific (p.10).
-- Cushing Treaty of "U.S.A." with China
The consequence of this expansion is a commercial explosion
of white "American" trade (p.10).
since 1844
Seward makes a prophecy of world dominance by the white
"USA" passing the Pacific trade
Seward makes a prophecy that the Pacific will play
soon an important role for the "U.S.A.", more important than
the Atlantic, because of "the long wanted treasuries" of
Asia and of the new sales markets. When the "U.S.A." are
dominating both coast lines then the "U.S.A." will dominate
the world wide trade and therefore will be determined for
world wide dominance automatically.
-- according to Seward Asia will become the commercial
preserve of "U.S.A."
-- the Pacific will be an "American Sea", in Latin "Mare
-- and many white "American" politicians are adapting these
ideas of Seward (p.15).
White "American" occupation of Texas
(S.7) [this is an expansion in the south of the
Oregon Treaty of "U.S.A." with England
(S.7) [this is an expansion in the north of the Pacific]
Then follows the
White "American" occupation of the North West Coast of
by the White "American" company under Johann Jakob
Astor, and then the land is measured again and new
"land of settlement" is distributed.
[Natives do not exist officially for the racist white
"American" government with their lodges... but it were the
natives who showed the whites the ways passing the Rocky
Now this [racist] white "American" government is projecting
to manipulate the inner "American" trade to the west coast
-- with the goal of prolongation of the trade "down to Canton
in China"
-- and with the goal of the commercial traffic with new
transpacific "Far West".
In the same way the white "American" government has the
project to destroy Canada because Canada would be an
unacceptable trade competition in in the Pacific area (p.9).
Isthmus of Panama: White "U.S.A." is acknowledging the
government of New Granada / Columbia in the area of the
isthmus of Panama
White "American" Mexican War
Mexico is remaining only half
Now long lasting hopes of the [racist] white "American"
"elite" are fulfilled with the occupation of northern Mexico
(p.7,9). [Racist] white "American" political circles are
even claiming the occupation of complete Mexico
Expansionist William Henry Seward becomes a senator
From 1855 on he is member of the Republican Party (dtv
Lexicon vol.16, p.317).
Industrial revolution in the white "U.S.A." and the
imperialism of Seward
William H.Seward is a "U.S." senator and Foreign
Minister (State Department)
-- Seward is propagating a trade imperialism
-- Seward is making a layout of a global "Informal
Empire", an instruction how an empire can be realized:
oo occupy the whole continent
oo introduce protective duties
oo perform settlement activity without interruption and the
building of traffic and communication networks
oo develop agriculture and industries without interruption
In the following times
-- Seward is supporting always the transcontinental
railways or telegraph cables
-- Seward is always supporting the construction of a
channel at the isthmus of Panama under white "American"
dominance (p.14).
[Thus all populations who do not like this imperialism
should go from Earth respectively will be fought, will be
deported, will be driven in concentration camps
("reservations") so they will die and vanish. With this
policy one can see that the "U.S." mentality is not at all
educated for keeping a balance of power - until the "U.S.A."
will be destroyed one time - by themselves...]
Seward is supporting eagerly the "annexation" of
California and Oregon
Clayton Bulwer Treaty between "U.S.A." and England
so conflicts between England and the white "U.S.A."
in the Caribbean are omitted (p.9).
"Annexation" of California
Admittance of California as a Federal State into the union
(dtv Lexicon vol.9, p.161).
[Natives are never asked. Goldrushs provoke a catastrophe
for them].
The white "U.S.A." become a serious enemy against England
on the oceans
Imperialism of the [racist] white "U.S.A." [with slavery] is
making a harsh competition against the British Crown of the
Victorian House and the Victorian Free Trade Empire (p.15)
[with again 20 holocausts against natives and primary
Seward's theory of a white "American" trade empire
-- the "U.S." industry "needs" new sales markets
-- the "U.S." national market is not big enough and
therefore an export economy has to be organized
-- the development of foreign trade is the precondition for
material progress in the "U.S.A."
-- on the main trade lines have to be "American" outposts,
"American" Hong Kongs", no colonial possessions
-- the thesis of Seward is: For the "U.S.A." concerning
trade the Pacific will be more important for the "U.S.A."
than the Atlantic (p.15).
[Natives and primary nations are never asked... and the
vision for profits makes blind...]
Projects of expansionist and naval officer Matthew
Calbraith Perry: the occupation of the continent is a
-- Perry is working out a project for the
"development" of Japan (p.15)
-- Perry is working out a project with the white
"U.S." dominance over all islands of the Pacific
-- Perry makes a prophecy: The white "U.S.A." will be the
successor of the British trade empire
-- all in all the occupation of the "American" continent is
only the "foreplay" for the winning of world wide dominance
Exportation of "U.S.A." - and German industry
Europe feels a [white] "American danger" the first time
1850 appr. / years before civil war
Parker and Godwin: thesis about "law of nature" of
-- Theodore Parker claims the thesis that spreading
would be a "law of nature"
-- Parker is interpreting the thesis as a
steady fact so the spreading of the white "U.S.A." should be
executed "as an instrument of God" (p.11).
[Here is the origin of "American" Nazism].
since 1850
Revolution in
traffic with new railway lines
The new railway lines in the "U.S.A." create an
international agricultural market with new competition
situations (p.22).
[A big part of these railway lines are built by Chinese
workers whereas China is considered a "colonial land"...]
since 1850 appr.
World wide telegraph system with submarine cables
This is the precondition for a real world market, and now
the global agricultural market is created (p.21).
Projects of expansionist Senator Seward: "U.S." empire
with Mexico as it's new capital
-- Seward considers the white "Canada" as "half annexed"
-- British Columbia should be joint to Oregon,
and then "Canada" could become a member of the union
-- Alaska should be a "land bridge" to Asia
-- Seward is working out a project for the occupation of the
Arctic, Hawaii, Caribbean Islands, Mexico and South
-- and the capital of this future "American Empire"
should be Mexico-City (p.14).
[With these projects the white "American" Nazism is getting
a new territorial definition - for the first time...]
Civil war is called the "Second American Revolution"
In this manner Charles Austin Beard is calling this
period (p.169, he is a white "American" historian
(1874-1948) (dtv Lexicon vol.II, p.156). This civil war is
comparable with the English or the French revolution (p.16).
"U.S.A.": The "distribution of land" is a softening the
social tensions [for the whites]
Hegel and others are claiming in their lectures and
speeches about "Philosophy of World History" that the
"U.S.A." with their "colonization [...] could calm down the
main source of unrest" and with this any revolutionary
movement could be evaded in the "U.S.A." (p.34).
[Consequence: Mentally retarded "U.S.A."
But the consequence is another one: The whites of the
"U.S.A." are living mentally only at the surface because
they are satisfied always with more expansion instead to
search for the inner psyche. And the white "Americans" of
"U.S.A." mean that genocide and mass killings against
natives would be normal and thus the racist Nazism would be
normal (!!!)].
You don't believe it? Here you see how the white war animals
of the "U.S.A." are treating each other:
Civil war in the "U.S.A." between North States and
Southern States
According to Wehler's sources this civil war
-- is NOT a catalyst for the main factors of the "American"
-- this war is giving new impulses for the guiding sectors
of iron industry, steel industry, machine engineering,
railway construction, accumulation of capital,
industrialization of agriculture (p.17)
-- and this civil war is destroying the network of social
values (p.25).
[and there are 1,000s of deads and destroyed houses and
streets, but for the white economy leaders all this are only
minor matters...].
Seward's megalomania about the "U.S.A." in the name of
-- according to Wehler this Mr. Seward means that he
is an "executive organ of a divine destiny"
-- according to Seward these "U.S.A." are elected by
God forming a new seat of the world wide empire because the
events can hardly be steered but there can only be
variations of it (p.16).
[This is the white racist logic of "U.S." philosophy:
Genocides and mass murder of all natives and primary nations
is a "divine destiny" - and Seward is only one of many crazy
"U.S." philosophers thinking in this way - and in this way
the whole "U.S.A." are converted into a mentally retarded
area (!!!) and then Hitler only has to copy this (!!!)].
"U.S." agriculture: advanced mechanization and
[This means: all rivers are channeled, no trees, no bushes,
no swamps, no birds, no little animals any more, and in 50
years some animals can dominate and will be rated as vermin
so pesticides and genetic plants are destroying and
contaminating the agriculture totally. All these elements of
destructiveness are not seen in the "U.S." racist
Washington: Homestead Act for the distribution of land
This Homestead Act is giving "land for settlers"
practically for free (p.20).
[Natives are going on having no rights because they have no
weapons or they are too few. The definition of "Home" is
later the model for Israel against the Muslims in 1919 by
the declaration of Mr. Balfour. A tolerant definition of
"Home" respecting other cultures, natives and primary
nations had evaded the Middle East conflict for the world].
since 1862
Reduction of agrarian farm surplus by exportation
The national consumption of agrarian goods is rising by 23%,
exportation by 230%, e.g. wheat (p.20).
"Cultivation" of 30 million acres of land
[All this land is robbed from the natives] (p.20).
End of the civil war between northern and southern states
Now there are the following developments:
-- the aristocratic agricultural families in the southern
states are driven away from their power centers in the
federal government
-- now an industrialization and modernization without limits
is beginning (p.16)
-- partly there are new power elites coming to power but
they are not differing principally from the elites
of before concerning the egoist policy of their own interest
[1865: Holocaust of Andersonville with killing of
13,000 white "Americans" from the southern states - and
more genocides against the natives
As a "present" the northern states army is organizing a big
Holocaust against the southern states army at Andersonville
with a hunger concentration camp with about 13,000 persons
being killed by hunger with tents without housing and food
(see e.g. Wikipedia:
This is the starting shot for more mass killings against the
"rest" of the natives with the racist white colonels like
Custer etc. Custer and his commanders were just "big Nazis"
exterminating natives and primary nations following the
order of the Nazi government of Washington (see e.g.
and the historians of the "U.S.A." do not see this as
"American" racism and Nazism yet until today (2014)...]
since 1865
High economic growth in the northern states (p.17) and
-- there is a fever for investments
-- there is speculation without limits
-- values and norms of business are nothing worth but
businesses are becoming wild
-- the social network of values and moral is destroyed by
this (p.25).
This destruction of social network of values and moral is
partly favored by President Grant (p.25).
Local regional markets and areas are replaced by big
markets. The big markets are deciding about the prices now
Competition of the railway companies: "freight
rate" wars
-- the consequence is that transports become always cheaper
-- the consequence is also that there is less intermediary
-- thus the transportation of 100 pounds of wheat from Chicago
to New York is 65 Cents in 1866, in 1897 only 20 Cents
Shipping: steamers are replacing the sailing ships
and this has the positive consequence that the time of
delivery is reliable now (p.21).
Doubling of the railway net from 35,085 to 70,651 miles
The cultivation area for wheat is growing from 15 to 38
million acres, also corn and cotton
(p.20) [all this is on robbed land].
Fast fall of prices and interests - high population
Between 1865 and 1900 the population growth of the "U.S.A."
is 114%, from 35.7 to 76.1 million, from these are 12
million immigrants (p.24).
Data for industrial production
-- according to the Frickey Index the volume of
industrial production is in 1865: 17, in 1900: 100
-- the value of the industrial production is in 1865: 100%,
in 1900: 381%
-- productivity is in 1865 100%, in 1900 164%
-- funds of capital are in 1865 100%, in 1900 422% (p.24).
-- and the value of the foreign trade is in 1866: 782
million $, in 1896: 1660 million $ (p.24).
With all this the "American" share of world wide trade is
stable with 10% (p.24).
[And this is not at all a world wide dominance as the "U.S."
philosophers' fantasies are saying...]
Split of the society
At the same time the gap between poor and rich is going on
because of the concentration processes, because of price
collapse for the farmers and because of the economic crisis
with high unemployment (p.24), and there is also
-- a collapse of commercial papers
-- and dividends are going down (p.25).
Construction of railway as an economic motor
1/3 of all rolled iron and steel products are rails.
Additionally German industry is delivering more rails to the
"U.S.A." in a "noticeable" extent (p.24).
First phase of "American" high industrialization
-- "Corporation Capitalism" is installed
-- "U.S." companies get included into world market networks
-- new social economic structures are formed (p.17).
[Supplement: The blacks looking for emancipation
- the natives are almost completely exterminated
Blacks are freed now more and more but they have no
education and have to fight for their lives as unskilled
workers. They come to the northern states forming ghettos
under miserable circumstances. The elimination of slavery
provokes thus the fight for emancipation. And the natives
are never freed, they are exterminated up to little rests in
"reservations" - nothing more than open air concentration
camps - just normal genocide with Anglo-Saxon concentration
camps. This is how "U.S." racism and Nazism works - until
today in "U.S.A." and in Israel. In the Victorian Empire 20
Holocausts are committed - just normal for English
Competition economy without limits
-- there is "free way" for individual egoism and group
-- there is "free way" for maximization of profits
-- and by all this the "modern American imperialism" is
rising (p.18).
-- agriculture is completely commercialized, there is no
"traditional" farm any more, but agriculture begins to play
a big role within the industrialization which is not so in
Europe: Until 1897 agriculture in the "U.S.A." is the
dominating sector of the "U.S." economy (p.19)
-- development of new agricultural machinery
-- construction of new traffic ways (p.20).
[People who are "constructing" are Chinese workers mostly].
since 1865
The southern states feel dominated by the northern states
-- by the law and by the national administration in
-- by the changes of social political constellations of
-- by the tendencies of centralization and by the reinforced
federal organization in Washington
-- by the disempowerment of the federal members
-- by the new version of the admittance procession for new
federal states and by the abrogation of equality for new
federal states (p.17).
since 1865
Too much agriculture and agricultural products - the
problem with the surplus can hardly be solved
This surplus is the case with wheat, corn, cotton
(p.20), and there is a big price collapse (p.21).
[All these products are growing on robbed land...]
Claim of Senator Baks: the "U.S.A." are the best
And Baks claims that the "U.S.A." should "enlighten and
civilize the rest of the world", this Mr. Senator Banks is
stating with his [mad] feeling of supremacy (p.11).
British North America Act: "U.S.A" purchasing Alaska from
This purchase of Alaska allows the formation of a Dominion
of Canada (p.8).
Alaska Treaty
This agreement is the initiative by Seward:
-- civil rights are granted
-- but the land itself should not be incorporated.
This treaty is an interstage between member treaty and
treaties for "non-contiguous" territories (p.17).
[Critics say that Alaska is "Seward's fridge"...]
Foundation of the farmer's association "Patrons of
This association is for reinforcing political goals
[These primitive "American" farmers don't know any
sophisticated manner of life, they don't know Europe, they
don't know Asia, and therefore they can hardly evaluate the
world wide political situation. But they are developing a
political destructive effect that leads into the big
catastrophe degrading the spirit of the "U.S.A." to the
mechanized racist peasantry only considering profits but
nothing of nature - but the destruction of nature (!!!)].
1867-1950 appr.
"USA"-Canada: Now the goal of the "U.S.A." is to
undermine the economy of the white "American" Canada
since 1867
The "Northwest Ordinance" is not applied any more
when Alaska and Hawaii are incorporated into the system
of federal states. They are not treated as equal federal
states any more (p.8).
1869/78 [?]
Share of agriculture at the national income: 27.5%
Share of industry at the national income: 17.1%
Foundation of the Union "Knights of Labor"
This is a secret organization for the representation of
rights of workers (p.28).
"U.S." wheat exportation: 50 million bushels
This wheat exportation has heavy consequences for the
European agriculture provoking an "agrarian depression".
It's the first time that the "U.S.A." are exporting more
wheat than cotton (p.22).
[and all is the product from robbed soil...]
"U.S.A.": 2.66 million farms with a medium size of 153.3
since 1870
Collapse of prices by the installation of the world wide
-- the European demand for cheap "American" agricultural
products is rising
-- "U.S." exports are rising on
-- and the collapse of prices for 1 bushel of wheat is also
going on: 1865: 2,16%, 1875; 1.4$, 1885: 0.86$, 1895: 0.6$
early 1870s
Projects in Washington for protective duties and trade
but Republicans and Democrats are not agreed what kind of
treaties bring more profit for the country, reciprocal
(mutual) treaties or free trade treaties (p.23).
There are discussions about the silver currency (bimetalism)
for evading the European gold currencies, above all the
English Pound (p.23).
Rise of the railway network by 110,000 miles
1870 appr. to the early 20th century
This new "philosophy" of Anglo-Saxonism develops all kinds
of racism and belief of being elected (p.11).
(see the racist "U.S." philosophers here like Hosmer, Adams,
Kidd etc.:
early 1870s
Permanent pricing pressure on agrarian products in the
The farmer's associations claim for more exportation
support so they can maintain the wage level. The problem is
now that the competitors have also fully developed traffic
ways (p.22).
since 1870 appr.
"The natural right": Darwinism philosophy is combined with
"ideas of progress" dominating the present spirit
-- Darwinism claims the right of the stronger and that the
stronger has the "right" to kill the weaker
-- this [racist Nazi] argumentation claiming that there
would be a "natural right" is reinforcing the pressure for
more "American" expansion
-- the Puritanic Union "Covenant" is reinterpreted as a
union of exemplary Republicans.
This Darwinism wave is provoking a new "Christian
predestinationary awareness in connection with the
secularized messianism." (p.11)
[There is a general law: Every Empire will fall because of
the overextension of the border lines. This general law is
not respected by the racist Nazi "U.S.A." but they just want
the whole globe (!!!)]
White "American" "U.S." policy is heading for more
confrontations now
-- in the Caribbean
-- in the Pacific
-- in East Asia (p.9).
German policy with prohibitive tax against "American"
agrarian products
Total people employed: 13 million, from this are 6.73
million in agriculture, 2.13 million are in the industry
[whereas the blacks have to work in agriculture with famine
from the 1870s on
Farmer lobby: growing agrarian protest movement
supporting the foreign trade
This farmer lobby is fighting against industrial cartels,
against monopolies, against railways, banks, and against a
"wrong currency policy" going on with a gold standard
early 1870s
Heavy burdens for farms in the "U.S.A."
-- by debts
-- by rainy years
-- by European prohibitive tax (p.22).
The farmers hardly criticize the system of agrarian
capitalism but they are claiming governmental interventions
in favor of them and in favor of even more competitiveness
at the same time:
Forced expansion of the railway network, of channels, of
roads, and fixed mortgage amortization payments
Thesis by Minister of Finance Mr. Boutwell that the
foreign trade is the point for supremacy in world wide
New construction of almost 23,000 miles of railway lines,
above all for freight transportations
But one time there was too much speculation and then the big
crash comes:
June 1873
Stock exchange
crash in Vienna
September 1873
Stock exchange
crash in the "U.S.A." in New York (p.25) - first world
wide economic crisis (p.20)
Heavy depression
in the "U.S.A."
-- the prices for "U.S." agricultural products are 30% under
the prices of 1870/73 [?] (p.21-22)
-- the wheat harvest is 281.2 million bushels (p.22).
Shutdown of over 50% of the smelting furnaces
New York: reproach of communism: there are clashes
between unemployed people and police forces
With these clashes the "official" side is claiming that
the communists had manipulated the masses (p.38).
Freight prices in the transatlantic traffic go down by
by the competition and by the development of steamers
N.Y.: 1/4 of all workers unemployed according to not
confirmed indications
There is a think tank group under Senator Windom
-- and Windom claims that an export policy has also
to go with an adequate traffic policy.
-- and the Californian deputy C.B. Berry means that
the agricultural prices are defined by the exportations
Cultivation of 35 million acres of land
(p.20) [and all this land is robbed land...]
N.Y.: 1/3 of all workers are unemployed according to not
confirmed indications
-- in the complete "U.S.A." the estimations are from 0.5 to
3 million
-- and the social contradictions are sharpened again with
heavy changes (p.25).
since mids of the 1870s
Agrarian crisis in Europe
The west and middle European wheat production is
collapsing because of the "American" cheap wheat (p.21).
1876 appr.
Washington: Resolution for an interventions program in
favor of "U.S." agriculture
under the precondition of forced exportation (p.23).
Philadelphia: Foundation of the "Working men's Party"
Strikes in the "U.S.A." - and the mightiest are fearing
-- the big industrialists Cyrus McCormick believes that
the Communist would "come" and as a prevention he is
financing a new equipment for the police guards of Illinois
-- the railway king Jay Gould is watching the
beginning of a "social movement" (p.38).
John Hay writes is novel "The Breadwinners"
with the description of the gap between the "dangerous
classes" and the rich (p.38).
Philadelphia: Refoundation of the "Working men's Party"
into a "Socialist Labor Party"
Strikes in the "U.S.A." are shaking the feeling of safety
of the possessing upper class deeply
July 1877
First national railway strike
President Hayes lets fight the strike by federal
troops and police militia
-- so there are in Pittsburgh 55 people killed and 100
-- and the first "fear from communists" is coming up (p.25).
since July 1877
Expansion of "U.S." embassy network abroad
Head of State Department Foreign Minister Evarts as
also England and Germany are installing their embassy
network abroad with full energy, all this is serving to the
foreign trade (p.26).
Treatise by
Henry Georges: "Progress and Poverty"
End of 1877
Split "U.S." government
-- there are liberal tendencies for an "inevitable purge
-- there are tendencies against the projects of forcing the
foreign trade
-- and the government leaders have to confess that there is
much overproduction (p.26).
Only now the government in Washington is changing it's line
for foreign interventions. Head of State Department and
Foreign Minister William M. Evarts is a friend of
New Yorker exportation companies and is also a friend of
shipping companies (p.26).
[One could also look for new products than to "support" the
End of 1877 appr.
Economist Wells and F.W. Seward claim for
exportation and for the occupation of Canada
Economist David Wells is coming to the following
"According to the force of production our house has become
too little for it's dwellers." (p.26)
(Wehler in German: "Unser Haus ist, gemessen an der
Produktionskraft, zu klein für seine Bewohner geworden."
-- Wells claims for a rise of exportation
-- Wells claims for a customs union with "Canada"
-- Wells claims for an "annexation" of "Canada" with
force when necessary (p.26).
The same claims like Wells is uttering the State's Secretary
Mr. F.W. Seward in the "U.S." State Department
Commodore [Admiral] Shufeldt presumes that Korea
is a key position for "the big economic price of the
Wheat harvest: 420.1 million bushels
Evarts claims for governmental aids for exportations
"US" head of State Department Evarts claims in a treatise
"First report about trade relations of the 'United States'"
that there should be governmental aid for the exportation so
this would be an adaption to other industrial countries
since 1878 appr.
Now the "U.S." farmer are reinforcing their fight against
the English world wide dominance
and they are ready to create new trade routes also by force.
The "U.S." farmers
-- support the "Pressure Group" with the construction of a
new war fleet ("navalism")
-- support the new pan "American" policy
-- support the extension of the embassy networks abroad
-- are claiming for an own Department of Agriculture (p.23).
Tripling of the wheat exportations
Spring 1879
Low point of the
-- Eckler commerce index is going down by 32%
-- wholesale prices fall by 30%
-- retail prices are falling by 20%
-- railway stock commercial papers are falling by 60%
-- clearing numbers of New York banks are falling by 40%
-- raw iron prices are falling by 80%
+ there is a wave of bankruptcy
+ and commercial papers are loosing their value, along the
railway obligations loose 790 million $ of value (p.25).
since April 1879
Rising "U.S." economy
but this rise is only little because of "special
-- construction of new railway lines
-- recovery of iron and steel industries with their
-- and there is a new speculation wave (p.27).
Declaration by President Chadbourne
Chadbourne means that a constant economic growth would be
possible only with exportations (p.26).
Mids of 1879 appr.
Weather catastrophes in Central Europe
There are crop failures in Europe, and at the same time
"U.S.A." have record harvests (p.27).
End of 1879
Agrarian exportation is 78% of the complete "U.S." exports
Sensational agrarian export statistic for the "U.S.A."
Naval budget: 13.5 million $, 5% of the complete national
Head of State Department and Foreign Minister Evarts is
justifying in the crisis also a war abroad
Evarts means simply that war abroad to destroy other
cultures with more genocides would be "natural":
"By the constant never ending pressure within our national
development we are urged abroad."
(Wehler in German: "Wir werden durch den unwiderstehlichen
Druck unserer inneren Entwicklung nach aussen gedrängt."
With this new guideline Evarts is attacking harshly the
liberal idea of continence (p.26).
Evarts is collaborating with the naval forces and the
projects are wars in Asia, Africa, and in Latin
"America" and after the war the "profitable trade"
will come (p.26).
Preparation of imperial pushs of the "U.S.A."
with power policy (p.19) being supported by 3 big
interest groups (lobbies):
1st Farmers, ranchers, plantation managers of fruits who are
formulating the socio economic and political strategic
meaning [but the people who are really "planting" are always
the blacks yet...]
2nd Traders, shipowners, and until the 1880s they are
collaborating with the agricultural producers
3rd Industrials and banksters (p.20).
since the 1880s
White "U.S." imperialism: the belief of an "obvious destiny"
of the "U.S.A." is going on
-- e.g. with journalist William Allen White (p.13)
who is speaking about an "Anglo-Saxon 'Manifest Destiny' of
world occupation [...] for the elected people"
-- e.g. with the young politician Mr. Albert Beveridge
who is stating a white "American" trinity: "Welfare,
supremacy, empire", just a new "imperial republic" where
"the new 'Eden' for the rebirth of mankind" will be
oo with a first phase of "profits"
oo and with a second phase of "salvation of the world" by
the [white] "Americanization" (p.14).
There are 4.01 million farms with a medium size of 133.3
In 1870 there were 2.66 million farms with 153.3 acres
(p.34); thus the farms remain too little for a rational
"profitable economy" (p.35).
since 1880
Great "Bonanza" farms
The little farms are the losers against the big "Bonanza"
farms (p.35).
since October 1880
Monthly consular reports concerning foreign trade
"U.S." head of the State Department Foreign Minister Evarts
is reinforcing that there will be monthly consular reports
to interested economic circles for teaching a better
awareness for foreign trade (p.27).
end of 1880
"U.S." wheat exports are 153 million bushels
and because of the crop failures in Europe the "American"
exports are high (p.22).
The agrarian exports are 83% of the total "U.S." exports
Never ending discussion
-- about the introduction of a governmental control of
the railway systems
-- about the necessity to rise the export of agriculture and
industrial products (p.29).
"Free land of settlement" at the "Frontier" is becoming
Fears are coming up more now that the "free land of
settlement" [which is all robbed from the natives and
primary nations] will finish (p.34).
New construction of 25,554 miles of railway lines in the
(p.27) [above all built by the Chinese workers...]
The cultivated soil for wheat is rising from 38 to 41
million acres
(p.20) [all on robbed land...]
Agrarian exports are 82% of all "U.S." exports
(p.22) [so the "U.S.A." are an absolute mono culture...]
Washington: abolition of the statistical year's reports
about foreign trade
For financial reasons the reports "Survey about
world trade" are stopped so the federal government and the
federal legislative are without systematic information about
the foreign trade (p.36-37).
The secret union "Knights of Labor" only has 20,000
March 1881
Warning by Wells from a new depression
because the high wheat exportations of 1880 were possible
only because Europe had crop failures. And now a drought is
hitting "U.S.A." (p.27).
"U.S.A.": rise of the railway network by 33,000 miles
End of 1881
"U.S." wheat exports: 151 million bushels
because of crop failures in Europe. Additionally this
big agrarian crisis in Europe has heavy social consequences
"U.S.A.": top production in iron and steel
Deception with agrarian exportations + and more
importance for industrial products
+ reduction of overcapacities in the iron and steel
industries (p.27)
Summer 1882-May 1885
New depression in the "U.S.A." - second
depression after 1865
(p.24,27) with an enormous psychological effect
and shock just a short time after the new steep rise
+ the depression tendencies of the 1870s are reinforced
+ the awareness in public is even more sharpened (p.27).
As a consequence new political strategies are developed
"U.S.A.": New
fear of communists
[Not the cruel inhuman capitalism is blamed but
communists are blamed again in these criminal racist Nazi
"U.S.A." where natives and primary nations have only the
right to perish]:
-- Jeremiah Rusk, governor of Wisconsin,
claims that he would see the "Red Flag of Anarchy" come
-- the deputy Burrows from Michigan sees
already "the bloody hand of communism at the throat of the
capital" clasping this throat and therefore he is claiming
the support of exportation considering 1 million people in
-- President Cleveland is condemning
"communism of suppressed poverty" which "is storming in a
wild disorder against the citadel of order" (p.38)
[well, this "order" is only for the rich...]
Definition of a
new imperialism ideology in the "U.S.A." up to Nazism
New imperialistic ideologies are presented for example
-- by Alfred Thayer Mahan, naval theorist, mental
father of "navalism"
-- by Frederick Jackson Turner, historian of the "Frontier"
-- by Brooks Adams, political economist of the high
capitalist "America" (p.43-44)
-- there is a group of "little prophets" who are predicting
an "American" world wide domination:
-- Josiah Strong
--- Brooks Adams
-- Turner
-- Mahan
popular philosophers have less effect:
-- John W.Burgess
-- John Fiske
-- James K.Hosmer
-- George B.Adams
-- Benjamin Kidd (p.44)
whereas Burgess and Kidd have partially a
considerable influence to the "American" [white] "Power
Elite" of the 1890s
-- with the development of an "American sense of mission"
also because of the rising immigration
-- whereas Burgess, Fiske and Hosmer are
operating also in a racist way with "Angel-Saxondom" and
with mystified intentions of imperialism [absolute Nazism]:
oo with the development of stereotypes
oo with the development of an "evolution doctrine"
oo with racism against the immigrants as a valve for
frustration about tensions
oo with risen anti-Semitism because of economic crisis as
it's also normal in Europe (p.44).
The "philosophers" and "popular philosophers"
-- evade the claim for social reforms (p.44)
-- are taking their flight from the real problems into a
fantasy reality (p.45).
[The "philosophers" and "popular philosophers" want to keep
the psychological superficiality which they could maintain
until these days by the never ending "expansion" and thanks
to the robbery of land from the natives].
end of 1882
Balance of "U.S.A.": wheat exportations are going down
The clearings at the New York banks are sinking from 46 to
25 billion $
Many strikes and afflux at the union "Knights of Labor"
Rise of the number of members until July 1885 to about
104,000 members (p.28)
Navy Bill for the construction of a new naval war fleet
-- construction of modernest armored cruisers and battle
-- and a war academy is fostered, among others with the
theoretic of "navalism" Mr. A.T. Mahan (p.23).
"U.S.A.": numbers of bankruptcy are rising from 6,700 to
Banker's Magazine: Claim for new export markets for
industrial products
Claims of the same kind are uttering the trade magazines
-- "Commercial & Financial Chronicle"
-- "Bradstreet's"
-- "American Manufacturer" and others (p.29).
Oct 1884
"U.S.A.": 13 % estimated unemployment
The indications of the unions are 2 million unemployed
people; in Massachusetts are 30% unemployed estimated; and
the minimal salary is going down by 20-30% (p.28).
Kongo Conference in Berlin
with the "U.S.A.", but the "U.S.A." are never ratifying
this Kongo paper (p.29).
Washington: installation of a "federal work office"
under C.D. Wright being called "United States
Commissioner of Labor" (p.28).
"U.S.A.": over 10,000 bankrupt companies
End of 1885
"U.S.A.": The union "Knights of Labor" has 703,000
also unskilled workers, so the skilled workers and the
artisans begin to found their own unions (p.28).
C.C. Wright: Thesis about overproduction: the cause is
and the automatization with transportation. Reactions are:
-- all important trade magazines are approving this thesis
-- also most of political and industrial circles are
approving this thesis
-- Senator Morgan is recommending a "policy of open door"
not only for Asia but also for Africa
-- the congress and the senate in Washington are considering
about trade posts in Africa and transafrican railway lines
-- "Panamericanism" is reinforced under the Head of State
Department Foreign Minister Blaine: He is ordering
the extension of the fleet and he is beginning a "Panama
Policy" (p.29).
Head of State Department Foreign Minister Mr. Blaine and
his "panamericanism"
-- the foreign markets will be "needed"
-- the principle is "annexation by trade":
Wehler in German:
"Was wir brauchen, sind die Märkte unserer
Nachbarn im Süden [...]. Hätten wir uns diese erst
gesichert, dann gäbe es neuen Auftrieb für unsere
Industrien, die Nachfrage nach den Produkten des
Farmers im Westen wüchse, der Grund und die
Versuchung zum Streiken mit allen seinen üblen
Begleiterscheinungen verschwände." Es sei "die
höchste Pflicht der Vereinigten Staaten, die
Ausdehnung ihres Aussenhandels zu vergrössern
Wir wären vorschnell zufrieden, wenn wir auf das
verzichteten, was der jüngere Pitt so treffend
Annexion durch Handel genannt hat." (S.29) |
"What we need are the markets of our neighboring
states in the sough [...] When we had these then
there would be new input for our industries, the
demand for the products of the farmers in the West
would rise, and the reason and the temptation for
strikes with all their normal side effects would
vanish." This would be "the highest duty of the
United States to extent the size of the foreign
trade [...]
When we would be satisfied too fast when we would
resign to this what the younger Pitt called right
the annexation by trade." (p.29) |
Additionally also parts of the "U.S."
senate were claiming now
-- imperial occupations and other measures
-- the revival of the Monroe Doctrine (p.29)
-- the construction of the channel at the isthmus under
[white] "American" territorial control
-- the extension of the Pacific trade (p.30).
The "land of settlement" [which is all robbed
from the natives] is ending
Lyman J.Gage, the president of the [white]
"American" Banker's Association
-- sees according to Wehler the near end of the
"free land of settlement"
-- sees the "rebellious workers" as "heaviest charge for
our democratic institutions"
-- sees the foreign economy as the only "possibility of
discharge" (p.30).
[In other words:
-- the natives were robbed all land
-- and now the whites have to rob also even more land
May 1886
Chicago: strike and lockout at McCormick Industries
On the Haymarket Square there is a reunion of the
"Black International Movement" and the reunion is under
leadership of the German rooted "Anarchist" Johannes
Most. After a bomb is launched against the police
the police forces are shooting back:
-- there are several dead policemen
-- there are 4 workers killed
-- there are 200 injured workers
-- 4 persons appointed as ringleaders are hanged
-- 3 persons appointed as ringleaders are amnestied by
governor Altgeld (p.28).
[Calumniated black people are always hanged in the
since May 1886
Strike wave in the "U.S.A:", bloody clashes
(p.28); there are publications of H.D. Lloyd
with the presentation of the work conditions in the
"American" industrial plants (p.28-29).
And the writing by Henry Georges "Progress and Poverty"
is a bestseller now
Novel of Bellamy: "Lookong Backward"
In this novel the contradictions of the "American" society
are described (p.29).
Dec 1886
Foundation of the union for skilled workers and
artisans "American Federation of Labor" (AF of L)
This is a split from the union Knights of Labor, and
the leader of the AF of L is Mr. Samuel Gompers
National economic growth
is provoking a discharge, and there are many little fights
for work conditions (p.30).
Washington: "Interstate Commerce Act"
for limited national control of the railway systems
(railroading). The followers of governmental controls
(pupils of Smoller) are winning through (p.29).
More expansion of the railway lines by 20,722 miles
Big strike in Burlington
Washington: installation of an Agriculture Department
In this department there is always the saying repeated
that foreign trade would discharge the national market.
The department is claiming an expansionist foreign trade
policy with all possible legal governmental means (p.23).
In Congress and in Senate the conflicts with the trade
rival of England are accepted consciously (p.23) because the
national dangers in the "U.S.A." would be bigger
than a war when the national market is "blocked" (p.24).
"American" industrials and banksters are giving in to the
appeals of the Agriculture Department (p.24).
1889/98 [?]
-- share of agriculture of the national income is
18.4% yet [84.1%?]
-- the share of the industrial industries of the national
income is 18.8% (p.21).
[This seems to be a misprint. It can be admitted that the
dominance of agriculture has hardly reduced].
Railway boom is coming down in the "U.S.A."
But now new industries are coming up with electronics
in the public traffic, with supply industries and with
communication networks (p.24).
London: Collapse of the Baring bank house
without big "consequences" for the "U.S." economy whereas
Baring is also involved in the "U.S." (p.30).
"U.S.A.": Rise of living standard [for whites] compared
with 1860
-- the real wages have risen by 46%
-- the life conditions are better compared with the
European life conditions
-- social mobility is relatively high
-- new towns are founded and "land is distributed"
[but only for whites, there is no "distribution of land"
for blacks or for natives].
According to Wehler there are no class fights
because of these circumstances and there is no socialist
worker's movement like in Europe (p.33).
[And this is wrong:
-- the racial fight is replacing the class fight in the
-- the classes are mostly defined by different races
-- these "U.S.A." are the most racist state of the whole
world and these racist "U.S.A." and their universities of
"civilization" are even a model for Hitler].
"U.S.A.": counting: shifts compared to 1880
-- industrial workers have doubled on 4.6 million
-- the urban population has risen from under 1/4 to 1/3 of
the total national population (p.33).
[Well, depends on the counting, natives do probably not
count at all].
4.56 million farms with an average of 136.3 acres
compared with 4.01 million farms with 133.3 acres in 1880
(p.34-35); thus the farms remain too little for a rational
profitable economy (p.35).
"U.S.A.": Introduction of the McKinley customs tariff
"U.S.A.": doubling of the share of industrial exportation
within the complete export
from 1890s on
[White] "U.S." associations are making propaganda for
foreign trade and urge for measures
These claims come from
-- National Board of Trade
-- from special associations for exportation to Latin
"America" and Asia
-- from the trade boards
-- from the "American" Banker's Association (S.36).
since 1890 appr.
Rising immigration from South Europe and East Europe
Now slums are formed, no full integration is made (p.33).
The south and east European workers are in the streets
unemployed and without money and without possibility of
purchasing land for "colonization".
These workers without anything are concentrated in the
"American" towns. But the idea of a "New World" = "new
land of settlement" is going on worldwide in the media and
in the propaganda actions (p.34).
1890s / during the "American" English conflicts
Canada is going on to be in danger
Powerful white "American" politicians are threatening
publicly again with the occupation of Canada (p.9).
"U.S.A." against England
All "American" policy is executed with the idea of
more trade exportations against the world power of Great
Britain (p.23).
["U.S.A." are not important for England any more as a
split "colony"].
since 1890
"U.S.A.": Drive for more armament policy for a modern battle
since the early 1890s
White "U.S.A.": Industrials and banksters are becoming
the center of power
[But policy is not more reasonable by this but is becoming
worse: now the primitive expansion policy is also
supported by high capitals and funds. "U.S.A." are never
big enough...]
since the 1890s
Renewal of the vision of Seward for a world dominance
Brooks Adams and other "popular philosophers" are
bringing Seward's layout of an "American" world wide
dominance into an actual form (p.16).
Breakthrough of the framer's protest movement against
the "wrong currency policy" - Populist Party
The farmer's protest movement is fighting against
industries, towns, monopolies, railways, bank power etc.
and wants to support the "foreign trade".
"Populist (People's) Party" is like an "early wildfire"
and can establish as the third political party for a short
time between Democrats and Republicans, above all in the
Middle West and in the South of "U.S.A." (p.35).
Main claims of all populists are:
-- one should change on an inflationist concept of silver
currency and the gold standard should be given up
-- the farmers should be freed of debts
-- the exportations should be supported (p.35).
Propaganda is partly absolutely demagogic with rough
polarizations against the industrial plants which are
preferred by the state, and partly even fascist element
against foreigners and Jews can be found, always repeating
the guidelines of the independent little manager and the
guidelines of the early "American" agrarian capitalism
Maximal harvest in the "U.S.A."
End of the frontier - and now? - Frontiers
abroad are coming!
"U.S.A.": end of the frontier - claims for a "New
Frontier" abroad
The magazine "Extra Census Bulletin 2" is reporting
the distribution of all [from the natives robbed] "free
land of settlement" and the end of the "Frontier". There
are many public comments for this:
-- an "American epoch" would come to an end
-- "U.S.A." would stiffen now and would get the same
problems as in Europe
-- foreign trade and foreign policy are becoming more
important now, and there are claims among other from the
farmer's lobby to create "new markets", there are appeals
to create a "New Frontier" overseas
-- the problem to manage the population should be "solved"
abroad with an "active global policy" serving the
"American foreign trade" (p.35)
[Fascist "U.S.A." abroad
This means: these fascist "U.S.A." should go on with
robbing and killing and genocides abroad - for new "land"
and for new "markets". And you have to imagine, they are
doing it since 1898 until today (2014) with their
maneuvers and extortions abroad (!!!). There is no country
which is so destructive like these fascist "U.S.A."]
Maximal harvest in the "U.S.A."
New York: the new emission of stocks reaches the worth
of 100 million $
"U.S.A.": construction of 4,584 miles of railway lines
Elections: popular candidate General Weaver gets 1.04
million votes
Wheat exports reach again 153 million bushels like in
"U.S.A.": sinking agricultural exports
January 1893-1897
heavy depression and decline of production
There is a decline in constructing railway lines,
so there are less orders for steel rails and coaches and
locomotives (p.30).
Unemployment and sinking living standard are spreading
-- reliable estimations say: 20% of unemployment
-- nominal wages are sinking by 10%
-- but the costs of living sink only by 11 to 12%
-- at the same time a complete uncertainty is spread
considering the future also with the high industrials like
Carnegie or Senator Lodge (p.31).
-- the orders for steel rails are going down by 75%
compared with the year of 1891 (p.30)
-- the medium real income is sinking by 18% compared with
1892 (p.31).
[The eternal thief "U.S.A." who has robbed the whole
continent wants to go on to be a thief never changing the
mind for a society being organized in a holistic way
(!!!). This thief "U.S.A." is working until today (2014)
and is partly not detected yet concealing the robberies by
manipulations and fakes (!!!)].
April-Juno 1893
"U.S.A.": The worth of commercial papers (obligations
and stocks) is sinking by more than 1.5 billion $
This is the estimation of [white] "American"
banksters. Railway king James H. Hill indicates
that "the West" [?] had lost in this short time more than
the "U.S.A." had lost during the civil war (p.31).
May 1893
New York:
panic at the stock exchange, economic crisis in the
-- partly with heaviest consequences also for
industries and banks
-- these traumatic events for humans who had suffered the
depression of the 1870s already
-- Eckler index is falling by 25 units
-- 500 banks are going bankrupt
-- 10,000 companies are going bankrupt
-- the [white] "American" foreign trade volume is sinking
until August 1893 by 1/3 (p.30).
August 1893
"U.S.A.": the business newspaper "Bradstreet's"
estimates 900,000 unemployed people
November 1893
Pullman rail car industrial plants are reducing their
staff from about 4,5000 to 1,100 staff members
December 1893
Worker's leader Gompers estimates 3 million persons
since 1893
"U.S.A.": The power elites have to fear a change of
power - "U.S." National Socialism
As a strategy is developed now a "defensive stabilization
of power", a "social imperialism" [which is clear
"National Socialism"]:
-- expansion abroad is a mean of legitimation for power
-- at the same time the status quo in the country has to
be defensed
-- and the social institution have to be defensed (p.38).
"U.S.A.": development of stereotypes within the
propaganda against communism
In a letter James Hill is communicating to the
President (p.38):
-- "all evil of the past [would come] in an organized and
highly frightening kind" (p.38-39)
-- Hill sees the "power of terror raging in the big towns"
Concentration process in the [white] "American"
-- formation of pools and trusts
-- little and medium companies are drowning
-- whole industrial branches are drowning
-- and there are strikes of over 1 million striking people
every year (p.31).
end of 1893
Balance: 1.4 million striking people
["U.S." National Socialism lets explode the situation
Well, the leading class lets explode the economic
situation deliberately - and the rich never share but they
are only laughing at the poor - and the propaganda of the
rich says also that all Socialism=Communism and with this
all social institutions and holistic principles for life
are rejected - and then the leading class says that they
would need more territory abroad for more "markets" - and
this kind of policy is National Socialism (!!!)].
Washington: installation of a "department for foreign
New York: The new emission of commercial papers with
shares is sinking to a value of 37 million $
In 1893 this was 100 million $ yet (p.30).
midst of 1894
156 "American" railway companies are bankrupt
with 2.5 billion $ debts (p.30).
Pullman strike at Pullman Company in Chicago
in the Pullman rail car production plants. This is the
peak of the strike wave against the depression and against
the unemployment. Already 750,000 other workers are
striking already.
Additionally there is a sympathy action with a boycott of
the industrial union "American Railway Union"
under Eugene Debs with strikes of mail cars
Violent action of the [white] "U.S." government
In Chicago the national "U.S." Minister of Justice Olney
lets come 12,000 men of federal troops under General
Miles against the protest of governor Altgeld.
General Miles is comparing the striking people as a
"malaria poison" which had to be "exterminated". The
clashes provoke
-- 25 deads
-- 60 injured
-- 2,000 destroyed rail cars (coaches)
-- 80 million $ material damage (p.32).
Socialization idea within the American Federation of
Labor is rejected but only barely
A socialist proposal at the American Federation of Labor
(AF of L) under leadership of Daniel de Leons for
"socialization of all production and distribution means"
is barely rejected with the decision of the chairman of AF
of F, Gompers. But Gompers is not
reelected then because the mood is against him thus a
radicalization is beginning within the AF of L (p.32). But
there is no development of a social worker's movement like
in Europe (p.33).
"U.S.A.": The
white super rich are afraid of a revolution
In the bourgeois circles there is the purport
(meaning) dominating that the "U.S.A." would stand at the
eve of a pitch-black night." (p.39)
[The white capitalists don't want to see that their empire
is based on the grounds of robbery and exploitation...]
Ben Tillmann, one of the leaders of populism in the
southern federal states makes the prophecy of "a bloody
revolution" and requires a radical change for "evading
1,000s of dead bodies."
And there are reactions:
-- the president of the New Yorker's "Farmers Loan and
Trust Company" requires a higher number of soldiers in the
"American" army from 25,000 to at least 200,000
-- head of the State Department Gresham - the
Foreign Minister of the second government of President Cleveland
- is stating the overproduction by mechanization so
the unemployment and hunger are rising without end
-- there is the thesis of Foreign Minister Gresham:
When the unsatisfied find a leader then the order in the
country will be over.
The same dangers for revolutions exist in Europe, in
England, in Belgium, and in France.
-- Gresham stands for a "fair and just" partition
of the social product
-- Gresham stands for "competing power of our
nation abroad" (p.39) [within this "U.S. nation" the
blacks are the servants and the natives are almost all
-- like Gresham the deputy Dolliver and Foreign
Minister Richard Olney are making their statements
to the same political direction, around Olney are acting Lodge,
Roosevelt, Mahan, and the brothers Henry and
Brooks Adams, whereby the Adams brothers are
writers and publicists and thus "opinion makers" in the
public, and they are also private scholars in higher
circles (p.40).
The thesis of Henry and Brooks Adams are:
-- industrial overproduction has to be sold somewhere
-- the effects of the crisis are producing social
political phenomenons (p.40).
[The challenge is the following:
The super rich have to educate themselves with sociology
which was never done until these times...]
"U.S.A.": Introduction of the Wilson customs tariff
Spring 1894
Washington: Demonstration of about 10,000 unemployed
- this demonstration is destroyed by the police
This demonstration is claiming public investments as an
anti cyclic measure in the depression. Police on horseback
is destroying the demonstration beating the unemployed.
Many similar protest marches are organized which are
regularly "misunderstood" by the [white] "U.S." government
as resistance - so Wehler says (p.33).
The [white racist] government in Washington develops an
enemy stereotype against the population
-- the growth of the town's population is suddenly called
a "danger"
-- the reinforced immigration from southern and eastern
Europe is also called a "danger" (p.33).
end of 1894
Balance: 1.4 million persons in strikes
since 1894
Washington: Reintroduction of statistical year's
reports about foreign trade
The reports "Survey over global trade" for the
national government and the federal legislative is
reintroduced (p.36-37).
"U.S.A.": Bankruptcy of more 300 banks
Balances of the "U.S.A."
-- only 1,938 miles of railway lines were constructed
compared with 4,584 miles in 1893 (p.30)
-- and 1.3 million people are striking (p.31).
"U.S.A.": No income tax for high [white] incomes
The Supreme Federal Court is following the anticommunist
appeal of star lawyer Mr. Joseph H. Choate and is
rejecting a 2% income tax for incomes of over 4,000$ with
the justification that this would be against the
constitution. Choate is favoring the upper class with the
principle argument that one had to steer against the
"advance of the communists" (p.32).
[Just the contrary had been the case: A tax for the rich
had given the money for hindering poverty and for
undermining the communist movements. In Russia and in
other European states the same fault is made...]
January 1895
Cincinnati: Foundation of the "National Association of
Manufacturers" (NAM)
under it's president Search
-- for the promotion of exportation policy
-- for the occupation "of foreign markets for our
overproduction" (p.36).
The thesis by Search is
Wehler in German:
dass "viele unserer Unternehmen über die
Grössenverhältnisse des Binnenmarktes
hinausgewachsen sind und nur in der Ausdehnung des
Aussenmarktes Aussicht auf Entlastung erkennen
können." (S.36) |
Translation: that
"many of our managers have grown over the size
which is necessary for the national market, and
now they only can see a solution for a discharge
when the foreign markets are extended." (p.36) |
-- governmental aid for foreign trade
-- subsidization of the trade fleet
-- construction of a channel in Central "America"
-- mutual treaties
-- foundation of a [white] "American" foreign bank network
-- foundation of a [white] "American" fare network with
fares and deposits with examples for export products
-- expansion of the [white] embassy network (p.36).
In the same way "investigative commissions" of NAM are
investigating the market conditions in Latin "America" and
in East Asia (p.36).
Before the elections in the "U.S.A.": warnings from
Socialism and Communism
Electoral assists of the Republican candidate McKinley
are making the prophecy that "U.S.A." would come to the
brink when Bryan would be elected (p.36) which is also
supported by the Populists (p.35).
since January 1896
Brooks Adams, publicist and "opinion maker" is
expecting the "social revolution"
because the time had come for this in the "U.S.A." (p.40).
July 1896
Brooks Adams, publicist and "opinion maker" is
describing the mood at the convent of the
-- and he considers Bryan as the revolutionary
-- during the election campaign the Republicans seem to be
"police squadrons" (p.40)
Bryan as enemy stereotype of the power elites
-- the former Naval Minister Tracy invokes the "ghost
of bryanism"
-- Lodge makes the prophecy to Hay that another civil war
and the absolute ruin for the possessing class will follow
when Bryan would win the elections (p.40)
-- Lodge makes the prophecy to Roosevelt that there would
be a revolution (p.40-41)
-- Minister of Agriculture Morton makes the prophecy of a
French Revolution in the "U.S.A."
-- former Minister of Finance Boutwell hopes that in the
fight the workers will end dead (p.41).
September 1896
Brooks Adams, publicist, "opinion maker", is making the
prophecy of the end of the republic
End of October 1896
"U.S.A." in the revolutionary fever and with fear from
-- the mood is totally nervous in the "U.S.A.", the press
is writing comments with fury
-- William Allan White is polarizing between "Americanism"
or "Socialism"
-- "Harper's Weekly" is calling Bryan as a candidate
already as a "triumph of communism"
-- John Hay expects the revolt of the "under privileged"
against the "privileged class", the "revolt of the
Calibans" [figure of Shakespeare] with hanging of the
possessors at the light poles (p.41).
End of October 1896
Elections of the "U.S.A.": Bare victory of
McKinley with 7.1 million of [white] votes
against the democratic candidate William J. Bryan with 6.7
million [white] votes.
[The blacks may work but not vote, and the natives only
may die - this is how fascist "U.S.A." are working].
Wehler says:
"A change of only 14,000 votes in 6 states had meant the
victory of the Democratic Populist candidate." (p.35)
(Wehler in German: "Eine Verschiebung von nur 14.000
Stimmen in 6 Staaten hätte den Sieg des
Demokratisch-populistischen Kandidaten bedeutet." (S.35)
With the McKinley government the "Business
Community" remains on power (p.36) [with all racism and
fascism and Nazism - you will see].
end of 1896
Compared with 1892 the gross income of the "U.S."
farmers is dropping by 18%
but the numbers of farms is rising on (p.34).
since 1896
Problems with the McKinley government
-- depression
-- mass strikes
-- advancing socialism
-- armies of unemployed people
-- populism
-- discussions about silver currency leaving the gold
standard (p.36).
And now the "solution" comes": For the McKinley government
the dogmatization of the foreign trade is the only
solution to manage these [self made] problems (p.36).
["U.S.A." become a Nazi state - or even worse!
One has to imagine:
-- there is no solution with part time jobs
-- the billionaires are never sharing but they are
treating the unemployed like animals shooting them to
-- the billionaires are not ready to make investments when
there is a depression
-- the billionaires are calling social measures as
communist etc.
-- so this is fascism and Nazism, and in this madness and
mental illness the mentally retarded billionaires of the
fascist "U.S.A." will claim that war and destruction of
more cultures abroad will provoke "economic growth" -
"U.S.A." is becoming a total Nazi state now or even worse
because measures against unemployment are deliberately not
taken (!!!)].
at the same time:
"Populist (People's) Party" of the farmer's
lobby is coming down
[This farmer's lobby will never consider to be one of the
causes of the economical misery... and they will never
accept that their land on which the "farms" are built is
all robbed land. Mental retardation is a structure in the
whole "U.S.A." now...]
Aftermaths of the "threat" of a social revolution -
preparation for war on "foreign" territory
Now the McKinley government is driving for war abroad
-- new markets should be "occupied"
-- "U.S." economy should be revived (p.41)
-- Lodge is appealing for a "channel abroad for
our products" (Wehler in German: "Abzugskanal für unsere
-- Lodge is appealing for the expansion in East Asia and
in the Caribbean for hindering a social revolution
-- many people are making pressure against Naval
Minister Long claiming that the "front between work
and capital" should be reduced by war. Journalist Henry
Watterson (p.41) means:
"by a colonial and expansive policy" (Wehler in German:
"durch eine Kolonial- und Eroberungspolitik") as also
Great Britain has achieved (p.42).
Now the pretexts for new wars follow how these fascist
racist "U.S.A." wants to make new wars:
-- Cuba would be a "trouble spot"
-- "U.S.A." should undertake a safeguard and backup of the
influence in the Caribbean
-- and the "U.S.A." should undertake also a safeguard and
backup of their influence in the East Asian big market
[One has to imagine: When "U.S.A." is in an economic
crisis then these "U.S.A." mean that they can make more
wars, can commit more mass murders, can commit more
genocides, can produce more ruins etc. etc. That's the
clear proof that these "U.S.A." are a Nazi state and are
the trouble spot for the whole world (!!!)].
Dangers of imperialism according to Wehler
[One has to consider: The whole "U.S.A." are on robbed
native land but this is not enough for them!]
-- there is the danger that national and foreign dangers
are mixed
-- there is the danger of a Caesarism [overextension of
border lines and arrogance]
-- but this policy of the "U.S.A." says that the risk
abroad is always better than the risk of an anarchy within
the country (p.42).
[The criminal billionaires of Rockefeller&Rothschild
just never want to share their profits - this is the
problem! The criminal propagandists of Washington are even
making the following black and white propaganda]:
Purport (dominating meaning) of Congress and
press: war or revolution
"We have to dominate the foreign markets or we will have a
revolution." (p.42)
(Wehler in German: "Wir müssen die Aussenmärkte
beherrschen, oder wir werden die Revolution erleben."
[War and destruction abroad is even called the saving
maneuver for the "U.S.A." - look here - more criminal it's
not possible (!!!)]:
Purport of the "imperialism theoretic" Charles A.
-- "How necessary are just these channels abroad for
saving" "America" (German: "Wie nötig sind doch
Abzugskanäle für die Rettung" Amerikas)
-- Conant is not rejecting a moderate level of
governmental socialism for a transition time
-- but in general only the imperialism would be a
"solution": the expansion overseas for growth and calm in
the inner [so the whole world has only trouble and ruins
-- thus one should look for "new frontiers" (p.43).
Justification of imperialism
[as if the whole robbery of land from the natives
would not be imperialism already...]:
There is a mood coming up to justify this imperialism,
with advanced thinking, also a popular nationalism is
coming up, and an uncertainty. According to Wehler this
imperialism is a "national vicarious satisfaction" (p.43).
Big businessman Edward Atkinson claims that the
"U.S.A." wold be in an "uncivil war"
And Henry Adams means that the society of the "U.S.A."
would be shaken "down to the basement" (p.31).
[But how these fascist "U.S.A." will shake other states
and peoples with their wars? This fascist "U.S.A." are
only BLIND and calm in the world will only be when
"U.S.A." will perish. Additionally since 1896 the Zionists
are taking the key positions of the "U.S.A." and they are
manipulating the war monster "U.S.A." more and more in a
Zionist way...]
end of 1896
Balance: 1.1 million persons on strike
"National Association of Manufacturers": It's president
Search leaves - new president is William McKinley
Governor of Ohio (p.36).
since 1896/98
Canada should be "interesting" only economically for
white "America"
The "American" "relation" to Canada is reduced to it's
economical aspects (p.9).
"U.S.A.": introduction of the Dingley customs tariff
Thesis about the limited "creative energy" of
the "American people"
-- there is the thesis by Minister of Finance Carlisle
[which counts only for white "Americans" of course]:
"We have to be comes simply the biggest export country of
the world." (Wehler in German: "Wir müssen einfach das
grösste Exportland der Welt werden." (p.37)
-- new markets would be "an imperative necessity". Further
Congress committees are claiming that without new foreign
markets would be a stagnation because
"the creative energy of the "American" people cannot be
hold in prison of the national border lines"
(Wehler in German: weil "die schöpferische Energie des
amerikanischen Volkes nicht länger mehr innerhalb der
Landesgrenzen eingepfercht werden kann.")
-- the agrarian and industrial production are bigger than
the needs of the national market, thus new markets are
needed (p.37).
[This means: Other populations on Earth should perish and
be destroyed in favor of the "creative energy" of these
racist fascist Nazi "U.S.A."...]
McKinley government: Head of State Department Foreign
Minister John Hay fights for a policy of "open door"
Freight rate is reduced in the "U.S.A."
Example for wheat: The rate is 1/3 yet compared with
1865. For the transport of 100 pounds of wheat from
Chicago to New York 20 cents have to be payed, in 1866 65
cents yet (p.21).
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has 900 mostly
active members
Naval budget: 34.5 million $
This is 10% of the national budget (p.23).
New record harvests in the "U.S.A."; bad harvests in
Europe, Russia, India, and in Latin "America"
And this is provoking new economic growth for "U.S.A."
end of 1897
"U.S.A.": 1.1 Mio. people on strike
McKinley government
is working together with Minister of Finance Lyman
J. Gage who is the president of the [white]
"American" Banker's Association
Now the economic imperialism of [white] "U.S.A." is
coming without mask
New laws are installed for new "purchase" of
territories abroad by the white "U.S.A."
-- new "territories" are not foreseen to be equal any
more with the old federal states of "U.S.A."
-- citizenship is not granted any more
-- and the now following territories are not incorporated
any more (p.17).
Head of State Department Foreign Minister Day means
that there are "new markets" for the "U.S.A."
-- in "the southern hemisphere"
-- in the "not developed regions of "America" and Far East
" (p.37).
[This white economic policy and kind of living seem to be
"developed"... - it's pure fascism].
Slow rise of real salary compared with 1895
The medium real income is 15% under the one of 1892, and
18% under the one of 1895 (p.31).
"U.S.A." are granting themselves an overseas Empire
with the dominance over dependent areas without equal
rights (p.18).
[A cartoon of these times of 1898 depicts the "American"
claims very well]:

Attack of the fascist Nazi Ami, cartoon of 1898 - never
rich enough!
1900 appr.
Mahan (an enemy of socialism) calls Bryan "a profoundly
soiled human being"
5.74 million farms with a medium size of 146.2 acres
In 1890 there were 4.56 million farms with a medium size of
136.3 acres (p.34-35); the farms remain too little for
rational profit economy (p.35).
Shipping rate is cheaper now on the Atlantic from New
York to Liverpool
yet 3 cents for 1 bushel of wheat, in 1873 the price was 21
cents yet (p.21).
The national employment is comprising 29 million people,
from them 10.9 million in agriculture and 6 million in
industries (p.21).
Over 50% of the "U.S." population are living in the
countryside yet
"U.S.A.": construction of 4,584 miles of railway lines
since 1900
The policy of the "U.S.A." is reinforcing their will for
global dominance
[with the occupation of islands in the Caribbean, with the
purchase of rights for the construction of a channel in
Panama, with the development of an overseas trade to the
west coast, and with the Pacific trade].
Mahan (enemy of socialism) becomes the head of State
Department (Foreign Minister) of Wilson
[FED is privatized and taken by alcoholic billionaires
and Zionists]
[First World War is provoked making troubles and
destruction in whole Europe so the "U.S.A." can
make Europe dependent financially]
New increase of "U.S." wheat exports
"U.S.A." is "referee" for Europe and makes Europe
dependent from the "U.S."]
Stock exchange
crash in New York
Eckler trade index is coming down by 55%
[1930s until 1945
Big collaboration with the Third Reich for world wide
spread of racist ideals
up to the creation of better human beings etc.
-- "U.S." companies are developing cars and lorries for the
-- anti-knock agent is delivered for the Wehrmacht
-- control ticket system is delivered by IBM for an
efficient "administration" of German concentration camps
-- Japanese and Japanese rooted people in the "U.S.A." are
deprived of all possession after 1941 and the affected are
barracked in concentration camps whereas Pearl Harbor was
known to President Roosevelt 10 days before
-- in 1942 and 1943 the Third Reich is attacked only by air
only hitting civil targets but the big collaboration for the
Wehrmacht is going on up to 1945!
-- the Zionists Roosevelt, Morgenthau and the Jehova racist
Eisenhower are prolongating the war deliberately for waiting
for the atomic bomb against Germany and during this time
they are bombing Germany and partly also France into ruins
for eliminating competition
-- when Germany capitulated too early then the atomic
scientists said that the atomic bomb should not be used
because it was invented only against Germany, but the
fascist Nazi government of the "U.S.A." applied it two times
against Japan stating that the atomic bomb with all it's
deads and radioactivity had shortened the war against
-- in 1945 the same demonstrably fascist Nazi "U.S.A." with
their Zionist criminal government are installing the Rhine
meadow camps in the "American" zone where 1 million German
soldiers, old men and children are killed by hunger,
diseases and by shooting, and the movies of collaborator
Hitchcock are claiming then at the Nuremberg Process that
the meager emaciated beings and the deads of the Rhine
meadow camps would be Jews of German concentration camps,
and all this fraud against Germany is working because the
English and the French deputies have no idea about the
German camps, and thus the "America" propaganda of Hitchcock
claims that 6 million Jews had died in gray Wehrmacht
uniforms, 4 millions of them in the well administered
production camp of Auschwitz...
-- well, granulate will never pass the little holes of
shower heads, but there are other places of death and other
kind of death so all in all about 3 million Jews died on NS
territory from 1933 to 1945 which is never confessed by the
fascist "U.S." government - to the contrary: The tunnel
systems are deliberately closed and locked!
->> thus robbery and destruction by the "U.S.A." is
->> and these "U.S.A." are never denazified...]
1950 appr
"Canada": The [white] economy of Canada is "americanized"
[since 1968
Only now the racial emancipation between black and white
is realized
so a black can also use every toilet and one man has one
vote - more primitive it's not possible...]
1991 and 2002
[Golf wars: robbery of "U.S.A." in other cultures is
with world wide fraud inclusive and rejection of the
truth about the collapse of the WTC of September 11, 2001...
->> the lies, the robbery actions and the world wide
destructions by these "U.S.A." are never finishing
->> since 2008 these Nazi "U.S.A." provoke revolutions
and counter revolutions in the Muslim world in Tunisia,
Egypt, Libya and Syria - and Syria is a field of ruins with
100.000s of refugees
->> since 2014 these Nazi "U.S.A." are supporting the
Nazi government in the Ukraine against Russia provoking
tensions with Russia without end - again with 100.000s of
->> it becomes clear: WITHOUT these fascist "U.S.A."
will be 80% LESS wars on the world
->> and this Nazi policy of "U.S.A." will continue
until these "U.S.A." will collapse by overextension of their
border lines as the Roman Empire also collapsed by
overextension of border lines].